
listen to the pronunciation of good
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} güzel

Gerçekten güzel bir tadı var. - This sure tastes good!

Onun böyle güzel bir teklifi reddetmesine şaşırdım. - I am surprised that she refused such a good offer.


İyi akşamlar, nasılsın? - Good evening, how are you?

Doktor olarak iyi değil. - He is no good as a doctor.

{s} hayırlı

Sizinki gibi öyle iyi bir kamera alamam. - I can't afford such a good camera as yours.

Bu iyi hava devam ederse, iyi bir ürün alacağız. - We'll have a good crop if this good weather keeps up.

{i} hayır

Tom ve Mary çıkıyorlar mı? Hayır, sadece iyi arkadaşlar. - Are Tom and Mary dating? No, they're just good friends.

Tom o kadar iyi bir öneriye sadece hayır diyemedi. - Tom just couldn't say no to an offer that good.

{s} yararlı

O, tasarruflarını yararlı şeylere yatırdı. - He put her savings to good use.

Balık yemek sağlığın için yararlıdır. - Eating fish is good for your health.

{s} sağlığa yararlı

Tom sağlıklı gibi görünüyor. - Tom seems to be in good health.

Taze hava sağlıklı olmak için gereklidir. - Fresh air is necessary to good health.

{s} uslu

Tom, acentenin menfaatı icabı işi bırakmalıdır. - Tom should quit for the good of the agency.

Birey, devletin menfaati için mevcut değildir. - The individual does not exist for the good of the State.

çürümüş olmayan
çok iyi

Benim çok iyi bir sözlüğüm yok. - I haven't a very good dictionary.

Çok iyi bir iş yapmadığını söyledim. - You didn't do a very good job, I said.


Arabamı satarak iyi bir kazanç elde ettim. - I made a good profit by selling my car.


İnsanların yeni mallara harcamak için daha fazla parası vardı. - People had more money to spend on new goods.

İthalat malları yüksek vergilere tabidir. - Import goods are subject to high taxes.

(Osmanlıca) kifayetli

Pekala, Tom'a veda öpücüğü vermeyecek misin? - Well, aren't you going to kiss Tom goodbye?

(Osmanlıca) sahih

Tom, dans için müzik seçimi konusunda iyi bir iş çıkardı. - Tom did a pretty good job of selecting music for the dance.

İyi iş çıkarıyorsun, aynen devam! - Keep up the good work!


Sizin için balık yemek faydalı mı? - Is eating fish good for you?

Hastanedeki tatsız deneyimleri telafi etmek için, Tom onun için faydalı olandan biraz daha fazla içti. - To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in the hospital, Tom drank a little more than was good for him.


Tom ve Mary birbirlerine karşı iyiler. - Tom and Mary are good for each other.

En iyiler çoğunlukla iyilerin düşmanıdır. - The best is often the enemy of the good.


Endişelenme. Eminim, Tom'un henüz burada olmamasının sağlam bir nedeni var. - Don't worry. I'm sure there's a good reason why Tom isn't here yet.

Tom iyi bir yaşam sağlamaktadır. - Tom makes a good living.


Şu iyilik timsali tiplere dayanamam. - I can't stand those goody-goody types.

Yanlış zamanda konuşulan bir söz iyilikten çok daha fazla zarar yapabilir. - A word spoken at the wrong time can do very much more harm than good.


Sizin başarınız büyük ölçüde fırsatınızdan nasıl yararlanacağınıza bağlıdır. - Your success will largely depend upon how you will make good use of your opportunity.

Tek yararlı bilgi iyi olanı nasıl arayacağımızı ve kötü olandan nasıl kaçınacağımızı öğretendir. - The only useful knowledge is that which teaches us how to seek what is good and avoid what is evil.


Eğer başarılı olacaksan iyi bir başlangıç yapmalısın. - If you are to succeed, you must make a good start.

Başarılı olmak için iyi bir plan yapmak zorundasın. - To be successful, you have to establish a good plan.


O kesinlikle iyi bir adam ama güvenilir değil. - He is a good fellow for sure, but not trustworthy.

Şüphesiz o iyi bir adam ama güvenilir değil. - He is a good fellow, to be sure, but he isn't reliable.


Öğretmenimizin havası yerinde. - Our teacher is in a good mood.

Keyfim çok yerinde değil. - I'm not in a very good mood.

(the ile) iyi insanlar

O, konuşma sanatında yeteneklidir. - He has a good art of talking.


Tom bir iyilikseverdi. - Tom was a good Samaritan.


İyi bir iş yapmak istiyorsanız, uygun araçları kullanmalısınız. - If you want to do good work, you should use the proper tools.

Ev iyi görünüyordu, üstelik fiyat en uygundu. - The house looked good; moreover, the price was right.


Tam o sırada aklıma iyi bir fikir geldi. - A good idea occurred to me just then.

Yer tam eskisi kadar iyi gözükmüyor. - The place just doesn't look as good as it used to.

iyi ahlaklı
(zarf) oldukça

O oldukça iyi bir fikir. - That's a pretty good idea.

Tom notasız piano çalmada oldukça iyidir. - Tom is pretty good at playing piano by ear.


Peki, biri iyi olmak zorunda. - Well someone has to be good.

Bugün Pekin'de hava çok iyi. - The air is very good in Beijing today.

(deyim) good few /many ( +plural) bircok
{s} (bet.ter, best)
{s} çok

Onun Mahjong'da çok iyi olduğunu duydum. - I hear he is good at mahjong.

Benim çok iyi bir sözlüğüm yok. - I haven't a very good dictionary.

{s} dolu dolu
(isim) hayır
{s} emin

Tom'un iyi bir öğretmen olacağına eminim. - I bet Tom would be a good teacher.

Tom kesinlikle hepimizin eğlendiğinden emin oldu. - Tom certainly made sure we all had a good time.

ünlem iyi
(Politika, Siyaset) ürün

Bu iyi hava devam ederse, iyi bir ürün alacağız. - We'll have a good crop if this good weather keeps up.

Dükkân deri ürünler getirdi. - The shop carried leather goods.


Aferin böyle devam et, Bay Sakamato. - Keep up the good work, Mr. Sakamoto.

Aferin, böyle devam et. - Keep up the good work.

uslu durmak

Neredeyse herkes iyi yemeği takdir ediyor. - Almost everybody appreciates good food.

Polis, neredeyse bir aydır çalınan eşyaları arıyor. - The police have been searching for the stolen goods for almost a month.


Taze meyve, sağlık için iyidir. - Fresh fruit is good for the health.

Taze meyve, sağlığın için yararlıdır. - Fresh fruit is good for your health.

(Ticaret) tahsili mümkün (senet)
iyi mi
good luck
{i} uğur

Bu kitap benim uğurlu eşyam. Onu her beş ayda okurum. - This book is my good luck charm. I read it every five months.

Bu benim uğurlu eşyam. - This is my good luck charm.

good manners

Cezaya başvurmadan çocuklara görgü öğretebilirsiniz. - You can teach good manners to children without resorting to punishment.

Selamlar, görgü kurallarının temelidir. - Greetings are the basis of good manners.

daha iyi

Nakido, Twitter'dan daha iyidir. - Nakido is better than Twitter.

Bir dizüstü, bir masaüstünden daha iyidir. - A laptop is better than a desktop.

en iyi

Babana en iyi dileklerimle. - Best regards to your father.

Benim en iyi dostum bir kitaptır. - My best friend is a book.


İyilik, şiddetten daha fazlasını yapar. - Goodness does more than violence.

Alçak için bilgelik ve iyilik iğrenç görünüyor. - Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile.

good morning

Bütün dünyaya- iyi geceler, iyi günler ve günaydın. - To the whole world - good night, good day and good morning.

Günaydın, Kalkma zamanı. - Good morning. It's time to wake up.

good night
İyi geceler

O, bana iyi geceler diledi. - She wished me good night.

İyi geceler ve tatlı rüyalar. - Good night and sweet dreams.

good evening
iyi geceler
good looking
iyi görünümlü

Tom iyi görünümlü ve karizmatiktir. - Tom is good looking and charismatic.

good afternoon
iyi günler
good buy
good bye
good bye
güle güle
good company
good evening
iyi akşamlar

İyi akşamlar. Ben bir bardak süt istiyorum. - Good evening. I'd like a glass of milk.

Herkese iyi akşamlar. - Good evening, everyone.

good looking

Tom bir grupta çalıyor ve çok yakışıklı. - Tom plays in a band, and is very good looking.

O gerçekten yakışıklı. - He's really good looking.

good will
good call
iyi düşünmüşsün
good call
doğru tesbit
good corporate governance
iyi kurumsal yönetim
good for
e yarar
good for nothing
(Argo) boktan
good for nothing
iki paralık
good for nothing
(deyim) bir işe yaramaz
good fortune

Yanan binadan kurtarılacak kadar iyi bir talihe sahipti. - He had the good fortune to be rescued from the burning building.

good fortune

Şanslıydı ki istediği okula girdi. - She had the good fortune to get into the school she wanted to.

Güzel bir kızla evlenmek için iyi şansı vardı. - He had the good fortune to marry a pretty girl.

good health to you
saatler olsun
good health to you
sıhhatler olsun
good job
iyi iş çıkardın!
good job
good luck
hayırlı ola!
good luck
good luck
good luck
(Denizbilim) rasgele
good luck with it
hayırlısı olsun
good luck with it
hayırlı olsun
good luck with it
good morning after supper
üsküdar'da sabah oldu
good night!
allah allah!
good sense
aklı selim
good will
(Kanun) peştemaliye
good will
good will
(Ticaret) dürüstlük
good work
(Bilgisayar) iyi çalışmalar
Good evening
İyi akşamlar!

İyi akşamlar, nasılsın? - Good evening, how are you?

İyi akşamlar. Ben bir bardak süt istiyorum. - Good evening. I'd like a glass of milk.

good God!
Aman Yarabbi!
good God!
aman Allahım!
good Heavens!
Aman Yarabbi!
good Heavens!
good Heavens!
Allah Allah!
good Lord!
Hay Allah
good Lord!
Allah Allah!
good afternoon

Tünaydın bayanlar ve baylar. - Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

good and
good and

O tamamen sarhoş olmuştu. - He was good and drunk.

good at
bir işte başarılı
good at
de iyi

Almanca'da hiç de iyi değilim. - I am not good at German at all.

Tom gitar çalabilir ve şarkı söylemede de iyidir. - Tom can play the guitar and is also good at singing.

good book
iyi kitap
good breeding
good buy
kazançlı alışveriş
good by
good condition
iyi durum

Mallar iyi durumda geldi. - The goods arrived in good condition.

Biz doğayı iyi durumda tutmalıyız. - We must keep nature in good condition.

good copy
ilginç haber
good day
güle güle
good day
iyi günler

İyi günler, nasılsınız? - Good day, how are you?

İyi günler. Ne istemiştiniz? - Good day. What do you want?

good day
good day
good deal
iyi el
good delivery
koşullara uygun teslim
good evening
akşamlar hayrolsun
good example
iyi örnek

Senin erkek kardeşine iyi örnek olman gerekiyor. - You should be setting a good example for your younger brother.

Hiç iyi örneklerin var mı? - Do you have any good examples?

good faith
iyi niyet
good fellow
iyi adam
good fellow
hoş şohbet kimse
good for nothing
good for nothing
işe yaramaz
good for nothing
hiçbir işe yaramaz
good for nothing
good for nothing
good for you!
good gracious!
Tuhaf şey!
good grief
Hay Allah!
good health
sağlıklı olma

Yoksul ve sağlıklı olmak zengin ve hasta olmaktan iyidir. - It's better to be poor and in good health than rich and ill.

Taze hava sağlıklı olmak için gereklidir. - Fresh air is necessary to good health.

good humor
hoş mizaç
good humored
hoş mizaçlı
good humoredness
good humour
hoş mizaç
good humour
good job
çok iyi

Tom mutfak zeminini temizleyerek çok iyi bir iş yapmadı. O hâlâ kirli. - Tom didn't do a very good job cleaning the kitchen floor. It's still dirty.

Çok iyi bir iş yaptın. - You did a very good job.

good judgement
iyi karar
good judgment
iyi karar
good luck
iyi şans

Ben senin iyi şansın hakkında mutluyum. - I am happy about your good luck.

İnsanlar iyi şanslarıyla övündüler. - The people exulted over their good luck.

good luck charm
iyi şans duası
good luck!
Bol şanslar!
good manner
iyi terbiye
good morning
iyi sabahlar

İyi sabahlar, doktor! - Good morning, doctor!

good nature
iyi mizaç
good natured
iyi huylu

Tom cömert ve iyi huyludur. - Tom is generous and good natured.

good naturedness
iyi huyluluk
good night
iyi geceler

Annesine iyi geceler öpücüğü verdi. - She kissed her mother good night.

Şimdi iyi geceler demenin zamanıdır. - Now it's time to say good night.

good old days
geçmiş iyi günler
good person
iyi insan
good quantum number
geçerli quantum sayısı
good riddance
good riddance
Çok şükür!
good samaritan
merhametli insan
good sense
iyi duyu
good shape
iyi şekil
good shepherd
iyi kılavuz
good sized
good temper
iyi huy
good tempered
iyi serleştirilmiş
good temperedness
iyi serleşmişlik
good value
gerçek değer
good weather
iyi hava

Umarım bu iyi hava o zamana kadar devam edecek. - I hope this good weather will hold till then.

Umarım bu iyi hava sürer. - I hope this good weather lasts.

good word
iyi söz

İyi sözler çok değerlidir , ama neredeyse hiçbir maliyeti yoktur. - Good words are worth a lot, but cost almost nothing.

güler yüzlü

O, güzel olduğunu söyledi. - She said that she was good-looking.

Mary çok güzel bir kadın. - Mary is a very good-looking woman.


O yakışıklı bir adam. - He's a good-looking man.

Tom yakışıklı bir adamdır, ama çok samimi değil. - Tom is a good-looking guy, but he's not too friendly.

iyi huylu

Sen çok iyi huylusun. - You're very good-natured.

Aslında o güzel değil ama iyi huylu. - Indeed she is not beautiful, but she is good-natured.

good-will ambassador
iyi niyet elçisi

Bu mallar için gümrük vergisi yok. - These goods are free of duty.

İthalat malları yüksek vergilere tabidir. - Import goods are subject to high taxes.

{i} en iyisi

Sınavda elimden gelenin en iyisini yapacağım. - I'll do my best on the test.

Yeteneğimin en iyisine göre görevimi yapacağım. - I will do my duty to the best of my ability.


Polis, neredeyse bir aydır çalınan eşyaları arıyor. - The police have been searching for the stolen goods for almost a month.

O, deri eşyalar alır ve satar. - He buys and sells leather goods.

(Hukuk) mallar

Bugünlerde el yapısı ürünler çok pahalı. - Handmade goods are very expensive nowadays.

Gıda ve giyim tezgahlarındaki ürünler çok ucuz. - Goods at the food and clothing stalls were very cheap.

good job
good appetite
afiyet olsun
Good news
(isim) Müjde
be good
uslu dur
{i} daha iyisi

Ben bütün iyileri tattım, ve sağlıklı olmaktan daha iyisini bulmadım. - I tasted all goods, and didn't find better than good health.

Sen benden daha iyisin. - You're better than I am.


Çalışma şartlarını iyileştirmek istiyorlar. - They want to better their working conditions.

good bye
esen kalın
good deal
fena değil
good for you

Beklenildiği gibi, ithal malların fiyatı yükseldi. - As expected, the price of imported goods rose.

Onların malları en yüksek kalitedir. - Their goods are of the highest quality.

a good

Birçok kişi oradaydı. - A good many people were there.

Pozisyon için birçok iyi adaylar vardı. - There were a good many candidates for the position.

a good

Bir çocuk için epeyce bir zekaya sahip. - He has a good deal of intelligence for a child.

Geçen kış epeyce kar yağdı. - We had a good deal of snow last winter.

a good
en az

Bu kitapları beğeneceğine söz veremem ama sanırım en azından onları bir gözden geçirmen iyi bir fikir olurdu. - I can't promise that you'll like these books but I think it would be a good idea to at least look them over.

Nakliyeciler kitap okuyan insanlardan hoşlanmazlar. Ama en azından iyi bir nedenleri var. - Movers don't like people who read books. But at least they have a good reason.

be good
uslu durmak
Türkçe - Türkçe

good teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Düğüm
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. (Bed-ter) Daha kötü. Çok fena
İngilizce - İngilizce
An item of merchandise
A result that is positive in the view of the speaker
Large in amount or size

a good amount of seeds.

Of food, edible; not stale or rotten

The bread is still good.


Good Friday.

With "and", extremely

The soup is good and hot.

Well; satisfactorily or thoroughly

The one thing that we can't throw out the baby with the bathwater.... We know our process works pretty darn good and, uh, it’s really sparked this amazing phenomenon of this...high-quality website.


a good worker.


Walking is good for you.

The abstract instantiation of something qualified by the adjective; e.g., "The best is the enemy of the good."
Useful for a particular purpose; functional

The flashlight batteries are still good.

Beneficial; worthwhile

a good job.


The car was a good ten miles away.

Reasonable in amount

all in good time.

The forces or behaviors that are the enemy of evil. Usually consists of helping others and general benevolence
Of food, being satisfying; meeting dietary requirements

Eat a good dinner so you will be ready for the big game tomorrow.

Acting in the interest of good; ethical

When we are happy, we are always good, but when we are good, we are not always happy.

Of people, competent or talented

a good swimmer.


good weather.

Of food, having a particularly pleasant taste

The food was very good.

Pleasant; enjoyable

We had a good time.

{a} having desirable qualities, fit
{a} well

What are some tasty foods that would go well with potatoes? - What are some good foods to eat with potatoes?

Tom doesn't look too well. - Tom doesn't look too good.

{n} that which affords real happiness or pleasure, or the means of obtaining it
superior to the average; "in fine spirits"; "a fine student"; "made good grades"; "morale was good"; "had good weather for the parade"
If you get a good deal or a good price when you buy or sell something, you receive a lot in exchange for what you give. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value
If you say that it is good that something should happen or good to do something, you mean it is desirable, acceptable, or right. I think it's good that some people are going It is always best to choose organically grown foods if possible. bad
A reasonable amount of time
If people are good friends, they get on well together and are very close. She and Gavin are good friends She's my best friend, and I really love her
A good idea, reason, method, or decision is a sensible or valid one. They thought it was a good idea to make some offenders do community service There is good reason to doubt this Could you give me some advice on the best way to do this? bad, poor
of moral excellence; "a genuinely good person"; "a just cause"; "an upright and respectable man"; "the life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous"- Frederick Douglass
resulting favorably; "its a good thing that I wasn't there"; "it is good that you stayed"; "it is well that no one saw you"; "all's well that ends well"
Clever; skillful; dexterous; ready; handy; followed especially by at
Some minor replacement parts; metal smoothly rusted or lightly pitted in places, cleaned or reblued; principal lettering, numerals, and design on metal legible; wood refinished, scratched, bruised, or minor cracks repaired; in good working order
morally admirable
An average used book that has all pages or leaves present There will be a little wear, and any defects will be noted
having or showing or arising from a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others; "his benevolent smile"; "a benevolent nature"
with or in a close or intimate relationship; "a good friend"; "my sisters and brothers are near and dear"
Good describes the average used and worn book that has all pages or leaves present Any defects must be noted (AB Bookman )
capable of pleasing; "good looks"
Possessing desirable qualities; adapted to answer the end designed; promoting success, welfare, or happiness; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; admirable; commendable; not bad, corrupt, evil, noxious, offensive, or troublesome, etc
If someone or something is no good or is not any good, they are not satisfactory or are of a low standard. If the weather's no good then I won't take any pictures I was never any good at maths
That which is desirable The object of the will The will, by nature, desires the good Even if the will chooses evil, it must desire it as a good It must impose this deception upon the object in order for that object to be desirable Also, ontologically, that which perfects a nature is a true good
Advancement of interest or happiness; welfare; prosperity; advantage; benefit; opposed to harm, etc
having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good joke"; "a good exterior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office"
feeling healthy and free of aches and pains; "I feel good"
most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"
emphasis You use good to emphasize the great extent or degree of something. We waited a good fifteen minutes This whole thing's got a good bit more dangerous
If something is done for the good of a person or organization, it is done in order to benefit them. Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country I'm only telling you this for your own good! = benefit
appealing to the mind; "good music"; "a serious book"
{s} excellent; pleasant; pleasurable; decent; valid; well-behaved; in fine condition; competent, skilled; positive; having admirable moral values
nice, excellent, of high quality
Good means pleasant or enjoyable. We had a really good time together I know they would have a better life here There's nothing better than a good cup of hot coffee It's so good to hear your voice after all this time. bad
morally admirable in excellent physical condition; "good teeth"; "I still have one good leg"; "a sound mind in a sound body"
having the normally expected amount; "gives full measure"; "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here"
a product, service, or a process that can be used to make products or deliver services
If you say that something or someone is as good as new, you mean that they are in a very good condition or state, especially after they have been damaged or ill. I only ever use that on special occasions so it's as good as new In a day or so he will be as good as new
If you are good at something, you are skilful and successful at doing it. He was very good at his work I'm not very good at singing He is one of the best players in the world I always played football with my older brother because I was good for my age. bad, poor
Someone who is good is kind and thoughtful. You are good to me Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately
Generic Object Oriented Database A database structure used to store design and library information (TI*)
If you say it's a good thing, or in British English it's a good job, that something is the case, you mean that it is fortunate. It's a good thing you aren't married It's a good job it happened here rather than on the open road
If something is good for a person or organization, it benefits them. Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion Nancy chose the product because it is better for the environment. = beneficial bad
The good is what it is rational to want Therefore a good knife is one that has characteristics that are rational to want in a device with one blade used for cutting When one considers what makes a good person, or good character, the matter becomes more complex, because it then becomes important to ask whether the traits under discussion are those that people would want in themselves, or those that they would want in others, and whether those are the same, or in what sort of society those would be the same
Well, especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied; equally well with as much advantage or as little harm as possible
that which is good or valuable or useful; "weigh the good against the bad"; "among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"
exerting force or influence; "the law is effective immediately"; "a warranty good for two years"; "the law is already in effect (or in force)"
If someone makes good a threat or promise or makes good on it, they do what they have threatened or promised to do. Certain that he was going to make good his threat to kill her, she lunged for the gun He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges
The rating you get on a step when you hit the arrow more than slightly off-beat
Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth
Someone who is good is morally correct in their attitudes and behaviour. The president is a good man For me to think I'm any better than a homeless person on the street is ridiculous. bad
Good Book
The Christian Bible
Good Friday
The Friday before Easter Sunday, believed by Christians to be the day on which Christ was crucified
Good Fridays
plural form of Good Friday
Good King Henry
A species of goosefoot, Chenopodium bonus-henricus, native to Britain and much of Europe, cultivated as a vegetable
Good Samaritan
A person who gives help or sympathy to someone in distress
Good Samaritan
The subject of a particular New Testament parable
Good Samaritan law
A law that exempts from legal liability a person who attempts to give reasonable aid to another person who is injured, ill, or otherwise imperiled
Good Samaritan law
A law that requires able persons, without putting themselves at risk, to provide reasonable aid to persons who are injured, ill, or otherwise imperiled
Good Samaritan laws
plural form of Good Samaritan law
Good Thing
Something that is conventionally accepted as good beyond doubt
good God
Expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration

Good God, sir, exclaimed the officer, is it possible? And the next moment his eye lighted up with professional ambition. This will make a deal of noise, he said.

good afternoon
A greeting said when meeting somebody in the afternoon
good and
Very; exceptionally; utterly

he doesn't insist on the whole vegetable-meat-fish-eggs aspect of eating, saying I'll get around to that when I'm good and ready for it.

good as gold
Very well-behaved

But to be sure baby was as good as gold, a perfect little dote in his new fancy bib.

good as gold
Of enduring value
good day
A somewhat formal greeting generally used between sunrise and sunset
good day
A dismissal
good drunk
A person who is cheerful and companionable when intoxicated, retaining reasonable control of his or her mental and emotional faculties

The boss and my fellow workers were well aware of my drinking habits, but I had always been able to keep my wits about me. I was a good drunk, as they say.

good egg
A good person, someone to be trusted; a friend
good ending
An ending that occurs when the player finishes a video game and is completely successful, as opposed to a bad ending
good endings
plural form of good ending
good enough for jazz
Good enough
good enough to eat
Supremely beautiful; aesthetically pleasing

The colours in this artwork are good enough to eat.

good evening
Used as a greeting in the evening
good faith
Having or done with good, honest intentions; well-intentioned

A good faith attempt.

good faith
Good, honest intentions, even if producing unfortunate results

Although this behavior may look suspicious, we should assume good faith.

good faith
Presuming that all parties to a discussion are honest and intend to act in a fair and appropriate manner

Good faith bargaining.

good fences make good neighbors
It is better to mind one's own business than get involved with other people's affairs
good for you
An exclamation of encouragement or congratulation

You got married? Good for you!.

good for you

Eating fruit is good for you.

good form
Behavior that is both morally and socially correct; proper manner, decorum or etiquette

The queen is a model of good form.

good going
well done; congratulations!
good golly
expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration
good gracious
Oh my God
good gravy
Used to express surprise or anger without a hint of profanity
good grief
An expression of surprise or shock
good grief
An expression of dismay and disgust
good guy
a hero
good guy
an all-around pleasant person; usually used in reference to a male

He was an all-around good guy to visit with and be around.

good health
Used when making a toast

Good health, Ned, says J. J.

good health
translation of Gesundheit, etc
good health
a state of living without illness, both mental and physical; health
good heavens
An exclamation of surprise or shock
good hiding
A severe thrashing or beating
good house
This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}

Here is a very creditable good house just by, where thou may'st find good entertainment for thyself and thy cattle till morning..

good job
well done; congratulations!

If you hadn't hit that last ball, we would have lost. Good job!.

good job
a good thing

Good job Sarah isn't scared of spiders, I don't think I could cope without someone to remove them.

good jobs
plural form of good job
good length
Describing a ball so pitched
good length
The area on a pitch considered to be the best place to pitch the ball in order to either get the batsman out, or restrict him from scoring; the length at which the ball bounces just too far away for it to be comfortably played either on the front foot or the back foot
good lick
Something useful; a good deed

If you could carry that bucket of water over here, that'd be a good lick.

good luck
Positive fortune
good luck
A phrase said to wish fortune on someone or as encouragement
good manners
The treatment of other people with courtesy and politeness, and showing correct public behaviour

In most countries, it is considered to be good manners to offer your seat to an elderly person on crowded public transport.

good morning
An exercise performed by bending forward at the waist and then returning to a standing posture, while bearing a barbell across the shoulders
good morning
Used as a greeting when meeting somebody for the first time in the morning
good morning
A greeting said when parting from someone in the morning
good morning
used to greet someone who has just awakened (irrespective of the time of day)
good morning
Said to someone who has come to a belated realization
good mornings
plural form of good morning
good news
The message of Jesus concerning the salvation of the faithful (as elaborated in the Gospels)
good news
News (new information) of pleasant, fortunate, or happy events
good night
A farewell said in the evening or before going to sleep
good offices
The beneficial services and acts of a third party; especially when used to mediate between people in a dispute
good ol'
Eye dialect spelling of good old
good ol' boy
Alternative form of good old boy
good ol' boys
plural form of good ol' boy
good old
Reliable; typical; consistently good

There's nothing like a good old American action film.

good old boy
A male friend or chum, especially a schoolmate; a man with an established network of friends who assist one another in social and business situations; a decent, dependable fellow

Tell these fellows to say to their Sultan that he is a good old boy, and that we thank him very much.

good old boy
A friendly, unambitious, relatively uneducated, sometimes racially biased white man who embodies the stereotype of the folksy culture of the rural southern USA

White Lightning concerns a good old boy named Gator McKluskey (Burt Reynolds) who is serving time in the Arkansas pen for messing around with illegal liquor.

good old boy network
Alternative form of old boy network
good old boys
plural form of good old boy
good ole
Eye dialect spelling of good old
good ole boy
Alternative form of good old boy
good on you
An exclamation of encouragement or congratulation; well done

You got married? Good on you!.

good people
A good person
good riddance
Used to indicate that a departure, or loss is welcome
good sense
common sense
good show
An exclamation of praise or endorsement of an achievement
good sport
someone who can take a joke
good sport
someone who exhibits polite behaviour even or especially when things go wrong
good standing
The status of a member of a profession who is not suspended or disbarred, and is registered with a proper authority and has paid any registration fees
good standing
The status of a person who is known to be of good character and to be trustworthy
good things come to those who wait
A patient seeker will be satisfied in due time; patience is a virtue
good time
A period of time spent at some pleasant, enjoyable or entertaining activity
good times
plural form of good time

We were having good times and bad times, but persevering.

good times
A period of prosperity or happiness

Let the good times roll!.

good to go
Ready for use or ready for normal operation, especially after repair or renewal

I replaced the broken spring and now the toaster is good to go.

good to go
Ready for some specific task or ready for normal activity, especially after preparation or recovery

The doctor examined me and says I'm good to go.

good turn
A good deed; a thoughtful or selfless act

One good turn deserves another.

good value
Funny; humorous
good value
Friendly; easy-going
the spirit of goodwill that exists among friends; comradeship
A person of little worth or usefulness
happy, cheerful, amiable
alternative spelling of the plant Good King Henry
Of or pertaining to a perpetual kind disposition
The quality of being good-natured
the state of being good neighbors
friendship and cooperation with, and noninterference in the internal affairs of another country
Not easily irritated; affable
Who enjoys pleasurable activities without regard to the consequences
good-time Charlie
an affable or happy-go-lucky convivial man

I couldn't be a good-time Charlie ... when I was a kid I was taught not to talk or joke or laugh at the table -- A.J.Liebling.

good friends
close friends, close companions
good afternoon
formulae You say `Good afternoon' when you are greeting someone in the afternoon. used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the afternoon, especially someone you do not know good evening, good morning good morning
good afternoon
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell
good afternoon
hello, good day, goodbye
good joke
funny joke, amusing gag
good looking
beautiful, handsome
good manners
etiquette, politeness, good breeding, proper decorum
good manners
a courteous manner
good night
hello! goodbye!
see you later!, farewell!
a farewell remark; "they said their good-byes"
good boy
well-behaved boy, boy who does good deeds
good call
statement of agreement
good call
used to express approval of a person's decision or suggestion
a good beginning makes a good ending
Good beginnings promise a good end. Start off on a good note to reap the benefits at the end
To beat in a contest; to surpass in skill or achievement

You did not win because I was sloppy. You bested me, Uncle. I've never seen you fight like that before.”.

The person (or persons) who is (are) most excellent
Superlative form of good: most good
The supreme effort one can make

I did my best.

Superlative form of well: most well
To improve
Comparative form of well: more well

I’ve had enough of cycling with you chaps. I can spend my Sundays better than in tormenting cats and quarrelling and fighting.”.

Alternative spelling of bettor
An entity, usually animate, deemed superior to another

He quickly found Ali his better in the ring.

Comparative form of good or well: more good or well
Better is the comparative of good
Better is the comparative of well
in a superior way; to a greater degree, more than -
good bye
Good news
glad tidings
{a} most good, most choice, most preferable
{v} to improve, mend, advance, exceed
{a} more good or choice
{n} an advantage
good at
Skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing. "She is good at cooking."
good grief
An exclamation of surprise or alarm
Good Humor
a type of ice cream sold in the US
Good fortune
Good luck
Good luck
a good name is better than good oil
good demeanor and good manners gives greater honor than external adornment
The best is used to refer to things of the highest quality or standard. We offer only the best to our clients He'll have the best of care. worst
get the better of; "the goal was to best the competition"