
listen to the pronunciation of beyond
Englisch - Türkisch

Son zamanlarda, bilgisayar kullanımında artan çeşitlilik, ofis alanlarının çok ötesine uzandı. - Recently, the increasing diversity of computer use has extended far beyond the realms of the office.

Bu iş benim kavramamın ötesindedir. - This work is beyond my grasp.


Hasta yardım almanın ötesindeydi, onun için doktorlar daha fazlasını yapamadı. - The patient was quite beyond help, so that the doctors could do no more.

Bu iş benim kavramamın ötesindedir. - This work is beyond my grasp.


Ben mektubu yazmayı bitirdiğimde, seni yaklaşık olarak tepenin iki mil ötesindeki göle götüreceğim. - When I have finished writing the letter, I will take you to the lake about two miles beyond the hill.

Gemi ufkun ötesinde kayboldu. - The ship disappeared beyond the horizon.

in ötesinde
{e} den öte
{e} ayrıca
{i} öbür dünya
-den sonra
daha ileride
-den öte
-den başka
-in ötesinde

Ben mektubu yazmayı bitirdiğimde, seni yaklaşık olarak tepenin iki mil ötesindeki göle götüreceğim. - When I have finished writing the letter, I will take you to the lake about two miles beyond the hill.

Matematiksel hesaplamalar yoluyla Le Verrier Uranüsün ötesindeki başka gezegenin varlığını tahmin etti. Bu gezegenin yer çekimi Uranüsün sıradışı hareketini açıkladı. - Through mathematical calculations, Le Verrier predicted the presence of another planet beyond Uranus. The gravitational pull of this planet would explain the unusual motion of Uranus.

-ın dışında

Mutlu olmak her şeyin mükemmel olduğu anlamına gelmez fakat aksine eksikliklerin ötesine bakmaya karar vermenizdir. - Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, but rather that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Termosfer içinde sıcaklıklar sürekli olarak 1.000 derece Celsius'un hayli ötesine yükselir. - Within the thermosphere, temperatures rise continually to well beyond 1,000 degrees C.


Takımım hiç çeyrek finalden öteye gidemedi. - My team has never advanced beyond the quarter-finals.

-den daha geç/sonra

Ötede küçük bir ada gördük. - We saw a small island beyond.

sınırlarının dışında

Tom normal çalışma saatlerinin dışında çalıştığında %50 zamlı aldı. - Tom got time and a half when he worked beyond his usual quitting time.

Hayatın gizemi insan anlayışının dışındadır. - The mystery of life is beyond human understanding.

z. ötede; öteye. edat
ölüm sonrası yaşam

Son zamanlarda, bilgisayar kullanımında artan çeşitlilik, ofis alanlarının çok ötesine uzandı. - Recently, the increasing diversity of computer use has extended far beyond the realms of the office.

Tom kazandığından çok para harcıyor. - Tom lives beyond his means.

ötesinde; ötesi, -den öte; -den sonra: Beyond there there's nothing but mountains. Oradan öte dağdan başka şey yok
{i} ahiret
daha ileri

Hasta yardım almanın ötesindeydi, onun için doktorlar daha fazlasını yapamadı. - The patient was quite beyond help, so that the doctors could do no more.

beyond ötesinde
{e} haricinde
{e} götürmez

Onun dürüstlüğü şüphe götürmez. - Her honesty is beyond question.

Bu su götürmez bir şey. - This is beyond dispute.

daha fazla

Hasta yardım almanın ötesindeydi, onun için doktorlar daha fazlasını yapamadı. - The patient was quite beyond help, so that the doctors could do no more.

beyond measure
go beyond
beyond comprehension
Algılamanın ötesinde, anlaşılması güç
beyond one's control
Birinin kontrolünün ötesinde, birin konrolü dışında
beyond all reason
beyond all reason
beyond any doubt
beyond one's authority
yetkisi dışında
beyond reproach
beyond reproach
beyond reproach
beyond the sea
denizlerin ötesinde
beyond a reasonable doubt
makul bir şüphe götürmez
beyond capacity
kapasitesi ötesinde
beyond cold
soğuk üstü
beyond control
kontrolü dışında
beyond description
Kelimelerle tarif edilemez bir biçimde, aşırı ölçüde, (şaşkınlık belirtir). "İ was shocked beyond description when İ saw that horrible accident!"
beyond doubt
umutsuz vaka
beyond doubt, cannot be doubted
şüphesiz, şüphe olamaz
beyond finite
sonlu ötesi
beyond help
yardım ötesinde
beyond him
Onun ötesinde
beyond his means
Onun anlamı ötesinde
beyond hope
umut ötesinde
beyond life
hayatın ötesinde
beyond management
yönetim ötesinde
beyond number
beyond of
beyond one
Bir ötesinde
beyond one's depth
(deyim) Boyunu aşan, bilgi ve yeteneği dışında
beyond one's means
(deyim) Karşılyabileceğinden fazla harcayarak, müsrifçe
beyond one's means
biri demektir ötesinde
beyond or outside of the tropics
ötesinde veya tropik dışında
beyond reach
beyond recognition
Tanınmayacak şekilde, tanınmayacak halde
beyond recognition
beyond redemption
umutsuz vaka
beyond that
bunun ötesinde
beyond the bounds of
--in sınırlarını aşmış
beyond the bounds of reason
aklın sınırları ötesine
beyond the call of duty
(deyim) Gereğinden fazla, haddinden fazla
beyond the call of duty
(deyim) Much more than should be expected

If your waiter goes beyond the call of duty, leave a bigger tip.

beyond the normal; unusual (french)
normal ötesinde; alışılmadık (fransızca)
beyond the realms of possibility
İmkân dahilinde olmayan, imkânsız
beyond the sea
deniz ötesinde
beyond the sea, over the sea
deniz, deniz ötesinde
beyond what is necessary
ötesinde gerekli olanın
beyond, later
Daha sonra ötesinde
beyond all bearing
beyond all bearing
beyond all bearing
beyond all blame
bütün suçlamalardan uzak
beyond all bounds
sınırı aşmış
beyond all question
şüphe götürmez
beyond all question
beyond bearing
beyond bearing
meyvelerini taşıyamayan
beyond bearing
beyond belief
beyond belief
(Fiili Deyim ) inanılmaz , olağan üstü
beyond belief
beyond cavil
tartışma kabul etmez
beyond cavil
itiraz kaldırmaz
beyond cognizance
yetkiyi aşan
beyond cognizance
yetki dışında
beyond compare
mukayese kabul etmez
beyond compare
beyond controversy
beyond dispute
tartışma götürmez
beyond dispute
beyond dispute
su götürmez

Bu su götürmez bir şey. - This is beyond dispute.

beyond doubt
şüphe götürmez

Onun dürüstlüğü şüphe götürmez. - His honesty is beyond doubt.

beyond endurance
beyond endurance
beyond line of sight
(Askeri) görüş hattı ötesinde
beyond measure
son derece
beyond measure
haddinden fazla
beyond number
sayısız, sayılamaz
beyond one's power
gücünü aşan
beyond one's power
beyond one's purse
harcı değil
beyond one's purse
gücünü aşar
beyond praise
(isim)fis, mükemmel
beyond praise
beyond praise
beyond question
şüphe götürmez
beyond redemption
ıslah olmaz
beyond redemption
beyond repair
tamir edilemeyecek şekilde
beyond retrieve
dönüşü olmayan
beyond retrieve
beyond retrieve
telâfisi imkânsız
beyond the seas
beyond the shadow of doubt
hakkında en küçük bir kuşku olmaksızın
beyond the veil
öbür dünyada
beyond visual range
(Askeri) görüş mesafesi dışında
beyond/out of reach
erişilmez, yetişilmez
beyond/past redemption
be beyond/without a shadow of a doubt
zerre kadar şüphe kalmamak
be beyond belief
inanılması mümkün olmamak, inanılmaz olmak
be beyond dispute
tartışma götürmemek
be beyond one's ken
aklı ermemek
be beyond one's ken
(birinin) hiç bilmediği bir şey olmak
be beyond one's power
elinde olmamak
be beyond s.o.'s grasp
birinin kavrayışının dışında olmak
be beyond s.o.'s grasp
be beyond s.o.'s grasp
birinin elinden kurtulmuş olmak: They're beyond his grasp now. O artık onlara dokunamaz
be beyond the pale
hiç kabul olunacak/onaylanacak bir şey olmamak
be beyond/without a
zerre kadar şüphe kalmamak
go beyond the limit
haddini aşmak
great beyond
(Konuşma Dili) öbür dünya
beyond doubt
beyond doubt

Onun masum olduğuna kuşkusuz olarak inanıyorum. - I believe beyond doubt that she is innocent.

beyond question
beyond question
(deyim) sorgusuz sualsiz
Englisch - Englisch
The unknown
The hereafter
On the far side of
Greater than
In addition; more
Later than; after
In addition to
Further away than
Farther along or away
{p} over, out of reach, before, further
beyond the pale: see pale beyond someone's means: see means beyond your wildest dreams: see dream beyond a joke: see joke. the beyond whatever comes after this life
Past, out of the reach or sphere of; further than; greater than; as, the patient was beyond medical aid; beyond one's strength
{i} world to come, afterlife, world of the dead
You use beyond to introduce an exception to what you are saying. I knew nothing beyond a few random facts
Further away; at a distance; yonder
If something is beyond a place or barrier, it is on the other side of it. They heard footsteps in the main room, beyond a door Beyond is also an adverb. The house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond
If something happens beyond a particular time or date, it continues after that time or date has passed. Few jockeys continue race-riding beyond the age of 40 = past Beyond is also an adverb. The financing of home ownership will continue through the 1990s and beyond
farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond"
in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond"
on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond
On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than
If something goes beyond a particular point or stage, it progresses or increases so that it passes that point or stage. Their five-year relationship was strained beyond breaking point It seems to me he's beyond caring about what anybody does
In a degree or amount exceeding or surpassing; proceeding to a greater degree than; above, as in dignity, excellence, or quality of any kind
on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond"
{e} further, more distant
past, further than
in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond" farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond" on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond
If something extends beyond a particular thing, it affects or includes other things. His interests extended beyond the fine arts to international politics and philosophy
If something is, for example, beyond understanding or beyond belief, it is so extreme in some way that it cannot be understood or believed. What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension Sweden is lovely in summer -- cold beyond belief in winter
At a place or time not yet reached; before
If you say that something is beyond someone, you mean that they cannot deal with it. The situation was beyond her control

students should work with language at the discourse or suprasentential level.

beyond a reasonable doubt
A legal standard for deciding the outcome of a criminal charge, requiring evidence that is sufficient to eliminate any doubts that a reasonable person might entertain about whether a claim is more likely to be true than not
beyond measure
Very large; great; huge
beyond measure
To a great extent or degree; very
beyond one's ken
Beyond one’s knowledge or understanding
beyond one's pay grade
Beyond one's level of authority

Sir, I think that is a policy decision only the President can make. That is beyond my pay grade.

beyond one's pay grade
Beyond one's capability

Figuring out how it would work logistically is above and beyond my pay grade and my brain power.

beyond the black stump
extremely remote, outside the populated area, in the middle of nowhere. Typically used in Australia to refer to Outback areas
beyond the pale
Describing behaviour that is considered to be outside the bounds of morality, good behaviour or judgement in civilised company
beyond all recognition
To such a degree as to be unrecognizable
beyond one's means
(deyim) Too expensive, not affordable

Unfortunately, a new Mercedes Benz is beyond my means right now.

beyond one's means
(deyim) Too costly for one, more than one can afford
beyond recognition
To such a degree as to be unrecognizable
beyond the realms of possibility
Not possible
Beyond Visual Range
outside of the area that can be seen, outside of the field of vision
beyond a shadow of doubt
without any doubt whatsoever, in certainty
beyond all bearing
impossible to bear
beyond all comparison
uncomparable, cannot be compared
beyond all expectations
further than hoped, more than anticipated
beyond all question
beyond doubt, cannot be doubted
beyond any doubt
beyond any question, cannot be doubted
beyond belief
not believable, incredible, miraculous, amazing
beyond capacity
more than its ability, more than can be held
beyond cognizance
impossible to understand
beyond compare
there is none other like him, there is nothing similar to him, he is one of a kind
beyond comparison
unique, cannot be compared to anything else, so unusual it is impossible to find similar qualities in something else
beyond control
uncontrollable, unrestrainable, unregulable
beyond controversy
cannot be debated, beyond a shadow of a doubt
beyond dispute
undoubtable, beyond question, beyond doubt
beyond doubt
too obvious to be doubted
beyond doubt
beyond question, undoubtable, cannot be doubted
beyond doubt(p)
too obvious to be doubted
beyond example
unequaled, unique
beyond expectation
more than was anticipated, greater than expected
beyond expression
beyond words, too profound to be expressed in words
beyond him
impossible for him to understand, inconceivable for him
beyond his capability
more than he is able to do, above his ability
beyond his capacity
impossible for him to understand, incomprehensible for him
beyond his grasp
impossible for him to understand, inconceivable for him
beyond his means
beyond what he is able to achieve, beyond his ability
beyond his scope
beyond his capability
beyond hope
hopeless, lost, a lost cause, beyond help
beyond measure
in excess or without limit; "amazed beyond measure
beyond measure
immeasurable, cannot be estimated
beyond measure
in excess or without limit; "amazed beyond measure"
beyond number
cannot be counted, innumerable
beyond one
impossible to understand, inconceivable; more than one is capable of
beyond one's grasp
impossible to understand, inconceivable
beyond one's powers
more than one is capable of, out of one's jurisdiction or authority
beyond one's understanding
beyond comprehension, cannot be understood
beyond price
priceless, so valuable that its value cannot be estimated
beyond reach
beyond what one is able to achieve, beyond one's ability, beyond where one can extend the arm
beyond recall
impossible to recollect, impossible to take back, cannot be undone
beyond recognition
can no longer be recognized, much changed
beyond redemption
irreparable, cannot be redeemed, cannot be fixed
beyond repair
cannot be fixed, cannot be repaired
beyond that
furthermore, moreover
beyond the bounds of reason
irrational, illogical
beyond the compass
out of bounds, off limits
beyond the pale
{s} absolutely unacceptable, outside the limits of integrity and morality, beyond the bounds of good taste, beyond standards of decency
beyond the sea
across the ocean, overseas
beyond the seas
overseas, in faraway lands
be beyond the pale
exceed the limit, be unfair
above and beyond
Far more than

The staff often goes above and beyond what is required.

above and beyond
More than is expected or required

Boy, they sure went above and beyond when they were planning this party!.

back of beyond
A very remote place

I thought I should like to go near the sea — to some quite tiny country place at the back of beyond..

beyond doubt