
listen to the pronunciation of check
Englisch - Türkisch
kontrol etmek

Ben kontrol etmek istiyorum. - I'd like to check out.

Sadece e postamı kontrol etmek istedim. - I just wanted to check my email.

{i} kontrol

O, bir kalite kontrol yaptı. - He did a check on the quality.

Lütfen doğru cevabı kontrol edin. - Please check the correct answer.

{f} kontrol et

Ümit; bir saat önce bitirdiğin çikolatalı çörek kutusunun sihirle tekrar dolup dolmadığını kontrol etmek için çılgın bir adam gibi birdenbire mutfağa doğru koştuğundadır. - Hope is when you suddenly run to the kitchen like a mad man to check if the empty chocolate cookie box you just finished an hour ago is magically full again.

Vanayı çevirerek su akışını kontrol etmeye çalış. - Try to check the flow of water by turning the valve.

{i} durdurma
{f} kısmak
{f} frenlemek
{f} alıkoymak
{i} check
{f} durdurmak
{i} köpeğin koku alamayıp durması
kontrolünü yapmak

Ben fizibilite kontrolünü yapmak istiyorum. - I'd like to do a feasibility check.

(Satranç) şah çekmek
ket vurma
(Bilgisayar) işaretle
gözden geçirme

Gözden geçirmeye değer. - It's worth checking out.

gününü göstermek
(Bilgisayar) onay

Lütfen bu çeki onayla. - Please endorse this check.

çanına ot tıkamak
sağlama yapmak
(Bilgisayar) onayla

Lütfen bu çeki onayla. - Please endorse this check.

hakkından gelmek
emanete vermek
(Bilgisayar) onay işareti
ket vurmak
(Bilgisayar) onaykutusu

Hızlı bir denetim yapacağım. - I'll do a quick check.

Bu onların çalışmaları hakkında bir denetim olarak hizmet verecek. - This will serve as a check on their work.

(kumar) fiş

Ayrı hesaplar istiyoruz, lütfen. - We'd like separate checks, please.

Biz ayrı hesaplar istiyoruz. - We'd like separate checks.

yanına doğru işareti koymak
engel olmak
vestiyere vermek
gözden geçirmek
doğruluğunu araştırmak
doğru işareti
(satranç) şah çekme

Hiçbir kişisel çek kabul edilmeyecektir. - No personal checks will be accepted.

Bir kişisel çekle ödeme yapabilir miyim? - Can I pay you with a personal check?

ekose desen/kumaş
emanet makbuzu

Bu şahsi çeki nerede bozdurabilirim? - Where can I cash this personal check?

Şahsi bir çek kabul eder misiniz? - Will you take a personal check?


Çek ile ödeme yapmak istiyorum. - I'd like to pay by check.

O, bankada bir çek hesabı açtı. - He opened a checking account with the bank.

{f} denetle

Ben bir denetleme yapıyorum. - I've been doing some checking.

Bir bilgisayar yazım denetleyicisi aynı zamanda pek çok yazım hatalarını da ortadan kaldırabilir. - A computer spell checker could also eliminate most typing mistakes.

{i} denetleme

Ben bir denetleme yapıyorum. - I've been doing some checking.

ekose desen/kum
in counter/desk hava terminalinde bilet ve bagajın kontrol edildiği tezgâh
{f} şah demek
emanet odasına teslim etmek
{f} çek yazmak
satranç şah çekmek
{f} karşılaştırmak
sağlama, denetim onay / sağlama
check out

Yarın sabah ayrılmak istiyorum. - I'd like to check out tomorrow morning.

check mark
Tik işareti
check into
check it out
check it out
şuna bir bak
check out
hesabını ödeyip (otel, pansiyon v.b.'nden) ayrılmak
check out
kaydını kapatmak
check out
çıkış yapmak

Çıkış yapmak istiyorum. Hesabımı çıkarır mısınız? - I'd like to check out. Do you have my bill?

Saat kaçta çıkış yapmak zorundayız? - What time do we have to check out?

check out of
(Dilbilim) hesabı keserek ayrılmak
check out of
çıkış kaydını yaptırmak
check someone out
(deyim) araştırmak
check valve
(Nükleer Bilimler) tek yönlü akış sağlıyan vana(çekvalf)
check arm
(Otomotiv) kontrol kolu
check box
(Bilgisayar) seçme kutusu
check box
(Bilgisayar) işaret kutusu
check dam
(Çevre) kontrol bendi
check for
aramaya çalışmak
check if
(Bilgisayar) bu durumda denetle
check in
kaydını yaptırmak
check in
kayıt yapmak
check in
(Bilgisayar) kitaplığa geri koymak
check in
(Turizm) otele kayıt
check in
(Turizm) otele giriş yapmak
check in
eşyayı tutma
check in at
kayıt yaptırmak
check in time
(Bilgisayar) teslim etme saati
check into
biryere giriş yapmak
check into
kayıt yaptırmak
check now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi denetle
check off
check off
(Dilbilim) işaretlemek
check out
(Dilbilim) gözden geçirmek
check out
(Bilgisayar) teslim al
check out
(Dilbilim) çek etmek
check out
(Bilgisayar) çıkışta denetle
check out
(Turizm) otelden çıkış yapmak
check out
(Bilgisayar) teslim almak
check out
hesap kapamak
check out
(Bilgisayar) kitaplıktan almak
check out
seçerek almak
check out
otelden ayrılmak
check out
biryerden ayrılmak
check out of a hotel
(Turizm) otelden ayrılmak
check over
check sum
(Havacılık) kontrol hanesi
check this out
şuna bir bak
check account
çek hesabı
check account
cari hesap
check back
check bank
çek keşide eden banka
check bit
denetim biti
check book
çek defteri
check bore hole
kontrol sondajı
check character
kontrol karakteri
check character
denetim karakteri
check counter
check currency
vadesiz mevduat
check desk
muhasebe departmanı
check files
çek dosyaları
check flight
deneme  uçuşu
check gauge
ana mastar
check gauge
kontrol göstergesi
check in
adını kaydettirmek
check in
adını kaydet
check in
gelişini bildirmek
check in
(Turizm) otelde oda tutma
check indicator
denetim göstergesi
check indicator instruction
denetim göstergesi komutu
check list
kontrol listesi
check mark
onay imi
check number
çek sayısı
check nut
kontra somun
check off
işaret koymak
check off
check out
hesabı ödeyerek konakçıdan ayrılmak
check out
seçerek al
check over
kontrol etmek
check over
check plot
kontrol parseli
check point
denetim noktası
check problem
sınama problemi
check rail
kılavuz ray
check rail
karşı ray
check rail
emniyet rayı
check register
çek defteri
check room
check room
emanet eşya bürosu
check sum
sınama toplamı
check symbol
denetim simgesi
check to bearer
hamiline çek
check to order
nama çek
check total
denetim toplamı
check up on
check up on
check valve
çek valfı
check valve
tek yönlü supap
check weighman
tartı kontrol memuru
check word
denetim sözcüğü
check up
gözden geçirmek
check account
cari hesap, çek hesabı
check all
bütün kontrol
check and balance
denge ve fren
check and balances
kontrol ve dengeler
check card
çek kartı
check digit
sağlama sayısı
check figure
çekteki rakam
check flight
deneme uçuşu
check in
(uçağa binebilmek için) bileti kontrol ettirmek; (birinin) uçak biletini kontrol etmek
check in at the airport
havaalanında uçak defterine kaydolmak
check problem
sinama problemi
check rail
emniyet rayi
check rail
(Demiryolu) Emniyet rayı, kontray
check rope
kontrol ip
check sb
sth out, araştırmak
check sheet
kontrol levha
check someone out
Birini araştırmak, soruşturmak
check something out
Birşeyi araştırmak, soruşturmak
check sth off
kontrol işareti koymak
check sum
sinama toplamı
check the spark plugs, please
bujileri lütfen kontrol edin
check this out
Bu kontrol
check trading
banka çekini müşteriye satma
check valve
Emniyet valfı
check, please!
Lütfen kontrol edin!
check-in counter
Hava terminalinde bilet ve bagajın kontrol edildiği tezgâh
check-in desk
Hava terminali vs. gibi yerlerde bilet ve bagajın kontrol edildiği tezgâh
check-in desk
Hava terminalinde bilet ve bagajın kontrol edildiği tezgâh
check-out flight
İntibak uçuşu
check in
check in
giriş yapmak

Tam giriş yapmak üzereyim. - I'm just about to check in.

Ben giriş yapmak istiyorum. - I'd like to check in.

check in
kayıt yaptırmak
check over
{s} damalı
check in
check it out
göz at
check it out
kontrol et

Bunu kontrol etsek iyi olur. - We'd better check it out.

Onu kontrol etmeye gitmeli miyim? - Should I go check it out?

check out
kontrol etmek

Yatak odasını kontrol etmek için gideceğim. - I'll go to check out the bedroom.

Ben kontrol etmek istiyorum. - I'd like to check out.

{s} ekoseli

Birisi benim cüzdanımı çaldı. Artık bir çek defterim ya da bir kredi kartım yok. - Someone stole my wallet. I no longer have a cheque book or a credit card.

Cüzdanını açtı ve çek defterini çıkardı. - She opened her purse and took out her chequebook.

check for
(Bilgisayar) denetle
check in
çek etmek
check in
(Bilgisayar) teslim etme
check in
bagaj kontrolü
check in
(Bilgisayar) denetle
check in
(Bilgisayar) teslim et
check on
emin olmak
check on
göz atmak
check on
kontrol etmek

Bugün yola çıkmadan önce onu kontrol etmek için döneceğim. - I'll be back to check on him before I head out today.

Seni kontrol etmek için daha sonra döneceğiz. - We'll be back to check on you later.

check out
(Bilgisayar) teslim alma
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von check im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

check up
bakınız: çekap
Englisch - Englisch
To verify or compare with a source of information

Check your data against known values.

To remain in the hand without betting, only legal if no one has yet bet

Tom did not think he could win, so he checked.

A control; a limit or stop

checks and balances.

To leave with a shipping agent for shipping

Check your bags at the ticket counter before the flight.

A mark (especially a checkmark: ✓) used as an indicator, equivalent to a tick (UK)

Place a check by the things you have done.

An order to a bank to pay money to a named person or entity; a cheque (UK, Canada)

I was not carrying cash, so I wrote a check for the amount.

The situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece
A maneuver performed by a player to take another player out of the play

The hockey player gave a good hard check to obtain the puck.

A bill, particularly in a restaurant

I summoned the waiter, paid the check, and hurried to leave.

To leave in safekeeping

Check your hat and coat at the door.

To mark with a checkmark

Check the correct answer to each question.

To inspect; to examine

Check whether this page has a watermark.

An inspection or examination

I don't know if she will be there, but it's worth a check.

To control, limit, or halt

She was about to retort but something checked the words on her tongue.

To physically remove a person from play

The hockey player checked the defenceman to obtain the puck.

A pattern made up of a grid of squares of alternating colors; a checkered pattern

The tablecloth had red and white checks.

to hold back
{v} to reprove, chide, curb, stop, clash
{n} a restraint, stop, order on a bank, checkered cloth
(chess) a direct attack on an opponent's king
verify by consulting a source or authority; "check the spelling of this word"; "check your facts"
We accept checks as a form of payment Once a check has cleared the funds are be credited to the location you specify
A written order directing a bank or banker to pay money as therein stated
an inspection; examination
lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"
(I) (also stern check) The sudden stopping effect on the boat caused by poor rowing technique at the catch, identifiable by the way that the stern of the boat stops suddenly (checks) and dips downwards at the time of the catch
The Federal Reserve Board defines a check as "a draft or order upon a financial institution or banking house purporting to be drawn upon a deposit of funds, for the payment of a certain sum of money to a certain person therein named, or to his order, or to bearer, and payable instantly on demand " It is a negotiable instrument, and as such, must fulfill certain conditions It must contain the phrase, Pay to the order of; the amount shown on the check's face must be clearly discernible; and it must have the signature of the drawer Checks are usually dated but the lack of a date does not impair its negotiability
decline to initiate betting mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution; "She checked for an instant and missed a step"
a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc ; "as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name"
{f} examine, verify; pause, stop; check off, tick off, indicate that something has been done or completed by putting a check mark or a tick next to it
train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control; "Parents must discipline their children"; "Is this dog trained?"
A written order directing a bank to pay a specified sum of money to a designated person or business
Small chick or crack
1) to do an operation on the answer to a problem and make sure that the original number is the result of this operation -- "Use long division to check the answers: " (80) 2) paper money that needs to go to a bank before it can be used -- "A check is a piece of paper with the date, the name of the seller " (213)
make an examination or investigation; "check into the rumor"; "check the time of the class"
If you check on someone or something, you make sure they are in a safe or satisfactory condition. He decided to check on things at the warehouse
block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey
write out a check on a bank account place into check; "He checked my kings"
mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
become fractured; break or crack on the surface only; "The glass cracked when it was heated"
A mark, certificate, or token, by which, errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified; as, checks placed against items in an account; a check given for baggage; a return check on a railroad
To make a move which puts an adversary's piece, esp
To check something, usually something bad, means to stop it from spreading or continuing. Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS. = curb
The situation in which the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece
his king, in check; to put in check
In a game of chess, you say check when you are attacking your opponent's king
a written order to a custodial third party, usually a bank or credit union, to pay transfer on a stated date a stated amount of currency from one person's account to a stated recipient A check is not currency and only represents funds on deposit
consign for shipment on a vehicle; "check your luggage before boarding"
find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time"
make cracks or chinks in; "The heat checked the paint"
a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard); "she wore a skirt with checks"
When you check your luggage at an airport, you give it to an official so that it can be taken on to your plane. We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around the gift shops To check in your luggage means the same as to check it. They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge
Whatever arrests progress, or limits action; an obstacle, guard, restraint, or rebuff
{i} examination; stopping, pausing; verification; cheque, written order from one party directing a bank to pay a specified amount of money to another party, payment order; money order; restaurant bill
examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
write out a check on a bank account
A direct attack on an opponent's King by any piece or pawn When placed in "check", the player must get out of check on the very next move by any of the following ways
To chide, rebuke, or reprove
To put a sudden restraint upon; to stop temporarily; to hinder; to repress; to curb
A draft drawn on a financial institution which is payable on demand and which requires the personal endorsement or other written approval of the payee in order to be cashed
A guard against the opposing king See also: checkmate, double check, exposed check
a mark left after a small piece has been chopped or broken off of something
to leave with shipping agent for shipping
Deceleration caused by poor rowing technique, usually because an oarsman puts pressure on the stretcher without applying simultaneous, countervailing pressure on the pin
To verify, to guard, to make secure, by means of a mark, token, or other check; to distinguish by a check; to put a mark against (an item) after comparing with an original or a counterpart in order to secure accuracy; as, to check an account; to check baggage
be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"; "control the quality of the product"
Checkered; designed in checks
an order to a bank to pay money to a named person or entity
If there has been no betting before you in a betting round, you may check, which is like calling a bet of $0, or passing your turn If all the players at a table check in turn in the same round, it is said to be checked around, resulting in a free card Poker chips are also sometimes called checks This is mostly European (esp British) usage I checked with the intention of folding on the turn and the river, but no one ever bet
To make checks or chinks in; to cause to crack; as, the sun checks timber
check box
An element or widget corresponding to a small square on a paper form that is either left blank or ticked; ticking the box enables the function with which it is labelled
check boxes
plural form of check box
check in
To announce or record one's arrival at a hotel, airport etc
check is in the mail
A common excuse used by debtors to put off creditors

Your check is in the mail. I gave it to my son to mail yesterday. I hope he remembered.

check mark
a mark (✓) made to indicate agreement, correctness or acknowledgement

Put a check mark in the box corresponding to the correct answer.

check marks
plural form of check mark
check out
To confirm and pay for goods and services at a facility (e.g.: supermarket, online store, hotel) when leaving

I'm done shopping, so I'll go check out now.

check out
To die
check out
To obtain computer source code from a repository
check out
To examine, inspect, look at closely, ogle; to investigate

Check us out on the Web at!.

check out
To withdraw (an item), as from a library, and have the withdrawal recorded

He checked his favorite mystery out for the twenty-third time.

check out
To record (someone) as leaving the premises or as taking something therefrom, as from a library or shop

The library assistant was checking people out.

check out
To leave in a hurry
check rail
rails laid parallel to a running rail to guide wheels through points and round curves, to reduce wear and the risk of derailments due to flange climb
check rails
plural form of check rail
check scale
A scale used in a filling operation to indicate the proper filling level has been reached
check side
A sidespin of the cue ball which makes it bounce off the cush, or off another ball, at a shallower angle than normal
check sides
plural form of check side
check weigher
A form of dynamic scale that weighs products as they come off a production line
To check and then call a bet by another player in the same betting round
A call made by a player who checked previously in the same betting round
The act of checking in at a hotel, airport etc

The implication was that Ms Purkiss had been stereotyped by the check-in staff as ‘foreign'.

To check and then raise a bet by another player in the same betting round. Sometimes specifically prohibited by house rules
A raise made by a player who checked before in the same betting round
A swing where a batter starts to swing for a ball but stops the swing shortly before the ball reaches home plate
check rail
(Demiryolu) A guard rail (check rail) is a short piece of rail placed alongside the main (stock) rail opposite the frog. These exist to ensure that the wheels follow the appropriate flangeway through the frog and that the train does not derail
check someone out
Establish the truth or inform oneself about someone
check the plumbing
(deyim) 1. Term for using the bathroom to rid oneself of solid waste. Used primarily in an embarrassing situation so that others do not suspect your long absence.2. Term used among friends to indicate their needing to use the restroom
check up on
Investigate to establish the truth about or accuracy of
check up on
Investmmigate to establish the truth about or accuracy of
check-in desk
Check-in counter
Of syllables, having a coda
Of consonants, glottalized
Simple past tense and past participle of check

He checked his watch for the third time.

A checking account

Withdraw $5000 from checking and put it into savings.

{a} reproved, curbed, stopped
check it out
Inquire, find out about: "Check it out. It may be a great opportunity."
Check Point
{i} programming company founded in Israel that specializes in producing sophisticated systems for protection and information security on the Internet
check box
{i} square within a dialog box which allows a user to activate or deactivate a particular option or condition
check in
Upload a TechPak after editing This releases the TechPak for others to edit if necessary
check in
(also known as ci) ci stores new revisions into RCS files Each pathname matching an RCS suffix is taken to be an RCS file All others are assumed to be working files containing new revisions ci deposits the contents of each working file into the corresponding RCS file If only a working file is given, ci tries to find the corresponding RCS file in an RCS subdirectory and then in the working file's directory
check in
announce one's arrival, e g at hotels or airports
check in
announce one's arrival, e
check in
The place where you return library items
check in
reception desk, guest registration desk; register upon arrival, go through check-in procedures
check in
When a customer comes into the hotel to claim their room
check in
at hotels or airports
check in
When you check in or check into a hotel or clinic, or if someone checks you in, you arrive and go through the necessary procedures before you stay there. I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call. = register check out
check in
When you check in at an airport, you arrive and show your ticket before going on a flight. He had checked in at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester. see also check-in, check 6
check in
In the Revision Control System (RCS), to store a file or revision in the RCS library
check in
To store the content of an object in the docbase Check in also unlocks the object in the docbase If the object is one you just created, checking it in stores the working file in the docbase as the new object's content If the object is one that already existed, checking it in can overwrite what is in the docbase or create a new version Usually the person who checked the object out is the only person who can check it in
check into
examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
check off
Calling an audible
check off
To change a play at the line of scrimmage by calling an audible
check off
When you check things off, you check or count them while referring to a list of them, to make sure you have considered all of them. Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file I haven't checked them off but I would say that's about the number. = tick off
check off
{f} tick off, tick, put a check mark, indicate that something has been done or completed by putting a check mark or a tick next to it
check off
put a check mark on or next to; "Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"
check out
The act of stopping the rotation of a jump or spin by extending the arms and free-leg away from the rotation axis of the body
check out
The procedure involved in borrowing a book (See also Circulate)
check out
To borrow library materials for use outside of the library
check out
When the customer leaves the hotel Upon checking out, it is assumed he or she must contact the front desk to get his or her bill
check out
sign out (borrow) library items to use at home
check out
To borrow materials from the libraries This is done at the Circulation Desk You will need your student identification card to do this
check out
settle one's account and leave (i.e. from a hotel, etc.); make a detailed examination (i.e. check something or someone out); die (Slang)
check out
FreebieSector com
check out
In the Revision Control System (RCS), to retrieve a file or revision from the RCS library
check out
The process of borrowing library materials
check out
the process of borrowing materials to use outside the library This is done at the circulation desk
check out
announce one's departure from a hotel
check out
The process of borrowing materials from the library A user must present his or her own valid CSC ID card or Special Privilege Card to a staff person at the circulation desk along with the materials to be checked out See Also: Circulation Desk
check out
When you check out of a hotel or clinic where you have been staying, or if someone checks you out, you pay the bill and leave. They packed and checked out of the hotel I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out I'd like to check him out of here the day after tomorrow. check in
check out
be verified or confirmed; pass inspection; "These stories don't check!"
check out
trace; "We are running down a few tips"
check out
try to learn someone's opinions and intentions; "I have to sound out the new professor"
check out
To lock an object in the docbase Only one person at a time can check an object out When you complete the check out process, the system displays the object in your Work Area window
check out
A metaphor for the final step in the online shopping process This is the stage where you input credit card information and finalize the purchase
check out
To receive exclusive modification rights from the OmniWorks Repository for a file or other object OmniWorks locks the object (for example, the version of a file) when you check out the file from the repository See also Concurrent check out
check out
announce one's departure from a hotel record, add up, and receive payment for items purchased; "She was checking out the apples that the customer had put on the conveyer belt
check out
record, add up, and receive payment for items purchased; "She was checking out the apples that the customer had put on the conveyer belt"
check out
by clicking the Check Out link, you will proceed to the Secure Order Form to finish shopping You can modify your order items and quantity, as well as specify your shipping preference on the Order Form
check out
If something checks out, it is correct or satisfactory. She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out see also checkout
check out
examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
check out
The process of borrowing materials from the library In order to check out materials the user must present a TPL Knowledge card to a staff person at the circulation desk along with the materials to be checked out
check out
withdraw money by writing a check
check out
The process of borrowing materials from the library A user must present his or her own valid UT Austin identification or courtesy borrower's card to a staff person at the circulation desk along with the materials to be checked out See Also: Circulation Desk
check out
vt [to leave a hotel] meninggalkan (tinggal)
check out
To borrow library materials for a specified period of time
check out
If you check out something or someone, you find out information about them to make sure that everything is correct or satisfactory. Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out The police had to check out the call. = investigate
check out
When you check out materials you are borrowing them for use outside of the library
check out
The place where you have books issued
check out
To borrow a book from a library for a specific period of time
check out
Obtain a specific TechPak from yet2 com for editing Checking Out locks the TechPak from changes by others
check over
examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
check over
look over; examine in a detailed manner
check point
{i} inspection station
check point
an obvious feature on the map or ground which can be used to check that you are keeping to your chosen route
check point
additional ground points used to independently verify the degree of accuracy of a triangulation
check point
Security check points are specified procedures within the program which can have access restricted to authorized analysts only and can have all access to that procedure recorded
check this out
look at this; consider this, think of this
check up
{f} investigate, inquire into
check up
If you check up on someone, you obtain information about them, usually secretly. I'm sure he knew I was checking up on him
check up
If you check up on something, you find out information about it. It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements The Government employs tax inspectors to check up and make sure people pay all their tax. see also check-up
check up on
examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"
check up on
examine, investigate; follow after
past of check
Something that is checked has a pattern of small squares, usually of two colours. He was wearing blue jeans and checked shirt. = check. checked cloth has a regular pattern of differently coloured squares
patterned with alternating squares of color held back from some action especially by force
Having a pattern of checks; checkered
patterned with alternating squares of color
Used to indicate that a radio button or checkbox is selected by default Unselected radio buttons and checkboxes don't return name/value pairs on submission of the form
held back from some action especially by force
Prevented from achieving forward motion by an applied force, such as wind Checked creatures on the ground merely stop Checked flying creatures move back a distance specified in the description of the specific effect
For checkboxes and radio buttons, indicates that the widget is checked
{s} patterned with squares; examined, inspected; activated, marked (Computers)
specifies whether a check should appear to the left of the item Valid values are Yes|No (Default) Type: Character
Presence of a network of fine hairline cracks on the surface of a structure usually induced by poor machining technique
Heat-crazing of a die surface, especially when subjected to repeated heating by molten alloys at high casting temperatures The resulting fine cracks produce corresponding raised veins on die castings
Fissures that appear with age in many exterior paint coatings, at first superficial, but which in time may penetrate entirely through the coating It produces a pattern of surface cracks running in irregular lines When found in the top pour of an asphalt built-up roof, checking is the preliminary stage of alligatoring
Stopping the bounce by bending the knees
Fine cracks on the surface of a die which produce corresponding raised veins on die castings Caused by repeated heating of the die surface by injected molten alloys
A coating defect consisting of the cracking of the cured film into small segments, with hairline cracks separating the segments The similar defects of mud cracking or alligatoring are the same as checking, but they are larger Crazing is a synonymous term
Heat-crazing of a die surface The fine cracks produce corresponding raised veins on castings
present participle of check
Patterns of short, narrow breaks in the top layer of paint Checking occurs when the paint loses its elasticity
Fissures that appear with age in many exterior paint coatings, at first superficial, but which in time may penetrate entirely through the coating
One of the basic functions of ATC which consists of selecting information from a new situation in order to update the actual Mental Picture (MP)
This is a type of wood defect-- a split in the grain
The attempt to cover an opponent to prevent him from getting a better position
The process of verifying that an activity or object conforms to a given standard
Short shallow cracks on the surface generally due to effect of destructive action of severe environmental conditions
Tiny breaks in the surface of the paint film Usually "V" shaped and underlying surface is not visible
A bank account against which checks may be written, drawing from amounts on deposit
process of recording and verifying actual appearance, reproduction and position of advertisement in magazine, newspaper, publication or use on radio stations, television stations, billboards, etc
Raising or separation of the wood grain of a bat, frequently caused by repeated contact with a baseball on the hitting surface
The act of physically keeping an opposing player in check
Short shallow cracks on the surface generally due to effect of destructive action of environmental conditions
Making a movement in one direction, stopping, and then moving off in the opposite direction
Cracks or splits in the wood that can be problematic
the short, shallow cracks on the surface of a rubber product resulting from damaging action of environmental conditions
A kind of paint failure in which many small cracks appear in the surface of the paint
{i} test, inspection; leaving of (goods) for safekeeping
Using your hip or shoulder to slow or stop an opponent, must be done above the knees and below the neck
Small slits running parallel to the grain of wood caused by strains produced in seasoning
Splits in wood caused by uneven seasoning (See also case hardened )
to accept or hand over (an article) in return for a check; to send to a destination in this way (OED) She finally reached her destination, which is heaven
Examines; compares for verification
plural of check
(Corrosion Eng ) Slight microscopic breaks in a coating which do not penetrate to the underlying metal
third-person singular of check
A form of payment You are issued a glossary('cheque book','chequebook',5) from your glossary('bank','bank',5), and use it to pay for items or services An alternative to cash, you need to show a cheque guarantee card (normally your switch or glossary('debit card','debit card',5)) to prove that the cheque will be honoured The money will leave your bank account 2-3 days after the cheque has been cashed When you cash a cheque bear in mind that your account will not be credited with the sum of money for up to five working days
Türkisch - Englisch
check up
check up yapmak
check up
check valf
check valve
check-in alanı
(Havacılık) check-in area
check-in zamanı
(Havacılık) check-in time