
listen to the pronunciation of occasion
İngilizce - Türkçe

Uygun bir fırsat varsa, sizi onunla tanıştıracağım. - If there is a suitable occasion, I'll introduce you to him.

Bunu kullanma fırsatım hiç olmadı. - I never have had occasion to use it.


Onun her vesileyle büyük konuşmasından nefret ediyorum. - I hate his talking big on every occasion.

O çeşitli vesilelerle oldu. - That happened on several occasions.

{i} ortam

Tom Mary'nin giydiğinin ortam için uygun olduğunu düşünmüyordu. - Tom didn't think what Mary was wearing was appropriate for the occasion.

Tom özel ortamlarda sadece takım elbise giyer. - Tom only wears a suit on special occasions.

{i} durum

Başka bir durum için onu ayıralım. - Let's reserve that for another occasion.

Onun hikayesi durum için uygun değildi. - His story wasn't appropriate for the occasion.

{i} sebep

Bugünkü büyük olay nedir? - What's the big occasion today?

önemli gün

Seller, şiddetli rüzgar fırtınaları, kuraklıklar, öldürücü donlar ve hava kirliliği sorunları hepsi,ara sıra, modern toplumu etkilenmiştir. - Floods, violent wind storms, droughts, killing frosts, and the problems of air pollution have all, on occasion, influenced modern society.

Midemde ara sıra olan ağrılar var. - I have occasional pains in the stomach.

özel olay
uygun zaman
on occasion ara sıra
elverişli durum
{i} zaman: I wasn't there on that occasion. O zaman orada değildim
{i} özel durum

Özel durumlar dışında Tom asla içki içmez. - Tom never drinks except on special occasions.

Özel durumlar dışında asla içmez. - He never drinks except on special occasions.

{i} mahal
fırsat düştükçe
vesile olmak
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) gerkçe
take the occasion durumdan faydalanmak
{f} -e yol açmak
sebep ol
{i} şatafatlı kutlama

O zaman zaman iş gezilerinin dışında çok seyahat etmez. - He doesn't travel much apart from occasional business trips.

O, zaman zaman dedektif hikayeleri okur. - He reads detective stories on occasion.

sebebi olmak
on the occasion of
ara sıra

Robert ara sıra beni ziyaret eder. - Robert occasionally visits me.

Şimdi bile, ara sıra seni görmek istediğimi düşünüyorum. Fakat bugünkü seni değil geçmişten hatırladığım seni. - Even now, I occasionally think I'd like to see you. Not the you that you are today, but the you I remember from the past.

arada sırada

Yarınki hava güneşli ve nadiren yağışlı olmalı. - Tomorrow's weather should be sunny with occasional rain.

{s} ara sıra meydana gelen
arada sırada olan
{s} fırsat düştükçe yapılan

Kopya cümleler bazen Tatoeba'da oluşturulur. Tekilleştirme robot, Horus, genellikle onlarla ilgilenir. - Duplicate sentences are occasionally created on Tatoeba. The deduplication bot, Horus, generally takes care of them.

Bazen işler planlandığı gibi gitmez. - Occasionally, things don't go as planned.

{s} ara sıra olan

Midemde ara sıra olan ağrılar var. - I have occasional pains in the stomach.

ara ara
zaman zaman

Tom zaman zaman Mary'yi anne babasının evinde ziyaret eder. - Tom occasionally visited Mary at her parents' house.

Fibonacci sayıları doğada zaman zaman görünür. - Fibonacci numbers show up occasionally in nature.

sık görülmeyen
arada bir
sebep olan
when the occasion arises
sırası geldikçe
when the occasion arises
yeri geldikçe

Bazen işler planlandığı gibi gitmez. - Occasionally, things don't go as planned.

Öğretmenler bazen öğrencilerinin stres atmasına izin vermeliler. - Teachers should occasionally let their students blow off some steam.

on occasion
arada bir
on occasion
ara sıra

Onlar ara sıra et yerler. - They eat meat on occasion.

Ara sıra okula gitmem. - I am absent from school on occasion.

on the occasion of
rise to the occasion
üstesinden gelmek
I would like to take this occasion to thank you all
Bu vesileyle hepinize teşekkür etmek istiyorum
mark the occasion
(deyim) Kutlamak
on that occasion
Bu vesileyle üzerinde
on the occasion
on this occasion
bu vesileyle
rare occasion
take occasion
whats the occasion?
ne vesileyle?
a great occasion
büyük fırsat
a great occasion
büyük şans
equal to the occasion
her ihtimale karşı hazır
it's not the occasion for
sırası değil
not to occasion
mahal vermemek
occasionally ara sıra
occasional chair takımdan ayrı sandalye
belirli bir fırsat dolayısıyle yapılan
on occasion
zaman zaman

Biz zaman zaman buluştuk. - We've met on occasion.

O, zaman zaman dedektif hikayeleri okur. - He reads detective stories on occasion.

on occasion
fırsat buldukça
on the occasion of
nedeniyle, ... dolayısıyla
opportunity (occasion)
opportunity (occasion)
rise to the occasion
gerektiğinde lazım geleni yaparak işin üstesinden gelmek
rise to the occasion
kendini ispatlamak
rise to the occasion
kendini göstermek
rise to the occasion
(deyim) ozel bir durum karsisinda kendini gostermek,gerktigi gibi ustesinden gelmek
sense of occasion
duruma göre davranma
should the occasion arise
should the occasion arise
icap ederse
special occasion
özel gün

Tom özel günlerde giyinmeyi seviyor. - Tom likes to dress up on special occasions.

Özel günlerde, bazı insanlar mücevher takar. - On special occasions, some people wear jewels.

special occasion
özel durum

Ben sadece özel durumlarda kravat takarım. - I only wear a tie on special occasions.

Özel durumlar dışında Tom asla içki içmez. - Tom never drinks except on special occasions.

when occasion serves
fırsat olunca
when occasion serves
fırsat düşünce
İngilizce - İngilizce
An occurrence or state of affairs which causes some event or reaction; a motive or reason

I had no occasion to feel offended, however.

A favorable opportunity; a convenient or timely chance

At this point, she seized the occasion to make her own observation.

A special event or function

Having people round for dinner was always quite an occasion at our house.

Need; requirement, necessity
Something which causes something else; a cause

it were too vile to say, and scarce to be beleeved, what we endured: but the occasion was our owne, for want of providence, industrie and government .

A particular happening; an instance or time when something occurred

I could think of two separate occasions when she had deliberately lied to me.

An occurrence or incident
To give occasion to; to cause; to produce; to induce; as, to occasion anxiety
an important event or celebration
the time of a particular event; "on the occasion of his 60th birthday
{v} to cause, produce, effect, influence
{n} a cause, need, opportunity, incident
A falling out, happening, or coming to pass; hence, that which falls out or happens; occurrence; incident
reason; "there was no occasion for complaint"
An occurrence or condition of affairs which brings with it some unlooked-for event; that which incidentally brings to pass an event, without being its efficient cause or sufficient reason; accidental or incidental cause
{i} opportunity; occurrence, event; incident; reason, cause, justification; need for something; necessity to do something
If something happens on occasion, it happens sometimes, but not very often. He translated not only from the French but also, on occasion, from the Polish. = occasionally
an opportunity to do something; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill"
reason; "there was no occasion for complaint" an opportunity to do something; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill" the time of a particular event; "on the occasion of his 60th birthday
An occasion is an important event, ceremony, or celebration. Taking her with me on official occasions has been a challenge It will be a unique family occasion
an event that occurs at a critical time; "at such junctures he always had an impulse to leave"; "it was needed only on special occasions"
If you say that someone rose to the occasion, you mean that they did what was necessary to successfully overcome a difficult situation. Inverness, however, rose to the occasion in the second half, producing some of the best football they have played for some time. to cause something
To occasion something means to cause it. He argued that the release of hostages should not occasion a change in policy. see also sense of occasion
If you have occasion to do something, it is necessary for you to do it. We have had occasion to deal with members of the group on a variety of charges
{f} make occasion for; cause, incite; bring to pass
An occasion is a time when something happens, or a case of it happening. I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago at Covent Garden Mr Davis has been asked on a number of occasions
A favorable opportunity; a convenient or timely chance; convenience
give occasion to
An occasion for doing something is an opportunity for doing it. It is an occasion for all the family to celebrate It is always an important occasion for setting out government policy
Need; exigency; requirement; necessity
A reason or excuse; a motive; a persuasion
Need; exigency; requirement; necessity; as, I have no occasion for firearms
the time of a particular event; "on the occasion of his 60th birthday"
A famous old hag, quite bald behind Sir Guyon seized her by the forelock and threw her to the ground Still she railed and reviled, till Sir Guyon gagged her with an iron lock; she then began to use her hands, but Sir Guyon bound them behind her (Spenser: Faëric Queene, book ii )
a vaguely specified social event; "the party was quite an affair"; "an occasion arranged to honor the president"; "a seemingly endless round of social functions"
limited to certain occasions, oft. used in the sense of "not very often"
From time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervals

Flames could still be seen from town flaring up occasionally on a hill dotted with emergency vehicles.

Simple past tense and past participle of occasion
rise to the occasion
To achieve erection for sexual intercourse

To his comic fury and shame, the traveller's 'master part' fails to rise to the occasion, and the girl's innocence is preserved.

Occasional means happening sometimes, but not regularly or often. I've had occasional mild headaches all my life Esther used to visit him for the occasional days and weekends. + occasionally oc·ca·sion·al·ly He still misbehaves occasionally. happening sometimes but not often or regularly
{a} casual, accidental, incidental
{a} upon occasion, now and then
mark the occasion
(deyim) Celebrate
To occasion
as occasion offers
according to circumstances
celebrate the occasion
have a party in honor of the event, have festivities to commemorate an event
find occasion
have the opportunity, get the chance, find the time
give occasion to
provide cause or grounds to; provide with a chance to; cause, give rise to
no occasion for
not the appropriate time
sometimes, now and then, every so often, from time to time
Produced by accident; as, the occasional origin of a thing
occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals; "episodic in his affections"; "occasional headaches"
Not happening often or regularly
employed in a specified capacity from time to time; "casual employment"; "a casual correspondence with a former teacher"; "an occasional worker"
Precipitation which while not frequent, is recurrent
occurring from time to time; "took an occasional glass of wine"
{s} occurring now and then, irregular, infrequent, incidental, on occasion
Of or pertaining to an occasion or to occasions; occuring at times, but not constant, regular, or systematic; made or happening as opportunity requires or admits; casual; incidental; as, occasional remarks, or efforts
Designed or constructed to be used as the occasion demands Multi-purpose
sometimes, but not regularly and not often
sometimes, now and then, every so often, from time to time
now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"; "they visit New York on occasion"; "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"; "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"
In an occasional manner; on occasion; at times, as convenience requires or opportunity offers; not regularly
past of occasion
present participle of occasion
plural of occasion
something you have to do; "he minded his own specialized occasions
something you have to do; "he minded his own specialized occasions"
{i} something a person has to do; personal necessities; person's needs
on occasion
when needed; sometimes, once in a while
on occasion
now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"; "they visit New York on occasion"; "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"; "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"
on one occasion
at one time, once
on that occasion
at that particular time
on the occasion of
in honor of, because of
on the same occasion
at the same time, during the same opportunity
on this solemn occasion
on this formal occasion, during this official event
rare occasion
uncommon occasion, rare event, infrequent occasion
rise to the occasion
excel, be appropriate for the position
sense of occasion
If there is a sense of occasion when a planned event takes place, people feel that something special and important is happening. There is a great sense of occasion and a terrific standard of musicianship
take this occasion
take advantage of an opportunity
when occasion arises
when the chance comes, when the time is right