
listen to the pronunciation of bid
İngilizce - Türkçe
teklif etmek
{f} teklif vermek

Bütün okul teklif vermek için elini kaldırdı gibi görünüyordu. - It seemed like the whole school raised their hand to bid.

{f} fiyat vermek
(Tıp) günde iki defa
(Askeri) fiyat artırma
(Ticaret) arz
fiyat teklif etmek
(Ticaret) ihale teklifi
bidding müzayedede fiyat artırma
(Ticaret) alış
{i} ihale

Sizin şirketin ihaleyi kazandığını duydun mu? - Did you hear that your company won the bid?

(Ticaret) satın alma fiyatı
(Ticaret) borsada para sürme
(Ticaret) vaat etmek
{i} parasal teklif
teklifte bulunmak
(Ticaret) göstermek
öne sürme
(Ticaret) ihaleye girmek
değer biçmek

Araştırmacıların çoğu, Tom'un teklifinin Mary'ye bir dizi yeni teklifler gelmesine neden olacağı kanısında. - Most analysts expected that Tom's offer would set off a new round of bidding for Mary.

ben tüm fiyat teklifleri gelene kadar karar vermeyi erteyelim. - I suggest that we hold off on making a decision until all bids are in.

bir iş karşılığında istenen vergin
{f} önermek
önerilerde bulunarak/teklifler yaparak destek almaya çalışmak
(Askeri) FİYAT TEKLİFİ, ARTTIRMA: Bir açık arttırmada bir malı, belirli bir fiyata satın alma teklifinde bulunma
davet etmek
{f} söylemek
(fiyat) teklif etmek
{f} teklif et

Ne kadar teklif ettin? - How much did you bid?

Eski soba için on dolar teklif ettim. - I bid ten dollars for the old stove.

deklarasyon yapmak
fiyat teklifi

yolsuzluk, inşaat-yapı projesi için fiyat teklifine davet etti - The corporation invited bids for the construction project.

{i} öneri
fiyat artırmak
{f} açık indirime gir
deklarasyon yapan kimse
{f} briç deklarasyon yapmak
{f} (bade/bid, --den/bid, --ding)
{f} emretmek, kumanda etmek
{f} (bid, --ding)
bir iş karşılığında istenen ücret
{i} para sürme
{i} davet

yolsuzluk, inşaat-yapı projesi için fiyat teklifine davet etti - The corporation invited bids for the construction project.

{f} açık artırmada fiyat artırmak
{i} teşebbüs
(İnşaat) anlaşma
{f} deklare etmek
{f} elde etmeye çalışmak
müzayedede fiyat arttırmak
pey sürmek
{i} teklif verme
{i} fiyat verme
bid against each other
ihalede kapışmak
bid bonds
(Ticaret) teminat tahvilleri
bid date
teklif verme tarihi
bid deadline
son teklif verme günü
bid documents
(Ticaret) ihale dokümanları
bid documents
ihale evrakı
bid documents
(İnşaat) ihale dosyası
bid evaluation committee
(Ticaret) ihale değerlendirme komitesi
bid evaluation report
(Ticaret) ihale değerlendirme raporu
bid fair to
(deyim) olacağa benzer
bid fair to
(deyim) olacak gibi
bid farewell to the army
orduya veda etmek
bid form
teklif formu
bid guarantee
teklif güvencesi
bid in a state tender
(Ticaret) devlet ihalesine girmek
bid rigging
(Ticaret) ihaleye fesat karşıtırma
bid rigging
(Ticaret) ihaleye fesat karıştırma
bid security
teklif güvencesi
bid security
(Ticaret) geçici teminat
bid somebody godspeed
yolcu etmek
bid somebody godspeed
bid someone farewell
birine veda etmek
bid submission deadline
(Ticaret) ihale kapanış tarihi
bid time
teklif verme zamanı
bid bond
geçici teminat mektubu
bid deadline
teklif verme son günü
bid document
bid farewell
veda etmek
bid farewell
veda et
bid up
açık artırmada fiyat artırmak
bid 1
teklif 1
bid 2
teklifi 2
bid commission
İhale komisyonu
bid offer
teklif sunmak
(Din) Bidat, bid'at. Hz. Peygamber ve Ashab-ı Kiram dönemlerinde görülmeyip onunla amel edilmeyen, hatta bir benzeri olmayan ve İslam`dan olmadığı halde sonradan ortaya çıkan ve ibadet kabul edilen görüş ve ameller, sünnete aykırı davranışlar
bid-ask spread
açık arttırmada alıcının verdiği fiyatla istenen bedel arasındaki fiyat farkı
bid a person adieu
(fiil)da etmek, vedalaşmak
bid a person adieu
veda etmek
bid a person adieu
bid bond
inşaat ta geçici teminat
bid bond
(Ticaret) geçici teminat mektupları
bid bond
(Mukavele) teklif teminatı
bid defiance to
(Fiili Deyim ) -e meydan okumak
bid farewell
bid farewell to
son yolculuğuna uğurlamak
bid farewell to
sonsuzluğa uğurlamak
bid farewell to
(Fiili Deyim ) -e veda etmek , ... ile helalleşmek
bid farewell to
edebi istirahatine uğurlamak
bid for power
iktidar olma çabası
bid goodbye to
(Fiili Deyim ) -e veda etmek , Allahaısmarladık demek , helalleşmek
bid s.o. farewell
birine veda etmek
bid smb. farewell
elveda demek
bid smb. farewell
veda etmek
bid smb. godspeed
yol açıklığı dilemek
bid smb. godspeed
bid smb. godspeed
yolcu etmek
bid smb. good night
iyi akşamlar demek
bid smb. welcome
samimi karşılamak
bid smb. welcome
hoşgeldiniz demek
bid up
fiyatı artırmak
bid up
teklif etmek
teklif edilen
(Ticaret) teklif edilen
(Ticaret) ihaleye katılan
(Ticaret) ihaleye giren
(Askeri) teklif veren firma
(Ticaret) müzayede
(Ticaret) artırma
(Askeri,İnşaat) ihale
highest bid
(Ticaret) en yüksek fiyat
joint bid
(Ticaret) müşterek teklif
submit a bid
pey sürmek
submit a bid
teklif sunmak
takeover bid
(Ticaret) alım teklifi
tender bid
(Ticaret) ihale
{f} teklif et
base bid
ana teklif
be awarded a bid
ihale kazanmak
teklif veren kimse
fiyat artıran
buyurulan şey
{f} öner
emredilen iş
{i} teklif

Araştırmacıların çoğu, Tom'un teklifinin Mary'ye bir dizi yeni teklifler gelmesine neden olacağı kanısında. - Most analysts expected that Tom's offer would set off a new round of bidding for Mary.

başka biri var mı teklif veren? - Is anyone else bidding?

first bid
ilk teklif
higher bid
daha yüksek teklif
highest bid
en fazla teklif
invitation to bid
satışa davet
made a bid
çaba harca
make a bid
çaba harca
a bid
Bir teklif
teklif et
Teklif sahibi (ihalelerde)
{i} açık indirim
{f} açık indirime gir
invite, ask, summon, bid
Teklif toplamak sormak davet
invite, bid
Teklif davet
make a bid
bir teklif yapmak
place bid
teklif vermek
Teklif öncesi

Pre-bid Agreement.

mühürlü teklifi
take over bid
teklif devralmak
tender bid.
ihale teklif
to bid farewell
veda etmek
alternate bid
alternatif teklif
f., bak. bid
davet et/söyle/dile
davet etmek
davet et/söyle/dile
{i} teklifçi
teklif sahip
(Mukavele) teklif veren

En yüksek teklif veren kim? - Who's the highest bidder?

Sözleşme en düşük teklif verene verildi. - The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder.

{f} açık indirime gir: prep.açık indir
teklif et/söyle/dile
closure of the bid
(Ticaret) teklif süresinin kapanması
higher bid
(Ticaret) müzayede fazla teklif
highest bid
en yüksek teklif
london interbank bid rate
(Ticaret) lıbıd
made a bid
çaba harcamak
make a bid for
elde etmeye çalışmak
make a bid for
kazanmaya çalışmak
mandatory bid
(Politika, Siyaset) zorunlu pay alım teklifi
multi price bid
(Ticaret) çoklu fiyat ihalesi
no bid
straw bid
geçersiz teklif
Türkçe - Türkçe
Yok olma, yok edilme
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Söğüt ağacı
İslâm dininde Hz. Muhammed zamanından sonra ortaya çıkan değişik yargılar ve ilkeler
Sonradan türeyen şey
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İlim, şecaat ve şerafette kâmil ve yegâne
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Yeni
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fık: Dinin aslında olmadığı hâlde, din namına sonradan çıkmış olan adetler. Meselâ: Giyim ve kıyafetlerde, cemiyet (toplum) hayatındaki ilişkilerde, terbiye ve ahlâk kurallarında, ibadet hayatında yani dinin hükmettiği her sahada, dine uygun olmayan şekiller, tarzlar, kurallar, âdet ve alışkanlıklardır ki, insanı sapıklığa götürür. Din âlimleri tarafından din namına beğenilen ve dinle ilgili yeni icad ve hükümlere bid'a-yı hasene; beğenilmeyip tasvib görmeyenlere de bi
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Bid'a) Sonradan çıkarılan âdetler
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Bid'a. C.) Bid'alar. (Bak: Bid'a
(Osmanlı Dönemi) aslında dinde olmayıp, ona sonradan dahil edilen âdetler
(Osmanlı Dönemi) dinde olmayanı, dine mal etmeye çalışmâk
Şarap, içki: "Fincanı taştan oyarlar / İçine bade koyarlar."- Halk türküsü
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. şarap, içki. Kadeh
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Abd. dan) Kul veya köle edinen
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kendine ibadet ettiren
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Zelil etmek, kepaze yapmak
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Zelil etmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hizmet etmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Katran bulaştırmak
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Mükerrem etmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (C.: Te'bidât) (Ebed. den) Ebedileştirme, sonsuzlaştırma
Şarap, içki
İngilizce - İngilizce
To issue a command; to tell

He bade me to come in.

An attempt, effort, pursuit

Doyle had passed up a dozen chances to go underground. He was swinging east again making another bid for Arcade.

To make an attempt

He was bidding for the chance to coach his team to victory once again.

To announce one's goal, before starting play
The announcement of a goal

He put in his bid for office.

To invite; to summon; to offer

She was bidden to the wedding.

To proclaim (a bede, prayer); to pray

All night she spent in bidding of her bedes, / And all the day in doing good and godly deedes.

To offer as a price

She bid £2000 for the Persian carpet.

To utter a greeting or salutation

e walked up to the village of Wall and bade good morning to the guards on the gate.

To make an offer to pay or accept a certain price

Have you ever bid in an auction?.

An offer at an auction

His bid was $35,000.

A (failed) attempt to receive or intercept a pass

Nice bid!.

{v} to offer a price, command, order, invite
The price a prospective buyer is prepared to pay at a particular time for trading a unit of a given security (See also "Best Bid" )
{f} congratulate; offer a price; plead; summon, call
ask someone in a friendly way to do something
invoke upon; "wish you a nice evening"; "bid farewell"
To pray
The highest price an investor will pay to buy a security, or the price an investor can sell shares of stock for
To offer in words; to declare, as a wish, a greeting, a threat, or defiance, etc
propose a payment; "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting"
This represents the highest price a prospective buyer is willing to pay for a security
ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
of Bid
To invite; to call in; to request to come
This is the quoted bid, or the highest price an investor is willing to pay to buy a security Practically speaking, this is the available price at which an investor can sell shares of stock
The price at which a buyer has offered to purchase the currency or instrument
The highest price a person is willing to pay for a security
(bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make a formal proposal to buy at a specified price ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
The highest price at which someone is willing to buy a security
The price which a dealer is willing to pay for (i e , buy) foreign exchange or a security
The price that the market participants are willing to pay See offer
A price, submitted in accordance with legal contract documents, that represents the amount for which the bidding organization will provide services
~ The price at which a buyer will purchase a security
To proclaim; to declare publicly; to make known
Specifically : To offer to pay ( a certain price, as for a thing put up at auction), or to take (a certain price, as for work to be done under a contract)
The price a mutual fund will pay to redeem shares or price a dealer is willing to buy a security
An offer, as a price, whether for payment or acceptance A quotation specifically given to a prospective purchaser upon his request, usually in competition with other vendors An offer, by a buyer, to a vendor, as at an auction
The price that someone is willing to pay for a security or an asset In the stock market, the bid portion of a stock quote is the highest price anyone is willing to pay for a security at that time BACK TO TOP
To make an offer of; to propose
The price at which a buyer will purchase a security
An offer for an OCS lease submitted by a potential lessee in the form of a cash bonus dollar amount or other commitments as specified in the final notice of sale
To invite; to summon
as, to bid one welcome; to bid good morning, farewell, etc
The price that a buyer is willing to pay to purchase a given currency and sell another at a particular time
To announce ones goal, before starting play
{i} tender; offer, proposal
> The offer to buy property at a specific price
The price at which a buyer is willing to purchase a security
A motion to buy a futures contract at a specified price, or the highest price a prospective buyer is prepared to pay for a security or commodity at a particular time
The highest price offered for the purchase of securities; the price a buyer is willing to pay see also: Asked
An offer of a price, especially at auctions; a statement of a sum which one will give for something to be received, or will take for something to be done or furnished; that which is offered
an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
To order; to direct; to enjoin; to command
a formal proposal to buy at a specified price
A competitive offer, which is binding on the bidder, in which price, delivery (or project completion), and conformance with specifications and the requirements of the Invitation to Bid or other competitive bidding method will be the predominant award criteria
make a serious effort to attain something; "His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population"
To make a bid; to state what one will pay or take
make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands; "He called his trump"
(bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
an attempt to get something; "they made a futile play for power"; "he made a bid to gain attention" (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make a formal proposal to buy at a specified price ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons" make a serious effort to attain something; "His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population" make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands; "He called his trump
The highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a security at this time
an attempt to get something; "they made a futile play for power"; "he made a bid to gain attention"
An expression indicating a desire to buy a commodity at a given price; the opposite of Offer
An offer to buy a specific quantity of a commodity at a stated price
make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands; "He called his trump
bid adieu
To say goodbye to

Ladies, gentlemen, I bid you adieu.

bid fair
To have a reasonable claim; to seem likely

San Francisco bid fair to being as zany as New York. — R. A. MacAvoy, Tea With the Black Dragon, 1983.

bid one's time
Common misspelling of bide one's time
bid price
A price offered by a buyer/bidder when he buys a good
bid prices
plural form of bid price
bid size
The number of shares a buyer is willing to purchase at the quoted bid price
innovation in Islamic religious beliefs or worship; heresy
bid farewell
say goodbye, depart from
bid bond
A surety bond often required of contractors bidding on construction work to ensure that the successful bidder will accept the job and will also provide a performance bond
bid security
(Ekonomi) The deposit of cash, certified check, cashier’s check, bank draft, money order, or bid bond submitted with a bid and serving to guarantee to the owner that the bidder, if awarded the contract, will execute such contract in accordance with the bidding requirements and the contract documents
(Din) In Islam, bid‘ah is any type of innovation. Though innovations in worldly matters are acceptable to an extent, innovation within the religion is seen as a sin in Islam as Muhammad stated as such: “Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e., Islam] that is not a part of it, will have it rejected.” In addition, the Qur'an (which Muslims believe is the word of God) states: " ..This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."
bid 1
The form bid is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle
bid 1
A bid is an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something that is being sold. Hanson made an agreed takeover bid of £351 million
bid 1
A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it. Sydney's successful bid for the 2000 Olympic Games The Government has already closed down two newspapers in a bid to silence its critics. = attempt
bid 1
If you bid for something that is being sold, you offer to pay a particular amount of money for it. She decided to bid for a Georgian dressing table The bank announced its intention to bid He certainly wasn't going to bid $18 billion for this company. + bidding bid·ding The bidding starts at £2 million
bid 1
If you bid for something or bid to do something, you try to obtain it or do it. Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports I don't think she is bidding to be Prime Minister again
bid 2
American English sometimes uses the form bid for the past tense. If you bid someone farewell, you say goodbye to them. If you bid them goodnight, you say goodnight to them. She bade farewell to her son I bade her goodnight. see also bidding = wish
bid bond
A bond given by a bidder for a supply or construction contract to guarantee that the bidder, if awarded the contract within the time stipulated, will enter into the contract and furnish the prescribed performance and/or payment bond Default ordinarily will result in liability to the obligee for the difference between the amount of the principal's bid and the bid of the next low bidder who can qualify for the contract The liability of the surety is limited to the big bond penalty
bid bond
When an exporter is bidding on a foreign contract, a bid bond guarantees that the exporter will take the contract if it is awarded If the exporter fails to take the contract, it will have to pay a penalty in the amount of the bond A bid bond is usually requested by a foreign organization to screen out weak contenders Your financial institution or the Export Development Corporation can assist in financing and issuing these bonds
bid bond
A bid bond assures the owner that, upon acceptance of the contractor's proposal, the contractor will proceed to enter into a contract and will furnish performance and payment bonds if required by the bid documents Failure to sat­isfy these requirements generally leads either to forfeiture of the bid bond (usually in the penal sum of 5% to 20% of the bid) or more commonly, pay­ment of the difference between the bidder's price and the second low bidder's price or the bond amount, whichever is less Bid bonds are often required on public projects where formal competitive bidding is required, but are less frequently used on private projects
bid bond
A bond covering a bid
bid bond
A bond filed with a bid for a construction or other project which guarantees that if the contractor has the low bid and is awarded the job, the required performance bond will be furnished
bid bond
A written form of security executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety for the purpose of guaranteeing that the bidder will sign the contract, if awarded the contract, for the stated bid amount The Surety is a third-party that makes a pledge to pay liquidated damages to the owner to the extent of the difference between the bonded contractor bid and the next highest bidder but not to exceed the face value of the bond; if the bonded contractor declines an award offered by the owner
bid bond
Bond submitted with a construction bid which guarantees the contractor's acceptance of the contract at the bid price
bid bond
Bond, guarantee, or standby letter of credit that accompanies a bid, issued for an amount that will be forfeited if the bidder wins the bid but then reneges
bid bond
A bid bond is given by a bidder for a construction contract to guarantee that the bidder, if awarded the contract within the time stipulated, will enter into the contract and furnish any performance and payment bonds that may be required
bid bond
Guarantees an owner, the "obligee," that the accepted contractor will actually undertake the work and that the contractor will furnish performance, payment, and, perhaps, maintenance bonds - or that the contractor will pay the owner the difference between the amount of the contractor's accepted bid and the bid of another contractor who has to be called in to complete the project
bid bond
Expression common in export financing A party, usually a bank, guarantees under a bid bond (on the instructions of the seller) to pay part of the bid price (about 5–10%) in case the seller, after acceptance of the bid by the buyer, is not willing or able to conclude the corresponding delivery or performance contract or provide the necessary performance guarantee
bid bond
A company or an individual bidding on a contract will sometimes be required to post a Bid Bond or Tender Bond In such cases, the company requesting bids will be protected if the company selected is not able or willing to enter into a contract
bid bond
A financial guarantee given in support of the obligation of a bidder to sign a contract if he is successful in his bid
bid bond
Guarantees a bidder will enter into a contract are recommended for award
bid bond
When bidding for a foreign contract, a bid bond guarantees the exporter will take the contract if awarded If the exporter fails to take the contract, it will pay as a penalty the amount of the bond A bid bond is usually requested by an organisation to screen out weak contenders Your bank can assist in the finance and issue of these bonds
bid bond
A bond requested by a project owner, used as bid security, to pre-qualify a potential bidder and determine their capability of obtaining a performance and payment bond
bid bond
A guarantee that the contractor will enter into a contract, if it is awarded to him, and furnish such contract bond (sometimes called "performance bond") as is required by terms thereof
bid bond
also called a guarantee of maintenance of bid, it is a guarantee of payment in favor of the Borrower if the bidder that is selected for award fails to sign the offered contract In other words, it is a guarantee that the offer will remain effective for the period stipulated in the contract documents (See performance guarantee )
bid bonds
A bid bond guarantees that the bidder (principal) will actually enter into the contract at the bid price stated and will provide the required performance and payment bonds to the owner (obligee) To Surety Products page To list of terms above
bid bonds
Provided to an owner of a project promising that the contractor bidding will enter into a contract and furnish the necessary contract bonds if the bid is accepted
bid bonds
Bonds which guarantee that a contractor will enter into a contract at the amount bid and post the appropriate performance bonds These bonds are used by owners to pre-qualify contractors submitting proposals on contracts These bonds provide financial assurance that the bid has been submitted in good faith and that the contractor will enter into a contract at the bid price
bid come
summon, call to come forth, send for
bid ill for the future
bad sign, bad omen
bid in
offer a higher price (in an auction)
bid list
A list of suppliers invited to submit bids for goods or services as specified
bid list
Schedule of bonds distributed by holder or broker to dealer in order to get a bid, or current price, on the bonds
bid offer
Shares, units in unit trusts and other investment vehicles are bought at one price and sold at another The higher price is called the 'offer price' since this is the price at which the unit trust company or other institution offers the security for sale The lower price is called the 'bid price' and is the price at which the investor can sell the security back to the institution in question
bid price
This is the price at which an investment can be sold
bid price
Price a purchaser is willing to pay for a certain item
bid price
The price at which the buyer will purchase a security
bid price
The highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a security
bid price
The price at which a mutual fund's shares are redeemed, or bought back, by the fund The price a buyer is willing to pay for a security
bid price
The price at which a buyer is prepared to buy
bid price
going price, asking price; current cost
bid price
The price at which a trader or market maker is willing to buy an instrument
bid price
The price that someone is willing to pay for a security or an asset In the stock market, the bid portion of a stock quote is the highest price anyone is willing to pay for a security at that time The difference between the ask price and bid price is known as the spread BACK TO TOP
bid price
the highest price an investor is willing to pay for a stock
bid price
Highest price at which a market maker or specialist is willing to buy a security If you place a market order to sell a security, you typically receive the bid price
bid price
The bid price of a particular stock or share is the price that investors are willing to pay for it. Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share
bid price
The highest price anyone has declared that he wants to pay for a security at a given time
bid price
The price buyers are willing to pay for a particular stock at a given time <top>
bid price
The price at which a dealer or market-maker buys a security
bid price
Highest price at which a buyer of the stock is willing to pay for the stock, from the seller The bid price is lower than the ask price
bid price
The price at which a buyer is willing to buy an option or stock
bid price
The price that a prospective buyer is willing to pay for an asset (opposite of ask)
bid price
Also known as the "sell" price, the bid price is the price at which a fund's shares are bought back by the fund The bid price of a fund share is usually its net asset value
bid price
(stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security
bid price
The price at which shares of a mutual fund are redeemed by the fund, usually the fund's net asset value per share This amount may be reduced by a contingent deferred sales charge Also called the redemption price
bid price
The price at which a buyer has offered to purchase a security or commodity
bid price
The highest price a prospective buyer or dealer is willing to pay
bid price
The highest price an investor is willing to pay to purchase a given security
bid price
The highest price any potential buyer is willing to pay for a particular option
bid price
The amount at which a buyer would purchase a security
bid price
The highest price a buyer is willing to pay for shares of a publicly traded security
bid price
The quoted bid at which a Market Maker is willing to buy a stock (See Market Maker, best bid)
bid time
Time between asking for a bid and when it is due to be received
bid time
The time set by the owner, architect or engineer for receiving bids
bid time
(see Bid Date/Time)
bid up
raise the ante, raise the bid (in a card game)
bid welcome
welcome hospitably, receive cordially
Past participle of bid
donkey bid
A fake bid at an auction, used by the auctioneer to raise the price and thus raise the commission
dummy bid
A bid made at an auction, by a dummy bidder acting in collusion with the auctioneer or vendor, designed to deceive genuine bidders into paying more
sealed bid
A cost estimate, or a proposal to buy something, the value of which is kept secret from competitors until all such bids have been made
takeover bid
An attempt to buy a controlling share in a business
vendor bid
A type of bid at an auction which is made by the auctioneer on behalf of the vendor. This is used as a tactic to keep the bids moving, or to persuade buyers to pay more, or merely to have a higher price to report if the property is passed in (it's not that the vendor wants to buy what he or she is in fact selling). Such a bid is in essence a fiction, but so long as it's clearly announced genuine bidders can know what's going on. When that's not so it approaches the deliberate deception of a dummy bid
An offer to purchase a property for a specific set of terms
{n} one who bids, one who offers a price
{n} a command, order, charge, publishing
no-bid contract
The term "no-bid contract" is a popular phrase for what is officially known as a "sole source contract" which means that there is only one person or company that can provide the contractual services needed, so any attempt to obtain bids would only result in that person or company bidding on it
{i} Chadic language of Nigeria
any-and-all bid
a takeover bid where the acquirer offers to buy any and all shares outstanding
simple past of bid
A form of the past tense of Bid
Bade is a past tense of bid. A past tense of bid. the past tense and past participle of bid
told; ordered; requested; directed
cremation tower
a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria
best bid
The price a prospective buyer is prepared to pay at a particular time for trading a unit of a given security Please note that the American Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange do not provide Bid information on a delayed basis (See also "Bid" )
best bid
In any particular market, the most someone is currently willing to pay for that wine
best bid
The highest price at which any buyer is currently willing to pay for the security (See bid)
best bid
The price a prospective buyer is prepared to pay at a particular time for trading a unit of a given security Please note that the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange do not provide Bid information on a delayed basis (See also "Bid" )
best bid
The highest price at which someone is willing to buy a security
best bid
The highest quoted bid of all competing Market Makers to buy a particular stock at any given time (See Market Maker, bid price)
best bid
Bidder has submitted a bid containing several variables or components (discounts, wage rates, material costs, etc ) that are not necessarily all low but in combination is the best bid
best bid
The highest quoted bid of all competing market makers to buy a particular stock at any given time The highest price someone is willing to pay for an asset
best bid
The highest quoted bid among all the market participants This is the price at which a market sell order (as long as enough shares are bid and the bid is current) should be executed Also called inside bid or high bid Also see Bid
best bid
The highest quoted bid of all competing Market Makers to buy a particular stock at any given time
Bidden is a past participle of bid
past participle of bide
of Bid
Either the dealer issuing a quotation on one of the electronic trading systems or a participant in an auction
Someone who bids, e.g. at an auction
the entity that submits a bid Other terms are tenderer, offeror, contractor, supplier, etc
One who bids or offers a price
(1) player who makes a bid
{i} one who proposes a price at a public auction
A user who engages in trading by responding to an Offer or Inquiry Business Type The type of business activities in which a company is engaged Inquiries Approvals A list of Inquiries created by a company's Associate Account Users at Level 1 that are waiting to be approved by the company's Associate Account Users at Level 2 or above Buying History A list of a user's completed (i e accepted, rejected or expired) negotiations to buy steel Buying Negotiations A list of a user's ongoing negotiations to buy steel
  Any person submitting a competitive bid in response to a solicitation
someone who makes an offer someone who makes a bid at cards
someone who makes an offer
A bidder is someone who offers to pay a certain amount of money for something that is being sold. If you sell something to the highest bidder, you sell it to the person who offers the most money for it. The sale will be made to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price being attained
Anyone who responds to a Request for Proposal (or Quotation), i e one who submits a Bid
A bidder for something is someone who is trying to obtain it or do it. bidders for two licences to develop cellular telephone systems in Greece
1 player who makes a bid; 2 someone who is usually aggressive during the auction
A supplier who offers a bid or a quotation, response to an RFQ/RFP
> An individual or entity offering to purchase property at auction
one who responds to a solicitation for a bid
A person or entity offering to supply goods or services to OUS or any of its institutions in response to an Invitation to Bid or other competitive bidding method
someone who makes a bid at cards
The corporation, partnership, or joint venture (including any and all subcontractors proposed thereby) that submits a timely, complete, and correctly formatted technical and business proposal in response to an ITB or RFP
anyone who bids in an auction
a request to be present; "they came at his bidding
The act or process of making bids; an offer; a proposal of a price, as at an auction
The offering of money as an exchange for an item or service put up for sale
Bidding is the way you and your partner agree to a contract Bidding is based on point count in your hand, and on the conventions you and your partner have agreed to play before the session Bidding can either be natural or artificial Many bridge conventions are based on artificial bids See the bidding section of this guide for more information on those conventions
If you do something at someone's bidding, you do it because they have asked you to do it. At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang the national anthem
Command; order; a proclamation or notifying
a request to be present; "they came at his bidding"
(bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
Getting prices from various contractors and/or subcontractors
In Euchre, bidding involves one round where each player may order up the dealer in priority of 1st hand through 4th hand The first player to order up becomes declarer, bidding is stopped for the hand and play begins If no player orders up, the upcard is turned face-down, a second round of bidding allows each player in the same priority to name a suit as trump The first player to name a suit becomes declarer and bidding is stopped for the hand During this second round of bidding, the suit of the upcard may not be named For the purposes of bidding, if the upcard is a Jack, it belongs to its real suit, and does not function as a bower That is to say, the Jack is not a bower until a trump suit has been determined
present participle of bid
disapproval If you say that someone does another person's bidding, you disapprove of the fact that they do exactly what the other person asks them to do, even when they do not want to. She is very clever at getting men to do her bidding! = obey see also bid
Progressive negotiation to take a certain number of tricks with a given trump suit You use your bid to communicate information that will assist your partner's bid, and vice versa
Auction; the phase of bridge in which the players bid for the right to name the final contract
Any form of obtaining a price through a competitive process is referred to as "bidding " However, there are a broad range of conditions including auction and tender bids
an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
An approach some protocols use to dynamically assign network addresses A machine randomly chooses an address, then broadcasts a bid to use that address to be sure that no one else has already chosen it The alternative is to have a server maintain an address directory, which requires more work to add a new node to the network
The process of soliciting or submitting bids
{i} presentation of a price; command, order
Bidding is the placing of a bid on an artwork or item offered at auction and is considered a binding contractual agreement to purchase If a buyer is not prepared to conclude a transaction, then no bid should be placed by that individual
any formal and competitive procurement procedure through which offers are requested, received, and evaluated for the procurement of goods, works, and services, and as a consequence of which an award is made to the bidder whose offer is the most advantageous, i e , the lowest evaluated bid Bidding may be competitive (public) or limited, and competitive bidding may be international or restricted to the local market
Türkçe - İngilizce

bid teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

(Din) In Islam, bid‘ah is any type of innovation. Though innovations in worldly matters are acceptable to an extent, innovation within the religion is seen as a sin in Islam as Muhammad stated as such: “Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e., Islam] that is not a part of it, will have it rejected.” In addition, the Qur'an (which Muslims believe is the word of God) states: " ..This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."
(Ticaret) bidders list