
listen to the pronunciation of blaze
İngilizce - Türkçe
{f} alev alev yanmak
{i} yangın

Yangında yirmi kişi can verdi. - Twenty people perished in the blaze.

İtfaiyeciler yangını hemen söndürdüler. - The firemen quickly extinguished the blaze.

{i} alev

Tom'un öfkesi aniden alevlendi. - Tom's anger blazed out suddenly.

Güneş vahşi bir renk aleviyle batıyor. - The sun goes down in a wild blaze of color.

öfkeyle parlamak
parlayarak yanmak
yanan şey
aniden öfkelenme
(haber) yaymak
büyük/tehlikeli yangın
{f} parla
öfkeden parlama
parlak ışık
saçmak ilân etmek
{i} atın alnındaki beyazlık
yolun kolayca bulunması için ağaçların gövdelerine kazılan işaret
büyük alev
{i} öfkelenme
{f} ağaçlara işaret koymak
{i} ışıltı
{f} ışımak
{i} yol bulmak için ağaçlara kazınan işaret
{i} atın alnındaki beyaz leke
{i} pırıltı
{i} köpürme
atın alnındaki beyaz işaret
ağaçların gövdesine iş
{i} öfkeli parlama
{f} yıldızı parlamak
{i} parlak ale
{i} alevler: the blaze of the fire yangının alevleri
{i} parlaklık
parlak alev
parlamak (alev)
blaze up
blaze a trail
(deyim) öncülük etmek
blaze away at
ateşe tutmak
blaze away at
hararetle yapmak
blaze away at
ateş etmek
blaze a trail
iz sürmek
blaze a trail
baş çekmek
blaze at
-e ateş etmek
blaze away
ateş etmeye devam etmek
blaze up
blaze a trail
bir yol açmak
blaze a trail
1. (yol olmayan bir yerde) yol yapmak. 2. çığır açmak
blaze a, the trail
iz sürmek
blaze a, the trail
baş çekmek
blaze of color
renk yangını
blaze orange
Yangın, turuncu
blaze a trail
çığır açmak
blaze a trail
ağaçların gövdelerinde çentikler açarak yeni bir yolun geçiş yerini işaretlemek
blaze abroad
ilan etmek
blaze away
ateşin tutuşması
blaze away
sürekli ateş etmek
blaze away at
-i hararetle yapmak
blaze away at
-i ateşe tutmak, -e ateş etmek
blaze out
yeniden alevlenmek
blaze out
blaze the trail
yol açmak
blaze the trail
(deyim) başı çekmek
blaze the trail
öncülük etmek
blaze up
yeniden alevlenmek
blaze up
birden parlamak
blaze up
blaze with anger
sinirinden kudurmak
{s} alevlenmiş
gün gibi ortada
{i} alevlenme
cayır cayır yanan
Alev alev, alevli, ateşli
cayır cayır yanan
hell's blaze
hell's yangını
in blaze
{s} yanan

Mucize eseri olarak, tüm yolcular üç dakikadan daha az süre içinde yanan uçaktan ayrılmayı başardı. - Miraculously, all the passengers managed to leave the blazing plane in less than three minutes.

Tom yanan uçaktan atladı. - Tom jumped out of the blazing plane.

açık/parlayarak yanan
{s} çarpıcı
{s} belirgin
{s} keskin
{s} bariz
İngilizce - İngilizce
A high-visability orange colour with a Hex value of FF6600 and RGB of 255,102,0, typically used in warning signs and hunters' clothing
To mark or cut (a route, especially through vegetation), or figuratively, to set a precedent for the taking-on of a challenge

Darwin blazed a path for the rest of us.

To shine like a flame
To make a thing shine like a flame
To smoke marijuana

He is blazing right now.

The lighter coloured (normally white) markings on a horse's face

The palomino had a white blaze on its face..

A fire, especially a fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light
To be on fire, especially producing a lot of flames and light

The campfire blazed merrily.

a vivid glowing flame
{n} a flame, the light of a flame, a report
{v} to flame, flare, burn, publish abroad, tell
To permanently mark trees, indicating those to be harvested or the course of a boundary, road, or trail
a light-colored marking; "they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes"; "the horse had a blaze between its eyes" a strong flame that burns brightly; "the blaze spread rapidly" indicate by marking trees with blazes; "blaze a trail" move rapidly and as if blazing; "The spaceship blazed out into space" burn brightly and intensely; "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze" shine brightly and intensively; "Meteors blazed across the atmosphere
When a fire blazes, it burns strongly and brightly. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers a blazing fire
To shine with flame; to glow with flame; as, the fire blazes
a light-colored marking; "they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes"; "the horse had a blaze between its eyes"
To make public far and wide; to make known; to render conspicuous
shoot rapidly and repeatedly; "He blazed away at the men"
noisy and unrestrained mischief; "raising blazes"
To blazon
to shine
with all guns blazing: see gun
White makring between the eyes and down the nose
great brightness; "a glare of sunlight"; "the flowers were a blaze of color"
move rapidly and as if blazing; "The spaceship blazed out into space"
indicate by marking trees with blazes; "blaze a trail"
make (a trail) and announce it publicly
a cause of difficulty and suffering; "war is hell"; "go to blazes"
burn brightly and intensely; "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze"
To be resplendent
a mark resembling a fire
To designate by blazing; to mark out, as by blazed trees; as, to blaze a line or path
To mark a tree, usually by painting and/or cutting the bark Boundaries of forest properties frequently are delineated by blazing trees along the boundary line
A white spot on the forehead of a horse
A spot made on trees by chipping off a piece of the bark, usually as a surveyor's mark
{f} flare up, ignite; glow, shine; be publicized
A bursting out, or active display of any quality; an outburst; a brilliant display
make a thing shine
Mark on a tree, rock, sign, etc indicating the trail route
A stream of gas or vapor emitting light and heat in the process of combustion; a bright flame
(20) - Does 10 damage to each Pokémon on your opponent's Bench (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon ) Pokémon with this attack: Blaine's Growlithe L15
To mark (a tree) by chipping off a piece of the bark
mark or cut (a route, especially through vegetation, or figuratively, as to set a precedent for the taking-on of a challenge)
A blaze of publicity or attention is a great amount of it. He was arrested in a blaze of publicity. the sporting career that began in a blaze of glory
If guns blaze, or blaze away, they fire continuously, making a lot of noise. Guns were blazing, flares going up and the sky was lit up all around She took the gun and blazed away with calm and deadly accuracy
To mark a tree, usually with paint or cutting into the bark Often used along boundaries
If something blazes with light or colour, it is extremely bright. The gardens blazed with colour. Blaze is also a noun. I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour
A blaze is a large fire which is difficult to control and which destroys a lot of things. Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night
Intense, direct light accompanied with heat; as, to seek shelter from the blaze of the sun
{i} flame; glowing light; ignition, flaring up
a strong flame that burns brightly; "the blaze spread rapidly"
To send forth or reflect glowing or brilliant light; to show a blaze
shine brightly and intensively; "Meteors blazed across the atmosphere"
(n) a trail marker; the AT is marked with 2 x 6" white paint blazes on trees, posts, or rocks; side trails are usually marked with blue
If someone blazes a trail, they discover or develop something new. These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims. = lead the way. To make known publicly; proclaim: Headlines blazed the news
shine brightly and intensively; "Meteors blazed across the atmosphere
This term describes a broad white stripe down the face of a horse
blaze a trail
To show the way or proceed rapidly
blaze a trail
To set precedent or do something novel; to break new ground

We don't want to blaze a trail when we can imitate something that has already been done.

blaze orange
A bright shade of orange
blaze oranges
plural form of blaze orange
blaze up
To burn more brightly
blaze a trail
{f} lead the way
blaze away
Jones blazed away in one passage after another to loud applause
blaze away
shoot rapidly and repeatedly; "He blazed away at the men"
blaze away
perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly; "Mr Jones blazed away in one passage after another to loud applause"
blaze away
perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly; "Mr
blaze away
speak with fire and passion; "He blazed away at his opponents in the Senate"
blaze away
speak with fire and passion; "He blazed away at his opponents in the Senate" shoot rapidly and repeatedly; "He blazed away at the men" perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly; "Mr
blaze of color
state of being colorful, mixture of many colors
blaze orange
A very bright orange, often used to set something apart from its surroundings. Also called safety orange
blaze up
ignite, burst into flames; break out, break through
Past tense of blaze
: Under the influence of marijuana, usually at a relatively high dose

Go to Phoenix and you'll learn how to get super blazed.

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blaze
hellishly, extremely

It gets blazes hot here in the summer.

plural form of blaze

Where the blazes were you?.

Present participle of blaze
Very fast
Of tremendous intensity or fervor; white-hot

It was a performance of blazing ferocity.

Very slow

Garden snails move at a blazing speed of about .03 miles per hour.

Sexually attractive

The actress, with her perfectly-curved body, was simply blazing in her new movie!.

Exceedingly angry

I've became so blazing that I can't control myself properly.

In a way or to an extent that is blazing
Burning with a blaze
Under the influence of marijuana, usually at a relativly high dose
plural of blaze
cutting a path through vegetation
Burning with a blaze; as, a blazing fire; blazing torches
cutting a path through a problem
lighted up by or as by fire or flame; "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"; "even the car's tires were aflame"; "a night aflare with fireworks"; "candles alight on the tables"; "blazing logs in the fireplace"; "a burning cigarette"; "a flaming crackling fire"; "houses on fire"
without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious; "open disregard of the law"; "open family strife"; "open hostility"; "a blatant appeal to vanity"; "a blazing indiscretion"
Blazing sun or blazing hot weather is very hot. Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun
{s} burning, flaming; prominent; rude, vulgar
shining intensely; "the blazing sun"; "blinding headlights"; "dazzling snow"; "fulgent patterns of sunlight"; "the glaring sun"
moving quickly
a strong flame that burns brightly; "the blaze spread rapidly"
shining intensely; "the blazing sun"; "blinding headlights"; "dazzling snow"; "fulgent patterns of sunlight"; "the glaring sun
Physically and/or sexually attractive
in a fiery manner; fiercely, furiously, intensely
sudden blaze
sudden fire, sudden ignition of flames