
listen to the pronunciation of polish
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} parlatmak

Tom ayakkabılarını cilalamak istedi. - Tom wanted to polish his shoes.


Ayakkabılarım cilalanmalı. - My shoes need polishing.

Ona ayakkabılarımı cilalattım. - I got him to polish my shoes.

{i} polonya dili

Polonya dili benim ana dilimdir. - Polish is my native language.

Polonya'ya Polonya dilinde Polska denilir. - Poland is called Polska in Polish.

{i} lehçe

Derdimi anlatabilecek kadar Lehçe konuşurum. - I speak a little Polish, just enough to make myself understood.

Timuçin, Lehçe öğreniyor. - Timuçin learns Polish.

{i} polonyalı

Aslında Marie Curie Fransız değil, Polonyalıdır. - In fact, Marie Curie is Polish, not French.

Hem Polonyalı hem de Norveçliyim, bu yüzden seçemem. - I'm both Polish and Norwegian, so I can't choose.

daha iyi duruma sokmak
{i} parlatma

Bir kirpiyi parlatmanın yolu yok. - There's no way to polish a hedgehog.

Tom ayakkabılarını parlatmamı istedi. - Tom asked me to polish his shoes.

{s} Polonya, Polonya'ya özgü; Leh
cila vurmak
kundura boyası
cilalı yüzey
ayakkabı boyası

Gümüş eşyaları cilalı tutmazsan parlaklığını kaybederler. - If you don't keep the silverware polished, it'll lose its luster.

{f} parlat

Susan babasının ayakkabılarını parlattı. - Susan polished her father's shoes.

Zemini ve mobilyayı parlattım. - I polished up the floor and furniture.

{i} nezaket
{i} cilalama

Tom ayakkabılarını cilalamak istedi. - Tom wanted to polish his shoes.

Dışarı çıkmadan önce ayakkabılarını cilalamayı unutma. - Don't forget to polish your shoes before you go out!

{i} boya (ayakkabı)
(sıfat) Polonya
{s} Polonya

Felicja'nın annesi, Rumen asıllı bir Polonyalıdır. - Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin.

Rusya, Polonya, Çek ve Bulgaristan'ın ortak Slav kökleri var. - Such languages as Russian, Polish, Czech and Bulgarian have common Slavic roots.

{f} cilalanmak
{f} boyamak (ayakkabı)
polish off işini bitirmek
bir rakibi yenip9başından
{f} terbiye etmek
cila vermek
{f} (ayakkabı) boyamak
{f} perdahlamak
{f} düzeltmek
{s} cilalı

Gümüş eşyaları cilalı tutmazsan parlaklığını kaybederler. - If you don't keep the silverware polished, it'll lose its luster.


Ayakkabılarım cilalanmalı. - My shoes need polishing.

Ayakkabılarını cilaladıktan sonra, Tom dişlerini fırçaladı ve saçını taradı. - After polishing his shoes, Tom brushed his teeth and combed his hair.

polish language
leh dili
polish notation
(Bilgisayar) öntakı simgelemi
polish off
(Dilbilim) sonuçlandırmak
polish off
polish off
bir çırpıda temizlemek
polish off
(deyim) galip gelmek
polish notation
polonyalı gösterimi
polish off
polish off
polish off
işini bitir
polish off
alt etmek
polish up
iyice parlat
polish up
iyice parlatmak
polish off
silip süpürmek
polish the apple
elma lehçe
polish americans
polonya asıllı amerikalılar
polish fiction
polonya romanı
polish grind
parlatma silmesi
polish grind
son perdah
polish layer
cila katmanı
polish layer
cila tabakası
polish layer
parlatıcı katmanı
polish literature
polonya edebiyatı
polish nail
tırnak ojelemek
polish nail
tırnağını ojelemek
polish off
üstesinden gelmek
polish off
(yemeği) silip süpürmek, bir çırpıda temizlemek
polish off
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- temize havale etmek , çabucak bitirmek 2- (yemeği) silip süpürmek
polish off
(deyim) polish sth. off [kd] silip supurmek,cabucak bitirmek
polish off
polish off
(işi) çabucak bitirmek
polish one's fingernail
tırnağını boyamak
polish one's fingernails
tırnaklarını boyamak
polish people's republic
polonya halk cumhuriyeti
polish poetry
polonya şiiri
polish up
(deyim) polish sth. up daha iyi duruma getirmek,duzeltmek
polish up
pırıl pırıl yapmak
polish up
polish up
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- iyice parlatmak 2- ilerletmek
polish up
çalışarak ilerletmek
polish up
iyice cilalamak
polish wheat
(Tarım) polonya buğdayı
polish zloty
polonya zlotisi
nail polish
tırnak cilası

Ben Tom'un ayakkabılarını onun için cilaladım. - I polished Tom's shoes for him.

Ben sizin için ayakkabılarınızı cilaladım. - I polished your shoes for you.

shoe polish
ayakkabı boyası
nail polish
tırnak boyası
nail polish remover
oje çıkarıcı
polish off
(Dilbilim) tamamlamak
polish off
(deyim) gebertmek
(Mekanik,Tekstil) polisaj
remove nail polish
oje silmek
floor polish
döşeme cilası
nail polish

Kız kardeşim ojemi çaldı. - My sister stole my nail polish.

En sevdiğin tırnak ojesi rengi nedir? - What's your favorite nail polish color?


Japonlar ne zaman parlatılmış pirinç yemeye başladılar? - When did the Japanese start eating polished rice?

{f} parlat

Yardımcısı ayakkabılarını parlattı. - His assistant polished his shoes.

Bu yüzükteki elmas parlatılır. - The diamond in this ring is polished.

cila makinesi
parlatma aygıtı
reverse polish notation
ters polonyalı gösterimi
spit and polish
Yağcılık etmek, dalkavukluk etmek
furbish, polish, refine
Rafine cila parlatmak
nail polish remover
Oje veya tırnak cilası temizleyici, aseton
silver laced polish chicken
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Başında kabarık uzun tüyleri bulunan evcil bir tavuk türü
smooth, polish
Lehçe pürüzsüz
tin of shoe polish
ayakkabı cilası kalay
apply nail polish
oje sürmek
apply polish
bone polish
kemik cilası
brilliant polish
parlak cila
finishing polish
(İnşaat) son kat cila
french polish
gomalak cilası
french polish
ispirtolu cila
give a polish
give a polish
nail polish

Tırnak parlatıcı, Budizm kadar ilgi çekicidir. - Nail polish is as interesting as Buddhism.

{s} yontulmuş
{s} parlak

Gümüş eşyaları cilalı tutmazsan parlaklığını kaybederler. - If you don't keep the silverware polished, it'll lose its luster.

{s} kibar
{s} gösterişli
{s} boyanmış
{i} cila
{i} perdahçı
{i} perdah makinesi
{i} vernik
{i} cilacı
(Nükleer Bilimler) parlatma
wood polish
ahşap cilası
wood polish
ahşap cila
Englisch - Englisch
Of, from or native to Poland, or relating to the Polish language
The language spoken in Poland
To shine; to make a surface very smooth or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding

He polished up the chrome until it gleamed.

Refinement; cleanliness in performance or presentation

The lecturer showed a lot of polish at his last talk.

A substance used to polish

A good silver polish will remove tarnish easily.

Cleanliness; smoothness, shininess

The floor was waxed to a high polish.

To refine; remove imperfections from

The band has polished its performance since the last concert.

{v} to make smooth and glossy, to refine
{n} an artificial gloss, elegance, turn
{a} pertaining to Poland in Europe
Polish is the language spoken in Poland
Of, from or native to Poland, or relating to Polish (the language)
approval If you say that someone has polish, you mean that they show confidence and know how to behave socially
Polish means belonging or relating to Poland, or to its people, language, or culture
{i} Indo-European language spoken by residents of Poland
{s} from Poland (country in eastern Europe); of Poland
If you polish something, you put polish on it or rub it with a cloth to make it shine. Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes Polish is also a noun. He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster. + polished pol·ished a highly polished floor
approval If you say that a performance or piece of work has polish, you mean that it is of a very high standard. The opera lacks the polish of his later work
Polish is a substance that you put on the surface of an object in order to clean it, protect it, and make it shine. The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish. soap powders, detergents, and polishes
If you polish your technique, performance, or skill at doing something, you work on improving it. They just need to polish their technique. Polish up means the same as polish. Polish up your writing skills on a one-week professional course. see also polished, French polish, nail polish. relating to Poland, its people, or its language. Polish Corridor Polish language Polish Succession War of the
Of or pertaining to Poland or its inhabitants
A gentle process using large sea sponges to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, and soften the body
To become smooth, as from friction; to receive a gloss; to take a smooth and glossy surface; as, steel polishes well
To make smooth and glossy, usually by friction; to burnish; to overspread with luster; as, to polish glass, marble, metals, etc
A gentle process using large sea sponges to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate and soften the body
the property of being smooth and shiny
of or relating to Poland or its people or culture; "Polish sausage"
a grade given to the external finish of a stone The polish scale ranges from poor to excellent
A process to make the tooth or filling or other denture smooth and glossy
the property of being smooth and shiny the Slavic language of Poland a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad a preparation used in polishing bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"
(of surfaces) make shine; "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes"
{i} substance used to shine; scouring, shining
Refinement; elegance of manners
Anything used to produce a gloss
the Slavic language of Poland
a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad
The increase of reflectivity in comparison to other tool portions
of or relating to Poland or its people or culture; "Polish sausage
X: Popielica (Glis ) - Orzesznica (Muscardinus) - Koszatka (Dryomys) - Zolednica (Eliomys) - Popielica myszata (Myomimus)
when a writer rewrites certain aspects of the script Major changes are generally not made at all This usually involves changing some dialogue, refining a character arc or action, etc
A temporary coating that enhances the appearance and protects the substrate to which it is applied
Hence, to refine; to wear off the rudeness, coarseness, or rusticity of; to make elegant and polite; as, to polish life or manners
{f} shine, make glossy; brush, buff; refine, improve manners or style, polish up; take off outer layers of rice by spinning the grain in a drum
bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"
The language of the Poles
improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing"
a preparation used in polishing
A smooth, glossy surface, usually produced by friction; a gloss or luster
Polish notation
A notation for arithmetic (and logical) formulae in which operations (respectively, quantifiers and operands) are written immediately before their operands, used to avoid the need for parentheses; for example, 3 * (4 + 7) is written as * 3 + 4 7 and A AND B is written as AND A B
Polish parliament
The Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Polish parliament
A deliberative body institutionally unable to reach a decision
Polish space
a separable, completely metrizable topological space

\mathbb{R}^n is a Polish space.

polish off
To finish completely, especially a food (polish the plate with one's tongue) or liquor

They polished off the last of the cake.

polish off
To remove by polishing (rubbing with a fine abrasive)

White rice is rice that has had the brownish hull polished off leaving just the white inner part of the grain.

polish up
to polish to make something shiny
Polish Corridor
A strip of land between the German territories of Pomerania and East Prussia awarded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles (1919) to afford access to the Baltic Sea. Friction over control of the area was an immediate cause of the German invasion of Poland (September 1, 1939) that marked the beginning of World War II. Strip of land that gave Poland access to the Baltic Sea. Transferred to the newly constituted state of Poland as part of the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the corridor, 20 to 70 mi (30 to 110 km) wide, separated eastern Prussia from the main part of Germany. The Germans resented the transfer, though the region had been historically Polish before the partitions of Poland and was inhabited by a Polish majority. When Poland refused to accede to Adolf Hitler's demands for extraterritorial highways across the corridor and cession of the free port city of Danzig (Gdask), Germany seized the pretext to invade Poland (1939), beginning World War II
Polish citizen
{i} citizen of Poland (country in central Europe)
Polish language
5 million in the former Soviet Union. The earliest continuous text in Polish dates from the 14th century. The standard language, formulated in the 16th century, combines features of western and southeastern dialects. Polish is written in the Latin alphabet and utilizes both digraphs (combinations of letters) and diacritics to distinguish its fairly elaborate repertory of consonants. Stress is fixed on the next-to-last syllable
Polish language
West Slavic language of Poland, spoken by more than 41 million people, including 2-3 million in North America and perhaps
polish monetary unit
monetary unit in Poland
polish notation
a parenthesis-free notation for forming mathematical expressions in which each operator precedes its operands
polish off
finish, complete; kill, execute
polish off
If you polish off food or drink, you eat or drink all of it, or finish it. No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant He polished off his scotch and slammed the glass down
polish up
see polish 5
polish up
polish: bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"
polish up
improve the appearance of
French polish
A type of varnish, consisting of shellac dissolved in methylated spirits, used to polish wood
To attempt to obtain favors, especially by flattery; to toady or fawn
glacial polish
The appearance of rock, after having been worn smooth by a passing glacier

However, in Canada and Northern Europe—where they are known collectively as shields—the basement formations stretch out in the lowlands, smoothed by glacial polish.

nail polish
a cosmetic lacquer applied to the fingernails or toenails
nail polish remover
A solvent used to remove nail polish
refined, elegant

a polished performance.

Simple past tense and past participle of polish
A tool that makes something smooth or shiny
A person who makes something smooth or shiny
That makes shiny or smooth
That refines
The action of the verb to polish
reverse Polish notation
an arithmetic notation in which numbers precede the operators to be applied to them

Back in my day, we had reverse Polish notation calculators: You had to write 2 4 3 * + instead of 2 + 4 * 3.

shoe polish
A product used to make shoes shine
Attributive form of shoe polish, noun

The oatmeal had a shoe-polish consistency.

paying much attention to outward appearance
you can't polish a turd
Something inherently bad cannot be improved
{n} one who gives a gloss or refines
{n} the act of giving a polish
Seek favor by toadying
silver laced polish chicken
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) The Polish is a European breed of chicken known for its crest of feathers. The English language name of these birds is a misnomer, as they do not originate in the country of Poland. Instead, the oldest accounts of crested chickens comes from the Netherlands. In addition to combs, their heads are adorned with large crests due to a cone (called a protuberance) on the top of their skull. The crests cover almost their entire heads
French polish
French polish is a type of varnish which is painted onto wood so that the wood has a hard shiny surface. a clear liquid put on wooden furniture to protect it and make it shine
War of the Polish Succession
(1733-38) European conflict waged ostensibly to determine the successor to Augustus II. Austria and Russia supported his son Augustus III, while most Poles, France, and Spain supported Stanisaw I, a former Polish king (1704-09) and father-in-law of France's Louis XV. Stanisaw was elected king in 1733, but a Russian threat forced him to flee, and Augustus was elected in his place. France, with Sardinia and Spain, declared war on Austria (1733), seeking to reclaim territory in Italy held by Austria. An inconclusive campaign ended in the preliminary Peace of Vienna (1735), which redistributed the disputed Italian territory and recognized Augustus as king. A final treaty was signed in 1738
{f} (Slang) toady; curry favor, win favor by complimenting somebody, gain favor by using flattery
french polish
a varnish for wood consisting of shellac dissolved in alcohol the glaze produced by repeated applications of French polish shellac
nail polish
a cosmetic lacquer that dries quickly and that is applied to the nails to color them or make them shiny
nail polish
cosmetic item composed of colored lacquer that is applied to the fingernails or toenails
nail polish
Nail polish is a thick liquid that women paint on their nails. = nail varnish. A clear or colored cosmetic lacquer applied to the fingernails or toenails
perfected or made shiny and smooth; "his polished prose"; "in a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes"; "freshly polished silver"
A unique process of sanding or polishing a round wound string into a semi-flattened surface We utilize three grits of sandpaper to produce the sheen you see in our Flat Tops line At D’Addario, we wind, wrap, sand, and polish the strings on the same machine
(of lumber or stone) to trim and smooth
(of grains especially rice) having the husk or outer layers removed; "polished rice"
To make a surface smooth and glossy Close
approval If you describe a performance, ability, or skill as polished, you mean that it is of a very high standard. It was simply a very polished performance. see also polish
{s} shiny, glossy; improved, refined; brushed, buffed
Made smooth and glossy, as by friction; hence, highly finished; refined; polite; as, polished plate; polished manners; polished verse
approval Someone who is polished shows confidence and knows how to behave socially. He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator
Brilliant metal surface obtained on the watch-case with fine abrasive
Made smooth or shiny by polishing
past of polish
Refers to a process for improving an otherwise damaged glass marble to make it more presentable Polishing can remove scratches, small chips, a rough surface, general dullness and make the colors bright again If a lot of work is necessary polishing can obliterate a pontil on a hand-made marble When a machine-made marble is polished it will remove the top surface and any design feature thinly veneered Polishing a marble will reduce the marbles original size If the marble needs only a limited amount of polishing and does not obli
showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner"; "maintained an urbane tone in his letters
perfected or made shiny and smooth; "his polished prose"; "in a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes"; "freshly polished silver" showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner"; "maintained an urbane tone in his letters
A clay or marble tile that has a shine due to a friction type of sanding
a machine used to polish something
{i} one who cuts and finished diamonds; one who makes shiny; substance used to polish
A person who refines something
A machine that makes something smooth or shiny
a power tool used to buff surfaces
One who, or that which, polishes; also, that which is used in polishing
plural of polish
(As it pertains to sanitary stainless steel piping): The process of resolving the roughness of the outside and/or the inside wall of stainless steel pipe by one of two methods
from Polish
Abrasive process in which the surface created takes on a bright reflective finish, scratch-free to the unaided eye
Smoothing a metal surface, usually by rubbing with fine abrasives A mechanical finishing operation for the purpose of producing a gloss or luster on the surface of a product
Smoothing the surface of an object when it is cold by holding it against a rotating wheel fed with a fine abrasive Glass can also be polished with hand-held tools
present participle of polish
cleaning dishes to remove food before washing to help keep the dish water clean
{i} buffing, shining, brushing; improving, refining
The application of a temporary coating that protects the floor from wear, abrasion, soiling and discoloration, while smoothing the surface and significantly improving gloss Polishes are easily removed and replaced or refurbished
In contrast to grinding with its cutting effect, in polishing there theoretically is no material removal at all, but unevenness, grooves and scratches are leveled and widely covered The polishing process can be imagined that way, that the metal surface becomes slightly plastic due to the pressure of the polishing equipment and the substantial heat resulting from that This crystalline film similar to a viscous substance slides into the scratches, grooves and small uneven areas of the metal surface during the polishing process Due to the effect of the surface forces, a displacement of the metal surface in the finest layer in the mechanical polishing process takes place for that long, until an extensive planarization is achieved
The action of rubbing a painted finish to a very high gloss (or shiny) finish This is a term that can replace buffing or compounding but it should be used as the FINAL step and compounding is actually the first step after color sanding and after compounding we polish
A method to smooth the surface of the crystal, by machine or hand The higher the polish, the greater the brilliance of the crystal
Smoothing the surface of an object when it is cold by holding it against a rotating wheel fed with a fine abrasive
Excessive smoothing of the surface finish of the cylinder bore or cylinder liner in an engine to a mirror-like appearance, resulting in depreciation of ring sealing and oil consumption performance
operation carried out on high gloss top coats (mainly PU) or wax PE in order to get rid of dust particles incorporated in the film and to build up the gloss It consists of 2 main stages: - fine sanding of the coating, using several paper of increasing fineness of grit such as 600 - 800 - 1000, - polishing of the surface by means of fine abrasive waxes, applied and rubbed by special brush rollers
Smoothing and brightening surfaces such as metal or rocks through the use of abrasive materials and/or chemi-mechanical action Colloidal silicas are used for polishing semiconductor silicon wafers Also used, particularly with water, to mean a final purifying step
the work of making something shine by polishing it; "the shining of shoes provided a meager living"
The smoothing of a metal surface by means of the action of abrasive particles attached by adhesive to the surface of wheels or endless belts usually driven at a high speed
A term used to describe scrap materials generated by manufacturers which is returned to bullion dealers and refiners for payment It consists of dust, used polishing mops and rags and the contents of extraction units all of which will contain deposits of precious metal from the polishing process
Act of smoothing ends of fibers to an "optically smooth" finish, generally using abrasives Optically smooth surfaces allow maximum transmission of light between fibers at connections and minimize coupling loss
Producing a specularly reflecting surface
shoe polish
a substance used to produce a shiny protective surface on footwear
shoe polish
soft material that is used to shine and polish shoes
spit and polish
careful attention to order and appearance (as in the military)
spit and polish
well-groomed, tidy, neat, strict about maintaining a good appearance