
listen to the pronunciation of happy
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} sevinçli

O bir kral kadar sevinçli. - He's as happy as a king.

Tom'un sevinçli olduğunu biliyorum. - I know that Tom is happy.


Seni gördüğüme mutluyum. - I'm happy to see you.

O zengin olmasına rağmen mutlu değil. - Though he is rich, he is not happy.

delisi happygolucky kaygısız
bir şeye aldırmaz
{s} çakırkeyif
{s} kutlu

Sevgililer Günün kutlu olsun! - Happy Valentine's Day.

Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Louise! - Happy New Year, Louise!

mest olmak
şad olmak
yüzü gülmek
{s} iyi

İyi ki doğdun, Muiriel! - Happy birthday, Muiriel!

Mutlu olmaya karar verdim çünkü sağlığım için iyi. - I decided to be happy because it's good for my health.

başı havada
{s} delisi: girl-happy kız delisi
{s} memnun

İşimden memnun değilim. - I am not happy with my job.

Sonuçtan memnun musunuz? - Are you happy with the result?

{s} mesut

Bu mesut olmadığım manasına gelmez. - That doesn't mean I'm not happy.

{s} sevindirici
mutlu olmak

Mutlu olmak her şeyin mükemmel olduğu anlamına gelmez fakat aksine eksikliklerin ötesine bakmaya karar vermenizdir. - Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, but rather that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

O, mutlu olmaktan uzaktır. - He is far from being happy.

içine sinmek

Tom mutlu ve heyecanlı görünüyor. - Tom seems to be happy and excited.

Çok mutlu ve çok heyecanlıyız. - We're very happy and very excited.

{s} mutlu, mesut; şen, neşeli

Ben tüy kadar hafifim, bir melek kadar mutluyum, bir okul çocuğu kadar neşeliyim. Sarhoş bir adam kadar sersemim. Mutlu bir Noel herkese! Tüm dünyaya mutlu bir yılbaşı. - I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merry Christmas to everybody! A happy New Year to all the world.

happy new year
mutlu yıllar

Hepinize Mutlu Yıllar dilerim. - I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Bütün arkadaşlarıma ve sevgilime Mutlu Yıllar diliyorum. - Wish all my friends and loved one Happy New Year.

{i} mutluluk

Kaza onları mutluluklarından mahrum etti. - The accident deprived them of their happiness.

Çoğumuz ebeveynlerimiz ve büyük ebeveynlerimizden önemli ölçüde daha varlıklı olmamıza karşın, onu yansıtan mutluluk seviyeleri değişmemiştir. - While most of us are significantly better off financially than our parents and grandparents, happiness levels haven't changed to reflect that.

make happy
happy holidays
iyi tatiller
happy shooting
Kutlamalarda havaya ateş açılması
happy trail
(Atasözü) Genellikle göbek deliğinden başlayarak kasık bölgesine uzanan kıllı bölge

Let me run my fingers down your happy trail so I can come to the treasure at the end.

happy holidays
iyi bayramlar
happy new year
yeni yılınız kutlu olsun

Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun, Louise! - Happy New Year, Louise!

happy about
'den memnun olmak
happy birthday to you
doğum günün kutlu olsun
happy new year
iyi yıllar
happy pills
happy go lucky
happy hour
mutlu saat

Mutlu saat boyunca bütün içkiler yarı fiyatına. - During happy hour, all drinks are half price.

Mutlu saati kaçırmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to miss happy hour.

happy to
mutlu ol
Happy V'day
sevgililer gününüz kutlu olsun
Happy is he who says I'm a Turk
Ne mutlu Türküm diyene!
happy anniversary
mutlu yıllar
happy as larry
(deyim) Çok mutlu

I am happy as larry.

happy birthday
doğum günün kutlu olsun

Doğum günün kutlu olsun, sevgili arkadaşım. - Happy birthday, my beloved friend.

Doğum günün kutlu olsun, Bayan Aiba! - Happy birthday, Miss Aiba!

happy camper
mutlu kamp
happy days
mutlu gün
happy event
mutlu olay
happy event
(deyim) Bir çocuğun doğumu, dünyaya gelişi
happy few
happy friendly agreement
mutlu dostu anlaşma
happy holidays
bayramınız kutlu olsun
happy hour
Bar ve benzeri yerlerde içeceklerin indirimli verildiği indirim saati
happy is the one who says I am a turk
(Atasözü) Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene!
happy marriage
mutlu evlilik
happy mother's day
mutlu anne gün
happy to comply
uymayı mutlu
happy to learn
öğrenmek için mutlu
happy v day
sevgililer günün kutlu olsun
happy, cheerful
Neşeli mutlu
Mağaza, restoran, bar ve şair yerlerde günün değişik saatlerinde yapılan indirim saati
happy about
(Fiili Deyim ) -den memnun olmak
happy accident
güzel tesadüf
happy bairam!
bayramınız kutlu olsun!
happy dispatch
happy easter
iyi paskalyalar
happy ending
mutlu son

Birçok Hollywood filmi mutlu sonla biter. - Most Hollywood films have happy endings.

İnsanlar mutlu sonu sever. - People like a happy ending.

happy fest
iyi bayramlar
happy go lucky
happy go lucky
happy go lucky
şansına güvenen
happy go lucky
happy go lucky
happy kandils
kandilin mübarek olsun
happy kandils
iyi kandiller
happy kandils
kandiliniz mübarek olsun
happy kwanzaa
kvanzanız kutlu olsun
happy mean
ideal ölçü
happy mean
tam ortası
happy medium
(deyim) ikisi ortasi hareket,orta yol
happy medium
tam ortası
happy medium
ideal ölçü
happy mothers day
anneler günün kutlu olsun
happy puppet syndrome
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mutlu kukla sendromu
happy to help
memnuniyetle yardım ettim
happy valentine days
sevgililer günün kutlu olsun
on a happy note
Mutlu bir şekilde
be happy
mutlu olmak

Sadece mutlu olmak istiyorum. - I just want to be happy.

Herkes mutlu olmak istiyor. - Everybody wants to be happy.

{f} daha mutlu

O ondan çok daha mutludur. - She's much happier than him.

Tom daha mutlu olamazdı. - Tom couldn't be happier.

en mutlu

Okul günlerinizin hayatınızın en mutlu günleri olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz? - Do you think your schooldays are the happiest days of your life?

Ne zaman en mutlusun? - What time are you the happiest?

{i} saadet

Zavallı adam oğlunun saadetini görecek kadar yaşamadı. - The poor man didn't live long enough to see his son's happiness.

Hasret kaldığım saadeti aramak hakkım değil miydi? - Didn't I have a right to seek the happiness I longed for?

be happy
yüzü gülmek
be happy
mest olmak
be happy
mesut olmak

Sizin için daha mutlu olamazdık. - We couldn't be happier for you.

Tom daha mutlu olamazdı. - Tom couldn't be happier.

güle güle
güle oynaya
mutlu bir şekilde

Kız mutlu bir şekilde okuyor. - The girl is happily reading.

Kız mutlu bir şekilde okuyor. - The girl is reading happily.


Acı riski olmadan, mutluluk ve sevinç olamaz. - Without the risk of pain, there can be no happiness and joy.

happy birthday
mutlu yıllar

Anneme mutlu yıllar dilemek istiyorum. - I'd like to wish my mom a happy birthday.

Merhaba kızlar. Merhaba Tom ve aynı zamanda mutlu yıllar! - Hello girls. Hello Tom, and happy birthday too!

happy to
mutlu olmak
to be happy
mest olmak
to be happy
very happy
düğün bayram etmek
as happy as
kadar mutlu
trigger happy
mecburi atış
as happy as
gibi mutlu
as happy as a lark
mutlu bir şaka gibi
be most happy
En mutlu ol
cheerful; joyous; not sad; happy
neşeli, sevinçli, hüzünlü değil, mutlu
die a happy man
(deyim) Ölse de gam yememek
get happy
Mutlu olmak
happy birthday
iyi ki doğdun

İyi ki doğdun, Muiriel! - Happy birthday, Muiriel!

lead a happy life
mutlu bir yaşam sürmek
slap happy
tokat mutlu
so happy
çok mutlu
strike a happy medium
(deyim) İkilemde kalınmış bir durumda orta yolu bulmak
strike a happy medium
(deyim) Orta yolu bulmak
to be happy
mutlu olmak

Tom'un mutlu olmak için kesinlikle çok şeyi var. - Tom certainly has a lot to be happy about.

Herkes mutlu olmak istiyor. - Everybody wants to be happy.

trigger happy
Hemen silahına sarımaya hazır, tepki gösteren
trigger happy
mutlu tetik
un happy
un mutlu
very happy
çok mutlu,olabildiğince mutlu
wonderfully happy; blessed
olağanüstü mutlu; mübarek
Be happy
(isim) Şenol
account oneself happy
kendini mutlu saymak
as happy as a king
durumundan memnun
as happy as a king
as happy as a sand boy
(Konuşma Dili) mutluluktan havalarda
as happy as a sand boy
(Konuşma Dili) havalara uçmuş
as happy as a sandboy
çocuklar gibi şen
as happy as a sandboy
çocuk gibi sevinçli
be as happy as a sand boy
(deyim) ağzı kulaklarına varmak
be happy
be happy
be happy
(isim)şelenmek, sevinmek
be happy for (someone)
adına mutlu olmak
be happy for someone
adına mutlu olmak
be happy with
-den memnun olmak
be very happy
çok sevinmek
be very happy
ihya olmak
best wishes for a happy new year
yeni yılınız kutlu olsun
get in a happy mood
neşesini bulmak
gun happy
silâha çekinmeden sarılan kimse
iyi ki
çok şükür, Allahtan, bereket versin ki
mutlulukla, sevinçle
bereket versin ki

Bereket versin ki, işkolik ölmedi. - Happily, the workaholic did not die.

Bereket versin ki, denizden kurtarılan herkes hayatta ve iyi. - Happily, everyone rescued from the sea are alive and well.

neyse ki/mutlulukla
iyi bir tesadüf olarak
{i} uygunluk
lead a happy life
mutlu bir hayat sürmek
lead a happy life
mutlu bir yaşam sürmek. lead a life of pleasure zevk ve sefa sürmek
make happy
mutlu etmek
make happy
memnun etmek
not to be happy with
memnun olmamak
over happy
çok mutlu
over happy
çok memnun
the happy hunting grounds
kızılderili cenneti
the happy hunting grounds
the happy medium
(deyim) ikisi ortasi hareket,orta yol
to be as happy as lark
zevkten dört köşe olmak
to be as happy as larry
zevkten dört köşe olmak
to be happy
yüzü gülmek
trigger happy
trigger happy
tetiği çekmeye hazır
trigger happy
Englisch - Englisch
Content (to do something); having no objection (to something)

Are you happy to pay me back by the end of the week?.

Favored by luck or fortune; lucky

Chymists have been more happy in finding experiments than the causes of them.

Dexterous; ready; apt; felicitous

One gentleman is happy at a reply, another excels in a rejoinder.

Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous

The learned is happy Nature to explore, The fool is happy that he knows no more -.

{a} blessed, pleased, fortunate, ready
A happy time, place, or relationship is full of happy feelings and pleasant experiences, or has an atmosphere in which people feel happy. It had always been a happy place We have a very happy marriage
If you say you are happy to do something, you mean that you are very willing to do it. I'll be happy to answer any questions if there are any + happily hap·pi·ly If I've caused any offence over something I have written, I will happily apologise. = gladly
Favored by hap, luck, or fortune; lucky; fortunate; successful; prosperous; satisfying desire
experiencing pleasure or joy; "happy you are here"; "pleased with the good news"
exaggerated feeling of well-being or elation
well expressed and to the point; "a happy turn of phrase"; "a few well-chosen words"; "a felicitous comment"
enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure or good fortune; "a happy smile"; "spent many happy days on the beach"; "a happy marriage"
A happy coincidence is one that results in something pleasant or helpful happening. By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems
{s} glad, pleased; cheerful, characterized by joyfulness; well-timed, appropriate; fortunate; typified by a dazed or obsessive manner (used in combination: i.e. trigger-happy)
Manufacturer of embroidery machine in Japan
Someone who is happy has feelings of pleasure, usually because something nice has happened or because they feel satisfied with their life. Marina was a confident, happy child I'm just happy to be back running + happily hap·pi·ly Albert leaned back happily and lit a cigarette. + happiness hap·pi·ness I think mostly she was looking for happiness
Favored by hap, luck, or fortune; lucky; fortunate; successful; prosperous; satisfying desire; as, a happy expedient; a happy effort; a happy venture; a happy omen
satisfied; enjoying well-being and contentment; "felt content with her lot"; "quite happy to let things go on as they are"
experiencing pleasure or joy; "happy you are here"; "pleased with the good news
Experiencing the effect of favorable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well- being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous; as, happy hours, happy thoughts
adj senang
marked by good fortune; "a felicitous life"; "a happy outcome"
satisfied; enjoying well-being and contentment; "felt content with her lot"; "quite happy to let things go on as they are" well expressed and to the point; "a happy turn of phrase"; "a few well-chosen words"; "a felicitous comment" enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure or good fortune; "a happy smile"; "spent many happy days on the beach"; "a happy marriage" experiencing pleasure or joy; "happy you are here"; "pleased with the good news
If you are happy about a situation or arrangement, you are satisfied with it, for example because you think that something is being done in the right way. If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain He's happy that I deal with it myself
Happy is used in greetings and other conventional expressions to say that you hope someone will enjoy a special occasion. Happy Birthday! Happy Easter! many happy returns: see return
Happy Christmas
Alternative form of Merry Christmas
Happy Easter
An expression used during Easter to wish someone a happy time or to enjoy them self during the holiday
Happy Holidays
A greeting typically used during the Christmas and holiday season to recognize the celebration of many holidays, including Christmas, New Year's Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Thanksgiving. Not usually said at other holiday(s) during other times of the year
Happy New Year
A wish said at the start of a New Year
Happy Ramadan
An expression used during Ramadan to wish someone a happy time or to enjoy them self during the holiday
Happy Thanksgiving
The greeting said near the holiday Thanksgiving
happy as Larry
Extremely happy and carefree
happy as a clam
Extremely happy and carefree
happy as a lark
Very happy (sometimes with the extra connotations of being carefree or unaware of grimmer realities)

She's happy as a lark with her ten dollar pay raise, even though the long-term prospects for the business are not good.

happy as a pig in shit
Extremely happy, visibly happy and carefree
happy birthday
Said or written to a person who is celebrating his or her birthday in order to convey the good wishes of the speaker or writer (literally, "may you have a happy birthday")

When Charlotte entered the room, everybody yelled, happy birthday!.

happy bunny
a contented, satisfied person or animal
happy camper
One who is thoroughly content or satisfied

I will be a happy camper when they fix the potholes on my commute.

happy campers
plural form of happy camper
happy dance
A dance that conveys happiness
happy dance
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happy ending
A cliche conclusion in which all loose ends are tied up and all main characters are content. See also happily ever after
happy ending
A handjob
happy endings
plural form of happy ending
happy families
A children's card game played with a pack of 44 picture cards that depict a father, mother son and daughter of 11 families mostly having occupational surnames (e.g. Mr Bun the Baker); players have to collect entire families
happy hardcore
A genre of rave music typified by a very fast tempo and a bright, cheerful sound, often coupled with solo vocals and sentimental lyrics
happy hour
A time of day, usually in the afternoon or early evening, when a bar or pub offers its drinks at a discounted price
happy hour
Any small gathering, usually in the afternoon or early evening, set aside to relax and have a drink
happy hours
plural form of happy hour
happy medium
A balanced position between two opposite extremes

The tone of the paper strikes a happy medium between layman approachability and technical accuracy.

happy mediums
plural form of happy medium
happy pill
An antidepressant
happy pills
plural form of happy pill
happy slap
An instance of happy slapping
happy slapper
A person who practises happy slapping
happy slappers
plural form of happy slapper
happy slapping
An act of happy slapping
happy slapping
The practice of physically attacking (originally, slapping), and often verbally abusing, a person and photographing or filming the attack using a camera phone, the recording sometimes being sent to others to further humiliate the victim
happy slappings
plural form of happy slapping
A member of a Christian church whose worship is characterized by enthusiasm and spontaneity
Of, or relating to such a worshiper or such a church
carefree or untroubled
happy trail
A path of pubic hair that usually starts at the belly button and ends in your pubes
happy as a pig in the shit
(deyim) Extremely happy, visibly happy and carefree (UK, slang, simile, vulgar)
happy as larry
(deyim) Very happy
happy event
(deyim) The birth of a child, blessed event
happy hour
A period of the day when drinks are sold at reduced prices in a bar or other establishment
Happy Hour is a marketing term for a period of time in which a restaurant or bar offers discounts on alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine, and cocktails
Happy Days
{i} USA television series that was aired between 1974 and 1984; play by Samuel Beckett
Happy Mother's Day
have a nice Mother's Day, I wish you a pleasant Mother's Day (holiday devoted to appreciating mothers)
Happy New Year
have a good New Year holiday (said around the time of a new year)
Happy St. Patrick's Day
have a nice St. Patrick's Day, enjoy St. Patrick's Day (March 17, predominantly Irish holiday in honor of the Christian Saint Patrick)
Happy are they that dwell in Thy house
first verse of a Jewish prayer
happy anniversary
phrase said to wish someone joy on a wedding anniversary
happy as a sandboy
extremely happy
happy birthday
have a wonderful birthday
happy birthday
Our version of the copyrighted song was, "Betsy, Joey, Mikey, Bobby/Happy birthday to you " Poor Mary, being the youngest, was finally included as an afterthought: " /And Ma-ary too "
happy birthday
> shengri kuaile
happy birthday
phrase Selamat hari ulang tahun (ulang)
happy camper
one who is satisfied, contented person (Informal)
happy couple
the newlyweds, the new husband and wife
happy end
positive ending, positive conclusion
happy event
joyful occasion, joyful event
happy go lucky
carefree, cheerful, devil may care, easygoing
happy holidays
I wish you a pleasant holiday season (most often used during the December holidays)
happy hour
the time of day when a bar sells alcoholic drinks at a reduced price
happy hour
period of time in the early evening when some restaurants sell drinks at a reduced price and often serve free appetizers
happy hour
In a pub, happy hour is a period when drinks are sold more cheaply than usual to encourage people to come to the pub. A period of time, usually in late afternoon and early evening, during which a bar or lounge features drinks at reduced prices. a special time in a bar when alcoholic drinks are sold at lower prices
happy hunting ground
North American Indian heaven, place of peace and utter happiness to which people go after death (belief of some North American Indians); place where much of something desired can be obtained
happy with his lot
pleased with what he received in life
relating to a Christian church where people sing, shout, show their emotions, and encourage other people to join their church - used to show disapproval
cheerfully irresponsible; "carefree with his money"; "freewheeling urban youths"; "had a harum-scarum youth"
Someone who is happy-go-lucky enjoys life and does not worry about the future. = easy going. enjoying life and not worrying about things
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
A traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year
A loose, informal Japanese coat normally decorated with a distinctive crest
Fortuitous elegance; unstudied grace; — used especially of language

Some beauties yet no precepts can declare, For there's a happiness, as well as care. — Alexander Pope.

The emotion of being happy; joy
many happy returns
A greeting, usually for birthdays, in reference to the passing year; Happy birthday!

Many happy returns of ye day to us my Dr Love.

not happy, Jan
Used to express displeasure at someone else's incompetence
Inclined to react excessively or violently at the slightest provocation

He was so trigger-happy that he wheeled and punched me when I brushed by him in the hall.

Inclined to behave recklessly, especially with machinery

Be careful when you work near him; he's trigger-happy with that chain-saw.

Having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly before adequately identifying the target

The bystanders were indiscriminately gunned down by trigger-happy gang members.

{a} luckily, well, agreeably, gracefully
{n} blessedness, content, good fortune
strike a happy medium
(deyim) To find an answer to a problem that is halfway between two unsatisfactory answers

1. Mary said the dress was blue. Jane said it was green. They finally struck a happy medium and decided it was blue-green. 2. Two teaspoons of sugar made the cup of coffee too sweet, and one not sweet enough. One heaping teaspoon struck a happy medium.

strike a happy medium
(deyim) Find an answer to a problem that is halfway between two unsatisfactory answers

1. Mary said the dress was blue. Jane said it was green. They finally struck a happy medium and decided it was blue-green. 2. Two teaspoons of sugar made the cup of coffee too sweet, and one not sweet enough. One heaping teaspoon struck a happy medium.

trigger happy
Apt to fire a gun or take other drastic action on the slightest provocation
Many happy returns!
congratulations!, All the best!
be as happy as a prince
be very happy, be ecstatic
comparative of happy
Most happy
In a happy manner or state; in happy circumstances; as, he lived happily with his wife
How children will respond to the parent when asked the First Time to help
By good fortune; fortunately; luckily
Without fuss
You can add happily to a statement to indicate that you are glad that something happened or is true. Happily, his neck injuries were not serious see also happy = fortunately
With address or dexterity; gracefully; felicitously; in a manner to insure success; with success
gladly; joyfully; fortunately
in a joyous manner; "they shouted happily"
in a joyous manner; "they shouted happily
In a happy manner; with happiness
in an unexpectedly lucky way; "happily he was not injured"
By chance; peradventure; haply
in an unexpectedly lucky way; "happily he was not injured" in a joyous manner; "they shouted happily
Amethyst, Chrysoprase, Yellow Zircon
the state of being happy
An agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good fortune or propitious happening of any kind; the possession of those circumstances or that state of being which is attended with enjoyment; the state of being happy; contentment; joyful satisfaction; felicity; blessedness
the overcoming of not unknown obstacles toward a known goal and, transiently (passing quickly or soon), the contemplation of, or indulgence in, pleasure
emotions experienced when in a state of well-being state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
Fortuitous elegance; unstudied grace; - used especially of language
according to different ethical views, happiness might be one goal in life, the only possible goal, or a fortunate by-product of the pursuit of other goals Happiness might concern one's aggregate of pleasure or require a complex balance involving virtue, pleasure, achievement and good fortune
{i} joy, gladness
Genus: A state of consciousness Differentia: Based on the achievements of one's values, it is characterized by pleasure and satisfaction
sukha: well-being, happiness, ease As an adjective: pleasant, agreeable, blissful
joy, the emotion of being happy
emotions experienced when in a state of well-being
Good luck; good fortune; prosperity
Fortuitous elegance; unstudied grace; used especially of language
state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
To dream of being happy promises joyful laugher
n   An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the
looked happy
seemed cheerful, his eyes were lit up
made him happy
made him glad, made him cheerful, cheered him up
many happy returns of the day
may you live a long and full life; have many more happy days
not too happy about it
not pleased about it, not rejoicing over it
joyfully flippant; slapdash
If you describe someone as slap-happy, you believe they are irresponsible and careless. a slap-happy kind of cook
the happy pair
happy couple, happily married husband and wife
irresponsible in the use of firearms
disapproval If you describe someone as trigger-happy, you disapprove of them because they are too ready and willing to use violence and weapons, especially guns. Some of them are a bit trigger-happy -- they'll shoot at anything that moves. someone who is trigger-happy is much too willing to use weapons, especially guns
ready to shoot a firearm at the slightest provocation, tending to use a gun without thinking carefully; having a tendency to respond in a violent manner, recklessly impulsive
was happy for him
was happy alongside with him, was pleased at his success
was very happy
was extremely glad, was very pleased