
listen to the pronunciation of box
Englisch - Türkisch

Kutunun içinde taze ekmek var mıydı? - Was there fresh bread in the box?

Bu kutuyu nasıl açacağını biliyor musun? - Do you know how to open this box?

bir kutu dolusu miktar
{i} kutu veya sandık dolusu
{i} sandık

Tom sandıkları dikkatle yığıyor. - Tom is carefully stacking the boxes.

Winston bir kitap satın almak istemiyor, çünkü zaten birçok sandık dolusu kitabı var. - Winston doesn't want to buy a book, because he already has many boxes full of books.

nöbetçi kulübesi
(Otomotiv) transmisyon
takım kutusu

En yakın telefon kulübesi nerede? - Where is the nearest telephone box?

Oradaki polis kulübesinde sorun. - Ask at the police box over there.

(mahkeme) kürsü
(the ile) televizyon

Tom pasaportunu bankada bir kiralık kasada tutuyor. - Tom keeps his passport in a safe deposit box at the bank.

Bunu güvenlik kasasına koyar mısınız? - Would you put this in the safety deposit box?

yumruk atmak
kutuya/sandığa koymak
boks yapmak
(Spor) (Futbol) Ceza sahası
{i} televizyon

Televizyonda boks maçı gördüm. - I saw the boxing match on television.

Bütün gününü televizyonun önünde geçirmemelisin. - You shouldn't spend the whole day in front of the box!


Kutular hediyedir. Onların içinde ne var? - The boxes are gifts. What do they contain?

Ben meslektaşlarım için bir hediye olarak işe giderken bir kutu çikolata aldım. - I bought a box of chocolates on the way to work as a gift for my colleagues.

{i} jüri bölmesi
{i} kompartıman
külübe av külübesi
{f} kutuya koymak
{i} at arabacısı yeri
{f} boks yapmak. box s.o. on the ear birinin kulağına tokat atmak
{i} yumruk

Dan boks eldiveni ile Matt'e yumruk attı. - Dan punched Matt with a boxing glove.

{f} tokatlamak
{i} tokat
hediye kutusu
yolcu veya yük kompartımanı
{i} teyp veya radyo
kutu, yap+s_d.kutuya koy: n.kutu
{i} şimşir [(Botanik) ]
{f} sandığa koymak
{i} şamar
at arabalarında arabacının oturduğu yer
müşkül durum
çerçeveli kıslm
karton kutu

Karton kutular kolayca yırtılırlar. - Cardboard boxes rip easily.

Bu karton kutular narindir. - These cardboard boxes are fragile.


Boksör saldırganlığını kontrol etmeli. - The boxer needs to check his aggression.

Annesi ona izin verseydi, Tom bir boksör olmak isterdi. - Tom would have become a boxer if his mother had let him.

yumruk vurmak
box yapmak

13 yaşından beri boks yapıyorum. - I've been boxing since I was thirteen.

Okulumuzda bir boks kulübümüz var. - We have a boxing club in our school.

glove box
torpido gözü
box-office death
(Film) Gişe hasılatı yapamam
box office
gişe hasılatı
box office
gişe rekorları kıran
box office
(tiyatroda/sinemada/stadyumda) bilet gişesi
box in
(Bilgisayar) küçülen kutu
box in
(Dilbilim) sıkıştırmak
box out
(Bilgisayar) büyüyen kutu
box set
(Tiyatro) kapalı dekor
box trail
(Askeri) sandık kundak
box up
sandığa koymak
box coat
kalın arabacı paltosu
box kite
kuyruksuz uçurtma
box number
posta kutusu numarası
box office
bilet gişesi
box office
box and dice
kutu ve zar
box and dice
(deyim) Herşey
box and whisker diagram
kutu ve bıyık diyagramı
box and whisker plot
kutu ve bıyık arsa
box annealing
kutu fırında tavlama
box baffle
kutu ekran, hoparlör kutusu
box board
kutu kurulu
box column drill
kutusunda sütun matkap
box culvert
(İnşaat) Kutu menfez: Genelde karayolu platformu altında mevcut arâzi kotuna göre yağışın akışa geçen/geçebilecek kesiminin en muhtemel olduğu, debiye göre kesiti belirlenen bir yapıdır
box cutter
Maket Bıçağı
box diagram
kutu şeklindeki diyagram
box frame
pencere kasası, sandıklı çerçeve
box furnace
kutu fırın
box girder
sandık kırış
box jellyfish
kutu denizanası
box of matches
kutu maçlar
box of sweets
şeker kutusu
box office hit
gişe isabet
box office hit
Gişe rekoru kıran film
box on the ear
kutu kulak
box plot
kutu arsa
box somebody's ears
(deyim) Birinin kulağına şamar atmak
box to
box tortoise
kutusu kaplumbağa
box up
box-office hit
gişe isabet
Kutu biçiminde/biçimli
box barrage
sürgü ateşi
box beam
kutu kesitli kiriş
box bottom carriage
(Askeri) ALT KUNDAK: Bir topta, üst kundağı taşıyan kundak parçaları grubu
box caisson
yüzen keson
box dots
(Bilgisayar) kutu noktaları
box fold
(Jeoloji) şekilli kıvrım
box fold
kutu (şekilli) kıvrım
box fold
(Jeoloji) kutu kıvrım
box formation harassing ambush
(Askeri) Kutu düzeni taciz pususu
box in
(Askeri) KUTU BARAJI YAPMAK: Düşman kıtalarının kaçmasını veya takviye almasını önlemek için, düşman mevziini ateş çemberi içine almak
box iron
civata demiri
box junction
duruşun yasak olduğu kavşak
box keel
kutu omurga
box length over .... spindles
(Tekstil) 1 . stand sırası 2. sistem sırası
box loom
(Tekstil) çok mekikli tezgah
box magazine
(Askeri) KUTU ŞARJÖR: Bazı otomatik silahlarda içine cephane konan ve bu cephaneyi silahın mekanizma yatağına süren, kutu biçiminde bir cihaz
box nail
yassı başlı çivi
box nail
sandık çivisi
box of juice
kutu meyve suyu
box pallet
(Askeri) SANDIK PALET: Birkaçı üstüste istiflendiği zaman ağırlık ikmal maddelerine değil, sadece paletler üzerine binecek şekilde imal edilmiş, ön ve yanları çerçeve halinde bir palet
box pleat
(Tekstil) çift plise
box rib
(Havacılık) kutu nervür
box section
(İnşaat) kutu kesit
box stool
sandıklı tabure
box stoop
yüksek veranda
box tape
koli bandı
box trail
(Askeri) (CARRIAGE) SANDIK KUNDAK, TEK KOLLU KUNDAK: Tek ve sağlam bir parçadan ibaret top kundaklarının üç tipi vardır: (Simple box trail carriage), (modified box trail carriage) ve (tubular box trail carriage). Bu terimlere bak
box wallah
hintli seyyar satıcı
box wallah
seyyar ticari temsilci
box wrench
(İnşaat) lokma anahtar
(Bilgisayar) kutu

Tom karton kutularla odayı doldurdu. - Tom filled the room with cardboard boxes.

Bütün kutuları boş bulduk. - We found all the boxes empty.

(Spor) boks yaparak
(Spor) boks yapan
{f} boks yap

Böylece boks yapmaya başladım. - That's how I started boxing.

Tom 2013'te boks yaparak emekli oldu. - Tom retired from boxing in 2013.

the box
{i} kutulama
Boxing DayNoeli takip eden gün
boxing glove boks eldiveni
boxing match boks maçı
box yumruklaş/kutula
{i} kutuya koyma
Englisch - Englisch
A computer, or the case in which it is housed

a UNIX box.

A blow with the fist
A cylindrical casing around for example a bearing or gland
To fight against (a person) in a boxing match
The driver's seat on a coach
Boxwood: the wood from a box tree

Nevertheless, the application of woods other than box for purposes for which that wood is now used would tend to lessen the demand for box, and thus might have an effect in lowering its price.

To mix two containers of paint of similar color to ensure that the color is identical
A rectangular border around an image or section of text
An input field on an interactive electronic display
The vagina
A numbered receptacle at a newspaper office for anonymous replies to advertisements
To strike with the fists

box someone’s ears.

To place inside a box; to pack in boxes
A compartment of a storage furniture, or of a part of such a furniture, such as of a drawer, shelving, etc
To punch (a person)

Leave dis place before I box you.

A compartment to sit in at a theater, courtroom or auditorium
To hem in
(with the) Television
A trap or predicament

I'm really in a box now.

A small, empty area on a writable document, delimited by a border, for filling with a tick mark or an ex
To participate in boxing; to be a boxer
A cuboid container, usually with a hinged lid
As much as fills a such a container

a box of books.

Any of various evergreen shrubs or trees of the genus Buxus
To place a value of a primitive type into a corresponding object
A pattern usually performed with three balls where the movements of the balls make a boxlike shape
A small rectangular shelter like a booth
A hard protector for the genitals worn by a batsman or close fielder inside the underpants
The penalty area
{v} to put in a box, to strike with the fist
{n} a tree, a case or coffer, feat in a playhouse or court room, a blow on the ear, a cylinder for an axletree, quantity in a box
A present in a box; a present; esp
so as to bring to a required form
The wood of the tree varieties, being very hard and smooth, is extensively used in the arts, as by turners, engravers, mathematical instrument makers, etc
A three-dimensional object defined by an origin (that is, a corner of the box) and three vectors that define the edges of the box meeting in that corner Defined by the TQ3BoxData data type
Within a form, creates a HTML checkbox element The value can be prefill automatically
(SERVICE) A square area in each quarter court bounded by part of the short line, part of the side wall and by two other lines, and from within which the server serves
a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid; "he rummaged through a box of spare parts"
A drivers seat on a coach
Box is a small evergreen tree with dark leaves which is often used to form hedges. box hedges
private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance; "the royal box was empty"
At the start of a chouette each player throws one die and in the event of a tie there is a re-roll The player rolling highest becomes the "box" The box plays against all other participants who joined together as a team
A box is drawn around the second element
A box is a square or rectangle that is printed or drawn on a piece of paper, a road, or on some other surface
The square in which the pitcher stands
To box means to fight someone according to the rules of boxing. At school I boxed and played rugby The two fighters had previously boxed a 12-round match. see also boxed, boxing, black box, chocolate-box, lunch box, phone box, post office box, postbox, sentry box, signal box, telephone box. In botany, an evergreen shrub or small tree (genus Buxus) of the box family (Buxaceae), best known for the ornamental and useful boxwoods. The family comprises seven genera of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, native to North America, Europe, North Africa, and Asia. The plants bear male and female flowers, without petals, on separate plants. The leathery, evergreen leaves are simple and alternate. Fruits are one-or two-seeded capsules or drupes. Three species of the genus Buxus provide the widely grown boxwood: the common, or English, box (B. sempervirens), used for hedges, borders, and topiary figures; the Japanese box (B. microphylla); and the tall boxwood tree (B. balearica). voice box box elder box turtle music box
The driver's seat on a carriage or coach
suffruticosa, is much used for borders in gardens
A penalty killing setup in the defensive zone where the defensive team forms a "box" in front of their goalie and keeps the opponents on the outskirts
A chest or any receptacle for the deposit of money; as, a poor box; a contribution box
Television (as a medium)
evergreen shrubs or small trees
To inclose with boarding, lathing, etc
A box is a small separate area in a theatre or at a sports ground or stadium, where a small number of people can sit to watch the performance or game
A boxlike shed for shelter; as, a sentry box
To fight with the fist; to combat with, or as with, the hand or fist; to spar
As much as fills a box
Television is sometimes referred to as the box. Do you watch it live at all or do you watch it on the box? = telly
A technique used to defend against the power play The four skaters arrange themselves in a loose box in the defensive zone
An axle box, journal box, journal bearing, or bushing
The container holding a number of folders from one portfolio The contents of a single numbered portfolio may require more than one box, since boxes generally hold no more than 30 folders For example, Portfolio 2 is divided into the following boxes: Port 2, Nos 1-29; Port 2, Nos 29a-38f; Port 2, Nos 38g-39y; Port 2, Nos 39z-43
Device for mounting electrical fixtures and their wiring in walls and ceilings Common varieties include new work, old cork, single gang, two-gang, fan, and junction Back to alphabetical list
A tree or shrub, flourishing in different parts of the world
In CP, to shut off all communication with an I/O device because CP has identified a serious problem with the device, for example, exceeding the hot I/O rate
a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible; "his lying got him into a tight corner"
A receptacle or case of any firm material and of various shapes
A box is a square or rectangular container with hard or stiff sides. Boxes often have lids. He reached into the cardboard box beside him They sat on wooden boxes. the box of tissues on her desk. A box of something is an amount of it contained in a box. She ate two boxes of liqueurs
A chamber or section of tube in which a valve works; the bucket of a lifting pump
An area used to hold players who have been served with penalties, and through which substitutions "on the fly" are permitted directly from the sideline onto the field
box and whiskers plot
A graphical summary of a numerical data sample through five statistics — median, upper quartile, lower quartile, and upper extreme and lower extreme values — by depiction as a box with its edges at the quartile marks and an internal line at the median and with lines protruding from the box as far as the extremal values
box camera
A very simple type of photographic camera, being box shaped, and with a simple lens, and using roll film for taking snapshot pictures
box cameras
plural form of box camera
box cutters
plural form of box cutter
box girder
A steel beam with a hollow rectangular cross section; used for constructing bridges
box in
To enclose by drawing a box around
box in
To immobilize something, usually a vehicle, by placing obstacles, usually other vehicles, obstructing the free movement
box jellyfish
Pacific jellyfish of class Cubozoa, also known as sea wasps, Chironex fleckeri
box kick
to kick the ball in the manner described above
box kick
A type of kick performed by the scrum-half (or very rarely acting scrum-half). From the base of a ruck, maul or scrum, the scrum-half will stand sideways onto the opposition with his kicking foot further from them, and kick the ball high into the air so as to hopefully prevent the opposition charging down the kick
box office
a place where tickets are sold in a theatre/theater or cinema
box office
the total amount of money paid by people worldwide to watch a movie at cinemas/movie theaters
box offices
plural form of box office
box out
To position oneself between an opposition player and the basket in anticipation of getting a rebound
box plot
A graphical summary of a numerical data sample through five statistics: median, lower quartile, upper quartile, and some indication of more extreme upper and lower values
box plots
plural form of box plot
box room
a small bedroom in a house, often used for storage
box rooms
plural form of box room
box score
A score showing the final scores of the teams in a game, as well as certain individual and team achievements
box scores
plural form of box score
box seats
plural form of box seat
box set
Related musical or video recordings that are gathered on multiple compact discs, DVDs or Blu-rays, and placed in a box, along with a small booklet
box set
A set of related books from a particular author or genre that are contained within a box
box sets
plural form of box set
box spring
A box-shaped frame into which is a set of spiral springs, upon which rests a bed mattress
box the compass
To know, and be able to recite the 32 points and quarter points of the magnetic compass from North, both clockwise and anticlockwise
box the compass
To make a complete reversal in stance or opinion
box tree
Any of several trees, of the genus Buxus, often used as a hedge and as a source of boxwood
box turtle
A turtle of the genus Terrapene (the North American box turtles), or of Cuora or Pyxidea (the Asian box turtles), characterised by having a domed shell that is hinged at the bottom, allowing the animal to close its shell tightly to escape predators
box up
To pack into boxes
box wine
a type of wine that is sealed in a plastic bladder and packaged in a cardboard box
A variant form of box office
attributive form of box office
box-office bomb
A motion picture that generates relatively low revenue at the box office, especially that which is less than the budget for the motion picture

My favorite movie was a giant box-office bomb.

box-office bombs
plural form of box-office bomb
Any of a set of spiral springs set into a box spring
The completion of a form containing multiple-choice questions in which one or more boxes need to be ticked by way of an answer
A variant form of box turtle
box spring
A box-spring (or Divan in the UK) is a type of bed base typically consisting of a sturdy wooden frame covered in cloth and containing springs
box and dice
(deyim) Everything
box and whisker diagram
In descriptive statistics, a boxplot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram or box and whisker plot or plot or candlestick chart) is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five-number summaries (the smallest observation, lower quartile (Q1), median, upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation). A boxplot also indicates which observations, if any, might be considered outliers. The boxplot was invented in 1977 by the American statistician John Tukey
box and whisker plot
In descriptive statistics, a boxplot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram or box and whisker plot or plot or candlestick chart) is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five-number summaries (the smallest observation, lower quartile (Q1), median, upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation). A boxplot also indicates which observations, if any, might be considered outliers. The boxplot was invented in 1977 by the American statistician John Tukey
box feeder
(İmalat) A box feeder is a rectangular box of appropriate size witha steel slat conveyor as base which moves the rawmaterials forward at an adjustable rate. The box feeder alsoserves as a buffer and temporary storage to avoid unnecessary interruptions
box jellyfish
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Box jellyfish are water-dwelling invertebrates belonging to the class Cubozoa, named for their cube-shaped medusae. They share many characteristics with their relatives the true jellies in the class Scyphozoa. The name sea wasp is also applied to some species of cubozoans, including Chironex fleckeri and Carybdea alata
box somebody's ears
(deyim) Hit someone, usually as a punishment

I'll box your ears, young man, if you come home late again!.

Resembling a box in rectangularity, boxlike, boxy
Box-Behnken design
(Ticaret) A three-level, multiple-variable experiment design method that assumes values at the center point and eliminates extreme values
Box-Jenkins Model
(Ticaret) A variation of ARIMA modeling that creates a forecast using regression and moving average and incorporates previous errors. Most often used in developing short-term forecasts
box beam
a beam built up from boards; has a hollow rectangular cross section
box calf
{i} calfskin treated with chromium salts and having square markings made by graining
box calf
Calfskin treated with chromium salts and having square markings on the grain
box calf
black calfskin leather tanned with chromium salts
box camera
{i} simple camera shaped like a box
box camera
a simple camera shaped like a rectangular box
box camera
A simple camera shaped like a box and usually having a fixed focus and a single shutter speed
box cans
{i} package cans in a boxes
box canyon
a deep narrow valley with very straight sides and no way out = gorge
box coat
a short coat that hangs loosely from the shoulders
box culvert
culvert of rectangular cross section, commonly of precast concrete
box culvert
A closed conduit of rectangular cross section used to pass floodwaters under a highway or railroad
box culvert
A culvert with a square or rectangular cross-sectional profile having 4 sides, including a bottom Sometimes a 3-sided culvert with an open bottom is considered a Box Culvert, however in this Wildlife Crossings Toolkit these are referred to as Bottomless Culverts Made of precast concrete, cast-in-place concrete, corrugated metal, metal plate and wood See Bottomless Culvert
box cutter knife
{i} metal or plastic flat knife with retractable blades, Stanley knife
box elder
A North American maple tree (Acer negundo) having pinnately compound leaves with coarsely toothed to lobed leaflets. Also called ash-leaved maple. Hardy and fast-growing tree (Acer negundo), also called ash-leaved maple, of the maple family, native to the central and eastern U.S. Its compound leaves (rare among maples) consist of three, five, or seven coarsely toothed leaflets. The single seed is borne in a samara (dry, winged fruit). Because of its rapid growth and its drought resistance, it was widely planted for shade by early settlers in the prairie regions of the U.S. Maple syrup and sugar are sometimes obtained from the box elder. Its wood is used for crates, furniture, paper pulp, and charcoal
box elder
common shade tree of eastern and central United States
box end wrench
a type of wrench with a hollow end that fits over a nut that is being screwed or unscrewed British Equivalent: ring spanner
box girder
a beam built up from boards; has a hollow rectangular cross section
box huckleberry
creeping evergreen shrub of southeastern United States having small shiny boxlike leaves and flavorless berries
box in
If you are boxed in, you are unable to move from a particular place because you are surrounded by other people or cars. Armstrong was boxed in with 300 metres to go The black cabs cut in front of them, trying to box them in. = hem in
box in
If something boxes you in, it puts you in a situation where you have very little choice about what you can do. Part of winning a mandate is having clear goals and not boxing yourself in We are not trying to box anybody in, we are trying to find a satisfactory way forward. + boxed in boxed in The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling
box in
enclose or confine as if in a box
box junction
a place marked with yellow painted lines where two roads cross each other
box kite
A kite, invented by Lawrence Hargrave, of Sydney, Australia, which consist of two light rectangular boxes, or cells open on two sides, and fastened together horizontally
box kite
A tailless kite formed from or as if from two or more open-ended boxes connected at the corners by shafts spanning an interval of open space
box kite
a kite shaped like a box open at both ends
box kite
Called also Hargrave, or cellular, kite
box lunch
{i} packed lunch, light lunch packed in a box to be eaten in a different location; obento, Japanese meal packed in a lacquer box which is divided into sections
box lunch
A box lunch is food, for example sandwiches, which you take to work, to school, or on a trip and eat as your lunch. An individually portioned lunch packed in a small box. a lunch (=a meal eaten in the middle of the day) that you take to school or work with you in a lunchbox British Equivalent: packed lunch
box magazine
A rectangular container for feeding cartridges into the firing chamber of a submachine gun or light machine gun
box number
A box number is a number used as an address, for example one given by a newspaper for replies to a private advertisement, or one used by an organization for the letters sent to it. an address at the post office that people can have their letters etc sent to instead of their own address
box office
the office where tickets of admission are sold total admission receipts for an entertainment
box office
total admission receipts for an entertainment
box office
place where admission tickets are sold (in a theater, etc.)
box office
When people talk about the box office, they are referring to the degree of success of a film or play in terms of the number of people who go to watch it or the amount of money it makes. The film has taken £180 million at the box office The film was a huge box-office success
box office
the office where tickets of admission are sold
box office
The box office in a theatre, cinema, or concert hall is the place where the tickets are sold
box pleat
A symmetrical skirt pleat made by folding the fabric to the back of each side of the pleat Box pleats are commonly found on traditional styles of upholstered furniture and lamp shades
box pleat
A single, uniform fold in the center back of a garment to allow for more room and comfort
box pleat
A symmetrical skirt pleat made by folding the fabric to the back of each side of the pleat
box pleat
A double pleat having two upper folds facing in opposite directions and two under folds pressed toward each other
box pleat
a tailored fabric fold formed by two folded edges, one facing right and the other facing left
box pleat
a flat double pleat made by folding under the fabric on either side of it
box pleat
a tailored fabric fold formed by two folded edges, one facing right and other facing left
box pleat
A single, uniform fold in the center back of a garment to allow for more room and comfort Horn Tone Buttons Buttons that appear to be manufactured from horn
box room
a small room in a house where you can store things
box score
A printed summary of a game, especially in baseball, in the form of a table listing the players and their positions and recording individual performance
box seat
a special seat in a theater or grandstand box
box seat
seat in a theater box, seat with a good view of a performance or sporting event
box set
A stage set with a ceiling and three walls
box social
A fund-raising event in which donated box lunches are auctioned off
box spring
set of bedsprings in a cloth-covered frame (usually placed beneath a mattress for extra support)
box spring
a coiled bedspring in a frame that is covered with cloth
box spring
A bedspring consisting of a cloth-covered frame containing rows of coil springs
box stall
A large enclosed stall for a single animal
box step
A dance step in which the feet are moved in a pattern approximating a square
box tail
In a flying machine, a tail or rudder, usually fixed, resembling a box kite
box top
The top surface, as a flap or strip, of a box containing a commercial product, typically bearing identification and used to prove the date or fact of purchase
box turtle
Any of several North American land turtles of the genus Terrapene having a hinged plastron that pulls up against the carapace, allowing the animal to become completely encased within its shell. Also called box tortoise. Any of several species of terrestrial turtle (genus Terrapene) found in the U.S. and Mexico. Box turtles have a high, rounded upper shell (carapace) that grows to a maximum length of about 7 in. (18 cm). The lower shell (plastron) is hinged across the center and can be drawn very tightly against the carapace to form a protective "box" that completely encloses the turtle's soft parts. They feed on earthworms, insects, mushrooms, and berries. Box turtles are often kept as pets
box turtle
chiefly terrestrial turtle of North America; shell can be closed tightly
box wrench
a wrench with a closed loop (a socket) that fits over a nut or bolt head
box wrench
A wrench having a closed, ringlike end designed to fit over a nut or bolt
the mailing address to which answers to a newspaper ad can be sent
box-office busting
having a large number of tickets sold, selling out
Armalite and the ballot box
Electoral strategy pursued by the Irish Republican movement in the 1980s and early 1990s, where elections in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland were contested by Sinn Féin, while the IRA continued military operations against the British Army and RUC
Christmas box
A bonus or gift given to an employee by an employer at Christmas; traditionally on Boxing Day
The name of a structural motif, and associated protein, first identified in cyclin-F
GC box
A sequence of contiguous guanine, guanine, guanine, cytosine, and guanine, in that order, along a DNA strand
Pandora's box
A box given to Pandora by Zeus whose instructions that it must not be opened were ignored with disastrous consequences
agony box
A phonograph
agony box
A piano
axle box
A bushing in the hub of a wheel, through which the axle passes
bait box
a box used to keep bait
ballot box
A sealed box with a slit, into which a voter puts his completed voting slip
ballot box
The process or method of voting
bathing box
A beach hut
bento box
a partitioned lunchbox in which a bento is served, traditionally lacquered
bitty box
A computer of low computing power
blue box
an electronic device used to bypass payment on a tone pulse telephone system
boom box
A portable audio system for listening collectively to recorded or broadcast sound
Simple past tense and past participle of box
Packed into a box or boxes

The books are boxed, ready for shipping.

In bridge and other card games if the cards in a pack are reversed face-up and face-down then the pack is said to be boxed
Material used for making boxes or casing
A derogatory name that British sailors gave the Dutch during the age of the Anglo-Dutch Wars
cable box
set top box connecting a house to its cable service
cat box
A box used to provide a soiling area for (usually) pet cats, generally filled with sand, clay chips, etc

Pregnant women are often advised to have someone else clean the cat box to reduce the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis.

charity box
A container into which people can put money to be collected by a charitable organization
check box
An element or widget corresponding to a small square on a paper form that is either left blank or ticked; ticking the box enables the function with which it is labelled
Having a twee picturesqueness

The impressionists showed us something about the world, Cezanne something different, a chocolate-box painting nothing.

cigar box
a box used for storing cigars
combo box
A GUI widget that is a combination of a dropdown list or list box and a single-line textbox, allowing the user either to type a value directly into the control or choose from the list of existing options
fire box
The hearth of a metal-forging shop; the forge of a smithy
fire box
The hearth of an outdoor grill

When the bottom of the grill firebox burned through, everybody ran over and stomped embers too keep the picnic shelter from catching fire.

flower box
A comment in source code that spans several lines, each of which begins with an asterisk

I then modified the code we had written earlier to include a flower box.

fuzz box
An effects pedal comprising an amplifier and a clipping circuit, used in music to generate a distorted version of the input signal

Mayer made over a dozen fuzz boxes for Hendrix, using several different designs customized to the sound Hendrix wanted.

glove box
A plastic box or similar enclosure containing a controlled environment, with rubber gloves fastened around holes in the front of the box through which a person can manipulate things in the box without introducing outside contamination; an isolator
glove box
A small compartment with a door on the dashboard of a car, usually on passenger side, to store (and sometime lock) items
goggle box
television set
Alternative form of goggle box
hot box
To smoke a cigarette vigorously and rapidly
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von box im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

box yapmak