
listen to the pronunciation of square
Englisch - Türkisch

Bir karenin dört kenarı vardır. - A square has four sides.

Kutular dikdörtgendir, kare değil. - The boxes are rectangular, not square.

{i} (şehirdeki bina veya sokakların oluşturduğu) meydan
{i} (Geometri) kare, dördül
{f} karesini almak
{s} dört köşeli
{i} meydan

Victor Hugo'nun evi Paris'teki Vosges meydanındadır. - Victor Hugo's house is in Vosges Square in Paris.

Meydanda bir yürüyüşe çıktık. - We went for a walk in the square.

{s} kare şeklinde

Bizim kare şeklinde bir masamız var. - We have a square table.

dik açılı
karelere ayırmak
{i} kare şeklinde şey
eski kafalı
rüşvet vermek

Tayvan adasının yüz ölçümü 36.000 kilometre kare. - The Island of Taiwan's surface area is thirty-six thousand square kilometers.

örümcek kafalı
{i} dörtgen

Bir kare hem dikdörtgen hem de eşkenar dörtgendir. - A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus.

beraberliği sağlamak (spor)
{f} k.dili. (hesabı) görmek, kapatmak
(hesabı) ödemek

Bir marangoz gönyesine sahip olmalısın. - You ought to have a carpenter's square.

rüşvetle bir işi halletmek

İzlanda yaklaşık 103.000 kilometrekarelik bir alana sahiptir. - Iceland has an area of about 103,000 square kilometres.

Bugün 4 Haziran. Çin hükümetinin Tiananmen alanında barışsever bir gösteride yüzlerce insanı öldürdüğü bir gün. - Today is the 4th of June — a day when Chinese government killed hundreds of people on a peaceful demonstration on the Tiananmen square.


Hipotenüsün karesi diğer iki kenarın kareleri toplamına eşittir. - The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Altının karesi otuz altıya eşittir. - Six squared equals thirty-six.

çağının gerisinde kalmış
eski kafalı kişi
{f} karesini al
dört köşe yapmak
-e uymak
yoluna koymak

Beijing'e gideceksen, kesinlikle Tiananmen Meydanı'na bir bak. - If you go to Beijing, definitely have a look at Tiananmen Square.


Tom Mary'ye bir yastık attı ve yastık doğrudan onun yüzüne çarptı. - Tom threw a pillow at Mary and the pillow hit her squarely in the face.


Ben dürüstçe kazandım. - I won fair and square.

Ben seni dürüstçe yenerim. - I beat you fair and square.

{i} satranç tahtası
{s} (metre) kare: four square meters dört metre kare
{i} k.dili. örümcek
{i} eski kafalı kimse
{f} kare kare yapmak
{i} mat. (bir sayının) karesi
{f} uydurmak
{s} katı

On binlerce insan soğuk ve yağmura rağmen Paskalya kutlamasında Papa Francis ile Dindar Kütleye katılmak için pazar sabahı Aziz Petrus Meydanında toplandı. - Tens of thousands of people gathered in Saint Peter's Square on Sunday morning, despite the cold and the rain, to take part in Solemn Mass with Pope Francis in celebration of Easter.

{f} with ile bağdaşmak, -e uymak; -i ile bağdaştırmak
omuzları enli
{f} mat. (bir sayının) karesini almak
{s} düzgün
{f} kare yapmak
{i} sütun kaidesi
{f} ayarlamak
{s} dik

Bir üçgenin iki dik açısı varsa, o bir kenarı eksik bir karedir. - If a triangle has two right angles, it's a square missing one side.

Bazı önemli geometrik şekiller üçgen, kare, dikdörtgen, daire, paralelkenar ve ikizkenar yamuktur. - Some important geometric shapes are the triangle, the square, the rectangle, the circle, the parallelogram and the trapezium.


Onların Tom'a adil davrandığını düşünüyor musun? - Do you think they gave Tom a square deal?

Tom, başkaları ile olan ilişkilerinde her zaman adil ve kararlı olduğundan dolayı iş dünyasında itibarlıdır. - Tom is respected in the business community because he is always fair and square in his dealings with others.

dört köş

Bir karenin dört köşesi ve dört kenarı vardır. - A square has four corners and four sides.

Bir karenin dört köşesi vardır. - A square has four corners.

gençlik fikirlerine karşı koyan
{f} ödemek
square deal
(deyim) adil anlaşma
square knot
(Askeri) camadan bağı

Tom Mary'ye camadan bağını nasıl bağlayacağını gösterdi. - Tom showed Mary how to tie a square knot.

square meter
square file
(Mekanik) dörtköşe eğe
square inch
(Otomotiv) inçkare
square nut
(Mekanik) dörtköşe somun
square rigged
(Askeri) kabasorta arma
square with
-e uymak
square with
square with
ile bağdaşmak
square yard
(Askeri) yarda kare
square accounts with
fit olmak (ödeşmek)
square centimetre
santimetre kare
square deal
dürüst muamele
square engine
kare motor
square foot
ayak kare
square inch
inç kare
square kilometer
kilometre kare
square matrix
kare matris
square meal
dört dörtlük yemek
square meal
doyurucu yemek
square measure
yüzey ölçü birimi
square meter
metre kare

Odanın alanı iki buçuk metre karedir. - The room's area is two and half square meters.

square mile
square millimetre
milimetre kare
square number
kare sayı
square nut
dört köşe somun
square off
boks için hazırlanmak
square one
başlangıç çekidi
square one
en baş
square one's shoulders
omuzlarını dikleştirmek
square root
square sail
kare yelken
square stern
düz kıç şekli
square stern
ayna kıç
square the circle
olmayacak duaya amin demek
square timber
square timber
dördül direk
square up
hesabı ödemek
square bar
(İnşaat) Kare kesitli demir çubuk
square bracket
köşeli ayraç
square brackets
Köşeli parantez
square cut
kare kesilmiş
square deal
dürüst pazarlık
square decimeter
kare desimetre
square foot
(deyim) Kadem kare, 0,0929 m2
square footage
kare görüntüleri
square head
kare baş
square kilometre
Kilometre kare: Kenarları birer kilometre uzunluğunda olan bir karenin alanına eşit yüzey ölçü birimi, (km2)
square mile
mil kare
square one
en baş, başlangıç noktası
square peg in a round hole
mevkiine uygun olmayan kimse
square pegs
kare mandal
square pyramid
kare piramit
square set
kasa tahkimat, dördül destek
square something up with someone
(deyim) Hesaplaşmak, biriyle bir şeyin hesabını yapmak
square stern
düz kıç şekli, ayna kıç
square the circle
daire kare
square thread
dört köşe vida dışı
square tile
Karo taşı, fayans
square toes
kare ayak
square up to someone
(deyim) Karşı koymak,göğüs germek,cesaretle karşılamak
square up to something
(deyim) Karşı koymak,göğüs germek,cesaretle karşılamak
square up with someone
(deyim) Hesaplaşmak

Please pay my bills, I will square up with you when I come back.

square up with someone
(deyim) Birine borcunu ödemek
square yard
kare avluya
kare (a)
square-cut masonry
kare kesilmiş yığma
İki kere integrallenebilir
{i} dürüstlük
kare şeklinde
kare oluş
kare şeklinde

Hipotenüsün karesi diğer iki kenarın kareleri toplamına eşittir. - The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.


matematik tarihinde dairenin kareleştirilmesi şeklinde çok kullanılır.

be square
k.dili. (bir hesap) görülmüş olmak; (iki kişi) fit olmak; (iki kişi)
be square
with k.dili. (biriyle) açık konuşmak; (birine) dürüstçe davranmak
square feet
feet kare
square feet
(Askeri) fit kare
square foot
(Otomotiv) ayakkare alan ölçüsü
square off
karelere bölmek
square off
square off
kavga vaziyeti almak
square root
kare kök
square root
mat. karekök
square root
{i} iri yapılılık
(Nükleer Bilimler) diklik
{i} kare şeklinde olma
{i} geri kafalılık
Englisch - Englisch
Of a value, term, or expression, to multiply by itself; to raise to the second power

I'm just looking for a square deal on my car repair.

Correctly aligned with respect to something else
To draw, with a pair of compasses and a straightedge only, a square with the same area as

square the circle.

in line with the batsman's popping crease
The central area of a cricket field, containing several pitches laid out next to one another - only one being used at a time

An ideal playing area is roughly circular in shape with a central area, the cricket square, measuring 27.44 metres by 27.44 metres and boundaries 45.75 metres from the sides of the square.

A cell in a grid

You may not move a piece to a square already occupied by one of your own pieces.

A square meal

Even when times were tough, we got three squares a day.

A unit of measurement of area, equal to a 10 foot by 10 foot square, ie. 100 square feet or roughly 9.3 square metres. Used in real estate for the size of a house or its rooms, though progressively being replaced by square metres in metric countries such as Australia

2007: The house is very large and open and boasts 39 squares of living space plus over 13 squares of decking area on 3 sides and 17 squares of garage and workshop downstairs. — Your Estate advertisement for Grindelwald Tasmania.

The symbol # on a telephone; hash

Enter your account number followed by a square.

A polygon with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90 degrees; a regular quadrilateral whose angles are all 90 degrees

I took refuge in the square form and exhibited a picture which consisted of nothing more than a black square on a white field.—Kazimir Malevich.

A mortarboard
Shaped like a square (the polygon)
An open space in a town, not necessarily square in shape, often containing trees, seating and other features pleasing to the eye

You're not in Wisconsin, Dave. The big story isn't about a cow wandering into the town square. NewsRadio.

To adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something

I cannot square the results of the experiment with my hypothesis.

An L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles

There are so many uses for the square, in fact, that a new model will usually come complete with a booklet enumerating its applications. -.

A dessert cut into rectangular pieces, or a piece of such a dessert
Honest; straightforward

It may be prison, but at least I'm getting three square meals a day.

A unit used in measuring roof area equivalent to 100 square feet (9.29 m2) of roof area
To adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle to something else

The casting was mounted on a milling machine so that its sides could be squared.

At right angles to
Socially conventional; boring
A socially conventional person; typically associated with the 1950s

Why do you always wear a tie? Don't be such a square!.

Used in the names of units of area formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself

square mile.

The second power of a number, value, term or expression

64 is the square of 8.

To resolve

These results just don't square.

{a} having right angles, fit, adjust
a rectangle with all four sides the same length -- "One side of a square is 18 km " (251)
Unit of measure for siding equal to 100 square feet (or a 10-foot by 10-foot wall section)
raise to the second power position so as to be square; "He squared his shoulders"
To make even, so as leave no remainder of difference; to balance; as, to square accounts
To square a number means to multiply it by itself. For example, 3 squared is 3 x 3, or
be compatible with; "one idea squares with another"
The front of a woman's dress over the bosom, usually worked or embroidered
If you are back to square one, you have to start dealing with something from the beginning again because the way you were dealing with it has failed. If your complaint in not upheld, you may feel you are back to square one
A parallelogram having four equal sides and four right angles
something approximating the shape of a square make square; "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"
Square is used before units of length when referring to the area of something. For example, if something is three metres long and two metres wide, its area is six square metres. Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space The Philippines has just 6,000 square kilometres of forest left
To turn the oar's blade so it's perpendicular to the surface of the water The blade is squared at the end of recovery, in preparation for the catch
something approximating the shape of a square
A body of troops formed in a square, esp
the square of the speed of light, an exceedingly large number
Square is used after units of length when you are giving the length of each side of something that is square in shape. a linen cushion cover, 45 cm square. two pieces of wood 4 inches square
characterized by honesty and fairness; "a square deal"; "wanted to do the square thing"
To hold a quartile position respecting
The relation of harmony, or exact agreement; equality; level
An instrument having at least one right angle and two or more straight edges, used to lay out or test square work
Anything, such as tiles or cut pieces of material, primarily defined by being square in shape
The position of planets distant ninety degrees from each other; a quadrate
To form with right angles and straight lines, or flat surfaces; as, to square mason's work
Having four equal sides and four right angles; as, a square figure
The term used for an area of 100 square feet (9 29 M2)
the product of two equal terms; "nine is the second power of three"; "gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance"
100 square feet (9 29m²) of roof area
cause to match, as of ideas or acts
One hundred superficial feet
A square is a quadrilateral figure that has all sides equal, opposite sides parallel and adjacent sides perpendicular to each other Here is a square with sides 5 inches long: Most floor tiles are squares Can you find other squares around you?
perpendicularly; fairly, honestly; in the shape of a square
someone who doesn't understand what is going on
The square of a number is the number produced when you multiply that number by itself. For example, the square of 3 is
a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles; "the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square"
In deck terminology, it is the term for 100 square feet of deck or roofing surface Formula: number of squares = sum of(length of deck sheet in feet * width of deck sheet in feet * number of pieces)divided by 100
In a town or city, a square is a flat open place, often in the shape of a square. The house is located in one of Pimlico's prettiest garden squares St Mark's Square
Rendering equal justice; exact; fair; honest, as square dealing
{i} geometric figure having four equal sides; something shaped like a square; open area in a town or city, plaza; exponent of 2; tool with straight edges and a right angle; conservative person (Slang)
Leaving nothing; hearty; vigorous
At right angles with the mast or the keel, and parallel to the horizon; said of the yards of a square-rigged vessel when they are so braced
(geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon; "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides"
an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
make square; "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file"
Square Mile
the City of London
square away
To finish, complete, tidy or put in order

I have almost squared away the last of the paperwork from that job.

square bashing
Army jargon for marching drills and other military exercises practiced on a parade ground
square bracket
Either of a pair of symbols, , used for various purposes, e.g. to enclose text inserted or replaced by an editor, to indicate various mathematical operations, and to indicate a link in MediaWiki syntax

We must, in short, employ a special bracket for operative relations ; and the square bracket is the most convenient. Hence x denotes that a + bβ operates on x, and n denotes that φ operates on itself n - 1 times.

square brackets
plural form of square bracket
square centimeter
A unit of area equal to that of a square, of sides 1cm
square centimeters
plural form of square centimeter
square centimetre
Alternative spelling of square centimeter
square centimetres
plural form of square centimetre
square circle
a cancellation mark consisting of an outer ring of concentric circles, cropped into a square shape
square dance
Square dancing

Square dance is America's folk dance.

square dance
A particular instance of square dancing

There's a square dance at the school tonight.

square dance
To take part in square dancing; to dance this type of dancing

I square danced for three hours last night.

square dancer
Someone who does square dancing
square dances
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of square dance
square dances
plural form of square dance
square dancing
A type of dance in which eight dancers are arranged in a square as four couples, with a caller calling or singing out the movements that the dancers are to perform
square division
a division composed of four regiments
square division
a division composed of two brigades
square division
a division composed of two brigades of two regiments each
square divisions
plural form of square division
square drive
a shot played by swinging the bat down through the line of the ball, hitting it along the ground in the direction of point
square feet
plural form of square foot
square foot
A unit of area (abbreviation sq ft or sq. ft. or ft2) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are each one foot long
square footage
Area (an extent of surface), especially of real estate
square footage
Area (the measure of an extent of surface), in square feet
square footages
plural form of square footage
square inch
A unit of area (abbreviation sq in or sq. in. or '''in2) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are each one inch long
square kilometer
US spelling of square kilometre: Standard unit of area, symbol km2, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one kilometer long
square kilometers
plural form of square kilometer
square kilometre
Standard unit of area, symbol km2, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one kilometre long
square kilometres
plural form of square kilometre
square knot
A common binding knot
square knots
plural form of square knot
square leg
A fielding position on the leg side, square of the batsman's wicket, between leg gully and midwicket; a fielder in that position
square leg umpire
The umpire who stands at or near square leg to rule on decisions at the batsman's end of the wicket. In some circumstances, the umpire may stand at the equivalent position on the opposite side of the batsman (between gully and point), but is still referred to as the square leg umpire in these circumstances
square matrix
A matrix having the same number of rows as columns
square meal
A satisfying meal, especially suitable for one performing physical labor

Football lineman seem to need more than just a square meal.

square meter
US spelling of square metre: Standard unit of area, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one meter long
square meters
plural form of square meter
square metre
Standard unit of area, symbol m2, equal to the area of a square whose sides are one metre long
square metres
plural form of square metre
square mile
A unit of area (abbreviation sq mi or sq. mi. or mi2) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are each one mile long
square off
to get in the fighting position
square off
to get ready for a fight
square one
the place where one begins; a lack of progress

We discovered that our first idea would never work, so we were back to square one.

square peg into a round hole
Something that does not fit well (or at all); something that will not work as attempted, except possibly with much force and effort
square pyramid
A three-dimensional geometric figure with a square base and four triangular sides that connect at one point. An example is the Great Pyramid of Giza
square pyramids
plural form of square pyramid
square rigged
Of a sailing ship, having the horizontal spars perpendicular to the keel of the ship
square rod
a unit of area used for measuring small quantities of land. Equal in size to a square with sides 1 rod in length. Equal to 30¼ square yards or 1/160 acre. Sometimes known, simply, as a rod
square rod
a solid, elongated bar whose shape is a square prism

A square rod could be made of acrylic, nylon, wood, or brass.

square root
Of a number, another number which, when squared, yields the original number; sometimes constrained to be the positive number where two solutions exist

Every complex number has two square roots; for example, the square roots of -4 are 2i and -2i.

square roots
plural form of square root
square sail
A sail bent to a horizontal yard set athwartships
square sails
plural form of square sail
square tab shingle
Shingle with tabs that are all the same size and exposure
square tab shingles
plural form of square tab shingle
square up
to get in the fighting position
square up
to pay back money that is owed

Let me know how much my share is and I'll square up with you tomorrow.

square up
to get ready for a fight
square up
to face (someone) in a contest
square wave
A nonsinusoidal waveform, commonly encountered in electronics and signal processing, that alternates regularly and instantaneously between two levels
square yard
A unit of area (abbreviation sq yd or sq. yd.) equal to the area of a square the sides of which are one yard long. (i.e. 3 feet by 3 feet or 9 square feet)
To participate in a square dance
Having square sails rigged onto spars perpendicular to the keel
A square-rigged ship
Attributive form of square root

In √a̅+̅b̅, the horizontal bar or vinculum is actually a parenthesis that groups a+b. Without it, √a+b might mean b+√a̅ or it might mean √a̅+̅b̅. Nevertheless, the square-root sign without the vinculum is often used .

square peg in a round hole
(deyim) Someone who is uncomfortable or who does not belong in a particular situation
square up
(deyim) Assume the attitude of a person about to fight
square up to
(deyim) Face and tackle (a difficulty) resolutely
Simple past tense and past participle of square
in a direct, straightforward and honest manner
firmly and solidly
approximately square
{n} a square state, evenness, stoutness
{n} a swaggering person, boaster, bully
{a} somewhat square, nearly square
A square
square feet
(sq ft )Length (in feet) times width equals square feet
square feet
(SqFt, Sq Ft , sq ft , ft2, Ext SqFt) is a term that we use to denote the total amount of siding material needed for a particular siding job including material waste [more]
square feet
The usual method by which space is defined It is the area of that space, calculated by taking length times width Example; a room is 30 feet by 60 feet has an area of 1,800 square feet
square foot
A common construction measurement for measuring area determined by taking the width dimension multiplied by the height (or depth) RO width (in inches) X RO (in inches) divided by 144 equals the area in square feet
square foot
a unit of area equal to one foot by one foot square
square foot
A square foot is the two sides of a building or a room times each other The square footage of the 8x12 shed is 96 Square feet A 1x6x8 is 4 square feet A 2x6x8 is 4 square feet Abbreviated Sq Ft
square foot
a unit of measure of area in which each side of a square is equal to a foot and is equivalent to 144 square inches Its abbreviation is ft2
square off
assume a fighting stance, prepare oneself to fight; prepare for a debate (esp. a political debate)
square off
If you square something off, you alter it so that it has the shape of a square. Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife
square off
settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument"
square off
If one group or person squares off against or with another, they prepare to fight them. In Florida, farmers are squaring off against cities for rights to groundwater
square root
The square root of a number is another number which can be multiplied by itself, or squared, to equal the number Square roots can be positive or negative Remember two negatives are a positive So, the square root of 4 is both +2 and -2 Roots are the inverse or opposite of powers 32, or 3 squared, or 3 x 3 = 9 So, the square root of 9 = 3 The square root of a number is, strictly speaking, + or - A negative multiplied by a negative is a positive In some problems recording the root as + or - is essential See also cube roots
square root
a number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number -- " a better approximation of the square root " (77)
square root
The square root of a number is a number which multiplied by itself, gives you the original number Its symbol is called a radical and looks like this: For example, is 3, because 3 x 3 = 9 Here are a few other square roots: The is 4 because 4 x 4 is 16 The is 5 because 5 x 5 is 25 Now, here's a problem for you: What is the square root of 36?
square root
the square root of a number is the number you multiply by itself to get that number e g the square root of 25 is 5 because 5 x 5=25
square root
the number that when multiplied by itself will produce a given number (the square)
square root
A divisor of a quantity that when squared gives the quantity. For example, the square roots of 25 are 5 and -5 because 5 × 5 = 25 and (-5) × (-5) =
square root
number which is the total of a given number to the second power (i.e. the square root of 36 is 6 because 6 to the second power = 36)
square root
A factor of a number that when squared gives the number (the square root of 9 is 3)
square root
The square root of a number is another number which produces the first number when it is multiplied by itself. For example, the square root of 16 is
square root
The square root of a number iis the number that can be divided to get X E g , the square root of 144 is 12
square root
or n½, where n is a number The square root of n, multiplied by itself, is n
square root
a number of quantity which when squared, or multiplied by itself will produce a given number of quantity; as 4 is the square root of 16 Its symbol is x2
square root
a number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number
square root
The root of an expression is the term that when multiplied by itself produces the expression, for example: 5 is the square root of 25; x is the square root of x2
square root
The square roots of n are all the complex numbers m so that m2 = n The square roots of 16 are 4 and -4 The square roots of -16 are 4 i and -4 i
square root
the square root of a number is the number which, when multiplied by itself, equals that number square root of
past of square
raised to the second power
{s} made square; multiplied by itself (Mathematics); adjusted; settled, made right; in accord
having been made square
1. Something that is squared has the shape of a square, or has a pattern of squares on it. Draw up a scale floor plan on squared paper, marking in the door opening and windows. see also square
with honesty and fairness; "dealt squarely with his customers"; "always treated me square"
directly and without evasion; not roundabout; "to face a problem squarely"; "the responsibility lies squarely with them"; "spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point"
If something such as blame or responsibility lies squarely with someone, they are definitely the person responsible. Responsibility for success or failure lies squarely with the Nigerians
with firmness and conviction; without compromise; "he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration"- C
in the shape of a square; at right angles
If you face something squarely, you face it directly, without trying to avoid it. The management committee have faced the situation squarely
In a square form or manner
in a straight direct way; "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me
{s} honestly, fairly, uprightly
with firmness and conviction; without compromise; "he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration"- C G Bowers; "dealt straightforwardly with all issues"
firmly and solidly; "hit the ball squarely"; "the bat met the ball squarely"; "planted his great bulk square before his enemy"
Squarely means directly or in the middle, rather than indirectly or at an angle. I kept the gun aimed squarely at his eyes
Bowers; "dealt straightforwardly with all issues" firmly and solidly; "hit the ball squarely"; "the bat met the ball squarely"; "planted his great bulk square before his enemy" in a square shape; "a squarely cut piece of paper"; "folded the sheet of paper square" directly and without evasion; not roundabout; "to face a problem squarely"; "the responsibility lies squarely with them"; "spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point" with honesty and fairness; "dealt squarely with his customers"; "always treated me square" in a straight direct way; "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me
Bowers; "dealt straightforwardly with all issues"
in a square shape; "a squarely cut piece of paper"; "folded the sheet of paper square"
in a straight direct way; "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me"
The condition of being square
{i} state of having a square shape; fairness, honesty; conservativeness, conventionality, quality of being strait-laced
The quality of being square; as, an instrument to try the squareness of work
Measure of perpendicularity of adjacent edges or surfaces
Products are square within manufacturing tolerances Should squareness be critical, sheets can be square sheared Go Back
(1) The measure of a bearing being perpendicular to the die face which can be accomplished with a toolmaker's square or equivalent techniques (2) Characteristic of having adjacent sides or planes meeting at 90 degrees
the property of being shaped like a square
One who squares, or quarrels; a hot-headed, contentious fellow
One who, or that which, squares
Loose laid or self-adhesive backed "tiles" of carpet
third-person singular of square
If a quadrilateral's angles and sides are congruent, then it is a square
Parquet flooring units, usually composed of an equal number of slats
Used to check and mark right angles, squares are defined as steel, try and combination Combination squares will also measure 45° angles If it has a degree scale, it can determine any angle
plural of square
present participle of square
{i} forming into a square
{s} overly square, inclined towards squareness
shaped almost like a square
somewhat square in appearance or form
Nearly square
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