
listen to the pronunciation of behalf
İngilizce - Türkçe
on behalf of namına

Bay Simon tarafından arıyorum sizi. - I'm calling you on behalf of Mr. Simon.

(Avrupa Birliği) adına

O kendi adına hareket etmektedir. - He is acting on his own behalf.

Onun adına toplantıya katıldım. - I attended the meeting on her behalf.

(Mukavele) yan, taraf; on behalf of (birisinin) namına, adına
(Hukuk) namına
(Hukuk) yerine
behalf of

Avukat müvekkili adına ikna edici bir şekilde konuştu. - The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.

Oğlumun adına size teşekkür ederim. - I thank you on behalf of my son.

behalf of
on behalf of
-in adına
on behalf of
in adına
acting on behalf of
(Kanun) adına hareket eden
on behalf of
-in namına
on behalf of
-in yararına
on behalf of

Bay Simon tarafından arıyorum sizi. - I'm calling you on behalf of Mr. Simon.

on behalf of
on behalf of
yerine tarafından
on behalf of sb
on behalf of sb
in behalf of

O, evsizler adına konuştu. - She spoke in behalf of the homeless.

act on behalf of
-in adına iş yapmak, -ini temsilen iş yapmak
in behalf
in my behalf
benim adına
in so.'s behalf
o kadar. 'adına s
interpose on so.'s behalf
bu kadar ileri sürmek. 'adına s
on behalf
adına, birinin namına

şirket sözleşmelerinde ve bazı resmi işlemlerde sıkça rastanan bir terim. temsil durumunda, o kişi adına haraket ediliyor.

on behalf of

Şirketimizin adına bir konuşma yaptı. - He made a speech on behalf of our company.

İş arkadaşlarım adına teşekkürlerimi ifade etmek istiyorum. - I would like to express our thanks on behalf of my colleagues.

on my behalf
benim adıma
on my own behalf
kendi adıma
on so.'s behalf
bu kadar. 'adına s
on someones behalf
birinin üzerinde adına
on your behalf
sizin adınıza
appeal on behalf of accused
(Kanun) sanık lehine temyiz
in behalf of
issue an invoice on behalf of
adına fatura düzenlemek
on behalf of
on behalf of accused
(Kanun) sanık lehine
on behalf of me
benim adıma
on behalf of turkish nation
türk milleti adına
on its behalf
(Avrupa Birliği) kendi adına
on its behalf
(Politika, Siyaset) kendi namına
İngilizce - İngilizce
Advantage; favor; stead; benefit; interest; profit; support; defense; vindication
{n} favor, cause, support, interest, account
If you do something on someone's behalf, you do it for that person as their representative. The form in someone's behalf is also used, mainly in American English. She made an emotional public appeal on her son's behalf Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues
To reduce to beggary; to impoverish; as, he had beggared himself
for someone's benefit (usually expressed as `in behalf' rather than `on behalf' and usually with a possessive); "in your behalf"; "campaigning in his own behalf"; "spoke a good word in his friend's behalf"
If you feel, for example, embarrassed or angry on someone's behalf, you feel embarrassed or angry for them. `What do you mean?' I asked, offended on Liddie's behalf. on behalf of sb in behalf of sb a) instead of someone, or as their representative (by half )
The condition of being a beggar; also, the class of beggars
as the agent of or on someone's part (usually expressed as "on behalf of" rather than "in behalf of"); "the guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child"; "this letter is written on behalf of my client"
The quality or state of being beggarly; meanness
One who assumes in argument what he does not prove
One who makes it his business to ask alms
One who is dependent upon others for support; a contemptuous or sarcastic use
In the condition of, or like, a beggar; suitable for a beggar; extremely indigent; poverty-stricken; mean
{i} representing; support
rather than "in behalf of"); "the guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child"; "this letter is written on behalf of my client"; for someone's benefit (usually expressed as `in behalf' rather than `on behalf' and usually with a possessive); "in your behalf"; "campaigning in his own behalf"; "spoke a good word in his friend's behalf"
To cause to seem very poor and inadequate
as the agent of or on someone's part usually expressed as "on behalf of"
in behalf of
Alternative form of on behalf of
on behalf of
Speaking or acting for

On behalf of all those present, may I thank you for a well executed presentation.

on behalf of
under the auspices of, in the name of, with the knowledge of