
listen to the pronunciation of help
İngilizce - Türkçe
yardım etmek

Korkarım ki yardım etmek için yapabileceğim çok şey yok. - There is not much I can do to help, I am afraid.

Birbirimize yardım etmek bizim görevimizdir. - It is our duty to help one another.


Dün babama yardım ettim. - Yesterday I helped the father.

Dün babama yardım ettim. - I helped my father yesterday.

{f} yararı olmak
{i} çözüm

Bir çözüm bulamıyorum. Bana yardım et. - I cannot find a solution. Help me.

Soruna bir çözüm bulmak için bize yardım eder misiniz? - Could you help us find a solution to the problem?

{i} çare

Çocuk öfkesinde çaresizdir. - The child is helpless in his rage.

O çaresizce mücadele ediyor. - She is struggling helplessly.

{i} imdat

İmdat? Onlar beni bıçaklayacaklar. - Help! They're going to stab me!

İmdat! Onlar bana vuracaklar! - Help! They're going to hit me!

{ü} İmdat!

Pierrette İmdat, imdat! diye bağırdı Ben katlediliyorum! - Help! Help! cried Pierrette, I'm being murdered!

İmdat? Onlar beni bıçaklayacaklar. - Help! They're going to stab me!

çare olmak
Yardım, YardımEt yardım / bilgi
yararlı olmak
(Spor) savunmada yapılan yardım
{i} hizmetçi
{i} yardımcı

Bu bulaşıkları yıkamama yardımcı olabilir misin? - Can you help me wash these dishes?

Ben size seve seve yardımcı olacaktım, sadece şimdi çok meşgulüm. - I would gladly help you, only I am too busy now.

(Bilgisayar) açıklama

Sadece geçen gün neden yardım edemediğimi açıklamak istedim. - I just wanted to explain why I couldn't help the other day.

Açıklaman için teşekkürler. Bu, cümleyi doğru anlamaya yardımcı olur. - Thanks for your explanation. It helps to understand the sentence correctly.


Yardımın sayesinde, başarılıydık. - Thanks to your help, we were successful.

Yardımın sayesinde başarabildim. - With your help, I could succeed.

acıyı dindirmek
muavenet etmek
katkıda bulunmak

Bize yardım etmenin en iyi yolu kendi dilinizde katkıda bulunmaktır. - The best way to help us is to contribute in your own native language.

medar olmak
kömek etmek
{f} yardım et

Her kimin ihtiyacı olursa ona yardım et. - Give help to anyone who needs it.

Dün babama yardım ettim. - Yesterday I helped my father.

(to ile) (özüne) almak
işe yaramak
daha iyi yapmak
yardımına koşmak
{f} yardım etmek; katkıda bulunmak: I don't see how I can help you. Sana nasıl yardım edeyim bilemiyorum
{f} yardımcı olmak

Ben size yardımcı olmaktan mutlu olurum. - I will be glad to help you.

İkinize de yardımcı olmak için bir şey yapardım. - I would do anything to help you both.

çare bulmak
{f} başa çıkmak
{f} elinde olmak
kurtulmasına yardım etmek
imdadınaa yetişmek
help oneself kendi kendine servis yapmak
{f} imdadına yetişmek
{i} muavin
yardım edin

Yardım edin! İçeride kilitli kaldım! - Help! I've been locked in!

Lütfen bunu aşağı çekmek için bana yardım edin. - Please help me take this down.

{f} kurtarmak

Çatırdayan evliliğimizi kurtarmak için yardıma ihtiyacımız var. - We need help in fixing our broken marriage.

Onların dillerini yok olmaktan kurtarmak için yerli Amerikalılara yardım etmek istiyorum. - I want to help Native Americans to save their languages from extinction.

faydası olmak
himmet etmek
(Bilgisayar) bilgi

Bize yardım edebilecek bilgiye sahip olduğuna inanıyorum. - I believe you have information that can help us.

Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyacınız olursa, beni bilgilendirin. - If you need any help, let me know.

fayda etmek
elinden tutmak
yardim etmek
{s} yardımsever

Tom daha yardımsever olamazdı. - Tom couldn't have been more helpful.

Tom oldukça yardımseverdi. - Tom was quite helpful.


Periler Noel Baba'nın küçük yardımcılarıdır. - Elves are Santa's little helpers.

Ben bir yardımcı çalıştırmak istiyorum. - I want to hire a helper.


Bazı spekülatörler yaşlı insanların cehalet ve acizliklerinden yararlanmaktadır. - Some speculators take advantage of the ignorance and helplessness of old people.

{i} yardımseverlik
{s} faydalı

Bana söyleyebileceğin bir şey faydalı olabilir. - Anything you can tell me might be helpful.

Tom'un tavsiyesi her zaman çok faydalı olmuştur. - Tom's advice has always been very helpful.


O olmazsa, çaresiz kalırım. - Without him, I would be helpless.

O çaresizce mücadele ediyor. - She is struggling helplessly.


Ona biraz yararlı tavsiye verdim. - I gave him some helpful advice.

Yararlı önerisi için ona teşekkür etti. - She thanked him for his helpful advice.

help me
bana yardım edin

Lütfen bunu aşağı çekmek için bana yardım edin. - Please help me take this down.

O, kılıcını sallarken bana yardım edin! diye tekrarladı. - Help me! he repeated while waving his sabre.

help out
(deyim) help someone out yardim etmek
help out
yardımda bulunmak
help s.o. out
birine yardım etmek: Can you help her out with her French? Fransızcasına yardım edebilir misin?
help button
(Bilgisayar) yardım düğmesi
help center
(Bilgisayar) yardım merkezi
help contents
(Bilgisayar) yardım içerikleri
help contents
(Bilgisayar) yardım içeriği
help file
(Bilgisayar) yardım dosyası
help files
(Bilgisayar) yardım dosyaları
help finder
(Bilgisayar) yardım bulucu
help on
(Bilgisayar) hakkında yardım
help on
(Bilgisayar) yardımı

Bir şey için yardımına ihtiyacım vardı ama seni bulamadım. - I needed your help on something, but I couldn't find you.

Ben bir şey üzerinde gerçekten yardımını kullanabilirim. - I could really use your help on something.

help options
(Bilgisayar) yardım seçenekleri
help search
(Bilgisayar) yardım arama
help side
(Spor) yardım tarafı
help someone out
birine yardım etmek
help to
destek çıkmak
help topics
(Bilgisayar) yardım konuları
help type
(Bilgisayar) yardım türü
help using
(Bilgisayar) yardım kullanarak
help yourself
Help yourself
özünüz alınız (yemek/istenilen şey)
Help yourself

Hoşunuza giden bir şeye buyurun. - Help yourself to anything you like.

Lütfen buyurun, afiyet olsun! - Please help yourself, enjoy your meal!

help develop
yardımı geliştir
help grow
yardımı artır
help index
yardım dizini
help program
yardım bağdarlaması
yardım et
help a person on with st.
Doğum st bir kişi yardımcı olur
help desk
yardım masası
help desk department
Müşteri destek bölümü
help down
inmesine yardım etmek
help for help
yardım kullanımı
help in
içeri girmesine yardım etmek
help list
listesi yardım
help mater
mater yardım
help me please
Beni lütfen yardım
help of
help on
desteklemek, omuz vermek
help on

Birbirimize yardım etmemiz gerektiğini sık sık söyler. - He often tells us we must help one another.

Birbirimize yardım etmek bizim görevimizdir. - It is our duty to help one another.

help sb to sth
(birine bir şey) ikram etmek
help screen
ekran yardım
help someone up
Destek/dayanak vermek, kakmasına yardım etmek
help up
Destek/dayanak vermek, kakmasına yardım etmek
help and tips
(Bilgisayar) yardım ve ipuçları
help balloon
(Bilgisayar) yardım balonu
help desk
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bilişim danışmanı
help desk
karşılama bankosu
help desk operator
yardım masası sorumlusu
help details
(Bilgisayar) yardım ayrıntıları
help develop
yardımı geliştirmek
help dialog
(Bilgisayar) yardım iletişim kutusu
help for ok
(Bilgisayar) tamam yardımı
help forward
ilerlemesine yardımcı olmak
help forward
help function
yardım işlevi
help grow
yardımı artırmak
help id
(Bilgisayar) yardım kimliği
help information
help key
(Bilgisayar) yardım tuşu
help level
yardım düzeyi
help menu
Yardım menüsü
help msn
(Bilgisayar) msn yardımı
help o.s. to
(kendi kendine servis yaparak) (yiyeceklerden) almak: He helped himself to a piece of the cake. Kekten bir dilim aldı
help on
(Fiili Deyim ) yardıma devam etmek
help on edit
(Bilgisayar) edit yardımı
help oneself
kendisi almak
help oneself to
help oneself to
help oneself to
help oneself to
help page
(Bilgisayar) yardım sayfası
help screen
yardım ekranı
help select
(Bilgisayar) yardım seç
help smb. to smth
servis yapmak
help smb. to smth
help smb. to smth
ikram etmek
help string
(Bilgisayar) yardım dizesi
help text
yardım metni
help the lady
bayana yardım etmek
help the poor
aç doyurmak
help wanted
personel aranıyor
help wanted
eleman aranıyor
help yourself

Lütfen pastaya buyrun. - Please help yourself to the cake.

Lütfen meyveye buyrun. - Please help yourself to the fruit.

help yourself
yardim et
(Bilgisayar) yardım/sss
{i} yardım etme

Tom kendinden daha az şanslı olanlara yardım etmek için zamanının çoğunu harcamaya gönüllüydü. - Tom volunteered a good deal of his time to helping those less fortunate than himself.

Mary'nin onun annesine yardım etmeyi planlamadığını Tom'a söyleme. - Don't tell Tom that Mary isn't planning on helping his mother.

yardımı olan
yardıma muhtaç şekilde
yardıma muhtaç
ask for help
yardım istemek
yardımcı olarak
(isim) porsiyon
{f} yardım et

Ev ödevimde bana yardım ettiğin için teşekkür ederim. - Thank you for helping me with my homework.

Tom kendinden daha az şanslı olanlara yardım etmek için zamanının çoğunu harcamaya gönüllüydü. - Tom volunteered a good deal of his time to helping those less fortunate than himself.

help yardım et
faydası dokunan
I need help
yardıma ihtiyacım var
be of help
faydası dokunmak
be of help to
faydası dokunmak
by the help of
call for help
yardım talebinde bulunmak
call for help
yardım istemek
call for help
imdat istemek
can i help you
sana yardım edebilirmiyim
can i help you
yardımcı olabilir miyim
can i help you
size yardım edebilirmiyim
come to the help of
imdada yetişmek
context help
(Bilgisayar) içerik yardımı
extended help
(Bilgisayar) genişletilmiş yardım
extended help
(Bilgisayar) genel yardım
help me
bana yardım et
help us
bize yardım edin
(Gıda) yardımcı çırak
(Gıda) aşçı yamağı
yardımcı eleman
kullanışlı olarak
işlevsel olarak
yardım ederek

Tom bütün hayatını insanlara yardım ederek geçirdi. - Tom spent his entire life helping people.

Bize yardım ederek çok fazla zaman harcadığın için teşekkürler. - Thanks for spending so much time helping us.

katkıda bulunma
{s} biçare
beli bükük
yardıma muhtaç

O çaresizce mücadele ediyor. - She is struggling helplessly.

Tom çaresizce gülümsedi. - Tom smiled helplessly.

hope for help
medet ummak
how to use help
(Bilgisayar) yardım kullanımı
more help
(Bilgisayar) daha fazla yardım
need somebody's help
birine işi düşmek
online help
(Bilgisayar) anında yardım
receive help
yardım almak
request for help
yardım talebinde bulunmak
request help
yardım istemek
requesting help
yardım istemek
seek help
yardım talebinde bulunmak
seek help
yardım aramak
self help
self help
kimseye muhtaç olmama
show help
(Bilgisayar) yardımı göster
shrink help
(Bilgisayar) yardımı daralt
thanks for your help
yardımın için teşekkürler
there is no help for it
yapılacak bir şey yoktur
there's no help for it
onun çaresi yok
tip help
(Bilgisayar) ipucu yardımı
using help
(Bilgisayar) yardım'ı kullanma
İngilizce - İngilizce
Correction of deficits, as by psychological counseling or medication or social support or remedial training

He's a real road-rager. / Yup, he really needs help, maybe anger management..

A person employed to help in the maintenance of a house

The help is coming round this morning to clean.

To provide assistance

She was struggling with the groceries, so I offered to help.

A person or persons who provide assistance with some task

He was a great help to me when I was moving house.

To contribute in some way to

The white paint on the walls helps make the room look brighter.

To avoid; to prevent; to refrain from; to restrain (oneself). Usually used in nonassertive contexts with can

Are they going to beat us? —Not if I can help it!.

To provide assistance to (someone or something)

He helped his grandfather cook breakfast.

Action given to provide assistance; aid

I need some help with my homework.

I/we desperately need assistance!

Help! We're under attack!.

To change for the better; to remedy
If you help someone, you make it easier for them to do something, for example by doing part of the work for them or by giving them advice or money. He has helped to raise a lot of money You can of course help by giving them a donation directly If you're not willing to help me, I'll find somebody who will. Help is also a noun. Thanks very much for your help Always ask the pharmacist for help = assistance
{f} assist, aid; rescue; ease, relieve; improve, fix; avoid, refrain; serve, wait on
To lend aid or assistance; to contribute strength or means; to avail or be of use; to assist
To furnish with the means of deliverance from trouble; as, to help one in distress; to help one out of prison
To furnish with relief, as in pain or disease; to be of avail against; sometimes with of before a word designating the pain or disease, and sometimes having such a word for the direct object
To wait upon, as the guests at table, by carving and passing food
To prevent; to hinder; as, the evil approaches, and who can help it? To forbear; to avoid
{v} to assist, support, supply, heal, cure, avoid
{n} assistance, support, relief, remedy, cure
{i} assistance, aid; hired laborer, domestic servant; group of servants or workers; means of fixing or changing something
If you say that something helps, you mean that it makes something easier to do or get, or that it improves a situation to some extent. The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimise or emphasise what you want it to Building more motorways and by-passes will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities Understanding these rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable I could cook your supper, though, if that would help
be of use; "This will help to prevent accidents"
A helper; one hired to help another; also, thew hole force of hired helpers in any business
Opens the help system which you have already found!
You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does The character HELP is really C-h See Help
A program that gives you information on how to use Windows and will assist you with any problems you may have as well
Homebuyer Education Learning Program; an educational program from the FHA that counsels people about the homebuying process; HELP covers topics like budgeting, finding a home, getting a loan, and home maintenance; in most cases, completion of the program may entitle the homebuyer to a reduced initial FHA mortgage insurance premium-from 2 25% to 1 75% of the home purchase price
In most Windows applications, the Help option on the menu bar displays searchable online help In Netscape, the Help option acts as a hotlink to Web pages at the Netscape Web site Users running Netscape without an Internet connection are unable to access these files
a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "my invaluable assistant"; "they hired additional help to finish the work"
be of use; "This will help to prevent accidents
Not sure about computer or Internet terms? Click on the word "Help" to the left for brief explanations of terms and directions You may do this now, or at anytime you see the word Help underlined throughout this web site
a means of serving; "of no avail"; "there's no help for it"
If someone helps themselves to something, they steal it. Has somebody helped himself to some film star's diamonds? see also helping
To furnish with strength or means for the successful performance of any action or the attainment of any object; to aid; to assist; as, to help a man in his work; to help one to remember; the following infinitive is commonly used without to; as, "Help me scale yon balcony
Someone who says they need help means they need their hand to improve in order to have a chance at the pot Or that they've just pawned their pacemaker to fund a few more hours of poker Use context to figure out which
improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient" improve; change for the better; "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture" give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house" contribute to the furtherance of; "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries" be of use; "This will help to prevent accidents
Specifically, a domestic servant, man or woman
A window which has explanations and tips about your operating system or application
contribute to the furtherance of; "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"
A feature in most application software providing options that typically include an index, a glossary, and a search feature to locate reference information about specific commands
vagueness If you say you can't help thinking something, you are expressing your opinion in an indirect way, often because you think it seems rude. I can't help feeling that this may just be another of her schemes
An online system of information about various commands and programs, available on all of our mainframe interactive systems, and also internally in many interactive software packages
abstain from doing; always used with a negative; "I can't help myself--I have to smoke"; "She could not help watching the sad spectacle"
Homebuyer Education Learning Program; an educational program from the FHA that counsels people about the home buying process; HELP covers topics like budgeting, finding a home, getting a loan, and home maintenance; in most cases, completion of the program may entitle the homebuyer to a reduced initial FHA mortgage insurance premium-from 2 25% to 1 75% of the home purchase price
improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient"
Users in need of help can often issue a command such as "?" to access on-line help and tutorial systems
Strength or means furnished toward promoting an object, or deliverance from difficulty or distress; aid; ^; also, the person or thing furnishing the aid; as, he gave me a help of fifty dollars
To avoid; to prevent; to refrain from; to restrain (oneself). Usually used in the negative with can
In Workflows, you can get Help by clicking on the Help command at the top of the wincow You can choose context help, which will display Help about the Wizard you are currently looking at, or allow you to look at an alphabetical list of topics Help for each icon is available by right-clicking on an icon and choosing Help from the menu that pops up
If you say that someone or something has been a help or has been some help, you mean that they have helped you to solve a problem. The books were not much help
If you help yourself to something, you serve yourself or you take it for yourself. If someone tells you to help yourself, they are telling you politely to serve yourself anything you want or to take anything you want. There's bread on the table. Help yourself Just help yourself to leaflets
You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does HELP is really Control-h See section Help
HELP is the Emacs name for C-h or F1 You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does See section Help
Help is action taken to rescue a person who is in danger. You shout `help!' when you are in danger in order to attract someone's attention so that they can come and rescue you. He was screaming for help `Help!' I screamed, turning to run
help to some food; help with food or drink; "I served him three times, and after that he helped himself"
Did you learn anything from these pages? Did they help you? If so, we are grateful and hope that you will be grateful also Advertising only pays for a small percentage of the cost of maintaining this Web site If you learned something and wish to help you can use the Amazon com PayPage button below to send a small payment in return Thank you in advance if you choose to do this
Brings up help screens containing information about the Electronic Purchase Request System Accessible from: the Electronic Purchase Request Menu Screen
" To furnish with the means of deliverance from trouble; as, to help one in distress; to help one out of prison
If you help someone go somewhere or move in some way, you give them support so that they can move more easily. Martin helped Tanya over the rail She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby
HELP is the Emacs name for C-h or F1 You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does See section G Help
On the menu bar, click on Help and then Reader Guide Here you can learn more about the more sophisticated features of the program: advanced search and browse, print, annotate, bookmark, etc
take or use; "She helped herself to some of the office supplies"
improve; change for the better; "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"
the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
If someone or something is of help, they make a situation easier or better. Can I be of help to you?
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of providing help for the DialogBox
If you can't help the way you feel or behave, you cannot control it or stop it happening. You can also say that you can't help yourself. I can't help feeling sorry for the poor man
give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house"
A software tool that provides helpful information about how to properly accomplish a task It provides both a topical index and a keyword search feature Help is available for every major commercial software program
You can type HELP at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does HELP is really Control-h @xref{Help}
help desk
A section of an organization offering specialist advice to customers or users who have problems, especially with computer equipment or systems
help desks
plural form of help desk
help oneself
To take something freely; to serve oneself without restraint

He said I could help myself to the chocolates.

help page
: A part of a website that provides help
Alternative spelling of help desk
help desk operator
A help desk operator generally involved in the provision of telephone or internet support to users of particular IT products
help someone along
1. to help someone move along. 2. to help someone advance

1. I helped the old man along. Please help her along. She has a hurt leg. 2. I am more than pleased to help you along with your math. She helped herself along by studying hard.

help someone up
Aid in mounting, assist in ascending
Help the Aged
a British charity organization which collects money for old people and provides them with help and advice
help desk
A center providing a service to internal or external callers to facilitate the use of their technology assets
help desk
– A source of technical support for hardware or software Help desks are staffed by people that can either solve the problem directly or forward the problem to someone else Help desk software provides the means to log in problems and track them until solved It also provides the management information regarding support activities
help desk
The IS staff and associated systems that help end users solve immediate problems with their equipment or software
help desk
(Ticaret) A dedicated internal organizational resource that provides technical or functional application problem-solving advice and followup to system users
help desk
a service that provides information and assistance to the users of a computer network
help desk
A single point of contact for all user inquiries and problems about a particular information system or for all users in a particular department
help desk
A technical support organization within a corporation, which provides software assistance to corporate users Software that allows a technical support organization to track support calls and store records of completed support sessions
help desk
Sales Support Tech Support Knowledge Base Customer Service Open Forums
help desk
A single point of contact for all user inquiries and problems about a particular information system or for all users in a particular department See also Computing infrastructure, Information center, Support
help desk
A term that generally refers to a call centre set up to handle queries about product installation, usage or problems The term is most often used in the context of computer software and hardware support centres
help desk
A software application for tracking problems with hardware and software and their solutions, usually serving "internal" customers
help desk
An interface, often referred to as a 'SPOC', between IT and its Users Its core processes are Incident Management and the management of User requests, ensuring that no call or Incident is lost, forgotten or ignored and that service is returned as quickly as possible See also Service Desk
help desk
A support entity that can be called upon to get help with a computer or communication problem
help desk
A single point of contact for all user inquiries and problems about a particular information system or for all users in a particular department (17) See also Computing infrastructure, Information center, Support
help desk
Also called technical support, an area that provides technical assistance
help desk
A term that generally refers to a call center set up to handle queries about product installation, usage or problems The term is most often used in the context of computer software and hardware support centers
help desk
A team that can be contacted by end-users for assistance with hardware and software problems Launching any e-learning initiative should give some thought to end user support Even well designed programs will get 1 - 2% of the target audience needing help (e g , "Do I really need to complete this training?")
help desk
a department of a company that people call for help, especially with computer problems
help desk
the technical support department of an organization
help desk
A call center that handles questions about products The term most often refers to technical support centers for computers/software
help down
aid in coming down, assist in descending
help me please
please assist me, please aid me
help oneself
abstain from doing; always used with a negative; "I can't help myself--I have to smoke"; "She could not help watching the sad spectacle
help out
aid, assist; extricate, save
help out
be of help, as in a particular situation of need; "Can you help out tonight with the dinner guests?
help out
If you help someone out, you help them by doing some work for them or by lending them some money. I help out with the secretarial work All these presents came to more money than I had, and my mother had to help me out He thought you'd been brought in from Toronto to help out the local police
help screen
screen which explains to the user ways and difficulties in a program
help screen
a screen that appears when you ask for help in using a computer program, showing extra information or advice
help up
aid in mounting, assist in ascending
help yourself
please feel free to
heaven helps those who help themselves
A maxim encouraging people to get involved in their own problems
he couldn't help it
he had no choice, he had no control, there was nothing he could do
God helps those who help themselves
Fortune comes to those who make a genuine effort to accomplish things
I need your help
Indicates that the speaker needs assistance from the interlocutor
can't help
Not able to avoid a situation, or stop something from happening

I can't help crying whenever I see Romeo and Juliet.

cries for help
plural form of cry for help
cry for help
Acting out as a means of displaying a subconscious desire for attention or help
One who helps; an aide
A portion or serving, especially of food that one takes for oneself, or to which one helps oneself

She eagerly took a second helping of ice cream.

Unable to defend oneself or to act without help
In a manner of having no help
In a manner of not being able to help
home help
Someone who provides medium- to long-term aid to a patient in their own home; a carer
the practice of bettering oneself without relying on the assistance of others
an act of redressing or preventing a wrong by one's own actions rather than through legal proceedings
can I help you
may I assist you, can I do something to help
{n} one who helps or assists, a low servant
{a} assisting, useful, wholesome
{a} assistant
{a} wanting power or assistance, weak of help
{n} a helpless state, great weakness
can't help
Can not prevent/ stop

I can't help crying at weddings. They make me feel sad.

past of help
A program used by a WWW browser to process files that the browser itself cannot, for example a sound file, JPEG image, MPEG movie, or a compressed file Also known as a viewer
A stand-alone application used by a SGML converter to accomplish the conversion itself
T cell A lymphocyte that "reads" antigens and directs the immune system's response
a program launched by a browser without you even knowing it Helpers desplay images, play sounds, shrink and expand files, and more What will they think of next? Waterproof pancakes?
A helper is a person who helps another person or group with a job they are doing. = assistant
a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help)
This is software that is used to help a browser view information formats that it couldn't normally view
A program launched or used by a browser (such as Netscape Navigator) to process files that the browser cannot handle internally Most users have helper applications to play sound or movie files, to uncompress compressed files or to unstuff archives
A stand-alone software program used to extend the functionality of a web browser
One who, or that which, helps, aids, assists, or relieves; as, a lay helper in a parish
Application This an application your browser uses to manipulate a downloaded program
An animal, usually without young of its own, which contributes to the survival of the offspring of others by behaving parentally towards the offspring
a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "my invaluable assistant"; "they hired additional help to finish the work"
{i} one who helps; aide; assistant
A browser may spawn or launch a helper or viewer application to display images or perform functions of which it is not capable
Something that is helpful makes a situation more pleasant or more easy to tolerate. It is often helpful to have your spouse in the room when major news is expected
If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information. The staff in the London office are helpful but only have limited information + helpfully help·ful·ly They had helpfully provided us with instructions on how to find the house + helpfulness help·ful·ness The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops
showing a willingness to cooperate; "a helpful cooperative patient"; "parents hope to raise children who are considerate and helpful to others"
Furnishing help; giving aid; useful
providing assistance or serving a useful function
providing assistance or serving a useful function of service or assistance; "a child who is helpful around the house can save the mother many steps
{s} useful, beneficial
If you describe information or advice as helpful, you mean that it is useful for you. The following information may be helpful to readers. unhelpful
of service or assistance; "a child who is helpful around the house can save the mother many steps"
Furnishing help; giving aid; assistant; useful; salutary
showing a willingness to cooperate; "a helpful cooperative patient"; "parents hope to raise children who are considerate and helpful to others" providing assistance or serving a useful function of service or assistance; "a child who is helpful around the house can save the mother many steps
in a helpful manner; "the subtitles are helpfully conveyed
In a helpful manner
usefully, in a beneficial manner
The act of being helpful
friendliness evidence by a kindly and helpful disposition
the property of providing useful assistance
{i} usefulness, quality of being beneficial
A helping of food is the amount of it that you get in a single serving
present participle of help
You can refer to an amount of something, especially a quality, as a helping of that thing. It took a generous helping of entrepreneurial confidence to persevere during this incident. = amount. the amount of food that someone gives you or that you take = serving
{i} assisting, act of helping; serving, portion of food served
A portion or serving, especially of food
an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal; "the helpings were all small"; "his portion was larger than hers"; "there's enough for two servings each
Unsupplied; destitute; with of
Destitute of help or strength; unable to help or defend one's self; needing help; feeble; weak; as, a helpless infant
lacking in or deprived of strength or power; "lying ill and helpless"; "helpless with laughter"
unable to function; without help lacking in or deprived of strength or power; "lying ill and helpless"; "helpless with laughter
If you are helpless, you do not have the strength or power to do anything useful or to control or protect yourself. Parents often feel helpless, knowing that all the cuddles in the world won't stop the tears + helplessly help·less·ly Their son watched helplessly as they vanished beneath the waves. + helplessness help·less·ness I remember my feelings of helplessness
{s} unable to help oneself, weak, powerless
Bringing no help; unaiding
Beyond help; irremediable
unable to manage independently; "as helpless as a baby"
unable to function; without help
unable to manage independently; "as helpless as a baby" unable to function; without help lacking in or deprived of strength or power; "lying ill and helpless"; "helpless with laughter
in a helpless manner; "the crowd watched him helplessly"
in a helpless manner; "the crowd watched him helplessly
weakly, in a helpless manner
A feeling of inadequacy or impotence
a feeling of being unable to manage the state of needing help from something
The state of being helpless
{i} weakness, inability to help oneself, powerlessness, defenselessness
powerlessness revealed by an inability to act; "in spite of their weakness the group remains highly active"
The special ability to provide timely assistance that releases other Christian workers for direct spiritual ministry (1 Cor 12: 28)
The ability and overwhelming desire to aid persons in need
The ability to invest the talents one has in the life and ministry of other members of the body, thus enabling those others to increase the effectiveness of their own spiritual gifts Mark 15: 40-41, Acts 9: 36, Romans 16: 1-2, I Corinthians 12: 28
third-person singular of help
plural of help