
listen to the pronunciation of notify
İngilizce - Türkçe

Onun hakkında patronuna bildirmek zorunda kalacaksın. - You'll have to notify your boss about that.

{f} haber vermek

Polise haber vermek zorundayız. - We have to notify the police.

Tamamen iyileştiğimi haber vermekten mutluluk duyuyorum. - I am happy to notify you that I have fully recovered.

(Bilgisayar) uyar

Bayanlar ve baylar, lütfen insanları küresel ısınmaya katkıda bulunmayı bırakmaları ve doğa dostu ekipmanlar kullanmaları için uyarın. - Ladies and gentlemen, please notify the people to stop contributing to global warming and use nature-friendly equipment.

ihbarda bulunmak
haberdar etmek

3 dakika sonra bana bildirir misin? - Will you notify me after 3 minutes?

Niçin polis bize bildirmedi? - Why didn't the police notify us?

{f} ihtar etmek

Derhal polise ihbar etmelisin. - You should notify the police at once.

{f} tebliğ etmek
haberdar et
haber verme

Bence Tom'un ebeveynlerine haber vermeliyiz. - I think we should notify Tom's parents.

Tamamen iyileştiğimi haber vermekten mutluluk duyuyorum. - I am happy to notify you that I have fully recovered.

(Kanun) ihbar etmek
bilgilendirme yapmak
(Bilgisayar) bildirme

Nişanlım bana önceden bildirmeden geldi ve ben mahcup hissettim. - My fiancee arrived without notifying me beforehand, and I felt embarrassed.

Onun hakkında patronuna bildirmek zorunda kalacaksın. - You'll have to notify your boss about that.

notify changes
(Bilgisayar) değişiklikleri bildir
notify in written
(Ticaret) yazılı olarak bildirmek
notify me
(Bilgisayar) bana bildir
notify received
(Bilgisayar) alınan bildirim
notify sent
(Bilgisayar) gönderilen bildirim
notify to one
birisine haber vermek
notify address
adres bildirmek
notify party
bildirmek parti
notify so. about st.
bildirmek öyle. hakkında st
{i} tebliğ

Onun kovulmasıyla ilgili herhangi bir tebliğ almadık. - We didn't receive any notification of his having been fired.

{i} ihbarname
(Avrupa Birliği) bildirim

Onun yaklaşan partisi hakkında e-posta bildirimini aldım. - I received an email notification of his upcoming party.

Sigara içme yasağı bildirimi dün restoranın dışında yayınlandı. - Notification of the smoking ban was posted outside the restaurant yesterday.

{i} duyuru
(Mukavele) tebligat

Bizim hiç tebligatımız yoktu. - We had no notification.

(Askeri,Bilgisayar) haber verme
(Hukuk) tek-taraflı tebliğ
(Hukuk) tek-taraflı bildirim
tebliğ edilen
order notify
(Ticaret) sipariş ihbarı

Bir ay içinde taşınmamız gerektiğine dair bildirim aldım. - I received notification that we must move out in one month.

Sigara içme yasağı bildirimi dün restoranın dışında yayınlandı. - Notification of the smoking ban was posted outside the restaurant yesterday.

{f} bildir

Saat üçte başlayacağını bana bildirdi. - He notified me that he would start at three.

Eğer bu olursa ilk olarak size bildirilecek. - If that happens, you'll be the first to be notified.

groups to notify
(Bilgisayar) bildirilecek gruplar
(Hukuk) ihbar
people to notify
(Bilgisayar) bildirilecek kişiler
power notify object
Güç Uyarma Nesnesi
users to notify
(Bilgisayar) bildirilecek kullanıcılar
İngilizce - İngilizce
To give (someone) notice of (something)
{v} to make known, declare, publish
[BSG] "Wait/notify" is one of two interprocess synchronization mechanisms used in Multics "block and wakeup" is intended only for user programs The overhead of event queues and the inability to wait on multiple events at once made it unsuitable for use in complex asynchronous subsystems (e g , page control) in the supervisor A process goes to "wait on" a given "event", a 36-bit number then recorded in the traffic control entry for the process The process is suspended until some other process "notifies" that event, whereupon -all- processes waiting on it are resumed Part of the protocol is the possibility of false notifications, the waiter must test upon resumption, and no datum is conveyed with the notification Directory and other non-wired locks, as well as paging events, are managed with this mechanism
An RFC standard that enables DNS master servers to inform their slaves that changes were made to their zones This initiates a zone transfer
{f} inform, advise, tell, warn (especially officially)
A option on mIRC that allows you to add nicks of your friends so that you will be notified if they come online The command is /notify nick
If you notify someone of something, you officially inform them about it. The skipper notified the coastguard of the tragedy Earlier this year they were notified that their homes were to be cleared away She confirmed that she would notify the police and the hospital. = inform. to formally or officially tell someone about something = inform notify sb of sth (notifier, from notificare, from notus; NOTICE)
give information or notice to; "I advised him that the rent was due"
(Key As String, Value As Variant)Triggers evaluation of subscriptions on the supplied key that may ultimately result in the firing of an OnNotify event This is intended to provide an interprocess communication facility when the dictionary is shared among several objects In this way, it is much like setting the value of an item in the dictionary, only that the value is not actually stored and once all subscribers have been notified, the value is forgotten
To give notice to; to inform by notice; to apprise; as, the constable has notified the citizens to meet at the city hall; the bell notifies us of the time of meeting
To make known; to declare; to publish; as, to notify a fact to a person
To communicate specific information to another person as required by this CPS and applicable law
Process whereby the railroad informs the drayage provider or shipper that a unit is available for pickup The notification will place the move in a destination dwell status
notify party
the party who is to be notified when goods arrive at their destination
notify party
In a bill of lading, a party other than the consignee designated as the party that the carrier must notify when the goods arrive at the port of destination
notify party
The name of an organization, or individual, that should be notified when a shipment reaches its destination
notify party
Name and address of a party in the transport document to be notified by the shipping company of the arrival of a shipment
notify party
The party to be notified of arrival of goods
notify party
Party notified at the time a container or trailer is grounded from a train Most notify parties are draymen
notify party
Party to be notified by the carrier of arrival of the goods at their destination Normally the notify party is the importer and/or the importer's agent for clearing goods through customs
The act of notifying
A specific piece of information that serves to notify
A person or thing which notifies or provides notification

The Gmail Notifier displays a small icon in the notification area.

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of notify
{n} the act of making known, a sign
an accusation of crime made by a grand jury on its own initiative
A message sent to a user, operator, owner, coordinator, or other party
A notification is a call to a ship handler issued by the ship hardware For example, when a message is received the ship receives the Message() notification
At Network Solutions, the process of informing individuals and organizations who are listed as authorized points of contact on a domain name record, contact record, or host record that the registry has received a request to modify information in one of the records with which the authorized contacts are associated All notifications are sent via email to the email addresses that are on file with Network Solutions for the authorized points of contact The notification process provides each authorized point of contact with the opportunity to acknowledge the requested modification with the response "ACK" or to refuse to acknowledge the requested modification, with the response "NAK " Notification is intended to keep all those involved with a domain name or host informed of actions that can affect the operation and functioning of the name or host [see also: ACK (Acknowledge), NAK (No Acknowledgement), Contact/Agent, Modification, Host (Name Server)]
A message that reports a network problem or other significant event to a network management application
informing by words
A filing stating that an event pertaining to the license has occurred, that an assignment or transfer has been consummated, or that a construction or coverage requirement has been met
The writing which communicates information; an advertisement, or citation, etc
The act of notifying, or giving notice; the act of making known; especially, the act of giving official notice or information to the public or to individuals, corporations, companies, or societies, by words, by writing, or by other means
{i} act of notifying
An oral or written message
The Watchers are notified of changes in the Presentity status
A predefined response triggered by a system condition, such as an event or error condition Typical responses include sound or visual signals, such as displaying a message box, sending email, or paging an administrator The administrator may be able to configure the response Also see alert
A message generated to the Backup administrator about important Backup events
Process whereby the factor lets an account debtor (your client's customer) know that an invoice(s) has been purchased from your client, and that the debtor is to pay the factor directly
Refers to the ability for the ClikFIX system to send a message to a predefined address or number Notifications are triggered by pre-defined events As an example, the system can send a message to a Manager if a Work Order exceeds a pre-defined deadline There are many options for notifications in the ClikFIX system
An electronic message that is involved when a specific business condition or rule is met A notification informs the recipient of 1)a status of a transaction or 2)requests the recipient to take an action such as approval or modification For example, a notification will be sent to an approver when a requisition requiring approval is received
Formal written mention of verbal accreditation in the official gazette of the European Union EU
Automatic report sent by e-mail to customers or clients containing specific information concerning the status of an issue
Notice given in words or writing, or by signs
(NetVigil) A notification is an action taken automatically whenever a user-defined event occurs Examples of notifications are an email message or an SMS page
the act of notifying, or something by which notice is given
- The process of official designation (e g Notification of a SITE OF SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC INTEREST)
a request for payment; "the notification stated the grace period and the penalties for defaulting
Communicating the nature or severity of a problem (such as a power outage) to customer representatives, so they can take steps to lessen the impact to their organizations
A programmatic mechanism for alerting interested recipients (sometimes called observers) that an event has occurred
process through which property owners, public officials, and the general public are notified of nominations to, listings in, and determinations of eligibility for the National Register
-If an applicant successfully registers a domain name with an IP Claim against it, the IP Claimant is notified The Claimant is given all of the Whois data for the domain name registrant The domain name is placed on hold for 30 days, providing an opportunity for the Claimant and the registrant to resolve the dispute prior to the Registry going live Claimants will also be notified if no one registered the domain name that matched their IP Claim
informing people who request it about criminal justice proceedings
Arrival Notice or Notification Notice furnished to the consignee of the arrival of freight
A message reporting the status of a managed object In Solstice EM, every notification is passed to the request facilities and to all existing log objects (which decide for themselves what, if anything, to do with it) The set of notifications that the request facilities knows about--and therefore the notifications that you can receive through a request--are defined in GDMO documents which are compiled into the MIS
If you are given notification of something, you are officially informed of it. Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives Payments should be sent with the written notification. official information about something prior/advance notification
a request for payment; "the notification stated the grace period and the penalties for defaulting"
past of notify
{i} one who notifies, informer, messenger
The server module responsible for issuing e-mail messages to the Guardian
An object that issues a notification to other objects of its change of state A notifier manages a list of observers, defines a list of supported notification events, and notifies registered observers when a relevant event occurs All Visual Builder parts are notifiers See notification event Contrast with observer
A form that appears when the system requires you to confirm an operation that you just requested, or when an error occurs
A Symbian OS service that provides UI output for a client thread
third-person singular of notify
present participle of notify
Türkçe - İngilizce

notify teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

(Politika, Siyaset) notice