
listen to the pronunciation of alert
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} uyanık

Ben bir fincan kahve içtikten sonra daha uyanık hissediyorum. - I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee.

Uyanık kalmak zorundayız. - We've got to stay alert.

ikaz etmek
kulağı delik
ayık kalmak

İşlek bir caddeden geçerken dikkatli ol. - Be alert when you cross a busy street!

Kendimi dikkatli olmaya zorladım. - I forced myself to stay alert.

alarm işareti
heyecan sinyali
tehlikeye karşı uyarı

O tekrar aldatılmak istemiyordu ve her zaman tetikteydi. - He didn't want to be cheated again, and was always on the alert.

Tetikte beklemek zorundayız. - We have to stay alert.

{f} uyar

Tom yetkilileri uyardı. - Tom alerted the authorities.

Tsunami uyarısı iptal edildi. - The tsunami alert was cancelled.

alarma geçmek
hazır olmak
{i} uyarı

Tsunami uyarısı iptal edildi. - The tsunami alert was cancelled.

(Askeri) harekat alanına fırlatma ve taarruz erken uyarısı (attack and launch early reporting to theater)
be on the alert gözünü açmak
{f} gözünü açmak
{f} alârma geçirmek
tehlike uyarı
(Askeri) UYARI İKAZI: Olması yakın bir harekat görevini uyaran, bir birlik veya karargah tarafından alınan ikaz. Ayrıca bakınız: "airborne alert; air defense warning conditions; ground alert; warning order"
(n) uyarı
{i} tehlike işareti
uyanık olmak

Her zaman uyanık olmak zorundayız. - We have to be alert all the time.

uyarı uyarı, uyarmak
{i} tetikte olma

Tehlikeler için tetikte olmalıyız. - We must be alert to dangers.

alarm işareti the alert "uyanık ol' işareti
{i} alârm

Tom alarmda kalmak için kendini zorladı. - Tom forced himself to stay alert.

Onlar şimdiden alarma geçirildi. - They have already been alerted.

alertness tetiklik
açıkgözIük atiklik
{s} atik
{s} açıkgöz
alarm durumu
alarm vermek
tetikte olan
alert force
(Askeri) hazır kuvvet
alert level
(Tıp) uyarı düzeyi
alert limits
(Tıp) uyarı sınırları
alert log
(Bilgisayar) uyarı günlüğü
alert name
(Bilgisayar) uyarı adı
alert to
alert with
(Bilgisayar) uyar
alert to
alert actions
(Bilgisayar) uyarı eylemleri
alert before overwriting cells
(Bilgisayar) hücre üzerine yazmadan uyar
alert box
Uyarı kutusu
alert condition
(Askeri) alarm durumu
alert exercise
(Askeri) alarm tatbikatı
alert fire team
(Askeri) alarm ateş timi
alert force
(Askeri) HAZIR KUVVET, ALARM KUVVETİ: Özel bir hazırlık derecesini muhafaza eden ve bu durumda tutulan kuvvetler
alert high
(Bilgisayar) uyarı yüksek
alert holding area
(Askeri) alarm tespit sahası
alert implementation report
alert indicator
alarm indikatörü
alert launch order
(Askeri) alarm fırlatma emri
alert legend
(Bilgisayar) uyarı göstergesi
alert letter
(Tıp) uyarı mektubu
alert low
(Bilgisayar) uyarı düşük
alert medium
(Bilgisayar) uyarı orta
alert message
Uyarı İletisi
alert notice; search and rescue alert notice
(Askeri) alarm bildirimi; arama kurtarma alarm bildirimi
alert options
(Bilgisayar) uyarı seçenekleri
alert phase
(Havacılık) alarm hali
alert phase
(Askeri) alarm safhası
alert phase (ICAO)
(Askeri) alarm safhası (ICAO)
alert station
(Askeri) HAVA BEKLEME YERİ: Savunma için görevlendirilen tayyarelerin, beklenilen düşman tayyareleriyle savunulacak hedef arasında havada bulundukları mevki
alert station
(Askeri) alarm mevkileri
alert station
(Askeri) hava bekleme yeri
alert status
(Askeri) Alarm durumu
alert text
Uyarı Metni
tetikte olarak
conflict alert
(Havacılık) çatışma ikazı
crew alert
(Askeri) mürettebat alarmı
cute alert
(Bilgisayar) şirin tehlike
export alert
(Bilgisayar) verme uyarısı
network alert
(Bilgisayar) ağ uyarısı
on the alert
alesta beklemek
security alert
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik uyarısı
on the alert
alarm durumunda
amber alert
(America's Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response) Amerika'da kayıp ya da kaçırılmış çocuklar için çıkarılan olağanüstü durum ilanı
be alert
uyanık olmak

Her zaman uyanık olmak zorundayız. - We have to be alert all the time.

defensive alert
savunma uyarı
full alert
tam uyarı
fully alert
tam uyarı
high alert
yüksek uyarı
keep alert
uyarı tutmak
observant; alert; acute
gözlemci, uyarı, akut
on ikaz, on uyarı
red alert
kırmızı alarm
Diver's Alert Network
(Askeri) Dalış Alarm Şebekesi
Navy Antiterrorism Analysis Center; Navy Antiterrorist Alert Center
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Anti-Terörizm Analiz Merkezi; Deniz Kuvvetleri Anti
air alert
hava alârmı
air alert
(Askeri) HAVA ALARM DURUMU: Muhtemel düşman hava taarruzuna karşı alarm. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defense warning conditions" "alert" ve "ground alert"
air alert method
(Askeri) HAVA ALARM USULÜ: Av tayyarelerinin, havada tam tepede veya yakında, derhal harekete hazır vaziyette bulundukları hava savunma usulü. Bu usul; hava savunmasında av tayyarelerinin kullandığı üç usulden biridir. Diğer usuller (ground alert method yerde alarm usulü) ve (search patrol method arama devriye usulü) dür
air alert mission
(Askeri) TAKTİK HAVA KONTROL GÖREVİ; HAVADA ALARM GÖREVİ: Yerdeki kuvvetlerin ani hava isteğini karşılamak üzere, muharebe sahası üzerinde havada uçuş halinde bulunan tayyareler
air alert warning
(Askeri) HAVA ALARMI İKAZI: Düşman tayyareleri veya füzelerinin yaklaşmasını, telsiz veya diğer seri haberleşme vasıtalarından biriyle bildirme. Ayrıca bakınız: "air raid alert warning"
air raid alert
(Askeri) HAVA AKINI ALARMI: Muhtemel düşman hava taarruzlarına karşı ikaz. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defense warning conditions"
air raid alert warning
(Askeri) HAVA AKINI ALARM İKAZI: Düşman hava araçları veya füzelerinin yaklaşmasını, telsiz veya diğer seri muhabere vasıtalarıyla haber verme
airborne alert
(Askeri) HAVADA HAZIR ALARM: Muharebe için teçhiz edilmiş uçakların havada ve derhal muharebeye hazır bulundukları hazırlıklı olma durumu. Bunun amacı tepki süresini azaltmak ve kurtulma faktörünü arttırmaktır. Ayrıca bakınız: "combat air patrol"; "fighter cover", "alert"
{i} açıkgözlük
{i} tetiklik
antiterrorism alert center (Navy)
(Askeri) antiterörizm alarm merkezi (Deniz Kuvvetleri)
backup alert force
(Askeri) yedek alarm kuvveti
be alert
gözünü dört açmak
be on the alert
uyanık olmak
be on the alert
tetikte olmak
be on the alert
gözünü dört açmak
deck alert
(Askeri) Bknz. "ground alert"
deck alert
(Havacılık) güvertede alarm durumu
disease and environmental alert report
(Askeri) hastalık ve çevresel alarm raporu
emergency war order alert
(Askeri) ACİL HARP NİZAMİ ALARMI (HV.): Bir hazırlık durumu. Bu durumda; eğitim görmüş işletme mürettebatı, harp başlığı takılıp faaliyete hazır bir harekat rampasına monte edilmiş muharebeye hazır bir füzeyi, emredilen. reaksiyon süresi içinde, diğer stratejik kuvvetlerin planlanmış uygulanmasıyla birlikte, 24 saat her an atışa hazır bulundurmaktadır
error alert
Hata Uyarısı
formal alert system
gas alert
(Askeri) GAZA KARŞI HAZIR BULUNMA: Bir gaz taarruzuna karşı korunmak maksadıyla, gaz maskesi ve elbiselerini hazır bulundurma vaziyeti
gas alert line
(Askeri) GAZ TEHLİKE HATTI: İlerisine geçilince gaz maskelerinin takılmaya hazır bulundurulması icab eden hat. Harekat haritalarında gaz tehlike hattı "G" harfi ile gösterilir
general alert
(Askeri) genel alarm
ground alert
(Askeri) YER ALARM METODU: Yerde bulunan uçakların bir görev emri aldıktan sonra, belirtilmiş kısa bir süre içinde (genellikle 15 dakika) muharebe mürettebatı ile birlikte, tam ikmalleri yapılmış ve teçhiz edilmiş uçuşa hazır vaziyette bulundukları durum. Ayrıca bak. "alert"
ground alert method
(Askeri) YERDE ALARM USULÜ: Hava savunmasında, avcı uçaklarının kullanılmasına ait üç usulden biri. Bu usulde, savunmadaki avcı kuvveti, düşman uçaklarının yaklaştığına dair haber gelir gelmez, derhal havalanacak şekilde, yerde hazır tutulur. Avcı uçaklarının kullanılmasına ait diğer usuller, havada alarm usulü (air alert method) ve arama devriye usulü (search patrol) dür
national responses to alert request
on the alert
on the alert

O tekrar aldatılmak istemiyordu ve her zaman tetikteydi. - He didn't want to be cheated again, and was always on the alert.

Bir tsunami geliyor, bu yüzden tetikte olun. - A tsunami is coming, so please be on the alert.

outbreak alert
(Tıp) salgın uyarısı
sabotage alert team
(Askeri) SABOTAJ ALARM TİMİ: Alarmları, olağanüstü durumları veya gayri nizami hareketleri karşılamada ilk takviye unsurunu teşkil eden iki veya daha çok personel. Bak. "security alert team"
safety alert
(Havacılık) emniyet ikazı
satellite; security alert team
(Askeri) uydu; emniyet alarm ekibi
search and rescue alert notice
(Askeri) ARAMA VE KURTARMA ALARM İLANI: ABD iç hat uçuşları için kullanılan alarm mesajı. Alarm safhasının ilanı ile ilişkilidir. Ayrıca ALNOT olarak bilinir. Ayrıca bakınız: "search and rescue incident classification, subpart, b
security alert system
(Askeri) Emniyet alarm sistemi
security alert team
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK ALARM TİMİ: Güvenlik alarmlarına, acil durumlarına ve düzensizliklerine karşı koyan ana takviye unsurundan oluşturan 2 veya daha fazla güvenlik kuvveti mensubu
simple alert
stage of general alert
stage of reinforced alert
stage of simple alert
tactical alert net
(Askeri) TAKTİK HAVA KONTROL TİMİ İKAZ ÇEVRİMİ: Vuku bulan veya yakında vukuu beklenen taarruz hakkında bilgiler dağıtmak için seri bir vasıta olarak kullanılan telsiz çevrimi
İngilizce - İngilizce
Attentive; awake; on-guard
An alarm
To give warning to
A notification
{a} quick, nimble, brisk, lively
A formal notification that an E/I/C has occurred which may develop into a Business Continuity Management or Crisis Management invocation
an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time Flood warning program developed by the National Weather Service in the 1970s, uses remote sensors in the field to transmit environmental data to a central computer in real time
mentally responsive; "an alert mind"
a warning serves to make you more alert to danger
(n ) A warning that is similar to an alarm, but not of such a critical nature
Notice of specific attack directed at an organization's IS resources
A notification, whose form may be specified by a sponsoring organization, to the effect that opponents may be in need of an explanation
Acronym for Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time The ALERT system is comprised of a network of gaging stations that collect rainfall and creek level data in real-time
In Windows NT, a message sent between two simultaneously executing threads that results in an asynchronous procedure call (APC) executed by the receiving thread Also means a message indicating abnormal operation of a Windows NT process
An emergency class [see emergency class definition] within the Operational and Energy categories of emergency Within the Operational Emergency category, an Alert represents events in progress or having occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial reduction of the level of facility safety and protection Any environmental releases of hazardous materials [see hazardous materials definition] are expected to be limited to small fractions of the appropriate Protection Action Guideline (PAG) or Emergency Response Planning Guideline (ERPG) onsite During an Energy Emergency, an Alert represents an event which has occurred or is in progress that is noteworthy; the potential impacts are not expected to be serious; and a negligible long-term supply impact is anticipated (DOE Order 5500 1B) Back to Top
A formatted message describing a circumstance relevant to network security Alerts are often derived from critical audit events [NSAINT] Notice of specific attack directed at an organizationÂ's IS resources [CIAO] Notification that a specific attack has been directed at the IS of an organization [NSTISSC] (see also attack, audit, communications security, networks, security)
A problem determination message sent to a network operator within IBM’s network management system
Dialog Alert is a current awareness service that is available for most regularly updated Dialog databases The Dialog Alert service allows you to have a search run automatically whenever new records are added to the database and have the results delivered to you electronically, via fax, or by first class mail
An alert is a message notifying the user that data is being sent to an insecure server The user may elect the cancel the transmission, or may choose to use a browser with compatible security
An action, such as a beep or warning, that is generated when a performance variable exceeds or falls below its warning or alarm threshold
condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action; "bombers were put on alert during the crisis"
(Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time): A data transmission protocol used in flood warning systems
This column contains extra information (positive or negative) which may be of interest but is not applicable to enough companies, or on which information is not available in a sufficiently consistent form, or which is too peripheral to ECRA's general aims, for it to warrant its own column
A formatted message describing a circumstance relevant to network security Alerts are often derived from critical audit events
In this document, "to alert" means to make the user aware of some event, without requiring acknowledgement For example, the user agent may alert the user that new content is available on the server by displaying a text message in the user agent's status bar See checkpoint 1 3 for requirements about alerts
Constant 10 KHz signaling tone sent on the reverse voice channel (by the mobile), in an analog conversation, while the mobile phone is ringing
A dialog that appears when the system or an application needs to communicate information to the user Alerts provide messages about error conditions and warn users about potentially hazardous situations or actions
A message sent to indicate an abnormal event or a failure
A message that generally indicates some unusual condition about which the user should be aware Alerts can come from a program that has encountered a problem, from N-Code designed to send alerts, or from a backend that has noticed something interesting about the data it is recording
Warning that an incident has occurred
Automated Local Event Reporting in Real Time Network of automatic raingauges that transmit via VHF radio link when precipitation occurs Some sites are also equipped with other sensors such as temperature, wind, pressure, river stage or tide level
An event involving an unknown or significant decrease in the level of protection for the public or on-site personnel
warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries"
An automatic notification that an event or error has occurred
(usually followed by `to') showing acute awareness; mentally perceptive; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament"
If you alert someone to a situation, especially a dangerous or unpleasant situation, you tell them about it. He wanted to alert people to the activities of the group I was hoping he'd alert the police. see also red alert
{s} ready; attentive; quick, agile
If you are on the alert for something, you are ready to deal with it if it happens. They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities
An alarm from a real or threatened attack; a sudden attack; also, a bugle sound to give warning
If you are alert to something, you are fully aware of it. The bank is alert to the danger
a warning serves to make you more alert to danger condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action; "bombers were put on alert during the crisis"
Brisk; nimble; moving with celerity
An alert is a situation in which people prepare themselves for something dangerous that might happen soon. Due to a security alert, this train will not be stopping at Oxford Circus
Watchful; vigilant; active in vigilance
{i} attitude of readiness; warning; alarm
very attentive or observant; "an alert and responsive baby is a joy"; "caught by a couple of alert cops"; "alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came"; "constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty"
mentally responsive; "an alert mind
{f} warn; put on standby; alarm
If you are alert, you are paying full attention to things around you and are able to deal with anything that might happen. We all have to stay alert He had been spotted by an alert neighbour. = attentive + alertness alert·ness The drug improved mental alertness
not unconscious; especially having become conscious; "the patient is now awake and alert"
If soldiers or police are on alert, they are ready to deal with anything that may happen. Soldiers and police have been put on alert
alert five
On an aircraft carrier, fighters and crew are on guard, standing by in the aircraft, strapped in and ready to be launched in five minutes or less
alert box
box which warns a user against an error or malfunction
alert signal
warning sign, cautionary sign
The quality of being alert or on the alert; briskness; nimbleness; activity
amber alert
A public notification of a child abduction
drink alert
fair warning that information to follow may cause recipient to laugh unexpectedly and, if drinking, cause drink to exit the nose

They are called Seagulls. They fly in, make a lot of noise, shit all over everything and then fly off.

flood alert
An official warning broadcast when a specific area is likely to experience flooding, normally due to excessive rain
on the alert
Very attentive, or vigilant

Wild animals have to be constantly on the alert for predators.

red alert
a state of readiness to deal with such emergency situation
red alert
a warning that indicates an emergency situation
{a} quickly, nimbly, briskly
{n} briskness, liveliness, activity
(deyim) on one's toes
Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System
The Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (or TCAS) is a computerised avionics device which is designed to reduce the danger of mid-air collisions between aircraft. It monitors the airspace around an aircraft, independent of air traffic control, and warns pilots of the presence of other aircraft which may present a threat of mid-air collision (MAC). It is an implementation of the Airborne Collision Avoidance System mandated by International Civil Aviation Organization to be fitted to all aircraft over 5700 kg or authorised to carry more than 19 passengers
amber alert
An AMBER Alert is a notification to the general public, by various media outlets in Canada and in the United States, when police confirmed that a child has been abducted. AMBER is a backronym for "America's Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response", and was named for 9-year-old Amber Hagerman who was abducted and murdered in Arlington, Texas in 1996. Exceptions are in Georgia, where it is called Levi's Call, Hawaii, where it is called a Maile Amber Alert , and Arkansas, where it is called a Morgan Nick Amber Alert. Those plans were named after children who went missing in those states
in an alert manner; "she got through the day alertly, despite being on drugs"
a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG"
lively attentiveness
the process of paying close and continuous attention
air alert
the warning signal that begins an period of preparation for an enemy air attack
air alert
the warning signal that begins an period of preparation for an enemy air attack the condition in which combat aircraft are airborne and ready for an operation; "aircraft in the Mideast are on air alert"
air alert
the time period during which military and civilian agencies are prepared for an enemy air attack
air alert
the condition in which combat aircraft are airborne and ready for an operation; "aircraft in the Mideast are on air alert"
past of alert
{i} one who warns, one who calls to a state of readiness
a warning serves to make you more alert to danger
a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG"
A feature that warns administrators about suspicious network events, such as rejected packets and protocol violations Alerting is made available when packet filtering is turned on and is recorded in the packet filtering log A message generated as the result of an alert can be sent to a user account by e-mail
The process a switch uses to inform customer premises equipment (CPE) that an incoming call is present and waiting for an answer For analog lines, alerting consists of applying a ringing voltage; for hybrid telephones, alerting consists of sending signaling bits; and for digital telephones, cellular telephones, or personal communications service (PCS) handsets, it consists of sending a message to the CPE that alerts the user Alerting of the end user is a function of the CPE (e g , audible ring, flashing lamp, voice announcement) On some CPE, additional incoming calls for busy lines may be indicated via messages, lamps or call waiting tones See also CPE and PCS
Notification of the appearance of an incoming call by ringing on a POTS network or in a protocol message on an ISDN network
present participle of alert
watchfully, vigilantly; warily; promptly, quickly
In an alert manner; nimbly
In an alert manner; with alertness
in an alert manner; "she got through the day alertly, despite being on drugs
lively attentiveness a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG
{i} readiness; wakefulness; carefulness
Automated notification of receipt of reports regarding particular entities
plural of alert
Messages that Microsoft's LAN Manager network operating system sends under certain conditions The three classes of alerts are admin alerts, error alerts and printer alerts
A notification from an event that has exceeded a pre-defined threshold ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange An eight-bit code for character representation; includes seven bits plus parity attribute A field represented by a column within an object (entity) An object may be a table, view or report An attribute is also associated with an SGML(HTML) tag used to further define the usage
A box that pops up when text is clicked or when a mouse hovers over it
A notification from an event that has exceeded a pre-defined threshold
third-person singular of alert
be on the alert
be ready, be prepared, be vigilant, be on guard
being on the alert
being ready, being prepared
calling an alert
initiating a state of readiness, declaring a state of alert
defensive alert
state of readiness to fend off an expected attack
emergency alert system
a federal warning system that is activated by FEMA; enables the President to take over the United States airwaves to warn the whole country of major catastrophic events
full alert
ready for action (Military)
high alert
heightened state of readiness
on the alert
on guard, ready, on standby
on the alert(p)
watchful and prepared for action; "bird watchers on the alert for a rare species"; "cops were on the job and caught them red-handed
red alert
the highest level of alert when an attack by the enemy seems immanent (or more generally a state of alert resulting from immanent danger)
red alert
If a hospital, a police force, or a military force is on red alert, they have been warned that there may be an emergency, so they can be ready to deal with it. All the Plymouth hospitals are on red alert. a warning that there is very great danger be (put/placed) on red alert
seizure-alert dog
a dog that can alert or assist people with seizure disorders
state of alert
state of readiness, state in which one is well prepared
strip alert
a state of readiness for domestic defense aircraft; "the Air Force will keep fighters on strip alert at bases around the country
supreme alert
being extremely prepared, standing guard