
listen to the pronunciation of same
İngilizce - Türkçe

Eyfel Kulesi, Louvre Müzesi ile aynı şehirdedir. - The Eiffel Tower is in the same city as the Louvre Museum.

Bir insanın kalbi, yaklaşık olarak yumruğuyla aynı boyuttadır. - A person's heart is approximately the same size as their fist.

{s} tıpkı
eskisi gibi

Tom eskisi gibi aynı adam değil. - Tom isn't the same man he used to be.

Tom eskisi gibi aynı hatayı yaptı. - Tom made the same mistake as before.

{s} benzer

Yaptığıma benzer bir yanlışı yapmanı istemiyorum. - I don't want you to make the same mistake I made.

Fazla kumar, uyuşturucu bağımlılığına benzer beyin değişimlerine neden olur. - Excessive gambling causes the same brain changes as a drug addiction.

{s} farksız
mamafih just the same buna rağmen
{s} aynı, tıpkı: the same thing aynı şey. John speaks in the same way as his father. John tıpkı babası gibi konuşuyor
{s} farketmez
aynı şey

Aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar söylüyorum. - I say the same thing over and over.

Yerinde olsam, böyle zor bir durumda aynı şeyi yaparım. - If I were you, I would have done the same thing in such a difficult situation.


Aynısı benim sınıf için de geçerlidir. - The same applies to my class.

Her zaman olduğun gibi aynısın. - You are just the same as you always were.

aynı şekilde

O, işi babasının yaptığı gibi aynı şekilde yaptı. - He did business in the same manner as his father did.

Herkes aynı şekilde düşünüyor. - Everyone thinks the same way.


Hep aynı dizeleri çalarsan monotonluk gelişir. - Monotony develops when you harp on the same string.

yaklaşık olarak same here ben de
much the same hemen hemen aynı
{s} eşit: Both amounts
at the same time
aynı zamanda

Fahrenheit, termometreyi bulan Alman bir mucittir. Aynı zamanda onun ismi bir sıcaklık birimine verilmiştir. - Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature.

Geriye dönüp baktığında, Tom her iki kız kardeşle aynı zamanda flört etmemesi gerektiğini anladı. - In retrospect, Tom realized he shouldn't have been dating both sisters at the same time.

same-sex marriage
(Fizik) Eşcinsel evliliği
same to you
size de
same as the original
aslı gibidir
same day
aynı gün
same game
(Bilgisayar) aynı oyun
same here
al benden de o kadar
same line
(Bilgisayar) aynı satır
same quality
aynı kalite
same to you
same window
(Bilgisayar) aynı pencere
same as
ile aynı

Adı ve soyadı benimki ile aynı olan bir kadın tanıyorum. - I know a woman whose first and last names are the same as mine.

Öğretmenimiz ayrıca düğününün diğer insanlarınki ile aynı olmayacağını söyledi;biz nasıl farklı olacağını sorduk fakat o söylemedi. - Our teacher also said that her wedding wouldn't be the same as other people's; we asked how it would be different, but she didn't say.

same here
same here
ben de
same to you
sana da
same to you
same age
Aynı yaş
same as awesome
awesome aynı
same as megrim
migren ile aynı
same as pms or pantone color
PMS ya da pantone aynı renk
same of
same old
Aynı eski
same old same old
(Atasözü) Eski taş, eski hamam
same old story
aynı taş aynı hamam
same person
Aynı kişi
same sex
aynı cinsiyetten
same shit different day
Her gün aynı hikaye. Aynı taş, aynı hamam
same things
aynı şeyler
same to you
darısı senin başına
same way
aynı şekilde

Hegel'le aynı şekilde, Panovsky'nin diyalektik kavramı tarihe önceden belirlenmiş bir rotayı izlettirir. - In the same way as Hegel, Panovsky's notion of the dialectic makes history follow a predetermined course.

Bir sürü insan Tom'un hissettiği aynı şekilde hissediyor. - A lot of people feel the same way Tom does.

Same here
Ben de.: ''I want a cup of coffee.'' ''Same here.'' ''Bir kahve istiyorum.'' ''Ben de.''
same age group
aynı yaş grubu
same as detail
(Bilgisayar) ayrıntı ile aynı
same as original
aslının aynıdır
same as original
aslının aynı
same cache
(Bilgisayar) aynı önbellek
same day service
aynı gün alabilir miyim
same kind of
aynı tür
same level
(Bilgisayar) aynı düzey
same meaning
aynı anlam
same subnet
(Bilgisayar) aynı alt ağ
same technology
(Ticaret) aynı teknoloji
same technology
(Ticaret) benzer teknoloji
the same
{i} tıpkı
the same
{i} farketmez

Tom'un bir özdeş ikizi var. - Tom has an identical twin.

Bu ikizler özdeş, sadece yüzde değil, aynı zamanda karakterde de. - Those twins are identical, not only their faces, but also in their characters.

two sides of the same coin
Bir elmanın iki yarısı
all the same
yine de

Ona gitmemesini rica ettim, fakat yine de gitti. - I asked him not to go, but he left all the same.

O kaba fakat yine de onu severim. - He is rude, but I love him all the same.

at the same time
bununla birlikte
at the same time
bununla beraber
at the same time
aynı anda

Binadaki herkes aynı anda çıkışa yöneldi. - Everybody in the building headed for the exits at the same time.

Tom, armonika ve gitarı aynı anda çalabilir. - Tom can play the harmonica and the guitar at the same time.

tamamıyla aynı
the same
{i} değişmemiş
the same
{i} aynı

Fahrenheit, termometreyi bulan Alman bir mucittir. Aynı zamanda onun ismi bir sıcaklık birimine verilmiştir. - Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature.

Eyfel Kulesi, Louvre Müzesi ile aynı şehirdedir. - The Eiffel Tower is in the same city as the Louvre Museum.

the same
{i} aynen
the same
{i} aynı şekilde

Hegel'le aynı şekilde, Panovsky'nin diyalektik kavramı tarihe önceden belirlenmiş bir rotayı izlettirir. - In the same way as Hegel, Panovsky's notion of the dialectic makes history follow a predetermined course.

Tom tam olarak Mary gibi aynı şekilde hissediyor. - Tom feels exactly the same way as Mary does.

the same
{i} farksız
all in the same boat
aynı durumda
get on the same page
bir noktada buluşmak
happen at the same time
just the same
tıpatıp aynı
meet the same fate
(deyim) aynı kaderi paylaşmak
much the same
olduğu gibi
occur at the same time as
denk düşmek
occur at the same time as
denk gelmek
of the same kind
same to you
sen de
suffer the same fate
(deyim) aynı kaderi paylaşmak
the same of
the same to you
(Osmanlıca) bilmukabele
It is all the same to me
Benim için hiç fark etmez
all the same
hepsi bir

İnsanlar hepsi bir değil. - People aren't all the same.

all the same
fark yok
at the same time
yine de
at the same time as
le aynı zamanda
consider same
aynı say
harp on the same string
diline dolamak
(with/to ile) benzer
hemen hemen aynı
if it's just the same
Senin için farketmezse onlarla giderim
in the same boat
aynı topun ağzında
in the same boat
aynı durumda
in the same time
aynı zamanda
much the same
hemen hemen aynı

Hasta dünkü durumuyla hemen hemen aynı. - The patient is much the same as yesterday.

of the same age
one and the same
perceive to be the same
aynılığın farkına var
pretty much the same
hemen hemen aynı
serve the same purpose
aynı işi görmek
serve the same purpose
amacı karşılamak
tarred with the same brush
aynı yolun yolcusu
under the same roof
aynı çatı altında
{s} aynı

Tom neredeyse onunla aynı görünüyor. - Tom looks almost identical to him.

Şartlar hafifçe farklı olmasına rağmen, bizim deneyin sonucu Robinson'unki ile aynı. - Although the conditions are slightly different, the result of our experiment was identical with Robinson's.

It comes to the same thing
Aynı kapıya çıkar
all the same
Yine de, bununla birlikte, buna rağmen: "He told her not to do it, but she did it all the same. - Ona yapmamasını söyledi, fakat o yine de yaptı."
along the same lines
aynı biçimde
answer/serve the same purpose
aynı işi görmek, amacı karşılamak
aren't on the same wavelength
Aynı dalga boyu üzerinde değildir
at a same time
Bir aynı zamanda
be cast in the same mold
(deyim) Birbirine benzemek, benzer olmak

All the members of the family are cast in the same mold and they all had success as entertainers.

be in the same boat
Diğerleriyle aynı güç durum içinde olmak
cut from the same cloth
(deyim) birbirinin benzeri olmak
in the same boat
Aynı zor durumda olmak, aynı tehlikeleri ya da kaderi paylaşmak

to be in the same boat.

in the same measure
aynı ölçüde
in the same way
Aynı şekilde
in the same way as that; similar to that
ile aynı şekilde, yani benzer
it is all the same to me
(deyim) Bana göre hava hoş!
just the same
1. yine de, buna rağmen. 2. tıpatıp aynı
look the same
Aynı görünmek
lying on the same straight line
aynı düz çizgi üzerinde yatan
of the same standing
Aynı duran
on the same wavelength
Bir konu hakkında aynı düşüncede olma, aynı şeyleri hissetme: "We have been on the same wavelength for months about the need for change in the company."
perceive to be the same
ayniligin farkına var
self same
öz aynı
kendini aynı
sing the same song
aynı şarkı
stay the same
aynı kalmak
the same extent
aynı ölçüde
the same way
aynı şekilde

Tom tam olarak Mary gibi aynı şekilde hissediyor. - Tom feels exactly the same way as Mary does.

Bir sürü insan Tom'un hissettiği aynı şekilde hissediyor. - A lot of people feel the same way Tom does.

very same

Aynı hatayı tekrar yaptın. - You have made the very same mistake again.

Ben sadece aynısını John'a söylüyordum. - I was just saying the very same thing to John.

{s} tıpkı
{s} mat., (Felsefe) özdeş
{s} (with/to) (ile) aynı
same to you
sizin de
{i} aynılık
{i} benzerlik
the same
aynı kişi
the same
İngilizce - İngilizce
A reply of confirmation of identity

Blue-Collar Man: The same.

Similar, alike

You have the same hair I do!.

Used to express the unity of an object or person which has various different descriptions or qualities

We were all going in the same direction.

The identical thing, ditto

The same can be said of him.

Something similar, something of the identical type

You two are just the same.

Not different or other; not another or others; not different as regards self; selfsame; numerically identical

Peter and Anna went to the same high school: the high school to which Peter went is the high school to which Anna went.

It or them, without a connotation of similarity

Methods of selectively distributing data in a computer network and systems using the same (US Patent 7,191,208).

{a} of the like kind, mentioned before
Of like kind, species, sort, dimensions, or the like; not differing in character or in the quality or qualities compared; corresponding; not discordant; similar; like
You can say all the same or just the same to introduce a statement which indicates that a situation or your opinion has not changed, in spite of what has happened or what has just been said. jokes that she did not understand but laughed at just the same
at the same time: see time
Something that is still the same has not changed in any way. Taking ingredients from the same source means the beers stay the same Only 17% said the economy would improve, but 25% believed it would stay the same
You use same to indicate that you are referring to only one place, time, or thing, and not to different ones. Bernard works at the same institution as Arlette It's impossible to get everybody together at the same time John just told me that your birthday is on the same day as mine
When two or more people or things are thought to be separate and you say that they are one and the same, you mean that they are in fact one single person or thing. Luckily, Nancy's father and her attorney were one and the same person I'm willing to work for the party because its interests and my interests are one and the same
equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "an equal number"; "the same number"
{s} identical; similar, alike; equal, equivalent; aforesaid, previously mentioned
If two or more things, actions, or qualities are the same, or if one is the same as another, they are very like each other in some way. In essence, all computers are the same People with the same experience in the job should be paid the same Driving a boat is not the same as driving a car I want my son to wear the same clothes as everyone else at the school
alike, identically; similarly, correspondingly
Not different or other; not another or others; identical; unchanged
same in identity; "the same man I saw yesterday"; "never wore the same dress twice"; "this road is the same one we were on yesterday"; "on the same side of the street"
unchanged in character or nature; "the village stayed the same"; "his attitude is the same as ever"
in the same manner; "you get treated fairly, same as any other student in this course!"
in the same manner; "you get treated fairly, same as any other student in this course!
formulae You say `same to you' in response to someone who wishes you well with something. `Have a nice Easter.' --- `And the same to you Bridie.'
closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year"
formulae You say `same here' in order to suggest that you feel the same way about something as the person who has just spoken to you, or that you have done the same thing. `Nice to meet you,' said Michael. `Same here,' said Mary Ann = likewise
You say `same again' when you want to order another drink of the same kind as the one you have just had. Give Roger another pint, Imogen, and I'll have the same again
Just mentioned, or just about to be mentioned
If you say `It's all the same to me', you mean that you do not care which of several things happens or is chosen. Whether I've got a moustache or not it's all the same to me
If something is happening the same as something else, the two things are happening in a way that is similar or exactly the same. I mean, it's a relationship, the same as a marriage is a relationship He just wanted the war to end, the same as Wally did
You use the same to refer to something that has previously been mentioned or suggested. We made the decision which was right for us. Other parents must do the same We like him very much and he says the same about us. Same is also an adjective. Dwight Eisenhower possessed much the same ability to appear likeable
pron. identical thing; aforesaid item, previously mentioned thing
same difference
The distinction mentioned makes no difference; the two things distinguished amount to the same thing
same exact
Same, exactly the same, exact same

They both did the same exact things in the same exact way.

same gender loving
homosexual (particularly in the African-American community)
same here
I agree; I have the same opinion

Bob: Same here. We're going to the reservoir.

same old same old
A familiar, uninteresting, or tedious situation, activity, narrative, or set of facts

Most basically, this is the same old-same old — visionary artist struggles successfully to realize his particular vision, gets famous, gets laid, gets in trouble with the whole celebrity thing, tries to escape the demands of his exigent fans . . . ends up sort of beloved, sort of intact, but sort of unfulfilled, too.

same old story
What usually happens, a happening which is not surprising

It's the same old story - everywhere I go I get slandered. (Paul Simon: Keep My Customer Satisfied).

same old, same old
Alternative form of same old same old
same old-same old
Alternative form of same old same old
same to you
I wish to you what you have just wished to me

Go to hell, bozo! / Same to you, fella!.

same-old same-old
Alternative form of same old same old
same-old, same-old
Alternative form of same old same old
Restricted to members of a single sex

a same-sex school.

Of, or relating to homosexual men or women

Some nations have legalized same-sex marriage.

same old
1. ways of saying that something usually happens2. in the same way as things usually happen3. usual4. what people usually do
same old same old
1. ways of saying that something usually happens2. in the same way as things usually happen3. usual4. what people usually do
same as
identical to, like, in like manner to
same pattern
identical style, pattern which repeats
same thing
identical matter or object, unchanged matter
unchanged in character or nature; "the village stayed the same"; "his attitude is the same as ever
Same-sex people are the same sex as each other, or the same sex as a particular person. women's same-sex friends. same-sex marriage/relationship etc a marriage, relationship etc between two men or two women = homosexual
same-sex marriage
two people of the same sex who live together as a family; "the legal status of same-sex marriages has been hotly debated
all else the same
Ceteris paribus
all the same
Anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless

He knew it was risky, but he did it all the same.

at the same time
on the other hand (introducing an opposing viewpoint)
at the same time
by the same token
For a similar reason; in a similar manner; similarly; likewise; along the same lines

The petroleum and gas of eastern Ohio, and by the same token, of western Pennsylvania and New York are unquestionably derived from the great shale formation of Devonian and subcarboniforous age that underlies this territory, and they are stored in sandstones overlying or interstratified with these shales..

exact same
Same, exactly the same, same exact

They both did the exact same things in the exact same way.

if it's all the same
If it makes no difference; if nobody minds; if it doesn't bother anyone

If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to stay at a hotel instead of at your house.

in the same boat
In the same situation or predicament; having the same problems

You can ignore their problems, but you could be in the same boat someday.

in the same vein
Similarly, likewise; relatedly
in the same vein
Similar, like, alike; related
just the same
Anyway; despite

He didn't like it one bit, but he smiled just the same.

on the same page
In broad agreement or sharing a common general understanding or knowledge (common in office environments)

I want to make sure we're all on the same page with the game plan for the Acme account.

on the same wavelength
In rapport or complete accord

Luckily, the members of the committee were on the same wavelength, so we didn't have endless discussions about what words meant.

one and the same
The same person or thing. Used to emphasize the identity or equivalence of two things

It's almost like there's one electron in two places at one and the same time.

play the same tape
To repeat exactly what one previously said or did

We met a staff member, Pat, from Senator Dole's office first.... We had our message clear and crisp. We gave a couple of examples... . We indicated... . We talked about... . We thanked Pat and, as we walked to Senator Burr's office, congratulated each other... . We had a very good meeting with John from Senator Burr's office and played the same tape from our earlier meeting.

the quality of being the same; identity
a tiring lack of variety; monotony
Very same; exactly the same

But you can imagine my surprise when I angled said state-of-the-art bins to the street, watched the long black car as it rolled up and saw the self-same guy step out of it.

sing from the same hymnbook
To make the same or similar statements, especially to express the same opinions in public as a result of a prior agreement

Still, he mostly sang from the same hymnbook as the Bush Administration, saying fundamental fiscal trends are favorable.

singing from the same hymnbook
Present participle of sing from the same hymnbook
sleep under the same bridge
a critique of a law where circumstances are ignored
sleep under the same bridge
To be formally, but not actually, equal under the law

The equally enforced prohibition not to sleep under the same bridge does not signify the reign of equlaity but rather its opposite for those without homes.

tar with the same brush
To characterize using the same undesirable attribute, especially unjustly

And few would distinguish between state and federal public servants, tarring them with the same brush of disdain.

tarred with the same brush
Simple past tense and past participle of tar with the same brush
the more things change, the more they stay the same
A proverb making the observation that turbulent changes do not affect reality on a deeper level other than to cement the status quo
walk and chew gum at the same time
To do something very easy
at the same time
together, simultaneously; along with
two sides of the same coin
Different but closely related features of one idea
the same
{n} the same state or quality, identity
be cast in the same mold
(deyim) Bearing a close resemblance, as in All his detective stories are cast in the same mold. This term uses the verb to cast in the sense of forming an object by running molten metal into a mold. [Late 1500s]
on the same page
(deyim) In agreement
on the same page
(deyim) In business meetings and college classes people often make copies of a single report and hand a copy to each person at the meeting. While they discuss the different points in the report, each person needs to be reading from the same page ("on the same page"). Everyone is "on the same page" when they are all following along and understanding the basic idea that the group is sharing. "On the same page" has a further meaning of people being in basic understanding and agreement on something. Example: "Before we make any decisions today, I'd like to make sure that everyone is on the same page." People are "on the same page" when they look at a problem or a situation in the same way and agree on a course of action. Example: "Each of us has been busy with his own projects lately, so I called this meeting today to bring us all together on the same page."

Are we all on the same page?.

Same as
Same as
The same
the quality of wearisome constancy and lack of variety; "he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work"; "he hated the sameness of the food the college served"
the quality of being alike; "sameness of purpose kept them together
The sameness of something is its lack of variety. He grew bored by the sameness of the speeches. a boring lack of variety, or the quality of being very similar to something else
the state of being equivalent; equality
{i} identicalness; similarity, likeness; equality, equivalence; uniformity, lack of variety, monotony
the quality of being alike; "sameness of purpose kept them together"
Hence, want of variety; tedious monotony
The state of being the same; identity; absence of difference; near resemblance; correspondence; similarity; as, a sameness of person, of manner, of sound, of appearance, and the like
the same
{i} same thing as mentioned before