
listen to the pronunciation of ada
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) hava savunma topçusu (air defense artillery)
ada programming language
ada programlama dili
Türkisch - Türkisch
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Etrafı su ile çevrili kara parçası
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Etrafı yollarla çevrili arsa ve binalar takımı
Bodrum Kalesi'ndeki müzede doldurulmuş cesedi sergilenen ünlü Karya kraliçesi
Bir orkide türü
Yüksek düzey programlama dili
Trafiğe açık bir yol üzerinde sola dönüşleri sağlayan, sağ tarafta veya yol ortasında yer alan kaldırım taşıyla ayrılmış alan. Çevresi yollarla belirlenmiş olan arsa ve böyle bir arsayı kaplayan yapılar topluluğu
Her yanı su ile çevrilmiş kara parçası, cezire: "İnziva yerim bazen limanda bir şileptir, bazen bir ada."- R. H. Karay
Değerli bir orkide türü
Bir cins orkide
Bir çeşit orkide
Çevresi yollarla belirlenmiş olan arsa ve böyle bir arsayı kaplayan yapılar topluluğu
Trafiğe açık bir yol üzerinde sola dönüşleri sağlayan, sağ tarafta veya yol ortasında yer alan kaldırım taşıyla ayrılmış alan
Kadastro haritalarında parseller topluluğu
Su kenarlarında kavak ekimine uygun düz arazi
Kolombiya dağlarında ve soğuk yerlerde yetişen bir orkide
Ağda, koyu pekmez
Her yanı su ile çevrilmiş kara parçası
(Osmanlı Dönemi) danlar
ada çayı
Bu bitkiden yapılan sıcak içecek: "Bize iki ada çayı yap."- S. F. Abasıyanık
ada çayı
Ballı babagillerden, yurdumuzda çok yetişen tüylü ve beyazımtırak yaprakları olan ıtırlı bir bitki, dağ çayı (Salvia oflicinalis)
ada balığı
bakınız: amber balığı
ada soğanı
Zambakgillerden, soğanından ilâç olarak yararlanılan birtakım maddeler elde edilen çok yıllık bir bitki (Urginea maritima)
ada tavşanı
Evcil cinsleri de olan, tavşana yakın bir kemirici memeli (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
ada tepe
Genellikle tropikal bölgelerde görülen ve çevresindeki alçak alanlar üzerinde dik yamaçlarla bir ada gibi yükselen, aşınımdan dolayı ortaya çıkmış tepe
ada çayı
Bu bitkiden yapılan sıcak içecek
(Hukuk) CEZAİR
gök ada
Milyonlarca yıldızdan, yıldız kümelerinden, bulutsu ve gaz bulutlarından oluşmuş, saman yolu gibi bağımsız uzay adası, galaksi
Englisch - Englisch
Initialism of assistant district attorney
Initialism of adenosine deaminase, the enzyme that specifically affects RNA. See ADAR
Initialism of Air Defense Artillery
Initialism of Americans with Disabilities Act
Initialism of American Dental Association
Initialism of American Diabetes Association
Initialism of Americans for Democratic Action
A programming language
A female given name
High-level computer programming language whose development was initiated in 1975 by the U.S. Dept. of Defense and standardized in 1983. Ada (named for the countess of Lovelace) was intended to be a common language for use on the department's computers, which were produced by many different manufacturers. It is similar to Pascal but contains many additional features convenient for the development of large-scale, multiplatform programs. The 1995 revision, called Ada 95, supports object-oriented programming. Ada Kaufman Lovelace Augusta Ada King countess of Lady Augusta Ada Byron
given name, female, from Germanic
{i} female first name; name of various cities in the USA
Americans With Disabilities Act - Federal legislation geared to ensure accommodations for persons with a documented disability
The Americans with Disabilities Act which gives civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications
American Dental Association, or American Dietetic Association, or American with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act; wide-ranging legislation intended to make society more accessible to people with disabilities As web-based information continues to diversify, it is increasingly important that web pages be designed with consideration for different types of access Recommendations for universally accessible design can be found at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) web site at http: //www cast org
American Disabilities Act
The Americans With Disablities Act
NOUN: Americans with Disabilities Act Passed in 1990, this federal law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities
The Americans with Disabilities Act, which requires adequate signing for all users, including persons with disabilities
(1) Americans with Disabilities Act (2) American Dental Association
Americans with Disabilities Act Federal law requiring handicapped access to all public spaces, including subways and buses
{i} (Computers) high-level modular computer programming language used to develop applications for military and civilian needs (standard of the U.S. Department of Defense)
Americans with Disabilities Act Requires the University to make reasonable accommodations so that faculty, staff, and the public with disabilities have access to University programs, activities, and services
Americans with Disabilities Act Signed into law July 26, 1990 The act was created to provide enforceable standards regarding discrimination against individuals with disabilities Being HIV-positive is considered a disability under the ADA
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Americans with Disability Act See Handicapping Conditions
Americans With Disabilities Act Bill passed in 1990 to provide equal protection and access to public accommodations to people with a variety of disabilities including visual, auditory, mobility, and other mental and physical health-related conditions The bill requires that businesses with 15 or more employees make their facilities and equipment (including information technology) accessible to the disabled Learn more at the Department of Justice ADA information page
Americans with Disabilities Act; this Act gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities; it impacts libraries as service providers and as employers
an enzyme found in mammals that can catalyze the deamination of adenosine into inosine and ammonia; "ADA deficiency can lead to one form of severe combined immunodeficiency disease"; "the gene encoding ADA was one of the earlier human genes to be isolated and cloned for study"
(Federal) Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act
The American with Disabilities Act -- A federal law prohibiting discrimination in programs, services and physical access by state and local government agencies (including schools) and places of public accommodation; generally subsumed by IDEA and §504 with respect to elementary and secondary education disputes 42U S C §12131 et seq
Americans with Disabilities Act, the federal law governing the rights of persons with disabilities
Ada Byron
(1815-1851) Countess of Lovelace, daughter of poet Lord Byron, mathematician who collaborated with Charles Babbage to create the first calculating machine
Ada King countess of Lovelace
orig. Lady Augusta Ada Byron born Dec. 10, 1815, London, Eng. died Nov. 29, 1852, London English mathematician. Her father was the poet Lord Byron. In 1835 she married William King, 8th Baron King; when he was created an earl in 1838, she became a countess. She became interested in Charles Babbage's analytical machines as early as 1833, and in 1843 she translated and annotated an article about them by Luigi Federico Menabrea. For creating a program for Babbage's prototype of a digital computer, she has been called the first computer programmer. The programming language Ada is named for her
Adélie penguin
A common Antarctic penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) that has white underparts and a black back and head and lives and breeds in large exposed rookeries
SCID resulting from mutation of a gene that codes for adenosine deaminase
Augusta Ada Byron
{i} (1815-1852) Countess of Lovelace, daughter of poet Lord Byron, mathematician who collaborated with Charles Babbage to create the first calculating machine (the programming language "Ada" is named after her)
Augusta Ada King countess of Lovelace
orig. Lady Augusta Ada Byron born Dec. 10, 1815, London, Eng. died Nov. 29, 1852, London English mathematician. Her father was the poet Lord Byron. In 1835 she married William King, 8th Baron King; when he was created an earl in 1838, she became a countess. She became interested in Charles Babbage's analytical machines as early as 1833, and in 1843 she translated and annotated an article about them by Luigi Federico Menabrea. For creating a program for Babbage's prototype of a digital computer, she has been called the first computer programmer. The programming language Ada is named for her
Givat Ada
Israeli settlement near the city Hadera
Agricultural Development Advisory Service
formerly known as Agriculture Development and Advisory Service
Agricultural Development and Advisory Service
Agricultural Development and Advisory Service This was a government organisation that provided cheap veterinary and agricultural advice to farmers The Thatcher Government decided that the farmers should pay higher prices and that it should be privatised if possible As a result it was decreased in size dramatically
Airborne Data Acquisition System (computer system from MacDonald Dettwiler Associates/CCRS)
Türkisch - Englisch

The island lies to the west of Japan. - Ada Japonya'nın batısında yer alır.

Japan is an island country. - Japonya bir ada ülkesidir.

block of buildings
city block. A
island; city block; insular

The islet protrudes above the water. - Adacık su üstünde çıkıntı yapıyor.

The islet stands out above the water. - Adacık su üstüne çıkıyor.


He dedicated himself to research. - O kendini araştırmaya adadı.

He dedicated his life to peace. - O, hayatını barışa adadı.


The Island of Taiwan's surface area is thirty-six thousand square kilometers. - Tayvan adasının yüz ölçümü 36.000 kilometre kare.

city block
{f} dedicated

The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn. - Eğitimin zorunlu karakteri çocukların içinde öğrenme arzusu geliştirmek için çeşitli şekillerde çalışmaya adanmış işlerin çokluğunda nadiren analiz edilir.

He dedicated himself to biology studies for almost ten years. - On yıldır kendini biyoloji çalışmalarına adadı.

{f} devoted

Tom and Mary are devoted to each other. - Tom ve Mary kendilerini birbirlerine adadılar.

She devoted herself to the volunteer activity. - O, gönüllü faaliyetine kendini adamış.


He devoted himself to the study of chemistry. - O kendini kimya çalışmasına adadı.

He intends to devote his life to curing the sick in India. - O, hayatını Hindistan'daki hastaları tedavi etmeye adamak istiyor.


The islet stands out above the water. - Adacık su üstüne çıkıyor.

The islet protrudes above the water. - Adacık su üstünde çıkıntı yapıyor.

(Coğrafya) island, a piece of land in water
isle of
ada göre
(Bilgisayar) name
ada göre
(Bilgisayar) first name
ada göre
(Bilgisayar) by name
ada yazılı (senet)
(Ticaret) registered
ada çayı
Island Creek
ada doğanı
(Tabiat Doğa) (kuş, Fam: doğangiller) Eleonora's falcon
ada gibi
very large (ship)
ada göre bul
(Bilgisayar) find by name
ada göre süz
(Bilgisayar) name filtering
ada kavşak
ada martısı
(Tabiat Doğa) (kuş, Fam: martılar,martıgiller) Adouin's gull
ada çayı
(Tabiat Doğa) (bitki, Fam: ballıbabagiller,şefeviye) annual clary, bluebeard, wild clary, painted sage
küçük ada

You can get only NHK in the Ogasawara islands. - Ogasawara adalarında sadece NHK alabilirsiniz.

By establishing Takeshima Day, it is hoped that more Japanese people will learn about the Takeshima islands. - Takeshima Günü belirleyerek, daha fazla Japon halkının Takeshima adaları hakkında bilgi öğreneceği umulmaktadır.

büyük ada
big island
the Princes Islands
Oniki Ada
the Dodecanese
the Princes' Islands (near Istanbul)
arka ada
back land
liman ada
(Askeri) port island
on iki ada
(Askeri) dodecannes
yapay ada
(Hukuk) artificial island
yapay ada
(Askeri) man made island



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈādə/ /ˈeɪdə/


    [ A-d& ] (trademark.) Short form of Germanic names beginning with adal (“noble”), such as Adelaide. Also Latinized form of Hebrew Adah. The programming language takes its name from Ada Lovelace.