
listen to the pronunciation of read
Englisch - Türkisch

Kitap okumak için zamanım yok. - I have no time to read books.

Bu hikaye bir derste okumak için yeterince kısa. - This story is short enough to read in one lesson.

öğrenim görmek
{f} okumak: read a book kitap okumak
okunacak şey
{f} (read) (red)
{f} anlamına gelmek

O kitabı hiç okumadım. - I have never read that book.

Bazıları yalnızca zaman geçsin diye kitap okurlar. - Some read books just to pass time.

f., bak. read. s
işaret etmek
(Osmanlıca) muttali

O, mektubu okumuş olabilir. - He may have read the letter.

Nancy, bu kitabı okumuş olamaz. - Nancy cannot have read this book.

çok bilgili

İngiliz edebiyatında çok bilgilidir. - He is well read in English literature.

{f} çözmek
(Rx) Okuma (Rx)

Bu, incili ilk kez okuyuşum. - This is the first time for me to read the Bible.

Bu kitabı her okuyuşumda yeni bir şey keşfediyorum. - Every time I read this book, I discover something new.


O kitabı hiç okumadım. - I never read that book.

Kitap okumak için zamanım yok. - I have no time to read books.

bakıp anlamak
eğitimi görmek
kıraat etmek
{f} eğitimini görmek
{f} okuluna gitmek
tahsil etmek
{f} İng. okumak, ... eğitimi görmek: read law hukuk okumak
well read çok okumuş

Kazanın ne kadar ciddi olduğunu anlamak için sadece bu makaleyi okumalısın. - You have only to read this article to see how serious the accident was.

Onu anlamak için, yalnızca bu kitabı okumak zorundasın. - To understand it, you have only to read this book.

(termometre/vb.) göstermek
(birdemde) okumak
anlam vermek
mana vermek
{f} anlamak, yorumlamak: I read

İngiliz edebiyatında çok bilgilidir. - He is well read in English literature.


İncil, dünyadaki en çok çevrilip okunan kitaptır. - The Bible is the most translated and read book in the world.

Bu çoğu zaman yetişkinler tarafından okunan bir kitap. - This is a book often read by adults.


Burası okumak için yeterince aydınlık değil. - It's not light enough in here to read.

sonuç çıkarmak

O, polisiye hikâyeler okumaktan hoşlandı. - He enjoyed reading detective stories.

Öğrenciler, okuma yeteneklerini geliştirmeliler. - Students should develop their reading skills.

read up on
Bir konu hakkında okuyarak araştırma yapmak
read authority
okuma yetkisi
read between the lines
satır aralarını okumak
read between the lines
bir yazıdaki kapalı anlamı keşfetmek
read between the lines
(deyim) bir yazidaki veya sozdeki kapali anlami kesfetmek; bir durumun ic yuzunu bilmek
read between the lines
denmek isteneni anlamak
read between the lines
gizli anlamı çıkarmak
read between the lines
altındaki anlamı çıkarmak
read error
okumada hata
read for the bar
hukuk okumak
read head
okuma kafası
read in
içeri oku
read into
(deyim) read sth. into sth. yanlış yorumlamak
read law
(Fiili Deyim ) hukuk öğrenimi yapmak
read me documents
Beni Oku elgeleri
read mission
(Askeri) MÜKERRER KABUL: Bir hastanın, aynı hastalıktan ikinci defa şikayeti üzerine, tekrar hastaneye kabul edilmesi
read on
(Fiili Deyim ) okumaya devam etmek
read only
Salt Oku salt-okunur
read only file
salt-okunur dosya
read only memory
(ROM) Salt Okunur Bellek
read only storage
salt okunur bellek
read out
dışarı oku
read over
tekrar okumak
read up
(deyim) read sth. up okuyup bilgi edinmek. read up on sth. okuyarak bilgisini ilerletmek
read and write
(Bilgisayar) oku ve yaz
read up about
Bir konu hakkında okuyarak araştırma yapmak
read up about something
Bir konu hakkında okuyarak araştırma yapmak
read up on something
Bir konu hakkında okuyarak araştırma yapmak
read between the lines
kapalı anlamını bulmak
read into
anlam çıkarmaya çalışmak
read like a book
ciğerini okumak
read out
üyeliğini kaldırmak
read over
baştan başa okumak
read rate
okuma hızı
read rate
okuma oranı
read the riot act
fırça çekmek
read the riot act
read up
kitabını yazmak
read up
içini dışını bilme
read while writing
yazarken okuma
read write head
okuyucu/yazıcı kafa
read-only memory
salt okunur bellek
read-only storage
salt okunur bellek
read-write head
okuma-yazma kafası
read a person a lesson
bir kişi bir ders okumak
read back
Tekrar okumak. or: She read back the figures so that she could be süre he calculated right
read books
okuma kitapları
read for entertainment
eğlence için okumak
read head
kafa okuyun
read just
okumak sadece
read lecture
konferans vermek- The leading Turkish historian will read a lecture regarding hot EU topics
read more
Devamını okuyun
read my lips
Dudaklarımı okuyun
read my mind
Aklımı okuyabilir
read of
read only memory
salt okunur bellek
read out
Sesli okumak
read rate
okuma oranı, okuma hızı
read sb the riot act
verip veriştirmek
read someone like a book
(deyim) Birini kitap gibi okumak: birini tam olarak anlayabilmek
read someone's mind
Birinin aklından geçenleri söylemek
read something out
Sesli okumak
read superficially
yüzeysel okumak
read the faq
faq okuyun
read the minutes
dakika okuyun
read the programme
Program ilk
read the sky
gökyüzü okuyun
read the tea leaves
(deyim) Çay artıklarından fala bakmak

A person who reads tea leaves looks for fortunes in the tea bits left at the bottom of the tea cup.

read thoughts
okumak düşünceler
read to
read to someone
birine okumak
read up on
kadar okuyun
içeri oku
dışarı oku
çapraz okuma
Salt okunur
read/write channel
okuma/yazma kanalı
read/write check indicator
okuma yazma denetim göstericisi
read/write head
okuma/yazma kafası
read all items
(Bilgisayar) tüm öğeleri oku
read from cover to cover
baştan başa okumak
read items
(Bilgisayar) öğe oku
read mind
akıl okumak
read s.o. the riot act
{k} birine dünyanın kaç bucak olduğunu göstermek, birini sert bir şekilde azarlamak
read s.o. to sleep
kitap okuyarak birini uyutmak
read s.o.'s mind
birinin ne düşündüğünü yüzünden okumak
read s.o.'s thoughts
birinin düşüncesini okumak
read s.t. through
bir şeyin tamamını okumak
read the riot act to
davranışlarına dikkat etmesi konusunda uyarmak
read the riot act to
ayağını denk almasını söylemek
read the riot act to
read time
(Askeri) OKUMA SÜRESİ: Bak. "access time"
read write
okuma yazma
read write cycle
okuma yazma cevrimi
disari oku
re read
tekrar oku
yeniden okumak
okunan değer
{i} okunuş
be able to read
cannot be read
(Bilgisayar) okunamıyor
cannot read
(Bilgisayar) okunamadı
deeply read
destructive read
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) silerek okuma
do you read me
duyuyor musun
evidence to be read in trial
(Kanun) duruşmada okunacak deliller
file read
(Bilgisayar) dosya oku
(Bilgisayar) okunuyor

Bir kitap okuyan kız Kate'tir. - The girl reading a book is Kate.

Bir kitap okuyan çocuk John'dur. - The boy reading a book is John.


Çocukken odamda yalnız başına kitap okuyarak çok fazla zaman geçirdim. - When I was a child, I spent many hours reading alone in my room.

Hayatında ilk kez, Yuka, İngilizce bir kitabı okuyarak bitirdi. - For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book.

gösterge değeri
okuma parçası
(Bilgisayar) okuyor

O bir kitap okuyor mu? - Is he reading a book?

Onlar kendi gazetelerini okuyor. - They are reading their newspapers.

okuma değeri

Okumaktan zevk alıp almayacağını belirleyen okuyucunun kendisidir. - It's the reader that determines whether they extract pleasure from reading.

{i} değer

Sanırım bu kitap okumaya değer. - I think this book is worth reading.

Bu kitap okumaya değer. - This book is worth reading.

kitabi bilgi
{f} oku

Öğrenciler, okuma yeteneklerini geliştirmeliler. - Students should develop their reading skills.

O bir kitap okuyor mu? Evet, o okuyor. - Is she reading a book? Yes, she is.

kitaptan elde edilen bilgi

Bazı yorumları okurken, insanlar insanlığa olan inançlarını tamamen kaybedebilirler. - When reading certain comments, people can completely lose faith in humanity.

Eskiden video oyunları oynardım ama artık zamanımla daha faydalı şeyler yapmayı tercih ediyorum. İnternet yorumlarını okumak gibi. - I used to play video games, but now I prefer to do more useful things with my time. Like reading internet comments.

/vb.nin gösterdiği sayı
kitap okuma

Tomas neredeyse hiç kitap okumaz. - Tom reads almost no books at all.

Uzun mesajları kimse okumaz. - Nobody reads long messages.

to be read

Diğer bazı kitapları okumaya çalışmayı planlıyorum. - I plan to try reading some other books.

{i} göstergenin kaydettiği ölçüm
{s} okumaya elverişli

Onların arabalarında önce Irak sonra Fransa diye okunan çıkartmalar vardı. - They had stickers on their cars reading: First Iraq then France.

{f} oku: prep.okuyarak
{i} okunacak metin
{i} okumuşluk
{i} bilgililik
{f} oku: prep.oku
edebi araştırma
reading desk kitap sehpası
{i} kanaat
göstergenin kaydettiği öIçüm
{i} ölçüm (göstergede)
reading lamp masa lambası
{i} okuma; okunma
to be read
Englisch - Englisch
A male given name transferred from the surname
A surname, a less common spelling variant of Reid
Simple past tense and past participle of read
To consist of certain text

On the door hung a sign that read, Proper Safety Equipment Required Beyond This Point..

To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks

I am reading theology at university.

To look at and interpret letters or other information that is written

He doesn’t like to read.

To substitute (a corrected piece of text in place of an erroneous one); used to introduce an emendation of a text

In Livy, it is nearly certain that for Pylleon we should read Pteleon, as this place is mentioned in connection with Antron.

To speak aloud words or other information that is written. Often construed with a to phrase or an indirect object

All right, class, who wants to read next?.

Used after a euphemism to introduce the intended, more blunt meaning of a term

Eliminate illogical (read: stupid) answer choices.

to recognise (someone) as being transgender

Every time I go outside, I worry that someone will read me.

Of text, etc., to be interpreted or read in a particular way

Arabic reads right to left.

To interpret or infer a meaning, significance, etc

I can read his feelings in his face.

To think, believe; to consider (that)

But now, faire Ladie, comfort to you make, / And read / That short reuenge the man may ouertake .

To be able to hear what another person is saying over a radio connection

Do you read me?.

A reading or an act of reading, especially an actor's part of a play

And when he finishes supper / Planning to have a read at the evening paper / It's Put a screw in this wall - / He has no time at all.

something that is read; "the article was a very good read"
have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?
audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role; "He is auditioning for `Julius Cesar' at Stratford this year"
interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'"
look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed; "The King will read the proclamation at noon"
interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky, etc
obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer"
{a} perused, learned from reading, seen
{v} to peruse, discover, perceive, learn fully
something that is read; "the article was a very good read" to hear and understand; "I read you loud and clear!" interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?" look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed; "The King will read the proclamation at noon" interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky, etc
also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"; "The gypsy read his fate in the crystal ball"
also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"; "The gypsy read his fate in the crystal ball" obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer" indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'" audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role; "He is auditioning for `Julius Cesar' at Stratford this year" have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?
To study by reading; as, he read for the bar
understand something written, as in: When all else fails, read the instruction manual
The decoding, extraction and presentation of data from formatting, control and error management bits sent from a tag
this documentation The default search mode should work for all queries, but the other two search modes won't work unless you know, or familiarize yourself with, how they work
When you read something such as a book or article, you look at and understand the words that are written there. Have you read this book? I read about it in the paper He read through the pages slowly and carefully It was nice to read that the Duke will not be sending his son off to boarding school She spends her days reading and watching television. Read is also a noun. I settled down to have a good read
Saying; sentence; maxim; hence, word; advice; counsel
If you read someone's mind or thoughts, you know exactly what they are thinking without them telling you. As if he could read her thoughts, Benny said, `You're free to go any time you like.'
to read between the lines: see line see also reading. American Revolutionary leader, politician, and jurist. Delaware's delegate to the Constitutional Convention (1787), he championed the rights of small states and later served as a U.S. senator (1789-1793). erasable programmable read only memory read only memory compact disc read only memory
See 3d Reed
You can use read when saying what is written on something or in something. For example, if a notice reads `Entrance', the word `Entrance' is written on it. The sign on the bus read `Private: Not In Service'
The process of non-destructive (e g , non-recording) data retrieval from the disk
If you take something as read, you accept it as true or right and therefore feel that it does not need to be discussed or proved. We took it as read that he must have been a KGB agent
to learn by observation
When a computer reads a file or a document, it takes information from a disk or tape. How can I read a Microsoft Excel file on a computer that only has Works installed?
To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks; as, to read theology or law
to transfer information into the CPU
to hear and understand; "I read you loud and clear!"
Hence, to know fully; to comprehend
interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky, etc ; also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"; "The gypsy read his fate in the crystal ball"
If you can read music, you have the ability to look at and understand the symbols that are used in written music to represent musical sounds. Later on I learned how to read music
If you refer to how a piece of writing reads, you are referring to its style. The book reads like a ballad
To discover or understand by characters, marks, features, etc
n to determine what event will take place before it occurs; a blocking scheme in which the front-row players watch the setter in order to determine where to block; a backcourt defensive scheme based on all players reading their opponents and their teammates
To retrieve information from a hard disk, floppy disk, CD-ROM disc or other storage medium (Compare with write )
The retrieval of information bits from a storage device; equivalent to reproduction of digital signals
To appear in writing or print; to be expressed by, or consist of, certain words or characters; as, the passage reads thus in the early manuscripts
If a measuring device reads a particular amount, it shows that amount. The thermometer read 105 degrees Fahrenheit
If someone who is trying to talk to you with a radio transmitter says, `Do you read me?', they are asking you if you can hear them. We read you loud and clear. Over
“Arguments of Definition” in Everything’s an Argument and excerpts from J Hector St Jean de Crevecoeur’s “What Is an American?” (473-479)
If you say that a book or magazine is a good read, you mean that it is very enjoyable to read. Ben Okri's latest novel is a good read
A basic computer operation that results only in the flow of information from an object to a subject See also Write
To know what kind of play is coming before it happens
When you read a piece of writing to someone, you say the words aloud. Jay reads poetry so beautifully I like it when she reads to us I sing to the boys or read them a story before tucking them in
The process of retrieving data from a transponder and, as appropriate, the contention and error control management, and channel and source decoding required to recover and communicate the data entered at source
{i} act of reading, act of converting written letters into words which have meaning

This book is worth reading twice. - This book is worth reading again.

This book is worth reading again. - This book is worth reading twice.

have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?"
To produce a certain effect when read; as, that sentence reads queerly
To give advice or counsel
interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You can't take credit for this!"
of Read, v
read between the lines
to infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly

If you read between the lines a little, you will realize that he has deeper motives.

read dating
An organized event in which prospective partners meet each other in a library through a series of one-to-one meetings
read datings
plural form of read dating
read head
That part of several electromechanical devices that converts digital or analog information stored on a magnetic or optical medium into electrical signals
read like a book
To be able to judge someone's thoughts by their body language

I love playing poker against Maria because I can read her like a book.

read lips
To lipread
read my lips
Used to emphasize the following statement
read only memory
Alternative spelling of read-only memory
read out
To read something and say the words to inform other people

He read the names out to the class.

read out
To read some data and inform the person using the device

The movement detector is reading out the data now.

read somebody the riot act
To scold or berate somebody; to reprimand

She really read him the riot act about his smoking habit.

read somebody's lips
To discern what somebody is saying by watching the shape of the mouth rather than by hearing the sounds of the words

Deaf people may be able to read people's lips, but it's not a foolproof means of communication.

read somebody's lips
To pay close attention (often imperative)

Read my lips. We are not going to the park today, and that is final.

read someone's mind
To guess or deduce what someone is thinking
read up
To learn (about something) by reading

After watching the film, I read up about it in the newspapers. When I came to know that Hassan was a 30-year-old actor then, I was completely awe-struck.

read-eval-print loop
An interactive programming language interpreter

It is easier to experiment in langauges that provide a read-eval-print loop.

read-eval-print loops
plural form of read-eval-print loop
Unalterable, capable of being read but not written. Especially common in computer terms such as read-only memory and read-only access to files or directories (in in file system permissions or programs)
read-only memory
A computer memory chip that stores values but does not allow updates, in which the values are nonvolatile in that they are retained even when the computer is unpowered
the information output from a computer in a readable form

The computer read-out was inaccurate.

The information, usually a measurement, displayed on a graduated scale

The density is measured by the read-out from a hydrometer.

read/write head
A combination read head and write head
read up on
If you read up on a subject, you read a lot about it so that you become informed about it. I've read up on the dangers of all these drugs
read up about
Spend time reading in order to find out information about something:
read up about something
Spend time reading in order to find out information about something:
read up on
Spend time reading in order to find out information about something:
read up on something
Spend time reading in order to find out information about something:
read something out
To read and say words that are written down, so that people can hear: Why don’t you read out the name of the winner?
(Bilgisayar) The file prefetching technology used in the Linux operating system. It is a system call that loads a file's contents into the page cache. When a file is subsequently accessed, its contents are read from physical memory rather than from disk, which is much faster
Read Only Memory
computer memory that can be easily accessed but does not allow alteration of its data
Read The FAQ
read the Frequently Asked Questions, read the question and answer section, RTFAQ (Internet slang)
Read The Fucking Manual
angry response to an Internet user who is requested not to send foolish questions before he has read the user guides on the subject, RTFM
Read The Manual
read the user's guide, read the instruction book (Internet slang, polite version of RTM or RTFM)
Read Write
reading/writing, quality of a file or device which can be read from and written to
read a passage from
read a small part of -, read a portion of -
read aloud
read out loud
read between the lines
detect the underlying or hidden meaning
read between the lines
read what is implied but not expressed on the surface
read dreams
analyze dreams, find the meaning of dreams
read him his rights
told him about his legal rights (before arresting him)
read into
If you read a meaning into something, you think it is there although it may not actually be there. The addict often reads disapproval into people's reactions to him even where it does not exist It would be wrong to try to read too much into such a light-hearted production
read into
attribute a particular meaning, find a certain meaning
read law
study law, study the justice system
read method of childbirth
a method of natural childbirth that assumes it is a normal process and that the pain is largely psychological; involves education and breathing exercises to foster relaxation and other exercises
read on
continue reading, read more, read further
read one's mind
read one's thoughts
read only
file or storage device whose contents cannot be changed or erased
read only
read only
Information stored on a medium that can be accessed and read, but cannot be changed A floppy disk can be altered, so it is not read-only, whereas most CD-ROMs cannot be altered, and are thus read-only media Related terms: CD-R, CD-ROM, Disk, Floppy disk
read only
Term applied to a transponder in which the data is stored in an unchangeable manner and can therefore only be read See also Factory Programming
read only
Indicating that the file may only be opened for reading
read only
An online forum or conference area where you cannot post messages, only read them
read only
Recorded computer data that is recorded and cannot be changed Operating systems contain many read-only files
read only
A file attribute that prevents the file from being changed
read out
read in an audible voice; transmit data via radio transmitter; sent information (Computers)
read out
If you read out a piece of writing, you say it aloud. He's obliged to take his turn at reading out the announcements Shall I read them out?
read riddles
solve puzzles, solve enigmas, solve riddles
read someone the riot act
give someone a strict scolding, reprimand strongly
read someone's mind
know or feel what a person is thinking
read the map
understand the situation, analyze the situation
read the riot act
give someone a strict scolding, reprimand strongly
read the riot act to
{f} give someone a strict scolding, reprimand strongly
read thoughts
read what is happening in another's mind
read to sleep
read a story until falling asleep
read write head
device found in a drive which reads and writes data on the magnetic medium
fund-raising event in which participants read as many books as they can and donations are pledged per book
A status indicating a file or document may be viewed or read, but is not available for editing or change
Pertaining to data that can be read but cannot be modified
Describes a file or other collection of information that may only be read; it may not be updated in any way or deleted Certain important OS files are designated as read-only files to prevent users from deleting them by accident Also,certain types of memory (ROM), and certain devices such as CD-ROM can be read but not changed
A file or directory attribute Indicates that the file or directory cannot be modified or deleted, but a read-only directory may have its contents modified or deleted
A characteristic of a file which allows it to be only opened and viewed, and cannot be edited
user can only view the collection
A file that can be read (copied, and so on) but not written (changed) Unix has a system of permissions that enables the owner of the file, the owner's group, or all users to have or not have permission to read, write, or execute file
A document that is protected so that users can open it to read the contents but not make any changes or add any comments to it
Attribute that can be assigned to a disk file or a disk drive When assigned to a file, the Read-Only attribute allows you to read from that file but not write to it When assigned to a drive, the Read-Only attribute allows you to read any file on the disk, but prevents you from adding a new file, erasing or changing a file, renaming a file, or writing on the disk The STAT command can set a file or a drive to Read-Only Every file and drive is either Read-Only or Read-Write The default setting for drives and files is Read-Write, but an error in resetting the disk or changing media automatically sets the drive to Read-Only until the error is corrected See also ROM
You can get the information, but you can't change it For example, the contents of a ROM chip
A type of database access that will not allow updates to the database Use the Open button dropdown list to access this mode
Capable of being displayed or used, but not deleted If a display of read-only data can be edited, formatted, or otherwise modified, it can't be saved under the same file name
The user can switch a view to read-only mode No RFG-Manipulation operations may be done in that view
read-only file
(computer science) a file that you can read but cannot change
read-only memory
Memory whose contents the computer can read, but cannot change Information is placed into ROM only once, during manufacturing
read-only memory
Abbreviated ROM; computer memory or storage that can be read but not written to by the user ROM is created at the time of computer chip, card, or disc manufacture and is used to store the computer's essential system programming or other non-changeable data
read-only memory
a kind of memory whose values can be read but cannot be changed Abbreviated ROM
read-only memory
A solid-state memory device which has information permanently written into the memory during manufacture
read-only memory
Semiconductor-based memory that contains instructions or data which can be read but not modified See also random access memory (RAM)
read-only memory
A computer memory that stores information permanently
read-only memory
Semiconductor-based memory that contains instructions that can be read but not modified
read-only memory
(computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed
read-only memory
Memory that includes permanent information only The computer can only read information from it; it can never write any new information on it
read-only memory
Permanent memory, not user-programmable The Courier V Everything modem's factory settings are stored in ROM and can be read (loaded) into RAM as an operational configuration if DIP switch S10 is ON at power on
read-only memory
memory used for permanent storage, and that cannot be changed
read-only memory
read-only memory
A type of primary storage on which data has been prerecorded and is nonvolatile
read-only memory
A storage area in which the contents can be read but not altered during normal computer processing
read-only memory
Memory in which stored data cannot be modified by the user except under special conditions
read-only memory
Nonvolatile primary storage; ROM holds the instructions that a computer uses when it is first turned on
read-only memory
Memory that can be read only and remains after the power is turned off Non-volatile memory
read-only memory
ROM A computer's unchangeable memory It's used to store programs that start the computer and run diagnostic functions
read-only memory
A semiconductor memory whose data cannot be erased, or overwritten; it can only be accessed (read) for use by the CPU The data in a ROM is of a permanent nature and is programmed by the ROM manufacturer In many cases, its programmed information identifies the dedicated function of a computer A ROM can also be in the physical form of a module (tape or disk) that is plugged into a computer to change its operation from one program to another
read-only memory
  A memory in which data, under normal conditions, can only be read   Synonym  nonerasable storage
read-only memory chip
a memory chip providing read-only memory
information that is produced by a computer and shown on a screen printout
read-write privilege
access to write and read to or from a computer file
read/write head
(computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk
A town in Berkshire, England
cold read
To deduce using the practice of cold reading

Why sceptics do not cold read? (Article heading).

cold read
To perform a script without preparation

Learning to Cold Read (Article heading on acting website).

cold read
an act of cold reading

This is an example of what magicians (and unfortunately phony psychics) call a cold read.

dictated but not read
Dictated, as to a secretary or stenographer, but not proofread by the person who dictated the text so annotated
To discern (or appear to discern) someone's thoughts
programmable read only memory
Alternative spelling of programmable read-only memory
programmable read-only memory
a type of read-only memory which can be written to once (write-once read-many memory / WORM), and thereafter becomes fixed in value
An interpretation

a reading of the current situation.

The process of interpreting a symbol, a sign or a measuring device
A value indicated by a measuring device

a speedometer reading.

A meeting where written material is read aloud

a poetry reading.

sight read
To perform a musical piece while reading it for the first time, without rehearsal
sight read
Simple past tense and past participle of sight read
take something as read
to assume that everyone agrees that something is correct

We can take your resignation as read, can we?.

Well informed and knowledgeable through having read extensively
{n} study, a lecture, a variation of copies
includes subscriptions for newspapers and magazines; books through book clubs; and the purchase of single-copy newspapers, magazines, newsletters, books, and encyclopedias and other reference books
  The acquisition or interpretation of data from a storage device, from a data medium, or from another source
Each bill to be enacted in Kentucky must have three readings, at length, in each house
a particular interpretation or performance; "on that reading it was an insult"; "he was famous for his reading of Mozart"
a sense of a word that can be distinguished from other senses or meanings of the same word
written material intended to be read; "the teacher assigned new readings"; "he bought some reading material at the airport"
The displayed number that is proportional to the measured magnitude of the input signal
Made or used for reading
An event that can last a few minutes to well over an hour, where tarot cards are shuffled, dealt, interpreted, clarified and discussed
Your reading of a word, text, or situation is the way in which you understand or interpret it. My reading of her character makes me feel that she was too responsible a person to do those things
The presentation of a bill before either house requiring the reading and printing of the bill number or title This formal procedure is required by the Constitution and the Rules of each house and indicates to the legislators and the public a stage in the enactment of a measure The Constitution requires that bills receive three readings on three different days, or three printings, by title, on three different calendars in each house, unless the readings are waived
T C One or more words found at a particular position in a text
the act of measuring with meters or similar instruments; "he has a job meter reading for the gas company"
The term used when you are auditioning for the purpose of "reading" the script Your agent may ask "How was your reading?"
The act of one who reads; perusal; also, printed or written matter to be read
A lecture or prelection; public recital
present participle of read
{i} act of viewing written letters and converting them into words which have meaning; interpretation; scholarship, education, degree of learnedness; act of measuring with meters or other instruments alike
In the British Parliament or the US Congress, a reading is one of the three stages of introducing and discussing a new bill before it can be passed as (Hukuk) The bill is expected to pass its second reading with a comfortable majority
Presentation of a bill before the house by reading its number, author, and title A bill is on either first, second, or third reading until it is passed by both houses
The process of interpreting written language
An observation read from the scale of a graduated instrument; as, the reading of a barometer
The process of detecting the flux reversals as one moves along the length of a previously encoded magnetic stripe
a datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument; "he could not believe the meter reading"; "the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm"
If you say that a book or an article makes interesting reading or makes for interesting reading, you mean that it is interesting to read. The list of drinks, a dozen pages long, makes fascinating reading. town and unitary authority (pop., 2001: 143,124), county seat of Berkshire, England, west of London. Reading was a Danish encampment as early as AD 871. It was given a town charter by King Henry III in 1253; that charter was confirmed by succeeding sovereigns. Between the 12th and 16th centuries Reading was dominated by a struggle for privileges between the Benedictine abbey founded in 1121 and the emergent merchants' guild. By the 17th century the town's trade, notably in clothing, had begun to decline. In the 18th century the chief trade was in malt. In the city's public gardens are the ruins of the abbey, which was dissolved by Henry VIII. The structure was destroyed during the English Civil Wars, during which time the town in general also suffered severely. In Reading Gaol, adjoining the ruins, Oscar Wilde was imprisoned, and it was there that he wrote The Ballad of Reading Gaol. The city is now an agricultural centre noted for the bulbs produced in its nurseries. It is the site of a university, and its industries include computer production and malting and brewing
Of or pertaining to the act of reading; used in reading
A formal stage in the passage of a bill through the House, so called because the whole bill was formerly read to the House
The ability to predict the path of the disc and position yourself to catch it Normally brought up by the thrower, "READ THE DISC"