
listen to the pronunciation of limit
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} kısıtlamak
{f} sınırlamak

Brian kullandığı parayı kesinlikle sınırlamak niyetinde. - Brian intends to strictly limit the money he uses.

Nefret söylemi olarak etiketleme konuşma sosyal baskı vasıtasıyla ifade özgürlüğünü sınırlamak için bir yoldur. - Labelling speech as hate speech is a way to limit free speech by means of social pressure.


Her şahsın dinlenmeye, eğlenmeye, bilhassa çalışma müddetinin makul surette sınırlandırılmasına ve muayyen devrelerde ücretli tatillere hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Şehirlerde, hız saatte 50 km ile sınırlıdır. - In towns, speed is limited to 50 km/h.


Tom'un İngilizcesi zaman zaman oldukça iyi görünsede, o sınırlarını biliyor gibi görünmüyor ve o bir hata yaptığında onu hatalı olduğuna ikna etmek imkansızdır. - Though Tom's English seems quite good at times, he doesn't seem to know his limitations and it's impossible to convince him that he's wrong when he makes a mistake.

(Kanun) tahdit
(Biyokimya) kısıtlama

Bazı kısıtlamalar var. - There are some limitations.

(Ticaret) azami fiyat
(to ile) kısıtlamak
{f} sınırlandır

Her şahsın dinlenmeye, eğlenmeye, bilhassa çalışma müddetinin makul surette sınırlandırılmasına ve muayyen devrelerde ücretli tatillere hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Yaşın neden seni sınırlandırması gerektiğini anlamıyorum. - I don't see why age should limit you.

{f} sınırla

Tom aslında Boston şehri sınırları içinde yaşamıyor. - Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits.

Benim dil sınırlarım benim dünyamın sınırları anlamına gelir. - The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

hudut tayin etmek
{f} belirlemek
{f} limit koymak
tahdit etmek
{f} limitlerini belirlemek
munhasır kılmak
{f} sınırlama getirmek
{f} sınır koymak

Polis onu yolun kenarına çektiği zaman hız limitinin üzerinde 50 ile gidiyordu. - Tom was going 50 over the speed limit when the police pulled him over.

Hız limitinin otuz kilometre üzerinde gittiğim için bir polis tarafındn kenara çekildim. - I was pulled over by a policeman for going thirty kilometers over the speed limit.

(Ticaret) tavan
{s} sınırsız

İnternet sınırsızdır. - The Internet is limitless.

Uygarlık gereksiz ihtiyaçların sınırsız çarpmasıdır. - Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities.

{s} kısıtlı
{s} sınırlı

Şehirlerde, hız saatte 50 km ile sınırlıdır. - In towns, speed is limited to 50 km/h.

Bu sınırlı ekspres Sendai'ye gider. - This limited express is bound for Sendai.

limit down
(Ticaret) alt limit
limit height
(Bilgisayar) yükseklik sınırı
limit switch
sınır anahtarı
limit to
(Bilgisayar) sınırla
limit value
(Bilgisayar) sınır değeri
limit values
(Çevre) sınır değerleri
limit check
limit denetimi
limit equivalent conductance
sınır eşdeğer iletkenlik
limit inferior
alt sınır
limit molar conductivity
sınır molar iletkenlik
limit of a sequence
dizinin limiti
limit of audibility
işitilebilirlik sınırı
limit of elasticity
esneklik sınırı
limit of error
hata sınırı
limit on the left
soldan limit
limit on the right
sağdan limit
limit point
limit noktası
limit superior
üst sınır
limit value
sınır değer
limit circle
Limit devir.- Limit devir osilatmörleri
limit down
Borsada belirlenmiş bulunan en düşük fiyat, alt limit
limit monitor
limit monitör
limit of detection
(Kimya) (Analitik kimya) Gözlenebilme sınırı, tespit sınırı
limit of quantification
Nicelik sınırı
limit of quantification
(Kimya) (Analitik kimya) Tâyin sınırı
limit rule
Limit kuralı
limit check
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sınır denetimi
limit check
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sınır çeki
limit control
limit kontrol
limit design
sınırlı hesaplama
limit equilibrium
denge sınırı
limit excess
limit aşımı
limit load
sınır yük
limit of fire
(Askeri) ATIŞ SAHASI SINIRI: Atış yapılabilecek sahayı belirleyen sınır hattı
limit on the left
(Matematik) soldan sınır
limit oneself to
limit point
erey noktası
limit pressure
sınır (limit) basınç
limit to list
(Bilgisayar) listeye sınır
limit up
(Ticaret) borsa tavanı
limit velocity
(Askeri) ASGARİ DELME HIZI: Tam nüfuzlardan herhangi birinin elde edilmesine imkan veren en düşük hız. Asgari delme hızını elde etmek güç olduğu için, genel olarak, bunun yerine, daha kolay elde edilebilen bir başka değer kullanılır. Balistiki limit (ballistic limit) olarak adlandırılır
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) sınır deneyimi (foucault)
liquid limit
likit limit
liquid limit
akma limiti
liquid limit set
(İnşaat) likit limit seti
Roche limit
(Tekstil) Roche limiti


borrowing limit
(Ticaret) borçlanma sınırı
central limit theorem
merkezi sınır teoremi
commit limit
(Bilgisayar) kaydetme sınırı
consistency limit
kıvam limiti
consistency limit
(Çevre) uyumluluk sınırı
detection limit
(Biyokimya) saptama sınırı
exceed the limit
limiti aşmak
exceed the limit
aşırı gitmek
exceed the speed limit
hız limitini aşmak
exposure limit
(Tıp) maruziyet limiti
flow limit
akma sınırı
gender limit
(Denizbilim) cinsiyet sınırlaması
go beyond the limit
haddini aşmak
issue limit
(Ticaret) ihraç limiti
item limit
(Bilgisayar) öğe sınırı
limit of
(Bilgisayar) sınır
limit to
(Bilgisayar) sınır

İnsanlığın ilerlemesi için sınır yoktur. - There is no limit to human progress.

İnsan arzusunda hiçbir sınır yoktur. - There is no limit to human desire.

sınırlı sorumlu (şirket)
(Kanun) tahdit edilmiş

Bu sınırlı ekspres Sendai'ye gider. - This limited express is bound for Sendai.

(Ticaret) limited (şirket)

Yenilenebilir enerji, küresel sıcaklık artışını sınırlamak için gereklidir. - Renewable energy is essential for limiting the increase of the global temperature.

çok büyük

Benim hayal gücüm limitsizdir. - My imagination is limitless.

(Ticaret) limitler

Uluslararası olmak isteyebilmemize rağmen hepimizin limitleri var. - Although we may want to be international, we all have our limits.

Son zamanlarda Boston şehir merkezinde hız limitlerine uymayan sürücüler hakkında çok sayıda şikâyet oldu. - There have been a lot of complaints recently about drivers not obeying the speed limits in downtown Boston.


Benim dil sınırlarım benim dünyamın sınırları anlamına gelir. - The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

Tom aslında Boston şehri sınırları içinde yaşamıyor. - Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits.

overstep the limit
haddini aşmak
page limit
sayfa sınırları
possession limit
(Denizbilim) mülkiyet sınırı
price limit
fiyat haddi
row limit
(Bilgisayar) satır sınırı
session limit
(Bilgisayar) oturum sınırı
threshold limit value
(Çevre) eşik değeri
threshold limit value
(Çevre) eşik sınırı değeri
trip frequency limit
(Denizbilim) sefer sıklığı sınırı
upper limit
(Matematik) üst limit
upper range limit
erimin üst sınırı
vessel catch limit
(Denizbilim) gemi av sınırı
age limit
yaş haddi
atterberg consistency limit
atterberg kıvam limiti
audition limit
işitme sınırı
breaking limit
kırılma sınırı
central limit theorem
merkezi kısıtlama teoremi
confidence limit
güven sınırı
control limit
denetim sınırı
credit limit
kredi limiti
debt limit
borç limiti
detection limit
bulma sınırı
discount limit
ıskonto limiti
elastic limit
esnek sınır
elastic limit
esneme sınırı
elastic limit
esneklik sınırı
error limit
hata sınırı
extreme limit
azami vade
inductive limit
tümevarımsal limit
inverse limit
ters limit
left hand limit
soldan limit
lending limit
kredi limiti
(şirket) limited
{f} sınırlandır
gelişmeyi engelleyici
{i} sınırlandırma
{f} sınırlandır
lower confidence limit
alt güven sınırı
lower limit
alt limit
lower limit
alt sınır
lower limit
aşağı sınır
lowest limit
taban fiyat
speed limit
hız limiti

Polis onu yolun kenarına çektiği zaman hız limitinin üzerinde 50 ile gidiyordu. - Tom was going 50 over the speed limit when the police pulled him over.

Hız limitine dikkat etmeliyiz. - We should observe the speed limit.

speed limit
azami sürat

Ben azami sürat yapıyorum. - I'm doing the speed limit.

time limit
belirli limit
time limit
zaman sınırı

Zaman sınırı var mıydı? - Was there a time limit?

Bu testin bir zaman sınırı yok. - This test doesn't have a time limit.

tree limit
ağaç sınırı
upper limit
üst sınır
acceptable quality limit
kabul edilebilir kalite limiti
acceptable quality limit
kabul edilebilir kalite sınırı
age limit
Yaş sınırı, yaş haddi
auditon limit
işitme sınırı
available limit
(Finans) açık limit(kredi kartı)
be over the limit
sınırı üzerinden
detection limit
algılama sınırı
detection limit
(Kimya) (Analitik kimya) Gözlenebilme sınırı, tespit sınırı
dissociation limit
çözüşüm noktası, çözüşüm sınırı
exceed speed limit
Hız limitini aşmak
exceed the speed limit
hız sınırını aşmak
fatigue limit
yorulma sınırı
heating limit
termik limit, ışıl sınır
{f} sinirlandir
sınırlı sayı
lover limit of detection
(Kimya) (Analitik kimya) Gözlenebilme sınırı, tespit sınırı
lower limit of range
aralığının alt sınırı
off limit
kapalı limit
over limit
üzerinde limit
overstep the limit
haddini aşmak, sınırı aşmak, aşırıya gitmek
plastic limit
plastik limit
push the limit
limiti zorlamak
quantum limit
kuvantum sınırı
short-term exposure limit
(Mühendislik) ( STEL) : bir iş gününde her hangi bir zamanda aşılmaması gereken 15-dakikalık zaman ağırlıklı ( TWA) ortalama maruz kalma sınırı
shrinkage limit
büzülme limiti, rötre limiti
the skys the limit
limit gökyüzülerine uçtuğunda
thermal limit
ışıl limit
threshold limit value
eşik sınır değeri
threshold limit value (acgih)
eşik sınır değeri (ACGİH)
time limit has expired
süre doldu
to go to the limit
limit gitmek
transmission limit
transmisyon limiti, geçirim sınırı
voltage limit
gerilim sınırı
{i} ekspres tren
{i} ekspres otobüs
endurance limit
dayanırlık sınırı
{s} kıt
{f} sınırlandır: adj.sınırlı
ekspres İng
{s} İng. limitet, sınırlı sorumlu (şirket)
sınırlı sorumlu
Türkisch - Türkisch
Bir şeyin nicelik bakımından inebileceği veya erişebileceği en alt ve en üst sınır, yer
Değişken bir büyüklüğün istenildiği kadar yaklaşabildiği durağan büyüklük
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Mes'uliyetleri, koydukları sermayeye göre hudutlu olan ortaklık
Englisch - Englisch
To restrict; not to allow to go beyond a certain bound

I'm limiting myself to two drinks tonight.

A value to which a sequence converges. Equivalently, the common value of the upper limit and the lower limit of a sequence: if the upper and lower limits are different, then the sequence has no limit (i.e., does not converge)

The sequence of reciprocals has zero as its limit.

The final, utmost, or furthest point
A restriction; a bound beyond which one may not go

Two drinks is my limit tonight.

Being a fixed limit game
Any of several abstractions of this concept of limit

Category theory defines a very general concept of limit.

To have a limit in a particular set

The sequence limits on the point a.

Short for fixed limit
{n} a bound, border, extent, utmost reach
{v} to confine within boundaries, to restrain
the boundary of a specific area
The target value that terms in a sequence of numbers are getting closer to This limit is not necessarily ever reached; the numbers in the sequence eventually get arbitrarily close to the limit
A restriction; a check; a curb; a hindrance
(1) The maximum price fluctuation permitted by an exchange from the previous session's settlement price for a given contract (2) In international banking the limit a bank is willing to lend in a country (3) The amount that one bank is prepared to trade with another (4) The amount that a dealer is permitted to trade in a given currency
A limit is the greatest amount, extent, or degree of something that is possible. Her love for him was being tested to its limits There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day
The maximum price advance or decline permitted in one trading session versus the previous day's closing price
restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
The maximum daily price change above or below the previous close in a specific futures market Trading limits may be changed during periods of unusually high market activity
That which terminates, circumscribes, restrains, or confines; the bound, border, or edge; the utmost extent; as, the limit of a walk, of a town, of a country; the limits of human knowledge or endeavor
The maximum payable under the policy for a type of property, or type of loss   Also known as the limit of liability
refers to the maximum number of fish you are allowed to keep or have in your possession (see Catch Limits in the General Regulations section)
restrictions applied to search sets that reduce the total number of citations retrieved Commonly used limits include language, human/animal, age groups, publication type, and journal subset
The maximum amount of benefits payable for a given situation, condition, or occurrence Limits may specify a paid dollar maximum or a number of days maximum The limit may be a yearly, lifetime, or per condition maximum
the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability"
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
The space or thing defined by limits
If you limit something, you prevent it from becoming greater than a particular amount or degree. He limited payments on the country's foreign debt The view was that the economy would grow by 2.25 per cent. This would limit unemployment to around 2.5 million. = restrict
decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"
A value to which a sequence converges
A customer-fixed price declaring the lowest price for which they are willing to sell their security or the highest price at which they are willing to buy
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day
The maximum dollar amount of coverage an insurer will pay for a particular loss, or for losses incurred during the policy term
place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
The maximum daily price change of a futures contract above or below the previous day's settlement price
A determinate quantity, to which a variable one continually approaches, and may differ from it by less than any given difference, but to which, under the law of variation, the variable can never become exactly equivalent
An order to buy at a specified price when the market moves down to that price, or to sell at a specified price when the market moves up to that price
{i} point at which something ends; edge, border, boundary; restriction, restraint
For positive values of x, as x is chosen closer and closer to 0, the value of 1/x begins to grow rapidly, approaching infinity as a limit. This interplay of action and reaction as the independent variable moves closer to a given value is the essence of the idea of a limit. Limits provide the means of defining the derivative and integral of a function. central limit theorem Roche limit limited liability Qantas Airways Limited limited obligation bond
If you limit yourself to something, or if someone or something limits you, the number of things that you have or do is reduced. It is now accepted that men should limit themselves to 20 units of alcohol a week Voters cut councillors' pay and limited them to one staff member each. + limiting lim·it·ing The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting
If someone is over the limit, they have drunk more alcohol than they are legally allowed to when driving a vehicle. If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban
If you add within limits to a statement, you mean that it is true or applies only when talking about reasonable or normal situations. In the circumstances we'll tell you what we can, within limits, of course, and in confidence. = within reason. Mathematical concept based on the idea of closeness, used mainly in studying the behaviour of functions close to values at which they are undefined. For example, the function 1/x is not defined at x =
The maximum amount paid under the terms of a policy A professional liability insurance policy usually has two limits, a per-clam limit and an annual aggregate limit (See "Annual Aggregate Limit ") Loss Ratio: Losses incurred (indemnity and ALAE) divided by net earned premium Loss Reserves: Amount set aside to pay for reported and unreported claims For an individual claim, a case reserve or estimate of the expected loss is set aside
broad restrictions applicable to existing search sets; includes designations such as: Human, animal (and types of animal) English or other languages Publication types (e g , review, randomized controlled trial, clinical trial, meta-analysis, practice guideline, etc ) Age groups Gender Journal subsets (including AIM journals, Nursing Journals, and Dental Journals) Year of publication Latest update
The limit of an area is its boundary or edge. the city limits of Baghdad
A determining feature; a distinguishing characteristic; a differentia
If you say the sky is the limit, you mean that there is nothing to prevent someone or something from being very successful. They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit
The limits of a situation are the facts involved in it which make only some actions or results possible. She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget He outlined the limits of British power
The maximum amount a futures price may advance or decline in any one day s trading session
The maximum price fluctuation permitted by an exchange from the previous session’s settlement price for a given contract
A method of reducing the the number of items retrieved in a search Common limits are: date, location and whether article is available full-text in the database
In relation to dealing instructions, a restriction set on an order to buy or sell, specifying the minimum selling or maximum buying price
{f} create boundaries; restrict; reduce; function as a border
To beg, or to exercise functions, within a certain limited region; as, a limiting friar
The maximum amount a policy will pay for a covered loss For example, if you have a $5,000 loss and the limit on your policy is $3,000, the insurance company will only pay $3,000 If you have a $3,000 loss and the policy limit is $5,000, the company pays the entire $3,000
If something is limited to a particular place or group of people, it exists only in that place, or is had or done only by that group. The protests were not limited to New York Entry to this prize draw is limited to UK residents. see also age limit, limited
To alter a search in order to retrieve fewer hits The use of the Boolean operator "and" limits a search This is also known as "narrowing" and "refining" a search
The maximum price advance or decline from the previous day's settlement price permitted during one trading session, as fixed by the rules of an exchange See Daily Price Limits
The maximum permitted price move up or down for any given day, under exchange rules
as far as something can go
Maximum amount a policy will pay either overall or under a particular coverage
That which terminates a period of time; hence, the period itself; the full time or extent
If an area or a place is off limits, you are not allowed to go there. A one-mile area around the wreck is still off limits These establishments are off limits to ordinary citizens
A limit of a particular kind is the largest or smallest amount of something such as time or money that is allowed because of a rule, law, or decision. The three month time limit will be up in mid-June The economic affairs minister announced limits on petrol sales
final or latest limiting point
the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed; "there are limits on the amount you can bet"; "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight"
n The maximum amount of points a player may win in a single round, agreed upon before the game, and typically set to between 500 and 1500 As usual, East can win (or lose!) twice this amount Some special hands are agreed upon beforehand to be automatically worth the Limit
the boundary of a specific area as far as something can go the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed; "there are limits on the amount you can bet"; "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight"
Limit poker is any game in which there is a fixed limit on how much you can bet or raise in any round Limit games usually offer either fixed-sized bets for different betting rounds or spread limits, in which there is a minimum and maximum bet for each round For example, a 5-10 hold'em game usually requires $5 bets and raises on the first two rounds and $10 bets and raises on the last two Games are often referred to as low-limit, medium-limit, and high-limit Typical low-limit games are 2-4, 3-6, and 5-10 Medium limits are 10-20, 20-40, and 30-60 High-limits are 50-100 on up More generally, the word limit is used to refer to the maximum bet at a given point, whether it's pot-limit, spread limit, or whatever See also structure I didn't want to give him a chance to draw out on me, so I bet the limit
To apply a limit to, or set a limit for; to terminate, circumscribe, or restrict, by a limit or limits; as, to limit the acreage of a crop; to limit the issue of paper money; to limit one's ambitions or aspirations; to limit the meaning of a word
the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability" the boundary of a specific area as far as something can go the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed; "there are limits on the amount you can bet"; "it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight" the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day
limit cycle
A closed trajectory in phase space of a dynamical system having the property that at least one other trajectory spirals into it either as time approaches infinity or as time approaches minus-infinity
limit down
Condition in which the market price of a commodity has fallen by the maximum daily amount permitted by the exchange

Orange Juice - May & July fell to 5.00-cent limit DOWN ahead of Cold Storage report on 1/21. — Moore Research Center Inc 01/21/2004.

limit inferior
The infimum of the set of accumulation points of a given sequence or set
limit point
a point which lies in the closure of A\{x} of a set A
limit points
plural form of limit point
limit superior
The supremum of the set of accumulation points of a given sequence or set
limit up
Condition where the price of the commodity has risen by the maximum daily amount permitted by the exchange
limit of detection
In analytical chemistry, the detection limit, lower limit of detection, or LOD (limit of detection), is the lowest quantity of a substance that can be distinguished from the absence of that substance (a blank value) within a stated confidence limit (generally 1%). The detection limit is estimated from the mean of the blank, the standard deviation of the blank and some confidence factor. Another consideration that affects the detection limit is the accuracy of the model used to predict concentration from the raw analytical signal
limit of quantification
The limit of quantification (LOQ) is the limit at which we can reasonably tell the difference between two different values
limit order
instruction to buy or sell stocks only within a certain price range; restriction on the price range
Chandrasekhar limit
The maximum theoretical mass of a white dwarf, approximately 1.4 solar masses
Roche limit
the closest distance which a satellite can approach its parent body without being pulled apart by tidal forces
age limit
A restriction placed on an activity based on the age of the participants; either lower or higher limit

The bar's age limit was 21, so we could not get in.

central limit theorem
The theorem that states that if the sum of independent identically distributed random variables has a finite variance, then it will be approximately normally distributed
central limit theorem
Any of various similar theorems
elastic limit
The level of stress at which a solid undergoes a greater change in strain than predicted by Hooke's law; often followed by necking and breaking
fixed limit
A poker game where bets and raises can only be a single size as specified by the rules
Without limits in extent, size, quantity, and/or comprehensive perception; boundless
lower limit
The lower limit of a sequence of real numbers is the real number which can be found as follows: remove the first term of the sequence in order to obtain the "first subsequence." Then remove the first term of the first subsequence in order to obtain the "second subsequence." Repeat the removal of first terms in order to obtain a "third subsequence," "fourth subsequence," etc. Find the infimum of each of these subsequences, then find the supremum of all of these infimums. This supremum is the lower limit
national speed limit
The nationwide speed limit for certain types of roads/vehicles

The national speed limit for a car on a highway is 70 mph.

no limit
A poker game where bets and raises can be as large as the player is capable of making them
pot limit
A poker game where bets and raises can be any amount between a fixed minimum and the current size of the pot
quantum limit
The shortest wavelength in an X-ray spectrum

The voltage and wave-length at the quantum limit of the spectrum under investigation are denoted by ν0 and λ0..

quantum limit
The limit on measurement accuracy at quantum scales due to back-action effects

This book is essential reading for all scientists and engineers the potential applications of technology near the quantum limit..

Attributive form of quantum limit, noun
speed limit
The maximum speed permitted by law for vehicles on the road
spread limit
A poker game where bets and raises can be any amount between a specified minimum and a specified maximum
term limit
A legal restriction that limits the number of terms a person may serve in a particular elected office
term limit
Alternative spelling of term-limit
term limit
The maximum number of terms one may legally serve in a particular elected office
To remove (someone) from an elected position by limiting the number of terms he can serve

Should we start being sad that he is being term-limited out of office at the end of the year?.

the sky is the limit
Nothing is impossible or out of reach

If you have a refrigerator and a microwave at work, then the sky is the limit for what you can put in your lunchbox.

time limit
a time by which something must finish
time limit
a duration beyond which something may not exceed
Set a time limit on
A variant of time limit
upper limit
The upper limit of a sequence of real numbers is the real number which can be found as follows: remove the first term of the sequence in order to obtain the "first subsequence." Then remove the first term of the first subsequence in order to obtain the "second subsequence." Repeat the removal of first terms in order to obtain a "third subsequence," "fourth subsequence," etc. Find the supremum of each of these subsequences, then find the infimum of all of these supremums. This infimum is the upper limit
Roche limit
The Roche limit, sometimes referred to as the Roche radius, is the distance within which a celestial body, held together only by its own gravity, will disintegrate due to a second celestial body's tidal forces exceeding the first body's gravitational self-attraction
{a} without limits, boundless
detection limit
(Kimya) In analytical chemistry, the detection limit, lower limit of detection, or LOD (limit of detection), is the lowest quantity of a substance that can be distinguished from the absence of that substance (a blank value) within a stated confidence limit (generally 1%). The detection limit is estimated from the mean of the blank, the standard deviation of the blank and some confidence factor. Another consideration that affects the detection limit is the accuracy of the model used to predict concentration from the raw analytical signal
lower limit of detection
(Kimya) In analytical chemistry, the detection limit, lower limit of detection, or LOD (limit of detection), is the lowest quantity of a substance that can be distinguished from the absence of that substance (a blank value) within a stated confidence limit (generally 1%). The detection limit is estimated from the mean of the blank, the standard deviation of the blank and some confidence factor. Another consideration that affects the detection limit is the accuracy of the model used to predict concentration from the raw analytical signal
{i} Ltd., restricted as to amount of liability (Business)
{i} USA retail chain specializing in women's fashion sportswear
central limit theorem
In statistics, any of several fundamental theorems in probability. Originally known as the law of errors, in its classic form it states that the sum of a set of independent random variables will approach a normal distribution regardless of the distribution of the individual variables themselves, given certain general conditions. Further, the mean (see mean, median, and mode) of the normal distribution will coincide with the (arithmetic) mean of the (statistical) means of each random variable
Service Hospital - A hospital, often located in a rural area, that provides a limited set of medical and surgical services
small in range or scope; "limited war"; "a limited success"; "a limited circle of friends"
a reserved word, used in declaring a type to have limited operations, in that it cannot be used in assignments or checks for equality or inequality 4 9, 5 2, A 1
including only a part not unlimited; "a limited list of choices"
Designated areas and trails where off-highway vehicles are subject to restrictions limiting the number or types of vehicles, date, and time of use; limited to existing or designated roads and trails
having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission"
Having a limit; being restricted When used in economics it often refers to a country's lack of resources to produce the products the country needs or wants to make
{s} confined within a boundary, restricted; having restricted governing powers; unoriginal, narrow, mediocre
(~ type) A type used to indicate objects that are instances of another type and have additional constraints There are several kinds of limited types (~ collection) A limited collection type (~ integer) A limited integer type See "Limited Types" on page 73 for a complete description of limited types
A limited company is one whose owners are legally responsible for only a part of any money that it may owe if it goes bankrupt. They had plans to turn the club into a limited company He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited
with certain (oft. specified) limits placed upon it
Confined within limits; narrow; circumscribed; restricted; as, our views of nature are very limited
not excessive
Something that is limited is not very great in amount, range, or degree. They may only have a limited amount of time to get their points across = small
in transportation, to have entry and exit limited to pre-determined points, as with rail rapid transit or freeways
not excessive mediocre
including only a part not unlimited; "a limited list of choices" having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission" small in range or scope; "limited war"; "a limited success"; "a limited circle of friends" not excessive mediocre
including only a part
ASSEMBLER: An assembler with built-in limits that constrain its use (for example, to make hazardous uses difficult or impossible, or to build just one thing)
not unlimited; "a limited list of choices"
Jurisdiction Refers to courts that are limited in the types of criminal and civil cases they may hear For example, federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction courts
past participle of limit
subject to limits or subjected to limits
(of a call) with specified lower and upper strength requirements, the latter below the maximum possible
That which limits
A device that electronically controls or "limits" the peak levels of program material
A symbol, such as + or -, used to include or exclude search items For example, if you search for ham +eggs, you would look for documents which have both words or just eggs (the + in front of eggs means eggs must be included); ham eggs-seuss would look for documents with both words, but no mention of Dr Seuss (the - in front of seuss means exclude Dr Seuss)
Device which prevents an audio signal from exceeding a specified level
One who, or that which, limits
Gan's limiter was the only one shown A small device visible at the crown of the head and linked into the brain to cause intense pain whenever the victim becomes angry enough to kill
(electronics) an nonlinear electronic circuit whose output is limited in amplitude; used to limit the instantaneous amplitude of a waveform (to clip off the peaks of a waveform); "a limiter introduces amplitude distortion"
A device that will not allow sound to be any higher than a certain level, but does nothing to the sound as long as that level is not reached
A device that electronically controls or "limits" the peak levels of program material Line Level: A signal whose voltage is between approximately 0 310 volts and 10 volts across a load of 600 ohms or greater Load: Any device to which power is delivered Low Pass Filter: A circuit that discriminates between high and low frequencies and allows only the low frequencies to pass
A device which reduces gain when the input voltage exceeds a certain level
An effect that sets a maximum output level If a signal is limited, once the limiter's threshold level is reached, increased input won't result in increased output See Gadgets & Gizmos, July/Aug '93
A compressor set to a ratio of 10: 1 or greater This has the effect of preventing all but the fastest signals from exceeding the threshold volume, thus forcing them into the desired level range
{i} one who limits, one who restricts, one who creates borders
A limiter is a dynamics processor very similar to a compressor In fact, many compressors are capable of acting as limiters when set up properly The primary difference is the ratio used in reducing gain In a limiter, this ratio is set up to be as close to infinity: 1 as possible (no matter how much the input signal changes, the output level should remain pretty much constant) The idea is that a limiter establishes a maximum gain setting, and prevents signals from getting any louder than that setting
A dynamics processor that limits or prevents signals from peaking above a specified amplitude level A limiter works by compressing all sounds that peak above a specified threshold point The average levels of your sound files can be raised several dB beyond the regular normalization level by using a limiter to compress the highest volume peaks Using simple normalization alone to maximize the dynamic range has limitations Because the normalization process simply calculates the available headroom, you are limited by the proximity of the loudest peak to the maximum cut-off point
  A device in which the voltage or some other characteristic of the output signal is automatically prevented from exceeding a specified value   (188)
A compressor of infinite (or near to infinite) compression ratio that does not allow a signal to go above a set gain Back
A friar licensed to beg within certain bounds, or whose duty was limited to a certain district
In wireless microphones, a transmitter audio circuit that acts to limit the maximum modulation (deviation) of the transmitter in order to meet government regulations In audio, a device that limits the maximum voltage or power to some preset value to protect speakers or other equipment
{s} restricting; confining; reducing; delimiting, demarcating
present participle of limit
  Any process by which a specified characteristic (usually amplitude) of the output of a device is prevented from exceeding a predetermined value (188)  Note 1: Hard limiting ("clipping") is a limiting action in which there is (a) over the permitted dynamic range, negligible variation in the expected characteristic of the output signal, and (b) a steady-state signal, at the maximum permitted level, for the duration of each period when the output would otherwise be required to exceed the permitted dynamic range in order to correspond to the transfer function of the device   Note 2:   Soft limiting is limiting in which the transfer function of a device is a function of its instantaneous or integrated output level   The output waveform is therefore distorted, but not clipped
Where an audio signal is not allowed to have excursions beyond a certain point, either positive or negative This can be done either deliberately, as with a limiter, or accidentally where the signal is clipped and therefore distorts
restricting the scope or freedom of action
{i} restricting; curtailing; reducing
the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase
What a limiter does Back
strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase; "the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause
A search strategy that narrows a search, resulting in a smaller set of search results
A term to describe that an amplifier has reached its point of saturation or maximum output voltage swing Deliberate limiting of the signal is used in FM demodulation so that AM will not also be demodulated
Having no limits; unbounded; boundless
seemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or especially extent; "unbounded enthusiasm"; "children with boundless energy"; "a limitless supply of money"
{s} boundless, endless, infinite, having no borders; unlimited
If you describe something as limitless, you mean that there is or appears to be so much of it that it will never be exhausted. a cheap and potentially limitless supply of energy The opportunities are limitless. = endless. without a limit or end = infinite
Without limits in extent or size or quantity; boundless
having no limits in range or scope; "to start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism"- Philip Rahv; "the limitless reaches of outer space"
without limits in extent or size or quantity; "immeasurable vastness of our solar system"
Property of being limitless, infiniteness, boundlessness
The most an insurance company will pay for a specific insurance coverage Individuals can choose the limit, which meets their needs Many states have laws that specify the minimum limits an insured must purchase
Feature in Instron materials and structural testing systems that suspends motion or shuts off the system when upper and/or lower bounds of actuator or crosshead travel, or force or strain, are reached during testing Correct setting of operational limits by the operator, prior to testing, will reduce the risk of damage to test article and system and associated hazard to the operator
In life insurance, the maximum and minimum amounts that the insurance company will insure one life at various age levels with respect to various types of insurance In health insurance, ages below or above which the insurance company will not issue a new policy or above which it will not continue a policy in force The term also refers to the maximum amount of benefit payable for a given situation or occurrence
Maximum amounts payable under a given coverage May be per person, per occurrence, per day or per year (See Split Limits; Combined Single Limit)
A method of decreasing the number of items located by TrinCat in a search Limits include publication date, type of material (book, musical recording, visual material, etc ), language and location
General (1) Ages below or above which the insurer will not issue a policy or above which it will not continue a policy presently in force   (2) The maximum amount of benefits payable for a given situation or occurrence, e g , a limit of $50,000 on the contents of a home, or a $40,000 per accident limit for Property Damage Liability   See also Limit of Liability
the extreme permissible dimensions of a part Example: 1/2-13, Class 3A, American National Coarse Thread The limits are: Maximum pitch diameter of a (3A) 0 4500Minimum pitch diameter of (3A) 4463
A term used to determine a minimum and maximum In a mechanism, it should denote the minimum and maximum sizes for each part, between which the parts will function properly in conjunction with each other and outside of which they will not The words "limits" and "tolerances" are often interchanged, "tolerance" represents the difference between the minimum and maximum limits
(n) The maximum and minimum sizes shown by the toleranced dimension The larger value in a toleranced dimension is called the upper limit and the smaller value is the lower limit
One important characteristics of the environmental movement is the stress that has been put on the notion of limit Although we thought, for long, that we could exploit natural resources in an uncontrolled, unlimited way, we realised relatively recently, that some natural thresholds must not be exceeded if resources are to renew themselves and if we can carry on using these resources for our needs (See also thresholds)
The largest amount the insurance company will pay for covered losses Some policies have multiple or split limits for the liability portion, such as a per person/per accident limit
The maximum number of speculative futures contracts one can hold as determined by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and/or the exchange upon which the contract is traded Also referred to as trading limit The maximum advance or decline_from the previous day's settlement_permitted for a contract in one trading session by the rules of the exchange According to the Chicago Board of Trade rules, an expanded allowable price range set during volatile markets
(1) Ages below or above which the insurer will not issue a policy or above which it will not continue a policy presently in force (2) The maximum amount of benefits payable for a given situation or occurrence, e g , a limit of $50,000 on the contents of a home, or a $40,000 per accident limit for Property Damage Liability See also Limit of Liability (G)
A set and maximum coverage afforded to the insured's policy as described within the declarations There are limits set for each type of coverage, including bodily injury, property damage, uninsured motorist
The most an insurance company will pay for a specific insurance coverage Individuals can choose the limit that meets their needs Many states have laws that specify the minimum limits an insured must purchase
{i} bounds; boundary that surrounds a specific area
Third-person singular present tense of to limit
The number of livestock that may be grazed under provisions of a grazing preference
Maximum and minimum allowable dimensions, resulting from the application of predetermined tolerances to a specified dimension
Arbitrary price and/or quantity barriers imposed on traders or positions
- Maximum amount a policy will pay either overall or under a particular coverage
Limits are the maximum amount an insurance company will pay for a covered loss While you can choose the limits you want to purchase for certain coverages, some states require you to buy limits no lower than a certain amount Back to Top
Maximum amount of benefit payable for a given situation or occurrence
The maximum amount of benefits the insurance company agrees to pay in the event of a loss
The maximum amount of insurance that will be payed for a covered loss
The maximum amount of benefits your insurer will pay for a loss as designated in your insurance policy
Plural of limit
to the limit
to the hilt: in full; "you are in this to the hilt"
Türkisch - Englisch
(Ticaret) margin
limit koymak
limit denge
limit equilibrium
limit durumu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) limiting case
limit koymak
limit artışı
limit increase
limit aşım ücreti
(Ticaret) limit exceeding fee
limit aşımı
limit excess
limit basınç
limit pressure
limit denetimi
limit check
limit değerler
(Havacılık) extreme values
limit değerli emirler
(Ticaret) limit value orders
limit durumu tasarım yöntemi
(Askeri) limit state design method
limit düşürmek
lower the limit
limit fiyatlı emirler
(Ticaret) limit price orders
limit gerilme hali
limiting state of stress
limit hal
limiting state
limit kontrol
limit control
limit koyma
limit koymak
limit koymak
limit noktası
limit point
limit sürtünme
limiting friction
limit tablosu
(Ticaret) table of the limits
limit tablosu
(Sigorta) table of limits
limit teoremleri 
(Matematik) limit theorems 
limit çizmek
draw the line
likit limit aleti
liquid limit apparatus
likit limit seti
(İnşaat) liquid limit set
likit limit testi
liquid limit test
(Ticaret) company with limited liability
(Ticaret) limits

There have been a lot of complaints recently about drivers not obeying the speed limits in downtown Boston. - Son zamanlarda Boston şehir merkezinde hız limitlerine uymayan sürücüler hakkında çok sayıda şikâyet oldu.

Although we may want to be international, we all have our limits. - Uluslararası olmak isteyebilmemize rağmen hepimizin limitleri var.

minimum limit
lower limit
size limit
(Bilgisayar) size limit