as well

listen to the pronunciation of as well
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Fiili Deyim ) keza , de , da
de, da, dahi: I'm going as well. Ben de gidiyorum

Burnum gerçekten büyük ve ayrıca çarpık. - My nose is really big, and it's crooked as well.

Doğal maden suyu kalsiyum, magnezyum, sodyum, potasyum ve ayrıca nitrat içerir. - Natural mineral water contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium as well as nitrate.

aynı zamanda

Sadece Çince dilini değil ama aynı zamanda ülkenin kendisi hakkında da bir şeyler öğrendim. - What I have learnt is not just the Chinese language, but something about the country itself as well.

Ölüm hiçbir şeydir. Onun yerine yaşayarak başla - sadece daha zor değil fakat aynı zamanda daha uzundur. - Dying's nothing. Start instead by living - not only is it harder, but it's longer as well.

olduğu gibi

Keşke hala eskiden olduğu gibi yüzebilsem. - I wish I could still swim as well as I used to.


Kimse bunu benim kadar iyi yapamaz, Tom bile - Nobody can do that as well as me, not even Tom.

Kimse bunu benim yapabildiğim kadar iyi yapamaz, Tom bile. - Nobody can do that as well as I can, not even Tom.


Ne var ki aksi de her zaman doğrudur. - And yet, the contrary is always true as well.

aynı derecede
ilave olarak
makul şekilde
as well as
hem de

O hem Fransızca hem de İngilizce konuşuyor. - He speaks French as well as English.

Bana hem nasihat hem de para verdi. - He gave me money as well as advice.

as well as

O zeki olmakla birlikte güzeldi. - She was intelligent as well as beautiful.

Her şahıs tek başına veya başkalarıyla birlikte mal ve mülk sahibi olma hakkına sahiptir. - Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

as well as
hem ... hem de ...: He gave me money
as well as
kadar iyi: He writes well, but not as well as Eşref. İyi yazıyor, ama Eşref kadar iyi değil
her iki

Belgelerin yığınını eşit şekilde böl, ve onları birer birer odanın her iki tarafına koy. - Divide the pile of documents equally, and take them one by one to either side of the room.

O her iki eliyle yazabilir. - He can write with either hand.

ya o ya bu. "Ya konuşuyor ya da şarkı söylüyor" , "Either he is talking or he is singing"
as well as

Ebeveynlerinden hiçbirine benzemez. - He doesn't resemble either of his parents.

Şapkaların hiçbirinden hoşlanmıyorum. - I don't like either hat.

birinden biri
as well as
yanı sıra

İngilizcenin yanı sıra matematik de öğretir. - He teaches mathematics as well as English.

Eğitim yaptığın okulda yazı yazmanın yanı sıra sağduyuyu öğretmediler mi? - Didn't they teach you common sense as well as typing at the school where you studied?

as well as

O, Fransızca kadar İspanyolca da konuşuyor. - He speaks Spanish as well as French.

O, İngilizce öğrettiği kadar matematik de öğretiyor. - He teaches mathematics as well as English.

as well as
as well as
böyle olmakla birlikte
as well as
bu bir tarafa
as well as
kadar iyi

Tom kadar iyi tenis oynayamam. - I can't play tennis as well as Tom.

Tom kardeşi kadar iyi kayak yapabilir. - Tom can ski as well as his brother.

as well as

O hem Fransızca hem de İngilizce konuşuyor. - He speaks French as well as English.

Çek miktarını hem rakamla hem de harflerle yazın. - Write the amount on the check in letters as well as figures.

as well as
olduğu kadar

Küreselleşmenin pozitif olduğu kadar negatif etkilerinin de olduğunu düşünüyorum. - I think that globalization has negative effects as well as positive.

Zengin olduğu kadar yakışıklı da. - He is handsome as well as rich.

as well as
olmakla beraber
as well as
ilaveten bu bir tarafa
as well as
olmakla birlikte

O zeki olmakla birlikte güzeldi. - She was intelligent as well as beautiful.

as well as
as well as
-e kadar
de değil

O, sporların düşkünü değildir, ben de değilim. - He is not fond of sports, and I am not either.

Ben buna karşı değilim ama bunun lehinde de değilim. - I'm not against it, but I'm not for it, either.

ya şu ya bu
as well as
ek olarak
as well as
ile birlikte
as well as
olduğu gibi

Keşke hala eskiden olduğu gibi yüzebilsem. - I wish I could still swim as well as I used to.

(olumsuz cümlelerde) de
de (değil)
ikisinden biri

İkisinden biri gitmeli. - Either of the two must go.

Bu pulların ikisinden birini sana vereceğim. - I'll give you either of these stamps.

(or ile) ya ...ya da

İki kızın her birini tanıyor musun? - Do you know either of the two girls?

Ray, Gary'nin hikayesini desteklemek istiyordu fakat polisler onların ikisininde gerçeği söylediklerine ikna olmamışlardı. - Ray was willing to corroborate Gary's story, but the police were still unconvinced that either of them were telling the truth.

herhangi biri

Ben, onlardan herhangi birini sevmiyorum. - I don't like either of them.

Elmaların herhangi birini al. - Take either of the apples.

conj. ya da
{s} (sıfat) ikisi de; her iki: "She doesn't like either one." , "İkisini de sevmiyor." , "On either side of him sat a cat." , "Her iki tarafında bir kedi oturdu."
{s} her bir

İki kızın her birini tanıyor musun? - Do you know either of the two girls?

either this or that , ya bu yada o
(bağlaç) ya da, ne de
(İnşaat) den biri
İngilizce - İngilizce
To the same effect

They might as well walk as drive in this traffic.

In addition; also

Wearing his hat and coat, he looked outside and decided he should take an umbrella, as well.

in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"
also, too
With equal reason or an equally good result
(as well or just as well) with equal reason or an equally good result

I may as well have a look.

as well as
In addition to; further to

As well as the obvious financial benefits, the merger will allow us some breathing room with regards to R&D.;.

as well as
too; likewise; in addition
as well as
also; as well

The moon as well as the stars were shining down on them.

Common misspelling of as well
Archaic spelling of as well

There should indifferently follow all the same consequences to an hair, aswell in one Hypothesis as in the other.

as well as
in addition to, and also, and likewise, besides
as well as
In addition to: "The rhetoric , as well as the reasoning, is appreciated" (Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.)
misspelling of as well
as well

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    äz wel


    /ˈaz ˈwel/ /ˈæz ˈwɛl/

    Ortak Eşdizimliler

    as well as


    ... So we are collecting such kind of data on the field, as well ...
    ... always on the road, because I just -- I don't have the luxury of saying, "Well, I have to ...