
listen to the pronunciation of engage
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} çarpışmaya girmek
ilgisini çekmek
birbirine geçmek
(Askeri) KARŞILA, ANGAJE OL: Bir hava önleme görevinde "Taarruz için temas et" manasına gelen kod
{f} mak. birbirine geçmek; birbirine
{f} işe almak
iç içe geçmek
ücretle tutmak
meşgul et
birbirine geçirmek
hücum etmek
verginle tutmak
{f} tutmak
birbirine girmek
{f} çekmek
{f} söz vermek

Yarın herhangi bir randevun var mı? - Do you have any engagement tomorrow?

Tom büyükbabasından miras kalan parayla Mary için bir nişan yüzüğü aldı. - Tom bought an engagement ring for Mary with money he inherited from his grandfather.

(İnşaat) kavramak
{f} söz vermek, taahhüt etmek
{f} garanti etmek
vaat ettirmek
{f} birbirine girmek, çarpışmak
{f} kullanmak
{f} bağlanmak
angaje etmek
{f} bağlamak
devreye almak

Medyanın onun sözleşmesi ile ilgili bir söylenti rüzgarı vardı ve hızlı geldi. - The media got wind of a rumor about his engagement and came quickly.

Tom'un anne-babası onun nişanı ile ilgili onu tebrik ettiler. - Tom's parents congratulated him on his engagement.

hizmete almak
birbirine tutturmak

Jill Jack'le nişanlıdır. - Jill is engaged to Jack.

Bob, Mary ile bir yılı aşkın bir süredir nişanlıdır. - Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year.


Tıbbi araştırmayla meşgul. - He is engaged in medical research.

Yarın sabah meşgul müsün? - Are you engaged for tomorrow?

{s} bağlanmış
engage in
(deyim) ile ilgilenmek
engage in
ile uğraşmak
engage in banditry
haydutluk etmek
engage in violence
şiddet uygulamak
engage as
olarak işe al
engage disengage
bağlanıp ayrıl
engage in
ile meşgul olmak
engage in
meşgul ol

Dedikodu ile meşgul olcak zamanım yok - I have no time to engage in gossip.

Ben başıboş tahminle meşgul olmam. - I don't engage in idle speculation.

engage a gear
Vitese takmak
engage as
olarak ise al
engage in
-ile uğraşmak
engage in
bir iş ile meşgul olmak
engage in
bir işe girişmek
engage in
engage in
çarpışmaya girmek
engage in a brief and petty quarrel
kısa ve küçük kavga meşgul
engage in discussion
tartışma meşgul
engage s.o.´s attention
birinin kafasını meşgul etmek
engage, scrimmage
Hücum meşgul
engage attention
ilgisini çekmek
engage attention
dikkatini çekmek
engage disengage
bağlanıp ayrılmak
engage in
engage in
meşgul olmak
engage in
ile meşgul olmak. engage s.o.'s attention birinin kafasını meşgul etmek
engage in
engage in activities
etkinliklerde bulunmak
engage in conversation
lafa tutmak
engage in conversation
konuşmaya tutmak
engage in deception
(Politika, Siyaset) takkiye yapmak
engage in deception
(Politika, Siyaset) takiye yapmak
engage in demagoguery
demagoji yapmak
engage in dialogue
diyalog içerisinde olmak
engage in human activities
beşeri faaliyetlerde bulunmak
engage in influence peddling
(Ticaret) nüfuz ticareti
engage the clutch
debriyaja basmak
engage toothed rack of the package holder
(Tekstil) dişli çubuk geçirme
engage with
(deyim) sıkı bağlar kurmak
engage with
(deyim) kavgaya karışmak
engage with
(deyim) yakın ilişki kurmak
engage with
(deyim) savaşa katılmak
{s} meşgul (telefon)
{s} rezerve
(Avcılık) nişan alınmış
(telefon hattı) meşgul
meşgul telefon
devreye girme
{s} sempatik
meşgul etme
merak uyandıran
control engage
kontrol bağlantı
control engage disangage
kontrol açma kapama
(alısün hattı) meşgul
{f} meşgul ol

Tom Mary ile meşgul oldu. - Tom was engaged to Mary.

{f} meşgul et
be engage in
meşgul olmak
{s} tutulmuş
to engage in a brawl; to fight or quarrel
bir arbedede girişme; savaşmak ya da kavga
{s} dolu
engage geç/ayır/işe al
engaged columnyarısı duvarda yarısı meydanda olan direk
birbirine geçmiş
{s} hoş, sevimli, çekici
{s} kavrama
engage geç/ayır/işe al
{s} birbirine geçen
hoşa giden
çekici bir şekilde
pre engage
önceden bağlanmak
pre engage
önceden taahhüt etmek
pre engage
önceden ayarlamak
pre engage
önceden söz vermek
Englisch - Englisch
To enter into (an activity), to participate (construed with in)
To bind through legal or moral obligation (to do something, especially to marry) (usually in passive)

They were engaged last month! They're planning to have the wedding next year.

To engross or hold the attention of (someone); to keep busy or occupied
To guarantee or promise (to do something)
To pledge, pawn (one's property); to put (something) at risk or on the line; to mortgage (houses, land)

Thou that doest liue in later times, must wage / Thy workes for wealth, and life for gold engage.

To mesh or interlock (of machinery, especially a clutch)

Whenever I engage the clutch, the car stalls out.

To draw into conversation
To attract, to please; to fascinate or win over (someone)
To arrange to employ or use (a worker, a space, etc)
To enter into battle
To enter into conflict with (an enemy)
{f} keep busy, occupy; employ; attract; commit, bind (to fulfill an obligation); enter into a fight
get caught; "make sure the gear is engaged" keep engaged; "engaged the gears" as of aid, help, services, or support as of wars, battles, or campaigns; "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe" ask to represent; of legal counsel; "I'm retaining a lawyer
To attract, to draw into conversation
keep engaged; "engaged the gears"
engage or hire for work; "They hired two new secretaries in the department"; "How many people has she employed?"
To mesh or interlock (of machinery, especially a clutch.)
If something engages you or your attention or interest, it keeps you interested in it and thinking about it. They never learned skills to engage the attention of the others
engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
[1] to come into contact and be locked together (with another part)
To make contact blade-to-blade
When a military force engages the enemy, it attacks them and starts a battle. It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes. see also engaged, engaging
A controller being able to share data and facilities in asaid to be engaged in the collaboration area, and the collaborationto engage the controller
To employ or obtain the services of someone
ask to represent; of legal counsel; "I'm retaining a lawyer"
To bring the enemy under fire
To promise or pledge one's self; to enter into an obligation; to become bound; to warrant
To engross or hold the attention of someone
carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in; "She pursued many activities"; "They engaged in a discussion"
To enter into conflict; to join battle; as, the armies engaged in a general battle
To be in gear, as two cogwheels working together
If you engage someone in conversation, you have a conversation with them. They tried to engage him in conversation
To embark in a business; to take a part; to employ or involve one's self; to devote attention and effort; to enlist; as, to engage in controversy
To bring together or prepare before fighting
in air defense, a fire control order used to direct
as of aid, help, services, or support as of wars, battles, or campaigns; "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe"
as of aid, help, services, or support
give to in marriage
To employ the attention and efforts of; to occupy; to engross; to draw on
To fascinate or win over someone
To keep busy or occupied
If you engage in an activity, you do it or are actively involved with it. I have never engaged in the drug trade
as of wars, battles, or campaigns; "Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe"
get caught; "make sure the gear is engaged"
To gain over; to win and attach; to attract and hold; to draw
To gain for service; to bring in as associate or aid; to enlist; as, to engage friends to aid in a cause; to engage men for service
To come into gear with; as, the teeth of one cogwheel engage those of another, or one part of a clutch engages the other part
ask to represent; of legal counsel; "I'm retaining a lawyer
To pledge, to put something at risk or on the line
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To guarantee or promise (to do something.)
To enter into contest with; to encounter; to bring to conflict
If you engage someone to do a particular job, you appoint them to do it. We engaged the services of a recognised engineer
If you engage with something or with a group of people, you get involved with that thing or group and feel that you are connected with it or have real contact with it. She found it hard to engage with office life + engagement en·gage·ment And she, too, suffers from a lack of critical engagement with the literary texts
To put under pledge; to pledge; to place under obligations to do or forbear doing something, as by a pledge, oath, or promise; to bind by contract or promise
engage or engross wholly; "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"
When a part of a machine or other mechanism engages or when you engage it, it moves into a position where it fits into something else. Press the lever until you hear the catch engage. a lesson in how to engage the four-wheel drive
In air defense, a fire control order used to direct or authorize units and/or weapon systems to fire on a designated target
To enter into (an activity), to participate (+ in.)
{s} (French) committed to a specific cause from a moral point of view; committed to an ideology
engage a servant
{f} hire a helper, employ a maid, engage a worker
engage in a discussion
participate in a discussion; get involved in a discussion
Already involved in a telephone call when a third party calls it
Busy or employed
Simple past tense and past participle of engage
in contact and in operation
attached to a wall or sunk into it halfway
Involved; esp
When two people are engaged, they have agreed to marry each other. We got engaged on my eighteenth birthday
involved in military hostilities; "the desperately engaged ships continued the fight"
(of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line); "her line is busy"; "receptionists' telephones are always engaged"; "the lavatory is in use"; "kept getting a busy signal"
If a public toilet is engaged, it is already being used by someone else
Agreed to be married
past of engage
Pledged; promised; especially, having the affections pledged; promised in marriage; affianced; betrothed
Occupied; employed; busy
Someone who is engaged in or engaged on a particular activity is doing that thing. They found the three engaged in target practice. the various projects he was engaged on
involved in a hostile encounter; as, the engaged ships continued the fight
Actively fighting one or more opponents in melee combat (Held, unconscious, or otherwise immobilized characters are not considered engaged unless they are actually being attacked )
involved in military hostilities; "the desperately engaged ships continued the fight
If a telephone or a telephone line is engaged, it is already being used by someone else so that you are unable to speak to the person you are phoning. The line is engaged
having ones attention or mind or energy engaged; "she keeps herself fully occupied with volunteer activities"; "deeply engaged in conversation"
Greatly interested; of awakened zeal; earnest
built against or attached to a wall; "engaged columns"
Having another call on a telephone
Of a column or pilaster: attached to a wall
pledged to be married; "the engaged couple"
reserved in advance
(used of toothed parts or gears) interlocked and interacting; "the gears are engaged"; "meshed gears"; "intermeshed twin rotors"
{s} betrothed; busy (about a telephone line); occupied, involved
having ones attention or mind or energy engaged; "she keeps herself fully occupied with volunteer activities"; "deeply engaged in conversation" built against or attached to a wall; "engaged columns" having services contracted for; "the carpenter engaged (or employed) for the job is sick" (used of toothed parts or gears) interlocked and interacting; "the gears are engaged"; "meshed gears"; "intermeshed twin rotors" involved in military hostilities; "the desperately engaged ships continued the fight
having services contracted for; "the carpenter engaged (or employed) for the job is sick"
One who enters into an engagement or agreement; a surety
{i} one who is party to an agreement; one who is involved in an occupation; employer
Tending to draw the attention or affections; attractive; as, engaging manners or address
Present participle of to engage
attracting or delighting; "an engaging frankness"; "a piquant face with large appealing eyes
An engaging person or thing is pleasant, interesting, and entertaining. one of her most engaging and least known novels He was engaging company. pleasant and attracting your interest
attracting or delighting; "an engaging frankness"; "a piquant face with large appealing eyes"
Interesting; charming; attractive, especially of a manner or behaviour
{s} delightful, captivating, enchanting
in an engaging manner; "she played the role engagingly"
delightfully, charmingly, captivatingly
In an engaging manner