
listen to the pronunciation of stable
İngilizce - Türkçe

O ülkenin hükümeti atık kararlı. - The government of that country is now stable.

Tom kararlı bir kişi değil. - Tom isn't a stable person.


Bellek değişmez değildir. - Memory is not stable.

{s} istikrarlı

Size istikrarlı bir taban maaş artı satış komisyonu ödenecektir. - You will be paid a stable base salary plus commissions on sale.

Japon ekonomisi hâlâ istikrarlı. - The economy of Japan is still stable.

(atlar için) ahır veya benzeri korunak
{s} dengeli
{s} sağlam

Sami, çocukları için istikrarlı bir ortam sağlamak için çok sıkı çalıştı. - Sami worked very hard to provide a stable environment for his children.

{s} sarsılmaz
{i} ahır

Tom neredeyse her gün ahırı temizler. - Tom mucks out the stable almost every day.

Ahırları temizlediler. - They cleaned the stables.

(Biyokimya) kalımlı
(Coğrafya) duraylı
ahıra koymak
ahırdaki atlar

Leyla ahırdaki atlarını vurdu. - Layla shot her horses in the stable.

özel bir ahırın atları ve uşakları
{s} azimli
ahıra koy
(Diş Hekimliği) Durağan, sabitlenmiş, dengelenmiş
{i} ekip
{i} atlar ve seyisler
{f} yerleşmek
{i} yarış atı
{s} sebatlı
{f} oturmak
{i} atlar

Leyla ahırdaki atlarını vurdu. - Layla shot her horses in the stable.

Sami ahırlardaki atları vurdu. - Sami shot the horses in the stables.

ahıra bağlamak ahırda oturmak veya yatmak
çalışma grubu

Bu denklemin tüm kökleri negatif olduğundan stabildir. - It's stable because all the roots of this equation are negative.

Tom şu anda stabil durumda. - Tom is now in stable condition.

{f} ahırda durmak
{s} dengeli (kimse)
{f} ahıra bağlanmak
{s} fiz. stabil, kararlı
{i} kadro
kolayca sarsılmaz
stable equilibrium
(Ticaret) istikrarlı denge
stable isotope
(Çevre) stabil izotop
stable linear system
(Bilgisayar) kararlı doğrusal dizge
stable linear system
kararlı doğrusal sistem
stable state
kalımlı durum
stable system
(Bilgisayar) kararlı dizge
stable system
kararlı sistem
stable equilibrium
kararlı denge
stable equilibrium
değişmeyen denge
stable foundation
devamlı özül
stable foundation
sağlam temel
stable manure
ahır gübresi
stable money
istikrarlı para
stable state
kararlı hal
stable fly
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Baldırsokan: Çift kanatlıların sinekgiller familyasından, karasineğe çok benzeyen, kan emen, hastalık bulaştıran, hayvan sağlığı yönünden zararlı bir sinek türü, stomaxys calcitrans
stable man
istikrarlı adam
stable upbringing
değişmez kurallara yetiştirme
stable attribution
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) istikrarlı yüklem
stable base
sabit zemin
stable base film
(Askeri) STABİLİZE BAZ FİLME: Yüksek daralma veya uzama öncelliği olan bir film çeşidi
stable beach
(Askeri) dengeli kumsal
stable boundary layer
(Meteoroloji) kararlı sınır tabakası
stable call
ahır görevine çağırma
stable channel
stabil kanal
stable companion
aynı ahırdan at
stable companion
stable compound
dayanıklı bileşik
stable core
(Meteoroloji) kararlı çekirdek
stable exchange rates
(Ticaret) sabit döviz kurları
stable foreign exchange market
(Ticaret) istikrarlı döviz piyasası
stable isotope
(Nükleer Bilimler) kararlı izotop
stable isotope studies
kararlı izotop çalışmaları
stable linear system
kararli do¤rusal sistem
stable loaded
yüklü kararlılık
stable nucleus
(Nükleer Bilimler) kararlı çekirdek
stable orbit
(Nükleer Bilimler) kararlı yörünge
stable oscillation
sabit titreşim
stable road emulsion
stabil yol emülsiyonları
stable slope
duraylı şev
stable state
(Nükleer Bilimler) kararlı durum
stable stream
kararlı akarsu
stable system
kararli sistem
stable value loan
(Ticaret) indeksli tahvil
stable value loan
(Ticaret) indekse bağlanmış tahvil
ahır görevi
absolutely stable system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) mutlak kararlı dizge
become stable
livery stable
ısıya karşı istikrarlı/değişmez/kararlı
in stable
kararlı olarak
make stable
kararlı olun
reach a stable level; level off
istikrarlı bir seviyesine ulaşmak; düzey kapalı
remain stable
sabit kalmak
shelf stable
raf ömrü uzun
unconditionally stable
koşulsuz kararlı
wobbly, not in a stable manner
titrek, istikrarlı bir şekilde değil
absolutely stable system
mutlak kararli dizge
equilibrium stable
kararlı denge
limitedly or marginally stable system
ucu ucuna kararli sistem
livery stable
kiralık at ahırı
muck out a stable
ahırın gübresini temizlemek
{i} seyis
(isim) seyis
{i} istikrar
{i} ayrışmazlık
{i} kararlılık
{i} sabitlik
{i} sarsılmazlık
{i} kalıcılık
{i} değişmezlik
{i} durağanlık
ahır görevine çağırma
ahır yer
{i} ahır malzemesi
ahıra koy
ahır ve ahır malzemesi
dengeli biçimde
İngilizce - İngilizce
to park (a rail vehicle)
to put or keep (horse) in a stable
A building, wing or dependency set apart and adapted for lodging and feeding (and training) animals with hoofs, especially horses
all the racehorses of a particular stable, i.e. belonging to a given owner
Relatively unchanging, permanent; firmly fixed or established, not easily to be moved, changed, unbalanced, destroyed or altered in value

He was in a stable relationship.

unmoving, unchanging; In meteorology, a parcel in a stable environment will not rise or sink but remains at constant height If forced to rise or sink, the parcel will return to its initial level (Stable, Neutral, Unstable)
{v} to put in, keep or live in a stable
{a} fixed, firm, sure, steady, strong, durable
{n} an apartment or building for beasts
{i} structure in which horses and other animals are housed; racing establishment; race horses belonging to a racing establishment
To put or keep in a stable
a building or apartment with stalls, for horses; as, a horse stable; a cow stable
A house, shed, or building, for beasts to lodge and feed in; esp
A group of wrestlers that join together to form a group
{s} steady, firm, fixed; not shaky; lasting; dependable, faithful; not susceptible to change; resistant to change; well-balanced in an emotional manner; (Chemistry) not readily decomposing
If an object is stable, it is firmly fixed in position and is not likely to move or fall. This structure must be stable. unstable
resistant to change of position or condition; "a stable ladder"; "a stable peace"; "a stable relationship"; "stable prices"
maintaining equilibrium
Chemical substances are described as stable when they tend to remain in the same chemical or atomic state. The less stable compounds were converted into a compound called Delta-A THC
A group of wrestlers gimmicked to work together
ICU 2 0
To dwell or lodge in a stable; to dwell in an inclosed place; to kennel
Acronym for Stable Antarctic Boundary Layer Experiment
So placed as to resist forces tending to cause motion; of such structure as to resist distortion or molecular or chemical disturbance; said of any body or substance
The patients response to dialysis, both during and in-between times is appropriate
Does not decay A particle is stable if there exist no processes in which a particle disappears and in its place two or more different particles appear
The two squares of the first rank on the King's Level immediately to the left of the Queen's Tower; that is, where the Knights start play
Does not decay A particle is stable if there exist no processes in which a particle disappears and in its place different particles appear
firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation; "the economy is stable"
a farm building for housing horses or other livestock shelter in a stable; "stable horses" maintaining equilibrium not taking part readily in chemical change firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation; "the economy is stable" resistant to change of position or condition; "a stable ladder"; "a stable peace"; "a stable relationship"; "stable prices
maintaining equilibrium not taking part readily in chemical change firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation; "the economy is stable"
(adj ) sOgi, soygih
a farm building for housing horses or other livestock
A group of performers united to form a powerful collection of men and women
(in Hosta) a plant that maintains its solid or variegated pattern when propagated by division
Put or keep (horse) in stable
if every eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix $[\frac{\partial F_i }{\partial x_j }
You can describe someone who is seriously ill as stable when their condition has stopped getting worse. The injured man was in a stable condition
When horses are stabled, they are put into a stable. The animals had been fed and stabled
shelter in a stable; "stable horses"
Firmly established; not easily moved, shaken, or overthrown; fixed; as, a stable government
A stable or stables is a building in which horses are kept
Does not decay
Sediment Transport And Boundary Layer Equipment
When wine is in a state in which it will not develop negative characteristics in the bottle, due, for example, to re-fermentation, premature browning or protein haze
showing little if any change; "a static population"
Incapable of spontaneous radioactive decay
a parcel of air that remains at a constant height that will not rise or sink
A stable or stables is an organization that breeds and trains horses for racing. Miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey's stable
A wine is said to be stable when there is no danger of further fermentation
When something is stable it is not changing For example, an object might stay still
resistant to change of position or condition; "a stable ladder"; "a stable peace"; "a stable relationship"; "stable prices
Steady in purpose; constant; firm in resolution; not easily diverted from a purpose; not fickle or wavering; as, a man of stable character
a farm building for housing horses or other livestock shelter in a stable; "stable horses"
{f} put in a stable, keep in a stable; live in a stable; live as if in a stable
If something is stable, it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992. a stable marriage. + stability sta·bil·ity It was a time of political stability and progress
The use of the word 'stable' should involve some comparison, eg carbon dioxide is stable with respect to its constituent elements This is quite a key issue You must see that we never talk about absolute amounts of energy in any system (any good physicist will tell you why), all we can do is compare one to another
If someone has a stable personality, they are calm and reasonable and their mood does not change suddenly. Their characters are fully formed and they are both very stable children. unstable
not taking part readily in chemical change
To fix; to establish
Durable; not subject to overthrow or change; firm; as, a stable foundation; a stable position
A multi-purpose building for the housing and care of domestic animals including storage for the equipment necessary to work with and maintain the animals
stable boy
A boy or young man who attends in a stable
stable boys
plural form of stable boy
stable flies
plural form of stable fly
stable fly
Stomoxys calcitrans
stable fly
Any of several large flies, of the family Muscidae is that it sucks blood from mammals
stable girl
A girl or young woman who attends in a stable
stable of bitches
A group of loose women or prostitutes

I didn't feel like I had the pimp look down. I wore a full-length leather jacket, a few chains around my neck, and a toothpick in my mouth. After parking I met three women and walked in with them. They looked like my stable of bitches, as I told someone at the door.

Alternative spelling of stable boy
stable fly
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Stomoxys calcitrans is commonly called the stable fly or dog fly. Rather unusual for a member of the family Muscidae is that it sucks blood from mammals
stable boy
A stable boy is a young man who works in a stable looking after the horses. sta·ble·man a man or boy who works in a stable
stable condition
solid situation, steady condition
stable currency
monetary unit which maintains a high and steady rate
stable equilibrium
condition in which a system that has lost balance tends to regain balance
stable fly
A fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) that sucks the blood of domestic animals and humans
stable gear
gear for a horse
stable girl
a girl or woman who works in a stable
stable lad
A stable lad is the same as a stable boy
stable money
unit of currency whose real value does not change drastically
stable price
price which remains constant, price which does not change
stable stand
The position of a man who is found at his standing in the forest, with a crossbow or a longbow bent, ready to shoot at a deer, or close by a tree with greyhounds in a leash ready to slip; one of the four presumptions that a man intends stealing the king's deer
close the stable door after the horse has bolted
To attempt to prevent a problem only to find it has already happened
kept or located in a stable
Simple past tense and past participle of stable
{n} one employed in a stable
{n} firmness, constancy
A stable
critical but stable condition
seriously ill or wounded without further threat to the condition
fattening stable
structure in which animals are fattened for slaughter
livery stable
A stable that boards horses and keeps horses and carriages for hire
livery stable
3 (e) (f) & (g)
livery stable
stable where horses and vehicles are kept for hire
livery stable
See Livery, n
livery stable
stable for boarding and taking care of horses for pay
livery stable
A stable where horses are kept for hire, and where stabling is provided
master of the stable
person who is charge of managing a horse barn
past of stable
a person employed to take care of horses in a stable
someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
A boy or man who attends in a stable; a groom; a hostler
{i} person who works in a horse stable, groom
{i} stability, solidity, firmness, permanence, steadfastness
the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast
The quality or state of being stable, or firmly established; stability
A stable keeper
plural of stable
The act or practice of keeping horses and cattle in a stable
accommodation for animals (especially for horses)
A building, shed, or room for horses and cattle
space in a building where horses can be kept
{i} place in a barn for horses or other animals
present participle of stable
in a stable unchanging manner; "the death rate in Russia has been stably high"
steadily, firmly
in a stable solid fixed manner; "the boulder was balanced stably at the edge of the canyon
in a stable unchanging manner; "the death rate in Russia has been stably high" in a stable solid fixed manner; "the boulder was balanced stably at the edge of the canyon
in a stable solid fixed manner; "the boulder was balanced stably at the edge of the canyon"
In a stable manner
In a stable manner; firmly; fixedly; steadily; as, a government stably settled
verb stable 3
to put or keep a horse in a stable
· stable
unmoving, unchanging; In meteorology, a parcel in a stable environment will not rise or sink but remains at constant height If forced to rise or sink, the parcel will return to its initial level (Stable, Neutral, Unstable)
· stable
(adj ) sOgi, soygih
· stable
A group of performers united to form a powerful collection of men and women
· stable
The patients response to dialysis, both during and in-between times is appropriate
· stable
Acronym for Stable Antarctic Boundary Layer Experiment
· stable
a parcel of air that remains at a constant height that will not rise or sink
· stable
not taking part readily in chemical change
· stable
if every eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix $[\frac{\partial F_i }{\partial x_j }
· stable
Incapable of spontaneous radioactive decay
· stable
firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation; "the economy is stable"
· stable
A group of wrestlers that join together to form a group
· stable
Sediment Transport And Boundary Layer Equipment
· stable
ICU 2 0
· stable
static: showing little if any change; "a static population"
· stable
When something is stable it is not changing For example, an object might stay still
· stable
When wine is in a state in which it will not develop negative characteristics in the bottle, due, for example, to re-fermentation, premature browning or protein haze
· stable
A wine is said to be stable when there is no danger of further fermentation
· stable
A multi-purpose building for the housing and care of domestic animals including storage for the equipment necessary to work with and maintain the animals
· stable
A group of wrestlers gimmicked to work together
· stable
Does not decay A particle is stable if there exist no processes in which a particle disappears and in its place different particles appear
· stable
The two squares of the first rank on the King's Level immediately to the left of the Queen's Tower; that is, where the Knights start play
· stable
maintaining equilibrium
· stable
The use of the word 'stable' should involve some comparison, eg carbon dioxide is stable with respect to its constituent elements This is quite a key issue You must see that we never talk about absolute amounts of energy in any system (any good physicist will tell you why), all we can do is compare one to another
· stable
· stable
Does not decay A particle is stable if there exist no processes in which a particle disappears and in its place two or more different particles appear
· stable
a farm building for housing horses or other livestock
· stable
(in Hosta) a plant that maintains its solid or variegated pattern when propagated by division
· stable
Does not decay
· stable
resistant to change of position or condition; "a stable ladder"; "a stable peace"; "a stable relationship"; "stable prices"
· stable
shelter in a stable; "stable horses"