
listen to the pronunciation of regular
İngilizce - Türkçe

Yetişkin Japon erkeklerinin yüzde altmışı düzenli olarak alkollü içecekler içerler. - Sixty percent of Japanese adult males drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis.

Adaya düzenli bir tekne servisi yoktur. - There is no regular boat service to the island.

{i} müdavim

Ben müdavim olmak istiyorsam, geriye kalanın iki katı kadar çok çalışmak zorundayım. - If I'm to become a regular, I have to work twice as hard as the rest.

{s} devamlı

Bu çevredeki bir restoranda devamlı müşteriyim. Bugün orada öğle yemeği yiyelim. - I'm a regular at a restaurant in this neighborhood. Let's have lunch there today.

Bu spor salonunda devamlı müşteriyim. - I'm a regular at this gym.

{s} sıradan

Ben sadece sıradan bir ofis çalışanıyım. - I'm just a regular office worker.

{s} güvenilir
{s} düzgün
(Tıp) regüler
(Ticaret) usulüne uygun
(Biyokimya) kuramsal
(Denizbilim) kuralsal
kurallara uygun
(Politika, Siyaset) mutat
(Ticaret) her zamanki

Her zamanki gibi onu fulle. Nakit ödeyeceğim. - Fill her up with regular. I'll be paying in cash.

güzel biçimli

Esperanto gerçekten düzenli ve kolay bir dildir. - Esperanto is a truly regular and easy language.

usule uygun
yoluna göre

Amerikalı turist İtalyan stili dondurmada ısrar etti, zira o normal dondurma için çok yenilikçi idi. - The American tourist insisted on gelato, for he was too hipstery for regular ice cream.

Beş galon normal benzin, lütfen. - Five gallons of regular, please.

tam anlamıyla
devamlı müşteri

Bu spor salonunda devamlı müşteriyim. - I'm a regular at this gym.

Bu çevredeki bir restoranda devamlı müşteriyim. Bugün orada öğle yemeği yiyelim. - I'm a regular at a restaurant in this neighborhood. Let's have lunch there today.

{s} inişleri ve çıkışları olmayan
{s} uzman
Katolik papazı
{s} kurallı

Türkçe çok kurallı ve mantığa uygun bir dil. - Turkish is a very regular and logical language.

{i} muvazzaf asker
nizami asker
{s} devamlı (müşteri)
kenar ve açıları birbirine eşit
{s} dürüst
nizami Katolik manastır sistemine mensup rahip
ABD siyasi partiye sa
{i} partisine bağlı üye
{i} keşiş
{s} kadrolu
{s} k.dili. tam: a regular lie tam
{i} meslekten olan asker
{s} herzamanki
{s} olağan
{s} değişmez
kaideye muvafık
{s} mazbut

Türkçe çok kurallı ve mantığa uygun bir dil. - Turkish is a very regular and logical language.

inci gibi

Adaya düzenli bir tekne servisi yoktur. - There is no regular boat service to the island.

Ellerinizi düzenli olarak yıkama bazı hastalıklara yakalanmayı önlemek için iyi bir yoldur. - Washing your hands regularly is a good way to prevent catching some diseases.


Türkçe çok kurallı ve mantığa uygun bir dil. - Turkish is a very regular and logical language.

(Konuşma Dili) buz gibi
(Bilgisayar) düz

Yetişkin Japon erkeklerinin yüzde altmışı düzenli olarak alkollü içecekler içerler. - Sixty percent of Japanese adult males drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis.

Adaya düzenli bir tekne servisi yoktur. - There is no regular boat service to the island.

(Ticaret) sürekli

Ben okuldayken, sürekli dövülürdük. Bugünlerde, birçok okulda bir öğretmenin bir öğrenciye vurması yasadışıdır. - When I was at school, we were caned regularly. Nowadays, it's illegal in many schools for a teacher to hit a student.

Bu civardaki barlara ve birahanelere sürekli takılır. - He's a regular at the bars and pubs around here.

regular army
(Askeri) daimi ordu
regular army
regular expression
(Bilgisayar) kurallı ifade
regular army
düzenli ordu
regular payment
düzenli ödeme
regular polygon
düzgün çokgen
regular price
normal fiyat
regular activities
düzenli faaliyetleri
regular exponential class
(İstatistik) Düzenli üssel sınıf
regular function
düzenli fonksiyon, düzenli işlev
regular hours
Düzenli saat
regular intervals
düzenli aralıklarla
regular loan
düzenli borç
regular monitoring
düzenli izleme
regular people
normal insanlar
regular reflection
normal yansıma, olağan yansıma
regular repetition
Düzenli tekrar
regular slave
Düzenli köle
regular tetrahedron
(Geometri) Düzgün dörtyüzlü
regular verb
(Dilbilim) Düzenli fiil
standart işler
regular account
Normal Hesap
regular army
(Askeri) MUVAZZAF ORDU: Savaşta ve barışta elde tutulan ordu, daimi ordu (standing army), ABD Kara Kuvvetlerinin belli başlı asli teşkillerinden biri. Ayrıca bakınız: "standing army"
regular army reserve
(Askeri) muvazzaf ordu ihtiyatı
regular army reserve
(Askeri) MUVAZZAF ORDU İHTİYATI: Muvazzaf ordunun ihtiyat kısmı. Bu ihtiyat; muvazzaf ordudan şerefle terhis edilen ve tekrar askeri hizmete çağrılmaya hazır olan personelden meydana gelir
regular budget
(Politika, Siyaset) olağan bütçe
regular circular movement
(Fizik) düzgün dairesel hareket
regular contributions
(Sigorta,Ticaret) düzenli katkı payı
regular court
(Kanun) asıl mahkeme
regular doctor
uzman doktor
regular drill
(Askeri) düzenli eğitim
regular drill
(Askeri) Bak. "unit training assembly"
regular estimator
duzenli kestirici
regular fit
(Tekstil) standart kesim (bel)
regular flight
(Askeri) zorunlu uçuş
regular flight
(Askeri) MECBURİ UÇUŞ: Havacıların uçuş melekesini korumak için tabi tutuldukları aylık mecburi uçuş. Hava Kuvvetleri Yönetmeliği; mecburi uçuş saatini, çeşitli rütbelere göre, değişik olarak tayin etmiştir. ABD' de; ayda en az on uçuş yapmak ve en az üç saat havada kalmak gerekmektedir
regular flight
(Askeri) meleke koruma uçuşu
regular force
(Askeri) muntazam kuvvet
regular force
(Askeri) MUNTAZAM KUVVET: Devlet tarafından oluşturulmuş her çeşit silahlı kuvvet. Bu terimi, muvazzaf ordu anlamına gelen (regular army) terimi ile karıştırmamalıdır. Ayrıca, bak. "regular army" ve "irregular force"
regular forces
(Askeri) Muntazam kuvvet
regular function
(Matematik) düzenli işlev
regular function
(Matematik) düzenli fonksiyon
regular gypsum wallboard
normal alçı levha
regular hyphen
Normal Tire
regular icosahedron
(Matematik) düzenli yirmiyüzlü
regular insulin
(Tıp) regüler insülin
regular language
(Bilgisayar) düzenli dil
regular layout
(Bilgisayar) normal düzen
regular leg
(Tekstil) düz paça
regular link
Normal Bağlantı
regular market
(Ticaret) ana pazar
regular matrix
(Matematik) düzenli dizey
regular matrix
(Matematik) düzenli matris
regular menus
(Bilgisayar) normal menüler
regular penetration
düzgün penetrasyon
regular pentagon
düzgün beşgen
regular personnel
(Askeri) muvazzaf personel
regular placing
(Askeri) düzenli yerleşme
regular point
duzenli nokta
regular polygon
(Matematik) düzenli çokgen
regular polyhedron
(Matematik) düzenli çokyüzlü
regular polyhedron
(Matematik) düzgün çokyüzlü
regular production option
normal üretim seçeneği
regular production option
(Otomotiv) standart üretim seçeneği
regular rate
(Ticaret) normal ücret
regular reflectance
(Aydınlatma) düzgün yansıtma çarpanı
regular reflection
(Fizik) normal yansıma
regular reflection
(Fizik) düzenli yansıma
regular reflection
(Aydınlatma) aynasal yansıma
regular reflection
(Fizik) olağan yansıma
regular reflection
(Aydınlatma) düzgün yansıma
regular representation
(Matematik) düzgün temsil
regular representation
(Matematik) düzenli adlanım
regular sheaf
(Askeri) PARALEL DEMET: Paralanma ve vuruşların ortalama aynı hat üzerinde yanlamasına olarak eşit aralıklar halinde bulunması suretiyle oluşan demet. Ayrıca bakınız: "sheaf"
regular sheaf
(Askeri) paralel demet
regular smoking
sigara kullanma (sürekli)
regular smoking
düzenli içicilik
regular smoking
sürekli içicilik
regular soil structure
düzgün zemin yapısı
regular tetrahedron
(Matematik) düzenli dörtyüzlü
regular text
normal metin
regular transit service
(Ticaret) düzenli transit servis
regular transition
uygun transizyon
regular transmission
(Aydınlatma) düzgün geçme
regular transmittance
(Aydınlatma) düzgün geçirme çarpanı
regular verb
dilb. kurallı fiil
regular verb
(Dilbilim) düzenli eylem
regular verb
(Dilbilim) kurallı fiil
regular waves
(Askeri) düzenli dalgalar
regular work hours
normal mesai
devamlı olarak

Devamlı, makaleler yazarım. - I write articles regularly.

sistemli olarak
in regular turn
muntazam sırayla

Sürekli olarak doğum kontrol hapı alan insanların hamile kalmayacaklarını biliyor muydunuz? - Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant?

Ben okuldayken, sürekli dövülürdük. Bugünlerde, birçok okulda bir öğretmenin bir öğrenciye vurması yasadışıdır. - When I was at school, we were caned regularly. Nowadays, it's illegal in many schools for a teacher to hit a student.

completely regular space
tamamen düzgün uzay
make regular
düzenli hale getir
düzenli biçimde olma
düzenli olarak

Düzenli olarak yemek zorundasın. - You have to eat regularly.

O, beni düzenli olarak ziyaret ederdi. - She used to visit me regularly.

as regular as
gibi düzenli
intermediate; regular, common
ara; ortak düzenli
on a regular basis
Düzenli olarak
on a regular basis
Düzenli olarak ve sürekli
on regular base
düzenli olarak
on regular basis
Düzenli olarak ve sürekli
rhythmically, with a regular beat
ritmik, düzenli çarptıkça
at regular intervals
belli aralıklarla
at regular intervals
düzenli aralarla
completely regular space
(Matematik) tümel düzenli uzay
i need regular
normal benzin kullanıyorum
i need regular
(isim)rmal benzin kullanıyorum
neutral regular insulin
(Tıp) nötral regüler insülin
{i} sisteme uygunluk
{i} devamlılık
{i} düzgünlük
{i} düzenli olma
{i} kurala uygunluk
usulüne uydurma
the regular practice
alışkanlık, âdet
Türkçe - Türkçe
Daha çok ana metin dizgisinde kullanılan, okunurluk açısından en uygun yazı şekli
İngilizce - İngilizce
A frequent customer, client or business partner

This gentleman was one of the architect's regulars.

That every set in its domain is both outer regular and inner regular
Having all sides of the same length, and all (corresponding) angles of the same size
Riding with the left foot forward
Normal; ordinary
Obeying rules, especially rules of a monastery
A member of the British Army (as opposed to a member of the Territorial Army or Reserve)
Having a healthy digestive system

Maintaining a high-fibre diet keeps you regular.

Following a set or common pattern

The noun mouse has the irregular plural mice.

Exemplary; excellent example of; utter

a regular John Bull.

Frequent or common

He made regular visits to go see his mother.

With constant frequency or pattern
A frequent, routine visitor to an establishment

Bartenders usually know their regulars by name.

A coffee with one cream and one sugar
{n} one who observes some rule of life
{a} agreeable to rule, orderly, exact
a garment size for persons of average height and weight a regular patron; "an habitue of the racetrack"; "a bum who is a Central Park fixture"
Regular events have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen, for example, at the same time each day or each week. Take regular exercise We're going to be meeting there on a regular basis The cartridge must be replaced at regular intervals. + regularly regu·lar·ly He also writes regularly for `International Management' magazine. + regularity regu·lar·ity The overdraft arrangements had been generous because of the regularity of the half-yearly payments
A member of the British Army as opposed to a member of the Territorial Army or Reserve
Regular is used to mean `normal'. The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette = ordinary
Governed by rule or rules; steady or uniform in course, practice, or occurence; not subject to unexplained or irrational variation; returning at stated intervals; steadily pursued; orderlly; methodical; as, the regular succession of day and night; regular habits
Obeying rules
conforming to a standard or pattern; "following the regular procedure of the legislature"; "a regular electrical outlet"
symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon"
A regular rhythm consists of a series of sounds or movements with equal periods of time between them. a very regular beat irregular + regularly regu·lar·ly Remember to breathe regularly. + regularity regu·lar·ity Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat
Classes scheduled to meet with an instructor on a regular basis at the same time and place throughout the semester
in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle; "his regular calls on his customers"; "regular meals"; "regular duties"
Bolt A latchbolt with the bevel set to suit a door opening in
living according to a rule; can refer to living in a monastic community or a community of regular canons
officially full-time; "regular students"
Orderly, even, or symmetrical In conformity with a fixed procedure, principle, or discipline
a garment size for persons of average height and weight a regular patron; "an habitue of the racetrack"; "a bum who is a Central Park fixture" a dependable follower (especially in party politics); "he is one of the party regulars" a soldier in the regular army in accord with regular practice or procedure; "took his regular morning walk"; "her regular bedtime" relating to a person who does something regularly; "a regular customer"; "a steady drinker" officially full-time; "regular students" not deviating from what is normal; "her regular bedtime" in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle; "his regular calls on his customers"; "regular meals"; "regular duties" (of solids) having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula (used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces; "the regular army" conforming to a standard or pattern; "following the regular procedure of the legislature"; "a regular electrical outlet" regularly scheduled for fixed times; "at a regular meeting of the PTA"; "regular bus departures
Same as Isometric
Flowers that are radially symmetrical That is the petals or rays are all about the same size and shape and are arraneged around the center in an even pattern The petals may be joined into a tube or have separate rays
The regulars at a place or in a team are the people who often go to the place or are often in the team. Regulars at his local pub have set up a fund to help out
Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established customary forms; normal; symmetrical; as, a regular verse in poetry; a regular piece of music; a regular verb; regular practice of law or medicine; a regular building
a garment size for persons of average height and weight
The parts of the flower look the same, symmetrical
The principal grade of gasoline available at most gas stations Formerly, a mid-grade gasoline sold during the era when economy grades were available
a regular patron; "an habitue of the racetrack"; "a bum who is a Central Park fixture"
a soldier in the regular army in accord with regular practice or procedure; "took his regular morning walk"; "her regular bedtime"
{s} occurring at fixed intervals; normal, usual; ordinary, common
in accord with regular practice or procedure; "took his regular morning walk"; "her regular bedtime"
{i} enlisted soldier; frequent customer, repeat customer
relating to a person who does something regularly; "a regular customer"; "a steady drinker"
occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing"
a soldier in the regular army
Thorough; complete; unmitigated; as, a regular humbug
There's nothing regular about it; it's a Land Rover after all! It's just Land-Rover's model designation for non-Station Wagon hardtop models
Constituted, selected, or conducted in conformity with established usages, rules, or discipline; duly authorized; permanently organized; as, a regular meeting; a regular physican; a regular nomination; regular troops
Someone who rides left foot forward
(of solids) having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula (used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces; "the regular army"
Phillips Cross-Slot Frearson Cross-Slot Clutchhead Hex Bristol Robertson Square-Tip Torx
Regular events happen often. This condition usually clears up with regular shampooing. + regularly regu·lar·ly Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here = frequently + regularity regu·lar·ity Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity
all right
A flower in which the petals and sepals are all alike
(used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces; "the regular army"
You use regular when referring to the thing, person, time, or place that is usually used by someone. For example, someone's regular place is the place where they usually sit. The man sat at his regular table near the window. = usual
Belonging to a monastic order or community; as, regular clergy, in distinction dfrom the secular clergy
A who regularly visits a site & isn't a jerk Common 03 03 2001
A member of any religious order or community who has taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and who has been solemnly recognized by the church
Having all the parts of the same kind alike in size and shape; as, a regular flower; a regular sea urchin
often used as intensifiers; "a regular morass of details"; "a regular nincompoop"; "he's a veritable swine"
(of solids) having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula
In some restaurants, a regular drink or quantity of food is of medium size. a cheeseburger and regular fries
regularly scheduled for fixed times; "at a regular meeting of the PTA"; "regular bus departures"
Basically, colleges who use this process request that applications be submitted during the fall or early winter Applications typically include standardized test scores, high school records and recommendations A committee in the college's admissions office reviews applications and notifications are typically sent out in late spring
a dependable follower (especially in party politics); "he is one of the party regulars"
(of flowers) Radially symmetrical, with more than one plane of symmetry; actinomorphic
regular coffee
Coffee with cream and sugar (in contrast to the expected meaning of "black coffee" in other regions of the USA)

Gimme three regular coffees and three blacks.

regular dividend
A dividend on common stock that is intended to be paid periodically in equal amounts over the course of a year, typically quarterly, after being declared by the issuer of the stock
regular expression
A concise description of a regular formal language with notations for concatenation, alternation, and iteration (repetition) of subexpressions
regular expression
Any pattern for text matching or searching, frequently offering more or less functionality than a theoretical regular expression
regular expressions
plural form of regular expression
regular function
a meromorphic function
regular polygon
A polygon which is both equiangular and equilateral (i.e. having all sides the same length and all interior angles the same)
regular polygons
plural form of regular polygon
regular space
A Hausdorff space with the additional property that for every closed set of that space and every point disjoint from that set, there are a disjoint pair of open sets which contain the closed set and the point, respectively
regular star macromolecule
a star macromolecule having identical arms
regular star macromolecules
plural form of regular star macromolecule
regular tessellation
A tessellation of the plane by a convex regular polygon
regular verb
A verb which conjugates regularly. In English, a verb which uses an -ed suffix to form its past participle
regular verbs
plural form of regular verb
Regular Army
permanent standing army of a country or state
regular army
army: a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state
regular army
The permanent standing army of a nation or state
regular bowel movements
normal bowel movements
regular checkup
medical examination performed at regular intervals
regular dodecahedron
a dodecahedron with twelve regular pentagons as faces
regular expression
A regular expression is a pattern that can match various text strings; for example, `l[0-9]+' matches `l' followed by one or more digits @xref{Regexps}
regular expression
A way of describing a set of strings
regular expression
A regular expression is a pattern that can match various text strings; for example, `l[0-9]+' matches `l' followed by one or more digits See section Syntax of Regular Expressions
regular expression
A regular expression is a pattern that can match various text strings; for example, `l[0-9]+' matches `l' followed by one or more digits See Regexps
regular expression
Regular Expressions use Meta Characters to express variable parts of a pattern to be matched Regular Expression [Buy the Book] (rezidew)
regular expression
(n ) A pattern representing a class of character strings For example, grep interprets the regular expression h t as any three-character string beginning with h and ending with t
regular expression
a text pattern consisting of alphanumeric characters and special characters, known as metacharacters In vi, ex, and ed, a character string that specifies one or more lines of the file by matching its contents in various ways Search patterns are regular expressions
regular expression
A regular expression is a pattern that can match various text strings; for example, `a[0-9]+' matches `a' followed by one or more digits See section K 5 Syntax of Regular Expressions
regular expression
wild card pattern used by Unix utilities; any pattern containing symbols and three operators; class of strings that can be recognized by a finite-state automaton
regular expression
a text pattern consisting of a combination of alphanumeric characters and special characters known as metacharacters
regular expression
A form of expression that is used in Proxy for wildcard patterns for access control
regular expression
A formal expression of a string pattern which can be searched for and processed by a pattern-matching program such as vi, grep, awk or perl
regular expression
a string following the rules of a regular language, used to describe a class of strings (that can be recognized by an FSA), allowing alternatives, specifying a sequence, and indicating number of occurrences (0, 1, any number, at least one)
regular expression
(1) A mechanism to select specific strings from a set of character strings (2) A set of characters, metacharacters, and operators that define a string or group of strings in a search pattern (3) A string containing wildcard characters and operations that define a set of one or more possible strings
regular expression
Often abbreviated as a regexp, this is a method of specifing a pattern to match in text Both very simple and very complex patterns can be easily matched using this method For information on how to understand and construct regular expressions the best source is the grep manual or info page
regular expression
A notation that is used to specify and match strings A regular expression might be used when you are unsure of the exact string, for example
regular expression
A regular expression is a pattern that can match various text strings; for example, l[0-9]+ matches l followed by one or more digits Section 14 5
regular expression
Regular sets and expressions derive from a very formal decomposition of language structure In the mmCIF dictionary, a regular expression notation is used to define the patterns which must be matched by values of a data item For instance, a calendar date in the mmCIF dictionary must match a pattern like yyyy-mm-dd, which can be defined by the regular expression [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]
regular expression
A shorthand for expressing patterns of text An expression which generates a language from the operations union (alternation), concatenation, and concatenation closure
regular expression
A way of describing a pattern in text - for example, "all the words that begin with the letter A" or "every 10-digit phone number" or even "Every sentence with two commas in it, and no capital letter Q" Regular expressions are useful in Apache because they let you apply certain attributes against collections of files or resources in very flexible ways - for example, all gif and jpg files under any "images" directory could be written as "/images/ *(jpg|gif)$" Apache uses Perl Compatible Regular Expressions provided by the PCRE library
regular fellow
average guy, regular man, ordinary guy
regular force
standing army, permanent armed forces
regular forces
standing army, permanent armed forces
regular guest at
frequent visitor at
regular guy
ordinary man, "average Joe
regular hexagon
a hexagon with six sides of equal length
regular hours
fixed times, hours that are known and arranged in advance
regular icosahedron
an icosahedron with twenty equilateral triangles as faces
regular octahedron
an octahedron with eight equilateral triangles as faces
regular payment
a payment made at regular times
regular pentagon
five-sided figure in which all sides and angles are equal
regular polygon
multiple sided figure in which all sides and angles are equal
regular polygon
a polygon with all sides and all angles equal
regular polyhedron
any one of five solids whose faces are congruent regular polygons and whose polyhedral angles are all congruent
regular procedure
normal way of doing things, standard method
regular readers
subscribers, people who read a newspaper on a daily basis
regular salary
set salary that does not change from month to month; income from a regular source
regular service
army service voluntarily chosen after the completion of mandatory service
regular tetrahedron
a tetrahedron with four equilateral triangular faces
regular verb
verb that has the usual endings, verb that conforms to grammatical rules (Grammar)
regular verbs
verbs that have the usual endings, verbs that conform to grammatical rules (Grammar)
regular year
An ordinary year of 354 days or a leap year of 384 days in the Jewish calendar
often used as intensifiers; "a regular morass of details"; "a regular nincompoop"; "he's a veritable swine
inner regular
That its measure is equal to the supremum of the measures of all compact sets which are contained by it
on a regular basis
regularly, occurring in regular time intervals or patterns
outer regular
That its measure is equal to the infimum of the measures of all open sets which contain it
The condition or quality of being regular; as, regularity of outline

I have been watching that show with regularity.

A particular regular occurrence
With constant frequency or pattern
normally; ordinarily
{n} order, method, exactness
{a} methodically, justly, constantly
{a} orderly
{n} standing troop, opposed to militia
as regular as Christmas
usually, regularly, customarily
extra regular service
service added to the services which are regularly offered
in regular army service
in mandatory army service
on a regular basis
regularly, in a regular manner
a property of polygons: the property of having equal sides and equal angles
the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate; "he was famous for the regularity of his habits" a property of polygons: the property of having equal sides and equal angles
the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate; "he was famous for the regularity of his habits"
The condition or quality of being regular; as, regularity of outline; the regularity of motion
{i} state of occurring at fixed intervals; normalcy, commonness, usualness
1. A regularity is the fact that the same thing always happens in the same circumstances. Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language. see also regular
The act of making regular, of regularizing
the act of bringing to uniformity; making regular
Involves modifying the performance function, which is normally chosen to be the sum of squares of the network errors on the training set, by adding some fraction of the squares of the network weights
If a system is being simulated without softening, then close encounters between particles can occur, and sometimes 3- or more-body interactions can result in the formation of a closed binary or multiple star system To accurately integrate these tight orbits takes time-steps many orders of magnitude smaller than is typical for non-interacting stars Multiple star systems form an integral part of the evolution of globular clusters, and thus cannot be ignored Without special treatment the integration of tight binary star systems can soak up the majority of your CPU time and slow the simulation immensely [1] Regularization is the process of speeding up the simulation of these orbits by solving them analytically as perturbed two-body systems
the condition of having been made regular (or more regular)
{i} process of making regular; standardization, act of imposing a standard (also regularisation)
In a regular manner; in uniform order; methodically; in due order or time
in a regular manner; "letters arrived regularly from his children"
at fixed intervals, at evenly-spaced intervals; usually, customarily
having a regular form; "regularly shaped objects
having a regular form; "regularly shaped objects"
in a regular manner; "letters arrived regularly from his children" in a regular way without variation; "try to breathe evenly" having a regular form; "regularly shaped objects
in a regular way without variation; "try to breathe evenly"
plural of regular
the regular channels
the accepted procedures, the agreeing institutions