
listen to the pronunciation of lump
İngilizce - Türkçe

Doktor onun göğsünde bir yumru keşfetti. - The doctor discovered a lump in her breast.

Benim mememde bir yumru var. - I have a lump in my breast.

Yumru şeklinde kitle
{i} parça

Ona kafası kadar büyük gümüş bir parça verdi. - He gave him a lump of silver as big as his head.

Sonra küçük Gerda, onun göğsüne dökülen, oradan kalbine nüfuz edip, buz kalıbını eriten ve orada saplanmış olan küçük cam parçasını alıp götüren sıcacık gözyaşlarını döktü. - Then little Gerda wept hot tears, which fell on his breast, and penetrated into his heart, and thawed the lump of ice, and washed away the little piece of glass which had stuck there.

hantal kimse
(Tıp) küçük kitle
büyük parça
(Avcılık) lop
toplanmış şeyler
bir grupta toplamak
abullabut kimse
bir araya toplamak
ister istemez kabul etmek
peşin para
(together ile) bir araya koymak
razı olmak
peşin ödenen para
{f} yığ
(şeker) küp
(Topaktan benzetme) Meme
{f} bir

Bir küp şeker, lütfen. - One lump of sugar, please.

Kahveme bir küp şeker koyun lütfen. - Please put a lump of sugar in my coffee.

{i} öbek
{f} katlanmak
lump coal iri parçalar hali
toptan almak veya satmak
ahmak kimse
{i} şişlik
{f} yığmak
{f} toptan almak
{f} çekmek
{i} topak

Onun topaklı yatağı ayın kraterli yüzeyi gibi görünüyordu. - His lumpy bed looked like the cratered surface of the moon.

Bu yastık çok topaklı. - This pillow is too lumpy.

bir araya getirmek
hantal hantal dolaşmak
{f} top haline getirmek
{f} toptan satmak
f., k.dili. kahrını çekmek
(Tıp) Hareketleri ağır ve kaba kimse hantal adam
{i} ahmak
toptan şey
(Ticaret) toptan
lump formation
topak oluşması
lump formation
lump forming
topaklanma (kedi kumu vb)
lump lime
topraklı kireç
lump lime
kelle kireç
lump lime
topak kireç
lump material
topak gereç
lump of dough
(Gıda) topak hamur
lump of dough
(Gıda) hamur bezesi
lump of sugar
küp şeker
lump someone together with
birini bir gruptan saymak
lump sum
lump sum
lump sum
(Ticaret) bir defada yapılan ödeme
lump sum
(Ticaret) defaten
lump sum
(Ticaret) yekten
lump sum basis
(Ticaret) götürü usul
lump sum credit
(Ticaret) topyekun kredi
lump sum grant
(Ticaret) götürü bağış
lump sum indemnity
(Ticaret) götürü tazminat
lump sum insurance
(Ticaret) götürü sigorta
lump sum method
(Ticaret) götürü metot
lump sum payment
(Sigorta,Ticaret) götürü ödeme
lump sum payment
(Ticaret) toplu ödeme
lump sum pension payment
(Ticaret) toptan emeklilik ödemesi
lump sum policy
(Ticaret) götürü poliçe
lump sum policy
(Ticaret) götürü meblağlı poliçe
lump sum purchase
(Ticaret) götürü alış
lump sum purchase
(Ticaret) toptan alış
lump sum purchase
(Ticaret) götürü mubayaa
lump sum purchase
(Ticaret) götürü satın alma
lump sum rate
(Kanun) götürü fiyat
lump sum rate
(Kanun) toptan fiyat
lump sum settlement
(Ticaret) götürü olarak tesviye
lump sum tax
(Kanun,Ticaret) götürü vergi
lump sum tax
(Ticaret) götürü vergisi
lump sum taxation
(Ticaret) götürü vergilendirme
lump sum taxation
(Ticaret) götürü vergi
lump sum transfer
(Ticaret) götürü meblağ havalesi
lump sum wage
(Ticaret) götürü ücret
lump sump
(Ticaret) götürü
lump tax
(Ticaret) götürü vergi
lump value
(Ticaret) götürü değer
lump coal
parça kömür
lump sugar
lump sum
toplam hesap
lump sum
lump together
bir araya koymak
lump-sum tax
götürü vergi
lump everything together
her şeyi bir araya koymak
lump of
ve yumru
lump s.o. together with
birini (başkalarıyla) aynı tutmak, birini (başkalarıyla) aynı kefeye koymak, birini (bir gruptan) saymak
lump sum
Toplu para
lump sum
Toplu ödeme
lump sum
toplam miktarın bir kerede ödenmesi
lump sum
Yuvarlak hesap
lump sum basis
götürü usulü
lump together
Aynı sınıfa girmek, aynı grubun içine konmak, aynı gruptan satılmak
lump along
hantal hantal yürümek
lump coal
topak kömür
lump everything
her şeyi bir araya koymak. lump s.o. together with birini (başkalarıyla) aynı tutmak, birini (başkalarıyla) aynı kefeye koymak, birini (bir gruptan) saymak
lump it
lump price
götürü fiyat
lump sum
(Mukavele) götürü, genel toplam
lump sum appropriation
(Ticaret) toptan verilen tahsisat
lump sum appropriation
(Ticaret) toptan verilen ödenek
lump sum charter
(Ticaret) götürü carter
(Nükleer Bilimler) birleştirilmiş
lump sum
(Ticaret) toplam yekun
lump sum
(Ticaret) toplu
lump sum
(Ticaret) toptan ödenen para
lump sum
get a lump in one's throat
boğazı düğümlenmek
have a lump in one's throat
boğazı düğümlenmek
şiş gibi
sugar lump
If you don´t like it you can lump it
k. dili Beğensen de bir, beğenmesen de
a lump sum of
toplu para ile
bring a lump to s.o.´s throat
k. dili 1. birini çok duygulandırmak. 2. birinin yüreğini burkmak
get a lump in one´s throat
(üzüntüden) -in boğazı düğümlenmek
in a lump sum
peşin ve taksitsiz olarak: İ can pay for it in a lump sum. Parasının hepsini peşinen ödeyebilirim
sugar lump
buy in the lump
götürü almak
clay lump
kil toprak
get a lump in one's
(üzüntüden) -in boğazı düğümlenmek
i have a lump
şişlik var
in a lump sum
peşin ve taksitsiz olarak: I can pay for it in a lump sum. Parasının hepsini peşinen ödeyebilirim. in a manner of speaking bir anlamda
in the lump
in the lump
bütünüyle, bütün olarak
in the lump
in the lump
toptan olarak
like it or lump it
{k} (deyim) istesen de istemesende,begenmezsen begenme
(Askeri) gemi yükleme işçisi
(Askeri) yük boşaltma işçisi
{s} topak gibi
{s} yumru gibi
{s} hantal
petroleum lump
(Askeri) petrol birikintisi
tax of lump sum wages
(Ticaret) götürü ücret vergisi
İngilizce - İngilizce
Something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound, hill, or group

Stir the gravy until there are no more lumps.

A group, set, or unit

How many lumps (of sugar) do you use in your coffee?.

To treat as a single unit; to group together

People tend to lump turtles and tortoises together, when in fact they are different creatures.

{v} to take or put in the gross, to join
{n} a whole piece, the gross, a heap
{s} inclusive, total (of a sum or amount); having the shape of a lump, lumpy
a compact mass; "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder"
A lump of something is a solid piece of it. The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape. a lump of wood They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump
group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side
A projection beneath the breech end of a gun barrel
abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement
put together indiscriminately; "lump together all the applicants
A lump on or in someone's body is a small, hard swelling that has been caused by an injury or an illness. I've got a lump on my shoulder Howard had to have cancer surgery for a lump in his chest
a large piece of something without definite shape; "a hunk of bread"; "a lump of coal"
To get along with as one can, although displeased; as, if he does n't like it, he can lump it
{i} solid shapeless mass of matter; swelling, bump; (Medicine) abnormal mass in a person's body (such as in the breast, etc.); collection, aggregation; stupid person (Slang)
put together indiscriminately; "lump together all the applicants"
{f} mass together, gather; form into a lump or lumps; move heavily, move in an awkward and clumsy manner
A lump of sugar is a small cube of it. `No sugar,' I said, and Jim asked for two lumps. see also sugar lump see also lump sum
If you say that you have a lump in your throat, you mean that you have a tight feeling in your throat because of a strong emotion such as sorrow or gratitude. I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears
an awkward stupid person
A small mass of matter of irregular shape; an irregular or shapeless mass; as, a lump of coal; a lump of iron ore
A mass or aggregation of things
To throw into a mass; to unite in a body or sum without distinction of particulars
To take in the gross; to speak of collectively
lump in one's throat
a feeling of emotional sadness. On the point of crying

After hearing his story I could hardly speak for the lump in my throat.

lump it
To endure, accept, put up with a situation one does not like

Sorry, but you'll just have to lump it.

lump sum
A large one-time payment of money
lump to one's throat
a feeling of emotional sadness. On the point of crying

The final scene of Romeo and Juliet always brings a lump to my throat.

lump together
To put different items or groups together and treat them, or think of them as one single group

Those who asked the authorities for help were a mixed bag: elderly, unemployed, sick or injured, widows, orphans, the mentally ill; all were lumped together in a one size fits all welfare system..

lump together
If a number of different people or things are lumped together, they are considered as a group rather than separately

1. Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector... 2. Because she was lumped together with alcoholics and hard-drug users, Claire felt out of place.

lump in the throat
lump of sugar
small cube of sugar used for sweetening coffee or tea
lump sugar
{i} refined sugar fomed in the shape of a rectangle (useful for single servings)
lump sugar
refined sugar molded into rectangular shapes convenient as single servings
lump sum
Payment of the entire proceeds of a life insurance policy in one sum
lump sum
Large payment of money received at one time, for example upon retirement
lump sum
a single loan advance at closing
lump sum
A type of withdrawal from a qualified plan that may be eligible for favorable tax treatment It is a total payment in one taxable year of the entire balance in the Plan upon your termination of employment, retirement, disability or death
lump sum
A single payment, as apposed to a stream of payments An ETP is a type of lump sum top
lump sum
A settlement whereby the beneficiary receives the entire proceeds of a policy at once rather than in instalments
lump sum
A lump sum is an amount of money that is paid as a large amount on a single occasion rather than as smaller amounts on several separate occasions. a tax-free lump sum of £50,000 at retirement age. an amount of money given in a single payment
lump sum
A benefit payable in a single cash payment rather than as pension or annuity
lump sum
Payment of a single, fixed amount at a specified date Lump sums are a term used in structured settlement designs (example, "At age 40, pay $25,000, while at age 50, pay $45,000") This term is also used to describe the funds that are paid at the time of settlement where no structured settlement is purchased
lump sum
a superannuation benefit taken in cash rather than being rolled over to a pension or annuity
lump sum
A form of benefit payment in which the entire benefit is paid at one time
lump sum
- a payment of capital
lump sum
The price agreed upon between supplier and purchaser for a group of items without breakdown of individual item prices; a lot price In construction, "lump sum," means a fixed total price for the complete project, as specified
lump sum
a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money
lump sum
total sum, inclusive total, comprehensive sum
lump sum
Payment of the entire proceeds of a life insurance policy at one time This is the method of settlement provided by most policies, unless an alternate settlement is elected by the policyowner before the insured's death or thereafter by the beneficiary before receiving the payment
lump sum
A benefit payable as a single cash payment rather than as a pension or annuity
lump sum
a cash payment from a superannuation fund
lump sum
The method for payment of insurance proceeds of a policy where the whole amount due or still owed is payable to the beneficiary in one sum
lump sum
single substantial payment
lump sum
A superannuation benefit paid as cash, rather than as a pension or annuity
lump sum payment
payment of one large sum of money at one time
lump sum tax
tax payable on a lump sum benefit payment from a superannuation fund
lump sum tax
tax payable on a lump sum (ETP) benefit payment from a superannuation fund
lump together
If a number of different people or things are lumped together, they are considered as a group rather than separately. Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector Because she was lumped together with alcoholics and hard-drug users, Claire felt out of place
like it or lump it
to accept a situation whether one agrees with it or not

We're going to stay home this year. No holidays. You can like it or lump it.

Extra labor hired by a trucking company to assist a driver and/or customer unloading or loading a truck
Like lumps, composed of unshaped or mismatched pieces
Like a lump, cloddish, dull, slow-witted
Shaped like a lump, ill defined in shape

Thus, also, you pass from the lumpish grub in the earth to the airy and fluttering butterfly. Henry David Thoreau Walden (section 17) Spring.

{a} heavy, large, dull, sour
{a} heavy, large, dull, sour
a lump
in the lump
all together, on the whole
like it or lump it
whether you like it or not; there is no choice, you either like it or tolerate it
past of lump
A scientist in one of various fields who prefers to keep categories such as species or dialects together in larger groups
A laborer who is employed to load or unload vessels when in harbor
a taxonomist who classifies organisms into large groups on the basis of major characteristics
{i} stevedore, worker who loads and unloads cargo from vessels in a port; person who classifies organisms into large variable taxonomic groups based on characteristics; young person (Welsh usage); European fresh water fish, eelpout (Zoology)
One who lumps
The European eelpout; -- called also lumpen
a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port
The European eelpout; called also lumpen
present participle of lump
Bulky; heavy
heavy and awkward
mentally sluggish
Like a lump; inert; gross; heavy; dull; spiritless
{s} stupid, clumsy
sugar lump
Sugar lumps are small cubes of sugar. You put them in cups of tea and coffee