
listen to the pronunciation of cake
İngilizce - Türkçe

Tom kız kardeşine bir parça kek kesti. - Tom cut his sister a piece of cake.

Bir parça kek tattım ve o lezzetliydi. - I tried a piece of cake and it was delicious.


Annem doğum günüm için bir pasta yaptı. - Mom made a cake for my birthday.

Anne pastayı üç parçaya böldü. - Mother divided the cake into three parts.

{f} katılaşmak
şekil almak
{i} çörek
{f} kabuk bağlamak
f kalıplaşmak
kalıp seklini almak
{i} kabuklaşmış kir
dili birinci gelmek
That takes the cakel Aşk olsunl cakes and ale hayatın neşesi
{i} parça

Bir parça kek tattım ve o lezzetliydi. - I tried a piece of cake and it was delicious.

Anne pastayı üç parçaya böldü. - Mother divided the cake into three parts.

{f} kabuklaşmak
{i} küspe
{f} kalıplaşmak
(İnşaat) levha
{i} para

Ne kadar para istiyorsun? - How much money do you want?

O aşırı para harcıyor. - She has a lot of money.

cake shop
cake slice
kek dilimi
cake with
cake of soap
sabun kek
cake recipe
kek tarifi
cake shop
kek dükkanı
cake tin
kek kalay
cake topper
pasta üzerine konan figürler
cake a la mode
dondurmalı pasta
cake and girl
pasta ve kız
cake and hat
pasta ve şapka
cake and heart
pasta ve kalp
cake mix
kek hamuru
cake powder
cake rack
üstüne sıcak kek konulan çubuklu altlık
cake thickness
kek kalınlığı
carrot cake
(Gıda) havuçlu kek
carrot cake
havuç kek
{i} mangır
{i} nakit

Vaktin nakit olduğu gerçekten söylenilmektedir. - It is truly said that time is money.

Eski bir atasözü zamanın nakit olduğunu söylüyor. - An old proverb says that time is money.

birthday cake
doğum günü keki
{i} tıkır [arg.]
piece of cake
çok kolay

Onu yapmak çok kolay. - It's a piece of cake.

Sorunu çözmek çok kolay bir şeydi! - It was a piece of cake to solve the problem!

almond cake
(Gıda) bademli kek
apple cake
(Gıda) elmalı kek
birthday cake
doğumgünü pastası
chocolate cake
(Gıda) çikolatalı pasta

O, çikolatalı pasta düşkünüdür. - He is fond of chocolate cake.

Tatlı için, Marie çikolatalı pasta ve bir meyve salatasını yapmıştı. - For dessert, Marie had made her chocolate cake and a fruit salad.

hot cake
(Gıda) gözleme
icing on the cake
bu da cabası
icing on the cake
bu da mukafatı
layer cake
(Gıda) katlı pasta
(Argo) canlı

Leyla, parası için Fadıl'ı canlı canlı yaktı. - Layla burned Fadil alive for his money.

para kırmak
nut cake
(Gıda) fındıklı kek
poppy seed cake
(Gıda) haşhaşlı kek
slice of cake
çok kolay
sponge cake
(Gıda) kek
sponge cake
(Gıda) paskalya
a piece of cake
basit iş
a piece of cake
çocuk oyuncağı
angel food cake
beyaz pasta
applesauce cake
elma soslu kek
buckwheat cake
karabuğday keki
coconut cake
hindistan cevizli kek
codfish cake
morina keki
coffee cake
kahveli kek
devil food cake
çikolatalı pasta
devils food cake
çikolatalı pasta
eat one's cake and bave it too
ne yardan geçmek ne de serden
fruit cake
meyveli kek
griddle cake
tava keki
have one's cake and eat it
bir şeyin kaymağını yemek
have one's cake and eat it too
ne yardan geçmek ne de serden
hot cake

Taze çilekler sıcak kekler gibi gitti. - The fresh strawberries went like hot cakes.

johnny cake
mısır çöreği
layer cake
kremalı pasta
linseed cake
keten tohumu küspesi

Mary servete konduktan sonra bir alışveriş çılgınlığına devam etti. - Mary went on a shopping spree after coming into some money.

oil cake
oil cake
seed cake
susamlı çörek
sponge cake

Bir sürü kişi pandispanyayı fırınlanması zor sanmakta, ama yeterince yumurta kullanırsanız hiçbir şey sahiden ters gitmeyebilir. - Many people think that sponge cake is difficult to bake, but if you use enough eggs, nothing can really go wrong.

take the cake
birinciliği kazanmak
tea cake
çayla yenen kek
white cake
beyaz kek
yeast cake
mayalı ekmek
That takes the cake!
k. dili Pes vallahi!
a piece of cake
k. dili çok kolay bir iş
apricot cake
kayısı kek
bake cake
fırında kek
birthday cake
doğum günü pastası
black forest cake
siyah orman pastası
corn cake
Bir tür mısır ekmeği
crab cake
yengeç kek
english cake
ingilizce kek
fairy cake
Küçük, tek parça, tek kişilik kek
fancy cake
süslü kek
filter cake
filtre pastası
fish cake
balık köftesi
ground oil cake
zemin küspe
hand round cake
el yuvarlak kek
have one's cake and eat it too
(deyim) (Hem yemek istemek, hem bitmemesini istemek) Ne yardan ne şerden vazgeçememek
have one's cake and have it
(deyim) (Hem yemek istemek, hem bitmemesini istemek) Ne yardan ne şerden vazgeçememek
have one's cake and have it too
(deyim) (Hem yemek istemek, hem bitmemesini istemek) Ne yardan ne şerden vazgeçememek
hoe cake
çapa kek
hot cake
sıcak kek

Taze çilekler sıcak kekler gibi gitti. - The fresh strawberries went like hot cakes.

piece of cake
Çantada keklik
piece of cake
çok kolay, başarılması çok kolay iş, kolay lokma
poppy seed cake
haşhaş tohumlu kek
sicilian cake
Sicilya kek
soda cake
gazozlu kek
spinach cake
(Gıda) Kek biçimli ıspanaklı börek
spinach cake
ıspanaklı kek
sponge cake soaked in rum
pandispanya rom batırılmış
tea cake
upside-down cake
baş kek aşağı
urinal cake
pisuar kek
want to have one's cake and eat it too
(deyim) Ne yardan geçmek ne de şerden
wedding cake
düğün pastası
wet cake
ıslak kek
para yerine geçen şey
(isim) mangır, para, nakit, tıkır [arg.]
money market piyasa
even money yarışta iki tarafln eşit meblâğlarla bahis tutuşması
money belt para taşlmaya elverişli kuşak
easy money kolay kazanılmış para
money order posta havalesi
İngilizce - İngilizce
A block of any of various dense materials

A cake of soap.

A rich, sweet dessert food, typically made of flour, sugar and eggs and baked in an oven, and often covered in icing
A trivially easy task or responsibility; from a piece of cake
Coat (something) with a crust of solid material

His shoes are caked with mud.

{v} to form into a lump or concretion
{n} a small loaf, a compsition of flour, butter, sweetened, a concretion of flesh
made from or based on a mixture of flour and sugar and eggs
A mass of matter concreted, congealed, or molded into a solid mass of any form, esp
A sweet baked confection containing flour, sugar, eggs, oil or butter and flavoring ingredients
> dangao
A sweetened composition of flour and other ingredients, leavened or unleavened, baked in a loaf or mass of any size or shape
A rich, sweet dessert food, typically made of flour, sugar, eggs, and baked in an oven
To form into a cake, or mass
Synthetic thread piled into ring shape
A fool, a poor thing (Cf HALF-BAKED )
Hybrid formation of flatfliers and freefliers
A cake of soap is a small block of it. a small cake of lime-scented soap
into a form rather flat than high; as, a cake of soap; an ague cake
A thin wafer-shaped mass of fried batter; a griddlecake or pancake; as buckwheat cakes
A coalesced mass of unpressed metal powder
The solids discharged from a dewatering apparatus
- a repeating aerial firework consisting of many shots, named after its usual short, cake-like appearance
form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"
emphasis If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the cake or that what they have done takes the cake, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour. = take the biscuit
disapproval If you think that someone wants the benefits of doing two things when it is only reasonable to expect the benefits of doing one, you can say that they want to have their cake and eat it. What he wants is a switch to a market economy in a way which does not reduce people's standard of living. To many this sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it
Food that is formed into flat round shapes before it is cooked can be referred to as cakes. fish cakes. home-made potato cakes
To cackle as a goose
The accumulation of solids and filter media on the surface of a septum
Money (noun) Currency, cash money/"Cake be the root of all evil "
Dewatered sludge material with a satisfactory solids concentration to allow handling as a solid material
A copper ingot rectangular in cross section intended for rolling Camber Edgewise curvature A lateral departure of a side edge of sheet or strip metal from a straight line
To concrete or consolidate into a hard mass, as dough in an oven; to coagulate
small flat mass of chopped food
A small layer of protective carbon allowed to form and remain in the bowl of a briar pipe The cake protects the briar from burning but too much cake can split the pipe by causing uneven heating of the bowl
{i} sweet baked food; shaped compact mass (i.e. cake of soap)
a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax); "a bar of chocolate"
A small mass of dough baked; especially, a thin loaf from unleavened dough; as, an oatmeal cake; johnnycake
n kue
a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax); "a bar of chocolate" made from or based on a mixture of flour and sugar and eggs
Colloquial term for a multishot battery, arising from the outward appearance of many of the smaller items (e g 90 shot cakes)
khanom cake
the icing on the cake: see icing
{f} congeal; coat (as with a layer of mud); become coated; shape into a compact mass; be shaped into a compact mass
An annoying irony From the phrase "You can'thave your cake and eat it too " Mostly used to refer to something sought after only to be found it's useless
If you think something is very easy to do, you can say it is a piece of cake. People often say this to stop someone feeling worried about doing something they have to do. Just another surveillance job, old chap. Piece of cake to somebody like you
A cake is a sweet food, usually made by baking a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs and fat
A cake is a sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and fat in an oven. Cakes may be large and cut into slices or small and intended for one person only. a piece of cake Would you like some chocolate cake? little cakes with white icing
cake crumbs
Hardly anything

All left of his business were a few measly cake crumbs.

cake mix
A powdered mixture of the dry ingredients used to produce a cake or the finished mixture before baking
cake of soap
A large bar of soap
cake of soap
A round piece of soap shaped like a hockey puck, for use in shaving mugs
cake slice
A knife with a wide, triangular, unsharpened blade, designed to cut and serve slices of cake
cake slices
plural form of cake slice
cake walk
Something extremely easy
cake walk
From the mid 1900s, a game at a fair or party in which people walk around a numbered circle along to music. When the music is stopped, the caller draws a number from a jar and whoever is standing on or closest to that number that number wins a cake
cake walk
A type of dance originating in the United States in the 19th century
cake walks
plural form of cake walk
someone of upper-class background, or who has been excessively well-off

'... We got us a cake eater, right here at the sink!' He turned to me. 'Have you ever had your hands dirty, new kid?'.

a lounge lizard This usage of the term dates from the 1920s, when it vied in popularity with 'sheik' to indicate a slick young Romeo who wows the flappers and likes the high life. A Cake-Eater, when he's not trolling for jazz-babies at the local speakeasy, likes to loiter at a girl's house and be pampered, especially by being served his sweetie's baked goods-- and of course some degree of sexual metaphor might be inferred
Alternative spelling of cake slice
Alternative spelling of cake slices
Alternative spelling of cake walk
cake boss
(Televizyon) A cake-making reality show on TLC filmed at Carlos bakery in hoboken, New Jersey that is essentially a lower-class version of food network's Ace of Cakes. the show plays up the jersey accents and attitudes of the people on it in order to create ridiculous and unnecessary drama that caters to its audience that also watches the hills and the real world
cake flour
type of wheat flour used for baking cakes
cake mix
Cake mix is a powder that you mix with eggs and water or milk to make a cake. You bake the mixture in the oven
cake mix
a commercial mix for making a cake
cake pan
A cake pan is a metal container that you bake a cake in. a cake tin (4)
cake slice
a piece of kitchen equipment with a handle and a wide flat end that you use for cutting and serving cakes, tarts etc
cake tin
A cake tin is a metal container that you bake a cake in
carrot cake
A sweet cake, often iced, containing grated carrot
carrot cake
cake made with carrots
cattle cake
a concentrated feed for cattle; processed in the form of blocks or cakes
Battenberg cake
a light sponge cake which, when cut in cross section, displays a two-by-two check pattern alternately coloured pink and yellow
Christmas cake
A rich fruit cake covered with marzipan and icing traditionally eaten at Christmas
Dolly Varden cake
a highly decorated cake in the form of a standing doll with a large flowing skirt
Eccles cake
A small, round, oven-baked cake made from a currant-based filling enclosed in puff pastry
Jaffa cake
A small, biscuit-like cake with a base of firm sponge, a layer of orange jelly, and a chocolate covering
Kendal mint cake
A glucose-based confectionery flavoured with peppermint, popular with climbers as a source of energy
Madeira cake
A simple cake, rather like a pound cake, with added lemon zest but no fruit; traditionally eaten with a glass of Madeira wine
A semisolid cosmetic, or theatrical makeup, pressed into a flat cake and applied with a damp sponge
Tunis cake
a sponge cake topped with a thick chocolate layer
birthday cake
A cake, often iced and decorated, made to celebrate a person's birthday
Attributive form of birthday cake

birthday-cake calories.

bundt cake
A ring-shaped cake, of German origin, baked in a decorative, often fluted, mould
butterfly cake
A cupcake whose top section is cut out and replaced on a layer of butter cream, etc. in the approximate shape of a butterfly's wings
Simple past tense and past participle of cake
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cake
plural form of cake
chocolate cake
A cake flavored with melted chocolate or chocolate powder
cream cake
Any of many varieties of cake that are either filled, layered or topped with any of several forms of cream or custard
fairy cake
A small cake baked in a small paper cup, in multi-compartment pan; a cupcake
flannel cake
a thin batter cake fried on both sides
Attributive form of flannel cake, noun
fudge cake
A cake, usually a chocolate cake, that is also made with fudge
funnel cake
A specialty food made from deep-fried batter and originally associated with the Pennsylvania Dutch region of the United States
have one's cake and eat it too
To seek to have two things which are mutually incompatible (such as eating a piece of cake and yet still possessing that piece for future use)

Do you seriously want to break up with her and still have sex with her? You can't have your cake and eat it too!.

icebox cake
A dessert consisting of whipped cream and stacked chocolate wafers, refrigerated to form a sliceable log
johnny cake
corn bread
kokosh cake
Yeast cake of a particular kind, formed by rolling dough about a cocoa-based filling
marble cake
A cake with two or more colors of ingredients which gives a marble pattern to the interior of the cake
molten lava cake
A chocolate cake containing hot chocolate sauce which flows out from the middle
nutty as a fruit cake
Alternative spelling of nutty as a fruitcake
oil cake
The solid residue remaining after any oilseed has been pressed to remove the vegetable oil; it is used, with other ingredients, as animal food
oilseed cake
Any of various varieties of animal feed manufactured from the meal remaining after vegetable oil has been extracted from seeds such as cottonseed and groundnut
opera cake
A French cake made with layers of almond sponge soaked in coffee syrup, layered with ganache and coffee buttercream, and covered in a chocolate glaze
patty cake
a clapping game, played while reciting a rhyme
Alternative spelling of patty cake
piece of cake
A job, task or other activity that is pleasant – or, by extension, easy or simple

Sure, no problem. It'll be a piece of cake.

pinch cake
any of various quickly-made Texan desserts made from unbaked "Pillsbury" biscuit dough, with butter (or margarine), sugar, cinnamon or other flavorings, baked in the oven
potato cake
A savoury flat cake made from flour and mashed potatoes, often fried or baked
pound cake
A dense yellow cake; the traditional recipe consists of a pound (unit of weight) each of butter, eggs, flour, and sugar
red velvet cake
A rich, sweet cake with a distinctive reddish colour
rice cake
A food item made from puffed rice congealed in a wafer, usually circular and palm-sized
rum cake
A type of sponge cake made with rum
sheath cake
Alternative form of sheet cake
sheet cake
A simple, thin cake that is rolled up with other ingredients to make a variety of cakes
simnel cake
A rich fruit cake, with a decorated marzipan covering, traditionally eaten at Easter
space cake
A cake made with marijuana as one of the ingredients
sponge cake
A light, soft, baked dessert (commonly layered with cream and jam) that is typically made with flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs

I made a sponge cake the other day. It was a disaster: I forgot the baking powder! It didn't rise!.

stottie cake
An alternative term for a stottie
stotty cake
An alternative term for a stottie
take the cake
To be especially good or outstanding

Once the party was over, everyone agreed that Elizabeth and her Harriet Tubman getup had taken the cake.

take the cake
To be particularly bad, objectionable, or egregious

I've seen bad grammar, but this takes the cake.

taken the cake
Past participle of take the cake
taking the cake
Present participle of take the cake
tattie cake
Alternative spelling of tatty cake
tatty cake
A potato scone; made from flour and cooked potatoes, but no onions
the icing on the cake
Something wonderful at the end of something good

I managed to win the marathon, but the icing on the cake was when my boyfriend proposed to me as soon as I crossed the finish line.

took the cake
Simple past of take the cake
upside-down cake
A fruit-based cake that is inverted after cooking
wedding cake
A decorated cake, often in several tiers and with a model bride and groom, that is cut by the couple as part of a wedding ceremony and distributed to the guests
yellow cake
uranium ore
birthday cake
cake that is eaten on the anniversary celebration of the day of one's birth
birthday cake
decorated cake served at a birthday party
corn cake
Corn bread baked in a pan in an oven or as small cakes on a griddle
fairy cake
(Gıda) A cupcake or fairy cake is a small cake designed to serve one person, usually made in a small paper cup container. As with larger cakes, frosting and other cake decorations, such as sprinkles, are defining characteristics of modern cupcakes
fruit cake
Rich cake made out of preserved fruit
fruit cake
A crazy person, lunatic, "cuckoo"
have one's cake and eat it
(deyim) To wish to have one's cake and eat it too or simply have one's cake and eat it (sometimes eat one's cake and have it too) is to want more than one can handle or deserve, or to try to have two incompatible things. This is a popular English idiomatic proverb, or figure of speech
have one's cake and eat it too
(deyim) To wish to have one's cake and eat it too or simply have one's cake and eat it (sometimes eat one's cake and have it too) is to want more than one can handle or deserve, or to try to have two incompatible things. This is a popular English idiomatic proverb, or figure of speech
have one's cake and have it too
(deyim) To wish to have one's cake and eat it too or simply have one's cake and eat it (sometimes eat one's cake and have it too) is to want more than one can handle or deserve, or to try to have two incompatible things. This is a popular English idiomatic proverb, or figure of speech
have your cake and eat it
(deyim) (in negative) Have or do two things at the same time that are impossible to have or do at the same time

You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.

you can't have your cake and eat it
(deyim) Have or do two things at the same time that are impossible to have or do at the same time

You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.

you can't have your cake and eat it
(deyim) Have in one's possession something and be able to use or exploit it; to have it both ways. (Usually stated in the negative)
past of cake
If something is caked with mud, blood, or dirt, it is covered with a thick dry layer of it. Her shoes were caked with mud. = encrusted Caked is also a combining form. herds of mud-caked cattle and sheep. = encrusted
characterized by being dried out and so forming a layer on another substance; crusted
third-person singular of cake
plural of cake
Unwanted changing of a powdered or granular material into lumps or a solid mass, usually by heat, pressure or moisture [Top]
present participle of cake
Settling of a dense deposit in a coating material that cannot be re-dispersed by simple stirring Catalyst A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction, but remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction The term is often wrongly used for materials that enter into the reaction e g hardeners or curing agents
Settling of a dense deposit in a coating material that cannot be re-dispersed by simple stirring
{i} forming a coat over; forming a compact mass

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir



    /ˈkāk/ /ˈkeɪk/


    [ kAk ] (noun.) 13th century. From Middle English cake (“cake”), from Old Norse kaka (“cake”), from Proto-Germanic *kakōn, Proto-Germanic *kōkō(n) (“ball-shaped mass, lump of dough, cake”), from Proto-Indo-European *gāg- (“ball shaped object”). Cognate with Old High German kuocho, kuohho (German Kuchen, “cake”), Old Saxon kōkelīn (“little cake”), Old English cēcel (Middle English kechel, “little cake”), Danish kage, Dutch koek, Swedish kaka, Icelandic kaka, and Norwegian kake. Related to quiche.


    cakes, caking, caked


    ... DO NOT EAT THIS CAKE. ...
    ... well hot cake ...