
listen to the pronunciation of date
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bir zamanlar tam Mary gibi bir kızla çıkıyordum. - I once dated a girl just like Mary.

Her zaman yaşlı kadınlarla flört ettim. - I've always dated older women.


Takvimdeki tarih 23 Eylül 1964'tü. - The date on the calendar was September 23, 1964.

Piknik için tarih belirleyelim. - Let's fix the date for the picnic.


Tom'un Cumartesi gecesi bir randevusu yok. - Tom doesn't have a date for the Saturday night.

Tom randevusu için bir çiçek ve hediyeler aldı. - Tom brought a flower and presents for his date.

{f} ile çıkmak, ile flört etmek
{f} flört etmek

Sami, Leyla'yla flört etmek istiyordu. - Sami wanted to date Layla.

{f} tarih koy

Tom Mary'nin onun en iyi arkadaşıyla flört ettiğini keşfetti. - Tom discovered that Mary had dated his best friend.

Bu gece eski bir kız arkadaşımla bir buluşmam var. - I have a date tonight with an old girlfriend.


Hangisini tercih edersin, kuru üzüm, kuru erik veya hurma mı​​? - Which do you prefer, raisins, prunes or dates?

Hurmayı bademle beraber yemeyi severim. - I like to eat a date with almonds.

(Aİ) flört
tarihini yazmak/belirtmek
tarihini saptamak
(Aİ) ile çıkmak
modası geçmek

Mary John'la buluşmak için çıksa, Tom kesinlikle memnun olmaz. - Tom certainly wouldn't be pleased if Mary went out on a date with John.

Tom'un Mary ile bir öğle yemeği buluşması var. - Tom has a lunch date with Mary.

tarih atmak

Onun fikirleri çağdaş. - His ideas are up to date.

Bu muhteşem katedral orta çağlara kadar dayanır. - This magnificent cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.

Date fruit: Hurma ağacının meyvesi, hurma
{i} flört, flört edilen kişi
{f} bayatlamak
{f} zamanını belirlemek
{f} eskimek
{f} eskiden kalmak

Önceden belirlenen doğum tarihinin akşamında suyum kesildi.. - My water broke on the evening of the predicted birth date.

Takvimdeki tarih 23 Eylül 1964'tü. - The date on the calendar was September 23, 1964.

It dates from a thousand Milâttan bin sene evvelden kalma bir eserdir
{f} tarihlendirmek
{f} buluşmak

Dan, Linda ile buluşmak bile istemiyordu. - Dan didn't even want to date Linda.

Yakında buluşmak için bir randevu verdik. - We made a date to meet soon.

{i} vade
dated tarihli
{f} çıkmak (Argo)
tarihli olmak
{f} eski bir tarihten geliyor olmak
{i} dönem

Bu gelenek Edo döneminden kalma. - This custom dates from the Edo period.

modası geçmiş

Bu ayakkabıların modası geçmiş. - Those shoes are out of date.

Bu ceketin modası geçmiş. - This coat is out of date.

tarih koymak
{f} tarih ver
zamanını hesap etmek
{i} flört

Tom Mary'nin onun en iyi arkadaşıyla flört ettiğini keşfetti. - Tom discovered that Mary had dated his best friend.

Onlar kısa bir flört yaşadılar. - They had a brief date.

(Kanun) tarih belirlemek
tarih vermek
(Argo) kıç
(Hukuk) gün

Bu sayfanın son güncellenme tarihi: 2010.11.03 - Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03

Sizin fikirleriniz güncelliğini yitirmiş gibi görünüyor - Your opinion seems to be out of date.


Tom Mary ile çıkmak istedi fakat o onu geri çevirdi. - Tom asked Mary for a date, but she turned him down.

Diğer kadınlarla çıkmak istiyorum. - I want to date other women.

date tree
hurma ağacı
date received
(Bilgisayar) alınma tarihi
date received
(Bilgisayar) alma tarihi
(Bilgisayar) tarih/anahat
date back to
geçmişe uzanmak
date bar
tarih çizgisi
date draft
vadeli poliçe
date format
tarih biçimi
date from
-den gelmek
date line
gün değiştirme hattı
date of death
ölüm tarihi
date of dispatch
gönderme tarihi
date of draft
poliçenin tarihi
date of maturity
vade tarihi
date of payment
ödeme tarihi
date of record
kayıt tarihi
date palm
hurma ağacı
date back
öncesine uzanmak, eski bir zamana ait olmak, evvel bir zamana tarihlenmek- This story dates back 200 years
date back to
eskilere dayanmak
date due
Tarihe bağlı
date for
date of acquisition
elde etme tarihi
date of discharge
çıkış tarihi
date range
tarih aralığı

bence dogru karşılıpı bu.

date to
Bugüne kadar
date wheel
(Saatler) Kol saatlerinde üzerinde ayın 31 gününün numaralarının basılı olduğu, mekanizmanın bir parçası
date action completed
gereğinin yapıldığı tarih
date action due
gereği için son tarih
date ahead
ileri bir tarihe atmak
date back to
geçmişe dayanmak
date block
date break
(Askeri) ŞİFRE DEĞİŞME TARİHİ: Açık metinleri kapalı şekle çevirme usulünde; anahtar, kod vesairede bir değişikliğin başlayacağı tarih
date created
Yaratılış Tarihi
date from
geçmişe dayanmak
date from
(Fiili Deyim ) -den kalmak , zamanına ait olmak
date icon
Tarih simgesi
date line
(Askeri) TARİH DEĞİŞME HATTI: Yaklaşık olarak Greenwich meridyeninin karşısına (180'lik meridyene) tekabül eden ve bazı meskun bölgelerdeki sınırlara uyulmak şartı ile gayri muntazam olarak çizilen hat. Bu hattın aşılması halinde tarih bir günlük değişikliğe uğrar. Bknz. "international date line"
date line
coğr. gündeğişme çizgisi
date of acquisition
(Askeri) İKTİSAP TARİHİ: Bir kıymetin hesaba intikal tarihi
date of birth
doğum tarihi

Senin doğum tarihin nedir? - What's your date of birth?

Pasaport numaranızı ve doğum tarihinizi verin. - Give your passport number and your date of birth.

date of birth; dispersal operating base
(Askeri) doğum tarihi; dağılma harekat üssü
date of change of accountability
(Askeri) MAL SORUMLULUĞU DEĞİŞME TARİHİ: Transit durumundaki bir emtiaya ait sorumluluğa, gönderen makam tarafından son verilip gönderilen makamın sahip olacağı tarih
date of effect
yürürlük tarihi
date of maturity
vade sonu
date of notice
(Kanun) tebellüğ tarihi
date of notice
(Kanun) ihtar günü
date of printing
yazdırılış tarihi
date of rank
(Askeri) Nasıp
date of rank
date of rank
(Askeri) rütbe tarihi
date of separation
date of separation; days of supply; denial of service; Department of State; disk
(Askeri) ayrılış tarihi; tedarik günleri; hizmet dışı bırakma; Dışişleri Bakanlığı; disk işletim sistemi
date saved
Kaydediliş tarihi
date time group
(Askeri) TARİH-SAAT GRUBU: Standart ay kısaltması, bölge takısı ve 6 rakamdan oluşan grup. İlk çift günü, ikinci çift saati, üçüncü çift de dakikaları gösterir. Aydan sonra senenin son iki rakamı eklenir
date unit
(Bilgisayar) tarih birimi
date up
date up
randevu vermek
date up
data date
(Bilgisayar) veri tarihi
be up to date
en son teknolojiye sahip olmak; son modaya uymak
{s} eskimiş
{s} demode

Tinder bir popüler online tanışma uygulaması. - Tinder is a popular online dating application.

Sanırım çevrim içi tanışma güvenli değil. - I think online dating isn't safe.

actual finish date
(Ticaret) gerçeklesen bitiş tarihi
as of such date
(Ticaret) ilgili tarih itibarıyla
as of the date of
tarihi itibariyle
as of the date of
tarihi itibarıyla
assigned date
(Bilgisayar) atanma tarihi
at the soonest possible date
en kısa sürede
be out of date
zamanı geçmek
be out of date
süresi dolmak
be up to date
son modaya uymak
be up to date
gündemi takip etmek
begin date
(Bilgisayar) başlangıç tarihi
beginning date
(Bilgisayar) başlangıç tarihi
bid date
teklif verme tarihi
billing date
(Bilgisayar) faturalama tarihi
bring up to date
change date
(Bilgisayar) değiştirme tarihi
complete date
(Bilgisayar) tam tarih
create date
(Bilgisayar) oluşturma tarihi
created date
(Bilgisayar) oluşturma tarihi
creation date
(Bilgisayar) oluşturma tarihi
creation date
(Bilgisayar) yaratma tarihi
creation date
(Bilgisayar) oluşturulma tarihi
creation date
(Bilgisayar) yaratıliş tarihi
date back
e kadar giden
(Kanun) tarih atılmış
(Kanun) vadeli
(Kanun) tarih yazılı
flört etme

Geriye dönüp baktığında, Tom her iki kız kardeşle aynı zamanda flört etmemesi gerektiğini anladı. - In retrospect, Tom realized he shouldn't have been dating both sisters at the same time.

Flört etme zahmetlidir. - Dating is exhausting.


Sami çevrimiçi bir buluşma hizmeti aracılığıyla Leyla ile tanıştı. - Sami met Layla through an online dating service.

Ben onunla buluşmaya başladım. - I started dating her.

tarih vererek
default date
(Bilgisayar) varsayılan tarih
determine a date
tarih belirlemek
driver date
(Bilgisayar) sürücü tarihi
due date
bitiş tarihi
due date
(Askeri,Ticaret) ödeme tarihi

31 Martın ödeme tarihi olduğunu sana tekrar hatırlatayım. - Let me remind you again that March 31st is the due date.

due date
tamamlama tarihi
dues paid date
(Bilgisayar) bakiyetarihi
effective date
(Bilgisayar) geçerlilik tarihi
effective date
(Ticaret) valör tarihi
effective date
(Ticaret) valör
end date
(Bilgisayar) son tarih
end date
(Bilgisayar) bitiş tarihi
ending date
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) bitiş tarihi
event date
(Bilgisayar) olay tarihi
exact date
tam tarih
exercise date
(Ticaret) yürürlük tarihi
expense date
harcama tarihi
expiration date
(Bilgisayar) korunma süresi bitimi
expiration date
(Bilgisayar) kullanım süresi bitimi
expiration date
bitiş tarihi
expiration date
süre bitim tarihi
expiration date
(Bilgisayar) sona erme
expiration date
sona erme tarihi
expire date
son kullanma tarihi
expiry date
(Ticaret) geçersiz olacağı tarih
expiry date
(Tıp) son kullanma tarihi
expiry date
(Ticaret) son bulma
expiry date
(Ticaret) son ödeme tarihi
expiry date
(Ticaret) bitiş tarihi
extend due date
(Eğitim) son başvuru tarihini uzatmak
extension date
temdit tarihi
file date
(Bilgisayar) dosya tarihi
final date
(Ticaret) son gün
founding date
kuruluş tarihi
get up to date (with)
go out of date
modası geçmek
include date
(Bilgisayar) tarih içer
international date line
(Astronomi) gündeğişme çizgisi
invalid date
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz tarih
invite on a date
rica etmek
invite on a date
davet etmek
latest date of shipment
son yükleme tarihi
link date
(Bilgisayar) bağlantı tarihi
medium date
(Bilgisayar) orta uzunlukta tarih
medjool date
İri, tatlı ve kurutulduğunda dahi yumuşaklığını muhafaza eden bir hurma türü
modified date
(Bilgisayar) değiştirme tarihi
motion date
dava tarihi
out of date
out of date
modası geçmiş

Bu arabanın modası geçmiş. - This car is out of date.

Bu ayakkabıların modası geçmiş. - Those shoes are out of date.

out of date

Bu eski kitap oldukça demode. - This old book is quite out of date.

Açıkça konuşmak gerekirse, senin düşünce biçimin demode. - Frankly speaking, your way of thinking is out of date.

out of date
eski moda
out of date
günü geçmiş
out of date
süresi dolmak
recorded date
(Bilgisayar) kayıt tarihi
recording date
(Bilgisayar) kayıt tarihi
reminder date
(Bilgisayar) anımsatma tarihi
reply date
(Bilgisayar) yanıt tarihi
review date
(Bilgisayar) inceleme tarihi
schedule date
(Bilgisayar) günlük tarihi
settlement date
(Ticaret) ödeme tarihi
short date
(Bilgisayar) kısa tarih
sort by date
(Bilgisayar) tarihe göre sırala
specific date
(Bilgisayar) belirli tarih
supplier submission date
(Ticaret) tedarikçi teslim tarihi
termination date
(Kanun) bitiş tarihi
today's date
(Bilgisayar) günün tarihi
today's date
bugünün tarihi
trade date
(Ticaret) ticari işlem tarihi
up to date

Sanırım bütün ekipmanımız hâlâ güncel. - I assume all our equipment is still up to date.

Tom'un güncelleştirilmeye ihtiyacı var. - Tom needs to be brought up to date.

up to date
modaya uygun
up to date
up to date
(Bilgisayar) güncelleştirilmiş
up to date
güne uygun olarak
up to date
günümüze uygun
assign a date
bir tarih kararlaştır
blind date
(kız ve erkek) ilk buluşma/görüşme
blind date
tanışma randevusu

Bir tanışma randevusunda tanıştık. - We met on a blind date.

Ebeveynlerim tanışma randevusunda tanıştılar. - My parents met on a blind date.

İngilizce - İngilizce
To have beginning; to begin; to be dated or reckoned; -- with from

The Batavian republic dates from the successes of the French arms. - E. Everett.

A point in time, as in You may need that at a later date
That addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc., which specifies the time (as day, month, and year) when the writing or inscription was given, or executed, or made; as, the date of a letter, of a will, of a deed, of a coin, etc

the date for pleading.

To determine the age of something; as, to date the building of the pyramids
Given or assigned length of life; duration

And to have children wise and valorous.

A pre-arranged social meeting
To take (someone) on a series of dates
to have a steady relationship with, to be romantically involved with

Jessica Simpson reportedly went on a drinking binge after discovering ex- boyfriend John Mayer is dating Jennifer Aniston.

of a couple, to be in a romantic relationship
To note or fix the time of, as of an event; to give the date of
To become old, especially in such a way as to fall out of fashion, become less appealing or attractive, etc

This show hasn't dated well.

Assigned end; conclusion

What Time would spare, from Steel receives its date.

To note the time of writing or executing; to express in an instrument the time of its execution; as, to date a letter, a bond, a deed, or a charter

In the countries of his jornal seems to have been written; parts of it are dated from them. - M. Arnold.

A companion when one is partaking in a social occasion
The date palm itself
A meeting with a lover or potential lover, or the person so met
The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place; a given point of time; epoch; as, the date of a battle. A specific day

He at once, Down the long series of eventful time, So fixed the dates of being, so disposed To every living soul of every kind The field of motion, and the hour of rest.

The fruit of the date palm. This sweet fruit is somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft pulp and enclosing a hard kernel
{v} to give, mark or note the precise time
{n} a point of time, fruit of the palm tree
January 1, 100 to December 31, 9999, inclusive
To note or fix the time of, as of an event; to give the date of; as, to date the building of the pyramids
The element in the heading of each Survey Report used by the agents to identify the dates, approximate dates, or inclusive date range of the manuscripts examined and described by the agent in that report
Tue, 08 Oct 2002 23: 41: 14 +0200
To date means up until the present time. `Dottie' is by far his best novel to date
the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred; "he tried to memorizes all the dates for his history class"
The fruit of the date palm; also, the date palm itself
If you are dating someone, you go out with them regularly because you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship with them. You can also say that two people are dating. For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant They've been dating for three months
A date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with them, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship. I have a date with Bob
Include the date range and bulk dates (when applicable) Circa dates are acceptable if exact dates are unclear
a particular day specified as the time something will happen; "the date of the election is set by law"
If something dates, it goes out of fashion and becomes unacceptable to modern tastes. A black coat always looks smart and will never date
Date of first Friday of wide release in the North American market (wide defined as 650 screens), or most significant box-office weekend, if less than 650
A numeric data type used to represent dates Date values are 64-bit (8-byte) floating-point numbers that represent dates from January 1, 100, to December 31, 9999, and times from 0: 00: 00 to 23: 59: 59 The Date data type uses the prefix dat but doesn't have a type- declaration character
March 4th, 2003 License: Commercial
go on a date with; "Tonight she is dating a former high school sweetheart"
a particular but unspecified point in time; "they hoped to get together at an early date"
Fri, 23 Jun 1995 15: 48: 17 -0700 (PDT)
If you date something, you give or discover the date when it was made or when it began. I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius
a measurement of time including the year, month, and day -- " in the United States a date is written with the month first " (224)
If you want to refer to an event without saying exactly when it will happen or when it happened, you can say that it will happen or happened at some date in the future or past. Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date
Ordinal number referring to a day of the month: the 10th February Date-watch: watch indicating the date, the month and sometimes the year and the phases of the moon Also called a calendar-watch or calendar Perpetual calendar: watch indicating leap years as well as the date
a participant in a date; "his date never stopped talking"
Thu, 24 May 2001 13: 07: 21 -0400
Date of the magazine or newspaper publication -- year only was used
- The date included in the maker's mark in many countries either indicates the date of the legislation under which the piece was marked, or it records the date of the master's entry into a guild Sometimes, however, succeeding generations of a family continued to use the earlier dates of their ancestor's admission, as if to say "Established since " The date does not show the year in which the piece was made Pewter was generally not marked with date letters in the same way as silver pieces were marked (Scandinavia is an exception)
provide with a dateline; mark with a date; "She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated"
The brown, oval shaped staple of the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia Intensely sweet; Deglet Noor is a good, and common, dried brand Fresh dates are increasingly available
If you have a date with someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship, you can refer to that person as your date. He lied to Essie, saying his date was one of the girls in the show
{i} day month and year according to the calendar; interview, meeting; fruit of a date palm tree
The Dublin Core element used to designate the date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource Typically, Date will be associated with the creation or availability of the resource See also section 4 of the Dublin Core Users Guide
stamp with a date; "The package is dated November 24"
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 00: 17: 20 EDT
A date is a small, dark-brown, sticky fruit with a stone inside. Dates grow on palm trees in hot countries. see also blind date, carbon dating, dated, out of date, up to date
the specified day of the month; "what is the date today?"
October 14th, 2002 License: Shareware
sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed
Given or assigned length of life; dyration
{f} write a date on; apply a date to; go out with a person of the opposite sex
Fri, 25 May 2001 14: 51: 26 -0400
which specifies the time (as day, month, and year) when the writing or inscription was given, or executed, or made; as, the date of a letter, of a will, of a deed, of a coin
A date is a specific time that can be named, for example a particular day or a particular year. What's the date today? You will need to give the dates you wish to stay and the number of rooms you require
January 28th, 2003 License: Commercial
Traditionally the third Gospel, written in c AD62, before the Acts of the Apostles which finishes around the time of Paul's first Roman captivity Some commentators propose c AD58-60 in Caesarea when Paul was in prison Perhaps some of the material for the Gospel and for Acts was collected at this time
go on a date with; "Tonight she is dating a former high school sweetheart
assign a date to; determine the (probable) date of; "Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings"
The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place, or is appointed to take place; a given point of time; epoch; as, the date of a battle
sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed a meeting arranged in advance; "she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date"
If you enter a date, you will only get entries, that are changed since this date Valid dates are i e : YYYYMMDD YYYYMM YYYY DD/MM/YYYY today yesterday first sunday in june 1996 sunday week 22 1995 last friday last week/month Friday 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago friday last day of October
date night
An opportunity for a married couple, especially one with children, to go out on a date
date of birth
The date and year something was born
date palm
A palm tree, Phoenix dactylifera, whose fruit is the date
date palms
plural form of date palm
date rape
non-consensual sexual activity between a sexually-involved couple
date rape drug
Any drug that can be used to assist in the commission of a sexual assault (date rape). Typically drugs having sedative, hypnotic, dissociative, and/or amnesiac effects
date rape drugs
plural form of date rape drug
date rapes
plural form of date rape
date with destiny
An inevitable future event or encounter, especially one which is likely to be momentous

So much has been said about Europe's long-awaited date with destiny that it was hard to sort out the predictable hyperbole from the reality.

Attributive form of date of birth, noun

I'm gonna need date-of-birth information on both o' youse.

To perpetrate a date rape
date of birth
day of the month of the year when one was born
date back
Belong to an earlier time: "This story dates back 200 years"
date back
belong to an earlier time; "This story dates back 200 years"
date back
If something dates back to a particular time, it started or was made at that time. a palace dating back to the 16th century This tradition dates back over 200 years
date back to
{f} date from, date to
date bar
fruit bar containing chopped dates
date bread
bread containing chopped dates
date from
belong to an earlier time; "This story dates back 200 years"
date from
If something dates from a particular time, it started or was made at that time. The present controversy dates from 1986
date line
The hypothetical line on the surface of the earth fixed by international or general agreement as a boundary on one side of which the same day shall have a different name and date in the calendar from its name and date on the other side
date line
an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the 180th meridian
date line
The International Date Line
date not specified
date not specifically mentioned
date of acquisition
date when something was acquired
date of birth
A demographic variable available on many mailing lists, created using overlays of driver's license information
date of birth
Your date of birth is the exact date on which you were born, including the year. The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979
date of birth
Remaining Amount to be Paid
date of birth
May 24, 1958 (Gemini)
date of birth
1 As listed 2 Not as listed 7 Dont know 8 No answer 9 Not known
date of birth
date of issue
The date the life insurance policy was issued to the viator Contestability and suicide are measured from this date
date of issue
The date the life insurance policy was issued to the viator Contestability and suicide are measured from this date Back To Top
date of issue
date of publication or distribution
date of issue
Date when a new stock begins public trading
date of issue
when the company issued the policy
date of issue
= The date stated in a policy as the date on which the contract was issued by the insurer This is not necessarily the effective date of the policy
date of issue
The date stated in a policy as the date on which the contract was issued by the insurer This is not necessarily the effective date of the policy
date of issue
Used in the context of bonds to refer to the date on which a bond is issued and when interest accrues to the bondholder Used in the context of stocks to refer to the date trading begins on a new stock issued to the public
date of issue
The date stated in a policy as the date on which the contract was issued by the insurer This is not necessarily the effective date of the policy (G)
date of issue
of an undated note, or a note bearing a date different from the date of issue
date of issue
The date the insurance application is approved and the policy is issued by the insurance company This is not necessarily the same as the date of the policy or the date the insurance becomes effective However, life insurance policies frequently determine suicide and incontestability clauses based on the date of issue
date of maturity
date when a (debt, bond, etc.) is payable
date of payment
date on which a payment is due (loan, mortgage, etc.)
date of record
date in which something was recorded
date of sale
date when a specific sale was made
date palm
palm tree bearing dates
date palm
A date palm is a palm tree on which dates grow. A palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) of western Asia and northern Africa and cultivated also in California, having featherlike leaves and bearing clusters of dates. Tree (Phoenix dactylifera) of the palm family, found in the Canary Islands and northern Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, India, and California. The trunk, strongly marked with the pruned stubs of old leaf bases, ends in a crown of long, graceful, shining, pinnate leaves. The fruit, called the date, is a usually oblong brown berry. Dates have long been an important food in desert regions, and are the source of syrup, alcohol, vinegar, and a strong liquor. All parts of the tree yield products of economic value, being used variously for timber, furniture, basketry, fuel, rope, and packing material. The seeds are sometimes used as stock feed. The tree is grown as an ornamental along the Mediterranean shores of Europe. Its leaves are used for the celebration of Palm Sunday (among Christians) and the Feast of Tabernacles (among Jews). Date sugar, a product of India, is obtained from the sap of a closely related species, P. sylvestris
date palm
tall tropical feather palm tree native to Syria bearing sweet edible fruit
date plum
an Asiatic persimmon tree cultivated for its small yellow or purplish-black edible fruit much valued by Afghan tribes
date rape
Date rape is when a man rapes a woman after having spent the evening socially with her. Rape perpetrated by the victim's social escort. a rape that is committed by someone the woman has met in a social situation
date rape
rape in which the rapist is known to the victim (as when they are on a date together)
date rape
rape committed by a person familiar to the victim, instance in which a man forces a female acquaintance to have sexual intercourse (esp. while on or immediately following a date)
date roll
{i} (Slang) toilet paper
date spread
spreadable paste made from pureed dates
date stamp
a) an object used for printing the date on documents b) the mark that it makes
{f} datemark, indicate with a date and location, dateline
date-nut bread
bread containing chopped dates and nuts
stamp which is used to record the current date on various documents
day and date
{i} day month and year according to the calendar
International Date Line
An imaginary line on the Earth's surface at 180° longitude, mostly through the Pacific Ocean, to the east of which the calendar date is one day earlier than to the west
Julian date
A date expressed as a number, normally counted from 4713 BC, used by astronomers and historians to compare events recorded in different cultures
blind date
A romantic meeting between two people who have never met before
call date
A date on which a callable bond may be redeemed before its maturity
To gauge the age of an organic material by comparing the ratio of carbon isotopes

After carbon-dating the artifact, the archaeologist determined that it was of late bronze age manufacture.

Anachronistic; being obviously inappropriate for its present context
Marked with a date
No longer fashionable
Without a start; immemorial
Out of one's head; deranged
Without a date imprinted, assigned, or associated
Having no date—a meeting with a lover or potential lover

It is hard to believe that she could be dateless on a Saturday night.

Timeless; immortal

They're so dateless that Burger King will not offer them a job.

A form of romantic courtship between two individuals who may or may not expect marriage

It was a couple of years before he even started dating again.

Present participle of date
The process of estimating the age of an artifact or biological vestige
double date
Two couples going on a (romantic) date together
double date
To go on a double date
Alternative spelling of double date
due date
The date by which a book (or other item) borrowed from a library must be returned
due date
The date on which a pregnant woman is expected to give birth
due date
The date of payment in financial arrangements
expected date of confinement
due date; The date on which a pregnant woman is expected to give birth
hot date
a social outing with a current or potential lover which holds the possibility for a sexual encounter
maturity date
The date on which a principal amount of a note, draft, acceptance bond, or other debt instrument becomes due or payable
no date
indicates that a document has no publication date shown on the document and that none has been inferred from other evidence
of even date
having the same date
out of date
Not conforming to the current fashion or style; old-fashioned

The dresses she wears are quite out of date.

out of date
Too old to be used; not current; invalid; outmoded

I can't eat this salad, it's out of date.

Alternative form of out of date

The Rabbit could not claim to be a model of anything, for he didn’t know that real rabbits existed; he thought they were all stuffed with sawdust like himself, and he understood that sawdust was quite out-of-date and should never be mentioned in modern circles.

sell-by date
The final date on which a perishable product can be legally sold to the public
sell-by date
Used to indicate that something, or someone, is old and out of date

Tony Blair insists on remaining in office well past his sell-by date - yet he can afford to go.

Alternative spelling of to date
informed about the latest news or developments
current; recent; the latest

Use an up-to-date text for your source.

use-by date
The date by which it is advised that a perishable product be consumed
value date
Settlement date on which interest payments are credited or debited to the customer's bank account; interest payments are made from this date onwards
vest date
The date that stock award restrictions lapse and the stock becomes available for transfer to buyer. Also the date that stock options become available for exercise
what date is it today
What is the date? (used to request the current date)
year to date
The period from the beginning of a fiscal year to the end of a reporting period
Alternative spelling of year to date
blind date
An arranged meeting for two people who have never met each other before, in order to try to start a romantic relationship
medjool date
A type of date that are prized for their large size, their sweet taste, and their juicy flesh even when dried
release date
October, 2000
{a} marked with the true or exact tim
{a} having no date mentioned, not dated
Able to be dated to a particular time
Able to be dated to a particular time
Date of Birth
That may be ascribed a date (or age)
{s} able to be dated, capable of being assigned to a time, capable of being put in historical place
that can be given a date; "a concrete and datable happening"- C
that can be given a date; "a concrete and datable happening"- C W Shumaker
That may be dated; having a known or ascertainable date
{s} capable of being assigned to a time, capable of being put in historical place
that can be given a date; "a concrete and datable happening"- C W Shumaker
Dated things seem old-fashioned, although they may once have been fashionable or modern. people in dated dinner-jackets. old-fashioned out-of-date
Out of date
marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past
Anytime Within the last week Within the last 2 weeks Within the last 30 days Within the last 60 days Within the last 90 days Within the last 180 days Within the last year Within the last two years
{s} old-fashioned, no longer in use, not modern; marked with a date, that bears a date
bearing a date; "dated and stamped documents"
A work executed at about that date
without an end; endless
Without date; having no fixed time
{s} without a date
having no date
having no known beginning and presumably no end; "the dateless rise and fall of the tides"; "time is endless"; "sempiternal truth"
not bearing a date; "a dateless letter"
having no known beginning and presumably no end; "the dateless rise and fall of the tides"; "time is endless"; "sempiternal truth
unaffected by time; "few characters are so dateless as Hamlet"; "Helen's timeless beauty" not bearing a date; "a dateless letter" of such great duration as to preclude the possibility of being assigned a date; "dateless customs" having no known beginning and presumably no end; "the dateless rise and fall of the tides"; "time is endless"; "sempiternal truth
unaffected by time; "few characters are so dateless as Hamlet"; "Helen's timeless beauty"
of such great duration as to preclude the possibility of being assigned a date; "dateless customs"
One who dates
{i} one who determines meetings; one who goes out on dates
plural of dater
A value represented as an integer equal to the number of days since December 31, 1899
(Chinese) Red in color, dried, the size of marbles Sold in 4- 8 ounces bags
One of the earliest fruits know to man, dates were grown in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and in Egypt more than 5,000 years ago Called "the candy that grows on trees," they served as food for camel caravans making treks across the dessert
The year or range of years in which the work was or could have been made e g 1984 for Punk Bear Spirit
Plural of date
Third-person singular simple present of to date
Dates in Resource ManagerTM are shown in the form dd/mm/yy In Resource ManagerTM the last two (year) digits refer to the century starting on 1st January 1960, so the data 01/01/00 is the 1st January 2000
differ between the European and US conventions To avoid confusion, for the abbreviated form it is safer to use the convention adopted by most scientists: yyyy/mm/dd
{i} dates of a person's birth and death (e.g. "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's dates were 1756 to 1791)
Effective commencement date The effective commencement date is the starting date of the project work following the signature by all parties of the contract Therefore for each project this starting date must be communicated to the COMMISSION Operative commencement date of the contract The operative commencement date of the contract is the date when the contract has been signed by the Commission or the date which is explicitly mentioned in the contract This date is relevant for the Cost Statements acceptance and processing The Commission can only accept costs which occur after this date