
listen to the pronunciation of surge
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} dalgalanma
{i} artma
elektrik akım veya gücünün süratle artma
kesinti, n.artma
dalgalar halinde yayılma
dalgalar halinde yayılmak
akın akın gitmek
kabarmak (deniz)
hürya etmek
akın halinde gitme
{f} art

Gıda fiyatları arttı. - Food prices have surged.

Büyük Buhran, suçta büyük bir artışa neden oldu. - The Great Depression triggered a great surge in crime.

büyük dalga
çok baş kıç vurmak akın etmek
{f} dalga dalga ilerlemek
{f} up (dalga) şiddetle yükselmek
{i} taşma
{i} kabarma
birden kayıvermek
büyük dalga gibi sürükleme
{i} inip çıkma
{f} elektrik cereyanı, fiyatlar
{f} (deniz) kabarmak, kaynamak
{f} against (dalga) yükselip -e çarpmak
{i} dev dalga
{f} kabarmak
aniden yükselmek
aniden yükselme
gerilim darbesi
surge against
yükselip çarpmak (dalga)
surge arresters
(İnşaat) parafudar
surge arrestor
surge chamber
denge odası
surge chamber
denge bacası
surge current
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ani akım
surge current
dalga akımı
surge impedance
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) karakteristik empedans
surge into
akın etmek
surge pressure
basınç dalgalanması
surge protector
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) aşırı gerilim koruyucu
surge protector
surge resistance
(Askeri) yüksek gerilime direnme
surge soldiers
asker sevk etmek
surge suppressor
(Bilgisayar) aşırı gerilim koruyucu
surge up
şiddetle yükselmek (dalga)
surge up
surge vessel
hava kazanı
surge arrester
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Parafudur
surge free
(Elektrik, Elektronik) dalgalanmasız
surge impedance
karakteristik empedans, dalga empedansi
surge line
dalgalanma hattı
surge protection
dalgalanma koruması
surge suppressor
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Aşırı gerlim koruyucu,ani gerilim dalgalanmalarına karşı koruyucu devre elemanı
surge voltage
şok gerilimi
surge method
(Nükleer Bilimler) dalgalanma yöntemi
surge protector
Taşkından koruyucu
surge suppressor
asiri gerilim koruyucu
surge tank
(Nükleer Bilimler) kabarma tankı
price surge
fiyat artışı
storm surge
(Askeri) fırtına kabarması
power surge
güç dalgalanma
(Askeri) cerrah, operatör (surgeon)
base surge
(Askeri) KÖK DALGA: Nükleer bir silahın satıh altında infilakından doğan sütunun dibinden çıkan bulut. Su altı infilaklarında bu dalga gerçekte, bayağı mütecanis bir sıvı halinde akıcı bir mahiyet arzeden bir su damlacıkları bulutudur. Karada satıh altı infilaklarda ise dalga katı zerreciklerden meydana gelmiştir ancak yine akıcı bir karakter gösterir
flooding of storm surge
(Çevre) fırtına dalgası seli
hurricane surge hydrograph
(Askeri) kasırga kabarma hidrografı
simple surge tank
yalın denge bacası
simple surge tank
basit denge bacası
storm surge disasters
(Askeri) fırtına kabarması afetleri
storm surge forecasting
(Askeri) fırtına kabarması tahmini
storm surge gate
(Askeri) fırtına kabarması çiti
storm surge warning
(Çevre) fırtına dalgası uyarısı
{s} dalgalanan
{s} inişli çıkışlı
{s} kabaran
vacuum surge tank
vakum tank
İngilizce - İngilizce
The swell or heave of the sea. (FM 55-501)
To accelerate forwards, particularly suddenly

A ship surges forwards, sways sideways and heaves up.

To slack off a line
The maximum amplitude of a vehicles' forward/backward oscillation
A sudden rush, flood or increase which is transient

He felt a surge of excitement.

To rush, flood, or increase suddenly

Toaster sales surged last year.

A sudden electrical spike or increase of voltage and current

A power surge.

{n} a swelling sea, a wave
{v} to rise high
A temporary, large increase in the voltage or current in an electric circuit or cable
a rapid rise in current or voltage, usually followed by a fall back to a normal level
If a physical force such as water or electricity surges through something, it moves through it suddenly and powerfully. Thousands of volts surged through his car after he careered into a lamp post, ripping out live wires
{i} large wave, billow; eruption, spurt; strong forward movement like that of a wave; short sudden jump in electrical voltage which is likely to damage electronic components (Electricity)
The tapered part of a windlass barrel or a capstan, upon which the cable surges, or slips
a sudden forceful flow
A change in water level caused by the weather, that travels with about the same speed as the tide Small surges are caused by local weather (high barometric pressure and offshore winds lowering sea level), but large surges are caused by weather patterns some distance away Because the surge interacts with the tidal wave, times of high and low water may also be affected
To swell; to rise hifg and roll
a strong forward movement, as in: When the doors opened there was a surge in the crowd
A spring; a fountain
A large wave or billow; a great, rolling swell of water, produced generally by a high wind
{f} rise and fall in or like waves; swell, heave, rise; increase suddenly (Electricity)
The increase in sea water height from the level that would normally occur were there no storm Although the most dramatic surges are associated with hurricanes, even smaller low pressure systems can cause a slight increase in the sea level if the wind and fetch is just right It is estimated by subtracting the normal astronomic tide from the observed storm tide
If the mass flow through the compressor is reduced beyond a certain point, the directions of the velocities relative to the blading are so different from the blade angles that the flow breaks down completely The compressor is then said to surge
A surge is a sudden powerful movement of a physical force such as wind or water. The whole car shuddered with an almost frightening surge of power
rise or heave upward under the influence of a natural force such as a wave; "the boats surged"
To flow more rapidly than usually Said of a glacier
Transient current or voltage associated with lightning or switching
Changes in water level as a result of meteorological forcing (wind, high or low barometric pressure) causing a difference between the recorded water level and that predicted using harmonic analysis, may be positive or negative
A temporary high-current power line demand often developed during system turn on The system's line power source must be capable of supplying this temporary current without tripping a circuit breaker For audio equipment the surge current demand will not likely be sufficient to trip a circuit breaker except with very large equipment installations
see one's performance improve; "He levelled the score and then surged ahead
A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation The anniversary is bound to bring a new surge of interest in Dylan's work
rise or move foward; "surging waves"
A temporary and relatively large increase in the voltage or current in an electric circuit or cable Also called transient
The swell or heave of the sea
If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly. The Freedom Party's electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency
To let go or slacken suddenly, as a rope; as, to surge a hawser or messenger; also, to slacken the rope about (a capstan)
see one's performance improve; "He levelled the score and then surged ahead"
A short-term positive change in amplitude of a voltage
A temporary large increase in the voltage or current in an electric circuit or cable
If a crowd of people surge forward, they suddenly move forward together. The photographers and cameramen surged forward. the crowd surging out from the church
A jet of material from active regions that reaches coronal heights and then either fades or returns into the chromosphere along the trajectory of ascent
The motion of, or produced by, a great wave
a sudden or abrupt strong increase; "stimulated a surge of speculation"; "an upsurge of emotion"; "an upsurge in violent crime" see one's performance improve; "He levelled the score and then surged ahead
A large, destructive ocean wave caused by very low atmospheric pressure and strong winds Hurricanes often cause a surge of the ocean surface
A rapid rise in current or voltage, usually followed by a fall back to a normal level Also known as transient
rise rapidly; "the dollar soared against the yes"
Is the reversal of flow within a dynamic compressor that takes place when the capacity being handled is reduced to a point where insufficient pressure is being generated to maintain flow Also known as pumping (030)
(1) Long-interval variations in velocity and pressure in fluid flow, not necessarily periodic, perhaps even transient in nature (2) The name applied to WAVE motion with a period intermediate between that of an ordinary wind WAVE and that of the TIDE (3) Changes in WATER LEVEL as a result of meteorological forcing (wind, high or low barometric pressure) causing a difference between the recorded WATER LEVEL and that predicted using harmonic analysis, may be positive or negative
To slip along a windlass
A brief fluctuation in power, potentially harmful to electric and electronic equipment Surge GuardTM equipment offers some protection against the harmful effects of surges BACK TO TOP
a sudden or abrupt strong increase; "stimulated a surge of speculation"; "an upsurge of emotion"; "an upsurge in violent crime"
A brief transient wave of voltage, current or power in an electrical circuit, lasting for less than 1% of the power wave cycle duration
A jet of material from an active region that reaches coronal heights and then either fades or returns into the chromosphere along the trajectory of ascent Surges typically last 10 to 20 minutes and tend to recur at a rate of approximately 1 per hour Surges are linear and collimated in form, as if highly directed by magnetic fields Compare spray
a large sea wave
A surge is a prolonged over-voltage condition Surges can damage electronics and corrupt or destroy data
a transient rise of pressure or flow
rise and move, as in waves or billows; "The army surged forward"
A rapid rise in current or voltage, usually followed by a fall back to a normal level Also referred to as transient
surge suppressor
A multi-plug device that usually grounds most energy and absorbs some energy in an electrical spike
surge suppressors
plural form of surge suppressor
surge protector
A surge protector is an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. Surge protectors attempt to regulate the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or shorting to ground voltage above a safe threshold. An outlet strip is sometimes miscalled a surge protector, but provides no such protection
surge pressure
A phenomenon generated in a pipeline system when there is any change in the rate of flow of liquid in the line Surge pressures can be dangerously high if the change of flow rate is too rapid and the resultant shock waves can damage pumping equipment and cause rupture of pipelines and associated equipment
surge pressure
The pressure existing from surge conditions
surge protection
Relates to the temporary overload above 115% of the steady state power consumption of an electrical device A properly sized UPS (Uninteruptable Power Supply) will protect against these surges
surge protection
The process to reduce voltage surges that may occur as a result of lighting or a power supply surge which can produce more than twice the voltage normally expected from the power source
surge protection
TOV (Transient Over Voltages), which come from lightning, electrostatic discharges, and other forms of high voltage, is one of the major causes of equipment damage A surge protector absorbs TOV to effectively protect your equipment
surge protection
TOV(Transient Over Voltages) which comes from lightning, electrostatic discharges and other forms of high voltage is one of the major cause for equipment damage Surge protector absorbs TOV and effectively protects your equipment
surge protector
A device placed between any computer component and the source of current (or other signals) feeding that component n order to protect the sensitive electronic currents from bursts of power that come through the electric lines (or other sources)
surge protector
A power control unit that protects your computer's circuits from harmful electrical spikes that may damage its operation Recommended surge protectors include an outlet for a telephone/modem jack Electrical spikes can occur through telephone wires
surge protector
MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) or special RC networks designed to clip or absorb voltage transients form an incoming AC source
surge protector
A device between your computer and the power source which controls power surges
surge protector
device that blocks power spikes
surge protector
A device, usually in the form of a multi-plug bar, that protects your computer from being damaged by power surges
surge protector
electrical device inserted in a power line to protect equipment from sudden fluctuations in current
surge protector
Device separating the computer from the power source of the wall outlet When a voltage surge occurs, a circuit breaker is activated, protecting the computer system
surge protector
A protective device that you plug your computer and peripheral power cables into, a surge protector collects and harmlessly dissipates most power surges or spikes, preventing the excess power from damaging your hardware Most people think a surge protector will protect against an extreme power surge, such as that caused by lightning, but this is not true During an electrical storm it's safest to unplug your hardware from the AC outlets Related terms: Peripheral, Power surge, Hardware
surge protector
A portable device containing electrical outlets that protects equipment plugged into it from a surge in current
surge protector
A power bar designed to protect computers from power spikes and surges
surge protector
A device that filters out high-voltage surges and protects equipment from damage
surge protector
A device inserted in the alternating current (AC) utility line and/or telephone line to prevent damage to electronic equipment from voltage "spikes," called transients (See 51)
surge protector
A device that protects a power supply and communications lines from electrical surges All computers come with some surge protection built into the power supply, but it is a good idea to purchase a separate device
surge protector
Special mains plug that protects the computer system from sudden surges of electricity
surge protector
A device that protects computer equipment from being damaged by variations, such a spikes during electrical storms, in electrical current
surge protector
A device for protecting computers and computer devices from power surges Surge protectors collect and harmlessly diffuse the excess current Installation is simple - instead of plugging your computer into the wall outlet, you plug the surge protector into the outlet and plug the computer into the surge protector See power surge SVGA or SuperVGA - An acronym for Super Video Graphics Array, a video standard for providing high - resolution color on computer monitors Nearly all monitors sold today adhere to it The 1024 by 768 resolution is the most commonly specified SVGA standard - you'll find it on most personal computers sold today A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
surge protector
A unit that protects attached devices from sudden deprivation of power or electrical spikes Often they can provide a modest supply of power in the absence of electricity, or absorb fluctuating power levels from an electrical outlet
surge protector
A device for protecting electronic equipment from damaging voltage levels sometimes occurring in electrical transients
surge protector
An electrical device that protects electrical equipment from sudden variations (surges) in electrical current
surge protector
A device that protects electrical equipment from surges or spikes of power current that may be harmful to the circuitry in the equipment These surges can be the result of thunderstorms and bad electrical wiring in the house Many newer surge protectors come with option of protecting from surges in the phone lines as well
surge protector
An electrical device that protects a computer from spikes and surges in the power line All computers have some surge protection built in, but this protection is not always enough External surge protectors come in the form of a unit that plugs into the wall, with outlets for several electrical plugs However, not all outlet bars have surge protection
surge suppressor
A device that protects a computer system from random electrical power spikes (pg 220)
surge suppressor
  Synonym arrester
surge suppressor
electrical device inserted in a power line to protect equipment from sudden fluctuations in current
surge suppressor
An electrical device that electronic equipment can be plugged into A surge suppressor includes a circuit breaker that will protect equipment from damage from a surge in electricity (from, e g , a lightning strike)
power surge
an unexpected, temporary, uncontrolled increase in current or voltage in an electrical circuit; a voltage spike
power surge
an unexpected and uncontrolled increase in the output power of an engine or motor

The pilot quickly recovered from the power surge cause by the faulty fuel system.

pyroclastic surge
a fluidized mass of turbulent gas and rock fragments which is ejected during some volcanic eruptions
storm surge
An unusual rise in sea level on a coast due to the action of high winds

The storm surge is defined as the difference between the observed tide and the predicted astronomical tide and is considered to be the meteorological effect on sea level.

Present participle of surge
debris surge
the sudden spread of dust and debris from a collapsing building; "the destruction of the building produced an enormous debris surge
power surge
A random burst of large amounts of energy through power lines
power surge
A brief but sudden increase in line voltage, often destructive, usually caused by a neraby electrical appliance such as a photocopier or elevator, or when power is reapplied after an outage
power surge
What an MIS director feels when he denies you access to your own database
power surge
A sudden rise of current or voltage in an electrical circuit that can last up to several seconds A power surge can cause damage to a computer or its files if there is no surge protector
power surge
A sudden increase or "spike" in line voltage Power surges can damage data and your computer See surge protector
power surge
more electricity through the line than normal for several seconds
storm surge
Relatively rapid rise in the height of the ocean along a coastline Often caused by the storm winds pushing water towards land
storm surge
A phenomena wherein sea level rises above the normal tide level when hurricanes or tropical storms move from the ocean along or across a coastal region Technically, this is defined as the difference between the actual sea (tide) level under the influence of a meteorological disturbance (storm tide) and the level which would have been reached in the absence of the meteorological disturbance This sea level rise can consists of three components, the first of which results from low barometric pressure, i e the so-called inverse barometer effect, where lower atmospheric pressure on the surface of the water allows it to rise The second component is wind set-up where the winds drag surface water to the shore where it piles up The third component of the rise is due to coupled long waves where the peak of the wave coincides with the shoreline See Wiegel (1964) and Heaps (1967)
storm surge
An abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or another intense storm The surge height is the difference between the observed level of the sea surface and the level that would have occurred in the absence of the cyclone (after subtracting the normal or astronomic high tide from the observed storm tide)
storm surge
above normal sea-levels, frequently resulting from intense storms such as hurricanes, capable of submerging land many miles from coasts
storm surge
The increase in sea water height from the level that would normally occur were there no storm Although the most dramatic surges are associated with hurricanes, even smaller low pressure systems can cause a slight increase in the sea level if the wind and fetch is just right It is estimated by subtracting the normal astronomic tide from the observed storm tide
storm surge
Quickly rising ocean water levels associated with hurricanes that can cause widespread flooding
storm surge
The dome of water that builds up as a hurricane moves over water As this water comes ashore with the storm, it causes flooding that is usually a hurricane's biggest killer
storm surge
A storm surge is an increase (or decrease) in water level associated with some significant meteorological event, e g persistent strong winds and change in atmospheric pressure, or tropical cyclone Its typical effect is to raise the level of the tide above the predicted level In some situations, e g when winds blow offshore, the actual tide level can be lower than that predicted The magnitude of the storm surge is dependent on the severity and duration of the event and the seabed topography at the site In Queensland, most large surges are caused by tropical cyclones
storm surge
a rise in the sea surface on an open coast, often resulting from a hurricane
storm surge
A storm surge is a rise in coastal water level caused by a regional low pressure area and water pushed toward coastal shores by prolonged wind forces A storm surge can significantly raise the mean water level if combined with astronomical high tides This rise in water level can cause severe flooding on coastal areas, particularly along shallow slopes along the shoreline
storm surge
An elevation of the ocean surface resulting from the compound effects of water being pushed shoreward by wind across decreasing depths on the continental shelf, low pressure at the sea surface, tides raising the water level, and winds raising the ocean surface
storm surge
- the dome of water that builds up as a hurricane moves over water This surge of water causes flooding when the storm comes ashore and is usually a hurricane's biggest killer
storm surge
A rise of the sea, preceding a storm (usually a hurricane) due to the winds of the storm and low atmospheric pressure
storm surge
When a storm (i e hurricane) causes water to "pile" up and move as a wall of water
storm surge
an abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm that can be 20 ft (6 m) high at its peak and 50 to 100 miles (80 km to 161 km) wide
storm surge
The abnormal rise of the sea along a shore as a result of strong winds
storm surge
A departure from a normal elevation of the sea due to the piling up of water against a coast by strong winds such as those accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm Reduced atmospheric pressure often contributes to the departure in height during hurricanes It is potentially catastrophic, especially in deltaic regions with onshore winds at the time of high water level and extreme wind wave heights
storm surge
A rise in water surface level above the normal level on a lake or ocean coast, produced by wind and/or differences in atmospheric pressure during a storm
storm surge
short term rise in sea level due to strong offshore winds (see text box for further details)
storm surge
Rapidly rising ocean water usually associated with tropical cyclones In the past this was a hurricanes most deadly affect But with radar and satallite we are aware of the situation well in advance to head all warnings posted
storm surge
A rise or piling-up of water against SHORE, produced by strong winds blowing ONSHORE A storm surge is most severe when it occurs in conjunction with a high TIDE See Figure 10
storm surge
a rise in sea level along the coast as a result of high storm winds
storm surge
An abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm, and whose height is the difference between the observed level of the sea surface and the level that would have occurred in the absence of the cyclone Storm surge is usually estimated by subtracting the normal or astronomic high tide from the observed storm tide
past of surge
plural of surge
The action or an instance of a surge
An instability of melt pressure and flow rate in an extruder, which can be detected by a pressure gage at the tip of the screw (or at the die adapter), or by dimensional product variations
Condition in which engine power fluctuates up and down
{s} billowy, wavy, rippling, swirling
characterized by great swelling waves or surges; "billowy storm clouds"; "the restless billowing sea"; "surging waves"
A pronounced fluctuation in output over a short period of time without deliberate change in operating conditions

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir



    /ˈsərʤ/ /ˈsɜrʤ/


    [ s&rj ] (verb.) 1511. Middle English surgen Middle French sourgir Old French surgir (“to rise, ride near the shore, arrive, land”) surgir Latin surgere, contr. of surrigere, subrigere (“transitive lift up, raise, erect; intransitive rise, arise, get up, spring up, grow, etc.”) sub (“under”) + regere (“to stretch”); see regent.


    surges, surging, surged

    Ortak Eşdizimliler

    surge up, surge protector, surge of


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