
listen to the pronunciation of known
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} bilinen

Futbol, dünyada en çok bilinen spordur. - Football is the most known sport in the world.

Sibirya Demiryolu, dünyadaki bir defada en uzun ve en iyi bilinen demiryoludur. - The Siberian Railway is at once the longest and best known railway in the world.

{s} tanınan

Sami iyi tanınan bir avukat tuttu. - Sami hired a well known attorney.

Bir sosyete moda toplumda iyi tanınan ve sosyal faaliyetlere ve eğlenceye düşkün bir kişidir. - A socialite is a person who is well known in fashionable society and is fond of social activities and entertainment.


O sadece Hindistan'da değil aynı zamanda Çin'de de iyi tanınmaktadır. - She is not only well known in India, but is also well known in China.

Tanınmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to be known.


San Fransisko, sisi ve diğer şeylerin arasında tepeleri ile ünlüdür. - San Francisco is known for its fog and its hills among other things.

{f} bil

Onun adı bu kasabada herkesçe bilinmektedir. - His name is known to everyone in this town.

Futbol, dünyada en çok bilinen spordur. - Football is the most known sport in the world.


Brezilya edebiyatındaki en tanınmış kitaplardan biri. - It's one of the best known books in Brazilian literature.

O, ülkemizde iyi tanınmıştır. - He is well known in our country.

{s} belli
f., bak. know. s. bilinen. i

Madonna Japonya'da her lise öğrencisi tarafından bilinmektedir. - Madonna is known to every high school student in Japan.

Onun adı kasabadaki herkes tarafından bilinmektedir. - His name is known to everyone in the town.


Nereye gittiğimizi bilmek için bazen geriye bakmalıyız. - Sometimes we need to look back to know where we are going to.

Şu an nerede olduğunu bilmek istiyorum. - I want to know where you are now.


Bir insanı tanımak için, onunla sadece bir hafta seyahat etmelisin. - In order to know a man, you have only to travel with him a week.

Tom Mary'yi daha iyi tanımak istedi. - Tom wanted to get to know Mary better.

known as
bilindiği gibi
known by experience
tecrübeyle sabit
known for
Bilinmek, tanınmak( Max iş known for his honesty )
known company
tanıdık şirket
known company
tanıdık firma
known datum point
(Askeri) BİLİNEN BAŞLANGIÇ NOKTASI: İstikamet açısı ve mesafesi bilinen, açıkça görülebilir nokta
known datum point
(Askeri) bilinen başlangıç noktası
known distance firing
(Askeri) BELLİ MESAFE ATIŞI: Silahtan hedefe olan mesafe belli olduğuna göre yapılan atış tatbikatı
known distance firing
(Askeri) belli mesafe atışı
known distance range
(Askeri) MESAFELERİ BELLİ ATIŞ SAHASI: Silahtan hedefe olan mesafeleri belli olan atış sahası. Mesafeleri belli bir atış sahası, hafif ateşli silahların ve hafif otomatik silahların atış eğitiminde kullanılır
known firm
tanıdık firma
known firm
tanıdık şirket
known reserve
(Politika, Siyaset) bilinen rezerv
known throughout the nation
tüm ülkede tanınan
known to all
herkesçe bilinen
known traffic
(Havacılık) tanımlı trafik
known volume
belirli hacim
{f} tatmak

Dil öğrenmenin en zor kısmı kelime bilgisini ezberlemektir. - The hardest part of learning a language is knowing the vocabulary by heart.

Formülleri ezberlemek yeterli değil. Onların nasıl kullanılacağını bilmen gerek. - It's not enough to memorize the formulas. You need to know how to use them.

iyi bilmek
{f} (knew, --n)
{f} ayırt etmek
{f} ilişkisi olmak
O işi yapmaya
malumat edinmek
eski cinsi münasebette bulunmak
{f} farketmek
malumatı olmak
haberdar olmak

Sağlıklı olan adam sağlığın değerini bilmez. - A healthy man does not know the value of health.

Mahjong oynamayı biliyor musun? - Do you know how to play mahjong?

He should have known better than to do it
{f} başından geçmek
be known
agah olmak
(Argo) cinsel ilişkiye girmek
aşina olmak
(Argo) mala vurmak
(Argo) seks yapmak

Onların kızgın olduğunu anlamak için Fransızca anlamama gerek yoktu. - I didn't need to understand French to know that they were angry.

Bu tür soruna neyin sebep olduğunu herhangi birinin bilip bilmediğini anlamak için birilerine soracağım. - I'll ask around to see if anyone knows what causes this kind of problem.

(Argo) götürmek

Seni güvende olacağın bir yere götürmek istiyorum. - I want to get you someplace where I know you'll be safe.

most known
en çok bilinen
the known
(Matematik) bilinen

Bilinenler bilinmeyenlerden ayrılmalı. - The known must be separated from the unknown.

world wide known
dünyaca tanınan
tecrübeyle bilmek
as known
bilindiği üzere
become known
bilinir hale gel

Beni görmek istemeyeceğini bilmeliydim. - I should've known you wouldn't want to see me.

Onu görmek istediğini Tom'un öğrenmesine izin vereceğim. - I'll let Tom know you want to see him.


Tom yaşamak için uzun zamanı olmadığını biliyor. - Tom knows he doesn't have long to live.

Tom, Mary'nin nerede yaşamak istediğini bilmiyordu. - Tom didn't know where Mary wanted to live.

make known
bilinir hale getir
well known
He should have known better than to do it
O işi yapmayacak kadar aklı olmalıydı
I should have liked ...: I should have liked you to have known her
Onu tanımış olmanızı isterdim
When this becomes known it´ll really set tongues wagging
k. dili Etrafa yayılınca herkesin diline pelesenk olacak
a little-known fact
az bilinen bir gerçek
a well-known
bilinen bir
a well-known member
tanınmış bir üye
a well-known member
ünlü bir üye
also known as
Namı diğer
also known as
olarak da bilinen
also known as isopropyl alcohol
ayrıca izopropil alkol olarak da bilinir
be known
best known
En iyi bilinen

Sibirya Demiryolu, dünyadaki bir defada en uzun ve en iyi bilinen demiryoludur. - The Siberian Railway is at once the longest and best known railway in the world.

En iyi bilinen

Manhattan New York'ta en iyi bilinen ilçedir. - Manhattan is the best-known borough in New York.

better known
iyi bilinen
can be known
bilinen olabilir
containing only one known species
bilinen tek türü içeren
dont known
dont bilinen
its very widely known.
onun çok yaygın olarak bilinir

Mahjong oynamayı biliyor musun? - Do you know how to play mahjong?

Babanın nereye gittiğini biliyor musun? - Do you know where your dad went?

last known
bilinen son
daha az bilinen
made known
make it known
tanınmasını sağlamak
iyi bilinen

Tom, çok iyi bilinen bir biyolog. - Tom is a very well-known biologist.

Örümceklerin böcek olmadıkları iyi bilinen bir gerçektir. - It's a well-known fact that spiders aren't insects.

He should have known
O işi yapmayacak kadar aklı olmalıydı
affectionately known as
affectionately known as
adıyla tanınan
as far as is known
bilindiği kadarıyla
be known by the public
kamuoyunca bilinmek
defects known by buyer
(Kanun) alıcının bildiği ayıplar
formerly known as
önceden ..olarak bilenen
i'm looking for paintings by well known french artists
çok ünlü fransız ressamların tablolarını arıyorum

Bayan Hudson'un nerede yaşadığını biliyor musunuz? - Do you know where Miss Hudson lives?

Biz neredeyse bilmeden, hissetmeden annemiz severiz, çünkü o yaşamak kadar doğaldır. - We love our mother almost without knowing it, without feeling it, as it is as natural as to live.

{f} haberi olmak, haberdar olmak

Tom, Mary'nin yaz tatilini nerede geçirmek istediği bilmiyor. - Tom doesn't know where Mary wants to spend her summer vacation.

Gerçekten ihtiyacım olan şey, uzun zamandır tanıdığım en iyi arkadaşlarım Tom ve Mary ile biraz zaman geçirmekti. - What I really needed was to spend a bit of time with my best mates Tom and Mary, who I've known for ages.

{i} bilgi, malumat
last known good configuration
Son İyi Yapılandırma
last known position
(Askeri) en son bilinen mevki
the known
mat. bilinen
the known facts
bilinen gerçekler
to be known
well known

O bölgede, çok iyi tanınmış bir şarap üretilir. - A very well known wine is produced in that region.

O, ülkemizde iyi tanınmıştır. - He is well known in our country.

well known
well known

Bir sosyete moda toplumda iyi tanınan ve sosyal faaliyetlere ve eğlenceye düşkün bir kişidir. - A socialite is a person who is well known in fashionable society and is fond of social activities and entertainment.

Sami iyi tanınan bir avukat tuttu. - Sami hired a well known attorney.

well known
herkesçe bilinen
İngilizce - İngilizce
Past participle of know
In algebra, a variable or constant whose value is already determined
That whom other people know, renowned, famous
Any fact or situation which is well-researched or familiar
of Know
You use known to describe someone or something that is clearly recognized by or familiar to all people or to a particular group of people. He was a known drug dealer He became one of the best known actors of his day
Known is the past participle of know
This is a known result but I reproduce the proof for the convenience of the reader: My paper isn't long enough
If you let it be known that something is the case, or you let something be known, you make sure that people know it or can find out about it. The Prime Minister has let it be known that he is against it. Something that is known: In this instance, the only known is our actual profit margin. the past participle of know
the Force of science, reason, and the rational world Governed by Mercury, Patron of Discovery
If someone or something is known for a particular achievement or feature, they are familiar to many people because of that achievement or feature. He is better known for his film and TV work
[BSG] A segment is "known" in a process if that process has a segment number for it, as defined by an entry in its KST In today's language, a "known segment" is a file system file mapped into the address space of a process (but as a segment, not a sub-expanse of linear memory), the only way of accessing files (i e , segments) in Multics Making a segment known is also called initiating, and making it unknown is called terminating Only segments known in an address space can have SDWs in that process, but not all known segments have SDWs at any given time See also active
{s} familiar; famous
apprehended with certainty; "a known quantity"; "the limits of the known world"; "a musician known throughout the world"; "a known criminal"
Any fact or situation which is well-researched orfamiliar
Flag to see if vertex has been visited
apprehended with certainty; "a known quantity"; "the limits of the known world"; "a musician known throughout the world"; "a known criminal
known as
everyone knows this person to be
known as
known or spoken of as; "though she is named Katherine, she is called Kitty"
known in advance
known beforehand
known index
consumer price index that is published during the current month and applies to the previous month (Accounting)
a man is known by the company he keeps
People are similar in character to their friends
also known as
Used to introduce an alternative name; alias
To be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered

I know your mother, but I’ve never met your father.

To be aware of (a person's) intentions

I won’t lend you any money. You would never pay me back; I know you.

To have sexual relations with

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

To understand (a subject)

She knows chemistry better than anybody else.

To be informed about

Do you know that Michelle and Jack are getting divorced? ― Yes, I know.

make known
To disclose a secret

I wouldn't make this known to anyone else, if I were you.

make known
To announce some information generally

The decision was made known when it appeared on the evening news.

Familiar, famous, renowned or widely known
Generally recognised; reserved for some usual purpose

A common approach is for the server to accept messages at a well-known port.

If you know someone, you are familiar with them because you have met them and talked to them before. Gifford was a friend. I'd known him for nine years Do you two know each other?
If you say that you know of something, you mean that you have heard about it but you do not necessarily have a lot of information about it. We know of the incident but have no further details I know of no one who would want to murder Albert
{i} state of knowing, knowledge
If you know a fact, a piece of information, or an answer, you have it correctly in your mind. I don't know the name of the place `People like doing things for nothing.' --- `I know they do.' I don't know what happened to her husband `How did he meet your mother?' --- `I don't know.' We all know about his early experiments in flying They looked younger than I knew them to be It is not known whether the bomb was originally intended for the capital itself It's always been known that key figures in the government do very well for themselves
{f} have knowledge of; be acquainted with; understand; distinguish; be aware of
{v} to understand, distinguish, perceive, find out
also known as
Thyroid Eye Disease, Graves Opthamalopathy, Thyroid Associated Orbitopathy
also known as
as known or named at another time or place; "Mr Smith, alias Mr Lafayette"
also known as
  Input focus
also known as
a.k.a., also using the name, also going by the name of
also known as
benchmark fare, "straight-Y" fare, unrestricted fare, full fare tickets
also known as
Names that other antivirus vendors use to identify a threat Often Symantec's bloodhound heuristics will identify a potential threat before a specific detection is added In such cases, the name of the bloodhound detection will appear in this field
most familiar or renowned; "Stevenson's best-known work is probably `Treasure Island'
more familiar or renowned than the other of two; "the better-known book of the two
more familiar or renowned than the other of two; "the better-known book of the two"
came to be known as
was given the nickname of, was well-known as-
for well-known reasons
because of reasons that are known to many
it is known that
people are aware that
You can use I don't know to indicate that you do not completely agree with something or do not really think that it is true. `He should quite simply resign.' --- `I don't know about that.'
To perceive or apprehend clearly and certainly; to understand; to have full information of; as, to know one's duty
emphasis You use you know to emphasize or to draw attention to what you are saying. The conditions in there are awful, you know You know, it does worry me
vagueness You say `Not that I know of' when someone has asked you whether or not something is true and you think the answer is `no' but you cannot be sure because you do not know all the facts. `Is he married?' --- `Not that I know of.'
You say `I know' to show that you agree with what has just been said. `This country is so awful.' --- `I know, I know.'
be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; "I know that the President lied to the people"; "I want to know who is winning the game!"; "I know it's time"
of; to possess experience of; as, to know an author; to know the rules of an organization
You can say `I don't know about you' to indicate that you are going to give your own opinion about something and you want to find out if someone else feels the same. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm hungry
To recognize; to distinguish; to discern the character of; as, to know a person's face or figure
have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations; "I know the feeling!"; "have you ever known hunger?"; "I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"; "The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"; "I lived through two divorces"
You can use expressions such as you know what I mean and if you know what I mean to suggest that the person listening to you understands what you are trying to say, and so you do not have to explain any more. None of us stayed long. I mean, the atmosphere wasn't -- well, you know what I mean
to acknowledge
To have sexual commerce with
If you get to know someone, you find out what they are like by spending time with them. The new neighbours were getting to know each other
be able to distinguish, recognize as being different; "The child knows right from wrong"
perceive as familiar; "I know this voice!"
accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"; "We do not recognize your gods"
To be assured; to feel confident
If you know something or someone, you recognize them when you see them or hear them. Would she know you if she saw you on the street?
vi [to be informed about something] tahu 2 vi [to have met someone] mengenal (kenal)
disapproval You can use expressions such as What does she know? and What do they know? when you think that someone has no right to comment on a situation because they do not understand it. Don't listen to him, what does he know?
To have knowledge; to have a clear and certain perception; to possess wisdom, instruction, or information; often with of
To be certain or sure about
If someone or something is known as a particular name, they are called by that name. The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease He was born as John Birks Gillespie, but everyone knew him as Dizzy He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname. British Nuclear Fuels, otherwise known as BNFL
be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; "She doesn't know this composer"; "Do you know my sister?"; "We know this movie"; "I know him under a different name"; "This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily"
emphasis People sometimes use expressions such as I'm blessed if I know or damned if I know to emphasize the fact that they do not know something. `What was that all about?' --- `Darned if I know.'
If you know about a subject, you have studied it or taken an interest in it, and understand part or all of it. Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate She didn't know anything about music but she liked to sing
To recall or locate specific bits of information
You say `I know' to show that you accept that something is true, but think that it is not very important or relevant. `There are trains straight from Cambridge.' --- `I know, but it's no quicker.'
vagueness You say `You never know' or `One never knows' to indicate that it is not definite or certain what will happen in the future, and to suggest that there is some hope that things will turn out well. You never know, I might get lucky
know how to do or perform something; "She knows how to knit"; "Does your husband know how to cook?"
know the nature or character of; "we all knew her as a big show-off
To be convinced of the truth of; to be fully assured of; as, to know things from information
If you are in the know about something, especially something that is not known about or understood by many people, you have information about it. It was gratifying to be in the know about important people
G1097 ginosko, ghin-oce'-ko; a prol form of a prim verb; to "know" (absol ), in a great variety of applications and with many impl (as follow, with others not thus clearly expressed): --allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) known (-ledge), perceive, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand
If you talk about a thing or system as we know it, you are referring to the form in which it exists now and which is familiar to most people. He planned to end the welfare system as we know it
To experience
conocer; saber; I know , Lo se ; I don't know , No (lo) se
know the nature or character of; "we all knew her as a big show-off"
To have knowledge of; to have memorised information, data, or facts about
If you know a language, you have learned it and can understand it. It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics
You can say that someone knows that something is happening when they become aware of it. Then I saw a gun under the hall table so I knew that something was wrong The first I knew about it was when I woke up in the ambulance
to know best: see best to know better: see better to know no bounds: see bound to know something for a fact: see fact as far as I know: see far not to know the first thing about something: see first to know full well: see full to let someone know: see let not to know the meaning of the word: see meaning to know your own mind: see mind to know the ropes: see rope. in the know having more information about something than most people
You use you know when you are trying to explain more clearly what you mean, by referring to something that the person you are talking to knows about. Wear the white dress, you know, the one with all the black embroidery
to have control of the facts, details and terms; the elements of understanding; the lower levels of Bloom's taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension)
recognize, be familiar with, understand, as in: A good designer for a business Web site must know marketing as well as Hypertext Markup Language
People use expressions such as goodness knows, Heaven knows, and God knows when they do not know something and want to suggest that nobody could possibly know it. `Who's he?' --- `God knows.'
have fixed in the mind; "I know Latin"; "This student knows her irregular verbs"; "Do you know the poem well enough to recite it?"
To know

You are old enough to know better. - You're old enough to know better.

That's what I want to know. - That is what I want to know.

be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; "I know that I left the key on the table"; "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun"
If you know something such as a place, a work of art, or an idea, you have visited it, seen it, read it, or heard about it, and so you are familiar with it. No matter how well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost
If you know someone or something as a person or thing that has particular qualities, you consider that they have those qualities. Lots of people know her as a very kind woman see also knowing, known
have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
You use `I know' to express sympathy and understanding towards someone. I know what you're going through
If you know how to do something, you have the necessary skills and knowledge to do it. The health authorities now know how to deal with the disease We know what to do to make it work
To be aware of (a persons) intentions
To be acquainted with; to be no stranger to; to be more or less familiar with the person, character, etc
emphasis You can say `You don't know' in order to emphasize how strongly you feel about the remark you are going to make. You don't know how good it is to speak to somebody from home
disapproval You use I don't know in expressions which indicate criticism of someone's behaviour. For example, if you say that you do not know how someone can do something, you mean that you cannot understand or accept them doing it. I don't know how he could do this to his own daughter
made known
announced, publicized
making known
publicizing, advertising
the known heirs
people who are clearly eligible to receive inheritance as expressed in a will
well known
renowned, famous
widely or fully known; "a well-known politician"; "well-known facts"; "a politician who is well known"; "these facts are well known
A well-known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar. If someone is well-known for a particular activity, a lot of people know about them because of their involvement with that activity. He surrounds himself with attractive, intelligent, or well-known people Hubbard was well known for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation
A well-known fact is a fact that is known by people in general. It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet. known by a lot of people it is well-known (that)
well-known author
famous author, famous writer
who could have known that
no one could have known, it was impossible to know
Türkçe - İngilizce