
listen to the pronunciation of now
Englisch - Türkisch

O şimdi bir mektup yazıyor. - She is writing a letter now.

Şimdi havaalanındayım. - I'm at the airport now.

şu aralar
bu aralar

Tom'un bu aralar ne yaptığını bilmiyorum. - I don't know what Tom does nowadays.

Bebek diş çıkarıyor bu aralar. - The baby is growing teeth now.

-dığı için
şu tapta
şu anda

Şu anda istediğim para değil, fakat zamandır. - What I want now is not money, but time.

Tom'un şu anda Boston'da olmadığını duyuyorum. - I hear that Tom isn't in Boston now.

şu an

Asama yanardağı şu an hareketsiz. - Mt. Asama is now dormant.

Şu anda istediğim para değil, fakat zamandır. - What I want now is not money, but time.

şimdiki zaman

İlerlemek ve faturayı hemen ödemek sanırım mantıklı olur. - I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill right now.

Onu hemen yapabilir miyim? - May I do it right now?

conj. mademki

Şimdi bile, biz halen onun gerçek katil olduğundan şüpheleniyoruz. - Even now, we still doubt that he is the real murderer.


Derhal gel ve beni gör. - Come and see me right now.

Derhal konuşmayı kes. - Stop speaking right now.

zaman zaman

Zaman zaman sınıfta uyuyakalırım. - I fall asleep in the class every now and then.

Zaman zaman okulda onunla karşılaşırım. - I meet him at school now and then.

öylenow this
now that bazen biri bazen öteki
(bağlaç) mademki, dığından
now and then ara sıra
argo günümüze uygun
bağlaç mademki
şimdiki halde
bir bu bir
now then şu halde
z. şimdi. i. şimdiki zaman

Mademki on sekiz yaşındasın, ehliyet alabilirsin. - Now that you are eighteen, you can get a driver's license.

Mademki tekrar iyisin,seyahat edebilirsin. - Now that you are well again, you can travel.

for now

Şimdilik yapabileceğimin hepsi bu. - This is all I can do for now.

O şimdilik yeterli olacaktır. - That will be enough for now.

now and again
(Konuşma Dili) sürekli olarak
now and then
ikide bir
now i see through it
now it is clear
now that
now that

O şimdi emekli, Yves memnun ve sakin bir yaşam için sabırsızlanabilir. - Now that he's retired, Yves can look forward to a contented and placid life.

Şimdi buradaysan, temizlemeye yardım edebilirsin. - Now that you are here, you can help do the cleaning.

now then!
now therefore
(Ticaret) dolayısıyla
now and again
ara sıra

Ara sıra senden haber almama izin ver, verecek misin? - Let me hear from you now and again, will you?

now and then
zaman zaman

Tom zaman zaman Mary'den haber alır. - Tom hears from Mary every now and then.

Zaman zaman okulda onunla karşılaşırım. - I meet him at school now and then.

now and then
arada sırada

Arada sırada kendinizi başkasının yerine koymak iyidir. - It's good to put yourself in someone else's place now and then.

Arada sırada seni görüyorum. - I see you every now and then.

now and then
ara sıra

Eğer zamanınız varsa, ara sıra birkaç satır yaz. - If you have time, drop me a line now and then.

O hâlâ ara sıra beni görmeye gelir. - He still comes to see me now and then.

now that

Mary gittiği için, Tom daha mutlu. - Tom is happier now that Mary has left.

Madem ki Tom ve Mary ayrıldılar, ona çıkma teklif etmek için sorun yok. - Now that Tom and Mary have broken up, it's probably OK to ask her out on a date.

now then
de bakalım
now then
now then
öyle ise
now account
Şimdi hesap
now can you move right to the beat
şimdi ritme göre hareket edebilir mısın
now dominated by
Şimdi hakim
now for
now here
Şimdi burada
now now
now t
Şimdi t
now that
Artık: "Now (that) İ've got a car, İ don't get as much exercise as İ used to.", "She's enjoying the job now that she's got more responsibility."
now to
su anda
now what
şimdi ne oldu
now you tell me
bu şimdi mi söylenir
now you tell me
şunu önceden söyleseydin ya
Now ... now ...
Bazen/Kâh ... bazen/kâh
Now we are in for it
Çattık belaya!
now and again
(deyim) ara sira ,zaman zaman
now and again
zaman zaman
now i start on you
şimdi sıra sende
now loading
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yükleniyor
now or later
şimdi veya sonra
now or never
ya şimdi ya hiç
now paginating
(Bilgisayar) şimdi sayfalandırıyor
now printing
(Bilgisayar) aşağıdaki yazdırılıyor
now printing
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yazdırılıyor
now printing
(Bilgisayar) şu anda yazdırılan
now printing page
Döküm işlemi sürüyor
now reading
Pimdi okunuyor
now that

Mademki tekrar iyisin,seyahat edebilirsin. - Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Mademki sen ondan bahsediyorsun, Tom'u bugün sınıfta gördüğümü hatırlamıyorum. - Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing Tom in class today.

now that
now then
şu halde
now verifying
(Bilgisayar) şu an doğrulanan
now writing
Pimdi yazılıyor
now writing
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yazılıyor
now you have done it
{k} (deyim) simdi yapacagini yaptin!
right now
hemen şimdi

Hemen şimdi ayrılmanı istiyorum. - I want you to leave right now.

Hemen şimdi bir suşi bara gitmeye ne dersin? - How about going to a sushi bar right now?

from now on
bundan sonra

Bundan sonra dikkatli olmalısın. - You must be careful from now on.

Tom bundan sonra daha dikkatli olacağını söylüyor. - Tom says he'll be more careful from now on.

just now

İngilizce ödevimi yapmayı henüz şimdi bitirdim. - I have just now finished doing my English homework.

just now
az önce

O, az önce ofisten ayrıldı. - He left the office just now.

Az önce yağmur yağmaya başladı. - It began raining just now.

answer now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yanıtla
apply now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi uygula
as of now
şu an itibari ile
as of now
an itibari ile
as of now
an itibariyle

Şu an itibariyle güzel güzel uyuyabileceğim. - As of now I'll be able to sleep peacefully.

back up now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yedekle
by now
şu ana kadar

Ben şu ana kadar buna alıştım. - I'm used to it by now.

Tom şu ana kadar otuzun üzerinde olmalı. - Tom must be over thirty by now.

calculate now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi hesapla
center now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi ortala
check now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi denetle
come on now
convert now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi dönüştür
disconnect now
(Bilgisayar) bağlantıyı kes
download now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi karşıdan yükle
end now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi sonlandır
even now
şu anda bile
every now and again
ara sıra
explore now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi gözat
export now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi ver
export now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi gönder
for a long time (now)
çoktan beri
for a while now
bir süreliğine
for a while now
bir süredir
for awhile now
bir süredir
for now
şu an için

Bu şu an için işe yarar. - This will do for now.

for some time now
bir süredir
here and now
(Konuşma Dili) hemen
here and now
(Konuşma Dili) derhal
here and now
(Konuşma Dili) şimdi

Burada ve şimdi odaklanmanı istiyorum. - I want you focus on the here and now.

Sana şimdi yanıt veremem. - I can't answer you here and now.

here and now
(Konuşma Dili) bu aralar
here and now
(Konuşma Dili) şu anda

Sana burada ve şu anda cevap veremem. - I can't answer you here and now.

here and now principle
(Dilbilim) yakın çevre ilkesi
if i knew then what i know now
şimdiki aklım olsaydı
ignore for now
(Bilgisayar) şimdilik yoksay
import now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi al
install now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yükle
join now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi katıl

Şimdi katıl ve tam bir yıl boyunca ödeme yapma. - Join now and pay nothing for a whole year.

just now
şu anda

Babam şu anda meşgul. - My father is busy just now.

Tom şu anda burada değil. - Tom isn't here just now.

just now
meet now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi toplantı yap
merge now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi birleştir
now and again
(Konuşma Dili) sık sık
now and again
arada sırada
now and then
arada bir

Arada bir dışarıda yeriz. - Every now and then, we eat out.

Arada bir bizi ziyaret etmeye gelir. - He comes to visit us every now and then.

now that
madem ki

Madem ki Tom ve Mary ayrıldılar, ona çıkma teklif etmek için sorun yok. - Now that Tom and Mary have broken up, it's probably OK to ask her out on a date.

Madem ki bir karar verdin, uygulamalısın. - Now that you have made your decision, you must act.

now that

Mademki tekrar iyisin,seyahat edebilirsin. - Now that you are well again, you can travel.

Mademki erkek kardeşim bir üniversite öğrencisi, o çok okumak zorunda. - Now that my brother is a university student, he has to do a lot of reading.

query now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi sorgula
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaydettirin
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kayıt olun
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaydettir
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaydet
register now
(Bilgisayar) hemen kaydol
remove now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaldır
right now

Onu derhal yapacağım. - I will do it right now.

Onu derhal kontrol edeceğiz. - We'll check on it right now.

right now
an itibarıyla
right now
bugünden tezi yok
scan now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi tara
sign up now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaydol
until now
şu ana kadar

Şu ana kadar şanslıydım. - I have been lucky until now.

Üzgünüm, şu ana kadar yorumunuzu okumadım. - Sorry, I didn't read your comment until now.

up till now
şu ana kadar
up to now
bu zamana kadar
up to now
şu ana kadar

Şu ana kadar sence kaç kitap okumuşsundur? - Up to now, how many books do you think you've read?

Gelecek sefer iş değiştireceğim. Benim şu ana kadar kazandığım deneyimi kullanmama izin verecek işe ihtiyacım var. - Next time I switch jobs, I need work that will let me make use of the experience I've gained up to now.

up to now
bu zamana dek
update now
(Bilgisayar) güncelleştir
update now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi güncelleştir
uptill now
şu zamana kadar
what are you doing now
şimdi ne yapıyorsun
what now!
you've made your bed, now lie in it
(deyim) eylemlerinin sonuçlarını kabul etmelisin
you've made your bed, now lie in it
(deyim) kendi düşen ağlamaz
by now
şimdiye dek

Çabuk ol! Şimdiye dek hazır olman gerekir. - Hurry up! You should be ready by now.

ere now
bundan önce
even now
yine de
even now
öyle olduğu halde
every now and again
every now and again
arada bir
every now and then
ara sıra

O, ara sıra annesine yazar. - He writes to his mother every now and then.

Tom ara sıra bizi ziyarete gelir. - Tom comes to visit us every now and then.

every now and then
arada bir
from now on
bundan böyle

Tom bundan böyle bunu bu şekilde yapacaktır. - Tom will do that this way from now on.

Bundan böyle zamanında gelmeye çalış. - From now on, try to arrive on time.

from now on
şimdiden sonra
just now
hemen şimdi

Evet, ama o hemen şimdi gitti. - Yes, but she left just now.

Hemen şimdi sana geliyorum. - I'm coming to you just now.

just now
şu tapta
there now
haydi şimdi
until now
şimdiye kadar

Tom her zaman Fuji Dağı'na çıkmak istemişti fakat şimdiye kadar, bunu yapmak için zaman bulamamıştı. - Tom had always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji, but until now, had not found the time to do so.

Bu gerçek şimdiye kadar bilinmiyordu. - This fact was not known until now.

up to now
şimdiye değin
Let things stand for now
Şimdilik her şey olduğu gibi kalsın. Tears stood in her eyes. Gözleri yaşla dolmuştu. The sweat stood out on his brow. Alnında boncuk boncuk terler birikmişti
We´re up against it now!
k. dili Çattık belaya!
and now
şimdi de
any day now
Önümüzdeki bir kaç gün içinde
as of now
su an itibariyle
as yo know im on my half-term holiday now
bok yiyenin amcasının oğlu
between now and then
şimdi ve sonra arasında
by now
şimdiye kadar
bye for now
bye şimdilik
for a now
için şimdi
from now on; from this time on
su andan itibaren, bu sefer itibaren
henceforth, hereafter, from now on
bundan sonra, bundan sonra, bundan
previously; before now; sooner
Daha önce, daha önce şimdi; er
right now
Hemen şimdi, hemencecik, derhal
till now
şimdiye kadar
up till now
bugüne kadar
now and again
now and then
Englisch - Englisch
National Organization for Women
At the time reached within a narration

The pudding was now ready to be served.

At the present time

Now I am six.

Used to introduce a point, a remonstration or a rebuke

Now, stop that Jimmy!.

Differently from the immediate past; differently from a more remote past or a possible future; differently from all other times

We all want what is now best for our children.

Fashionable; popular

I think this band's sound is very now.

Differently from the situation before a (stated or implied) event or change of circumstance

Now all the children have grown up and left, the house is very quiet.

Present; current

Radio 4's continuity announcer said at the end of the show: As many of you will have noticed, that edition of The Now Show wasn't very now. It was actually last week's programme. Our apologies for that..

since, because, in light of the fact

We can play football now that the rain has stopped.

Indicates a signal to begin

Now! Fire all we've got while the enemy is in reach!.

In the context of urgency

Now listen, we must do something about this.

The present time

countable, chiefly in phenomenology A particular instant in time, as perceived at that instant.

the momentary present; "Now is a good time to do it"; "it worked up to right now" used to preface a command or reproof or request; "now hear this!"; "now pay attention" at the present moment; "goods now on sale"; "the now-aging dictator"; "they are now abroad"; "he is busy at present writing a new novel"; "it could happen any time now" in the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events; "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard"; "Washington now decides to cross the Delaware"; "the ship is now listing to port" in the immediate past; "told me just now" (prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity; "Now the next problem is
{i} present time, present moment
immediately; at this moment, at this time; in these days; in the present conditions; in the moments just preceding
conj. so, inasmuch as; since
{a} at this very time
American feminist organization that promotes gender equality and women's rights
in these times; "it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished"- Nancy Mitford; "we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets"; "today almost every home has television"
Interest-bearing checking accounts
without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening; "he answered immediately"; "found an answer straightaway"; "an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith"; "Come here now!"
at the present moment; "goods now on sale"; "the now-aging dictator"; "they are now abroad"; "he is busy at present writing a new novel"; "it could happen any time now"
If you say that something will happen any day now, any moment now, or any time now, you mean that it will happen very soon. Jim expects to be sent to Europe any day now Any moment now the silence will be broken
A way of introducing a sentence, especially with a new topic
teraz [TEH-ras] Nie jutro, teraz Date of entry: 9 April 2000
You use now to indicate that a particular situation is the result of something that has recently happened. She told me not to repeat it, but now I don't suppose it matters Diplomats now expect the mission to be much less ambitious
You use now or now that to indicate that an event has occurred and as a result something else may or will happen. Now you're settled, why don't you take up some serious study? Now that she was retired she lived with her sister
You can say `Now' to introduce information which is relevant to the part of a story or account that you have reached, and which needs to be known before you can continue. My son went to Almeria in Southern Spain. Now he and his wife are people who love a quiet holiday Now, I hadn't told him these details, so he must have done some research on his own
People such as television presenters sometimes use now for when they are going to start talking about a different subject or presenting a new activity. And now for something completely different Now for a quick look at some of the other stories in the news
at this time -- "How much is the cost of soda now?" (182)
Take the same parameters as those returned by @NOW and set the system time and date
You use just now when you want to say that a particular situation exists at the time when you are speaking, although it may change in the future. I'm pretty busy just now Mr Goldsworth is not available just now
Just now means a very short time ago. You looked pretty upset just now I spoke just now of being in love
If you do something now, you do it immediately. I'm sorry, but I must go now I fear that if I don't write now I shall never have another opportunity to do so. Now is also a pronoun. Now is your chance to talk to him
the momentary present; "Now is a good time to do it"; "it worked up to right now"
You use now to give a slight emphasis to a request or command. Come on now. You know you must be hungry Come and sit down here, now Now don't talk so loud and bother him, honey
You say `Now' to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said. Now, if it was me, I'd want to do more than just change the locks
If you say `It's now or never', you mean that something must be done immediately, because if it is not done immediately there will not be another chance to do it. It's now or never, so make up your mind
You can say `Now, then' or `Now, now' when you want to give someone you know well a friendly warning not to behave in a particular way. Now then, no unpleasantness, please Now, now Roger, I'm sure you didn't mean it but that remark was in very poor taste. National Organization for Women. the National Organization for Women a large US organization started in 1966, which works for legal, economic, and social equality between women and men. Its first president was Betty Friedan, who also helped to start it
In present circumstances; things being as they are; hence, used as a connective particle, to introduce an inference or an explanation
(prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity; "Now the next problem is
adv now [OE nü]
See: Negotiable Order of Withdrawal
in the immediate past; "told me just now"
Indicates this very moment in time
used to preface a command or reproof or request; "now hear this!"; "now pay attention"
You say `Now' or `Now then' to indicate to the person or people you are with that you want their attention, or that you are about to change the subject. `Now then,' Max said, `to get back to the point.' Now, can we move on and discuss the vital business of the day, please
time now now
If you say that something happens now and then or every now and again, you mean that it happens sometimes but not very often or regularly. My father has a collection of magazines to which I return every now and then Now and again he'd join in when we were playing video games
You use now in statements which specify the length of time up to the present that something has lasted. They've been married now for 30 years They have been missing for a long time now It's some days now since I heard anything
In stories and accounts of past events, now is used to refer to the particular time that is being written or spoken about. She felt a little better now It was too late now for Blake to lock his room door By now it was completely dark outside
You can say `now, now' as a friendly way of trying to comfort someone who is upset or distressed. `I figure it's all over.' --- `Now, now. You did just fine.' = there there
$0 $100 -$100
NOW stands for Network Of Workstations
You use now to refer to the present time, often in contrast to a time in the past or the future. She's a widow now But we are now a much more fragmented society Beef now costs well over 30 roubles a pound She should know that by now. Now is also a pronoun. Now is the time when we must all live as economically as possible
A relationship that is interest-bearing and subject to check withdrawal It is similar to money market deposit account but is not available to corporations, subjects the funds to reserve requirements and has no limit on monthly transaction volume Also referred to as Super Interest Checking
At a time contemporaneous with something spoken of or contemplated; at a particular time referred to
Existing at the present time; present
At the present time; at this moment; at the time of speaking; instantly; as, I will write now
Very lately; not long ago
(prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity; "Now the next problem is "
in the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events; "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard"; "Washington now decides to cross the Delaware"; "the ship is now listing to port"
The present time or moment; the present
now and then
sometimes; occasionally; intermittently

Call your mother now and then and let her know you care.

now hear this
An instruction to cease activity and listen to the announcement that will follow
now you're cooking
A phrase, often given in response, meaning that the subject has switched to a more suitable or more efficient approach

Alice: Now you're cooking!.

now you're talking
A phrase indicating agreement with a previously stated suggestion to change a course of action

Bob: 'Now you're talking! ''.

now, now
A gentle reproach or admonition

Now, now. Don't be rude.

now, now
A reassurance

Now, now, there's nothing to worry about.

now that
since, for the time being
now account
In the United States, a Negotiable Order of Withdrawal account (NOW account) is a deposit account that pays interest, on which checks may be written
now for
Used to introduce a new subject: "And now for what we're going to do tomorrow."*
NOW account
An interest-bearing savings account against which drafts may be written
now and again
from time to time, every once in a while, sometimes
now and then
occasionally, once in a while
now and then
now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"; "they visit New York on occasion"; "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"; "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"
now is the time
the right time is now
now now
interjection of rebuke
now or never
must be done now, now is the only time, if it doesn't happen now it will never happen
arrah now
An unmeaning expletive, frequently used by the vulgar Irish
ciao for now
goodbye, see you later
for now
at the moment; until later

That's enough for now, we can continue our conversation tomorrow.

here and now
At this time and in this place
here and now
The current state of one's own life
here and now
The present situation

I cannot be grasped in the here and now. For I reside just as much with the dead as with the unborn. Somewhat closer to the heart of creation than usual. But not nearly close enough.

how now
hello, what’s that?

Hamlet: How now! a rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!.

in the here and now
In present practice rather than in theory; with the priority of palpably and actually existing
just now
In a little while. Shortly, which could mean within ten minutes or two hours or at some indeterminate time within the near future

I'll be coming just now.

just now
Very close to the present moment

I was talking to my friend on the phone just now.

not now
happening at an other moment than the current one
ta ta for now
see ya, laters, (less formal version of) au revoir or till we meet again
ta-ta for now
Alternative form of ta ta for now
take me now
Indicates the speaker has become sexually aroused, and is ready to receive sexual intercourse from the interlocutor
tata for now
Alternative form of ta ta for now
you made your bed, now sleep in it
A moralizing rejection said to someone looking for an easy out, especially of a situation they put themselves into
you've made your bed, now lie in it
You must accept the consequences of your actions
up to now
used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn't called"; "the sun isn't up yet"
now and then
{a} sometimes
as of now
FROM THIS TIME ON, from now on, henceforth, henceforward, from this day forward, in future; formal hereafter