
listen to the pronunciation of flow
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} akmak

Nehir denize doğru akmaktadır. - The river flows down to the sea.

Bir dere göle akmaktadır. - A stream flows into the lake.

{i} debi
{i} akım
{i} akış

Biraz nakit akış sorunumuz var. - We have a bit of a cash flow problem.

Vanayı çevirerek su akışını kontrol etmeye çalış. - Try to check the flow of water by turning the valve.


Bu nehir yüzmek için çok akıntılı. - This river flows too fast to swim in.

Humboldt akıntısı Güney Amerika'nın batı kıyısı boyunca kuzeye doğru akan soğuk bir okyanus akıntısıdır. - The Humboldt current is a cold ocean current that flows north along the west coast of South America.

{i} cereyan
(Tıp) Akı

Nakit akışı sorunumuz var. - We have a cash flow problem.

Vanayı çevirerek su akışını kontrol etmeye çalış. - Try to check the flow of water by turning the valve.

deveran e
{f} (saç) sarkmak
{i} adet
{f} ak
(Tıp) flov
yükselmek deniz
denizin kabarması
deveran etmek
(Denizbilim) faz

Çiçekler hakkında daha fazla öğrenmek istiyordu. - He wanted to know more about the flowers.

Çiçeklerle fazla ilgilenmem. - I don't care for flowers very much.

su basması
(Tıp) akıntı miktarı
(Argo) sözlerin akışı
akın akın gitmek
{i} akan miktar
akıp gitmek

Nehir denize doğru akmaktadır. - The river flows down to the sea.

Bir dere göle akmaktadır. - A stream flows into the lake.

(kan/vb.) dolaşmak

Bu nehir yüzmek için çok akıntılı. - This river flows too fast to swim in.

Hayatta bir şey elde etmek istiyorsanız, akıntıya karşı yüzmelisiniz. - If you want to get something in life, you should go against the flow.

(sıvı) akmak

Meyveler çiçeklerden meydana gelir. - Fruits come from flowers.

Geçmiş ve gelecek yok; her şey sonsuz bir şimdikilikte akıyor. - There is not past, no future; everything flows in an eternal present.

(Tıp) Muayyenzamanda akan su v.s.miktarı
{f} (elbise/kumaş) (belirli bir şekilde) dökülmek, düşmek, durmak, oturmak
{f} basmak
seyelan etmek
(Askeri) AKIŞ: Elektronların bir iletkenden veya elektrotlar arasındaki boşluktan geçişi
{f} akıcı olmak
{f} bastırmak
flowing akıcı
flowing bowl içki
{i} aybaşı
{f} met halinde olmak
{f} taşmak
bol bol içilmek su basmak
içki kâsesi
{f} dolaşmak
{i} kabarma
dopdolu olmak
{f} dökülmek
{f} yükselmek (deniz)
{i} met

Çiçekler o kadar narin ve güzeldir ki şiirler ve metaforlar olmadan onlar hakkında konuşamazsın. - Flowers are so fragile and so beautiful, that you can't speak about them without poetry or metaphors.

{f} süzülmek
akıntı gibi gitmek
{i} akıcılık
{i} regl
(Tıp) flow sitometre
flow area
(Otomotiv) akış alanı
flow area
(Otomotiv) akış kesit alanı
flow cell
(Tıp) akış küveti
flow cell
(Tıp) akış hücresi
flow chart
(Bilgisayar) akış çizelgesi
flow chart
(Askeri) akım şeması
flow chart
(Denizbilim) akış çizemi
flow chart
(Bilgisayar) akış grafiği
flow down
aşağı doğru akmak
flow fold
(Jeoloji) akma kıvrımı
flow gage
flow in
flow index
(Jeoloji) akma indeksi
flow index
(Çevre) akış endeksi
flow into
flow limit
akma sınırı
flow net
(Tarım) akış ağzı
flow net
akım ağı
flow net
(Çevre) akış ağı
flow out
flow over
flow rate
(Denizbilim) akıntı oranı
flow rate
(Bilgisayar) akış miktarı
flow relay
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sıvı akışlı röle
flow sheet
(Gıda) akış şeması
flow table
(İnşaat) yayılma tablası
flow test
(İnşaat) yayılma deneyi
flow test
sıkılık deneyi
flow test
akma deneyi
flow through
(Jeoloji) akım doğrultusu
flow through
(Jeoloji) akım yönü
flow through
(Çevre) devridaim
flow time
geçme süresi
flow time
(Tıp) akış zamanı
flow unit
debi birimi
flow work
akış işi
flow away
flow chart
akış şeması
flow control
akış kontrolü
flow diagram
akış diyagramı
flow diagram
akış diagramı
flow direction
akış yönü
flow from
flow in a stream
nehirde ak
flow line
akış çizgisi
flow line
akış hattı
flow meter
flow meter
flow off
flow rate
akış hızı
flow rate
akış oranı
flow camera
akış kamera
flow chart
akış dıagramı
flow control valve
(Mühendislik) Akış kontrol valfı
flow elevation
(Mühendislik) Akar kot
flow forth
akış ileri
flow meter
debimetre, akışölçer
flow of cash
Nakit akışı
flow of currency
Para akışı
flow of currency
Nakit akışı
flow of data
Veri akışı
flow of information
Bilgi akışı
flow of product
(Ekonomi) Ürün arzı
flow of transactions
işlemlerin akımı
flow out
Dışarı akıtmak, dökmek, sızdırmak, açılmak, sızmak, yayılmak
flow out
Döküp saçmak
flow problems
akış problemleri
flow process diagram
akış süreci şeması
flow rack
akış raf
flow rate
(Mühendislik) birim zamandaki akış hızı
flow sensor
üzerinden geçen akışkan hacmiyle ilgili bir işaret ( çıktı) gönderme yeteneğindeki duyarga (algılayıcı)
flow shop
akış tipi ıslık
flow stress
akış stres
flow switch
akış anahtarı
flow away
(Fiili Deyim ) kayarcasına gitmek , kaymak
flow banding structure
akma bantı yapısı
flow banding texture
akma bantı doku
flow channel
akım kanalı
flow chart
(Tekstil) sinyal akış şeması
flow chart
akış çizimi
flow chart
(Askeri) AKIŞ DİYAGRAMI: İşlemler, akış, veriler, donanım v. s nin simgelerle gösterildiği bir sorunun tanımı, analizi veya çözümünün grafik gösterimi
flow chart symbol
(Askeri) AKIŞ DİYAGRAMI SİMGESİ: Akış diyagramı üzerinde işlemler, veriler, akış veya donanımı göstermek için kullanılan simge
flow coefficient
akis verim katsayisi
flow curve
akma eğrisi
flow cycle
(Askeri) TRAFİK AKIŞ DEVRESİ: Trafik safha hareketlerinin, bir trafik noktasından geçiş süresi. Ayrıca bakınız: "flow phase"
flow cycle
(Askeri) trafik akış devresi
flow direction
(Askeri) AKIŞ YÖNÜ: Akış diyagramı üzerinde simgelerin arasını birleştiren yolu gösteren bir çizgi
flow freely
su gibi akmak
flow from
(Fiili Deyim ) -den çıkmak
flow function
akım işlevi
flow into
(Fiili Deyim ) (nehir) -e akmak , dökülmek
flow line
(Havacılık) kalıp işareti
flow line
(Tarım) akış yolu
flow line
(Havacılık) döküm çizgisi
flow meter
(Nükleer Bilimler) akış ölçer
flow of atf
(Otomotiv) atf akışı
flow of clay
kil akımı
flow of funds
(Ticaret) kaynak akışı
flow of funds statement
(Ticaret) fon akım tablosu
flow of funds statement
(Ticaret) fon kaynak kullanımı tablosu
flow of life
hayatın akışı
flow of seepage
sızıntı akımı
flow of the sentence
cümle akışı
flow of the sentence
cümlenin akışı
flow phase
(Askeri) akış safhası
flow phase
(Askeri) AKIŞ SAFHASI: Trafiğin, bir trafik noktasından, çakışmadan hareketi. Ayrıca bakınız: "flow cycle"
flow rate measurement
(Nükleer Bilimler) akış hızı ölçümü
flow regulation
(Askeri) (TRAFİK) AKIŞ DÜZENLEMESİ, TRAFİK DÜZENLEMESİ: Çeşitli yönlerden gelen trafik akışlarına zaman ve mesafe tahsisi
flow restrictor
(Nükleer Bilimler) akış kısıtlayıcısı
flow section
akım kesiti
flow structure
akma yapısı
flow system
seri üretim
flood flow
(Çevre) sel akıntısı
flood flow
feyezan akımı
fluid flow
akışkan akımı
fluid flow
Sıvı akışı
fluid flow tube
akış borusu
cash flow
para akışı
circular flow
devri akım
angle of flow
akış açısı
cross flow
çapraz akım
flow from
flow meter
debi ölçer
flow off
flow rate
debi oranı
sheet flow
(Askeri) tabaka akımı
sheet flow
(Askeri) sığ akış
smooth laminar flow
(Askeri) düz laminer akım
subsequent flow
(Çevre) müteakip akış
traffic flow
trafik akımı
turbulent flow
türbülanslı akım
{f} ak
Flow rate
flow in
flow into
içine akmak
akıp gider
{s} dalgalı
{s} akan

Ürdün Nehri Ölü Deniz'e akan tek nehirdir. - The Jordan River is the only river flowing into the Dead Sea.

Akan su durgunlaşmaz. - Flowing water does not stagnate.

{s} kullanışlı (gemi)
{s} dökümlü
akıcı bir şekilde
Englisch - Englisch
The amount of a fluid that moves or the rate of fluid movement

Turn on the valve and make sure you have sufficient flow.

To move or match smoothly, gracefully, or continuously

The writing is grammatically correct, but it just doesn't flow.

The movement of a fluid
The rising movement of the tide
the state of being at one with
Smoothness or continuity

The room was small, but it had good symmetry and flow.

To move as a fluid from one position to another
{i} act of flowing; movement of a liquid; something which flows; steady progression (of things, events, etc.); outpouring, outflow; rate of flowing; flood, overflowing; menstruation; (Slang) act of performing rap music
{v} to pour in as water, run, overflow, melt
{n} a rise of water, run, plenty, sudden plenty
The ability of a liquid paint film to spread out evenly after application to produce a surface free from application irregularities such as orange peel
cause to flow; "The artist flowed the washes on the paper"
the amount of fluid that flows in a given time
Resistance of movement by a liquid material, divided into four categories; Newtonian (simple) flow, plastic flow, pseudoplastic (thixotropic) flow and dilatant flow
be abundantly present; "The champagne flowed at the wedding"
a progress of energy between two points; an impulse or direction of energy particles or thought or masses between terminals; the progress of particles or impulses or waves from Point A to Point B The four flows used in processing are flow one, something happened to self; flow two, doing something to another; flow three, others doing things to others; flow zero, self doing something to self
Lots has been written on the concept of flow and "flow states" In their 1987 book "Peopleware, Productive Projects and Teams", Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister defined flow as "a condition of deep, nearly meditative involvement" Anyone who's worked on a task only to find that unknowing hours have passed has experienced it The important points are that, firstly, it's a much more productive state and secondly, it's enjoyable Many expert opinions to the contrary, satisfying both of those points leads to very successful software indeed
The tidal setting in of the water from the ocean to the shore
See Ebb and flow, under Ebb
To cover with water or other liquid; to overflow; to inundate; to flood
of Fly, v
any uninterrupted stream or discharge
Volume of water that passes a given point within a given period of time
To discharge blood in excess from the uterus
the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases) any uninterrupted stream or discharge the amount of fluid that flows in a given time cover or swamp with water move or progress freely as if in a stream; "The crowd flowed out of the stadium"
A MASS MOVEMENT involving rapid flowage of wet soil, rock, and displaced vegetation as a viscous mass down a slope or a channel; including mudflow, debris flow, and earthflow
move or progress freely as if in a stream; "The crowd flowed out of the stadium"
something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously; "a stream of people emptied from the terminal"; "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
To hang loose and waving; as, a flowing mantle; flowing locks
The ability of a coating to even out upon application, so that brush and roller marks are not visible
If you go with the flow, you let things happen or let other people tell you what to do, rather than trying to control what happens yourself. There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow. cash flow deformation and flow flow meter gene flow laminar flow mass flow Scapa Flow turbulent flow
A relatively rapid mass-movement process that involves a mixture of rock, soil, vegetation, and water moving downslope as a viscous fluid Within a flow (such as a mudflow), each particle, regardless of its size, moves independently
(each time step): Flow rate in cubic feet per second A negative value indicates that the flow is moving from downstream to upstream at a node
To have or be in abundance; to abound; to full, so as to run or flow over; to be copious
the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause; "the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation"; "a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped"--Hippocrates; "the semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females"--Aristotle
A stream of water or other fluid; a current; as, a flow of water; a flow of blood
» A mapping f : E -> A, where A is an abelian group, esp the integers or the integers modulo M [For the differences among gains, voltages, and flows see ``gain graph'' ]
the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression
dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; "two streams of development run through American history"; "stream of consciousness"; "the flow of thought"; "the current of history"
1 The motion characteristic of a fluid 2 Combination of tidal stream and current, also known in US as total current
A continuous movement of something abundant; as, a flow of words
A low-lying piece of watery land; called also flow moss and flow bog
To move with a continual change of place among the particles or parts, as a fluid; to change place or circulate, as a liquid; as, rivers flow from springs and lakes; tears flow from the eyes
the total amount of water moving in a hydropower system per unit time
The rate of water discharged from a source; expressed in volume with respect to time, e g , m3/s
the rate of water discharged from a source expressed in volume with respect to time
A series of connected processes performing a useful operation (for example, Verilog flow or Mentor flow)
undergo menstruation; "She started menstruating at the age of 11"
The volume of water passing a given point per unit of time
cover or swamp with water
the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases)
If a number of people or things flow from one place to another, they move there steadily in large groups, usually without stopping. Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man's land Flow is also a noun. She watched the frantic flow of cars and buses along the street
To glide along smoothly, without harshness or asperties; as, a flowing period; flowing numbers; to sound smoothly to the ear; to be uttered easily
(gen) The volume of a substance passing a point per unit time (e g , meters per second, gallons per hour, etc ) F - debit S - flujo
To become liquid; to melt
The volume of fluid passing through a given cross-section of a transport system (e g , a tube or a duct) per second; also called volume velocity (measured in liters per second)
If information or money flows somewhere, it moves freely between people or organizations. A lot of this information flowed through other police departments An interest rate reduction is needed to get more money flowing and create jobs. Flow is also a noun. the opportunity to control the flow of information. see also cash flow
The rate of water discharged from a source given in volume per unit time
Glacial ice flows in two ways (a) Ice behaves as a brittle solid until the pressure is equal to the weight of 50 meters (165 feet) of ice; then it becomes plastic and flow begins (b) The whole mass of ice can slip along the ground, or along shear planes in the ice
be abundantly present; "The champagne flowed at the wedding
The rate of water discharged from a source given in volume with respect to time
fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her long black hair flowed down her back"
The British equivalent of the United States total current Flow is the combination of their tidal stream and current
move along, of liquids; "Water flowed into the cave"; "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"
To proceed; to issue forth; as, wealth flows from industry and economy
Unit per time used to describe the specific volume of a substance passing through a measurable area
If you say that an activity, or the person who is performing the activity, is in full flow, you mean that the activity has started and is being carried out with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. Lunch at Harry's Bar was in full flow when Irene made a splendid entrance
If a liquid, gas, or electrical current flows somewhere, it moves there steadily and continuously. A stream flowed gently down into the valley The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels. compressor stations that keep the gas flowing. Flow is also a noun. It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower
To cover with varnish
flow cell
A part of a flow cytometer in which a stream of cells is aligned to pass one at a time through a light beam
flow chart
A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected
flow control
Laws, regulations, and economic incentives or disincentives used by waste managers to direct waste generated in a specific geographic area to a designated landfill, recycling, or waste-to-energy facility
flow control
A practice of holding aircraft on the ground in anticipation of congestion at destination airspace and airports
flow control
A process of managing the rate of data transmission between two nodes to prevent a fast sender from outrunning a slow receiver
flow cytometer
A cytometer used in flow cytometry
flow cytometry
A technique used to sort and classify cells by using fluorescent markers on their surface
flow diagram
flow chart
flow field
The distribution of the density and velocity of a fluid over space and time
flow of attention
A research technique that deconstructs the cognitive processes of the audience’s selective perception filter
flow of attention
Research results that plot the audience’s level of attention, moment-by-moment, through a commercial

The Flow of Attention results showed us where we were losing the audience so we edited those few spots and had a better commercial.

flow of emotion
A research technique that deconstructs the dramatic structure of a commercial in terms of emotional response to the advertisement rather than the rational response to the messaging
flow of emotion
Research results that plot the audience’s level and type of emotional response, moment-by-moment, through a commercial

It was easy to see in the flow of emotion results that people had strong negative emotions toward the voice-over, so we had the announcer read the copy less sarcastically and people loved the ad.

flow variable
A variable whose value depends on a period of time rather than an instant, example being the gross domestic product
flow variables
plural form of flow variable
flow control valve
A flow control valve regulates the flow or pressure of a fluid. Control valves normally respond to signals generated by independent devices such as flow meters or temperature gauges
flow stress
Flow stress is defined as a specific value of the shear stress indicating the strength of a certain material. The flow stress value indicates the stress required to cause plastic deformation in a solid
flow away
flow off or away gradually; "The water flowed off from the pipe"
flow away
flow off or away gradually; "The water flowed off from the pipe
flow chart
A grahicly chart of analgorithm
flow chart
A concept map that shows a step-by-step procedure in which boxes represent actions and arrows connect boxes to show the flow of the action (Lesson 5 6)
flow chart
A diagram showing the control paths through a program segment
flow chart
These charts are used to visually represent a task or procedure, traditionally used by programmers to visualize the flow within their programs Steps of a process are represented in boxes and flow is represented by arrows connecting the boxes Flow charts are used to describe business methods, electrical and plumbing circuits, and software functionality
flow chart
a way of planning how to carry out a task by drawing a sequence of boxes joined by arrows Each box contains a short statement about one stage
flow chart
A graphical representation for the definition, analysis, or solution of a problem, in which symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow, equipment, etc
flow chart
a graphic representation of process flows
flow chart
A diagrammatic representation of the sequence of choices and actions in an activity
flow chart
A diagrammatic description of an algorithm for a software solution or of the processing performed by an information system
flow chart
A visualization that acts as a media scheduling calendar, plotting the media elements of an ad campaign as they will be used over a specified period of time
flow chart
A graphical representation of a sequence of operations using symbols to represent the operations
flow chart
A problem solving tool that illustrates a process It can show the "as is" process or "should be" process for comparison and should make waste evident
flow chart
diagram showing the progress of work in a series of algorithmic or regular operations
flow chart
the Flow Chart is an easy to read decision diagram where actions are organized in a graphic flow Binary decisions are used to control the flow
flow chart
A flow chart or a flow diagram is a diagram which represents the sequence of actions in a particular process or activity. 'flow .diagram a drawing that uses shapes and lines to show how the different stages in a process are connected to each other
flow chart
A diagram, using symbols and depicting the sequence of events that should take place in a complex set of tasks
flow chart
A diagram that shows the steps involved in solving a problem
flow chart
A Mondrian
flow chart
A graphic representation of the fastest route to the restroom
flow chart
A graphic representation of the analysis and solution of a problem in which symbols are used to represent operations and the data flow
flow chart
a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program or an accounting system
flow chart
A symbolic representation of the processing steps performed by a software program or a graphic sequence of logic operations implemented in hardware A flow chart helps to visualize the procedure(s) necessary to design a software program or a final hardware system
flow chart
A graphic representation of the successive steps in a procedure or system, using symbols interconnected by lines
flow chart
A graphic structured representation of all the major steps in a process A picture of a process (sequence of events, steps, activities or tasks)
flow chart
A diagram or pictorial representation using symbols drawn by a programmer to show the step involved in solving a problem for a computer
flow chart
A graphic designed to illustrate spatial relationships or the sequence of events in a process
flow chart
A graphic presentation using symbols to show the step-by-step sequence of operations, activities, or procedures Used in computer system analysis, activity analysis, and in general program sequence representations Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Communications and Marketing, Operations Management and Leadership
flow control
A method of controlling the amount of data that two devices exchange In data communications, flow control prevents one modem from "flooding" the other with data If data comes in faster than it can be processed, the receiving side stores the data in a buffer When the buffer is nearly full, the receiving side signals the sending side to stop until the buffer has space again Between hardware (such as your modem and your computer), hardware flow control is used; between modems, software flow control is used
flow control
Flow Control is necessary to regulate data flow between 2 devices with dramatically different data transmission speeds (such as a dot matrix serial printer and an RS-232 interface connection) Flow Control is needed to regulate data flow, to ensure that the two devices can communicate with minimal loss of data RS-232 communication uses one of two basic approaches to enforce Flow Control
flow control
A method of controlling when information is sent One method is Xon/Xoff, where a BBS will send information until your computer sends an Xoff (CTRL-S) It will resume sending information when you send an Xon [See also Xon/Xoff, CTS/RTS]
flow control
Also called handshake The processes used to regulate the rate at which information is transferred from one device to another One device sends a signal to the other when information can be transferred
flow control
Compensates for the difference between the rate at which data reaches a device and the rate at which the device processes and transmits The two common types of flow control are RTS/CTS signaling (a hardware based method, employing an electrical signal) and XON/XOFF (a software-based method using standard ASCII control characters to pause or resume transmission) The \G command controls XON/XOFF flow control
flow control
Control of the rate that data is sent from one computer to another via telecommunications This allows a fast computer or modem to communicate with a slower one
flow control
The procedure for controlling the rate of transfer of packets between two designated points in a data network; used to prevent data loss during transmission
flow control
A device designed to limit the flow of water or regenerant to a predetermined value over a broad range of inlet water pressures
flow control
A method of compensating for the differences in the flow of incoming and outgoing data for a modem or other device If one system receives more datathan it can hold in its buffers or process at a given time, it signals the sender to pause the transmission
flow control
A router controls the progress of data through the network in a process called flow control It ensures that other routers are not being congested by a heavy traffic flow, and it will route around congestion points
flow control
  See transmit flow control
flow control
In communications, the management of transmission between two devices It is concerned with the timing of signals and enables slower-speed devices to communicate with higher-speed ones There are various techniques (implemented by both hardware and software), but all are designed to ensure that the receiving station is able to accept the next block of data before the sending station sends it See xon-xoff
flow control
This modem feature often reserves certain control characters (i e , CTRL+c, CTRL+s, etc ) that lets the communications software manage the flow of data between your computer and the remote computer These control characters are also used by many programs, such as the Emacs editor If your modem has XON/XOFF turned on, it will intercept these control characters and prevent them from being sent to the file you are trying to edit
flow control
control of data transfer between two computers
flow control
The procedures for controlling the rate of transfer of data between two points in a data network, such as between a protocol converter and a printer This avoids data loss when a recipient device's buffer is full Buffers play an essential role in overall flow control in a network
flow control
A mechanism that controls the transfer of data between sending and receiving devices It prevents the sending devices from sending packets at rates that the receiving devices can accommodate
flow control
A protocol mechanism that lets the receiving end of a data stream control the rate at which the sending end transmits data, so that the receiving end does not run out of buffer space and lose data Software flow control uses two special characters, X-ON and X-OFF to enable and disable the flow of data from transmitter to receiver, while hardware flow control uses the RS-232-C hardware pins RTS and CTS (request-to-send and clear-to-send) to produce the same result Hardware flow control is generally more reliable because the reverse channel used to send the X-ON and X-OFF might become backlogged and result in data loss on the other channel
flow control
Compensation for the difference between the rate at which data reaches a device and the rate at which the device processes and transmits
flow control
When processing capability between 2 devices are dramatically different, say dot matrix serial printer and RS-232, Flow Control is necessary to regulate data flow to ensure the communicate There are basically 2 approaches to do flow control for RS-232 communication
flow control
flow quenching mechanism used in reliable communications protocols to regulate the flow of information that lets a process receiving the flow temporarily stop the generating process until the receiving process is able to handle more information
flow control
  See transmit flow control
flow control
What is flow control, and how do I set my modem to use it?
flow control
The way in which information is controlled in a network to prevent loss of data when the receiving buffer is near its capacity
flow control
A mechanism that compensates for differences in the flow of data to and output from a modem or computer Either hardware or software can be used for this control to prevent data loss Hardware flow control using the modem makes use of a buffer to store data to be sent and data received Flow control is necessary if the Communications port is locked at a higher rate than the connection rate
flow control
The process of controlling data transmission at the sender to avoid overfilling buffers and loss of data at the receiver
flow cytometry
流式細胞儀, Analysis of biological material by detection of the light- absorbing or fluorescing properties of cells or subcellular fractions (i e , chromosomes) passing in a narrow stream through a laser beam An absorbance or fluorescence profile of the sample is produced Automated sorting devices, used to fractionate samples, sort successive droplets of the analyzed stream into different fractions depending on the fluorescence emitted by each droplet
flow cytometry
a method to measure various biological parameters of cells by first treating them with light absorbing or fluorescing compounds and then passing them through a narrow fluid stream that is interrogated with a laser beam
flow cytometry
The analysis of biological material by detection of properties of cells or subcellular fractions using a combination of fluorescence and a laser beam This makes it possible to sort cells or subcellular fractions for further analysis
flow cytometry
The measurement of cell activity on a singular basis
flow cytometry
The analysis and sorting of cells that have been reacted with fluorescent probes The sorting process is based on detection of fluorescence emitted by single cells within droplets
flow cytometry
Flow cytometry is a method used to count cells (especially blood cells), using a glass chamber of known volume
flow cytometry
(FC), is an emerging technique which holds great promise for the separation, classification and quantitation of blood cells and antibodies which affect blood cells Complex computerized instruments are used to pass a monocellular stream of cells, platelets or other microscopic particulate elements through a beam of laser light The cells are categorized first by size and then computer analyzed to sort the mixture of cellular elements into cell type by size In addition, monoclonal antibodies to specific cell surface markers are conjugated to fluorescent dyes and each cell displaying appropriate fluorescent light emission is counted Tabulation of counted data in conjunction with size analysis enables determination of relative percentages of each specific cellular subset for which monoclonal conjugates are utilized, even when the size of the cell is identical to other subset species
flow cytometry
Analysis of biological material by detection of the light-absorbing or fluorescing properties of cells or subcellular fractions (i e , chromosomes) passing in a narrow stream through a laser beam An absorbance or fluorescence profile of the sample is produced Automated sorting devices, used to fractionate samples, sort successive droplets of the analyzed stream into different fractions depending on the fluorescence emitted by each droplet
flow cytometry
A method of measuring physical and chemical attributes of cells or other biological particles by sensors, as they move by, one after the other, homogeneously suspended in fluid This rapid (about 10,000 particles per second) analytic method allows identification of important cell types, such as malignant cells, T cells and B cells This process also may utilize immunologic binding methods to further identify particular cell groups
flow cytometry
a procedure that uses a laser-powered instrument to measure the amount of DNA in cells It may be used to evaluate the risk of the recurrence of some cancers An abnormal amount of DNA may indicate a greater risk of recurrence [ Top ]
flow diagram
diagram which shows the flow (of supplies, information, etc.) in an operation
flow from
be the result of
flow meter
A device used for measuring the flow or quantity of a moving fluid
flow meter
an instrument to measure volume or mass flow of a fluid in a pipe or channel
flow meter
A measuring device that determines the gallons per minute of water flow through a pool recirculation system
flow meter
an instrument for measuring the velocity of flow of a liquid, gas, or vapor in a pipe
flow meter
This is a means of measuring the flow of water in a given parameter at a given time The flow meter is the piece of equipment used to make the measurement
flow meter
Instrument used to measure velocity or volume of fluid movement
flow meter
A device for indicating the rate of gas flow in a system
flow meter
A device that measures the quantity of product flowing through a pipeline It provides data for controlling products in a pipeline and for accounting purposes
flow meter
An instrument for monitoring, measuring, or recording the rate of flow, pressure, or discharge of a fluid, as of a gaseous fuel. Device that measures the velocity of a gas or liquid. It has applications in medicine as well as in chemical engineering, aeronautics, and meteorology. Examples include pitot tubes, venturi tubes, and rotameters (tapered graduated tubes with a float inside that is supported by the flowing fluid at a level that depends on the flow rate). Ultrasonic flow meters, in which reflecting ultrasound off a flowing liquid leads to a Doppler shift (see Doppler effect) that is calibrated to provide the flow rate of the liquid, have important industrial applications and have also been used to measure arterial blood flow
flow meter
A gauge installed in the circulation line that measures the flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm)
flow of energy
process of natural resources being used by one creature and later returned to the environment to be used by another creature (ex: water or nutrients)
flow of funds
passage of money from person to person in the course of economic activity
flow off
flow off or away gradually; "The water flowed off from the pipe"
flow order
(Ticaret) Used in a repetitive manufacturing environment as a cumulative schedule for a production line that is consumed by reported production over a period of time until the order quantity is complete
flow out
flow or spill forth
flow path
A flow connection between connectors - it does not define the direction
flow path
route by which a current travels
flow path
A flow path describes the route that is traveled by a melt front as melt fills a section of a mould
flow path
An underground route for ground-water movement, extending from a recharge (intake) zone to a discharge (output) zone such as a shallow stream
flow process
(Ticaret) A process manufacturing environment where material moves in a continuous stream instead of a discrete batch
flow rack
(Ticaret) A warehouse storage device where items are stocked at the rear and a conveyor is used to moved the items to the front for picking
flow rate
(Ticaret) Used in repetitive manufacturing environments to represent the amount of production per shift or hour
flow rate
The volume of liquid (water) flowing past a given point in a specific time period, expressed in gallons per minute
flow rate
The rate, in vehicles per hour or passenger car units per hour, at which traffic is entering an intersection
flow rate
- Speed at which water moves
flow rate
The amount of material flowing through the system per unit of time The amount may be expressed in gravimetric (weight) or volumetric terms Examples: grams/minute, ml/min, lb/hour, gallons/hour
flow rate
Flow rate is a way of describing how much material goes through or past a specific point in a fixed period of time If nozzle tip is used as reference, flow rate can be described how much melt is flowing out of the machine per second during injection
flow rate
Amount of water flowing through an opening in a fixed amount of time It is measured in gallons per minute Engineered to provide a powerful flow while meeting industry water conservation standards KOHLER faucets mean a substantial savings of water, energy and money
flow rate
Actual speed or velocity of fluid movement
flow rate
the amount of fluid that flows in a given time
flow rate
Flow rate is critical for all intensive aquaculture systems, as it determines the rate at which oxygen and other resources (for example calcium carbonate which will buffer a systems pH) are brought into the system, and also the rate at which excretory products such as faeces, carbon dioxide and ammonia are removed from the system The more that water is reused or recirculated, the more parameters that flow rate becomes critical for E g in many cases it only needs to be sufficient to supply the oxygen needs of the fish, however once oxygenation is used, and more stock are held per unit of flow, other factors such as ammonia and carbon dioxide concentration become important
flow rate
The volume of mobile phase that passes through the column per unit time
flow rate
The lpm rate oxygen is dispensed at For example, a flow rate of 3 would indicate 3 lpm
flow rate
(1) Running rate: The inverse of cycle time, for example, 360 units per shift [APIC] (2) Continuous/Liquid/Fluid/Gaseous flow in terms of Units/Second-Minute-Hour
flow rate
a volume of media being conveyed in a given time period
flow rate
The volume of water flowing past a given point during a specified time; measured in gallons per minute (gpm) or gallons per hour (gph)
flow rate
The quantity of water flowing past a design- ated point within a specified time, such as the number of gallons flowing past a point in 1 minute - abbreviated as gpm
flow rate
The quantity of water or regenerant which passes a given point in a specified unit of time, often expressed in gallons per minute
flow rate
The rate at which a fluid escapes from a unit area Such measurements are made of liquid waste, effluent, and surface water movement
flow rate
The volume of water that passes a point in a pipe or tube in a certain amount of time
flow rate
The rate, expressed in gallons-or liters-per-hour, at which a fluid escapes from a hole or fissure in a tank Such measurements are also made of liquid waste, effluent, and surface water movement
flow rate
The volume, mass, or weight of a fluid passing through any conductor per unit of time
flow rate
the quantity-per-unit time of a substance passing a point, plane, or space; for example the volume or mass of gas or liquid emerging from an orifice, pump, or turbine or moving through a point in a conduit or channel
flow rate
the volume of material passing a fixed point per unit time
flow rate
The rate, expressed in gallons- or liters-per-hour, at which a fluid escapes from a hole or fissure in a tank Such measurements are also made of liquid waste, effluent, and surface water movement
flow sheet
a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program or an accounting system
flow speed
speed at which a current travels
flow velocity
speed at which a current travels
Knudsen flow
The flow of a gas in which the mean free path of its molecules is much longer than the characteristic dimension of the tube etc that it is flowing through
cash flow
The sum of cash revenues and expenditures over a period of time
cash flow
A statement of such transactions
Alternative spelling of cash flow
Alternative spelling of cashflow
data flow
The route between origin, via nodes, to a destination taken by a packet of data
data flow
The transfer of data between the components of a computer
data flow diagram
A type of flow chart; a description of data and the manual and machine processing performed on the data as it moves and changes from one stage to the next. It also includes the locations where the data are placed in permanent storage (disk, tape, etc.)
data flow diagrams
plural form of data flow diagram
discontinuity in the flow
an abrupt drop in audience attention to the visuals of a commercial as seen in the Flow of Attention results

The ad was sent back for re-editing after a discontinuity in the flow was identified in the Flow of Attention results.

ebb and flow
A large flowing out and in
ebb and flow
To alternately ebb and flow

As true we are as flesh and blood can be: / The sea will ebb and flow, heaven show his face.

ebb and flow
The flowing out and in of the tide
Simple past tense and past participle of flow
The action of the verb to flow

the flowing of the river.

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flow
plural form of flow
free cash flow
Net income plus depreciation and amortization, less changes in working capital, less capital expenditure

Free cash flow can be very negative for profitable, fast-growing businesses and very positive for unprofitable, declining ones.

go with the flow
To act as others are acting, conforming to common behavior patterns with an attitude of calm acceptance
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von flow im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

flow sitometre
(Tıp) flow cytometry
flow sitometre
(Tıp) flow