
listen to the pronunciation of dependent
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} bağımlı

Çocuk tamamen ebeveynlerine bağımlıydı. - The boy is totally dependent on his parents.

O, hâlâ ebeveynlerine bağımlıdır. - She's still dependent on her parents.


Tom hâlâ anne ve babasına bağlıdır - Tom is still dependent on his parents.

O artık ebeveynlerine bağlı değil. - He was no longer dependent on his parents.


Tom bütünüyle ailesine muhtaç. - Tom is totally dependent on his parents.

Tom ve Mary birbirlerine muhtaç hale geldiler. - Tom and Mary became dependent on each other.

tabi olarak
{i} bağımlı kimse
asılı sarkan
başkasının yardım veya desteğine ihtiyacı olan kimse
bir kimsenin bakmakla yükümlü ol
{i} ebeveyninin bakmakla yükümlü olduğu kimse
{i} başkasına muhtaç kimse
merbut dependent variable bağlı değişken dependently bağlı olarak
{s} tabi
{s} sarkan
bağlı olmak

Başkalarına bağlı olmak sık sık gereklidir. - It is often necessary to depend upon others.

dependent child
bağımlı çocuk
dependent clause
dependent file
(Bilgisayar) bağımlı dosya
dependent personality
bağımlı kişilik
dependent personality disorder
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bağımlı kişilik bozukluğu
dependent source
(Bilgisayar) bağımlı gerilim kaynağı
dependent on
e bağlı
dependent program
bağımlı program
dependent register
bağımlı yazmaç
dependent variable
bağımlı değişken
dependent of
dependent on
-e bağlı
dependent upon change
değişime bağlı
dependent clauses
(Dilbilim) bağımlı cümlecikler
dependent files
(Bilgisayar) bağlı dosyalar
dependent forgetting
bağlı unutma
dependent on
(Fiili Deyim ) -a bağlı , bağımlı
dependent on density
(Fizik) yoğunluğa bağlı
dependent on workload
(Ticaret) yoğunluğa bağlı (iş vb)
dependent query
bağımlı sorgu
dependent species
(Denizbilim) bağımlı tür
dependent value
bağımlı değer
Department of Defense Dependent Schools
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığına Bağlı Okullar
density-dependent factor
yoğunluğa bağlı faktör
device dependent
aygita bagimli
{f} -e güvenmek
{f} güvenmek

Sana güvenmek için geldim. - I've come to depend on you.

bağımlı olmak

Anne-babasına bağımlı olmak istemiyor. - She does not want to be dependent on her parents.

Tom ailesine bağımlı olmak istemiyor. - Tom doesn't want to be dependent on his parents.

dependable güvenilir
başkasına muhtaç kimse
emniyet edilir
context dependent memory
(Bilgisayar) içeriğe bağlı bellek
context dependent memory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bağlama bağlı bellek
bel bağlamak
birine ekonomik bağımlılı
başkasının eline bakan
dependent on
tabi olmak
belli bir duruma tabi olarak
bağımlı olarak
(Bilgisayar) etkilenenler
(Askeri) aile efradı
alcohol dependent
alkol bağımlı
code dependent system
koda bağımlı sistem
computer dependent
bilgisayara bağımlı
data dependent protection
veri bağımlı koruma
(on/upon ile) güvenmek
asılı olmaq
ihtiyaç duymak
bağlı ol

O tamamen onlara bağlı olacak. - That'll depend entirely on them.

Nerede oturduğuna bağlı olarak sahneyi göremeyebilirsin. - Depending on where you sit, you might not be able to see the stage.

göre değişmek
birine ekonomik bağımlılığı olan kimse
hardware dependent
donanım bağımlı
linearly dependent
doğrusal bağımlı
linearly dependent set
doğrusal bağımlı küme
machine dependent
makineye bağımlı
Karşılıklı olarak bağımlı olan kişilerden her biri
Karşılıklı olarak bağımlı
bağımlı olur
in dependent
mutually dependent
karşılıklı bağımlı
partially dependent
kısmen bağımlı
time dependent
zamana bağlı
voltage dependent capacitor
voltaj kontrollü kondansatör
be dependent
asılı olmak
be dependent on a condition
şarta bağlı olmak
command sponsored dependent
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIKÇA MASRAFI KARŞILANAN BAKIMLA YÜKÜMLÜ ŞAHIS: Denizaşırı komutanlıklara masrafı hükümetçe karşılanmak üzere gitmeye hak kazanmış ve bakılmakla yükümlü şahıs statüsünde olduğu uygun askeri komutanca onaylanmış bakılmakla yükümlü şahıs
from ile asılmak
itimat etmek
{f} on/upon
sallantıda kalmak mualIâkta kalmak
{f} -e bağlı olmak: The number of people who will come depends on how many tickets we can sell. Geleceklerin sayısı
mütevakkıf olmak
{f} tabi olmak
on veya upon ile güvenmek
{i} bağımlı kimse
dependent upon
(Askeri) AİLE EFRADI: Geçiminden diğer bir şahsın kanunen sorumlu olduğu kimse. Silahlı kuvvetlere mensup bir şahsın kanuni aile efradı; karısı, çocukları ve ebeveyni ile erkek ve kız kardeşleridir
path dependent
(Ticaret) bağımlı opsiyonlar
Englisch - Englisch
Used in questions, negative sentences and after certain particles and prepositions
An element in phrase or clause structure that is not the head. Includes complements modifiers and determiners
: standing only after a preverbal particle
affecting the lower part of the body, such as the legs while standing up, or the back while supine
Relying upon; depending upon

At that point I was dependent on financial aid for my tuition.

One who relies on another for support

With two children and an ailing mother, she had three dependents in all ... (In British English, this meaning is spelt dependant.).

the aorist subjunctive form of a verb; or non-past, perfective form of a verb
{a} hanging down or from, loose
A person eligible for coverage under an employee benefits plan because of that person's relationship to an employee Spouses and children are often eligible for dependent coverage
Someone you support whom you can claim as an exemption To qualify, the dependent must meet all five of the following tests: 1 Relationship or member of household test 2 Citizenship test 3 Joint return test 4 Gross income test 5 Support test
another family member covered under a person's health insurance plan May be a spouse and unmarried children who meet eligibility requirements of the plan
– An individual whom you support financially This is usually a child or a relative In most cases, high school students are dependent on someone else for their support (e g , a parent or guardian)
A person who relies on someone else for support The Internal Revenue Service provides five tests to determine if you qualify as the dependent of your parent/guardian These five tests are
Also called a dependency file In the make utility, an entity on which a file to be built (the target) depends A source file is a dependent of an object module
– A student’s status indicating that parental information is needed to determine a student's eligibility for financial aid A student may be living away from home and not receiving any money from their parents and still be dependent for financial aid purposes Generally, any student under age 24 is considered dependent
An individual who depends on another for support and maintenance (G)
a person who meets the eligibility requirements of the Plan and has been enrolled by the Fund as an eligible dependent
In family law, refers to a person who is financially supported by another person, usually the parent In juvenile law, refers to a minor who is in the custody of the court because he or she has been abused, neglected, or molested or is physically dangerous to the public due to a mental or physical disorder
For an individual to be considered your dependent, they must live with you, and you must provide them with more than half their financial support Spouses do not count as dependents in the Federal Methodology
A person who relies on someone else for financial support Sound like a mooch? Not really Think about it- most "young adults" (under 21 years old) are supported by their parents Is this you? If it is, your parents can claim an exemption for you-their adorable dependent-if dependency tests are met
As defined under the tax code, an individual who is younger that age 13, requires full-time care because of physical or mental incapacity, or if the spouse of the taxpayer and is physically or mentally incapable or caring for himself or herself
Hanging down; as, a dependent bough or leaf
One who depends; one who is sustained by another, or who relies on another for support of favor; a hanger-on; a retainer; as, a numerous train of dependents
{s} relying on, needing (the help or support of another); conditional, contingent
To be dependent on something or someone means to need them in order to succeed or be able to survive. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction = reliant
Relying on, or subject to, something else for support; not able to exist, or sustain itself, or to perform anything, without the will, power, or aid of something else; not self-sustaining; contingent or conditioned; subordinate; often with on or upon; as, dependent on God; dependent upon friends
If one thing is dependent on another, the first thing will be affected or determined by the second. The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay. = contingent independent see also dependant. the American spelling of dependant
A person who is eligible to be enrolled for coverage by the subscriber as determined by the employer and agreed upon with the plan Examples would be a subscriber's spouse or child
standing only after a preverbal particle
a covered person who relies on another person for support or obtains health coverage through a spouse, parent or grandparent who is the covered person under a plan
contingent on something else
In family law, this usually means a child that is financially supported by another person In juvenile law, this means a minor that is in the custody of the court because he or she was abused, neglected, or molested or is physically dangerous to the public because of a mental or physical disorder
An individual who qualifies to be claimed as a dependent exemption on another person's income tax return
a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)
of a clause; unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence; "a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence
A person who receives more than half their financial support from another, usually a parent or legal guardian Most often a child or spouse, but occasionally includes other relatives
being under the power or sovereignty of another or others; "subject peoples"; "a dependent prince"
That which depends; corollary; consequence
You may elect certain benefit coverages such as medical, dental, life, AD&D, and long-term care insurance for your eligible dependents The definition may be different for different plans For a definition of an eligible dependent under these plans go to: http: //benefitsu stanford edu/flexible/educated_choices/eligible_dependents html
- the husband, wife, or unmarried child(ren) of an enrollee who can be covered under the Plan
addicted to a drug
addicted to a drug contingent on something else not independent; "dependent children"
addicted to a drug contingent on something else not independent; "dependent children" of a clause; unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence; "a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence
A person who is eligible for care because of his or her relationship to a subscriber
A person who relies on an employee for financial support or obtains health care coverage through a spouse, parent or grandparent who is the plan member
– A person for whom you can claim a dependent exemption There are five dependency tests that must be met to claim the exemption for a dependent Back to Top
not independent; "dependent children"
An individual who receives health insurance through a spouse, parent, or other family member
{i} one who depends on another for financial or emotional support (especially a child or minor)
means a person for whom you or your legal spouse provided, during the most recent calendar year, more that 50% of the person's support In the case of a student, amounts received as scholarships for study will not be considered in determining source of support If no one provided more than 50% of the person's support, the person will be treated as the dependent of whoever provided the most support A child will also be considered a dependent if you or your spouse are required to provide medical care to a child under a qualified medical child support order, as defined by federal law
dependent clause
A subordinate clause
dependent clauses
plural form of dependent clause
dependent variable
an outcome measured to see the effectiveness of the treatment
dependent variable
In an equation, the variable whose value depends on one or more variables in the equation

In the equation z = x2 + y, z is the dependent variable.

dependent variables
plural form of dependent variable
dependent children
For purposes of the Life and AD&D plans, your dependent children must be unmarried, under the age of 19 or 25 if a full-time student and primarily dependent upon you for support and maintenance In addition, your handicapped child is eligible for coverage past the maximum age limit Your children include your: natural children; legally adopted children; and stepchildren
dependent children
Definitions vary by carrier, but may include natural or adopted children, and any other children who permanently reside in your household Coverage may extend to age 18 or 19, later for full-time students
dependent children
Children who are considered dependents for federal income tax purposes, and who have not reached age 30 as of the first day of the semester for which the special registration fee is granted
dependent clause
a group of words having a subject and a verb that does not express a complete thought and is not able to stand alone; also called a subordinate clause Ex : Whenever I go to school
dependent clause
a clause that cannot stand on its own as a sentence, depending on another complete sentence to make it independent
dependent clause
A clause that cannot form a separate sentence; there must be an independent clause for it to modify: When he hit the ball over the fence, the boy made a home run
dependent clause
A dependent, or subordinate clause , needs a main clause to explain it
dependent clause
a clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb
dependent clause
A clause that cannot stand alone as a full sentence and functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb within a sentence. Also called subordinate clause. a clause in a sentence that gives information related to the main clause, but cannot exist alone
dependent demand
(Ticaret) Demand for components and material calculated, or dependent, on the demand from another item in the system and not due to outside demand such as a customer or interplant order for that item. The demand is derived from exploding an upper level bill of material, as opposed to generating a forecast for the dependent demand item
dependent on
determined by conditions or circumstances not yet established; "arms sales contingent on the approval of congress"
dependent on
contingent upon
dependent variable
(statistics) a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value depends in the independent variable; if f(x)=y, y is the dependent variable
dependent variable
factor whose value is influenced by other variables
dependent variable
(Ticaret) The variable, or output, generated by a model based on input from a designed equation (independent variables)
dependent worksheet
spreadsheet which contains a link to another spreadsheet
device dependent color
color which changes according to the device on which it is displayed
a person suffering from the disease of alcoholism
case dependent
Upper case and lower case letters have different meaning, they are interpreted separate
mutually dependent (especially of an unhealthy psychological relationship in which one person perpetuates another's addiction or harmful behaviour)
A person in such a relationship
To rely on for support; to be conditioned or contingent; to be connected with anything, as a cause of existence, or as a necessary condition; — followed by on or upon, formerly by of
To serve; to attend; to act as a dependent or retainer
To hang in suspense; to be pending; to be undetermined or undecided; as, a cause depending in court
To trust; to rest with confidence; to rely; to confide; to be certain; — with on or upon; as, we depend on the word or assurance of our friends; we depend on the mail at the usual hour
Common misspelling of dependent
A person who depends on another for support, particularly financial support (= dependent)
light dependent resistor
A photoresistor
linearly dependent
which has a nontrivial linear combination which is zero
Determined by the value of a variable representing time
{v} to hang, from, rely on, trust to, rest
{n} one who relies on another for support or favor
clathrin-dependent endocytosis
(Biyoloji) Receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME), also called clathrin-dependent endocytosis, is a process by which cells internalize molecules (endocytosis) by the inward budding of plasma membrane vesicles containing proteins with receptor sites specific to the molecules being internalized
One who is co-dependent or in a co-dependent relationship
Of or relating to a relationship in which one person is psychologically dependent in an unhealthy way on someone who is addicted to a drug or self-destructive behavior, such as chronic gambling
Mutually dependent
passive dependent personality
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) A character disorder marked by a behavioral pattern characterized by a lack of self-confidence, indecisiveness, and a tendency to cling to and seek support from others
be dependent on
be reliant upon
A co-dependent person is in an unsatisfactory relationship with someone who is ill or an addict, but does not want the relationship to end. Guys can be co-dependent, too. Co-dependent is also a noun. The program is geared around the problems of being a co-dependent. + co-dependency co-dependency the dangers of co-dependency
have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
To trust; to rest with confidence; to rely; to confide; to be certain; with on or upon; as, we depend on the word or assurance of our friends; we depend on the mail at the usual hour
To trust; to rest with confidence; to rely; to confide; to be certain; - with on or upon; as, we depend on the word or assurance of our friends; we depend on the mail at the usual hour
be contingent upon (something that is ellided); "That depends"
To impend
If you can depend on a person, organization, or law, you know that they will support you or help you when you need them. `You can depend on me,' Cross assured him. = rely
You use depending on when you are saying that something varies according to the circumstances mentioned. I tend to have a different answer, depending on the family. it/that depends used to say that you cannot give a definite answer to something because your answer will be affected by something else (dépendre, from pendere )
To hang down; to be sustained by being fastened or attached to something above
be contingent upon (something that is ellided); "That depends
To rely on for support; to be conditioned or contingent; to be connected with anything, as a cause of existence, or as a necessary condition; - followed by on or upon, formerly by of
If you say that one thing depends on another, you mean that the first thing will be affected or determined by the second. The cooking time needed depends on the size of the potato How much it costs depends upon how much you buy
{f} rely on, trust; be dependent upon, be supported by
To rely for support; to be conditioned or contingent; to be connected with anything, as a cause of existence, or as a necessary condition; followed by on or upon, formerly by of
You use depend in expressions such as it depends to indicate that you cannot give a clear answer to a question because the answer will be affected or determined by other factors. `But how long can you stay in the house?' --- `I don't know. It depends.' It all depends on your definition of punk, doesn't it?
If you depend on someone or something, you need them in order to be able to survive physically, financially, or emotionally. He depended on his writing for his income Choosing the right account depends on working out your likely average balance. = rely
See Dependent, Dependence, Dependency
obsolete spelling of dependent
An individual who depends financially on another person
The spouse (including de facto spouse), child, or any other person who is financially dependent (either partially or totally) on the member
A spouse, child or other person financially dependent on a fund member Death benefits are usually paid to members' dependants or their legal personal representatives
A person who is financially dependent on a member or pensioner, or was so at the time of death or retirement of the member or pensioner For Revenue purposes, a child of the member or pensioner may always be regarded as dependent until he or she reaches the age of 18 or ceases to receive full time educational or vocational training if later
Your dependants are the people you support financially, such as your children. The British Legion raises funds to help ex-service personnel and their dependants. dependent someone, especially a child, who depends on you for food, clothes, money etc
US, misspelling of dependent
contingent on something else
An individual, a spouse or child or someone who depends on another for financial support and maintenance with regard to the normal necessities of life
Person (spouse or child) other than the subscriber who is covered in the subscriber's benefit certificate
In relation to an employee means: a) the spouse of the employee; and/or b) a child or parent of the employee, or of the spouse of the employee, being a child or parent who ordinarily resides with the employee and who is wholly or substantially dependent upon the employee For the purpose of remote localities assistance (as per Attachment F) an adult dependant is a person for whom the employee is eligible to claim a dependant rebate from the Australian Tax Office A child dependant is a child less than 18 years or a full-time student less than 25 years
A person who at any time in the year is dependent on the individual for support and is
addicted to a drug
{i} one who depends on another for financial or emotional support (especially a child or minor)
a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)
The spouse, including a de facto spouse, child, or any other person who is financially dependent, either in whole or in part, on the member at the time of death
Person(s) who depends on another for financial support
People who need your financial support and whom you look after such as children
plural of dependant
In a dependent manner
Members covered through a health insurance other than the subscriber, for instance the subscriber's spouse and/or children
Someone who depends on or needs the help of another for support, including financial support Dependents include a spouse or a child A relative or loved one who is sick or disabled and depends on you for day-to-day and financial support would also be a dependent
Any child of the student who receives more than half support from the student (the child does not live with the student), including a natural or adopted child, or a child for whom the student is legal guardian Also, any person who lives with the student and receives more than half support from the student during the award year
Individuals, generally the subscriber's spouse and/or minor children, who are eligible to receive health care services under the subscriber's contract
plural of dependent
Are considered as dependents : - the children younger than 25 years the holder of which assumes the maintenance, as well as the persons who live under the same roof, benefitting from lower professional and\or replacement income and also the spouse, the cohabitant and ascendants
Usually includes a lawful spouse and unmarried children, adopted, step, foster or biological, up to a certain age
For a particular unit of a program, all those parts of the program which depend on it (e g via a with clause) and which will need recompiling as a result of any changes
An assertion's dependents are assertions which have some deduction> (inferred argument) mentioning it When an assertion is deleted, its dependents must be examined to see if they should also be removed
insulin-dependent diabetes
type I diabetes mellitus, chronic condition in which the beta cells of the pancreatic islets produce little or no insulin and those affected must regularly inject themselves with insulin to control blood sugar (Medicine)
machine dependent
program which can only run on one type of computer
noninsulin-dependent diabetes
type II diabetes mellitus, adult-onset diabetes, condition in which the pancreatic islets continue to produce insulin but in low quantities or patients' bodies have become resistant to it (Medicine)