
listen to the pronunciation of bird
İngilizce - Türkçe

Kendi görüşüme göre, Twitter kuşu dünyamızdaki en kötü kuştur. - In my opinion, Twitter bird is the most evil bird in our world.

Twitter kuşu kötüdür. - The Twitter bird is evil.

{i} kız

O sarı kızgın kuş gibi görünüyor. - He looks like the yellow angry bird.

Bu kuşa neden kızılgerdan diyorlar? - Why is this bird called a robin redbreast?


Anne kedi kuşları avlamak için dışarı çıktı. - The mother cat went out hunting birds.

yuha çekme
hindi gibi hayvanlar
kuş tutmak
bird catcher kuş tutan kimse
birdbathkuşların yıkanması için çukurbird cage kuş kafesi
birdav kop
{i} güdümlü mermi
birdcallkuş ıslığı
bedmintın oyunundaki top

Güzel giysiler kişiyi güzel gösterir. - Fine feathers make fine birds.


Birçok insan yarasaların kuş olduğuna inanıyor. - A lot of people think that bats are birds.

İnsanlar kuşları sevmiyorlar. - The people don't like the birds.

(Havacılık) uzay gemisi
(Havacılık) uydu

Yaşlı adam araba penceresini açtı ve silahıyla kuşa nişan aldı. - The old man opened the car window and aimed his gun at the bird.

Adam bir silahla üç kuşu vurdu. - The man shot three birds with a gun.

(Havacılık) roket

Twitter kuşu kötüdür. - The Twitter bird is evil.

Kendi görüşüme göre, Twitter kuşu dünyamızdaki en kötü kuştur. - In my opinion, Twitter bird is the most evil bird in our world.


Benim evcil kuşum bütün gece boyunca cıvıldadı. - My pet bird chirped all night long.

bird's nest
kuş yuvası
bird brain
(Argo) kuş beyinli
bird cherry
bird fancier
bird in the hand
çantada keklik
bird of ill omen
(deyim) meymenetsiz
bird sanctuary
kuş cenneti
bird species
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kuş türleri
bird watcher
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kuşbilimci
bird watcher
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) ornitolog
bird watching
(Turizm) kuş gözlemciliği
bird watching
kuş gözlemi
bird cage
kuş kafesi

Onun bir kuş kafesi gibi olduğunu düşündü. - He thought that it was like a bird cage.

bird call
kuş ötüşü
bird catcher
kuş tutan kimse
bird dog
av köpeği
bird family
kuş familyası
bird fancier
kuş meraklısı
bird food
kuş yemi
bird grass
kuş otu
bird of night
bird of paradise
cennet kuşu
bird of passage
göçmen kuş
bird of prey
avcı kuş
bird of prey
alıcı kuş
bird paradise
kuş cenneti
bird shot
bird strike
uçağın kuşlarla çarpışması
bird watcher
kuş gözlemi yapan kimse
bird's eye view
kuşbakışı görünüm
bird's-eye view
kuşbakışı görünüm
taş yoncası
kuş beyinli
bird bath
Kuş banyosu
bird call
kuş ıslığı
bird dog
(fiil) müşteri, yetenek vs. bulmak.o
bird dog
(isim) Kuş avlamakta kullanılan av köğeği
bird dog
(isim) Müşteri simsarı, müşteri bularak komisyon alan kişi
bird dog
(fiil) Yakın takibe almak. - Poliçe bird-dogged the suspect's movements
bird farm
kuş çiftlik
bird feed
kuş besleme
bird flu
kuş gribi

Kuş gribi ortadan kaldırıldı mı? - Is the bird flu eradicated?

bird hunter
kuş avcısı
bird of passage
1. göçmen kuş. 2. k. dili bir yerde ancak geçici bir süre için kalan kimse
bird sand
kuş kumu
bird's eye-view
Kuşbakışı görünüm
bird brained
bird cage
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünebilir madde taşıma kabı
bird calls
kuş sesleri
bird day
ağaç dikme günü
bird face
(Diş Hekimliği) ön dişlerin ve maksillanın anormal derecede öne çıkmış olduğu bir ortodontik anomali; ileri derecede angle 2. Sınıf maloklüzyon; aşırı maksiller protrüzyonun yol açtığı yüz görünümü
bird fodder
kuş yemi
bird in the hand
{k} elde olan yararlı şey, elde olan fırsat
bird in the hand
(Fiili Deyim ) çantada keklik , garanti şey
bird life
kuşlar alemi
bird life
kuş türleri
bird louse
kuş biti
bird nest
bird nesting
kuş yumurtalarını çalma
bird of paradise
bird of passage
geçici olarak kalan kimse
bird of passage
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) göçmen kuşu
bird of passage
göçebe kimse
bird of prey
yırtıcı kuş
bird sanctuary
kuş cenneti, kuşların avlanması yasak olan yer
bird screen
kuş teli
bird spider
bird watcher
kuş gözlemcisi
bird watching
kuş gözleme
bird witted
kuş beyinli
bird's egg
kuş yumurtası
bird's eye
bird's eye veneer
kuşgözü noktalı kaplama
bird's eye veneer
alaca kaplama
bird's eye view
bir konunun genel görünümü
bird's eye view
kuşbakışı görünüş
bird’s food delta
(Askeri) kuşların beslenme deltası
{s} kuşa benzeyen
corvine bird
a little bird told me
(deyim) kuşlar söyledi
early bird gets the worm
(deyim) sona kalan dona kalır
humming bird
tropic bird
a bird in a gilded cage
altın kafesteki kuş
ant bird
karınca kuşu
aquatic bird
su kuşu
black bird
boatswain bird
lostromo kuşu
butcher bird
örümcek kuşu
early bird
erken kalkan/gelen kimse
eat like a bird
kuş gibi yemek
gallows bird
asılacak herif
gallows bird
asılacak adam
give the bird
gooney bird
love bird
love bird
serçe papağanı
lyre bird
lir kuşu
migratory bird
göçmen kuş

Ebabil Apodidae ailesinin küçük bir göçmen kuşudur. - The swift is a small migratory bird of the family Apodidae.

Her yıl kış aylarında birçok göçmen kuş bu gölete gelir. - Many migratory birds come to this pond every year in winter.

night bird
gece kuşu
old bird
ihtiyar kurt
oven bird
çömlekçi kuşu
policeman bird
scrub bird
çalı kuşu
shore bird
sahil kuşu
tropic bird
tropik kuş
wading bird
balıkla beslenen uzun bacaklı bir kuş
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
(Atasözü) Bugünkü tavuk yarınki kazdan iyidir
a bird
bir kuş
a bird in the hand is worh two in the bush
(Atasözü) Eldeki bir kuş daldaki iki kuştan iyidir. / Bugünkü tavuk yarınki kazdan iyidir
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
(Atasözü) Eldeki serçe daldaki keklikten iyidir
adjutant bird
yaver kuş

Kuşlar gökyüzünde şarkı söylüyorlardı. - Birds were singing in the sky.

Bu kuşlar iyi uçmaz ama harika koşuculardır. - These birds don’t fly well but they are excellent runners.

cage bird
Kafes kuşu, kafese alınmış kuş
dolly bird
cicili bicili kız
early bird discount
erkenci indirim
fire bird
yangın kuş
game bird
Av kuşu
get the bird
kuş olsun
love bird
aşk kuş
mino bird
Mino kuş
sparrowhawk, type of predatory bird
atmaca, yırtıcı kuş türü
the early bird catches the worm
(Atasözü) Sona kalan dona kalır
the early bird catches the worm
(Atasözü) Erken kalkan yol alır
thunder bird
gök gürültüsü kuş
wading bird
kuş gölet ve göllerde
yellow feathered bird
sarı tüylü kuş
{s} kuş gibi
İngilizce - İngilizce
A girl or woman considered sexually attractive, as used by a man

Who’s that bird?.

An airplane
To observe or identify wild birds in their natural environment
A prison sentence

He’s doing bird.

A member of the class of animals Aves in the phylum Chordata, characterized by being warm-blooded, having feathers and wings usually capable of flight, and laying eggs

Ducks and sparrows are birds.

A penis

Don't Touch My Bird.

A man, fellow

Ah, he's a funny bird, said Phaedra, throwing a leg over the sill.

The vulgar hand gesture in which the middle finger is extended

Then she raised both hands above her shoulders and flipped him the bird with each one.


Anto went out with his bird last night.

1 the bearer of a message 2 canaries; idle talk like chirping and twittering that is a hindrance to oneself 3 eagle; the highest elements of power and might in action 4 freedom from material ties 5 the soul 6 spiritual knowledge 7 the heart chakra 8 aspirations, thoughts and ideals, 9 telepathy 10 the higher self
Vertebrate with feathers (e g eagle)
common name for member of the vertebrate class Aves, including any animal with feathers
n burung
informal terms for a (young) woman
The shuttlecock
Specifically, among sportsmen, a game bird
A warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate provided with wings
Hence: To seek for game or plunder; to thieve
A member of the class of animals Aves in the phylum Chordata, characterized by being warm-blooded, having feathers, wings usually capable of flight, and laying eggs
A bird is a creature with feathers and wings. Female birds lay eggs. Most birds can fly
If you refer to two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have the same interests or are very similar
An egg-laying creature with feathers and wings of various forms that has two legs
A bird in the hand is something that you already have and do not want to risk losing by trying to get something else
A girl; a maiden
If you say that a little bird told you about something, you mean that someone has told you about it, but you do not want to say who it was
watch and study birds in their natural habitat
a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
A colloquial term for a rocket, satellite, or spacecraft
A person
Any of a class of vertebrates that regulate their body temperature internally, have bodies that are covered almost entirely with feathers and have forelimbs modified as wings that enable most to fly
warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
A bird is an animal with feathers All birds have wings but not all birds can fly Ostriches, emus and penguins are birds that can't fly Parrots, pelicans and wedge-tailed eagles are birds that can fly All birds hatch from eggs All birds are warm blooded
badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
a chicken; the young of a fowl; a young eaglet; a nestling; and hence, a feathered flying animal (see 2)
Some men refer to young women as birds. This use could cause offence. see also game bird see also early bird
the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food
– a communications satellite
{i} fowl, plumed or feathered animal; fellow, guy; girl, lass (Slang); helicopter, airplane, aircraft (Military Slang)
Satellite (informal slang)
warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food watch and study birds in their natural habitat
If you say that doing something will kill two birds with one stone, you mean that it will enable you to achieve two things that you want to achieve, rather than just one. American basketball player and coach. As a forward for the Boston Celtics (1979-1992), he helped lead the team to three world championships between 1981 and 1986 and was named the National Basketball Association's most valuable player three times. Any of the warm-blooded, beaked vertebrates of the class Aves, including more than 9,600 living species. A covering of feathers distinguishes birds from all other animals. Birds have a four-chambered heart (like mammals), forelimbs modified into wings, and keen vision, and their eggs have calcium-rich eggshells. Their sense of smell is not highly developed. Birds are found almost worldwide in diverse habitats on both land and water. Dietary preferences and nest structure vary widely. Almost all species incubate their eggs. Flying birds have evolved skeletons in which part of the bone is replaced by air spaces, an adaptation for reducing weight. The crop, an enlarged part of the esophagus used for temporary food storage, enables birds to feed while in flight. Humans use wild and domesticated birds and their eggs for food, hunt wild birds for sport, and use feathers for decoration and insulation. More than 1,000 extinct species of bird have been identified from fossil remains; the earliest fossil bird known is Archaeopteryx. elephant bird bird of prey bird stone bird's foot trefoil Bird Larry Joe bird of paradise bird watching frigate bird man o' war bird secretary bird
Group of warm blooded vertebrate animals whose body is covered with feathers
n a creature that flies
{f} watch and study birds in their natural environment
{n} a feathered animal, fowl
To catch or shoot birds
Bird's Head
A large peninsula that makes up the northwest portion of the Province of West Papua, Indonesia
bird baths
plural form of bird bath
bird cherries
plural form of bird cherry
bird cherry
A cherry tree, Prunus padus native to the northern Eurasia
bird colonel
A member of the U. S. armed forces having the rank of full colonel, as distinct from a lieutenant colonel

This month at 47, Colonel Polich retires after 20 years of service; as a reservist and an engineer, bird colonel is about the highest peacetime rank he can achieve.

bird colonels
plural form of bird colonel
bird course
In an educational institution, a course which is regarded as particularly easy

In chapter three of Professors' Guide, the authors discuss the well-known strategy of students larding up their schedules with Mickey Mouse courses, which Taylor notes was unheard of in his day. I don't even remember the word ‘bird course’ being around, he says.

bird courses
plural form of bird course
bird dog
To seek out
bird dog
A tout
bird dog
A dog used in shooting to retrieve the dead birds, especially an English pointer
bird dog
To watch closely
bird dogged
Simple past tense and past participle of bird dog
bird dogging
Present participle of bird dog
bird dogs
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bird dog
bird dogs
plural form of bird dog
bird dropping spider
A spider that mimics bird droppings to avoid predators, species Celaenia excavata
bird dropping spiders
plural form of bird dropping spider
bird flu
A common term for avian influenza
bird in the bosom
A secret pledge that one makes for another
bird in the hand
Shortened form of "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
bird of one's own brain
One's own idea or conception
bird of paradise
A showy tropical flower of the genus Strelitzia, native to Madagascar
bird of paradise
Any of various passerine birds of the family Paradisaeidae native to Oceania. In many of the species the breeding plumage of the males is brightly coloured
bird of prey
A carnivorous bird that hunts for its food, especially one that preys on vertebrates
bird pepper
A tropical American plant, Capsicum baccatum
bird pepper
The very hot, red fruit of this plant. Scientific name: Capsicum baccatum
bird strike
A collision between a bird and an aircraft, especially one that causes an accident
bird strikes
plural form of bird strike
bird table
A construction with a tablelike surface placed outdoors to supply food to birds
bird tables
plural form of bird table
bird watchers
plural form of bird watcher
Having spots resembling the eyes of a bird
As if viewed from an altitude; panoramic
A fabric having a pattern of small circles or diamonds with a spot in each centre
bird's-eye view
The view from directly or high above
bird's-eye views
plural form of bird's-eye view
bird-cherry ermine
An ermine moth, Yponomeuta evonymella, whose caterpillars build nets that can cover whole bird cherry trees
bird-cherry ermines
plural form of bird-cherry ermine
Alternative spelling of bird dog
bird bath
A bird bath is an artificial puddle on a pedestal, created with a shallow basin that is filled with water for bathing and drinking and used in combination with species-appropriate shrubs and trees
bird flu
(Tıp, İlaç) A highly contagious type of influenza found in birds, avian influenza
bird's eye-view
View from above, view seen from high in the air
bird brain
stupid person, foolish person, idiot; brain of a fowl
bird brained
(USA) stupid person (Informal)
bird cage
birdhouse, cage for keeping birds
bird cage
A cage for confining birds
bird cherry
It bears small black cherries
bird cherry
any of several small-fruited cherry trees frequented or fed on by birds
bird cherry
Any of several cherry trees, especially the Eurasian Prunus padus, having clusters of white flowers and small black fruits
bird cherry
A shrub (Prunus Padus ) found in Northern and Central Europe
bird colonel
A full colonel
bird dog
a gun dog trained to locate or retrieve birds
bird dog
a dog that is trained to find and return with birds that have been shot for sport British Equivalent: gun dog
bird family
a family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
bird fancier
One who takes pleasure in rearing or collecting rare or curious birds
bird fancier
One who has for sale the various kinds of birds which are kept in cages
bird fancier
{i} person with a special interest in birds; person who enjoys raising or collecting rare birds; person who has for sale assorted types of birds kept in cages
bird fancier
a person have a strong interest in birds
bird farm
{i} (Slang used by the Marines) aircraft carrier
bird flu
{i} avian influenza, fowl plague, avian flu, acute and generally fatal viral infectious disease of chickens and other domestic and wild birds (characterized by fever, swollen head and neck, color of the comb and wattle is bluish-black, diarrhea and respiratory distress) which can infect humans and other animals (such as horses, pigs, seals and whales)
bird food
seeds for birds
bird genus
a genus of birds
bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
it's best to go with what you have for certain then to wait for something better that you might never get
bird louse
wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds
bird nest
structure in which a bird lays eggs and cares for its young; any animal's lair; brood of animals; object shaped like a bird's nest
bird of ill omen
indication of bad tidings, portent that bad things will happen
bird of paradise
A bird of paradise is a songbird which is found mainly in New Guinea. The male birds have very brightly coloured feathers
bird of paradise
perennial tropical plant that is native to Africa and bears a bright orange flower resembling a bird; bird belonging to the Paradisaeidae family that is native to New Guinea and the surrounding area (long tail feathers and brilliantly-colored plumage are typical of the male birds)
bird of paradise
The name of several very beautiful birds of the genus Paradisea and allied genera, inhabiting New Guinea and the adjacent islands
bird of paradise
The males have brilliant colors, elegant plumes, and often remarkable tail feathers
bird of paradise
any of numerous brilliantly colored plumed birds of the New Guinea area ornamental plant of tropical South Africa and South America having stalks of orange and purplish-blue flowers resembling a bird a tropical flowering shrub having bright orange or red flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana
bird of passage
nomadic bird, wandering bird; temporary tenant, temporary resident
bird of passage
wanderer: someone who leads a wandering unsettled life
bird of passage
If you refer to someone as a bird of passage, you mean that they are staying in a place for a short time before going to another place. Most of these emigrants were birds of passage who returned to Spain after a relatively short stay
bird of passage
any bird that migrates seasonally
bird of peace
dove, bird symbolizing of peace and conciliation
bird of prey
A bird of prey is a bird such as an eagle or a hawk that kills and eats other birds and animals. Any of various predatory carnivorous birds such as the eagle or hawk. birds of prey a bird that kills other birds or small animals for food. Any member of the order Falconiformes (eagles, falcons, hawks, and vultures) or Strigiformes (owls). Falconiforms are also called raptors. They are active during the day, whereas owls are nocturnal. Condors and eagles are among the largest and strongest of flying birds. All birds of prey have a hook-tipped beak and sharp curved claws called talons. (Nonpredatory vultures have less-developed talons.) Despite the similarities between owls and raptors, many authorities believe they are not closely related but developed similar features because of their similar predatory lives
bird of prey
any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and kill other animals
bird of prey
predatory bird, bird which hunts for its food (eagle, falcon, etc.)
bird pepper
plant bearing very small and very hot oblong red fruits; includes wild forms native to tropical America; thought to be ancestral to the sweet pepper and many hot peppers
bird pepper
A species of capsicum (Capsicum baccatum), whose small, conical, coral-red fruit is among the most piquant of all red peppers
bird sanctuary
building or area of land set aside for the harboring or protection of birds
bird sanctuary
aviary: a building where birds are kept
bird seed
{i} seeds for birds to feed on, bird food
bird shot
small lead shot for shotgun shells
bird stone
Abstract stone carving by the prehistoric cultures of North America. They resemble birds and are about 6 in. (15 cm) long. Many were carved from black, brown, or dark green slate and polished with sand or other abrasive materials. All feature a pair of conical holes running diagonally through the base. They may have been used as weights or handles on a short rod (known as an atlatl) used to hurl spears or arrows
bird table
A bird table is a small wooden platform on a pole which some people put in their garden in order to put food for the birds on it. a high wooden structure in a garden that you put food on for birds
bird watcher
a zoologist who studies birds
bird watcher
a person who identifies and studies birds in their natural habitats
bird's eye view
You say that you have a bird's eye view of a place when you are looking down at it from a great height, so that you can see a long way but everything looks very small
bird's eye view
view from above, view seen from high in the air
bird's eye view
a situation or topic as if viewed from an altitude or distance
bird's foot
the foot of a bird
bird's foot trefoil
European forage plant having claw-shaped pods introduced in America Old World herb related to fenugreek
bird's nest
nest where birds lay their eggs and hatch their young
bird's nest
small bowl-shaped grass home built by birds
bird's nest fern
tropical Old World or Australian epiphytic fern frequently forming tufts in tree crotches
bird's tail
rear appendage on a bird
as from an altitude or distance; "a bird's-eye survey"; "a panoramic view
bird's-eye bush
shrub with narrow-elliptic glossy evergreen leaves and yellow flowers with leathery petaloid sepals
bird's-eye maple
A form of wood, chiefly of the sugar maple, that is patterned with small rounded figures and is especially popular for making musical instruments
bird's-eye maple
maple wood having a wavy grain with eyelike markings
bird's-foot fern
cliff brake of California and Baja California having purple-brown leafstalks
bird's-foot trefoil
Often used as forage for cattle, it is occasionally a troublesome weed
bird's-foot trefoil
Perennial, spreading, herbaceous legume (Lotus corniculatus) native to Europe and Asia but introduced to other regions. The stem grows to about 2 ft (60 cm) long. Its leaves consist of three oval leaflets, broadest near the tip. The yellow flowers (sometimes tinged with red) grow in clusters of 5 to
bird's-foot violet
common violet of the eastern United States with large pale blue or purple flowers resembling pansies
bird's-nest fungus
any of various fungi of the family Nidulariaceae having a cup-shaped body containing several egg-shaped structure enclosing the spores
bird's-nest fungus
Any of various fungi having a cuplike body containing several round, egglike stuctures that enclose the spores
{i} view from above; general survey
someone who is silly or stupid birdbrained
resembling a bird, like a bird
Any of about 40 species (family Paradisaeidae) of small to medium-size forest birds that are rivaled by only a few pheasants and hummingbirds in colour and in the bizarre shape of the males' plumage. Courting males perform mating rituals for hours on a perch or in a cleared space on the forest floor. Birds-of-paradise are found in the highlands of New Guinea and on nearby islands; some species are also found in Australia. Among the most notable species are the plumebirds, which are 12-18 in. (30-46 cm) long and have central tail feathers elongated as wires or twisted ribbons. or crane flower Ornamental plant (Strelitzia reginae) of the family Strelitziaceae. All five species of the genus Strelitzia are native to southern Africa. The large, showy Strelitzia flower has two erect, pointed petals and five stamens. One main bract, shaped like a boat, is green with red borders. It holds many long-stemmed orange and bright blue flowers, each resembling the crest and beak of a crane, giving the plant its common names
A bird-watcher is a person whose hobby is watching and studying wild birds in their natural surroundings. someone who watches wild birds and tries to recognize different types
{i} birder, one who observes or studies birds in their natural environment, person who birds
{i} caring for birds, bird research, poultry research
Bird-watching is the activity of watching and studying wild birds in their natural surroundings. or birding Observation or identification of wild birds in their natural habitat. Basic equipment includes binoculars, a field guide to aid identification, and a notebook for recording time and place of sightings. The lists of bird observations compiled by members of local bird-watching societies are often useful to scientists in determining dispersal, habitat, and migration patterns of the various species. Bird-watching is primarily a 20th-century phenomenon; before 1900 most students of birds had to shoot them in order to identify them. Its popularity grew through the publication of journals and books, in particular the field guides (beginning in 1934) of Roger Tory Peterson
Big Bird
a character in the US children's television show Sesame Street,which is a large yellow bird who talks and behaves like a human child
East Bird's Head
A language family whose members are spoken on the Bird's Head peninsula in West Papua
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
It is preferable to have a small but certain advantage than a mere potential of a greater one
a little bird told me
Of information which was gathered from a source not to be overtly exposed

Let's just say I know because a little bird told me.

ate like a bird
Simple past of eat like a bird
In a birdlike manner; as, to fly birdlike
Similar to a bird
Alternative spelling of birdie
a tropical bird, Phaeton oethereus, often found far from land, whose cry resembles the whistle of a boatswain's pipe
bower bird
A type of Australasian bird noted for building a large nest decorated with bright objects such as shells and glass
bower bird
A person who collects objects for display
butcher bird
the red-backed shrike
cage bird
A bird, such as a canary or budgerigar, kept captive in a cage or aviary for domestic companionship or as a hobby
dead bird
a ball which falls over the infielders' heads for a hit as if it were a bird shot by a hunter

Jones got on board with a dead bird to start the innning.

devil bird
An avian cryptid of Sri Lanka, said to emit human-sounding shrieks that portend death; possibly the spot-bellied eagle owl or Ceylon highland nightjar
Endearing term for a small bird, often used when talking with young children
An insignificant sound or thing

We've not heard a dicky-bird about anything relating to his birthday.

dolly bird
An attractive young woman, especially one whose intellect is rather less in evidence than her good looks
Alternative spelling of dolly bird
early bird
A person who wakes early or arrives early, typically before most others
early bird catches the worm
Alternative form of early bird gets the worm
eat like a bird
To eat small amounts
eaten like a bird
Past participle of eat like a bird
eatin' like a bird
Eye dialect spelling of eating like a bird
eating like a bird
Present participle of eat like a bird
eats like a bird
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of eat like a bird
elephant bird
Any of an extinct family of flightless birds comprising the genera Aepyornis and Mullerornis
flip the bird
To make a rude or obscene gesture (at somebody); particularly, to extend the middle finger

I accidentally bumped into him, and he flipped me the bird.

free as a bird
Having no ties; completely free
full bird colonel
Alternative form of bird colonel
gallows bird
A person who deserves to be, or is likely to be hanged
game bird
A bird that is hunted for sport, especially one used for food
Attributive form of game bird

game-bird ammo.

ghetto bird
A police helicopter used in bad areas of America
go-away bird
The grey lourie. Corythaixoides concolor
gooney bird
a foolish, silly, or awkward person or thing; a goon
gooney bird
Any of several albatrosses, especially the black-footed albatross (Diomedea nigripes) and the Laysan albatross, that dwell primarily on islands in the Pacific Ocean, often near naval bases
A goldfinch

And Len Rhodes said you looked when you danced for all the world “like a lettuce-bird a-flying.”’.

liver bird
A generic bird that is shown on the corporate seal of Liverpool, and symbolizes that city
mocking bird
A member or species of a group of New World passerine birds from the Mimidae family. They are best known for the habit of some species of mimicking (i.e. mocking) the songs of other birds
mutton bird
Any of various seabirds whose flesh is said to taste like mutton when cooked, especially Puffinus griseus, Puffinus tenuirostris, or a petrel of the genus Pterodroma

The oil he sprayed on his customers was derived from the oil glands of mutton birds hunted in the islands of the Bass Strait by the descendants of nineteenth-century sailors and the Tasmanian Aboriginal women they had kidnapped.

night bird
a type of bird associated with the night
night bird
a human denizen of night

Bradley assenting, went with him into an early public-house, haunted by unsavoury smells of musty hay and stale straw, where returning carts, farmers' men, gaunt dogs, fowls of a beery breed, and certain human night-birds fluttering home to roost, were solacing themselves after their several manners; and where not one of the night-birds hovering about the sloppy bar failed to discern at a glance in the passion-wasted night-bird with respectable feathers, the worst night-bird of all.

rare bird
An unusual or exceptional person or thing; a rara avis

This makes him a rare bird, for most Democrats running for re-election are staying mum or apologising for their votes for reform.

scrub bird
An Australian passerine bird of the family Atrichornithidae, as Atrichia clamosa
secretary bird
A large bird of prey, Sagittarius serpentarius, native to Africa with very long legs, so named because of its crest of long feathers resembling quill pens stuck behind the ears of an office clerk. It preys on reptiles, especially snakes
shit bird
A person who regularly gets into trouble; a screw up
sing like a bird
to divulge secrets with little coercion
Any of several small birds including the snow bunting and snowfinch
strange bird
An unusual person, especially an individual with an idiosyncratic personality or peculiar behavioral characteristics

In this land, too, there dwelled a young man who was a fowler, but a bit of a strange bird he was, for he only captured his birds, preferring not to slaughter them.

sultana bird
A purple swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio
terror bird
A prehistoric bird, the phorusrhacid
the early bird catches the worm
the early bird gets the worm
the early bird gets the worm
Whoever arrives first has the best chance of success; some opportunities are only available to the first competitors