
listen to the pronunciation of balance
İngilizce - Türkçe
{f} dengede tutmak

Birçok çalışan anneler ev ve iş hayatlarını dengelemek için mücadele ediyor. - Many working mothers struggle to balance their home and work lives.


Ani bir fırtınadan dengesini kaybettiği için, ip cambazı ölümüne düştü. - Losing his balance from a sudden gust of wind, the tightrope walker fell to his death.

Fransız hükümeti, ulusal bütçeyi vergi mükelleflerinin dengelemesi için meydan okuyan online bir oyunu piyasaya sürdü. - The French government has launched an online game that challenges taxpayers to balance the national budget.

{i} bakiye

Ayın birine kadar bakiyeyi havale edemeyeceğim. - I won't be able to remit the balance until the first of the month.

Tom çek yazmadan önce hesap bakiyesini kontrol etti. - Tom double-checked his bank balance before writing the check.

{i} terazi

Elektronik terazideki bir arıza nedeniyle yetkililer işyerine para cezası verdi. - The authorities fined the shop because of a disorder in the electronic balance.

(Denizbilim) tartaç
kalan tutar
(Ticaret) eşitlik
eşit hale getirmek
(Ticaret) hesap bakiyesi

Tom çek yazmadan önce hesap bakiyesini kontrol etti. - Tom double-checked his bank balance before writing the check.

dengeyi sağlamak
(Havacılık) aerodinamik denge
ağırlık merkezi
(Ticaret) borç alacağı eşitlemek
(Denizbilim) tartım aracı
(Bilgisayar) dengesi

Dengesini kaybedip bisikletten düştü. - He lost his balance and fell off his bicycle.

Ani bir fırtınadan dengesini kaybettiği için, ip cambazı ölümüne düştü. - Losing his balance from a sudden gust of wind, the tightrope walker fell to his death.

(Havacılık) terazileme
dengeli olmak
{i} denklik
{i} balans
{f} dengele

Bir deniz aslanı burnunda bir topu dengeleyebilir. - This sea lion can balance a ball on its nose.

Sen giysileri yıkarken ben çek defterini dengeledim. - I balanced my checkbook while you were washing clothes.

göz önünde bulundurmak
{i} uyum

Müzik, filmin yapısıyla uyum içinde. - The music is in balance with the structure of the movie.

{f} denk gelmek
{i} bilanço
{f} tartmak
{i} ruhsal denge
ithalât ve ihracat arasındaki para kıymeti farkı balance sheet bilanço balance wheel nâzım çark credit balance alacak bakiyesi
matlup bakiyesi debit balance zimmet bakiyesi
{f} denklemek
{f} dengelenmek
{f} dalgalanmak
{i} denklem
borç bakiyesi hang in the balance muallâk
{f} inip çıkmak
{i} kalan
(Askeri) DENGE, KUVVET DENGESİ, BAKİYE: Bir silahları kontrol tedbirine uygulanan ve aşağıdaki karşılıkları veren kavram: a. Silahlı kuvvetlerin ve silahların, bir devlete, kontrol tedbirlerine muvafakatını bildirmiş diğer devletler muvacehesinde askeri bir üstünlük sağlamayacak şekilde ayarlanması, ve; b. Bir devletin kendi kuvvetlerini, silahları kontrol anlaşması başlangıç tarihinden sonraki devrede kendi güvenliğine karşı vaki olacak her türlü tehditle başa çıkabilecek tarzda iç ayarlaması
{f} denk olmak
{f} karşılaştırmak
(Tıp) a) Tartı b) Farklı element veya kısımların birbirine uyması, istikrar, balans, c) Azot bilançosu, denklem
{f} salınmak
{f} eşitlenmek
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) denge duyusu

Birçok çalışan anneler ev ve iş hayatlarını dengelemek için mücadele ediyor. - Many working mothers struggle to balance their home and work lives.

Fransız hükümeti, ulusal bütçeyi vergi mükelleflerinin dengelemesi için meydan okuyan online bir oyunu piyasaya sürdü. - The French government has launched an online game that challenges taxpayers to balance the national budget.

(Ticaret) artık
(Ticaret) hesap

Tom çek yazmadan önce hesap bakiyesini kontrol etti. - Tom double-checked his bank balance before writing the check.

Banka hesap bakiyemi öğrenmek istiyorum. - I'd like to find out my bank balance.

(Askeri) kuvvet
{s} dengeli

Doktor Tom'a daha dengeli bir diyet yemesi gerektiğini söyledi. - The doctor told Tom he needed to eat a more balanced diet.

Ailesinin dengeli bir diyet yaptığından emin. - She makes sure that her family eats a balanced diet.

{s} dengelenmiş
balance off
balance of trade
ticaret bilançosu,ticaret dengesi
balance of trade
ticaret dengesi, ithalat ve ihracat arasındaki değer farkı
balance sheet
balance left
(Bilgisayar) sol denge
balance point
(Avcılık) ağırlık merkezi
balance relay
(Bilgisayar) karşılaştırma bağlağı
balance right
(Bilgisayar) sağ denge
balance sheet
balance wheel
(Mekanik) kasnak
balance wheel
balance wheel
balance arm
terazi kolu
balance coil
denge bobini
balance crane
karşı ağırlıklı vinç
balance cylinder
dengeleme silindiri
balance of a debt
borç bakiyesi
balance of current account
cari işlemler dengesi
balance of payments
ödemeler dengesi
balance of power
askeri güç dengesi
balance of powers
kuvvetler dengesi
balance of services
hizmetler bilançosu
balance of trade
ticaret dengesi
balance pipe
denge borusu
balance piston
denge pistonu
balance rope
denge halatı
balance spring
denge yayı
balance the budget
balance the budget
bütçeyi ayarlamak
balance weight
balans ağırlığı
balance wheel
cep saati sarkacı
balance brought
forward nakli yekûn
balance confirmation
denge onay
balance of convenience
denge Kolaylık
balance of foreign trade
dış ticaret bilançosu
balance of indebtedness
borçluluk bilançosu
balance of international payments
dış ödemeler bilançosu
balance of nature
doğal denge

Extinction of species destroys the balance of nature.

balance of payment
ödemeler dengesi
balance of revenue
Gelir dengesi
balance of system
sistemin dengesi
balance of trade
dış ticaret dengesi
balance scale
Eşit kollu terazi
balance shaft
denge mili
balance sheet liquidity
bilanço likiditesi
balance sheets
balance wheel
denge çarkı
balance a tire
lastiğin balans ayarını yapmak
balance an account
hesabı kapatmak
balance area
(Politika, Siyaset) denkleştirme alanı
balance arm
balans kolu
balance at the bank
hesap bakiyesi
balance beam
balans kirişi
balance beam
{i} denge aleti
balance beam
(isim) denge aleti
balance book
(Ticaret) muvazene defterî
balance brought forward
(isim)kli yekun
balance coil
balans bobini
balance due
(fiil)desi gelmiş borç
balance due
vadesi gelmiş borç
balance item
bilanço kalemi
balance line
muvazene hattı
balance line
denge çizgisi
balance of mind
ruhsal denge
balance of nature
doğanın dengesi
balance of payments
ödemeler bilançosu,ödemeler dengesi
balance of power
güç dengesi
balance of power
(uluslararası ilişkilerde) kuvvetler dengesi
balance of the account
hesap bakiyesi
balance oneself
düşmeden durmak
balance oneself
dengede durmak
balance pipe
dengeleme borusu
balance relay
denge rolesi (baglagi)
balance shaft
denge şaftı
balance station zero
(Askeri) Bakınız. "Reference datum"
balance tab
(Havacılık) denge kanatçığı
balance tank
denge deposu
balance tank
dengeleme tankı
balance tank
denge tankı
balance the cash
kasayı tutturmak
balance weight
denge ağırlığı
balance wheel
nazım çark
balance wheel
ayar dişlisi
balance wheel
balance out
aklı başında

Tom gergin bir ip üzerinde dengesini sağlamaktadır. - Tom is balancing on a tightrope.

Tom şeyleri kafasında dengelemekle iyi. - Tom is good at balancing things on his head.


Tom şeyleri kafasında dengelemekle iyi. - Tom is good at balancing things on his head.

Terazi burcu
{f} dengele

Sen giysileri yıkarken ben çek defterini dengeledim. - I balanced my checkbook while you were washing clothes.


Tom şeyleri kafasında dengelemekle iyi. - Tom is good at balancing things on his head.

the balance

Hey, ne yapıyorsun? Ona dokunma, yoksa dengeyi bozarsın! - Hey, what are you doing? Don't touch it, or you'll break the balance!

Soldaki kişi resmin dengesini bozuyor. - The person on the left ruins the balance of the picture.

i., astrol. Terazi burcu
{i} terazi takımyıldzı [(Astronomi) ]
{i} Terazi burcu [(Astronomi) ]
be well balanced denk gelmek
{f} dengele: adj.dengeli
{f} dengele: adj.dengelenmiş
{s} denk
muvazeneli olmak
(İnşaat) dengeleyici
dengeleme sistemi
İngilizce - İngilizce
to be in equilibrium
A weight placed on a scale to provide equilibrium; something of equal importance or value

Blair thought he could provide a useful balance to Bush's policies.

to hold (an object or objects) precariously
Equilibrium; a state in which opposing forces cancel each other out
A device used to regulate the speed of a watch, clock etc
Mental equilibrium; calmness, a state of remaining clear-headed and unperturbed
Support for both viewpoints, substances etc or neither; neutrality
Apparent harmony in arts, design etc. between differing colours, sounds, etc
A list accounting for the debits on one side, and for the credits on the other
The overall result of conflicting forces, opinions etc.; the influence which ultimately "weighs" more than others

I think the balance of opinion is that we should get out while we're ahead.

The result of such a procedure; the difference between credit and debit of an account

I just need to nip to a bank and check my balance.

to make the credits and debits of (an account) correspond
A pair of scales
to make (concepts) agree
to have matching credits and debits
to make (items) weigh up
{n} a pair of scales, part of a watch, constellation, difference of accounts, power
{v} to make equal, settle, hesitate
If you balance your books or make them balance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent. teaching them to balance the books To make the books balance, spending must fall and taxes must rise
The total amount of money owed It includes any unpaid balance from the previous month, new purchases, cash advances, and any charges such as an annual fee, late fee or interest The balance should not be confused with the monthly payment (the minimum payment allowed each month), which is generally 2% - 5% for revolving credit cards
Principle of design that deals with arranging the visual elements in a work of art for harmony of design and proportion
harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design); "in all perfectly beautiful objects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance"- John Ruskin
If you keep your balance, for example when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over
See Balance, v
A balance wheel, as of a watch, or clock
An indication of signal voltage equality and phase polarity on a conductor pair Perfect balance occurs when the signals across a twisted-pair are equal in magnitude and opposite in phase with respect to ground
To fluctuate between motives which appear of equal force; to waver; to hesitate
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun in in Libra
The state of being in equipoise; equilibrium; even adjustment; steadiness
Act of weighing mentally; comparison; estimate
A term used in S-box and Boolean function analysis As described by Lloyd: "A function is balanced if, when all input vectors are equally likely, then all output vectors are equally likely " Lloyd, S 1990 Properties of binary functions Advances in Cryptology -- EUROCRYPT '90 124-139 There is some desire to generalize this definition to describe multiple-input functions (Is a function "balanced" if, for one value on the first input, all output values can be produced, but for another value on the first input, only some output values are possible?) Presumably a two-input balanced function would be balanced for either input fixed at any value, which would essentially be a Latin square or a Latin square combiner
To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass; as, to balance the boom mainsail
The seventh sign in the Zodiac, called Libra, which the sun enters at the equinox in September
The amount of money in an account A positive balance means there is cash in the account A negative balance means the amount of a loan (margin) has been subtracted from the account In the Stock Market Game, each team begins with a $100,000 balance All purchases, broker's fees, losses on short sales and interest charges are deducted from the balance <top>
biological system that enables individuals to know where their bodies are in the environment and to maintain a desired position; normal balance depends on information from the labyrinth in the inner ear, and from other senses such as sight and touch, as well as from muscle movement
1 Equal on each side The same number of each kind of symbol Also see bit balance 2 A term used in S-box and Boolean function analysis As described by Lloyd: "A function is balanced if, when all input vectors are equally likely, then all output vectors are equally likely " -- Lloyd, S 1990 Properties of binary functions Advances in Cryptology -- EUROCRYPT '90 124-139 There is some desire to generalize this definition to describe multiple-input functions (Is a dyadic function "balanced" if, for one value on the first input, all output values can be produced, but for another value on the first input, only some output values are possible?) Presumably a two-input balanced function would be balanced for either input fixed at any value, which would essentially be a Latin square or a Latin square combiner
bring into balance or equilibrium; "She has to balance work and her domestic duties"; "balance the two weights"
Term used to describe the harmony of a drink's components of aroma, flavor and texture
biological system that enables individuals to know where their bodies are in the environment and to maintain a desired position Normal balance depends on information from the labyrinth in the inner ear, from other senses such as sight and touch, and from muscle movement
If you are off balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall. A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud
To move toward a person or couple, and then back
To make the sums of the debits and credits of an account equal; said of an item; as, this payment, or credit, balances the account
A balance is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values the ecological balance of the forest
compute credits and debits of an account
(mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact correspondence of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
You can say on balance to indicate that you are stating an opinion after considering all the relevant facts or arguments. On balance he agreed with Christine. Instrument for comparing the weights of two bodies, usually for scientific purposes, to determine the difference in mass. The equal-arm balance dates back to the ancient Egyptians, possibly as early as 5000 BC. By the early 20th century, it had been developed into an exquisitely precise measuring device. Electronic balances today depend on electrical compensation rather than mechanical deflection. The ultramicrobalance is any weighing device that serves to determine the weight of even smaller samples than can be weighed with the microbalance (which can weigh samples as small as a few milligrams), that is, total amounts as small as a few micrograms. balance of payments balance of power balance of trade balance sheet spring balance torsion balance checks and balances
To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally; as, to balance partners
A jig/slide/polka movement, often confused with the 'Advance and retire'* It too is danced in open waltz hold* but dancing 3s instead of the advance and retire step (4 bars) It is normally repeated or followed by another 4 bar movement e g 'Dance at home'* turning once
1 The equilibrium attained by an aircraft, rocket, or the like when forces and moments are acting upon it so as to produce steady flight, especially without rotation about its axes; also used with reference to equilibrium about any specified axis, as, an airplane in balance about its longitudinal axis
the seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22
Harmony among the wine's components -- fruit, acidity, tannins, alcohol; a well-balanced wine possesses the various elements in proper proportion to one another
If something hangs in the balance, it is uncertain whether it will happen or continue. The fate of a project which could revolutionise the use of computers in hospitals hangs in the balance
{i} leveling; equal distribution of weight; stability; statement; scales; rest, remainder
a scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity equality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account equality of distribution a state of equilibrium compute credits and debits of an account bring into balance or equilibrium; "She has to balance work and her domestic duties"; "balance the two weights"
Used to offset the weight of a sash in a double hung or single hung window Permits the sash to stay at the height to which it is opened There are various types used including spiral, block and tackle, constant force also known as true force
an equivalent counterbalancing weight
To equal in number, weight, force, or proportion; to counterpoise, counterbalance, counteract, or neutralize
An apparatus for weighing
A term used to describe the aesthetic or harmony of elements, whether they are photos, art or copy, within a layout or design
The sum of the temporary budget plus actuals, encumbrances, and pre-encumbrances for the period covered in the report
equality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
See Balance wheel (in the Vocabulary)
If you are thrown off balance by something, you are surprised or confused by it. She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn't thrown her off balance
The balance in your bank account is the amount of money you have in it. I'd like to check the balance in my account please
If you balance one thing against another, you consider its importance in relation to the other one. She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom
If you say that the balance tips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest. a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour
be in equilibrium; "He was balancing on one foot
A term used to describe the aesthetic or harmony of elements, whether they are photos, art or copy, within a layout or design The relationship between the design elements so the opposing forces have equal distribution of weight in the layout
To have equal weight on each side; to be in equipoise; as, the scales balance
balance beam
A narrow wooden rail used in gymnastics
balance beam
The horizontal member of any balance (scale,) usually carrying pans at each end, supported at its center by a fulcrum
balance beams
plural form of balance beam
balance board
A device used for recreation, athletic training, etc. consisting of a seesaw-like lever or circular board on which the user attempts to balance
balance boards
plural form of balance board
balance of payments
The systematic record of such transactions
balance of payments
A measure of all flows of money into and out of a country including payments for goods and services and capital flows
balance of probabilities
A legal standard, applied in many jurisdictions for deciding the outcome of civil disputes, which requires that a dispute be decided in favor of the party whose claims are more likely to be true
balance of trade
The difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time
balance out
To counteract one another so as to be balanced

If you add consider all the negative and all the positive factors, it should balance out to something acceptable.

balance sheet
: A summary of a person's or organization's assets, liabilities and equity as of a specific date
balance sheets
plural form of balance sheet
balance the books
To put or keep any closed or conservative system or its analysis in balance
balance the books
To add up all the debits and credits
balance transfer
A transferal of the current amount owing on one credit card to another one (ideally one charging a lower rate of interest)
Attributive form of balance beam, noun

That gymnast is a balance-beam expert.

balance out
If two or more opposite things balance out or if you balance them out, they become equal in amount, value, or effect. Outgoings and revenues balanced out The strenuous exercise undergone could balance out the increased calories
balance off
Add up and enter the totals for both sides of an account at the end of an accounting period in order to determine the balance
balance against
(deyim) Consider one thing in reference to another; to weigh one possibility against another possibility
balance something against something
(deyim) Consider one thing in reference to another; to weigh one possibility against another possibility
balance sheet
Financial statement that lists a company's assets and liabilities as of a specified date The balance sheet presents a company's financial condition by listing what it owns - assets such as cash, inventory, factories, equipment and accounts receivable - and what it owes - liabilities such as short-term and long-term debt and accounts payable The difference between assets and liabilities is known as shareholder's equity or book value BACK TO TOP
balance sheet
A basic financial statement that measures the positions of a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity as of a given date and usually compares those positions to the status on the same date in the previous fiscal year
balance sheet
A financial statement that reveals the composition (both type and volumes) of a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a point in time
balance sheet
A financial statement showing a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity on a given date It shows what the company owns and what debts it owes
balance sheet
balance sheet A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date
balance sheet
Also called the statement of financial condition, it is a summary of a company's assets, liabilities, and owners' equity
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date This is generally needed to underwrite people who are self-employed
balance sheet
A financial document that shows an organization's financial condition (assets, liabilities and net worth) on a particular day
balance sheet
A financial statement showing the assets, liabilities, and net worth of a business as of a specific date
balance sheet
a record of the financial situation of an institution on a particular date by listing its assets and the claims against those assets
balance sheet
Financial statement showing assets and liabilities at a specific time
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows the assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity (or capital for a proprietorship or partnership) at a given date
balance sheet
A condensed financial statement showing the nature and amount of a company's assets, liabilities and capital on a given date In dollar amounts, the balance sheet shows what the company owned, what it owed and the ownership interest in the company of its stockholders
balance sheet
A quantitative summary of a company's financial condition at a specific point in time, including assets, liabilities and net worth also called statement of condition
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date Professional opinion or estimate of the market value of a property
balance sheet
An accounting statement showing the financial condition of a company at a point in time; present assets, liabilities and net worth Basic equations: assets = liabilities + net worth
balance sheet
The balance sheet is one of four financial statements found in an annual report The balance sheet shows what the company owns (assets), what it owes (liabilities) and what its ownership position is (shareholder's equity) The balance sheet shows the status of the company on one specific day For Meredith, it's the last day of our fiscal year, June 30
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities and net worth as of a specific date
balance sheet
An itemized financial statement that lists a company's total assets, liabilities, and capital at a given moment of time Generally, amounts shown on a balance sheet are the historic cost of items and not their current values
balance sheet
Financial statement presenting measures of the assets, liabilities and owner's equity or net worth of business firm or nonprofit organization as of a specific moment in time
balance sheet
Financial statement that lists a company's assets and liabilities as of a specified date
balance sheet
A document showing the financial situation - assets, liabilities, and net worth - of a company at a specific point in time
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date
balance sheet
(statement of financial position): The financial statement that shows the assets, liabilities, and owners' equity of an entity at a particular date
balance beam
a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnasts
balance beam
{i} gymnastic wooden bar on legs on which women gymnasts stand and perform balancing exercises; event involving balance beam exercises
balance beam
a long narrow wooden board on which a gymnast performs
balance confirmation
bank account balance verification
balance due
amount owed, amount due to be paid
balance error
error in computing the balance on an account sheet
balance of achievements
level of accomplishments
balance of arms
parity of weapons, evenness of forces
balance of convenience
comparison between the conveniences of both aspects
balance of forces
parity of weapons, evenness of military strength
balance of payments
A record of all the financial transactions between a country and the rest of the world during a given year [FACS] An accounting statement of the money value of international transactions between one nation and the rest of the world over a specific time period The statement shows the sum of transactions of individuals, businesses and government agencies located in one nation, against those of all other nations [FRBM][FRBSF] (see also balance of trade)
balance of payments
the difference between what a country pays for its imports and receives for its exports
balance of payments
A statement of a country's trade and financial transactions with the rest of the world over a period of time
balance of payments
systematically summarizes, for a specific period, the economic transactions of an economy's residents with the rest of the world
balance of payments
the total of all international transactions undertaken by a country during a given time Sales to foreigners are recorded as credits while purchases of goods, services or assets are recorded as debits The BOP statement includes summaries of both the current account and the capital account
balance of payments
a record of all the economic transactions between one nation and the rest of the world for one year
balance of payments
A set of accounts for a given period, usually a year, which summarises the financial transactions of the institutions and residents of one country with the institutions and residents of the rest of the world The set of accounts consists of a current account, which shows expenditure the country made during the period on the purchase of goods and services from abroad, and the revenue derived from the sale of goods and services to the rest of the world; and a capital account, which shows the flows of private and public investment and of other transfers Bilateral loans and government contributions to multilateral lending agencies are part of the capital account Bilateral grants, all technical co-operation and other multilateral flows are part of the current account
balance of payments
A country's financial ledger showing all receipts from other countries and all payments to other countries
balance of payments
A record of a nation's claims of transactions with the rest of the world over a particular time period These inlcude merchandise, services and capital flows
balance of payments
A summary statement of all the international transactions of the residents of the nation with the rest of the world during a particular period of time
balance of payments
statistical statement that systematically summarizes, for a specific period, the economic transactions of a country with the rest of the world Transactions, for the most part between residents and non-residents, consist of those involving goods, services and income; those involving financial claims on and liabilities to the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers which are real resources and financial claims provided to, or received from the rest of the world without the corresponding resources and financial claims received or given in exchange (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas)
balance of payments
Value of a country's exports and other receipts minus the value of its imports and other payments If a country is in Balance of Payments Deficit, this means that it is paying out more than it is receiving Balance of Payments Surplus means a country is receiving more than it is paying out
balance of payments
A statement of a country's trade and financial transactions with the rest of the world over a period of time BACK TO TOP
balance of payments
An annual accounting of all economic transactions between one nation and the rest of the world The balance of payments on current account includes the trade balance, which measures the movement of goods and some services; and the short-term capital account, which measures the flow of short-term investments and payments
balance of payments
A summary statement of a nation's financial transactions with the outside world See also current account, capital account, and cash account
balance of payments
A systematic record of the economic transactions during a given period for a country (1) The term is often used to mean either: (i) balance of payments on "current account"; or (ii) the current account plus certain long term capital movements (2) The combination of the trade balance, current balance, capital account and invisible balance, which together make up the balance of payments total Prolonged balance of payment deficits tend to lead to restrictions in capital transfers, and or decline in currency values
balance of payments
A financial statement summarizing the flow of goods, services, and investment funds between residents of a given country and residents of the rest of the world
balance of payments
the record of all the transactions between a country and the rest of the world It includes information on the value of trade in goods and services as well as transfer payments (chapter 17)
balance of payments
a record of a country's financial transactions with other countries The current account records imports, exports, payments for services such as telecommunications, tourism and shipping, as well as dividends to foreign investors and interest payments for foreign borrowing The capital account records investments and long-term loans
balance of payments
A statistical compilation formulated by a sovereign nation of all economic transactions between residents of that nation and residents of all other nations during a stipulated period of time, usually a calendar year
balance of payments
An accounting statement of the money value of international transactions between one nation and the rest of the world over a specific time period The statement shows the sum of transactions of individuals, businesses, and government agencies located in one nation, against those of all other nations
balance of payments
The combined net position on the capital and current accounts of the country The current account indicates whether South Africa is spending more foreign currency on imports than it is receiving for its exports, while the capital account shown how much money foreigners are investing in South Africa
balance of payments
a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year; "a favorable balance of payments exists when more payments are coming in than going out
balance of payments
payments indicated by a balance sheet
balance of power
The distribution of power in a system such that no one state may overwhelm others behavioural revolution The introduction of more empirical analysis into the study of government and politics bicameralism A system of government in which the legislature is divided into two chambers, an upper and lower house bill A piece of legislation under consideration by a legislative body binational state Two nations co-existing within one state bipolar An international system in which there are two dominant nation-states bourgeoisie A Marxist term referring to those who own the means of production bureaucracy A type of administration characterized by specialization, professionalism, and security of tenure cabinet solidarity A convention that all cabinet ministers publicly support whatever decisions the cabinet has taken, regardless of their personal views caucus A meeting of legislators of any one party to discuss parliamentary strategy and party policy
balance of power
The distribution of power in a system such that no one state may overwhelm others
balance of power
an equilibrium of power between nations
balance of power
state of equilibrium between different forces, condition in which one element is not dominant over another
balance of power
A concept that describes the degree of equilibrium (balance) or disequilibrium (imbalance) of power in the global or regional system
balance of power
The balance of power is the way in which power is distributed between rival groups or countries. changes in the balance of power between the United States and Europe. Distribution of power in which no single nation is able to dominate or interfere with others. a situation in which political or military strength is shared evenly. In international relations, an equilibrium of power sufficient to discourage or prevent one nation or party from imposing its will on or interfering with the interests of another. The term came into use at the end of the Napoleonic Wars to denote the power relationships in the European state system. Until World War I, Britain played the role of balancer in a number of shifting alliances. After World War II, a Northern Hemisphere balance of power pitted the U.S. and its allies (see NATO) against the Soviet Union and its satellites (see Warsaw Pact) in a bipolar balance of power backed by the threat of nuclear war. China's defection from the Soviet camp to a nonaligned but covertly anti-Soviet stance produced a third node of power. With the Soviet Union's collapse (1991), the U.S. and its NATO allies were recognized universally as the world's paramount military power
balance of power
difference between economic and military strength of one group of countries vs another group
balance of probabilities
comparison between the likelihood of truthfulness of different versions of a story
balance of terror
Military deterrence based on the possession of weapons of mass destruction by opposing powers
balance of terror
balance of strategic powers, number of weapons that are conventional and unconventional under the ownership of the larger countries
balance of trade
the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise; "a nation's balance of trade is favorable when its exports exceed its imports
balance of trade
A country's balance of trade is the difference in value, over a period of time, between the goods it imports and the goods it exports. The deficit in Britain's balance of trade in March rose to more than 2100 million pounds. The difference in value between the total exports and total imports of a nation during a specific period of time. the difference in value between the goods a country buys from abroad and the goods it sells abroad. Difference in value over a period of time between a nation's imports and exports of goods and services. The balance of trade is part of a larger economic unit, the balance of payments, which includes all economic transactions between residents of one country and those of other countries. If a nation's exports exceed its imports, the nation has a favourable balance of trade, or a trade surplus. If imports exceed exports, an unfavourable balance of trade, or a trade deficit, exists. Under mercantilism a favourable balance of trade was an absolute necessity, but in classical economics it was more important for a nation to utilize its economic resources fully than to build a trade surplus. The idea of the undesirability of trade deficits persisted, however, and arguments against deficits are often advanced by advocates of protectionism
balance of trade
equality of trade between two countries (or states, etc.)
balance sheet
(statement of financial position): The financial statement that shows the assets, liabilities, and owners' equity of an entity at a particular date
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities and net worth as of a specific date
balance sheet
Financial statement that lists a company's assets and liabilities as of a specified date
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date This is generally needed to underwrite people who are self-employed
balance sheet
balance sheet A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date
balance sheet
Also called the statement of financial condition, it is a summary of a company's assets, liabilities, and owners' equity
balance sheet
Financial statement showing assets on the left side and liabilities on the right A balance sheet provides an overview of a company's financial position at the given time
balance sheet
Financial statement showing assets and liabilities at a specific time
balance sheet
An accounting statement showing the financial condition of a company at a point in time; present assets, liabilities and net worth Basic equations: assets = liabilities + net worth
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows assets, liabilities, and net worth as of a specific date Professional opinion or estimate of the market value of a property
balance sheet
A condensed financial statement showing the nature and amount of a company's assets, liabilities and capital on a given date In dollar amounts, the balance sheet shows what the company owned, what it owed and the ownership interest in the company of its stockholders
balance sheet
An itemized financial statement that lists a company's total assets, liabilities, and capital at a given moment of time Generally, amounts shown on a balance sheet are the historic cost of items and not their current values
balance sheet
A financial statement showing a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity on a given date It shows what the company owns and what debts it owes
balance sheet
Financial statement that lists a company's assets and liabilities as of a specified date The balance sheet presents a company's financial condition by listing what it owns - assets such as cash, inventory, factories, equipment and accounts receivable - and what it owes - liabilities such as short-term and long-term debt and accounts payable The difference between assets and liabilities is known as shareholder's equity or book value BACK TO TOP
balance sheet
A financial statement that shows the assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity (or capital for a proprietorship or partnership) at a given date
balance sheet
a record of the financial situation of an institution on a particular date by listing its assets and the claims against those assets
balance sheet
Financial statement presenting measures of the assets, liabilities and owner's equity or net worth of business firm or nonprofit organization as of a specific moment in time
balance sheet
A financial statement showing the assets, liabilities, and net worth of a business as of a specific date
balance sheet
A document showing the financial situation - assets, liabilities, and net worth - of a company at a specific point in time
balance sheet
A quantitative summary of a company's financial condition, assets and the claims against them, such as liabilities and stockholders' equity at a set date noted on the statement
balance sheet
A financial document that shows an organization's financial condition (assets, liabilities and net worth) on a particular day
balance sheet
A quantitative summary of a company's financial condition at a specific point in time, including assets, liabilities and net worth also called statement of condition
balance sheet
A balance sheet is a written statement of the amount of money and property that a company or person has, including amounts of money that are owed or are owing. Balance sheet is also used to refer to the general financial state of a company. Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet. A statement of a business or institution that lists the assets, debts, and owners' investment as of a specified date. a statement of how much money a business has earned and how much money it has paid for goods and services. Financial statement that describes the resources under a company's control on a specified date and indicates where they have come from. It consists of three major sections: assets (valuable rights owned by the company), liabilities (funds provided by outside lenders and other creditors), and the owners' equity. On the balance sheet, total assets must always equal total liabilities plus total owners' equity
balance sheet
A basic financial statement that measures the positions of a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity as of a given date and usually compares those positions to the status on the same date in the previous fiscal year
balance sheet
The balance sheet is one of four financial statements found in an annual report The balance sheet shows what the company owns (assets), what it owes (liabilities) and what its ownership position is (shareholder's equity) The balance sheet shows the status of the company on one specific day For Meredith, it's the last day of our fiscal year, June 30
balance weight
weight used to counterbalance the weight of an object
balance wheel
a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat
balance wheel
A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance)
balance wheel
A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock; often called simply a balance
balance-of-payments problem
an economic problem caused by payments for imports being greater than receipts for exports

He believed he rarely got sick because of his well-balanced diet.

Simple past tense and past participle of balance
One who, or that which, balances
Present participle of balance
An action wherein someone balances or something is balanced
{n} a member of the infect for balancing
A balance
Balance of Payments
balance of payments
An accounting statement measuring the value of goods, services, gold, and capital exchanged between one country and all foreign countries
balance of payments
– statistical statement that systematically summarizes, for a specific period, the economic transactions of a country with the rest of the world Transactions, for the most part between residents and non-residents, consist of those involving goods, services and income; those involving financial claims on and liabilities to the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers which are real resources and financial claims provided to, or received from the rest of the world without the corresponding resources and financial claims received or given in exchange
balance of payments
A state's running account of economic transactions (exports and imports) with the rest of the world
balance of payments
A country's balance of payments is the difference, over a period of time, between the payments it makes to other countries for imports and the payments it receives from other countries for exports. Britain's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly. A systematic record of a nation's total payments to foreign countries, including the price of imports and the outflow of capital and gold, along with the total receipts from abroad, including the price of exports and the inflow of capital and gold. the difference between what a country spends in order to buy goods and services abroad, and the money it earns selling goods and services abroad. Systematic record of all economic transactions during a given period between residents (including the government) of one country and residents (including the governments) of other countries. The transactions are presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping. The U.S. balance of payments, for example, records the various ways in which dollars are made available to foreigners through U.S. imports, U.S. tourist spending abroad, foreign lending, and so on. These expenditures are shown on the debit side of the balance. The credit side shows the various uses to which foreigners put their dollars, including paying for U.S. exports, servicing debts to the U.S., and the like. Foreign countries may acquire more dollars than they need to spend on U.S. goods and services and may hold the surplus or purchase gold or securities; or they may have fewer dollars than they need to purchase U.S. goods and services, and may acquire additional dollars by transferring gold, selling holdings in the U.S., and so on. Certain forms of transferring funds (e.g., large outflows of gold) are less desirable as a way of settling foreign debts than others (e.g., transfers of currency acquired through international trade). The International Monetary Fund helps address problems relating to balance of payments. See also balance of trade
balance sheet
{i} financial record showing the current balance of an account, account statement
balance sheet
A financial statement that reveals the composition (both type and volumes) of a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a point in time
A pleasing combination of characteristics
Referring to wiring: Audio signals require two wires In an unbalanced line the shield is one of those wires In a balanced line, there are two wires plus the shield For the system to be balanced requires balanced electronics and usually employs XLR connectors Balanced lines are less apt to pick up external noise This is usually not a factor in home audio, but is a factor in professional audio requiring hundreds or even thousands of feet of cabling Many higher quality home audio cables terminated with RCA jacks are balanced designs using two conductors and a shield instead of one conductor plus shield
approval Someone who is balanced remains calm and thinks clearly, even in a difficult situation. I have to prove myself as a respectable, balanced, person. see also balance
As in "balanced circulation", e g in the setting of VSD and PS The pulmonary stenosis is such that there is neither excessive pulmonary blood flow (which might lead to pulmonary hypertension) nor inadequate pulmonary blood flow (which might lead to marked cyanosis) see also ventricular imbalance
{s} stable, having equal distribution of weight
budget condition that exists when the government spends only as much as it takes in
  Pertaining to electrical symmetry   (188)
past of balance
A beer whose many taste impressions are all of equivalent intensities, so that none stands out from the others; requires a modifier as in "well-balanced" (described here) or "poorly-balanced" (a beer with some tastes more pronounced than others)
A wine in which acidity, sweetness, tannin and flavor are all in perfect harmony
A type of line in which both wires are electrically equal
This is a difficult term When tasting coffees for defects, professional tasters use the term to describe a coffee that does not localize at any one point on the palate; in other words, it is not imbalanced in the direction of some one (often undesirable) taste characteristic As a term of general evaluation, balance appears to mean that no one quality overwhelms all others, but there is enough complexity in the coffee to arouse interest It is a term that on occasion damns with faint praise The Mexican sample should be most balanced, but it has less to balance than the other two coffees If you tasted the Yemen Mocha against a standard Ethiopian Harrar you would probably sense how the Yemen coffee is similar to the Harrar, but much more balanced A well-balanced coffee contains all the basic characteristics to the right extent
A type of audio connection that uses the three leads in a cable, connector and jack as part of a phase-cancellation scheme to boost signal and reduce noise