
listen to the pronunciation of wonder
English - Turkish
{f} merak etmek

Şaşırmak, merak etmek, anlamaya başlamaktır. - To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.

Tom herkesin güvende olup olmadığını merak etmekten kendini alamadı. - Tom couldn't help but wonder if everybody was safe.

{i} harika

Harika hediye için teşekkürler. - Thank you for the wonderful gift.

Böyle harika bir günbatımı hiç görmemiştim. - I've never seen such a wonderful sunset.

{f} merak et

Olabilir miydi...? Dima merak etti. Sonunda doğru Al-Sayib aldım mı? - Could it be...? Dima wondered. Did I finally get the right Al-Sayib?

Sam'in nerede olduğunu ve ne yaptığını merak etti. - She wondered where Sam was and what he was doing.

{i} mucize

Hapiste olmaman bir mucize. - It's a wonder you're not in jail.

Onun hâlâ hayatta olması bir mucize. - It's a wonder that she's still alive.

{i} hayret
{i} hayranlık
{i} şaşkınlık

Sadece bir şaşkınlık şimdi bize yardımcı olabilir. - Only a wonder can help us now.

O şaşkınlıkla etrafına bakındı. - She looked around in wonder.


Şaşırmak, merak etmek, anlamaya başlamaktır. - To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.

{f} hayret etmek
öğrenmek istemek
şüphe etmek
hayran olmak
bilmeyi hahlamak
bilmek istemek
{i} şaşılacak şey

Onların hâlâ uyanık olması şaşılacak şey. - It's a wonder they're still awake.

{i} harika: the seven wonders of the world dünyanın yedi harikası. She's a wonder. O harika bir insan
mucize kabilinden
wonder if merak etmek
wonder at şaşmak
{f} şaşmak
{i} hayret, şaşırma

Tom, bunun doğru olup olmadığını merak ediyor. - Tom wonders if it's true.

Şu kızın kim olduğunu merak ediyorum. - I wonder who that girl is.


Daha önce böyle harika bir film izlediniz mi? - Have you seen such a wonderful movie before?

Harika hediye için teşekkürler. - Thank you for the wonderful gift.

wonder about
merak et

Bu, insanların hakkında merak ettiği bir şey. - That's something people wonder about.

wonder at
hayret etmek
wonder of nature
doğa harikası
wonder boy
harika çocuk
wonder drug
mucize ilaç
wonder at
wonder bra
merak sütyen
wonder of the world
dünya harikası
wonder woman
acaba kadın
merak ediyorum
wonder boy
çok yetenekli genç
wonder boy
(deyim) mucize çocuk
wonder child
harika çocuk
wonder doer
harikalar yaratan kimse
wonder drug
mucizevi ilaç
wonder struck
{s} hayretler içinde kalmış
wonder struck
{s} çok şaşırmış
wonder worker
(isim) harikalar yaratan kimse
wonder worker
mucizeler yaratan kimse
wonder worker
{i} harikalar yaratan kimse
wonder working
harikalar yaratan

Linux Deepin başka bir mükemmel Linux dağıtımıdır. - Linux Deepin is another wonderful Linux distribution.

Cihazı çalıştırmak mükemmelce basittir. - The appliance is wonderfully simple to operate.

{s} şahane

Düğünümüzde söyleyebilsen şahane oldurdu. - It would be wonderful if you could sing at our wedding.

one-hit wonder
Sadece tek bir şarkı ve saire ile ünlü olmuş sonradan kimsenin hatırlamadığı kimse
i wonder
no wonder

Onun genç ölmesine şaşmamalı. - No wonder he died young.

Çocuğun başında büyük bir yumru var. O kadar çok ağlamasına şaşmamalı. - The boy has a huge bump on his head. No wonder he cried so much!

no wonder
wonder about
merak etmek
{f} merak et

Sebebini merak etmemek hâlâ elimde değil. - I still can't help wondering why.

Neden burada olduğumu muhtemelen merak ettiğini biliyorum. - I know you're probably wondering why I'm here.

i wonder if
no wonder
hiç garip değil
no wonder
hiç garip değil, pek tabii, tabii ki
göz kamaştırıcı
merak etme

Tom, Mary'nin fikrini niçin değiştirdiğini merak etmekten kendini alamıyor. - Tom can't help wondering why Mary changed her mind.

Tom'un ne yapıyor olabileceğini merak etmemek elimde değil. - I can't help wondering about what Tom might be doing.

merak ederek
mükemmel bir şekilde
merak ederek
merak etme
small wonder
tevekkeli değil
şaşılacak derecede iyi

Cihazı çalıştırmak mükemmelce basittir. - The appliance is wonderfully simple to operate.

It's wonder
(that) Hayrettir (ki)
It´s a wonder she´s still alive
Onun hayatta kalması bir mucize
It´s no wonder he took to drink
Kendini içkiye vermesi şaşılacak bir şey değil
admire, wonder, marvel
takdir, şaşkınlık hayret
it is no wonder
hiçbir harikası
natural wonder
(Coğrafya) Doğa harikası, tabiat harikası
nine-day wonder
Dokuz gün sürecek merak ediyorum
what wonder
ne merak ediyorum
Hayran, hayranlık duyan kişi
Bir şeyi veya konuyu merak eden kişi
{s} şaşılacak
a wonder of skill
çok yetenekli
boy wonder
harika çocuk
i wonder if there will be a storm
fırtına mı çıkacak acaba
in wonder
in wonder
in wonder
in wonder
hayret içinde
it is a small wonder that
hiç şaşılacak şey değil
it is small wonder that
hiç şaşılacak şey değil
it's a small wonder that
it's a small wonder that
şaşmamak gerek
it's a small wonder that
tevekkeli değil
it's a wonder she's
Onun hayatta kalması bir mucize
it's no wonder he took
Kendini içkiye vermesi şaşılacak bir şey değil
nine days' wonder
nine days' wonder
kısa sürede unutulan şey
no wonder
pek tabii
no wonder that
şaşılacak bir şey yok
small wonder
şaşılmayacak şey
bir şeye hayran olan kişi
{s} çok iyi, şahane, harika
wonderfullyfevkalade olarak
wonderfulnessşaşılacak hal
şaşılacak bir şekilde
hayret verici

Alaaddin sihirli bir lamba buldu. - Aladin found a wonderful lamp.

Alaaddin harika bir lamba buldu. - Aladin found a wonderful lamp.


O bana en harikulade hediyeyi verdi. - He gave me the most wonderful present.

harika bir şekilde

Harika bir şekilde canlandığımı hissediyorum. - I am feeling wonderfully refreshed.

(sıfat) şaşkın
{s} şaşkın

Tom va Mary kokunun ne olduğunu merak ederek şaşkın bakışlarla baktılar. - Tom and Mary exchanged puzzled looks, wondering what the smell was.

hayret/merak ederek
{i} merak
harikulade şey
{i} hayret
{i} şaşkınlık
wonder hayret et/merak et
English - English
One of the Wonders of the World
Something astonishing and seemingly inexplicable

The idea was so crazy that it is a wonder that anyone went along with it.

A mental pondering, a thought

Miss Paynter had a little wonder as to whether the man, as she called Mr. Lacy in her own mind, had ever been admitted to this room. She thought not.

Something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel
Someone very talented at something, a genius

He's a wonder at cooking.

To ponder about something

I wonder whether it is possible to find an easy and effective solution.

{n} amazement, admiration
{v} to be astonished, to admire
If you refer, for example, to a young man as a wonder boy, or to a new product as a wonder drug, you mean that they are believed by many people to be very good or very effective. Mickelson was hailed as the wonder boy of American golf
{i} marvel; miracle; amazement; astonishment; ponder
politeness You can say `I wonder' if you want to be very polite when you are asking someone to do something, or when you are asking them for their opinion or for information. I was just wondering if you could help me
be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities
a state in which you want to learn more about something
Wonder is a feeling of great surprise and pleasure that you have, for example when you see something that is very beautiful, or when something happens that you thought was impossible. `That's right!' Bobby exclaimed in wonder. `How did you remember that?'
If you say that it is a wonder that something happened, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected. It's a wonder that it took almost ten years The wonder is that Olivier was not seriously hurt
Something that causes amazement or awe
If you say `no wonder', `little wonder', or `small wonder', you mean that something is not surprising. No wonder my brother wasn't feeling well Under such circumstances, it is little wonder that they experience difficulties
be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities"
place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"
A cause of wonder; that which excites surprise; a strange thing; a prodigy; a miracle
To feel doubt and curiosity; to wait with uncertain expectation; to query in the mind; as, he wondered why they came
To be affected with surprise or admiration; to be struck with astonishment; to be amazed; to marvel
the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising
A mental pondering
{f} marvel; be astonished; be amazed; ponder; cast doubt
You can say `No wonder' when you find out the reason for something that has been puzzling you for some time. Brad was Jane's brother! No wonder he reminded me so much of her!
If you wonder about something, you think about it, either because it interests you and you want to know more about it, or because you are worried or suspicious about it. I wondered what that noise was `He claims to be her father,' said Max. `We've been wondering about him.' But there was something else, too. Not hard evidence, but it made me wonder
the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"

What a wonderful family. - What a wonderful family!

Too much of a good thing is wonderful! - Too much of a good thing is wonderful.

A wonder is something that causes people to feel great surprise or admiration. a lecture on the wonders of space and space exploration. the wonder of seeing his name in print
If you wonder at something, you are very surprised about it or think about it in a very surprised way. Walk down Castle Street, admire our little jewel of a cathedral, then wonder at the castle We all wonder you're still alive
That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind of something new, unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well understood; surprise; astonishment; admiration; amazement
If you say that a person or thing works wonders or does wonders, you mean that they have a very good effect on something. A few moments of relaxation can work wonders
have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"
something that causes feelings of wonder; "the wonders of modern science" the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church" place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight" be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities
something that causes feelings of wonder; "the wonders of modern science"
Wonder Woman
A DC Comics superheroine
Wonder Woman
A woman of extraordinary powers; a superwoman
Wonder Women
plural form of Wonder Woman
wonder woman
a woman who can be a successful wife and have a professional career at the same time
wonder man
Wonder Man (Simon Williams) is a fictional character, a superhero (originally a supervillain) that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Stan Lee and artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby, he first appeared in The Avengers #9 (Oct. 1964)
wonder boy
a man who is unusually successful at an early age
wonder child
child prodigy, whiz kid
wonder drug
special medication which offers great results; short cut, magic formula
wonder stricken
{s} struck or overcome with wonder or surprise; intensely moved or affected, wonderstruck
wonder struck
{s} wonder stricken, struck or overcome with wonder or surprise; intensely moved or affected
wonder worker
{i} person who performs wonders or marvels
affected by or overcome with wonder
90-day wonder
Newly-commissioned graduate of Officer Candidate School or Direct Commissioning program
boy wonder
A male child prodigy
gutless wonder
One who lacks guts or courage; a coward

Yer can't even fight unless you've got a knife or picket or broken bottle, yer gutless wonder.

little wonder
Alternative form of small wonder
nine day wonder
Something that generates interest for a limited time and is then abandoned

The pleasant scandal which arose next day, / The nine days' wonder which was brought to light, / And how Alfonso sued for a divorce, / Were in the English newspapers, of course.

nine days' wonder
Alternative form of nine day wonder
ninety-day wonder
Alternative form of 90-day wonder
no wonder
Alternative form of small wonder
one hit wonder
Alternative spelling of one-hit wonder
one-hit wonder
A person or group known for achieving only a single major accomplishment

The European company is no one-hit wonder. The company has another best seller in its J-class car, sold as a Vauxhall Cavalier.

one-hit wonder
A musical performer or musical group known for a single hit song, especially after failing at later attempts at success

Eleven years ago, Arrested Development became one of Southern hip-hop's first crossover successes with “Tennessee,” a wistful, bohemian-influenced song about the scars of history. But the group was a one-hit wonder.

small wonder
An event or fact whose cause or rationale is not difficult to discern; an unsurprising occurrence

Small wonder the average cost of new pools has leaped past $30,000.

Simple past tense and past participle of wonder
Wonderful, extraordinary

The wondred Argo, which in venturous peece / First through the Euxine seas bore all the flowr of Greece.

One who wonders; a thinker

Sagan and Percy agree that human beings are naturally wanderers and wonderers, but they disagree on why human beings wander and wonder.

Tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary

He is massively corrupt. It is wonderful how the man's popularity survives.

Surprisingly excellent; very good or admirable, extremely impressive

They served a wonderful six-course meal.

To an extent inspiring wonder

His costume was wonderfully intricate.

The mental activity by which one wonders; a query, puzzlement, etc
a puzzle or curiosity
a state of wonder, awe, surprise or astonishment
arousal by something strange and surprising
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wonder
plural form of wonder
one-hit wonder
A person or act known mainly for only a single success. The term is most often used to describe music performers with only one hit single or for having one signature song that overshadows their other work. However, the term is used as well to describe other, related phenomena such as a software company that only has one widely successful release and an athlete known for only one major career event
{a} amazing, astonishing, strange
{a} in a wonderful manner, oddly
{n} strangeness, wonder
{n} amazement, admiration
natural wonder
Natural structure of extraordinary beauty
I wonder why
I am interested to know why, I am curious
Stevie Wonder
a US soul singer, songwriter, and piano player who was born blind. He started making records with the Motown record company when he was 12, and became one of the most successful popular musicians in the world. He is also famous for his political support for black people in the US and Africa. His songs include Superstition and I Just Called To Say I Love You (1950- ). orig. Steveland Judkins later Steveland Morris born May 13, 1950, Saginaw, Mich., U.S. U.S. soul-music singer, songwriter, and musician. Blind virtually from birth, he was a skillful performer on the piano and other instruments by age eight. The family moved to Detroit, and at 10 he signed with the fledgling Motown label. His first hit, "Fingertips, Part 2" (1963), was followed by many top-selling singles, including "Up-Tight" and "I Was Made to Love Her." After studying composition at USC, he continued to enjoy enormous success in the 1970s and '80s with such albums as Talking Book (1972) and Songs in the Key of Life (1976) and such hits as "Superstition," "Ebony and Ivory," and "I Just Called to Say I Love You." He has spoken out against nuclear war, worked to end apartheid in South Africa, and raised funds for his eye-disease facility, Wonderland
Stevie Wonder
(born 1950 as Steveland Morris Judkins Hardaway) popular American singer songwriter and musician who is blind from birth
adjective wonder 3
very good and effective
boy wonder
an extremely talented young male person
boy wonder
An extremely talented and accomplished young man. a young man who is very successful
fill with wonder
amaze, astound, astonish
for wonder
to great amazement, to much astonishment
girl wonder
an extremely talented young female person
girl wonder
An extremely talented and accomplished young woman
it is no wonder that
it is no surprise that, it stands to reason that
it makes me wonder
it leads me to think, it leads me to question, it makes me ask myself
kentucky wonder
flat-podded green bean
makes one wonder
causes one to think
newtown wonder
apple used primarily in cooking
nine days' wonder
A thing or event that creates a brief sensation
no wonder
not surprising that
one hit wonder
singer or musical group that only produced one popular song before disappearing from the music scene
seven day wonder
miracles, major wonder
small wonder
not a big deal, what's the big deal?, it's interesting why
past of wondered
Having performed wonders; able to perform wonderful things
someone who is curious about something
{i} person that feels wonder, amazed; incredulous person, uncertain person
someone filled with admiration and awe; someone who wonders at something
One who wonders
someone filled with admiration and awe; someone who wonders at something someone who is curious about something
If you describe something or someone as wonderful, you think they are extremely good. The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face It's wonderful to see you I've always thought he was a wonderful actor. = fantastic awful + wonderfully won·der·ful·ly It's a system that works wonderfully well
Adapted to excite wonder or admiration; surprising; strange; astonishing
extraordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers; "a fantastic trip to the Orient"; "the film was fantastic!"; "a howling success"; "a marvelous collection of rare books"; "had a rattling conversation about politics"; "a tremendous achievement"
Tending to excite wonder or admiration; surprising; strange; astonishing; great
{s} excellent, splendid, marvelous
very well or to a very great degree, in a way that makes you feel happy
In a wonderful manner
(used as an intensifier) extremely well; "her voice is superbly disciplined"; "the colors changed wondrously slowly
marvelously, excellently, superbly
the state of being wonderful
{i} splendidness, marvelousness
present participle of wonder
showing curiosity; "if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive"; "raised a speculative eyebrow"
{s} pondering, speculating, puzzling; marveling
In a wondering manner
in a way that shows admiration, surprise, and pleasure
with astonishment, with amazement; with wonder
in a curious and questioning manner; "they turned their heads questioningly, as if awaiting further instructions"
{i} astonishment, amazement; something causing amazement
Wonderment is a feeling of great surprise and pleasure. His big blue eyes opened wide in wonderment. = astonishment. a feeling of pleasant surprise or admiration
a wonderful thing; a marvel
Surprise; astonishment; a wonderful appearance; a wonder
the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising
plural of wonder
third-person singular of wonder
Turkish - English

Definition of wonder in Turkish English dictionary

bir âlem something else, really something, a wonder, amazing: Orası bir âlem
That's one amazing place! Cüneyt başlı başına bir âlem! Cüneyt is a wonder in his own right!