
listen to the pronunciation of emerge
İngilizce - Türkçe
{f} ortaya çıkmak
{f} doğmak
zuhur etmek
hâsıl olmak
yüzeye çıkmak
(Arılık) kuluçkadan çıkma

Sığır serbestleştirilmesinin kesin sonucu ortaya çıkmadan önce dört yıl olacak. - It will be four years before the definite result of beef liberalization emerges.

Karanlıktan bir soyguncu ortaya çıktı. - The robber emerged from the darkness.

ortaya cık
zuhur eden
{f} yücelmek
meydana çıkmak
çık,ortaya çık
{f} su yüzüne çıkmak
{f} gün ışığına çıkmak
emergent evolution fels
{f} çıkmak
evrim veya gelişme sürecinin bazı safhalarında önceden bilinmeyen yeni birtakım özelliklerin or

Japonya durgunluktan kurtulmak için hala mücadele veriyor. - Japan is still struggling to emerge from recession.

emerge from hibernation
kış uykusundan kalkmak
emerge from hibernation
kış uykusundan uyanmak
emerge from obscurity
su yüzüne çıkmak
emerge into the daylight
aydınlığa kavuşmak
emerge out of
bir şeyin içinden çıkmak
emerge upon
-den doğmak
(Gıda) yeni geliştirilen
{i} görünme
{f} görün
Yeni, yeni ortaya çıkan, gelişmekte olan

Emerging markets.

re emerge
yeniden ortaya
re emerge
tekrar su yüzüne çıkmak
re emerge
yeniden ortaya çıkmak
re emerge
yeniden görünmek
İngilizce - İngilizce
To come into view
To come out of a situation, object or a liquid

The submarine emerged from the ocean.

To become known
to come into view or into existence
{v} to issue, to rise out of, from or up
{f} appear, come out, be revealed
vt (L emergere, to rise up, rise out) to rise out of a fluid or other covering
If you emerge from a difficult or bad experience, you come to the end of it. There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession
come up to the surface of or rise; "He felt new emotions emerge"
If someone or something emerges as a particular thing, they become recognized as that thing. Vietnam has emerged as the world's third-biggest rice exporter New leaders have emerged
come out into view, as from concealment; "Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office"
come out into view, as from concealment; "Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office" become known or apparent; "Some nice results emerged from the study" come up to the surface of or rise; "He felt new emotions emerge
When something such as an organization or an industry emerges, it comes into existence. the new republic that emerged in October 1917. the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe
come out of something enclosed, as in: Out of four candidates, you emerge as the favorite
To emerge means to come out from an enclosed or dark space such as a room or a vehicle, or from a position where you could not be seen. Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin. holes made by the emerging adult beetle
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin If heads, search your deck for an Evolution card named Koga's Beedrill and put it on this Pokémon (This counts as evolving this Pokémon ) Shuffle your deck afterward This power can't be used if this Pokémon is under any Special Condition Pokémon with this Power: Koga's Kakuna
come up to the surface of or rise; "He felt new emotions emerge
If a fact or result emerges from a period of thought, discussion, or investigation, it becomes known as a result of it. the growing corruption that has emerged in the past few years It soon emerged that neither the July nor August mortgage repayment had been collected The emerging caution over numbers is perhaps only to be expected
become known or apparent; "Some nice results emerged from the study"
show up; come up
come out of; "Water issued from the hole in the wall"; "The words seemed to come out by themselves"
To rise out of a fluid; to come forth from that in which anything has been plunged, enveloped, or concealed; to issue and appear; as, to emerge from the water or the ocean; the sun emerges from behind the moon in an eclipse; to emerge from poverty or obscurity
happen or occur as a result of something
emerge uninjured
come out unhurt
The emergency department of a hospital

What we've seen in the last few days is a number of cases that have come to emerg departments.

past of emerge
third-person singular of emerge
coming into view; "as newly emerging emotions and ideas well up in him
Becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising
coming into view; "as newly emerging emotions and ideas well up in him"
present participle of emerge
coming into existence; "a nascent republic"
coming to maturity; "the rising generation"
in an early state of development
{s} starting to appear, coming into view; coming to maturity; coming into existence; emergent
if the mighty have succumbed how shall the weak emerge unscathed?
if the big ones are that way what can you expect from the younger ones?
appear again; "The sores reappeared on her body"; "Her husband reappeared after having left her years ago"