
listen to the pronunciation of simultaneous
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} anında
aynı zamanda meydana gelen
(Denizbilim) eş-anlı
aynı anda olan

O gerçekten bir simultane çevirmen olarak çalışmak istiyor. - He really wants to work as a simultaneous interpreter.

aynı zamanda yapılan
aynı zamanda olan
aynı zamanda vaki olan
bir arada simultaneousnessaynı zamanda vaki olma
(Nükleer Bilimler) aynı anda

Her şey aynı anda oldu. - Everything happened simultaneously.

Birkaç dilde bir kitap yazıyorum ve aynı anda Tatoeba'nın ekranlarında dünyanın dört bir yanına yayınlıyorum. - I am writing a book in several languages, and I simultaneously publish it on Tatoeba's screens all over the world.

{s} aynı zamanda olan, aynı zamanda meydana gelen, simültane, eşzamanlı, eşanlı

Onun hayali eş zamanlı bir çevirmen olmak. - Her dream is to become a simultaneous interpreter.

simultaneouslyaynı zamanda
(Tekstil) eşanlı, simultane
simultaneous interpretation
(Dilbilim) eşzamanlı çeviri
simultaneous interpreting
(Dilbilim) eşzamanlı çeviri
simultaneous interpreting
andaş çeviri
simultaneous operation
eşanlı işletim
simultaneous equations
eşanlı denklemler
simultaneous equations
birlikte denklemler
simultaneous input/output
eşzamanlı girdi/çıktı
simultaneous operation
aynı anda yapılan işlem
simultaneous processing
eşzamanlı işleme
simultaneous translation
simültane çeviri
simultaneous translation
anında çeviri
Simultaneous Prompting Procedure
(Eğitim) Eş zamanlı ipucuyla öğretim tekniği
simultaneous access
aynı anda erişim, esanli erişim
simultaneous computer
esanli bilgisayar, koşut bilgisayar
simultaneous access
eşanlı erişim
simultaneous access
aynı anda erişim
simultaneous bilingualism
(Dilbilim) andaş ikidillilik
simultaneous computer
eşanlı bilgisayar
simultaneous computer
koşut bilgisayar
simultaneous conditioning
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) eşzamanlı şartlandırma
simultaneous contrast
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) eşzamanlı tezat
simultaneous engagement
(Askeri) AYNI ANDA KARŞILAŞMA: Önleme uçağı ve karadan karaya füzelerin kombinasyonunun aynı anda bir düşman hedefinde birleşmesi
simultaneous engagement
(Askeri) aynı anda karşılaşma
simultaneous equations
mat. eşanlı denklemler
simultaneous hermaphrodite
(Denizbilim) eşanlı erdişi
simultaneous hermaphrodite
(Denizbilim) eşanlı hermafrodit
simultaneous peripheral operatio
n on-line;çevrimiçi çevre birimi
simultaneous punching concept
eşanlı delgileme kavramı
simultaneous reaction
(Otomotiv) eşzamanlı reaksiyon
simultaneous system
senkronize sistem
simultaneous translation
simultane çeviri
eş zamanlı
eşzamanlı bir şekilde
aynı anda

Her şey aynı anda oldu. - Everything happened simultaneously.

Tom ve Mary aynı anda cevapladı. - Tom and Mary answered simultaneously.

simultane oluş
aynı zamanda

O bir bilim adamı ve aynı zamanda bir müzisyen. - He is a scholar and a musician simultaneously.

hep beraber
eş zamanlılık
non simultaneous transmission
sigara eşzamanlı iletim
es zamanlı
{i} aynı zamanda olma
{i} eşzamanlılık
(zarf) aynı anda
Englisch - Englisch
Occurring or transpiring at the same time

As with the Lejeuneaceae, this pattern of massive speciation appears to be correlated with the Cretaceous explosion of the angiosperms and the simultaneous creation of a host of new microenvironments, differing in humidity, light intensity, texture, etc.

occurring, done, or existing at the same time
Things which are simultaneous happen or exist at the same time. the simultaneous release of the book and the album The theatre will provide simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese. + simultaneously sim·ul·ta·neous·ly The two guns fired almost simultaneously. things that are simultaneous happen at exactly the same time (simultaneus, from simul )
{a} acting or existing together
Existing, happening, or done, at the same time; as, simultaneous events
A ruling of no hit when two fencers in foil and sabre hit each other at the same time with an attack, redouble or remise
In foil and sabre, two attacks for which the right-of-way is too close to determine
Able to process more than one type of mental input at a time, e g visual, verbal, and musical Able to attend to more than one activity at a time
Happening or existing at the same time
{s} occurring at the same time, done at the same time, concurrent
Able to process more than one mental input at a time, e g visual, verbal, and musical Able to attend to more than one activity at a time
occurring or operating at the same time; "a series of coincident events"
in foil and sabre, two attacks for which the right-of- way is too close to determine
occurring at the same time
simultaneous equation
set of two or more equations with variables and whose variables can be used to satisfy all equations in the set
simultaneous equations
a set of equations in two or more variables for which there are values that can satisfy all the equations simultaneously
simultaneous game
game that several players can play all at once
simultaneous interpreter
translating from one language to another while speaking, immediate translation at the end of each sentence
simultaneous translation
translation that takes place as one is speaking, translation that occurs immediately at the end of each sentence
More than one complete musical texture occurring at the same time. This first appeared in the music of Charles Ives, and is common in the music of Conlon Nancarrow, and others
Occurring at the same time
at the same instant; "they spoke simultaneously"
{a} at the same time, in union
Digital Simultaneous Voice Data
digital communications protocol that allows simultaneous transmission of voice and data over a single analog telephone line (Computers)
In music a simultaneity is more than one complete musical texture occurring at the same time. This first appeared in the music of Charles Ives, and is common in the music of Conlon Nancarrow, and others
The quality or state of being simultaneous; simultaneousness
{i} occurrence at the same time
happening or existing or done at the same time
at the same instant; "they spoke simultaneously
concurrently, at the same time