
listen to the pronunciation of puzzle
Englisch - Türkisch

Bulmacayı nasıl çözeceğimi bilemiyorum. - I can't figure out how to solve the puzzle.

Biraz daha sabırlı olsaydın, bulmacayı yapabilecektin. - You'd be able to do the puzzle if only you had a little bit more patience.


Tom bilmeceyi nasıl çözeceğini bulamadı. - Tom couldn't figure out how to solve the puzzle.

Mary ona birkaç ipucu verdikten sonra Tom bilmeceyi çözdü. - Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints.

{f} kafasını karıştırmak
{f} şaşırmak
hayret ettirmek
şaşkınlık uyandırmak
hayrete düşmek
merak konusu
hayrete düşürmek
hayret uyandırmak
bir yanıt bulmaya çalışmak
anlamaya çalışmak
{f} şaşırt

Onun nasıl kaçtığı hâlâ bizi şaşırtıyor. - How he escaped still puzzles us.

Soru onu şaşırtmıştı. - He was puzzled by the question.

anlaşılmaz/ açıklanmaz şey
(about/over/as to ile) çözmeye
(Oyun) Yapboz

Tom yapbozu tamamladı. - Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

Bu yapboz beş yüz parçadır. - This puzzle has 500 pieces.

{i} kafası karışma
{f} kafa patlatmak
{i} anlaşılmaz kimse

Beni en çok hayrete düşüren şey Mary'yi görmeye gitmek için Tom'un bile neden rahatsız olduğudur. - What puzzles me most is why Tom even bothered to go see Mary.

Fadıl Sadık'ın öldürülmesi araştırmacıları hayrete düşürdü. - The murder of Fadil Sadiq puzzled the investigators.

{i} tereddüd
Chinese puzzle çok dolaşık bilmece veya mesele
{i} yap boz
{f} karışıklaştırmak
{f} düşündürmek
{f} muamma gibi gelmek
bir yanıt bulmaya ç
resim teşkil eden bilmece
{f} kafası karışmak
{i} şaşkınlık
puzz düşün/kurcala/şaşırt
{s} şaşkın

Tom va Mary kokunun ne olduğunu merak ederek şaşkın bakışlarla baktılar. - Tom and Mary exchanged puzzled looks, wondering what the smell was.

Tom hâlâ şaşkın görünüyor. - Tom still looks puzzled.

{s} kafa karıştırıcı
puzzle over
çok düşünmek
puzzle tree
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bulmaca ağacı
puzzle about
anlamaya çalışmak
puzzle about
çözmeye çalışmak
puzzle out
puzzle over
anlamaya çalışmak
puzzle over
çok düşün
puzzle over
çözmeye çalışmak
puzzle box
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bulmaca kutusu
puzzle headed
puzzle headed
kafası karışmış
puzzle lock
şifreli kilit
puzzle one's brains
kafa patlatmak
puzzle one's brains
kafa yormak
puzzle one's head
kafa yormak
puzzle one's head
kafa patlatmak
puzzle out
puzzle out
(Fiili Deyim ) çözmek , halletmek
puzzle out
bulmacayı çözmek
puzzle over
kafa patlatmak
puzzle over
-i çok düşünmek
puzzle s.t. out
bir şeyin anlamını bulmaya çalışmak; bir şeyi çözmeye çalışmak
puzzle something out
bir şeyi çözmek
puzzle something out
bir şeyin anlamını bulmak
puzzle tree
bulmaca agaci
kafası karışmış

Tom bir şey tarafından kafası karışmış gibi görünüyor. - Tom seems to be puzzled by something.

Tom bana kafası karışmış olduğunu söyledi. - Tom told me that he's puzzled.

crossword puzzle
çapraz bulmaca
crossword (puzzle)
çapraz bulmaca
jigsaw puzzle

Tom yapbozu tamamladı. - Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

monkey puzzle
merak konusu
crossword puzzle

Tom bir çapraz bulmaca çözüyor. - Tom is doing a crossword puzzle.

Tom çapraz bulmacayı seviyor. - Tom likes crossword puzzles.

jigsaw puzzle
yapboz (oyunu)
picture puzzle
resimli bulmaca
{f} şaşırt

Bizi şaşırtan şey onun toplantıya katılmayacağını söylemesiydi. - What puzzled us was that he said he would not attend the meeting.

Soru onu şaşırtmıştı. - He was puzzled by the question.

anlaşılmaz mesele
içinden çıkılmaz
{f} şaşırt

Benim için şaşırtıcıydı. - It was puzzling to me.

Bu oldukça şaşırtıcı. - This is quite puzzling.

Monkey Puzzle tree
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Maymun çıkmaz ağacı
crossword puzzle
Kare bulmaca
crossword puzzle
Çengel bulmaca
doing puzzle
puzzle yaparken
jigsaw puzzle
içinden çıkılmaz iş
Anlaşılmaz bir şekilde
Chinese puzzle
güç problem
Chinese puzzle
çin bulmacası
jigsaw puzzle
jigsaw puzzle
kesilmiş parçaları birleştirerek oynanan resim-bilmece
jigsaw puzzle
parçalı bulmaca
monkey puzzle
bot. şiliarokaryası
{s} şaşırmış

Tom Mary'nin söylediğine şaşırmıştı. - Tom was puzzled by what Mary said.

Tom şaşırmış görünüyordu. - Tom seemed to be puzzled.

{s} karışmış

Tom bana kafası karışmış olduğunu söyledi. - Tom told me that he's puzzled.

Tom bir şey tarafından kafası karışmış gibi görünüyor. - Tom seems to be puzzled by something.

{i} anlaşılmaz şey
{i} kafa yoran kimse
{i} muamma
{i} bilinmez
{i} akıl ermez kimse
{s} bilmece gibi
{s} şaşırtıcı

Bunun ne kadar şaşırtıcı olacağını görebiliyorum. - I can see how that would be puzzling.

Bunu şaşırtıcı buluyorum. - I find this puzzling.

{s} muammalı
{s} anlaşılmaz
smart puzzle
akıllı bulmaca
Englisch - Englisch
A riddle
A game for one person that is more or less difficult to work out or complete
A crossword puzzle
To perplex (someone)
Anything that is difficult to understand or make sense of

Where he went after he left the house is a puzzle.

A jigsaw puzzle
{v} to perplex, embarrass, confound
{n} a perplexity, embarrassment, riddle
{f} mystify, baffle; confound, confuse; perplex, bewilder
To be bewildered, or perplexed
Something which perplexes or embarrasses; especially, a toy or a problem contrived for testing ingenuity; also, something exhibiting marvelous skill in making
You can describe a person or thing that is hard to understand as a puzzle. Data from Voyager II has presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists = mystery. to confuse someone or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand something
a toy that tests your ingenuity a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution; "he loved to solve chessmate puzzles"; "that's a real puzzler"
To work, as at a puzzle; as, to puzzle over a problem
To solve by ingenuity, as a puzzle; followed by out; as, to puzzle out a mystery
To make intricate; to entangle
be uncertain about; think about without fully understanding or being able to decide; "We puzzled over her sudden departure
If you puzzle over something, you try hard to think of the answer to it or the explanation for it. In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzle over the complexities of his verse and prose
The state of being puzzled; perplexity; as, to be in a puzzle
If something puzzles you, you do not understand it and feel confused. My sister puzzles me and causes me anxiety. + puzzling puz·zling His letter poses a number of puzzling questions
{i} enigma, riddle; problem; game composed of differently shaped pieces which fit together to form a picture, jigsaw
A puzzle is a question, game, or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly or put it together properly. a word puzzle. see also crossword
To perplex; to confuse; to embarrass; to put to a stand; to nonplus
puzzle out
To figure out; to discover or find a solution; to deduce
puzzle over
try to solve
Chinese puzzle
A senseless situation
crossword puzzle
A crossword
floor puzzle
A jigsaw puzzle that does not fit into a frame, meant, instead, to be assembled on a surface such as a floor: especially a large one
jigsaw puzzle
A type of puzzle in which the aim is to reconstruct a picture that has been cut (originally, with a jigsaw) into many small interlocking pieces
Confused or perplexed
Simple past tense and past participle of puzzle
A puzzling situation or problem; an enigma
A video game in which the player is presented with (usually abstract) puzzles to solve
Present participle of puzzle
Time spent pondering something confusing
Difficult to understand or explain; enigmatic or confusing; perplexing
zigsaw puzzle
Alternative form of jigsaw puzzle

BB Patnaik sat with a zigsaw puzzle of the map of India meant for the kindergarten. He had separated the states and put them in four piles.

jigsaw puzzle
a puzzle that requires you to reassemble a picture that has been mounted on a stiff base and cut into interlocking pieces
jigsaw puzzle
puzzle consisting of small pieces cut with a jigsaw which are to be fitted together to form picture
jigsaw puzzle
A puzzle consisting of a mass of irregularly shaped pieces of cardboard, plastic, or wood that form a picture when fitted together. Also called picture puzzle
a puzzle
{n} nonplus
{n} one who puzzles, one who perplexes
Monkey Puzzle tree
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Araucaria araucana (popularly called the monkey puzzle tree or monkey tail tree) is an evergreen tree growing to 40 metres (130 ft) tall with a 2 metres (7 ft) trunk diameter. The tree is native to central and southern Chile, western Argentina, and southern Brazil. Araucaria araucana is the hardiest species in the conifer genus Araucaria. Because of the species's great age it is sometimes described as a living fossil
Chinese puzzle
conundrum, mystery, something that is very complex; clever puzzle comprised of boxes within boxes
To puzzle
To puzzle
chinese puzzle
intricate or ingenious puzzle consisting of boxes within boxes
crossword puzzle
Sheldon Wilson, a customer, created this crossword puzzle with help from this dictionary It is in PDF file format Enjoy! (Note: If your browser displays this puzzle as a blank page, then clicking REFRESH may help to display it )
crossword puzzle
puzzle which gives clues and players must find the right word to fit in the blank area
crossword puzzle
a puzzle in which words corresponding to numbered clues are to be found and written in to squares in the puzzle
crossword puzzle
What's a nine-letter word for "fun"? C r o s s w o r d! Printable Crossword Puzzle ( P ) Previous Crossword Puzzles ( P ) Previous Printable Crossword Puzzles ( P )
crossword puzzle
Puzzle in which words are filled into a pattern of numbered squares in answer to correspondingly numbered clues and in such a way that words can be read across and down. The first crosswords, intended primarily for children, appeared in England in the 19th century. In the U.S., the puzzle developed into a popular adult pastime. By 1923, crosswords were being published in most of the leading U.S. newspapers, and the craze soon reached England. Today crosswords in various forms are found in almost every country and language
monkey puzzle
{i} Chilean evergreen tree that has intertwined branches with dark green spiny leaves and bears edible nuts
monkey puzzle
large Chilean evergreen conifer having intertwined branches and bearing edible nuts
monkey puzzle tree
Evergreen ornamental and timber conifer (Araucaria araucana) of the family Araucariaceae, native to the Andes Mountains of South America. The tree may grow to 150 ft (45 m) in height and 5 ft (1.5 m) in diameter. The rigid, overlapping, needle-pointed leaves are spirally arranged on stiff branches, which form a tangled, prickly network that discourages animals from climbing the tree. The Norfolk Island pine is a relative
monkeys puzzle
" The edible nuts are over an inch long, and are called piñon by the Chilians
monkeys puzzle
The edible nuts are over an inch long, and are called piñon by the Chilians
monkeys puzzle
A lofty coniferous Chilian tree (Araucaria imbricata), the branches of which are so crowded and intertwisted "as to puzzle a monkey to climb
{s} perplexed, baffled; confused, confounded
Someone who is puzzled is confused because they do not understand something. Critics remain puzzled by the British election results Norman looked puzzled. confused and unable to understand something
filled with bewilderment; "at a loss to understand those remarks"; "puzzled that she left without saying goodbye"
{i} enigma, riddle; difficult problem; baffling question; one who baffles or confuses
a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution; "he loved to solve chessmate puzzles"; "that's a real puzzler"
One who, or that which, puzzles or perplexes
something that is difficult to understand or explain
third person singular present tense of the verb to puzzle
plural of puzzle
not clear to the understanding; "I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later"; "prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries"
{s} perplexing, baffling; confusing, confounding; enigmatic, not easily understood
confusing and difficult to understand or explain
lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity; "sent confusing signals to Iraq"; "perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it"; "a puzzling statement"
{s} confusingly, bafflingly; enigmatically, in a manner which cannot be understood
In a puzzling manner
Türkisch - Englisch
yap boz
puzzle yapmak
do puzzle