catch up

listen to the pronunciation of catch up
Englisch - Türkisch

O, diğer üyelere yetişmek için çok hızlı koştu. - She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.

Tom'a yetişmek için koşmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to run to catch up with Tom.

(deyim) catch up(on /with sth.) yetismek,geri kalmamak
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- yetişmek , geri kalmamak
(Bilgisayar) yakala

Tom'u yakalamaya çalışmalıyım. - I should try to catch up with Tom.

Tom komadan çıktıktan sonra diğer öğrencilerin seviyesini yakalayamadı. - Tom couldn't catch up with the other students after he came out of his coma.


Sıkı çalışıp sınıfındaki herkesi yakalamak zorunda. - She has to study hard and catch up with everybody in her class.

Tabii ki yakalamak istiyorum! - Of course I want to catch up!


O yakında Tom'a yetişecek. - He'll soon catch up with Tom.

Tom'a yetişmek için koşmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to run to catch up with Tom.

on (arada olup biteni) öğrenmek
catch up with: -e yetişmek: "He's so far ahead of me İ can't possibly catch up with him. - Benden o kadar ileride ki ona yetişmemin imkânı yok."
catch up on: (arada olup biteni) öğrenmek
on (biriken işleri, ertelenmiş veya ihmal edilmiş bir işi) yapmak
with: -e yetişmek: "He's so far ahead of me İ can't possibly catch up with him. - Benden o kadar ileride ki ona yetişmemin imkânı yok."
on: (biriken işleri, ertelenmiş veya ihmal edilmiş bir işi) yapmak
catch up on: (biriken işleri, ertelenmiş veya ihmal edilmiş bir işi) yapmak
on: (arada olup biteni) öğrenmek
with -e yetişmek: "He's so far ahead of me İ can't possibly catch up with him. - Benden o kadar ileride ki ona yetişmemin imkânı yok."
with -e yetişmek: He's so far ahead of me I can't possibly catch up with him. Benden o kadar ileride ki ona yetişmemin imkânı yok
kapıp kaçmak
geri kalmamak
catch up with
hızına yetişmek
catch up with
-e yetişmek
catch up with
arayı kapatmak

Büyük bir aileyi geçindirmenin sıkıntıları onunla arayı kapatmak için başlıyor. - The pressures of supporting a big family are beginning to catch up with him.

catch up with

Onu yakalamak için mümkün olduğu kadar hızlı koştum. - I ran as fast as possible to catch up with her.

Sıkı çalışıp sınıfındaki herkesi yakalamak zorunda. - She has to study hard and catch up with everybody in her class.

catch up on
ertelenmiş bir işi yapmak
catch up on
(arada olup biteni) öğrenmek
catch up on
arayı kapatmak
catch up on
zaman açığını gidermek
catch up on
ihmal edilmiş bir işi yapmak
catch up on
biriken işleri yapmak
catch up on

Tom her zaman sınıfta uyuyor. Neredeyse o sadece uykusunu tamamlamak için okula gidiyor gibi görünüyor. - Tom is always sleeping in class. It almost seems like he goes to school just to catch up on his sleep.

catch up with
aynı düzeye gelmek

Sınıfınla aynı düzeye gelmek için çok çalışmalısın. - You have to study hard to catch up with your class.

catch up with

Ona yetişmek için adımlarımı hızlandırdım. - I quickened my steps to catch up with her.

O, diğer üyelere yetişmek için çok hızlı koştu. - She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.

catch up on
(deyim) İhmal edilen bir işe yetişmek, o işi tamamlamak
catch up on
Bitirilmesi gereken bir işi yapmak. "Ali can't go to the movie. He has to catch up on his homework."
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catch up in
(deyim) (saçını vb) kaptırmak
catch up on
catch up on
{i} ketçap
(isim) ketçap
Englisch - Englisch
To be reaching something that had been ahead
To entangle
To pick up suddenly
An amount, a thing, or a receipt or repetition of information that enables one to catch up
To provide with news
To get news
To compensate for or make up a deficiency
An act of catching up or attempting to catch up
If you catch up on an activity that you have not had much time to do recently, you spend time doing it. I was catching up on a bit of reading
If you catch up with someone who is in front of you, you reach them by walking faster than they are walking. I stopped and waited for her to catch up We caught up with the nuns
If you catch up on friends who you have not seen for some time or on their lives, you talk to them and find out what has happened in their lives since you last talked together. The ladies spent some time catching up on each other's health and families She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married
overtake; bring up to date; be lifted up suddenly; become entangled with (figuratively and literally); point out errors
learn belatedly; find out about something after it happened; "I'm trying to catch up with the latest developments in molecular biology"
reach the point where one should be after a delay; "I caught up on my homework
If you are caught up in something, you are involved in it, usually unwillingly. The people themselves weren't part of the conflict; they were just caught up in it
reach the point where one should be after a delay; "I caught up on my homework"
To catch up with someone means to reach the same standard, stage, or level that they have reached. Most late developers will catch up with their friends John began the season better than me but I have fought to catch up During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics
catch ups
plural form of catch up
Alternative spelling of catch up
A variant of catsup or ketchup
catch up on
(deyim) Do something that you have neglected
catch up with
make up work that was missed due to absence at a later point; "I have to make up a French exam"; "Can I catch up with the material or is it too late?"
catch up with
If something catches up with you, you are forced to deal with something unpleasant that happened or that you did in the past, which you have been able to avoid until now. Although he subsequently became a successful businessman, his criminal past caught up with him
catch up with
{f} find a person who did something wrong, find a person who has committed a crime; overtake, catch up to; have an effect on a person who up to the present moment seemed to be free from the ordinary outcomes
catch up with
When people catch up with someone who has done something wrong, they succeed in finding them in order to arrest or punish them. The law caught up with him yesterday
catch up with
catch up with and possibly overtake; "The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp"
A table sauce made from mushrooms, tomatoes, walnuts, etc
{i} ketchup, tomato based condiment (made chiefly from tomatoes and vinegar)
catch up

    Türkische aussprache

    käç ʌp


    /ˈkaʧ ˈəp/ /ˈkæʧ ˈʌp/


    [ 'kach, 'kech ] (verb.) 13th century. Middle English cacchen, from Old North French cachier to hunt, from Vulgar Latin captiare, alteration of Latin captare to chase, frequentative of capere to take; more at HEAVE.

    Gemeinsame Collocations

    catch up with, catch up on, catch up in


    ... grow fast enough, long enough, there’s no longer for you to catch up.  With standards ...