
listen to the pronunciation of characteristic
İngilizce - Türkçe

Botanikçi dikkatle ağaçların morfolojik özellikleri kaydetti. - The botanist carefully recorded the morphological characteristics of the trees.

Japonya'nın birçok farklı özellikleri var. - Japan has many different characteristics.

(Bilgisayar) ayırıcı nitelik
(Denizbilim) özgel
(Kimya) özgelik
(Kimya) özgü
özelliği olan

Onun o şekilde davranması karakteristiktir. - It's characteristic of him to behave like that.

Tom karakteristik küstahlığı ile her şeyi reddetti. - With his characteristic impudence, Tom denied everything.

logaritma karakteristiği
özellik Karakteristik
characteristically ayırıcı nitelikte olarak
(Tıp) Kendine veya cinsine has, tipik, karakteristik
diğerlerinden aylrıcı nitelikte olan
(Tıp) Özellik, hususiyet
{s} özgün
kendine has
{i} özellik, hususiyet, vasıf
ayırt edici özellik
(Denizbilim) belirgin
(Bilgisayar) ayırıcı özellik
(Biyokimya) belirleyici
characteristic equation
(Gıda) özgün denklem
characteristic feature
characteristic function
(Bilgisayar) belirtev
characteristic function
(Bilgisayar) tanımalık işlev
characteristic functions
karakteristik fonksiyonlar
characteristic length
(Askeri) karakteristik uzunluk
characteristic polynomial
(Matematik) özpolinom
characteristic value
(Matematik) özdeğer
characteristic value
characteristic curve
karakteristik eğri
characteristic equation
karakteristik denklem
characteristic feature
karakteristik nitelik
characteristic function
karakteristik fonksiyon
characteristic impedance
karakteristik empedans
characteristic overflow
karakteristik taşması
characteristic polynomial
karakteristik polinom
characteristic radiation
karakteristik radyasyon
characteristic root
karakteristik kök
characteristic spectrum
karakteristik  spektrum
characteristic value
karakteristik değer
characteristic vector
karakteristik vektör
characteristic x ray
belirtken x ışını
characteristic of a coquet
bir nazlanmak karakteristik
characteristic of a goat; goatlike
Bir keçi karakteristik; goatlike
characteristic of pluralism
çoğulculuk karakteristik
characteristic underflow
karakteristik alta-düşmesi
characteristic x ray
belirtken x işini
characteristic actuation width
(Askeri) KARAKTERİSTİK FAALİYETE GEÇME GENİŞLİĞİ: Tarama aletinin tek bir hareketiyle mayının faaliyete geçirilebileceği genişlik
characteristic curve
(Nükleer Bilimler) özeğri,karakteristik eğri
characteristic detection probability
(Askeri) KARAKTERİSTİK KEŞFEDİLME OLASILIĞI: Tek bir girişimle keşfedilen mayınların sayısının, karakteristik keşfetme genişliği içinde keşfedilmiş bulunan mayınların sayısına oranıdır
characteristic detection width
(Askeri) KARAKTERİSTİK KEŞİF GENİŞLİĞİ: Tek bir girişimle keşfedilebilecek olan mayınların bulunduğu genişlik
characteristic drying curve
(Gıda) tipik kuruma eğrisi
characteristic equation
(Nükleer Bilimler) ırasal denklem
characteristic fonction
(Matematik) karakteristik fonsiyon
characteristic frequency
karakteristik frekans
characteristic impedance
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) öz empedans
characteristic length
(Askeri) KARAKTERİSTİK UZUNLUK (HV.): Füze sevk hesaplarında, oda hacminin nozül boğum sahasına oranı. Sevk hakkının yanışı için bir seyir uzunluğu ölçüsü
characteristic line
(Ticaret) karakteristik doğru
characteristic number
anma numarası
characteristic polynom
(Matematik) karakteristik polinom
characteristic radiation
(Fizik) karakteristik ışınım
characteristic root
(Matematik) latent kökü
characteristic species
(Denizbilim) indikatör tür
characteristic spectrum
karakteristik spektrum
characteristic strength
(İnşaat) karakteristik dayanım
characteristic surface
(Havacılık) karakteristik yüzey
characteristic surface
(Havacılık) mach yüzeyi
characteristic time
(Havacılık) karakteristik zaman
characteristic vector
characteristic velocity
(Askeri) KARAKTERİSTİK HIZ (HV): Belirli bir seyir için tasarlanmış bir roket tarafından, frenleme maksadıyla, elde edilmesi veya üstüne çıkılması gereken bütün hızlar toplamı
characteristic, feature

Japonya'nın birçok farklı özellikleri var. - Japan has many different characteristics.

Bunlar, konuşulan dilin özellikleridir. - These are characteristics of the spoken language.

amplitude characteristic
genlik karakteristiği
anode current characteristic
anot akımı özelliği
karakteristik olarak
electrode characteristic
elektrot karakteristiği
load characteristic
yük karakteristiği
operating characteristic
çalışma davranışı
operating characteristic curve
onanma olasılığı eğrisi
Fermi characteristic energy level
Fermi karakteristik enerji düzeyi
NİTELİKLER; ÖZELLİKLER: "technical characteristics", ve "physical characteristics"
control characteristic
kontrol eğrisi
diode characteristic
diyot özegrisi
dynamic characteristic
çalışma eğrisi
feature, characteristic, attribute
özellik, karakteristik, öznitelik
generic characteristic
genel karakteristik
grid characteristic
ızgara karakteristiği
guttural characteristic of voice
sesinin kısık karakteristik
inborn characteristic
doğumsal karakteristik
modulation characteristic
modülasyon karakteristiği
performance characteristic
performans karekteristigi, etkinlik karakteristiği
physical characteristic
fiziksel özellik
specific characteristic
belirli karakteristik
spectral characteristic
spektral karakteristik, izgesel belirtken
the characteristic of being indispensable
vazgeçilmez olma özelliği
transfer characteristic
geçiş karakteristiği
unique characteristic, uniqueness
benzersiz özelliği benzersiz
acquired characteristic
zamanla kazanılan nitelik
acquired characteristic
sonradan kazanılan özellik
amplitude/amplitude characteristic
genlik-genlik karakteristigi
amplitude/frequency characteristic
genlik-siklik karakteristigi
tipik olarak
(Askeri) NİTELİKLER; ÖZELLİKLER: Bak. "technical characteristics", ve "physical characteristics"
diode characteristic
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) diyot özeğrisi
distinguishing characteristic
alamet-i farika
inherent characteristic of a system
sistemin ozegrisi
loop gain characteristic
dongu kazanc islevi
petroleum characteristic
(Madencilik) petrol karakteri
reservoir characteristic
(Coğrafya) rezervuar karakteristiği
seismic dynamic characteristic
sismik dinamik karakteristik
seismic dynamic characteristic
depremsel devinimli belirtgen
static characteristic
duruk ozellik
style characteristic
stil karakteristiği
swell characteristic
şişme karakteristiği
trainees characteristic
İngilizce - İngilizce
the distinguishing features of a navigational light on a lighthouse etc by which it can be identified (colour, pattern of flashes etc)
being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing
the integer part of a logarithm
a distinguishable feature of a person or thing
a distinctive feature
{a} distinguishing, peculiar to, expressive
{n} a mark, sign, token, quality
A distinguishing trait, quality, or property; an element of character; that which characterized
Feature or quality that distinguishes something
any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions
Specifically, a distinguishing quality, property, feature, or capability of a machine or piece of equipment, or of a component part
A population characteristic is something we want to estimate about the population Common examples of population characteristics are totals and averages for variables Statisticians often call these characteristics "parameters"
A quality or feature that is characteristic of someone or something is one which is often seen in them and seems typical of them. Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape Nehru responded with characteristic generosity. = typical uncharacteristic + characteristically char·ac·ter·is·ti·cal·ly He replied in characteristically robust style. a quality or feature of something or someone that is typical of them and easy to recognize characteristic of. very typical of a particular thing or of someone's character
Key factor User
{s} typical; distinctive
Individual flashing pattern and/or color of light exhibited
The characteristics of a person or thing are the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable. Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. their physical characteristics. = feature, trait
= a mechanical representation of a character Statistics, Skills, Favors, and Specials are all Characteristics These are the parts of the character that interface with the game mechanic, as opposed to the story-based parts of the character (personality, history, acting notes, etc )
Some individualistic feature, attribute, etc that serves to identify and 'characterize' something Generally used synonymously with "trait" in discussion of personality
Any one of the four categories used in defining hazardous waste: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity
Any property or attribute of a datum, item, process, or service that is distinct, describable, and/or measurable
a distinguishing quality any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2
(adjective) A feature that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe recognizably a specific chemical Example: a garlic smell is characteristic of dimethyl sulfoxide; a rotten egg smell is characteristic of H2S; a brilliant blue colour is characteristic of CuSO4; a melting point of 191° C is characteristic of Vitamin C; a density of 0 788 g/mL is characteristic of acetone
{i} distinguishing quality; trait, attribute
the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2 808 the characteristic is 2
The integral part (whether positive or negative) of a logarithm
a prominent aspect of something; "the map showed roads and other features"; "generosity is one of his best characteristics"
typical or distinctive; "heard my friend's characteristic laugh"; "red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn"; "stripes characteristic of the zebra"
A physical, chemical, visual, functional or any other identifiable property of a product or material
The factors, elements or measures that define and differentiate a process, function, product, service or other entity
Pertaining to, or serving to constitute, the character; showing the character, or distinctive qualities or traits, of a person or thing; peculiar; distinctive
This refers to a personality predisposition that may be taught, learned, or altered but probably occurs naturally in some people more than others An example of a characteristic is tenacity
property of a product, engineering feature or parameter
*** Definition needed ***
This is an unchanging natural aptitude of a character The characteristics are: - Communication, Dexterity, Intelligence/Cunning, Perception, Presence, Quickness, Strength & Stamina
The new STORET version of the legacy STORET parameter code system Characteristic is connected to the Parameter when available Both tables are available for downloading from the Reference Tables Page
A subitem of a component that contains one piece of information for a data item Characteristics of an attribute component, for example, are its label, count, units, representation code, and value
808 the characteristic is 2 typical or distinctive; "heard my friend's characteristic laugh"; "red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn"; "stripes characteristic of the zebra
a distinguishing quality
a distinguishing feature or attribute indicating or constituting a distinctive character, quality or disposition
any distinct property or attribute of a product, process or service that can be described and measured to determine conformance or nonconformity to specified requirements
characteristic function
A function which is equal to 1 for all points in its domain which belong to a given set, and is equal to 0 for all points in the domain which do not belong to that given set. The characteristic function of a set A is often represented as χA
characteristic polynomial
The determinant, of a matrix minus an indeterminant times the identity matrix

The characteristic polynomial of \left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & 4\\3 & -5\end{array}\right) is \mathbf{Det}\left(\begin{array}{cc}1-x & 4\\ 3 & -5-x\end{array}\right).

characteristic polynomials
plural form of characteristic polynomial
characteristic curve
(electronics) graph showing how a particular characteristic of a device varies with other parameters
characteristic traits
distinctive characteristics, peculiar attributes, representative qualities, typical features
Euler characteristic
The sum of even-dimensional Betti numbers minus the sum of odd-dimensional ones

A polygon or polyhedron's Euler characteristic is just the number of corners minus the number of edges plus the number of faces.

In a usual or expected way; in characteristic manner
defining characteristic
A property held by all members of a class of object that is so distinctive that it is sufficient to determine membership in that class. A property that defines that which possesses it

The defining characteristic of a human is that it is, in Aristotle's words, the rational animal..

in characteristic manner; "he arrived characteristically late"
in characteristic manner; "he arrived characteristically late
In a characteristic manner; in a way that characterizes
in a characteristic manner, typically
Distinguishing features which by their extent, number and character determine the quality of a piece of lumber
The identifying elements of a piece of hardware or software; for example, MSWord can process words, format documents for online-use, produce diagrams; Realplayer can-play mpeg files
the details that describe a person or thing
measurable non-physical parameters that make sense only in a context, such as price, maturity, or fragility
Those elements that in combination create the distinctive character of an area
Features defined by a standard of points that are used to judge a cat
plural of characteristic
A set of internal values maintained by CPI-C for each conversation They can affect the operation of the entire conversation or of specific calls
(n ) property of a procedure, its classification as a function or subroutine, the characteristics of its dummy arguments, and the characteristics of its function result if it is a function of a dummy argument, whether it is a data object, is a procedure, or has the OPTIONAL attribute of a data object, its type, type parameters shape, the exact dependence of an array bound or the character length on other entities, intent, whether it is OPTIONAL, whether it is a pointer or a target, and whether the shape, size or character length is assumed of a dummy procedure, whether the interface is explicit, its characteristics as a procedure if the interface is explicit, and whether it is optional of a function result, its type, type parameters, whether it is a pointer, rank if it is a pointer, shape if it is not a pointer, the exact dependence of an array bound or the charater length on other entities, and whether the character length is assumed
n the various properties of a rock or mineral that facilitate identification
- a special quality or feature; whatever distinguishes one person or thing from others
NUMBER(8), Required, Software supplied
primary sex characteristic
the genetically determined sex characteristics bound up with reproduction (genitals and organs of reproduction)
secondary sex characteristic
the genetically determined sex characteristics that are not functionally necessary for reproduction (pitch of the voice and body hair and musculature)
secondary sex characteristic
Any of various genetically transmitted physical or behavioral characteristics that appear in humans at puberty and in sexually mature animals and that differentiate between the sexes without having a direct reproductive function
secondary sexual characteristic
physical characteristic that develops at puberty but does not directly involve reproduction (such as woman's breasts or man's facial hair)
sex characteristic
those characteristics (both anatomical and psychological) that are strongly associated with one sex relative to the other
sex characteristic
{i} distinguishing anatomical and psychological traits strongly connected with a person's sex relative to the other