Andorra, İspanya ve Fransa arasında bulunan küçük bir prensliktir.
- Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.
Kilise şehrin kenarında bulunmaktadır.
- The church is situated on the edge of town.
Thursday adası Avustralya'nın en kuzeyindeki Cape York ve Yeni Gine arasındaki Torres boğazında bulunmaktadır.
- Thursday Island is situated in the Torres Strait between Australia's northernmost Cape York and New Guinea.
Andorra, İspanya ve Fransa arasında bulunan küçük bir prensliktir.
- Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.
Endonezya dünyada yalnızca adalar üzerinde kurulu olan en büyük ülkedir.
- Indonesia is the largest country in the world situated only on islands.
Wadley in Berkshire is situate in a vale, though not so fertile a soil as some vales afford .
The mayor is situated between probable censure and possible recall.
The statue is situated in a corner hardly visible to the public, except through a window from an outside maintenance area situated behind the building.