make up for

listen to the pronunciation of make up for
Englisch - Türkisch
telafi etmek

Kayıp zamanı telafi etmek için çok çalışmalıyım. - I must work hard to make up for lost time.

Kaybı telafi etmek zorundaydım. - I had to make up for the loss.

Telâfi etmek
make up
make up

Makyaj yapmayı bilir. - She knows how to make up.

Siz arkadaşlar makyaj yaptınız mı? - Did you guys make up?

make up
{i} barışmak
make up
{i} oluşturmak

İslam Danimarka'nın en büyük ikinci dini olup, onun 210.000 inananı toplumunun% 3.7'sini oluşturmaktadır. - Islam is the second largest religion in Denmark, of which its 210,000 believers make up 3.7% of its society.

make up
makyaj yapmak
make up
(deyim) tamamlamak. make up for sth. karsilamak,telafi etmek. make up to someone gozune girmeye calismak,yaranmak. make sth. up to someone telafi etmek
make up
(deyim) dostluğu yeniden kurmak
make up
{i} telâfi etmek

Kaybı telafi etmek zorundaydım. - I had to make up for the loss.

Ülke, dış ticaret açığını telafi etmek için çok çabalıyor. - The country is trying hard to make up for her trade deficit.

make up
(Askeri) maket
make up
{i} uyduruvermek
make up
bütünleme sınavı
{f} göz boyamak
make for
(deyim) make for someone/sth. ...e dogru gitmek,yurumek. make for sth. ...e neden olmak,yardim etmek
make for
(Fiili Deyim ) -e doğru gitmek , -e neden olmak
make for
-e yönelmek
make up
make up
{i} toparlamak
gözünü boyamak
make for
(deyim) hareket etmek
make up
(deyim) (para/zaman) kaybı giderme
make up
(deyim) bütünü oluşturmak
make up
yatak yapmak
make up
kafadan atmak
make up
(deyim) bütünleşmek
make up
(deyim) reçete hazırlamak
make up
make up
(deyim) kaybı telafi etme

Kaybı telafi etmeliyiz. - We must make up for the loss.

Biz onun kaybı telafi etmesi gerektiğini önerdik. - We suggested that she should make up for the loss.

make up
(deyim) açmak
make up
(deyim) (ilacı) hazırlamak
make up
(Askeri) tertip etmek
make up
(deyim) mizanpaj yapmak
make up
karar vermek

Şimdi karar vermek zorunda olduğunuz zaman. - Now is when you have to make up your mind.

Tom hemen karar vermek zorunda değil. - Tom doesn't have to make up his mind right now.

make up
(deyim) karıştırarak hazırlamak
make up
(deyim) sayfayı hazırlamak
make up
bir araya getirmek
make up
make up
kafadan uydurmak
make up
make up
geri vermek
make up
makyaj yap
make up
(deyim) (özür/neden) bulmak
make up
make up
make up
icat etmek
make up
make up
make up
make up
make up
(deyim) bütün oluşturmak
make up
make up
(deyim) katılmak
gözlerini bağla
make for
-e neden olmak
make for
-e doğru yol alma
make up

Altmış beşten fazla Amerikalılar toplam nüfusun% 12.5'ini oluşturuyor. - Americans who are over sixty-five make up 12.5% of the total population.

Sami kendi yatağını toplayabilir. - Sami can make up his own bed.

{f} aldatmak

Onu nasıl aldatabilirim? - How could I hoodwink him?

{f} gözlerini bağlamak
{f} oyuna getirmek
{f} gizlemek
make up
make up
(deyim) uydurmak. 2.karsilamak,yerini doldurmak
make up
(deyim) hazirlamak,paket yapmak
make up
(deyim) makyaj yapmak. make-up makyaj. make someone up birine makyaj yapmak. make sth. up
make up
for -i telafi etmek. 6
make up
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- makyaj yapmak 2- hazırlamak
make up
make up
uydurma hikâye
make up
make up
make up
make up
makyaj malzemesi
make up
make up
make up
Englisch - Englisch
To make up for a bad experience or the loss of something means to make the situation better or make the person involved happier. Ask for an extra compensation payment to make up for the stress you have been caused = compensate for
compensate for; complete, supply what is lacking
make for
To set out to go (someplace); to move towards

e disappeared into his house much as a startled weasel makes for its hole.

make for
To confirm, favour, strengthen (an opinion, theory, etc.)

That they are “conditions of thought” does not make for Kant’s theory of the categories one iota more than it makes for the theory of Aristotle or for the theory of Locke.

make for
To tend to produce or result in

It was such a day as one dreams about, with that pleasant warmth in the air that makes for indolent content.

make up
to constitute; to compose; to form
make up
to compensate, fill in or catch up

Cuba took limited free market-oriented measures to alleviate severe shortages of food, consumer goods, and services to make up for the ending of Soviet subsidies.

make up
to apply cosmetics or makeup

Let's leave as soon I make up my face.

make up
to resolve, forgive or smooth over an argument or fight

They fight a lot, but they always manage to make up.

make up
to invent, imagine, or concoct (a story, claim, etc.)

He was a great storyteller and could make up a story on the spot.

make up
To overcome a disadvantage
make up
to assemble, or mix

I can make up a batch of stew in a few minutes, but it will take a two hours to cook.

make up
make up something artificial or untrue
make for
go in the direction of; attack; bring forward, assist
make for
cause to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"
make for
If something makes for another thing, it causes or helps to cause that thing to happen or exist. A happy parent makes for a happy child
make for
If you make for a place, you move towards it. He rose from his seat and made for the door
make up
form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
make up
{f} construct; constitute; invent, concoct; forgive and forget; supply what is lacking; put on cosmetics; compensate for something missed (as in: "I missed the test, may I make it up?")
make up
The people or things that make up something are the members or parts that form that thing. North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country Insects are made up of tens of thousands of proteins. = form, constitute
make up
If you make up something such as a story or excuse, you invent it, sometimes in order to deceive people. I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him I'm not making it up. The character exists in real life
make up
make up work that was missed due to absence at a later point; "I have to make up a French exam"; "Can I catch up with the material or is it too late?
make up
apply make-up or cosmetics to one's face to appear prettier; "She makes herself up every morning"
make up
If you make up something such as food or medicine, you prepare it by mixing or putting different things together. Prepare the souffle dish before making up the souffle mixture
make up
If you make up an amount, you add something to it so that it is as large as it should be. Less than half of the money that students receive is in the form of grants, and loans have made up the difference The team had six professionals and made the number up with five amateurs For every £100 you invest into a pension plan the Inland Revenue makes it up to £125
make up
put in order or neaten; "make the bed"; "make up a room"
make up
do or give something to somebody in return; "Does she pay you for the work you are doing?"
make up
make up work that was missed due to absence at a later point; "I have to make up a French exam"; "Can I catch up with the material or is it too late?"
make up
come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"
make up
If two people make up or make it up after a quarrel or disagreement, they become friends again. She came back and they made up They never made up the quarrel They should make up with their ex-enemy in the West I'll make it up with him again
make up
If you make up time or hours, you work some extra hours because you have previously taken some time off work. They'll have to make up time lost during the strike
make up
If you make up a bed, you put sheets and blankets on it so that someone can sleep there. Her mother made up a bed in her old room
make up
devise or compose; "This designer makes up our Spring collections"; "He designed women's shoes"
make up
If you make yourself up or if someone else makes you up, make-up such as powder or lipstick is put on your face. She spent too much time making herself up She chose Maggie to make her up for her engagement photographs I can't be bothered to make up my face
make up
{i} cosmetics; figure, body structure, build; arrangement
to make up for
make up for

    Türkische aussprache

    meyk ʌp fôr


    /ˈmāk ˈəp ˈfôr/ /ˈmeɪk ˈʌp ˈfɔːr/


    [ 'mAk ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English macian; akin to Old High German mahhOn to prepare, make, Greek magEnai to be kneaded, Old Church Slavonic mazati to anoint, smear.


    ... it. But they're not creative enough to make up for 30 percent of revenue on something ...
    ... Congress to eliminate some deductions in order to make up for the loss in revenue. ...