
listen to the pronunciation of aspect
Englisch - Türkisch

Çeşitli yönleriyle Yunan kültürünü inceledik. - We studied Greek culture from various aspects.

Çeşitli yönleri incelemeliyiz. - We must examine the various aspects.

(Hukuk) açı

Bu soruna farklı bir açıdan yaklaşalım. - Let's approach this problem from a different aspect.

Bu probleme farklı bir açıdan yaklaşalım. - Let's approach this problem from a different aspect.

{i} açı, yön, bakım: Let's consider this aspect of the problem. Meselenin bu yönünü düşünelim
bakış açısı
{i} görünüm

Diğer bakış açıları var. - There are other aspects.

sinyalerin görülebilmesi
yüz ifadesi
baktığı yön
bir yanı
tek tarafı
çok yönlü herhangi bir şeyin bir yüzü
tek yanı
yıldız ve gezegenlerin birbirlerine göre konumları

Hayal hayatlarımızın her yönünü etkilemektedir. - Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.

Oyunun her yönünü seviyorum. - I love every aspect of the game.

{i} cephe
{i} görüş
{i} hal
gezegenlerin birbirine oranla durumları

Diğer bakış açıları var. - There are other aspects.

{i} bakım
{i} tavır
{i} çehre

Araç durumu Rus dilinin en zarif yönlerinden biridir. - The instrumental case is one of the most graceful aspects of the Russian language.

aspect change
görünüş değişikliği
aspect ratio
(Bilgisayar) en/boy oranı
aspect ratio
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görüş oranı
aspect ratio
(Bilgisayar) görünüm oranı
aspect ratio
en boy oranı
aspect ratios
boy oranları
aspect angle
görünüş açısı
aspect angle
(Askeri) GÖRÜNÜŞ AÇISI: Uçuş halindeki bir merminin boyuna ekseni ile bir radar hüzmesi arasında oluşan açı
aspect change
(Askeri) GÖRÜNÜŞ DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ: Yansıyan bir cismin, radar tarafından değişik cephelerden görünen değişik görünüşü. Buna, hedef fiili yansıma sahasının değişmesi sebep olur
aspect ratio
en-boy oranı

Ekran, 4:3 en-boy oranına sahip. - The screen has an aspect ratio of 4:3.

aspect ratio
(Of Vector Fonts) Görünüm Oranı (Vektör Yazı Tipleri)
aspect ratio
en-boy oranı en boy oranı IBM
aspect ratio correction
Görünüm Oranı Düzeltmesi
aspect ratio
(Otomotiv) seri
aspect ratio
(Teknik,Televizyon) uzunluk oranı
aspect ratio
(Teknik,Televizyon) çerçeve oranı
aspect ratio
(Teknik,Televizyon) görüntü oranı
aspect ratio
(Teknik,Televizyon) görüntü boyutu
when viewed from this aspect
bu açıdan bakıldığında
bakış açıları

Diğer bakış açıları var. - There are other aspects.

progressive aspect
ilerleyen safha

Eğitim, yaşamın en temel yönlerinden biridir. - Education is one of the most essential aspects of life.

Çeşitli yönleriyle Yunan kültürünü inceledik. - We studied Greek culture from various aspects.

complete aspect
bitmislik görünüşü
durative aspect
süre belirtisi, sürerlik görünüşü
environmental aspect
(Çevre) çevresel etki yaratan unsur
imperfect aspect
bitmemislik görünüşü
lexical aspect
(Dilbilim) Sözcüksel görünüş
one aspect
bir yönü
shadow aspect
gölge yönü
telic aspect
bitmislik görünüşü
viewpoint aspect
(Dilbilim) Bakışaçısı görünüşü
aspect ratio
görünüş oranı
fiilin zamanıyla ilgili
complete aspect
(Dilbilim) bitmişlik görünüşü
cursive aspect
(Dilbilim) oluş görünüşü
dual aspect principle
(Ticaret) çift taraflılık ilkesi
dual aspect theory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikili özellik teorisi
frequency aspect
(Dilbilim) sıklık görünüşü
habitual aspect
(Dilbilim) alışkanlık görünüşü
have a southern aspect
güneye bakmak
have a southern aspect
güney cepheli olmak
imperfect aspect
(Dilbilim) bitmemişlik görünüşü
imperfective aspect
(Dilbilim) bitmemişlik görünüşü
inceptive aspect
(Dilbilim) başlamalı görünüş
iterative aspect
(Dilbilim) yinelemeli görünüş
low-aspect-ratio ignimbrite
düşük en-boy oranlı ignimbrit
monetary aspect
(Ticaret) parasal yön
perfect aspect
(Dilbilim) bitmişlik görünüşü
perfective aspect
(Dilbilim) bitmişlik görünüşü
permissive aspect
(Dilbilim) kalıcılık görünüşü
progressive aspect
(Dilbilim) süreklilik görünüşü
punctual aspect
(Dilbilim) anlık görünüşü
real aspect
(Ticaret) reel yön
telic aspect
(Dilbilim) bitmişlik görünüşü
Englisch - Englisch
The act of looking at something; gaze
The relative position of heavenly bodies as they appear to an observer on earth; the angular relationship between points in a horoscope
A grammatical quality of a verb (in certain, originally specifically Slavic, languages) which determines the relationship of the speaker to the internal temporal flow of the event the verb describes; whether the speaker views the event from outside as a whole, or from within as it is unfolding
One's appearance or expression

It is Stephen Gardiner, black and scowling, his aspect in no way improved by his trip to Rome.

the way something appears when viewed from a particular direction
{n} a look, air, appearance, position, view
The compass direction towards which a slope faces
In grammar, aspect is the way that a verb group shows whether an activity is continuing, is repeated, or is completed. For example, in `They were laughing', the verb is in the progressive aspect and shows that the action was continuing. Compare tense
The situation of planets or stars with respect to one another, or the angle formed by the rays of light proceeding from them and meeting at the eye; the joint look of planets or stars upon each other or upon the earth
The direction that a slope faces (north, south, etc ) -B- Basal area -- The cross-sectional area of a tree, in square feet, at 4 5 feet from the ground (breast height) When the basal area of all the trees in a stand are summed, the result is expressed as square feet of basal area per acre, which is a measure of a stand's density
The display or presentation of a wayside signal that provides an indication viewed from the direction of an approaching train; the appearance of a cab signal conveying an indication as viewed by an operator in the cab
If an immersed plane meets a current of fluid long side foremost, or in broadside aspect, it sustains more pressure than when placed short side foremost
Prospect; outlook
the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views"
Position or situation with regard to seeing; that position which enables one to look in a particular direction; position in relation to the points of the compass; as, a house has a southern aspect, that is, a position which faces the south
The direction a slope faces A hillside facing east has an eastern aspect
a characteristic to be considered a distinct feature or element in a problem; "he studied every facet of the question" the beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb
The compass direction that a surface faces
grammatical quality of a verb which determines the relationship of the speaker to the internal temporal flow of the event the verb describes; whether the speaker views the event from outside as a whole, or from within as it is unfolding
The influence of the stars for good or evil; as, an ill aspect
At a given point on an interpolated surface, the aspect at that point is the direction of steepest descent Aspects are angles measured clockwise from north
An aspect of something is one of the parts of its character or nature. Climate and weather affect every aspect of our lives He was interested in all aspects of the work here
The direction towards which a slope faces
the expression on a person's face; "a sad expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face"
The direction a slope is facing; its exposure in relation to the sun (eg north, east, south, west)
Look, or particular appearance of the face; countenance; mien; air
Hence, long narrow wings are more effective than short broad ones of the same area
The direction toward which a slope faces
The orientation or position of a map projection graticule in respect to the lines of latitude and longitude on the globe they are representing For example, the planar family of projections may be grouped into three aspects: polar, equatorial and oblique (The term case", is also used in cartographic literature)
the cardinal direction or bearing angle toward which a slope faces
a characteristic to be considered a distinct feature or element in a problem; "he studied every facet of the question"
The direction toward which a slope faces with respect to the compass or to the rays of the Sun; also called slope aspect GSST
The direction towards which a slope faces TOP
Direction toward which a slope faces
{i} point of view, facet; appearance, outlook; direction; action of a verb without relating to its time
The phrase "I am reading" is in the progressive aspect, signifying that the action is still in progress Contrast this with "I read" which does not likely refer to an action that is currently in progress Aspect goes further than this, but we shall not pursue the details of aspect in this subject If interested, you could try Huddleston, R , "Introduction to the Grammar of English" Cambridge, 1984, pp 157-158 and elsewhere
The direction a slope faces
The direction a slope is facing; i e , its exposure in relation to the sun
a term used to indicate an angular relationship between points in a horoscope
A position facing in a particular direction (referring to factors relating to direction of sunlight and prevailing winds)
a characteristic to be considered
the direction in which a slope faces
The act of looking; vision; gaze; glance
a distinct feature or element in a problem; "he studied every facet of the question"
the beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb
A view of a plane from a given direction, usually from above; more exactly, the manner of presentation of a plane to a fluid through which it is moving or to a current
A position on a sloped surface facing a particular direction Usually referred to in compass directions such as degrees or as cardinal directions
The aspect of a building or window is the direction in which it faces. The house had a south-west aspect
Appearance to the eye or the mind; look; view
The direction a particular slope is facing
To behold; to look at
the orientation, or the direction that a surface faces, with respect to the directions of the compass: north, south, east, west
The angular relationship between planets and other points in the horoscope These are often divided into Major and Minor aspects The Major aspects include the Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine and Opposition, while the Minor aspects are derived mathematically from these and include the Quincunx, Semi-square, Semi-sextile, Sesquiquadrate, Quintile and Bi-Quintile The interpretation of aspects depends on the planets or points involved, as well as the particular aspect itself The degree of arc in which the aspect has effect depends on the nature of the planets involved and is called an Orb
aspect ratio
The ratio of an object's longest dimension to its next-longest dimension
aspect ratio
The ratio of width to height in a flat surface or 2-dimensional abstract construction, such as an image, character, or pixel. 4: 3 (or 1.33: 1) is the standard ratio for NTSC video. 1.85: 1 and 2.35: 1 are the most common aspect ratios for motion pictures
aspect ratios
plural form of aspect ratio
Describing a system which has been written so that different sub-systems appear to add themselves to the main business logic without that logic having to include them manually

The advantage of our aspect-orientated email notification system is that we can change which emails it sends without editing the main program.

aspect ratio
The span-to-mean-chord ratio of an airfoil
aspect ratio
The width-to-height ratio of a film or television image
aspect ratio
The ratio of width to height in photographic prints - 2: 3 in 35 mm pictures to produce photographs most commonly measuring 3 5 x 5 inches or 4 x 6 inches; Advanced Photo System cameras deliver three aspect ratios as selected by the user See also Interspersed Aspect Ratio The Advanced Photo System's three user selectable print formats: "C" - 2: 3 aspect ratio used in 35 mm photography "H" - 9: 16 aspect ratio used by high-definition television (HDTV) "P" - 1: 3 aspect ratio produces prints of 3 5 x 10 5 inches or up to 4 5 x 11 5 inches; suitable for panoramic shots
aspect ratio
The ratio of the width of a television picture or television screen to its height The ratio for conventional television systems is 4: 3 In advanced television systems (e g widescreen) the ratio is usually 14: 9 or 16: 9, which better approximate the aspect ratio used in cinema
aspect ratio
A measure of screen size as articulated by the ratio of width to height Video's aspect ratio is 4: 3
aspect ratio
The dimension of a mailpiece expressed as a ratio of length divided by height (for letters and cards, length is the dimension parallel to the address as read) For example, a postcard 5-1/2 inches long by 3-1/2 inches high has an aspect ratio of 1 57 An aspect ratio between 1 3 and 2 5, inclusive, is required for automation compatibility Also see nonmachinable surcharge
aspect ratio
Lateral - the ratio of the length of a structure in the plane of the wafer to its width in that plane Vertical - the ratio of the height of a structure perpendicular to the wafer's surface to its depth in the wafer's plane
aspect ratio
Specifies the height-to-width ratio of a plot This term is also applied to characters For example, characters with an aspect ratio of 2 0 are twice as tall as they are wide
aspect ratio
the ratio of the width to the height of a tv picture
aspect ratio
The ratio between the width and height of an image or image sensor
aspect ratio
In computer graphics, the ratio of width to height of a screen or image frame
aspect ratio
(1) (n ) The ratio of the height of an object to its width (2) (n ) In computer graphics, the ratio of a pixel's height to its width Pixels that have equal height and width are called square pixels
aspect ratio
The proportions of a TV or film picture, generally given as the ratio of the width to height The standard TV picture has an aspect ratio of 4x3, or 4: 3 High-definition video systems may have aspect ratios of 6x8 or greater
aspect ratio
The ratio of the long to the short side of an aëroplane, aërocurve, or wing
aspect ratio
The ratio of length to diameter of a fiber
aspect ratio
The relationship of width and height When an image is displayed on different screens, the aspect ratio must be kept the same to avoid either vertical or horizontal stretching
aspect ratio
In computer displays and graphics, the ratio of the width of a picture or picture area to its height For example, an aspect ratio of 2: 1 indicates that the picture is twice as wide as it is high The aspect ratio is an important factor in maintaining correct proportions when a picture is incorporated into another document such as a Web page
aspect ratio
The ratio between the width and the height of a pixel on a computer display
aspect ratio
The ratio of the width of an image or other rectangular area to its height
aspect ratio
The ratio of width to height
aspect ratio
The wingspan divided by the chord Aspect ratio is important where a wing's efficiency is concerned A short aspect ratio (short wings) is better for maneuvering, since it allows a high roll rate Short wings are also stronger than long wings Gliders use high-aspect ratio wings (long, skinny wings) because they are more efficient for soaring flight Example: 10 ft wingspan with a 1 ft chord has an aspect ratio of 10
aspect ratio
The ratio of the vertical to the horizontal image size; 3: 4 is the NTSC standard
aspect ratio
The width-to-height ratio of a television picture Today's analog TV pictures have an aspect ratio of 4: 3 That is, the picture is slightly rectangular, being wider than it is tall The high-definition mode of digital TV presents the picture in an aspect ratio of 16: 9, almost twice as wide as it is tall This is similar to the pictures shown in movie theaters
aspect ratio
The ratio of a video clip’s width to its height
aspect ratio
The ratio of image width to image height Weather Facsimile (WEFAX) images have a 1: 1 aspect ratio (square); a conventional TV aspect ratio is 4: 3 (rectangle)
aspect ratio
The ratio of a television picture width to height In NTSC video, the standard is 4: 3 In HDTV and SDTV widescreen video, it is 16: 9
aspect ratio
The ratio of the width (q v ) of the flag to its length (q v ) For example, a flag 36 inches along the hoist (width) by 60 inches from left to right (length) would have an aspect ratio of 1: 1 67 In some circles the words height and width are substituted for width and length, respectively Also, scientifically speaking, aspect may also use the width as the base reference, making the preceding example 1 67: 1
aspect ratio
The ratio of an image's width to its height
aspect ratio
relation between the width and height of an image on the screen
aspect ratio
The aspect ratio to the ratio of the width of the screen to the height The two relevant digital TV formats are 16: 9 (widescreen) or 4: 3 (the current screen ratio)
aorist aspect
A temporal feature of the verb which denotes the speaker's standpoint of the event described by the verb, as from outside of the event and seeing it as a completed whole
Of or pertaining to an aspect
Of or pertaining to grammatical aspect
frequentative aspect
The frequentative aspect refers to a subclass of imperfective verbs that denotes a continuously repeated action. An example in English would be the frequentative verb "to crackle," as opposed to the nonfrequentative "to crack."
imperfective aspect
: The imperfective aspect is a feature of the verb which denotes an action or condition that does not have a fixed temporal boundary, but is habitual, unfinished, continuous, repetitive or in progress
iterative aspect
: The iterative aspect refers to a subclass of imperfective verbs that denotes a continuously repeated action. An example in English would be the iterative verb "to sniffle," as opposed to the noniterative "to sniff."
modified aspect ratio
An aspect ratio in which a motion picture is formatted to fit a specific type of screen (historically 1.33: 1), as opposed to original aspect ratio
original aspect ratio
The aspect ratio of the rectangular shape that the director intended his or her motion picture to be viewed in, as opposed to modified aspect ratio
perfective aspect
: The perfective aspect is a feature of the verb which denotes viewing the event the verb describes as a completed whole, rather than from within the event as it unfolds. For example, "she sat down" as opposed to "she was sitting down". Since the focus is on the completion of what is expressed by the verb, this aspect is generally associated with the past and future tenses. This term is often used interchangeably with aorist aspect. This is not to be confused with the perfect tense
semelfactive aspect
: The semelfactive aspect refers to a subclass of perfective verbs that denotes a momentary or punctiliar action (e.g., to sneeze, to blink)
lexical aspect
(Dilbilim) The aktionsart or lexical aspect of a verb is a part of the way in which that verb is structured in relation to time. Any event, state, process, or action a verb expresses—collectively, any eventuality—may also be said to have the same aktionsart. Lexical aspect should be distinguished from grammatical aspect: lexical aspect is a classification of verbs. Grammatical aspect is a classification of different (conjugated) forms of a single verb
shadow aspect
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) In Jungian psychology, the shadow or "shadow aspect" is a part of the unconscious mind consisting of repressed weaknesses, shortcomings, and instincts. It is one of the three most recognizable archetypes, the others being the anima and animus and the persona. "Everyone carries a shadow," Jung wrote, "and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is." It may be (in part) one's link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind
The relationships between the planets are measured by astrologers, and if there is a connection between specific degrees, the planets are said to be "in aspect" to one another The relationship can be expressed positively or negatively, depending on the planets involved and the specific angles at which they connect
Abilities Aspects are broad catagories which classify specific abilities The abilities in each aspect are all related to one another In most cases, those born with psi abilities will find that the abilities in some aspects are easier for them than the abilities in other aspects These aspects are listed below
Angled, Head On and Parallel refer to the aspects of a panel A panel may have more than one aspect For example, the same panel may be head on to road 'A' and angled to road 'B' Therefore, the sum of aspects may well exceed the total number of panels
- Forms, facets or personas of Deity: for example, Artemis, Persephone, and Kore are aspects of the Maiden, and the maiden is an aspect of the Goddess; Helios, Ra, and Apollo are all solar aspects of the God "All Goddesses are one Goddess; all Gods are one God"
One planet is in aspect to another when there is a specific number of degrees between them, measured around the circumference of the birth chart Important aspects: the conjunction (0°), the sextile (60°), the square (90°), the trine (120°), the opposition (180°)
The angular distances between two factors (e g , planets) in the horoscope, in celestial longitude The most commonly used aspects are the conjunction 0, opposition 180 degrees , square 90 degrees , trine 120 degrees , sextile 60 degrees , and quincunx 150 degrees Other aspects also exist Aspects between planets (and other points in the chart) are assumed to indicate certain themes of cooperation, challenge, pulling apart, etc , in terms of personality, events, and relationships with others
plural of aspect
(Linguistics) of or belonging to an aspect
of or belonging to an aspect (as an aspect of the verb); "the aspectual system of Greek"
of or belonging to an aspect (as an aspect of the verb); "the aspectual system of Greek
double-aspect theory
or dual-aspect theory Type of mind-body monism. According to double-aspect theory, the mental and the material are different aspects or attributes of a unitary reality, which itself is neither mental nor material. The view is derived from the metaphysics of Benedict de Spinoza, who held that mind and matter are merely two of an infinite number of "modes" of a single existing substance, which he identified with God. See also mind-body problem
from a certain aspect
from a particular position, from a particular angle
inchoative aspect
aspect with regard to the beginning of the action of the verb
legal aspect
legal point of view, legal angle
one aspect
one side, one facet, one point of view
positive aspect
positive side, good element within the bad
progressive aspect
the aspect of a verb that expresses its on-going action