
listen to the pronunciation of concentration
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} konsantrasyon

Tom konsantrasyonunu kaybediyor. - Tom is losing his concentration.

Bu yüksek düzeyde konsantrasyon gerektiren iş türü. - This is the kind of work that requires a high level of concentration.

{i} yoğunlaşma
(Tıp) Eriyen madde ile eritici madde miktarı arasındaki oran, eriyik içindeki eriyen madde miktarı
(Eğitim) odaklanma
dikkati bir noktada toplama
(Askeri) yığınak
bir araya getirme
(İnşaat,Kimya) derişiklik

İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında, Alman Nazileri Auschwitz toplama kampında birçok insanı öldürdüler. - During the Second World War, German Nazis killed many people at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Birçok Japon Amerikalılar 2.Dünya Savaşı sırasında toplama kamplarına gönderildi. - Many Japanese-Americans were sent off to concentration camps during World War II.

Sıvının buharlaşarak yoğun hal gelişi, yoğunlaşma, koyulaşma
Zihnin belli bir konu üzerinde toplanması, dikkatin belli bir noktaya yönelmesi
concentrationcamp temerküz kampı
(Askeri) ATEŞ TOPLAMASI: Sınırlı bir süre içinde bir bölgeye veya ilerisi için muhtemel hedef olarak adlandırılmış ve numaralanmış bir bölgeye yapılan keşif ateş
toplama kampı

İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında, Alman Nazileri Auschwitz toplama kampında birçok insanı öldürdüler. - During the Second World War, German Nazis killed many people at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Tom'un büyükbabası bir toplama kampı kurtulanıydı. - Tom's grandfather was a concentration camp survivor.

(İnşaat) yoğunluk
dikkat toplaşımı
concentration camp
toplama kampı
concentration cell
konsantrasyon pili  
concentration plant
zenginleştirme tesisi
concentration ratio
(Ticaret) yoğunlaşma oranı
concentration area
yoğunlaşım bölgesi
concentration camp
temerküz kampı
concentration camp
toplama düşergesi
concentration cell
derişim pili
concentration cell
konsantrasyon pili
concentration gradient
derişim eğimi
concentration gradient
derişim gradyanı
concentration gradient
değişim gradyanı
concentration gradient
bir maddede bulunan katkı malzemesinin birim adım boyunca değişimi
concentration gradient
konsantrasyon gradyanı
concentration in industry
sanayi yoğunlaşması, endüstri toplanması
concentration of export trade
ihracat ticaretinin yoğunlaşması
concentration area
(İnşaat) temerküz sahası
concentration area
(Askeri) YIĞINAK BÖLGESİ: Kıtaların, genellikle harekat alanında, fiilen harekata başlamadan önce toplandıkları bir bölge
concentration banking
(Ticaret) temerküz şube
concentration clarke
(Jeoloji) konsantrasyon klarkı
concentration effect curve
(Tıp) komsantrasyon etki eğrisi
concentration factor
(Jeoloji) konsantrasyon faktörü
concentration in industry
(Ticaret) sanayide yoğunlaşma
concentration law
(Tıp) konsantrasyonlar yasası
concentration of capital
(Ticaret) sermayenin merkezileşmesi
concentration of fire
(Askeri) Ateş toplaması
concentration of flow lines
akım çizgilerinin birikmesi
concentration of flow lines
akım çizgilerinin derişimi
concentration of powers
(Politika, Siyaset) iktidarın toplanması
concentration of powers
(Politika, Siyaset) yetkinin toplanması
concentration of risk
(Ticaret) risk yoğunlaşması
concentration of risk
(Ticaret) kefalet riski
concentration phase
(Denizbilim) toplanma evresi
concentration process
(Kimya) deriştirme işlemi
concentration processes
(Nükleer Bilimler) yoğunluk arttırma işlemleri
concentration response curve
(Tıp) konsanrasyn cevap eğrisi
concentration ring
(Havacılık) konsantrasyon segmanı
concentration tank
derişim tankı
concentration tank
yoğunlaşma tankı
exposure concentration
(Tıp) maruziyet konsantrasyonu
osmotic concentration
(Denizbilim) geçişim derişimi
steady state concentration
(Tıp) css
threshold concentration
(Tıp) eşik konsantrasyon
acid concentration
asit konsantrasyonu
carbon concentration
karbon konsantrasyonu
electron concentration
elektron konsantrasyonu
hydrogen ion concentration
hidrojen iyon konsantrasyonu
hydrogen ion concentration
hidrojen iyonu konsantrasyonu
ideal concentration
ideal konsantrasyon
ion concentration
iyon yoğunluğu
ionic concentration
iyon yoğunluğu
bulk concentration
yığın konsantrasyonu, yığın derişimi
increase in density
yoğunluğundaki artış
lose one's concentration
Dikkatini kaybetmek/yitirmek
loss of concentration
konsantrenin bozulması
ratio of concentration
konsantrasyon oranı, derişme oranı
yeniden konsantrasyonu
volume concentration
Hacim yoğunluğu
biological concentration
(Nükleer Bilimler) biyolojik konsantrasyon
bulk concentration
(Nükleer Bilimler) kütlesel derişim
check concentration
(Askeri) Ateş toplaması
clarke of concentration
konsantrasyon klarkı
derived air concentration
(Çevre) havada maruz kalma süresi
derived air concentration
(Nükleer Bilimler) türetilmiş hava konsantrasyonu, türetilmiş hava derişimi
effective concentration
etkin konsantrasyon
environmental concentration
(Çevre) çevresel yoğunlaşma
freeze concentration
(Gıda) dondurarak derişikleştirme
freeze concentration
(Gıda) dondurarak yoğunlaştırma
harassing concentration
(Askeri) TACİZ EDİCİ GAZ YOĞUNLUĞU: Maske takmaya mecbur eden gaz yoğunluğu. Bak. "concentration"
hydrogen-ion concentration
hidrojen-iyon derişimi/konsantrasyonu
intolerable concentration
(Askeri) TAHAMMÜL EDİLEMEYECEK GAZ YOĞUNLUĞU: Göz yaşartıcı gazlar için, gözlerin açılmasına imkan vermeyecek gaz yoğunluğu
irritant concentration
(Askeri) TAHRİŞ EDİCİ GAZ YOĞUNLUĞU: Mevcudiyeti hissolunacak derecede gaz yoğunluğu. Ayrıca bakınız: "concentration"
irritating concentration
(Askeri) tahriş edici gaz yoğunluğu
irritating concentration
(Askeri) TAHRİŞ EDİCİ GAZ YOĞUNLUĞU: Bak. "irritant concentration"
killing concentration
(Askeri) öldürücü gaz yoğunluğu
killing concentration
(Askeri) ÖLDÜRÜCÜ GAZ YOĞUNLUĞU: Bak. "concentration"
lack of concentration
konsantrasyon eksikliği
lacrimatory concentration
(Askeri) GÖZ YAŞARTICI GAZ YOĞUNLUĞU: Göz yaşı getiren gaz yoğunluğu. Bak. "concentration"
lethal concentration
(Askeri) öldürücü gaz yoğunluğu
lethal concentration
(Tıp) letal konsantrasyon
lethal, concentration
(Askeri) ÖLDÜRÜCÜ GAZ YOĞUNLUĞU: İnsanları öldüren gaz yoğunluğu. Buna (killing concentration) de denir. Bak. "concentration"
major enemy concentration
(Askeri) önemli düşman yığınağı
major enemy concentration
(Askeri) Önemli düşman toplanması, yığınağı
major enemy concentration
(Askeri) önemli düşman toplanması
maximum applicable toxic concentration
maksimum kullanılabilecek toksit konsantrasyonu (mktk)
maximum permissible concentration
izin verilebilir azami yoğunluk
maximum permissible concentration
(Askeri) Bak. "radioactivity concentration guide"
postal concentration center
(Askeri) POSTA TOPLANMA MERKEZİ: ABD posta idaresinin bir postanesi veya bürosu. Denizde veya denizaşırı bölgelerde manevra halinde bulunan silahlı kuvvetlere ait her türlü posta evrakı, tasnif, yerlerine teslim veya sevk maksadıyla burada toplanır
postal concentration centre
(Askeri) posta toplanma merkezi
predicted concentration
(Askeri) HAREKET HALİNDEKİ HEDEFLERE ATIŞ TOPLAMASI: Adım adım tevcih. Aynı hedef üzerine herbiri arkasından bir seri atış toplaması
radioactivity concentration guide
(Askeri) RADYOAKTİVİTE YOĞUNLUK GÖSTERGESİ: Devamlı tüketim için kullanılan su ve havadaki kabul edilebilir belirli radyoizotop miktarı
reef concentration
(Askeri) resif yapısının yoğunluğu
strategic concentration
(Askeri) STRATEJİK YIĞINAK: Sefer planının uygulanmasına geçildiği zaman kuvvetlerin en iyi şekilde tertiplenmesini temin gayesiyle, belirli kuvvetlerin harekata başlamaları, planlanmış bölgelerde toplanmaları
stress concentration factor
gerilme yığılması katsayısı
sulphuric acid concentration
sülfürik asit konsantrasyonu
surface activity concentration
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzey aktivite konsantrasyonu
target concentration
(Askeri) HEDEF KÜMESİ; HEDEF TOPLULUĞU: Coğrafi bakımdan birbirine yakın hedefler topluluğu. Ayrıca bakınız: "target complex"
temporal concentration
(Sinema) derişik zaman
to declare a concentration unlawful
(Avrupa Birliği) bir yoğunlaşmanın hukuka aykırılığını saptamak
İngilizce - İngilizce
A field or course of study on which one focuses, especially as a student in a college or university
The act, process or ability of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated

The act or process of removing the dress of ore and of reducing the valuable part to smaller compass, as by currents of air or water.

The proportion of a substance in a mixture

chemistry The amount of solute in a solution measured in parts per million (ppm).

{n} the act of drawing to a center or point
Concentration on something involves giving all your attention to it. Neal kept interrupting, breaking my concentration We lacked concentration and it cost us the goal and the game
increase in density
The amount of a substance occurring in a given amount of a medium -- air, water, soil, tissue, etc It may be expressed e g , as parts per million, grams per liter, or in other units
A measure of the degree to which a few large firms dominate total sales, production, or capacity within an industry or market The concern is that the more concentrated an industry, the greater the likelihood of price and market manipulation For example, meat packer concentration has long been a concern of cattle producers It is common to express concentration as a ratio, by stating the share (%) held by the top 4, 8, or 12 firms
The ratio of mass or volume of solute present in a solution to the amount of solvent The quantity of ethyl alcohol (or sugar) present in a known quantity of water
The amount of solute in a solution measured in parts per million (ppm)
A measure of the ratio of the amount of solute in a solution to the amount of either solvent or solution Frequently expressed in unites of moles of solute per liter of solution See molarity
{i} careful attention; strength of a solution; assembly, gathering
is the measure of the atmospheric content of a gas, defined in terms of the proportion of the total volume that it accounts for Greenhouse gases are trace gases in the atmosphere and are usually measured in parts per million by volume (ppmv), parts per billion by volume (ppbv) or parts per trillion (million million) by volume (pptv)
The act, process or product of reducing the volume of a liquid, as by evaporation
in solutions, the mass, volume, or number of moles of solute present in proportion to the amount of solvent or total solution Common measures are: molarity, normality, percent, molality, and by specific gravity scales
the spatial property of being crowded together
The act or process of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated; concentration
The act or process of removing the dress of ore and of reducing the valuable part to smaller compass, as by currents of air or water
The amount of a chemical agent present in a unit volume, usually expressed in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) of air [123] Concentration can be used to calculate whether chemical warfare agent vapors would physically affect unprotected, exposed people
The amount of a substance contained in a unit volume or mass of a sample
strengthening the concentration (as of a solute in a mixture) by removing extraneous material bringing together military forces the strength of a solution; number of molecules of a substance in a given volume (expressed as moles/cubic meter) the spatial property of being crowded together complete attention; intense mental effort increase in density
the strength of a solution; number of molecules of a substance in a given volume (expressed as moles/cubic meter)
The relative amount of a sub-stance when combined or mixed with other substances Examples: 2 ppm hydrogen sulfide in air or a 50 percent caustic solution
The act, process or ability of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated; concentration
the ratio of the amount of solute to the amount of solvent or solution
In chemistry, the concentration of a substance is a measure of its weight or volume compared to the unit weight or volume of the mixture For example, "mg per liter "
The amount or mass of a substance present in a given volume or mass of sample Usually expressed as microgram per liter (water sample) or micrograms per kilogram (sediment or tissue sample)
great and constant diligence and attention
The amount of the compound present in a specified quantity of dilutant (i e water) Can be expressed as ml/L, oz/gallon, etc
strengthening the concentration (as of a solute in a mixture) by removing extraneous material
complete attention; intense mental effort
A concentration is a grouping of courses in a certain area like feminist theory or global economics Concentrations are generally offered as supplements to majors or minors and as such require fewer courses than either When investigating schools, it can be helpful to look over their lists of majors, minors and concentrations in order to make sure that a good number of courses in your areas of interest are present
The amount of material dissolved in a unit of solution, expressed in mg/L Concentration process The process of increasing the number of particles per unit volume of a solution, usually by evaporating the liquid Condensate Water obtained by condensation of water vapour
The measure of the amount of dissolved material (solute) in a solution It can be expressed in a variety of ways Expressions in weight percent, and grams of solute per liter of solution are common A more fundamental way to express concentration is used in chemistry: the "molar" concentration A solution is considered one molar (1 M) if it contains as many grams of solute per liter of solution as is the molecular weight of the solute (the so called gram-mole) This provides an atomistically fundamental expression because one gram-mole of any material will contain the same (and very large) number of molecules One gram-mole of hydrogen gas contains the exact same number of molecules as one gram-mole of table salt (sodium chloride), even though the latter is much heavier In this dictionary, the term "concentration" always designates "molarity" unless otherwise specified
The amount of a substance contained in a specific quantity of another solution or a mixture
The amount of substance in a specified space
The concentration of an analyte is a measurement of the mass of the analyte per unit volumn The mass may be expressed in grams, moles, international units (IU), or other units The liquid volumn may be expressed in milliliters or other units of volumn Sometimes only the total mass of the analyte is used One standard test results are often the ratio of sample to index standard response alone The index standard can have a predetermined concentration which is then multiplied times the ratio for a concentration in whatever units are entered
The amount of a chemical agent present in a unit volume of air Usually expressed in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3)
The concentration of a substance is the proportion of essential ingredients or substances in it. pH is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen atoms in a solution
The relative amount of a substance in a given medium
the amount of a substance in a given volume of air, water or other medium (Example: PM10 concentration is measured as the weight [micrograms] of small particles in a cubic meter of ambient air )
A concentration of something is a large amount of it or large numbers of it in a small area. The area has one of the world's greatest concentrations of wildlife There's been too much concentration of power in the hands of central authorities
The relative amount of a substance mixed with another substance An example is five parts per million of carbon monoxide in air or 1 milligram/liter of iron in water
bringing together military forces
The amount of a specific substance mixed into a given volume of air or liquid
The act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid, as by evaporation
A measure of the ratio of the amount of solute in a solution to the amount of either solvent or solution Frequently expressed in units of moles of solute per liter of solution See molarity
concentration camp
A camp or premises in which persons considered to be undesirable by those who control it are hidden away, mistreated, and even killed
concentration camp
A camp where large numbers of persons—such as political prisoners, prisoners of war, refugees—are detained for the purpose of concentrating them in one place
concentration camp
A situation wherein crowding and extremely harsh conditions take place
concentration camps
plural form of concentration camp
concentration and death camps
camps where political prisoners and enemies are confined, camps where the Nazis systematically confined and exterminated millions of Jews and other minority groups during World War II
concentration camp
a penal camp where political prisoners or prisoners of war are confined (usually under harsh conditions) a situation characterized by crowding and extremely harsh conditions
concentration camp
A concentration camp is a prison in which large numbers of ordinary people are kept in very bad conditions, usually during a war. a prison where political prisoners and other people who are not soldiers are kept and treated cruelly, especially during a war. Internment centre established by a government to confine political prisoners or members of national or minority groups for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment. The prisoners are usually selected by executive decree or military order. Camps are usually built to house many people, typically in highly crowded conditions. Countries that have used such camps include Britain during the South African War, the Soviet Union (see Gulag), the U.S. (see Manzanar Relocation Center), and Japan, which interned Dutch civilians in the Dutch East Indies during World War II. A variation, called a "reeducation camp," was widely used in China during the Cultural Revolution and in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. Most notorious were the death camps of Nazi Germany, including Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Treblinka
concentration camp
internment camp in which people are imprisoned and often tortured; any of a number of camps set up by the German Nazis during World War II for holding Jews and other peoples before killing them
concentration gradient
The graduated difference in concentration of a solute per unit distance through a solution
concentration of effort
principle of war which states that in order to win a battle one concentrates power in order to take advantage over the enemy
concentration of fire
convergence of fire, simultaneous shooting at the same target from a number of weapons
concentration of troops
grouping of military forces in a small area
critical micelle concentration
The well-defined concentration at which micelles start to form
molal concentration
the molality of a solution
molar concentration
the molarity of a solution
Buchenwald concentration camp
{i} very large Nazi concentration camp established in 1937 in the Buchenwald forest
background concentration
The concentration of any substance which would normally be found in an area This amount is used as a basis of comparison in identifying contamination levels
background concentration
The pollutant levels that are found throughout the continental United States even in "clean air locations," areas where no man-made air toxic emissions would be expected They are a result of past emissions of persistent pollutants, long-range transport of recent emissions, and widespread man-made sources
background concentration
A concentration of a substance in a particular environment that is indicative of minimal influence by human (anthropogenic) sources
background concentration
the level of a contaminant present before the introduction of a new source
blood alcohol concentration
The concentration of alcohol in the blood, expressed as the weight of alcohol in a fixed volume of blood and used as a measure of the degree of intoxication in an individual. The concentration depends on body weight, the quantity and rate of alcohol ingestion, and the rates of alcohol absorption and metabolism. Also called blood alcohol level
plural of concentration
hydrogen ion concentration
the number of moles of hydrogen ions per cubic decimeter
stress concentration
concentration of effort