
listen to the pronunciation of broken-down
İngilizce - Türkçe
işi bitmiş
yıkık sökük
break down
broken down
{s} çökük
break down
duygularını kontrol edememek
break down
(deyim) ruhen yikilmak
break down
baskıya dayanamamak
break down
break down
(deyim) calismaz duruma gelmek
break down
(Fiili Deyim ) bozulmak , yılmak , çökmek
break down
broken down

Taninna'yı okula götüremem. Arabam bozuk. - I cannot drive Taninna to school. My car is broken down.

break down
ruhen yıkılmak
break down
break down

Polis kapıyı kırmak için koçbaşı kullandı. - The police used a battering ram to break down the door.

Tom kapıyı kırmak için uğraşmaya başladı. - Tom began trying to break down the door.

break down
break down
(deyim) suya dusmek,basarisiz olmak,yarida kesmek
being broken down
break down
arıza yapmak
break down
(Dilbilim) ayrıntılandırmak
break down
break down
(Dilbilim) tükenmek
break down
arıza vermek
break down
kendini kaybetmek
break down
işlenmez hale gelmek
break down
vurup devirmek
break down
kendini tutamayıp ağlamak
break down
arıza meydana gelmek
break down
break down
(Dilbilim) ayrıntılı olarak sunmak
break down
işlemez duruma gelmek
break down
(Politika, Siyaset) çöküntüye uğramak
break down
(Dilbilim) yıkılıp gitmek
break down
break down
(Dilbilim) bitkin düşmek
break down
kendinden geçmek
break down
(Ticaret) iflas etmek
break down
(Dilbilim) yok olmak
broken down
broken down
break down

Bizim sosyal engelleri yıkmak için çok çalışmamız gerekmektedir. - We must work hard to break down social barriers.

break down
break down
broken down
{f} bozul

Benim radyo tekrar bozuldu. - My radio has broken down again.

Televizyonum bozuldu. - My TV has broken down.

break down
Çalışmaz duruma gelmek, bozulmak
break down
Kötü sağlık nedeniyle çökmek, kendinden geçmek
break down
Suya düşmek, başarısız olmak, yarıda kesmek
broken down
işi bitmiş
broken down into
aşağı ayrılır
being broken down
break down
break down
(deyim) kotu saglik nedeniyle cokmek,kendinden gecmek
broken down
{s} çökmüş
broken down
{s} bozulmuş
broken down
{s} bitkin
broken down
{s} yıkılmış
[adj] çökük
İngilizce - İngilizce
not properly maintained; neglected
no longer in working order
not in working order; "had to push the broken-down car"; "a broken-down tractor fit only for children to play on
in deplorable condition; "a street of bedraggled tenements"; "a broken-down fence"; "a ramshackle old pier"; "a tumble-down shack"
A broken-down vehicle or machine no longer works because it has something wrong with it. a broken-down car. not working or in very bad condition
not in working order; "had to push the broken-down car"; "a broken-down tractor fit only for children to play on"
break down
to decay

Leaves and grass will break down into compost faster if you keep them moist.

break down
to become unstable, mentally or otherwise

She is back to work now, after her break down.

break down
to fail

I am afraid my computer will break down if I try to run it at too high a speed.

break down
to give more detail

If you don't understand, ask him to break down the numbers for you.

broken down
Past participle of break down
break down
When a substance breaks down or when something breaks it down, a biological or chemical process causes it to separate into the substances which make it up. Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down
break down
If you break down a door or barrier, you hit it so hard that it falls to the ground. An unruly mob broke down police barricades and stormed the courtroom Firemen were called after his father failed to break the door down
break down
make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound"
break down
approval To break down barriers or prejudices that separate people or restrict their freedom means to change people's attitudes so that the barriers or prejudices no longer exist. His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants. see also breakdown, broken-down
break down
cause to fall or collapse lose control of one's emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped
break down
collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack
break down
lose control of one's emotions; "When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely"; "When her baby died, she snapped"
break down
If someone breaks down, they lose control of themselves and start crying. Because he was being so kind and concerned, I broke down and cried
break down
If a discussion, relationship, or system breaks down, it fails because of a problem or disagreement. Talks with business leaders broke down last night Paola's marriage broke down
break down
fall apart; "the building crimbled after the explosion"; "Negociations broke down"
break down
cause to fall or collapse
break down
To break down something such as an idea or statement means to separate it into smaller parts in order to make it easier to understand or deal with. The report breaks down the results region by region These rules tell us how a sentence is broken down into phrases
break down
collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack make ineffective; "Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination"
break down
If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working. Their car broke down
break down
make ineffective; "Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination"
break down
stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident"
break down
separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts
break down
break, collapse under its own weight; spoil, decompose
break down
broken down
{s} shattered; out of working order, got ruined (e.g.,"Our dishwasher is broken-down"; "broken down car"); infirm, weak from illness or age (e.g., "a broken down horse")