
listen to the pronunciation of universal
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} üniversal
{s} evrensel

İngilizce evrensel bir dil gibidir. - English is like a universal language.

Ben saydam bir göz küresi olurum; ben hiçbir şeyim; Ben her şeyi görürüm; Evrensel varlığın akımları beni dolaşır; Ben Allah'ın parçası ya da parçacığıyım. - I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.

(Tıp) unıversal
(Dilbilim) genelce
bir türkümün tüm üyelerini ilgilendiren

Genel seçim hakkı büyük bir başarıydı. - Universal suffrage was a major achievement.

dünyanın her yerinde olan/yapılan
kardan kavraması
{i} genel olgu
{s} evrensel: universal language evrensel dil
{s} geniş kapsamlı
{s} man. tümel: universal proposition
universal coupling
{s} genel, umumi: universal suffrage genel oy hakkı
universal applause umumi takdir
{i} genel veri
evrensel düşünce veya kaide
{s} kapsamlı
her yanı kaplayan
kâinatı içine alan
umumi önerme
{s} çok amaçlı
umumi alkış
{i} evrensel düşünce
universal attraction
universal bracket
üniversal braket
universal donor
(Biyoloji) genel verici
universal joint
universal joint
(Askeri,Teknik) kardan kavraması
universal mission load
(Askeri) genel görev yükü
universal precautions
(Kimya) üniversal önlemler
universal product code
(Bilgisayar) genelgeçer ürün kodu
universal suffrage
(Politika, Siyaset) genel oy hakkı
universal donor
evrensel donör
universal gravitation
universal gravitation
evrensel yerçekimi
universal gravitation law
yerçekimi yasası
universal indicator
genel belirteç
universal indicator
genel indikatör
universal joint
kardan mafsalı
universal language
evrensel dil
universal recipient
herkesten kan alabilen kişi
universal set
evrensel küme
universal time
evrensel zaman
universal bibliography
evrensel bibliyografya
universal character set
genel karakter takımı
universal chuck
universal ayna
universal constant
evrensel sabit
universal culture
Evrensel kültür
universal gravitation
gravitasyon, evrensel aginim
universal instrument
astronomik teodolit
universal motor
universal motor
universal network operations
evrensel ağ işlemleri
universal quantifier
Evrensel niceleyici
universal remote
Çok işlevli, birden fazla cihazı kontrol edebilen kumanda
universal resource identifier
evrensel kaynak tanımlayıcı
universal vice
universal mengene
Universal Joint Task List
(Askeri) Evrensel Müşterek Görev Listesi
Universal Postal Union
(Askeri) Evrensel Posta Birliği
universal asynch. receiver transmitter
genelgecer eszamansiz alici-verici
universal bank
(Ticaret) evrensel bankalar
universal bank
(Ticaret) çok amaçlı bankalar
universal banking
(Ticaret) evrensel bankacılık
universal bar profile
uluslararası normda profil
universal bulk head connector
(Askeri) kontra somunla bağlantı
universal bulldozer
(İnşaat) üniversal buldozer
universal burner
çok maksatlı brülör
universal complex
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evrensel kompleks
universal computer
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evrensel bilgisayar
universal connection
üniversal bağlama
universal constructor
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evrensel makine
universal container
universal kap
universal coupling
kardan mafsalı kavrama
universal dyestuff
universal boyarmadde
universal dyestuff
(Tekstil) üniversal boyarmaddesi
universal education
universal enveloping algebras
evrensel cebir
universal exhibition
milletlerarası sergi
universal font
(Bilgisayar) evrensel yazı tipleri
universal ideas
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evrensel fikirler
universal joint
oto. kardan mafsalı
universal joint
(İnşaat) üniversal mafsal
universal joint bearing
kardan mafsalı yatağı
universal joint cross
universal mafsal istavrozu
universal joint disk
(Otomotiv) universal kavrama diski
universal joint flange
(Otomotiv) universal kavrama flanşı
universal joint flange
(Otomotiv) kardan kavraması flanşı
universal joint fork
(Otomotiv) kardan mafsalı çatalı
universal joint fork
(Otomotiv) eklem çatalı
universal joint pin
(Otomotiv) kardan pimi
universal joint yoke
(Otomotiv) kardan mafsalı çatalı
universal keyboard
evrensel klavye
universal law
(Kanun) evresel hukuk
universal metaculture
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evrensel metakültür
universal military training in service
universal mission load
(Askeri) GENEL GÖREV YÜKÜ: Genel görev yükü; muharebe için gerekli ıı nci ve ıv ncü sınıf malzeme görev yükünün, genellikle, görev tahsisleri önceden tespit edilmeyen birlikler için, teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosunda belirtilmiş destek kabiliyetine göre tahsis edilmiş kısmını teşkil eder. Bu yükte; standardizasyon özelliği sebebiyle özel şekilde desteklenen bir birliğe mahsus maddeler bulunmayabilir. mevcut maddeler, birlik, "özel birliklerin desteğinde konuşa geçmeden önce veya geçtikten sonra ayarlandığı zaman bu yük, görev yükü olur. Genel görev yükü; ABD anayurdu teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu destek tipi birliklerine ait yetki verilmiş depolama listesinin tamamlayıcı bir kısmıdır. Yetki verilmiş depolama listesinin, yürürlükteki yönetmeliklere göre tutulmasına devam edilir. Ayrıca bak "mission load"
universal nature of leadership
(Askeri) Liderliğin genel mahiyeti
universal oil
üniversal yağ
universal phobias
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evrensel fobiler
universal plane
universal rende
universal plate clamp
üniversal kavrama kelepçesi
universal plier
universal pense
universal polar stereographic grid
(Askeri) EVRENSEL KUTBİ STEREO GRAFİK GRİD: Sınırlı bölgelerde yapılacak olan veya kesin yer bildirimi gerektiren harekatta müşterek olarak kullanılmak üzere hazırlanmış askeri grid
universal product code
evrensel urun kodu
universal proposition
tümel önerme
universal puller
(Otomotiv) çektirme takımı
universal puller set
(Otomotiv) üniversal çektirme takımı
universal puller set
(Otomotiv) üniversal sökme aleti seti
universal resource locator
evrensel kaynak adresi
universal seismograph
üniversal sismograf
universal sentence
tümel önerme
universal service directive
evrensel hizmet direktifi
universal set
evrensel kume
universal shunt
universal şönt
universal spindle
(Otomotiv) üniversal mil
universal spindle
(Otomotiv) üniversal aks
universal steamer
(Tekstil) üniversal buharlayıcı
universal steamer
(Tekstil) universal buharlayıcı
universal succession
(Ticaret) külli intikal
universal suffrage
genel seçim hakkı
universal symbol
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) evrensel sembol
universal test
(Dilbilim) evrensel sınav
universal time
(Askeri) ÜNİVERSAL SAAT: Bak "greenwich civil time"
universal time coordinate
(Meteoroloji) evrensel zaman koordinatı
universal time coordinated
Evrensel Zaman Koordinatı
universal transverse mercator
(Askeri) harita yapım yöntemi
universal transverse mercator grid
(Askeri) EVRENSEL TERS MERKATÖR GRİD: Ters merkator projeksiyonunu temel alan, 84° kuzey ve 80° güney paralellerini arasında uzanan yerküre yüzeyine uygulanan bir grid koordinat sistemi. "utm grid" olarak da anılır
United States Code; universal service contract
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Kodu; enrevsel hizmet sözleşmesi
unit trainer; Universal Time
(Askeri) birlik eğitim aracı/eğitmeni; Evrensel Saat
combinatlon chuck universal
torna bağlama aynası
constant of universal gravitation
evrensel gravitasyon sabiti
constant velocity universal joint
sabit hızlı kardan mafsalı
double universal propeller shaft
çift kardanlı transmisyon mili
evrensel olarak
herkesçe/her yerde
Coordinated Universal Time
Eşgüdümlü evrensel zaman
human universal
insanoğlunun temeli
rubber universal joint
kauçuk kardan kavraması
see under universal
evrensel altında görmek
Army Universal Task List
(Askeri) Kara Kuvvetleri Evrensel Görev Listesi
Coordinated Universal Time; unit type code
(Askeri) koordine evrensel saat; birlik türü kodu
Joint Universal Lessons Learned (report)
(Askeri) Müşterek Alınan Evrensel Dersler (Rapor)
Joint Universal Lessons Learned System
(Askeri) Müşterek Alınan Evrensel Dersler Sistemi
direct universal suffrage
(Avrupa Birliği) doğrudan genel seçim
modular universal laser equipment
(Askeri) modüler evrensel lazer teçhizatı
substantive universal
(Dilbilim) asıl tümel
time zone indicator for Universal Time
(Askeri) Evrensel Saat saat dilimi göstergesi 1
İngilizce - İngilizce
Of or pertaining to the universe
Common to all society; world-wide

She achieved universal fame.

Cosmic; unlimited; vast; infinite
A characteristic or property that particular things have in common
Common to all members of a group or class
Useful for many purposes, e.g., universal wrench
{a} all, total, general
{n} the whole
That which is capable of being asserted about many "Man" is a universal because it is predicable of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and all other individual men The main problem with universals concerns their ontological status Are they: 1) separate entities distinct from the particulars of which they are predicable; 2) real but not separable; or 3) not real at all, but merely the names of likenesses shared by certain particulars (see "nominalism")?
Constituting or considered as a whole; total; entire; whole; as, the universal world
A general abstract conception, so called from being universally applicable to, or predicable of, each individual or species contained under it
Something that exists in every culture
that which is predictive of many particular entities; thus, "woman" is a universal, since it is predictive of individual women
Of or pertaining to the universe; extending to, including, or affecting, the whole number, quantity, or space; unlimited; general; all-reaching; all-pervading; as, universal ruin; universal good; universal benevolence or benefice
Something that is universal affects or relates to every part of the world or the universe. universal diseases
Description of a lock, door closer, or other device that can be used on doors of any hand without change
coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions; "in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps"
completely general
as, a universal milling machine
A universal is a principle that applies in all cases or a characteristic that is present in all members of a particular class. There are no economic universals. a large US film company based in Hollywood, which has made many famous films. In metaphysics, epistemology, and logic, a general category, such as a property or relation, considered as distinct from the particular things that instantiate or exemplify it. The problem of universals concerns the question of what sort of being should be ascribed to such categories (e.g., is there any such thing as redness apart from particular red things?). The debate over the status of universals stems from Plato's theory of forms. Whereas Plato held that forms (universals) exist independently of particulars, Aristotle argued that forms exist only in the particulars in which they are exemplified. See also realism. Universal Serial Bus Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Negro Improvement Association Universal Pictures Universal Product Code Universal Time
One of the three orientations where energy is oriented toward relating with the universal or transpersonal The universal signs are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces and the universal houses are the 9th through 12th houses See also Personal and Social
Forming the whole of a genus; relatively unlimited in extension; affirmed or denied of the whole of a subject; as, a universal proposition; opposed to particular; e
(LNB) = Has a Local Oscilator set at 9 75 and another set at 10 60 the higher one is instigated when the receiver sends a 22Khz Tone
Something that is universal relates to everyone in the world or everyone in a particular group or society. The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care The desire to look attractive is universal. + universality uni·ver·sal·ity I have been amazed at the universality of all of our experiences, whatever our origins, sex or age
See Universal, a
Italian parts manufacturer, the leading Italian brake before Campagnolo entered the brake market
(universal affirmative) All men are animals; (universal negative) No men are omniscient
"Now language is the work of thought: and hence all that is expressed in language must be universal " Logic, § 20
The whole; the general system of the universe; the universe
Adapted or adaptable to all or to various uses, shapes, sizes, etc
Refers to the application of human rights to all people everywhere regardless of any distinction
{s} worldwide, comprehensive, all-inclusive, total, general
A universal proposition
The abstract character exemplified in all particular things of the same type, believed to have real existence independently of particular things according to Plato and other realists Synonymous with "form" or "idea" in Platonic realism Cf Particulars
Including or covering all without limitation or exception; existent and operating everywhere
of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley; "universal experience"
{i} that which is all inclusive; something which is common to all; widespread characteristic; overall truth
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
A version of this document
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The declaration of basic human rights adopted by the United Nations

In the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I would like to declare that this kind of freedom is an inalienable human right, the suppression of which by political or religious authorities cannot be condoned.

Universal Postal Union
A worldwide postal organization to which most countries are members. The exchange of mail, except parcel post, between the United States and other nations is governed by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union conventionJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
Universal Serial Bus
An international standard for interconnecting personal computer devices using simple plugs and sockets and lightweight cables
Universal Time
A measure of time that conforms, within a close approximation, to the mean diurnal rotation of the Earth and serves as the basis of civil timekeeping. Universal Time (UT1) is determined from observations of the stars, radio sources, and also from ranging observations of the moon and artificial Earth satellites. The scale determined directly from such observations is designated Universal Time Observed (UTO); it is slightly dependent on the place of observation. When UTO is corrected for the shift in longitude of the observing station caused by polar motion, the time scale UT1 is obtained. When an accuracy better than one second is not required, Universal Time can be used to mean Coordinated Universal TimeJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
universal Turing machine
A Turing machine capable of simulating the behavior of any Turing machine
universal Turing machines
plural form of universal Turing machine
universal algebra
A branch of mathematics dealing with equational classes of algebras, where similar theorems from disparate branches of algebra are unified
universal algebra
An algebraic structure studied therein
universal algebras
plural form of universal algebra
universal donor
A person with blood type o, which lacks antigens, and is therefore compatible with all other blood types, allowing such person to donate blood to any other person
universal donors
plural form of universal donor
universal joint
A coupling that allows different parts of a machine not in line with each other some freedom of movement at the same time as transmitting rotary motion
universal joints
plural form of universal joint
universal jurisiction
universal jurisdiction is a principle whereby a state claims legal jurisdiction over persons whose alleged crimes were committed outside the boundaries of the prosecuting state, regardless of the accused's nationality, country of residence, or other relationship with the prosecuting country
universal opportunity
The idea, particularly in Christianity, that an opportunity to follow the deity, e.g. Jesus, will be an option at the time of death
universal product code
A barcode symbology used on retail products, encoding 12 digits using seven bits for each in its main variant, UPC-A, and differing slightly from EAN
universal product codes
plural form of universal product code
universal property
A definition of a mathematical object, up to isomorphism, in terms of abstract maps between it and other objects of the same category
universal quantifier
The operator, represented by the symbol ∀, used in predicate calculus to indicate that a predicate is true for all members of a specified set

Some verbal equivalents are for each or for every.

universal set
A set large enough to contain all sets under consideration in the current context
universal sets
plural form of universal set
universal veil
A thin layer of tissue which completely surrounds a developing mushroom
Universal Postal Union
The Universal Postal Union (UPU, French: Union postale universelle) is an international organization that coordinates postal policies between member nations, and hence the world-wide postal system. Each member country agrees to the same set of terms for conducting international postal duties. Universal Postal Union's headquarters are located in Berne
universal quantifier
(Felsefe) (Logic) referring to all the members of a universe or class
universal suffrage
Where Universal suffrage exists, the right to vote is not restricted by race, gender, belief, wealth or social status. It typically does not extend a right to vote to all residents of a region; distinctions are frequently made in regard to citizenship, age, and occasionally mental capacity or criminal convictions
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
circuit which converts information into a serial current and is used in serial ports, UART
Universal Data Access
universal standard that enables rapid access to different types of databases (developed by Microsoft)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
an official statement made by the UN in 1948 which says all people in the world should have human rights, such as the right to express their beliefs without being punished and the right to be treated fairly and according to the law. Declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Drafted by a committee chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt, it was adopted without dissent but with eight abstentions. Among its 30 articles are definitions of civil and political rights (including the rights to life, liberty, and a fair trial) as well as definitions of economic, social, and cultural rights (including the right to social security and to participation in the cultural life of one's community), all of which are owed by UN member states to those under their jurisdiction. It has acquired more juridical status than originally intended and has been widely used, even by national courts, as a means of judging compliance with member states' human-rights obligations. The declaration has been the foundation of the work of nongovernmental organizations such as Amnesty International
Universal House of Justice
governing council of the Bahai religion (comprised of elected leaders)
Universal Negro Improvement Association
Organization founded by Marcus Garvey in 1914. Organized in Jamaica, it was influential in urban African American neighbourhoods in the U.S. after Garvey's arrival in New York City in 1916. It was dedicated to racial pride, economic self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent black nation in Africa. After Garvey's 1923 conviction on charges of fraud, the UNIA lost influence, but it proved to be a forerunner of black nationalism
Universal Pictures
U.S. film studio. Formed by Carl Laemmle in 1912, it became a top producer of popular, low-budget serials in the 1920s and of horror movies in the 1930s. Its later films include the Abbott and Costello comedies and the Doris Day-Rock Hudson bedroom farces. The studio was bought by MCA in 1962, and in 1966 it became a division of Universal City Studios (now simply Universal Studios), the largest packager of television series
Universal Postal Union
UPU, international specialized agency of the United Nations formed in Switzerland in 1875 that administers and governs international postal service (formerly was called "General Postal Union")
Universal Product Code
UPC a bar code. Standard bar code used to identify grocery and other retail merchandise. In the UPC system, the five digits on the left are assigned to a particular manufacturer or maker and the five digits on the right are used by that manufacturer to identify a specific type or make of product
Universal Product Code
bar code printed on product packages that can be scanned electronically (contains product name and price information), UPC
Universal Product Code
(Ticaret) (UPC) A numeric code used to identify a specific product, normally composed of a six digit code that identifies the manufacturer, a six digit code used by the manufacturer to identify the product, and a two digit check code
Universal Resource Identifier
{i} URI, string of characters which identify and locate any type of resource on the Internet (programs, text, images, audio and video, audio and programs)
Universal Serial Bus
USB, interface that connects between a computer and peripheral devices (such as a keyboard, game controllers, telephone, printer, etc.)
Universal Time Coordinated
UTC, basis for uniform calculation of time in all parts of the world that is based on the atomic clock (method that is more modern and precise than GMT)
universal agent
someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal
universal bank
bank that provides customers with various financial services
universal bank
A universal bank is a bank that offers both banking and stockbroking services to its clients. universal banks offering a wide range of services
universal coverage
insurance coverage for all citizens or residents (esp. health insurance)
universal donor
a person whose type O Rh-negative blood may be safely transfused into persons with other blood types
universal donor
A person who has group O blood and is therefore able to serve as a donor to a person of any other blood group in the ABO system
universal fame
place of honor, notoriety around the world
universal grammar
{i} grammatical rules and restrictions believed to form natural languages
universal grammar
A system of grammatical rules and constraints believed to underlie all natural languages
universal joint
coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions; "in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps
universal joint
A joint or coupling that allows parts of a machine not in line with each other limited freedom of movement in any direction while transmitting rotary motion. Also called universal coupling. a part in a machine, at the point where two other parts join together, that can turn in all directions
universal joints
(Otomotiv) Couplings located at either end of the driveshaft on a rearwheel drive vehicle that allow the shaft to move freely, without affecting the more rigid transmission shaft, and to absorb the movement of the axle and wheels. Also called U-joints. On cars with transverse engines, these are called constant velocity joints
universal military training
{i} UMT, program to maintain a country's trained military staff that requires qualified citizens to serve their country for a period of active and reserve military duty
universal quantifier
a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts that the proposition is true for all members of a class of things
universal recipient
A person who has group AB blood and is therefore able to receive blood from any other group in the ABO system
universal resource locator
universal service
The government's aim, starting in the 1930s, of providing phone service to all, regardless of distance from the switch or ability to pay Today, universal service encompasses those aims, plus a subsidy to public schools, libraries and rural health care facilities for telecom services (Back to top )
universal service
The notion that everyone in every part of the country gets the same type of mail service for the same price
universal service
The public policy goal that Congress first mandated in the 1934 Communications Act to make telephone service widely available at affordable prices
universal service
The level of basic electric service that should be available to all people, regardless of their ability to pay, at reasonable and affordable prices
universal service
The vision that residential phone service can be priced so low that anyone in the U S can afford it This has been the reason that local business service is priced higher, even though the service is the same
universal service
Electricity is an essential service As such, it is important for this service to be available to all consumers In a competitive market, it is possible that no provider will seek to serve less attractive customers (presumably those that utilize little energy or are located in remote, costly to serve areas) Universal service is the concept that all consumers should be guaranteed the right to service In the telephone industry deregulation, universal service was guaranteed through assessment of a fee on all retail consumers
universal service
Policies, protections and services that help low-income customers maintain electric service
universal service
  The concept of making basic local telephone service (and, in some cases, certain other telecommunications and information services) available at an affordable price to all people within a country or specified jurisdictional area
universal service
The concept of ensuring the provision of basic postal or telecommunications services to all citizens at a reasonable cost
universal service
Electric service sufficient for basic needs available to all members of the population regardless of income
universal service
(See 649) Any service that is available worldwide For example, many people consider the telephone to be a universal service Any service that is available worldwide For example, many people consider the telephone to be a universal service
universal service
- The concept that every individual within a country should have basic telephone service available at an affordable price The concept varies, among countries, from having a telephone in every home and business in the wealthier countries to most inhabitants' being within a certain distance or time away from a public telephone in developing countries
universal service
Electric service sufficient for basic needs (an evolving bundle of basic services) available to virtually all members of the population regardless of income
universal set
A set containing all elements of a problem under consideration
universal time
{i} Greenwich Mean Time
universal time
The mean solar time for the meridian at Greenwich, England, used as a basis for calculating time throughout most of the world. Also called Greenwich time, Greenwich Mean Time, Zulu time. Mean (solar) time of the Greenwich meridian (0° longitude). Universal Time replaced the designation Greenwich Mean Time in 1928; since 1972 it has been based on international atomic time, a uniform time derived from the frequences of certain atomic transitions and measured by an atomic clock. For most purposes, it is now identical to Greenwich Mean Time
universal veil
membrane initially completely investing the young sporophore of various mushrooms that is ruptured by growth; represented in the mature mushroom by a volva around lower part of stem and scales on upper surface of the cap
Coordinated Universal Time
A high-precision atomic time standard (abbreviation UTC)
{a} invariably, without exception
coordinated universal time
An international time standard that DTS uses The zero hour of Coordinated Universal Time is based on the zero hour of Greenwich (England) Mean Time
coordinated universal time
This is an international standard time It is time at Greenwich, England With one clock as a standard, it ensures that operations which cross time zones do not have problems referencing the exact time
coordinated universal time
An internationally agreed-upon time scale maintained by the Bureau International de L'Heure (BIH), used as the time reference by nearly all commonly available time and frequency distribution systems, i e WWV, WWVH, LORAN-C, Transit, Omega, and GPS
coordinated universal time
The international standard reference time It also corresponds to the local time at zero longitude The standards pertaining to the definition and maintenance of Coordinated Universal Time, which effectively replaced Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on 1 January 1972, are promulgated in Recommendation 460 of the International Consultative Committee for Radio (Comite Consultatif International de Radiodiffusion or CCIR) of the International Telecommunications Union The CCIR is located at 2, rue de Varembe, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Responsibility for time standards in the United States rests with the Time and Frequency Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado
coordinated universal time
Greenwich Mean Time updated with leap seconds
coordinated universal time
The international time standard is called Universal Coordinated Time or, more commonly, UTC, for "Universal Time, Coordinated" This standard has been in effect since 1972 by worldwide representatives within the International Telecommunication Union The UTC designation was chosen as a compromise among all the countries' abbreviations for Universal Coordinated Time UTC is maintained by the Bureau International de l'Heure (BIH) which forms the basis of a coordinated dissemination of standard frequencies and time signals
coordinated universal time
(aka Greenwich Mean Time [GMT]) Local time at zero degrees longitude at the Greenwich Observatory, England UTC uses a 24-hour clock, i e , 2: 00 a m is 0200 hours, 2: 00 p m is 1400 hours, midnight is 2400 or 0000 hundred hours
coordinated universal time
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the number of seconds past the base time of January 1, 1970 00: 00: 00, Greenwich Mean Time WorkManager stores time in this format
coordinated universal time
The time in the 0° meridian time zone (Greenwich, England)
coordinated universal time
equivalent to mean solar time at the prime meridian (0° longitude) which passes through Greenwich, United Kingdom, formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); UTC is the standard time used by DXers around the world to express time; UTC is e g five hours ahead of Eastern standard time and four hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Savings Time - synonyms: World Time, Universal Time (UT), Zulu Time, Z Time
coordinated universal time
by international agreement, the local time at the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England Therefore, it is known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or sometimes simply Universal Time (UT)
coordinated universal time
The international standard of time, kept by atomic clocks around the world
coordinated universal time
By international agreement, the local time at the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England Therefore, it is also known as Greenwich Mean Time, or sometimes simply Universal Time
{i} process of making something universal, act of giving something universal characteristics
In a universal manner
everywhere; "people universally agree on this
everywhere; "people universally agree on this"
If something is universally true, it is true everywhere in the world or in all situations. The disadvantage is that it is not universally available
comprehensively, generally, inclusively
If something is universally believed or accepted, it is believed or accepted by everyone with no disagreement. a universally accepted point of view The scale of the problem is now universally recognised
In a universal manner; without exception; as, God's laws are universally binding on his creatures