to quit

listen to the pronunciation of to quit
İngilizce - Türkçe
işten ayrılmak

Sigarayı bırakmak zordur. - It's hard to quit smoking.

Sigarayı bırakmakmalısın. - You should quit smoking.

{f} çıkmak

Sen çıkmak zorunda değilsin. - You don't get to quit.

Tom neden işten çıkmak istediğini söyledi mi? - Did Tom say why he wanted to quit?


Şikayet etmeyi kes. Gitmek zorundasın. - Quit complaining. You have to go.

Tom gitmek için pek hazır değil. - Tom isn't quite ready to go.

{f} vazgeçmek

Ivır zıvır yiyecek yemekten vazgeçmek için irade gücüne sahip olmadığım için kendimden nefret ediyorum. - I hate myself for not having the will power to quit eating junk food.

Tom'un vazgeçmekten başka seçeneği yok. - Tom has no choice but to quit.

(Ticaret) ayrılma

İşinizden ayrılma nedeninizi hâlâ bana söylemediniz. - You still haven't told me why you quit your job.

İşinden ayrılmaya karar verdiğinden dolayı mutlu görünüyorsun. - Now that you've decided to quit your job, you look happy.

{f} sona ermek
istifa etmek

O şirketten istifa etmek için kararını verdi. - She's made up her mind to quit the company.

(Kanun) boşaltmak
çekip gitmek
bırak,işi bırak
vaz geçmek
bırakıp gitmek
(Bilgisayar) iş bitti
paydos etmek
(Kanun) teslim etmek
(Bilgisayar) terket

Terketmeyeceğim, ne söylersen söyle. - I won't quit, no matter what you say.


O, karısı onu terk ettikten sonra oldukça kindar oldu. - He became quite vindictive after his wife left him.

Terketmeyeceğim, ne söylersen söyle. - I won't quit, no matter what you say.

terk etme

Onu yapmayı terk etmeye karar verdim. - I've decided to quit doing that.

(Bilgisayar) iptal et
(Ticaret) durdurmak
terk etmek

Sigarayı bırakmaya karar verdi. - He decided to quit smoking.

Seninle Fransızca kullanmayı bıraktım. - I've quit using French with you.

-den ayrılmak
{f} boşaltmak (evi)
{f} paydos etmek [amer.]
{f} ayrılmak

Tom ayrılmak istemedi. - Tom didn't want to quit.

Ayrılmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to quit.


Terketmeyeceğim, ne söylersen söyle. - I won't quit, no matter what you say.

{f} bırakmak, vazgeçmek: He quit smoking cigarettes. Sigara içmekten vazgeçti./Sigarayı bıraktı
be quits k
{s} kurtulmuş
{s} serbest
{f} (quit/--ted, --ting)
{f} tahliye etmek

O, ona uzun bir tatile çıkmasını tavsiye etti, bu yüzden o, derhal işi bıraktı ve dünya yolculuğuna çıktı. - She advised him to take a long holiday, so he immediately quit work and took a trip around the world.

Bazen çok sayıda sorun ve stres, işi bırakmanıza yol açabilir. Çabucak onunla nasıl başa çıkacağınızı öğrenmeniz gerekir. - Sometimes, many problems and a lot of stress can lead you to quit your job. You must learn how to handle it quickly.

{f} bitmek
{f} çekilmek
{f} kesilmek, durmak
dili işten ayrılmak

Sigara içmeyi bırakmalısın. - You must quit smoking.

Sigara içmeyi bırakmalısın. - You must quit smoking cigarettes.

dili hesaplaşmış olmak
ayrılış, ayrılmak İş Bitti
{f} ödemek

Sen vergilerini ödemek için mi buradasın? Tam olarak değil. Gwonam! Ben seni tatilde sanıyordum! - You're here to pay your taxes? Not quite. Gwonam! I thought you were on vacation!

cry quits yeter artık demek
{s} içermeyen
İngilizce - İngilizce
To repay (someone) for (something)

twyes smote I hym doune, & thenne he promysed to quyte me on my best frynde, and so he wounded my sone .

Simple past tense and past participle of quit
To close (an application)
To abandon, renounce (a thing)
To resign from (a job, office, position, etc.)
To repay, pay back (a good deed, injury etc.)

Vnthankfull wretch (said he) is this the meed, / With which her soueraigne mercy thou doest quight?.

To pay (a debt, fine etc.)
To leave (a place)
To conduct oneself, acquit oneself, to behave (in a specified way)
To stop, give up (an activity) (usually + gerund or verbal noun)

John is planning to quit smoking.

{v} to leave, remove, discharge, give up
To have done with; to cease from; to stop; hence, to depart from; to leave; to forsake; as, to quit work; to quit the place; to quit jesting
Released from obligation, charge, penalty, etc
To stop doing something
Params: NONE
To leave a locality
(File menu) Option that terminates a session and returns the user to the operating system On some systems, Quit is Exit
See Banana quit, under Banana, and Guitguit
to requite, respond
{s} liberated, released, exempt from
("quit on the shot") not following-through completely with momentum, decelerating through impact Example: One reason for quitting on a shot is losing your balance
To go away; to depart; to stop doing a thing; to cease
If you say that you are going to call it quits, you mean that you have decided to stop doing something or being involved in something. They raised $630,000 through listener donations, and then called it quits
To stop working on a program in the computer system or network
Exit the program
The form quit is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle
To stop running an application
discontinue or resign, as in: She wants to quit her job but she can't afford it
turn away from; give up; "I am foreswearing women forever"
Terminates "ising"
Select Quit to exit from a screen or menu If an option to select Quit is not shown at the bottom of the screen, or as a menu option, press <Esc> (the Escape key) or click the right mouse button, to exit from the current screen or selection table
An applicant-initiated separation from employment
If you quit a place, you leave it completely and do not go back to it. the idea that humans might one day quit the earth to colonise other planets
free; clear; absolved; acquitted
To release from obligation, accusation, penalty, or the like; to absolve; to acquit
move on (as in the sentence "I am not quitting; I am just moving on ")
Any one of numerous species of small passerine birds native of tropical America
To execute a normal shutdown of a computer program and return control to the operating system
kite, lage
a software feature you use to close a software program
Something Winston Churchill did not do
go away or leave
Same function as exit Type this to exit Prairienet Classic
To discharge, as an obligation or duty; to meet and satisfy, as a claim or debt; to make payment for or of; to requite; to repay
give up or retire from a position; "The Secretary fo the Navy will leave office next month"; "The chairman resigned over the financial scandal"
put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother"
To give up a habit
Enables one to exit from the Electronic Purchase Request System Accessible from: all Electronic Purchase Request System screens
If you quit your job, you choose to leave it. He quit his job as an office boy in Athens He figured he would quit before Johnson fired him
{f} stop, cease; leave (a place or person); evacuate an apartment; relinquish, give up; leave a job; release
If you quit an activity or quit doing something, you stop doing it. A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit without putting on weight I was trying to quit smoking at the time. = give up
To carry through; to go through to the end
past of quit
give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat; "In the second round, the challenger gave up"
To set at rest; to free, as from anything harmful or oppressive; to relieve; to clear; to liberate
(aka: "quit on the shot") a player is said to have quit on the shot when he doesn't following-through completely with momentum or decelerates through impact
To meet the claims upon, or expectations entertained of; to conduct; to acquit; used reflexively
to quit

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    tı kwît


    /tə ˈkwət/ /tə ˈkwɪt/


    ... Or I need to quit my soul-sucking job. ...
    ... Maybe I can quit my job. ...