
listen to the pronunciation of stray
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} başıboş

Tom başıboş bir köpek tarafından saldırıya uğradı. - Tom was attacked by a stray dog.

Tom başıboş bir köpeği kabul etti. - Tom adopted a stray dog.

{f} başıboş dolaşmak
{f} dolaşmak
{f} gezinmek
{s} cızırtılı
{s} parazitli
{s} rasgele
{i} yolunu şaşırmış hayvan/çocuk
kaybolmuş (çocuk/hayvan)

Kayıp bir köpek dün bizim çevreye girdi. - A lost dog strayed into our neighborhood yesterday.

{i} başıboş kimse
{i} kaybolmuş kimse
yolunu yitirmek
kaybolmuş çocuk
{s} yolunu kaybetmiş
doğru yoldan sapmak
tek tük

Tom serseri bir kurşun tarafından öldürüldü. - Tom was killed by a stray bullet.

Serseri mermiler savaş sırasında her yere uçtular. - Stray bullets flew everywhere during the war.

kaybolmuş çocuk/hayvan
doğru yoldan ayrılmak
yanlış yola sapmak
{f} parazit yapmak
evden kaçmış çocuk
{f} yoldan sapmak
{i} başıboş hayvan
{f} sapmak
{f} dolaşarak (bulunması gereken yerden) ayrılmak
{f} cızırtı yapmak
{i} sürüden ayrılan hayvan
sürüden ayrılıp yoldan çıkmak
doğru yol
kaçak,v.yolunu kaybet: n.serseri
{f} (konuşurken) (asıl konudan) ayrılmak
sürüden ayrımış hayvan
başıboş ve aylak kimse
{f} yolunu kaybetmek
yıldırımdan meydana gelen parazitler
{f} ayrılmak
serseri (kurşun)
stray animal
Başıboş, sahipsiz hayvan
stray bullet
serseri kurşun
stray field
kaçak alan
stray radiation
dağınık ışınım
stray radiation
dağınık radyasyon
stray capacitance
kaçak kapasite
stray currents
kaçak akım
stray off
Yoldan çıkmak, yoldan sapmak
stray off the course
tabii sokak
stray radiation
dağınık radyasyon, dağınık ışınım
stray bullet
kaza kurşunu
stray bullet
maganda kurşunu
stray cat
sokak kedisi
stray column
(Gıda) tepsili kolon
stray comet
(Bilgisayar) kuyruklu yıldız
stray dog
sokak köpeği
stray flux
kaçak akı
stray flux
akım kaçağı
stray from
asıl konudan ayrılmak
stray from
yolunu şaşırmış hayvan
stray from
yolunu şaşırmış çocuk
stray from
ayrılmak (asıl konudan)
stray impulse
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) istemseme
stray light
yayınmış ışık
stray radiation
kaçak radyasyon
stray swarm
(Arılık) ayrılmış oğul
capacitance stray
istenmez sığa
{f} yolunu kaybet
{i} dolaşma
{s} avare
{s} yolunu kaybetmiş
{s} yoldan sapmış
{s} serseri
{s} başıboş
{i} cızırtı
{i} parazit
İngilizce - İngilizce
To wander from company, or from the proper limits; to rove at large; to roam; to go astray
Any domestic animal that has an inclosure, or its proper place and company, and wanders at large, or is lost; an estray. Used also figuratively
Figuratively, to wander from the path of duty or rectitude; to err
An area of common land or place administered for the use of general domestic animals, i.e. "The Stray"
To wander, as from a direct course; to deviate, or go out of the way
Having gone astray; strayed; wandering; as, a stray horse or sheep
The act of wandering or going astray
{n} a beast that is lost by wandering away
{v} to go astray, wander, err, deviate
You use stray to describe something that exists separated from other similar things. An 8-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet She shrugged a stray lock of hair out of her eyes
If someone strays somewhere, they wander away from where they are supposed to be. Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas A railway line crosses the park so children must not be allowed to stray
If your mind or your eyes stray, you do not concentrate on or look at one particular subject, but start thinking about or looking at other things. Even with the simplest cases I find my mind straying = wander
Having gone astray; strayed; wandering; as, a strayhorse or sheep
homeless cat
{i} one that has strayed; domestic animal that is lost or wandering far from its home
Used also figuratively
{s} lost, wandering, out of place; scattered, random, incidental
Any domestic animal that has an inclosure, or its proper place and company, and wanders at large, or is lost; an estray
[historical] An area of common land or place administered for the use of general domestic animals, i.e. "The Stray"
A stray dog or cat has wandered away from its owner's home. a refuge for stray cats. Stray is also a noun. The dog was a stray which had been adopted
{f} wander off, leave the correct course; roam, meander; deviate from the norm, err; digress
wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don't drift from the set course
To cause to stray
move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
not close together in time; "isolated instances of rebellion"; "scattered fire"; "a stray bullet grazed his thigh"
wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don't drift from the set course"
lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking; "She always digresses when telling a story"; "her mind wanders"; "Don't digress when you give a lecture"
stray off
Get lost, go astray, stray, wander away
stray bullet
bullet that is shot accidentally
stray cat
street cat, cat that has no owner
stray dog
street dog, deserted dog, dog that has no owner
Who has lost his way
Simple past tense and past participle of stray
To stray
past of stray
One who strays; a wanderer
someone who strays or falls behind
{i} one who tends to wander, one who strays
unable to find your way; "found the straying sheep"
unable to find your way; "found the straying sheep
present participle of stray
plural of stray
third-person singular of stray