
listen to the pronunciation of register
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bir suçu kaydetmek için mi geldin? - Have you come to register a crime?

(Hukuk) sicil
{i} kayıt cihazı
{i} defter
{i} liste (seçmen vb.)
{i} kütük
{i} nikâh memuru
{i} valf
{i} kasa

Tom yazar kasadan para çalarken yakalandı. - Tom was caught stealing money from the cash register.

Her yazar kasada uzun bir sıra vardır. - There's a long line at every cash register.

{i} sayaç
{i} yan yana sayfaların satır hizası ayarı
{i} ses perdesi
{i} subap
(Kanun) kaydettirmek
intibak etmek
(Bilgisayar) saklayıcı
kayda almak
dil dizgesi
sicile geçirmek
kayıt aygıtı
(Bilgisayar) kayıt yap

Nerede kayıt yaptırıyoruz? - Where do we register?

Tom bir organ bağışçısı olmak için kayıt yaptırdı. - Tom registered to become an organ donor.

(Ticaret) kaydetme

Kaydetmemiz için çok geç mi? - Is it too late for us to register?

Tom nasıl yapıldığını bana anlattı ama kaydetmedim. - Tom told me how to do it, but it didn't register.

kayıt olmak

Kayıt olmak için buraya tıklayın. - Click here to register.

tahrir etmek
(Muzik) ses genişliği
resmi kayıt defteri
(Bilgisayar) kaydol

Kaydolmak zorunda mıyım? - Do I have to register?

Yeni bir alan adına nasıl kaydolacağımı anlayamıyorum. - I can't figure out how to register a new domain name.

(Ticaret) kaydeden alet
(Bilgisayar) kaydını yap
kaydeden cihaz
kütüğe geçirmek

Kaydolmak zorunda mıyım? - Do I have to register?

Katılmak istersen, kaydolmak zorundasın. - If you want to participate, you have to register.

kayıt defteri
kütüğe kaydetmek

Belirtilen eposta adresi zaten kayıtlı. - The specified email is already registered.

Sınıflara henüz kayıt olmadım. - I haven't registered for classes yet.

ifade etmek
kayıt eden aygıt
(mektubu) taahhütlü olarak göndermek
(aygıt) kaydetmek
belli etmek
listeye yazmak
liste defteri
dışa vurmak
{i} nüfus memuru
ismini sicile geçirmek
{f} yazılmak
{i} kayıt memuru
{f} etki yaratmak
{f} patent vermek
{f} yazmak
{f} izlenim bırakmak
{f} göstermek (termometre vb.)
tesir etmek
(Tıp) Sesin genişliği
{f} 1. kaydetmek, deftere geçirmek. 2
deftere geçirmek
{f} sicile geçmek
{s} kayıtlı

Bu eposta kayıtlı değil veya şifre yanlış. - This email address is not registered, or the password is wrong.

E-posta kayıtlı değil ya da şifre eşleşmiyor. - The email is not registered, or the password does not match.

register family
nüfus kütüğü
register file
sicil doyası
register here
(Bilgisayar) burada kaydolun
register id
(Bilgisayar) yazmaç kodu
register later
(Bilgisayar) daha sonra kaydet
register later
(Bilgisayar) sonra kaydet
register later
(Bilgisayar) sonra kaydol
register no
kütük no
register no
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaydettirin
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kayıt olun
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaydettir
register now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi kaydet
register now
(Bilgisayar) hemen kaydol
register online
(Bilgisayar) çevrimiçi kayıt
register pen
(Meteoroloji) kayıt kalemi
register pen
(Meteoroloji) barograf
register ton
(Askeri) gayri safi ton
register word
(Bilgisayar) sözcüğü kaydet
register office
sicil dairesi
register office
nikâh dairesi
register to memory instruction
yazmaçtan belleğe komut
register to register instruction
yazmaçtan yazmaca komut
register a letter
bir mektup kayıt
register address field
yazmaç adres alanı
register capacity
yazmaç kapasitesi, yazmaç sığası
register court
Mahkeme ol
register instruction
yazmaç komutu
register length
yazmaç uzunluğu
register machine
yazmaç makine, yazmaç bilgisayar
register of items received
öğelerin kayıt aldı
register of ships
gemi sicili
register pin
pin ol
register reference instruction
yazmaç referans komutu
register the luggage
bagaj ol
register arrangement
yazmac duzenlesimi
register book
(Askeri) gemi tescil kitabı
register book
(Ticaret) gemi ipotek kütüğü
register for school
okula kaydetmek
register glass
(Askeri) FİLM CAMI: Fotoğrafçılıkta, filmin çekim esnasında dayandığı cam plaka
register glass
(Askeri) film camı
register marks
(Askeri) KAYIT NOKTALARI: Haritacılıkta, küçük çarpılar, daireler veya diğer şekiller gibi basımdan önce orjinal nüshaya klişelerin kaydını kolaylaştırmak ve müteselsil baskıların nisbi mevkilerini göstermek üzere konan tayin edilmiş işaretler
register marks
(Askeri) kayıt noktaları
register number
(Askeri) KAYIT NUMARASI, KAYIT NUMARASI: Özel kayıt numaraları dökümanın her kopyasına kayıt işlemi maksadıyla tahsis edilmiş numara
register number
(Askeri) kayıt numarası
register of intelligence publications
(Askeri) istihbarat yayınlarının kaydı
register oriented architecture
yazmaca dayali mimari
register to memory instruction
yazmaçtan-belleğe komut
register to register instruction
yazmaçtan-yazmaca komut
register ton
(Askeri) GAYRİ SAFİ TON: Gemilerin iç hacimleri için kullanılan 100 fit küplük (2.8317 metre küp) hacim tonu. Ayrıca bakınız: "ton"
register unit
(Nükleer Bilimler) kayıt ünitesi
return code register
dönüş kodu yazmacı
{s} kaydedilmiş

Belirtilen eposta adresi zaten kaydedilmiş. - The specified email is already registered.

sensory register
Algı kaydedilişi
buffer register
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yastık saklayıcı
confidence to trade register
(Kanun) ticaret siciline itimat
registered tonnage ton olarak bir geminin yük veya yolcu taşıma istiabı
(Telekom) iadeli

İadeli taahhütlü bir mektup göndermek istiyorum. - I'd like to send a registered letter.

Bunu iadeli taahhütlü gönderirsem kaç gün sürer? - How many days will it take if I send this as registered mail?

(Kanun) nama
(Ticaret) kayıtlı sermaye
(Ticaret) ada yazılı (senet)
taahhütlü (mektup)
tescil edilmiş
(Bilgisayar) kaydolma
(Bilgisayar) yazmaçlar
time register
saat yazmacı
trade register
(Ticaret) ticaret sicil memurluğu
write register
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yazma belleği
accumulator register
biriktirici yazmaç
address register
adres girdisi
arithmetic register
aritmetik yazmaç
b register
b yazmacı
base register
temel yazmaç
cash register
otomatik kasa
cash register
otomatik makinalı vezne
cash register

Bayan satış elemanı yazarkasayı açamadı. - The salesgirl couldn't open the cash register.

Dan yazarkasadan para çalmaya devam etti. - Dan continued to steal money from the cash register.

character register
karakter yazmaç
check register
çek defteri
console display register
konsol gösterim yazmacı
control register
denetim yazmacı
data transfer register
veri aktarım yazmacı
dependent register
bağımlı yazmaç
double line transfer register
çift hat aktarma yazmacı
double word register
çift kelime yazmacı
electronic cash register
elektronik yazar kasa
general purpose register
genel amaçlı yazmaç
general register
genel yazmaç
independent register
bağımsız yazmaç
index register
dizin yazmacı
index word register
dizin sözcüğü yazmacı
input output register
giriş çıkış yazmacı
input register
giriş yazmacı
input/output register
giriş / çıkış yazmacı
instruction register
komut fihristi
land register
tapu sicili
land register
arazi tapu sicili
mask register
maske yazmacı
master register
ana kütük
memory address register
bellek adres yazmacı
memory data register
bellek veri yazmacı
memory register
bellek yazmacı
operation register
işlem yazmacı
operation register
işletim yazmacı
output buffer register
çıktı tampon yazmacı
output register
çıktı yazmacı
paired register
ikili yazmaç
pc register
pc yazmacı
program counter register
program sayacı yazmacı
program register
program yazmacı
program register
bağdarlama yazmacı
property register
tapu sicili
proprietorship register
mülkiyet sicili
{s} isme yazılı
(mektup) taahhütlü
{f} kaydet

Dün gece termometre eksi on derece kaydetti. - The thermometer registered minus ten last night.

Onu buraya kaydettiniz mi? - Have you registered that here?

sequence register
sıra yazmacı
shift register
kayan yazmaç
shift register
kaydırma yazmacı
storage to register instruction
bellekten yazmaca komut
switch register
anahtar yazmacı
temporary register
geçici yazmaç
trade register
ticaret sicili
bond register
tahvil defteri
certificate of register
gemi tasdiknamesi
extension register
uzantı yazmaç
general purpose register
genel amaçlı kayıt
notarial register
notere beyan
nama yazılı
status register
durum yazmacı
storage register
bellek yazmacı
word count register
sözcük sayma yazmacı
{s} taahhütlü: registered letter taahhütlü mektup
{s} patentli
{s} taahhütlü

Lütfen bunu taahhütlü posta ile gönderin. - Please send this by registered mail.

Bu paketi taahhütlü postayla göndermek istiyorum. - I'd like to send this package by registered mail.

{s} tescilli

Betimleme, bir şirketin tescilli ticari markasını ihlal etti. - The depiction violated a company's registered trademark.

{s} kayıtlı: registered nurse kayıtlı hemşire
safi tonaj
registered nurse ABD kayıtlı hemşire
registered letter taahhütlü mektup
{s} lisanslı
İngilizce - İngilizce
The act of registering
To enroll as a student
Part of the central processing unit used to store and manipulate numbers
A formal recording of names, events, transactions etc
A style of a language used in a particular context
To be in proper alignment
To adjust so as to be properly aligned
A device that automatically records a quantity
A book of such entries
To make an impression
The exact alignment of lines, margins and colors
To voluntarily sign over for safe keeping, abandoning complete ownership for partial
To place one's name, or have one's name placed in a register
A grille at the outflow of a ventilation duct
A list of received calls in a phone set
To record officially and handle specially
An entry in such a book
To record, especially in writing
The range of a voice or instrument
To express outward signs
An organ stop
To enter in a register
To enroll, especially to vote
{v} to put in a register, to record
{n} a hole and valve in a stove to regulate the admission of air
{n} a list, record, keeper of a register, corespondence of columns on opposit sides of a sheet in printing
a telltale
To enroll one's name in a register
enroll to vote; "register for an election"
A, special, high-speed storage area within the CPU All data must be placed in a register before it can be processed The number of registers that a CPU has and the size of each (number of bits) help determine the power and speed of a CPU For example a 32-bit CPU is one in which each register is 32 bits wide Therefore, each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data (TOP)
If you register something, such as the name of a person who has just died or information about something you own, you have these facts recorded on an official list. In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it a registered charity
(1) Accurate alignment of plates, film or color separations one over the other, in order to produce a single image effect (2) In photo-reproduction and color printing, fitting two or more printing images on the same paper in exact alignment with each other to top
The fitting of two or more printing images on the same paper in exact alignment with each other
The compass of a voice or instrument; a specified portion of the compass of a voice, or a series of vocal tones of a given compass; as, the upper, middle, or lower register; the soprano register; the tenor register
A book made available by the funeral director for recording the names of people visiting the funeral home to pay their respects to the deceased Also has space for entering other data such as name, dates of birth and death of the deceased, name of the officiating clergyman, place of interment, time and date of service, list of floral tributes, etc
A thin strip of wood or metal punched with holes to receive the jacks It is mounted in the harpsichord flush with the soundboard (with the exception of some antique Italian instruments) in the gap between the soundboard and the wrestplank It can serve as the upper bearing for the jacks and can be moved longitudinally to bring a rank of jacks into or out of play, i e "on" or "off"
To sign over for safe keeping. Abandons complete ownership for partial
To enroll; to enter in a list
A written account or entry; an official or formal enumeration, description, or record; a memorial record; a list or roll; a schedule
If you register your feelings or opinions about something, you do something that makes them clear to other people. Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party
A temporary storage unit for quick, direct accessibility of a small amount of data for processing Most computers include a set of internal registers that can be accessed more quickly than the system's main memory
show in one's face; "Her surprise did not register"
The inner part of the mold in which types are cast
One who registers or records; a registrar; a recorder; especially, a public officer charged with the duty of recording certain transactions or events; as, a register of deeds
Fitting two or more printing images in exact alignment with each other
be aware of; "Did you register any change when I pressed the button?"
a book in which names and transactions are listed
send by registered mail; "I'd like to register this letter"
The correspondence or adjustment of the several impressions in a design which is printed in parts, as in chromolithographic printing, or in the manufacture of paper hangings
To enter in a register; to record formally and distinctly, as for future use or service
a regulator (as a sliding plate) for regulating the flow of air into a furnace or other heating device
To enter the name of the owner of (a share of stock, a bond, or other security) in a register, or record book
It is kept on board the vessel, to be used as an evidence of nationality or as a muniment of title
To correspond in relative position; as, two pages, columns, etc
In printed board manufacture, many terms are borrowed from the subject of printing Register has the following specialized printing definition from Macmillan Dictionary for Students : (noun) proper alignment of various plates, stones, or screens to assure clear and accurate reproduction, as of color Examples: in register, off register In printed circuit design, the designer gets his photoplot files in register before he views them with his Gerber file viewer The board manufacturer produces film from the Gerber files and uses them in register with respect to the panels of material from which he will build the boards He is going to want the pads on both sides and on internal layers to be in register before he drills holes in the panel
a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions; used in shops to add up the bill
The pitch location of a group of tones Tones with high pitches have a high register Those with low tones have a low register A flute has a high register A tuba has a low register
A register is an official list or record of people or things. registers of births, deaths and marriages He signed the register at the hotel
(Domain Name) Since every domain is unique, registries have been set up to assign domains to individuals and organizations When a domain is registered with the appropriate registry, that domain is assigned and becomes no longer available for anyone else to use Typically, there are registration and renewal fees (local registry fees) associated with the right to use a domain However, there are some TLDs that are provided at no charge
When something registers on a scale or measuring instrument, it shows on the scale or instrument. You can also say that something registers a certain amount or level on a scale or measuring instrument. It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the Richter scale
With shareware, when you contact the vendor and pay for the product, you are registering In return, you will receive either a password to turn off the nag notices or a copy of the full commercial version Robot: A program that automatically searches the World Wide Web for files
In printing, fitting of two or more printing images on the same paper in exact alignment with each other
A list of eligible applicants compiled in order of their relative standing for referral to Federal jobs, after competitive civil service examinations
See Register, v
have one's name listed as a candidate for several parties
A contrivance for automatically noting the performance of a machine or the rapidity of a process
in printing, to fit two or more printed images in exact alignment with each other
A device that automatically records a quantity etc
{f} record, enroll, enter into the official records; have an effect, have influence
A record containing a list and description of the merchant vessels belonging to a port or customs district
register office
The local office in which births, marriages and deaths are registered, and in which civil marriages are conducted
register ton
A unit of cargo capacity equal to 100 cubic feet
register variable
A variable whose value is stored directly in a register for faster access
register variables
plural form of register variable
register a birth
officially record a baby's birth
register a death
officially report someone's death
register for elections
place one's name on the voter's list, register oneself as a voter
register language
a tone language that uses different voice registers
register of charges
list of liens imposed on companies (managed by the registrar of companies)
register office
A register office is a place where births, marriages, and deaths are officially recorded, and where people can get married without a religious ceremony. = registry office. a registry office
register office
(British) location where civil marriages are conducted
register reading
record the reading on a meter (i.e. electric meter, water meter, etc.)
register to vote
enroll as a voter within a specific district or state
branch register
The register in a CPU which contains the address of the next instruction to be executed or of an instruction to be branched to under certain circumstances
cash register
A machine that tabulates the amount of sales transactions, makes a permanent and cumulative record of them, and has a drawer in which cash can be kept
electoral register
A list of all those people who are registered to vote in a particular locality
nonconformist register
The parish register of a nonconformist church or chapel
parish register
A book, held in a parish church, in which baptisms, marriages and burials are recorded
having had one's name added to an official list or entered into a register

a registered voter.

Simple past tense and past participle of register
unlimited register machine
A particular type of theoretical computer, with infinitely many memory cells called registers, and formal rules to determine the machine's behavior based on the contents thereof
unlimited register machines
plural form of unlimited register machine
A register
A register
(of animals) officially recorded with or certified by a recognized breed association; especially in a stud book; "a registered Percheron
every evaluation (affected or unaffected) is registered with GDC and is included in the KinReport®
A cultivar is registered when its description and an acceptable name have been approved by the registrar appointed by the American Hemerocallis Society Only one cultivar may be registered under a given name
(of animals) officially recorded with or certified by a recognized breed association; especially in a stud book; "a registered Percheron"
(of a boat or vessel) furnished with necessary official documents specifying ownership etc listed or recorded officially; "record is made of `registered mail' at each point on its route to assure safe delivery"; "registered bonds"
past of register
(of a boat or vessel) furnished with necessary official documents specifying ownership etc
Recorded in the herdblood of a breed
enrolled as an athlete member of USA Swimming
having had ones name added to an official list or entered into a register
listed or recorded officially; "record is made of `registered mail' at each point on its route to assure safe delivery"; "registered bonds"
The act of filing a support order or judgment determining paternity with CFC
A registered letter or parcel is sent by a special postal service, for which you pay extra money for insurance in case it gets lost. He asked his mother to send it by registered mail
{s} enrolled, entered into the records, recorded; certified, licensed
Recording; applied to instruments; having an apparatus which registers; as, a registering thermometer
present participle of register
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use @xref{Registers}
Grillwork installed over the ends of heating or air conditioning ducts for purpose of directing the heated air
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use See section I Registers A related Emacs feature is `bookmarks' (q v )
Enters in a record or list
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use See section 11 Registers
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use See section 8 Registers
Help to regulate the flow of air
Temporary storage locations inside the CPU where data must reside while it is being processed or manipulated
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use See section Registers
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use See section Registers A related Emacs feature is `bookmarks' (q v )
The SFA maintains a number of registers denoting the role/status of individuals There are registers of directors, partners, managers, representatives and traders
Very high speed memory used by the central processing unit
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use See Registers
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use See section 10 Registers
A, special, high speed storage area within the CPU All data must be represented in a register before it can be processed For example, if two numbers are to be multiplied, both numbers must be in registers, and the result is also placed in a register (The register can contain the address of a memory location where data is stored rather than the actual data itself )
Registers are named slots in which text or buffer positions or rectangles can be saved for later use Chapitre 12
plural of register
[See Grilles]
littéraire/ soutenu literary/ elevated Extremely formal and elegant language, usually seen only in written French Related terms
third-person singular of register
Storage locations in the CPU that temporarily store specific data such as the address of the next instruction 3 8
Registers are locations physically located within a component, typically used for device control or general purpose storage
Perceptually distinct regions of vocal quality as pitch or loudness is changed
Türkçe - İngilizce

register teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

electronic cash register
(Bilgisayar) ecr