
listen to the pronunciation of grave
İngilizce - Türkçe

Freddy geçen ay mezarlıkta vardiyalı olarak çalışıyordu, bu yüzden normal saatlerde çalışan arkadaşlarından herhangi birini göremiyordu. - Freddy's been working the graveyard shift the past month, so he hasn't been able to see any of his friends who work normal hours.

Onlar onu mezarına gömdüler. - They buried him in his grave.

{i} kabir
{s} ciddi

Kötü haber söylendiğinde o ciddi görünüyordu. - He looked grave when told the bad news.

O, ciddi şekilde kalabalığa hitap etti. - He addressed the crowd gravely.

{f} oymak

Tom'un bir ayağı çukurda. - Tom has one foot in the grave.

Onun bir ayağı çukurda. - He's got one foot in the grave.

(Kanun) şiddetli
{f} göm

Sır ünlü filozofun mezarında gömülü kaldı. - The secret remained buried in the grave of the famous philosopher.

Onlar onu mezarına gömdüler. - They buried him in his grave.


Dan bir kamyon tarafından çarpıldı ve ağır bir şekilde yaralandı. - Dan was struck and gravely injured by a truck.

{i} gömüt
{s} ağırbaşlı
geminin altını temizleyip zift sürmek
{f} kalafat etmek (gemi)
{i} aksan işareti
kalafat etmek
{s} ciddi, ağır, vahim
{s} önemli

Babasının mezarını ziyaret etmek Tom için çok önemlidir. - It's very important for Tom to visit his father's grave.

Uluslararası durum önemli hâle geliyor. - The international situation is becoming grave.

{s} kasvetli

Bütün hayatım boyunca böyle kasvetli bir mezarlık görmedim. - Never in all my life have I seen such a dreary graveyard.


Hayalet yavaş yavaş, ciddi, sessizce yaklaştı. - The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently, approached.

mezar,v.göm: n.mezar
{f} işlemek
{i} ölme
{s} pes
{f} kazımak
graven image oyma put
graving dock kalafat yeri
ağır ve yavaş par
{s} sıkıcı
{s} kalın
grave sin
Affedilmeyecek, büyük günah
grave robber
mezar hırsızı
grave accent
(Bilgisayar) üst tırnak
grave accent
(Dilbilim) peslik vurgusu
grave stone
grave concern
mezar endişe
grave danger
Ciddi tehlike
grave digger
mezar kazıcı
grave goods
mezar eşyaları
grave mistake
mezar hata
grave stone
mezar taşı
grave accent
aksan işareti
grave and obvious danger
(Kanun) ağır ve muhakkak tehlike
grave clothes
grave the ship
(Askeri) gemiyi onarmak
grave the ship
(Askeri) gemiyi havuza çekmek
en ağır
burial and grave registration
(Askeri) gömme ve mezar kaydı
common grave
(Askeri) müşterek mezar
cradle-to-grave analysis
Yaşam döngüsü analizi, beşikten mezara analiz
as grave as
kadar ciddi
as still as the grave
mezar gibi sessiz
from the cradle to the grave
beşikten mezara
{f} göm
{f} göm
{f} daha ağır
have one foot in the grave
bir ayağı çukurda olmak
turn in one's grave
mezarında kemikleri sızlamak
as grave as
gibi ciddi
as silent as the grave
(Bir kişi) şer verip, sır vermez
as silent as the grave
(Bir yer) çok sessiz, mezar gibi sessiz
cradle to grave
beşikten mezara kadar
earth grave
toprak mezar
faute grave
ağır hata
from cradle to grave
Beşikten mezara
ciddi şekilde, ağır şekilde
make s.o. turn in his grave
(mezarında) birinin kemiklerini sızlatmak
mass grave
Toplu mezar
one foot in the grave
(deyim) Bir ayağı çukurda, ölümü yakın
secret as the grave
gibi gizli mezar
serious condition, grave state
ciddi bir durum, vahim durum
turn in grave
Mezarında ters dönmek, kemikleri sızlamak
turn in one's grave
(deyim) Mezarında ters dönmek, kemikleri sızlamak
turn in so.'s grave
açın o kadar. 'mezar s
turn over in one's grave
(deyim) Mezarında ters dönmek, kemikleri sızlamak
a watery grave
boğularak ölme
as quiet as the grave
(deyim) mezar gibi sessiz
burial and grave registration
(Askeri) GÖMME VE MEZAR KAYDI: Bak. "grave registration"
common grave
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK MEZAR: İçinde iki veya daha çok ceset bulunan mezar
dig a grave
mezar yapmak
dig a grave
mezar kazmak
dig grave
(deyim) dig one's own grave [kd] kendi kuyusunu kazmak
dig one's own grave
(deyim) kendi mezarını kendi kazmak
dig one's own grave
(deyim) kendi kuyusunu kendi kazmak
dig one's own grave
(deyim) kendi mezarını kazmak
dig somebody's grave
çukurunu kazmak
from the cradle to the grave
(Konuşma Dili) beşikten mezara kadar
from the cradle to the grave
(Konuşma Dili) doğumundan ölümüne kadar
go into a grave crisis
ağır krize girmek
go through a grave crisis
ağır kriz geçirmek
vahim/ciddi şekilde
{s} oyulmuş
{s} oyma
temkinli olmak
hakkâk kalemi
make someone turn in his grave
(deyim) kemiklerini sızlatmak
make turn in his grave
(deyim) mezarında ters döndürmek
make turn in his grave
(deyim) mezarında ter ter tepindirmek
make turn over in his grave
(deyim) mezarında ter ter tepindirmek
make turn over in his grave
(deyim) mezarında ters döndürmek
military grave registration service
(Askeri) ASKERİ MEZAR KAYIT HİZMETİ: Büyük askeri harekatın bir sonucu olarak, ölülerin aranması, toplanması, tahliyesi, tanınması gerekli işlemin yapılması ile ilgili olarak, Silahlı kuvvetler tarafından sağlanan teknik bir hizmet
on the brink of the grave
bir ayağı çukurda
on the brink of the grave
ölmek üzere
one foot in the grave
bir ayağı çukurda
retirement in grave (law)
mezarda emeklilik (yasası)
sink into the grave
toprağa verilmek
sink into the grave
mezara gömülmek
throw into grave crisis
ağır krize sokmak
totter to one's grave
yavaş yavaş ölüme gitmek
turn in one's grave
kemikleri sızlamak
turn over in one's grave
mezarında kemikleri sızlamak
turn over in one's grave
kemikleri sızlamak
war grave
savaşta şehit düşme
Türkçe - Türkçe
çok yavaş tempo
İngilizce - İngilizce
Serious, in a negative sense; important, formidable
To carve or cut, as letters or figures, on some hard substance; to engrave

This be the verse you grave for me / “Here he lies where he longs to be” — Stevenson, Requiem.

To entomb; to bury. —Chaucer

Lie full low, graved in the hollow ground. —Shakespeare.

Characterised by a dignified sense of seriousness; not cheerful, sombre
To write or delineate on hard substances, by means of incised lines; to practice engraving
To impress deeply (on the mind); to fix indelibly

O! may they graven in thy heart remain. —Prior.

A written accent used in French, Italian, and other languages. è is an e with a grave accent
To dig. Chaucer

He hath graven and digged up a pit. —Ps. VII 16 (Book of Prayer).

Low in pitch, tone etc

The thicker the cord or string, the more grave is the note or tone. —Moore (Encyc. of Music).

To clean, as a vessel's bottom, of barnacles, grass, etc., and pay it over with pitch — so called because graves or greaves was formerly used for this purpose
Influential, important; authoritative

An illiterate fool sits in a mans seat; and the common people hold him learned, grave, and wise.

An excavation in the earth as a place of burial; also, any place of interment; a tomb; a sepulcher. Hence: death; destruction

They reached the cemetery. The men went right down to a place in the grass where a grave was dug. They ranged themselves all round; and while the priest spoke, the red soil thrown up at the sides kept noiselessly slipping down at the corners.

To carve out or give shape to, by cutting with a chisel; to sculpture; as, to grave an image

With gold men may the hearte grave. —Chaucer.

{n} a flat accent, a place for the dead
A grave event or situation is very serious, important, and worrying. He said that the situation in his country is very grave I have grave doubts that the documents tell the whole story. + gravely grave·ly They had gravely impaired the credibility of the government
To clean, as a vessels bottom, of barnacles, grass, etc., and pay it over with pitch - so called because graves or greaves was formerly used for this purpose
To entomb; to bury
To dig
and pay it over with pitch; so called because graves or greaves was formerly used for this purpose
as, grave deportment, character, influence, etc
Slow, solemn
Of importance; momentous; weighty; influential; sedate; serious; said of character, relations, etc.; as, grave deportment, character, influence, etc
Not acute or sharp; low; deep; -- said of sound; as, a grave note or key
An accent mark (`) placed above a character (as on à), originally indicating a falling tone It is used in languages such as Afrikaans, Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Wendic and transliterated Khmer and Yiddish (cf accents)
carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface; "engrave a pen"; "engraved the winner's name onto the trophy cup"
{s} severe; serious, critical; somber, sober
Slow, grave
A final syllable signifying a ruler, as in landgrave, margrave
Hence: Death; destruction
{i} place where a person or thing is buried
Of great weight; heavy; ponderous
] Chaucer
If you say that someone who is dead would turn in their grave at something that is happening now, you mean that they would be very shocked or upset by it, if they were alive. Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name
(from Italian, meaning 'heavy' or 'grave') Instruction to play a piece slowly and seriously
A space in the ground in a cemetery for the burial of remains
A grave is a place where a dead person is buried. They used to visit her grave twice a year
n   A place in which the dead are laid to await the coming of
Heavy, slow, pondereous in movement
a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone); "he put flowers on his mother's grave" death of a person; "he went to his grave without forgiving me"; "from cradle to grave" of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; "grave responsibilities"; "faced a grave decision in a time of crisis"; "a grievous fault"; "heavy matters of state"; "the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference" dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises; "a grave God-fearing man"; "a quiet sedate nature"; "as sober as a judge"; "a solemn promise"; "the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence
causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm; "a dangerous operation"; "a grave situation"; "a grave illness"; "grievous bodily harm"; "a serious wound"; "a serious turn of events"; "a severe case of pneumonia"; "a life-threatening disease"
from the cradle to the grave: see cradle. To clean and coat (the bottom of a wooden ship) with pitch
An accent used in French, Italian and other languages. è is an e with a grave accent
To clean, as a vessel's bottom, of barnacles, grass, etc
To dig. (Obs.) Chaucer
{f} engrave, inscribe; carve; sculpt
You can refer to someone's death as their grave or to death as the grave. drinking yourself to an early grave Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency
shape (a material like stone or wood) by whittling away at it; "She is sculpting the block of marble into an image of her husband"
In some languages such as French, a grave accent is a symbol that is placed over a vowel in a word to show how the vowel is pronounced. For example, the word `mère' has a grave accent over the first `e'
In poetry, a mark ( ` ) indicating that the e in the English ending ed is to be pronounced for the sake of meter
of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; "grave responsibilities"; "faced a grave decision in a time of crisis"; "a grievous fault"; "heavy matters of state"; "the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference"
a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone); "he put flowers on his mother's grave"
To entomb; to bury. (Obs.) -Chaucer
Not acute or sharp; low; deep; said of sound; as, a grave note or key
Solemn; very, very slow
grave graves graver gravest Pronounced except for meaning 5., when it is pronounced
Tempo marking meaning solemn (very, very slow) [Tempo Notation]
death of a person; "he went to his grave without forgiving me"; "from cradle to grave"
Of importance; momentous; weighty; influential; sedate; serious; said of character, relations, etc
Slow and solemn in movement
A grave person is quiet and serious in their appearance or behaviour. William was up on the roof for some time and when he came down he looked grave + gravely grave·ly `I think I've covered that business more than adequately,' he said gravely
a mark (`) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises; "a grave God-fearing man"; "a quiet sedate nature"; "as sober as a judge"; "a solemn promise"; "the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence
An excavation in the earth as a place of burial; also, any place of interment; a tomb; a sepulcher
Not light or gay; solemn; sober; plain; as, a grave color; a grave face
(fr ) - Slow (the slowest tempo in music) or deep in pitch [back]
An excavation in the earth for the purpose of burying the deceased
grave accent
A diacritic mark ( ˋ ) used in many languages to distinguish the pronunciations of vowels
grave accents
plural form of grave accent
grave marker
A tombstone or other permanent fixed object to indicate the location of a grave
grave markers
plural form of grave marker
grave wax
A waxy substance found on corpses; adipocere
grave sin
A sin, such as murder or blasphemy, that is so heinous it deprives the soul of sanctifying grace and causes damnation if unpardoned at the time of death
grave accent
a mark (`) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
grave concern
serious worry, consternation
grave danger
serious danger, major peril
grave digger
{i} person whose job and occupation is to dig graves
grave finding
serious discovery, serious conclusion
grave report
serious report
grave responsibility
weighty burden or charge, serious obligation, important responsibility
grave robber
One who plunders valuables from tombs or graves or who steals corpses after burial, as for illicit dissection
grave situation
serious predicament, dangerous circumstances
A final syllable signifying a ruler, as in landgrave, margrave, burgrave
An English surname derived from Grave
accent grave
A grave accent
be as silent as the grave
to say absolutely nothing (especially about a particular subject)
Spanning an entire lifetime; from birth to death

Politics should be a cradle-to-grave calling: anything else is mere distraction.

dig one's own grave
To behave in a way that is likely to have future negative effects on oneself
early grave
(Can we clean up() this sense?) An execution or death sentence of someone who was under the age of 18 at the time of the crime. Early capital punishment
early grave
Death at a young age
early grave
(Can we clean up() this sense?) An act of sentencing of someone under the who was under the age of 18 at the time of the crime to death row. Early death row
In a grave or serious manner
carved, engraved

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Something fashioned by man, or something man-made. Anything made by man's hands
Past participle of grave
The state of being grave; gravity
a burin
Comparative form of grave: more grave
mass grave
a grave containing many human corpses, either as the result of natural disaster or war
take something to the grave
To never reveal a secret to one's death

Houdini took his secrets to the grave, as he died shortly after performing one of his most famous escapes.

turn in one's grave
to be appalled, offended or disgusted by something, despite being deceased

Beethoven is probably turning in his grave at the way that rock group mangled his Ninth Symphony.

turned in one's grave
Simple past tense and past participle of turn in one's grave
turning in one's grave
Present participle of turn in one's grave
turns in one's grave
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of turn in one's grave
war grave
A burial place, grave(s) for indidivual victim(s), soldiers and/or civilians, of warfare, including civil war
war grave
(usually in the plural: war graves) A cemetary reserved for such victims
war grave
Similar resting place of victims during warfare on board a sunk vessel or crashed aircraft
white man's grave
Africa, or more specifically, western Africa or Sierra Leone. By extension, any other land subject to Western colonialism or missionizing that is comparably deadly

Not only this, but it is also much higher than the death-rate of such insanitary places as Borne, Venice, Hamburg, and Munich, and actually falls not far short of the rate recorded in that white man's grave Calcutta.

cradle-to-grave analysis
Life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave analysis) is a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from-cradle-to-grave
{a} seriously, solemnly, deeply, plainly
{n} weight, seriousness, solemnity
{n} an engraver, a tool to grave with
turn in grave
(deyim) Fig. to show enormous disfavor for something that has happened after one's death

1. If our late father heard you say that, he'd turn over in his grave. 2. Please don't change the place around too much when I'm dead. I do not wish to be rolling in my grave all the time.

turn in one's grave
(deyim) Fig. to show enormous disfavor for something that has happened after one's death

1. If our late father heard you say that, he'd turn over in his grave. 2. Please don't change the place around too much when I'm dead. I do not wish to be rolling in my grave all the time.

turn over in one's grave
(deyim) Fig. to show enormous disfavor for something that has happened after one's death

1. If our late father heard you say that, he'd turn over in his grave. 2. Please don't change the place around too much when I'm dead. I do not wish to be rolling in my grave all the time.

A grave
a region close to Bordeaux in south-western France
{i} family name
British writer and critic whose works include poetic delineations of his tour of service in World War I, love poems, and the critical work The White Goddess (1948). Graves disease Graves Michael Graves Robert von Ranke Graves Robert James Simcoe John Graves
the dry white wine produced in this region
an English surname, derived from Grave
The grave
adjective grave 3
a grave accent is a mark put above a letter in some languages such as French to show the pronunciation, for example è acute, circumflex circumflex
be hardly cold in one's grave
be dead for only a short time
common grave
mass grave, shared grave, burial site containing more than one body
danced on his grave
was happy that he had died
desecrate a grave
defile or damage a burial place
desecrated grave
defiled or damaged a burial place
dug his own grave
caused his own downfall, is responsible for his present condition
enough to make him turn in his grave
shocking, scandalous
from the cradle to the grave
from birth to death, in a lifetime
seriously; solemnly, soberly; severely, critically
to a severe or serious degree; "fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated"; "badly injured"; "a severely impaired heart"; "is gravely ill"; "was seriously ill"
in a grave and sober manner; "he walked soberly toward the altar
In a grave manner
in a grave and sober manner; "he walked soberly toward the altar"
{s} carved; engraved; sculpted
Something fashioned by man, or something man-made. Anything made by mans hands
cut or impressed into a surface; "an incised design"; "engraved invitations"
cut into a desired shape; "graven images"; "sculptured representations
Something that is not alive, but made dead, from the grave
cut into a desired shape; "graven images"; "sculptured representations"
The quality of being grave
{i} importance, weightiness; severity; seriousness
a manner that is serious and solemn
A narrow steel cutting tool used to engrave Gravers come in a variety of cross-section shapes
a carver or engraver
{i} person who engraves; tool used in engraving
a tool used by an engraver
A hand-held engraver's tool with a sharp hardened point used to cut lines into a steel block See also Intaglio
A small pointed or chisel-like stone tool used for incising or engraving
An ergraving or cutting tool; a burin
A small tool with a sharp tip that was used to engrave bone, stone, wood or other materials
One who graves; an engraver or a sculptor; one whose occupation is te cut letters or figures in stone or other hard material
plural of grave
The sediment of melted tallow
English writer known for his interest in mythology and in the classics (1895-1985)
Same as Greaves
superlative of grave
The act of cleaning a ship's bottom
That which is graved or carved
Impression, as upon the mind or heart
{i} engraving; carving
by incision or in intaglio
The act or art of carving figures in hard substances, esp
make someone turn in their grave
do something that would shock a particular dead person if he was still alive
mass grave
large grave where a large number of bodies are buried
one foot in the grave
nearly dead, will die soon
passage grave
A Neolithic tomb consisting of a passageway and burial chamber made of large upright stones capped with other large stones, originally buried in an earthen mound
sealed the grave
covered the grave, filled in the burial site
silent as the grave
totally noiseless, having no sound at all
sink into the grave
die, pass away
turned in his grave
did not find rest even after death
turning in his grave
rolling over in his grave (of a dead person who would be shocked if he knew something)
was in grave danger
was in a very dangerous situation, his life was in jeopardy
with one foot in the grave
on one's way to death, dying, going to die, with one foot already in the next world; old