
listen to the pronunciation of exposure
İngilizce - Türkçe

Dan Linda'yı teşhirle tehdit etti. - Dan threatened Linda with exposure.

maruz kalma
(Tekstil) 1. maruz kalma 2. poz
{i} poz
(Nükleer Bilimler) ışınlama,maruz bırakma,poz, ışınlanma exposure chart ışınlama çizelgesi/kartı
{i} açığa çıkarma
maruz bırakma
karşı karşıya kalmak
(Jeoloji) mostra
(Tıp) ekspozür
ortaya koyma
(Meteoroloji) bakı
açıkta kalma
(Jeoloji) çıkma
(Tıp) maruziyet
ortaya çıkarma
{i} açıkta bırakma
(Tıp, İlaç) (Radyoloji) X işini şutlama

Audio and visual communication must be possible between the operator and the patient when exposure is performed.

ışığa tutma
{i} maruz bırakma, etkisine açık bırakma; maruz kalma.The house has a southern exposure. Evin cephesi güneye bakıyor
ışığa tutma,maruz kalma
{i} ortada bırakma
poz The house has a southern exposure
muhafazasız olma
{i} cephe
{i} sergileme
{i} sergileme, herkese
maruz olma
{i} bırakma
Evin cephesi güneye bakar
(Politika, Siyaset) risk
(Meteoroloji) konum
herkese duyurma
(İnşaat) etki
exposure assessment
(Tıp) maruziyet değerlendirmesi
exposure balance
(Fotoğrafçılık) pozlama dengesi
exposure concentration
(Tıp) maruziyet konsantrasyonu
exposure draft
(Ticaret) nihai taslak
exposure duration
(Tıp) maruziyet süresi
exposure event
(Tıp) maruz kalma olayı
exposure frequency
(Tıp) maruziyet sıklığı
exposure indicator
(Tıp) maruziyet indikatörü
exposure investigation
(Tıp) maruziyet araştırması
exposure level
(Tıp) maruziyet seviyesi
exposure limit
(Tıp) maruziyet limiti
exposure lock
(Fotoğrafçılık) pozlama kilidi
exposure lock
(Bilgisayar) pozlandırma kilidi
exposure management
(Ticaret) risk yönetimi
exposure medium
(Tıp) maruziyet ortamı
exposure meter
(Fotoğrafçılık) ışık ölçer
exposure monitoring
(Tıp) maruziyet izlemesi
exposure pathway
(Tıp) maruziyet yolu
exposure point
(Tıp) maruziyet noktası
exposure potential
(Tıp) maruziyet potansiyeli
exposure profile
(Tıp) maruziyet profili
exposure registry
(Tıp) maruziyet kaydı
exposure route
(Tıp) maruziyet yolu
exposure scenario
(Tıp) maruziyet senaryosu
exposure surface
(Çevre) maruz kalma yüzeyi
exposure surveillance
(Tıp) maruziyet denetimi
exposure therapy
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) maruz bırakma terapisi
exposure time
(Fotoğrafçılık) ışıklama süresi
exposure time
(Bilgisayar) poz süresi
exposure time
kullanım süresi
exposure time
(Bilgisayar,Fotoğrafçılık) pozlandırma süresi
exposure time
(Tıp) maruz kalma süresi
exposure meter
exposure meter
exposure compensation
pozlama telafisi
exposure of
exposure therapy
maruz kalma terapisi
exposure to ionising radiation
İyonize maruz radyasyon
exposure to liable harm
sorumlu zarar maruz kalma
exposure to the sun
güneşe maruz kalma
exposure value
Maruz kalınan doz değeri, poz değeri
exposure dose
(Askeri) MARUZ KALINAN DOZAJ: Verilen bir noktadaki dozajın iyonlaşma yapma yeteneğine bağlı olarak yaptığı radyasyonun ölçülmesidir. Doz oranının ölçüldüğü birim röntgen'dir
exposure dose
(Askeri) maruz kalınan dozaj
exposure fog density
(Nükleer Bilimler) ışınlama sisi yoğunluğu
exposure rate
(Tıp) maruziyet hızı
exposure rate
(Nükleer Bilimler) ışınlanma hızı,ışınlama şiddeti
exposure station
(Askeri) Bak. "air station" (photogrammetry), "camera station (photogrammetry)
exposure time
(Askeri) (KİMYASAL HARP MADDELERİNE) MARUZ KALABİLME SÜRESİ: Kimyasal harp maddelerine maruz kalan personelin bu maddelerin etkisine dayanabilme süresi. Bu, beher metreküp hava için miligram/dakika ile ölçülür
external exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) dış ışınlanma
external exposure
(Tıp) eksternal maruziyet
extremity exposure
(Tıp) ekstremite maruziyeti
mere exposure effect
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) salt maruz kalma etkisi
sun exposure
güneşe maruz kalma
thermal exposure
(Askeri,Teknik) termal etkilenme
time exposure
uzun pozlu resim
wind exposure
rüzgara maruz kalma
auto exposure
otomatik pozlama
automatic exposure
otomatik pozlama
broad exposure approach
yaygın maruz kalma yaklaşımı
cold exposure
(Tıp, İlaç) Soğuğa maruz kalma
coulomb/kilogram (c/kg) exposure
coulomb / kilogram (/ kg c) maruz kalma
i would like a 36 exposure film
ben 36 poz film rica ediyorum
indecent exposure
uygunsuz poz
make exposure
maruz bırakılmak
media exposure
medya tesiri
photoelectric exposure meter
fotoselli pozmetre, isikgözlü ışıkölçer
post exposure
temas sonrası
public exposure
halkın maruz
selective exposure
seçici poz
short-term exposure limit
(Mühendislik) ( STEL) : bir iş gününde her hangi bir zamanda aşılmaması gereken 15-dakikalık zaman ağırlıklı ( TWA) ortalama maruz kalma sınırı
accident exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) kaza ışınlanması
accidental exposure
(Politika, Siyaset) rastlantısal maruz kalma
actual dermal exposure
(Tıp) gerçek dermal maruziyet
acute exposure
(Çevre) akut maruz kalma
acute exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) anlık ışınlanma,kısa süreli ışınlama,anı ışınlanma
aggregate exposure
(Kimya) toplam maruz kalma
assessment of exposure
(Çevre) maruz kalma değerlendirmesi
background exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğal ışınlanma
chemical exposure
(Askeri) KİMYA HARBİ MADDELERİNE MARUZ KALMA: Personelin harp gazlarına maruz kalması. Gaz yoğunluğu ve gazlara maruz kalma süresi, genellikle, her metre küp hava için miligram/dakika ile ölçülür
chronic exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) uzun süreli ışınlanma,süreklı (kronik) ışınlanma
chronic exposure
(Çevre) kronik maruz kalma
completed exposure pathway
(Kimya) bitmiş etkinin izi
cronic exposure
(Tıp) kronik ışınlandırma
cumulative exposure
(Çevre) kümülatif maruz kalma
currency exposure
(Ticaret) kurdan etkilenme riski
double exposure
aynı filme yanlışlıkla üst üste çekilen poz
drinking water exposure
(Çevre) içme suyundan radyasyon alma
drug exposure
(Tıp) ilaca maruziyet
emergency exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) tehlike durumu ışınlanması
environmental exposure
(Çevre) çevrenin radyoaktif etkisi
environmental exposure
çevresel etkilenme
estimated exposure dose
(Çevre) tahmini maruz kalma dozu
fractionated exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) aralıklı ışınlanma
guidance level for medical exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) tıbbi ışınlamalar için kılavuz düzeyi
i would like a 24 exposure film
24 pozluk film rica ediyorum
indecent exposure
(Kanun) edepsiz teşhir
indirect exposure
(Çevre) dolaylı maruz kalma
inhalation exposure
(Çevre) solunum yoluyla maruz kalma
instantaneous point exposure
(Çevre) ani noktasal maruz kalma
internal exposure
dahili doz
internal exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) iç ışınlanma
lifetime exposure
(Çevre) ömür boyu maruz kalma
luminous cylindrical exposure
(Aydınlatma) silindirsel ışıklanma
luminous exposure
(Aydınlatma) ışıklanma
manual exposure
El İle Pozlandırma
margin of exposure
(Çevre) maruz kalış marjı
medical exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) tıbbı ışınlanma
minimum exposure time
(Tıp) en küçük maruziyet süresi
natural background exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğal ışınıma maruz kalma,doğal radyasyon ışınla(n)ması
natural exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğal ışınlama ( ışınlanma(
occupational exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) mesleki ışıla(n)ma,meslek ışınlaması
operation exposure guide
(Askeri) AZAMİ HAREKAT RADYASYON MİKTARI: Bir komutanın; özel bir vazifeyi veya vazifeleri yaparken, birliğinin maruz kalabileceğini kabul ettiği azami radyasyon miktarı
operational exposure guide
(Askeri) azami harekat radyasyon miktarı
oral exposure
(Tıp) oral maruziyet
mostra (yüzeylenme/yüzlek bir kayaç oluşumunun bir bölümünün yeryuvarı yüzeyinde görünmesi)
over exposure
aşırı ışıklama [fot.]
permissible exposure limit
(Çevre) maruz kalma limiti
photon cylindrical exposure
(Aydınlatma) silindirsel fotonlanma
photon exposure
(Aydınlatma) fotonlanma
planned special exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) planlı özel ışınlanma,planlanmış özel ışınla(n)ma
plume exposure pathway
(Çevre) radyoaktif bulut yayılma yolu
pocket exposure meter
cep dozimetresi
point of exposure
(Çevre) maruz kalma noktası
population exposure
(Çevre) küme maruz kalışı
potential exposure
(Çevre) potansiyel maruz kalma
pulp exposure
(Diş Hekimliği) pulpanın açığa çıkması
radiant cylindrical exposure
(Aydınlatma) silindirsel ışınımlanma
radiant exposure
(Askeri) ısısal etkilenme
radiant exposure
(Çevre) ışınlama miktarı
radiant exposure
(Askeri) Bak. "thermal exposure"
radiant exposure
(Aydınlatma) ışınımlanma
radiant exposure meter
(Aydınlatma) ışınımlanmaölçer
radiant spherical exposure
(Aydınlatma) küresel ışınımlanma
radiation exposure state
(Askeri) RADYASYON MARUZ KALMA DURUMU: Bir birliğin veya özellikle bir şahsın alınan tüm toplam vücut radyasyon dozlarından çıkartılan durumu. İlerdeki harekatların ihtimalini ve ilave nükleer radyasyona maruz kalması halinde ortaya çıkacak rizikonun derecesini gösteren bir sembol olarak ifade edilir
radiographic exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) radyografik ışınlama
reasonable maximum exposure
(Çevre) makul azami doz
route of exposure
(Çevre) temas yolları
steady state exposure
(Çevre) sabitlenmiş maruz kalma
systemic exposure
sistemsel maruziyet
systemic exposure
sistemsel etki
thermal exposure
(Askeri) TERMAL (ISISAL) ETKİLENME: Bir nükleer patlamanın tesir süresince belirli bir yüzeye çarpan ve santimetrekarede kalori ve/veya metre karedeki mega jul olarak ifade edilen termik radyasyonun toplam normal bileşeni
thyroid exposure
(Tıp) tiroid maruziyeti
time exposure
uzun süre poz verme
time exposure
time exposure
uzun süre poz verilmiş fotoğraf
İngilizce - İngilizce
Lack of protection from weather or the elements

As all of you know, a great tragedy occurred yesterday. Arthur Harcourt died of exposure sometimes in the morning in the woods off Mount Tom Road.

An instance of taking a photograph
The condition of being exposed, uncovered, or unprotected

Get as much exposure to a new language as you can.

The amount of sun, wind etc. experienced by a particular site
That part which is facing or exposed to something, e.g. the sun, weather, sky, or a view

They rented a cabin with a beautiful southern exposure.

Details of the time and f-number used
The piece of film exposed to light
an open situation or position in relation to the sun, elements, or points of the compass
{n} a laying open, an exosed state
the amount of sun, wind etc experienced by a particular site
Position as to points of compass, or to influences of climate, etc
1 The act of letting light fall on a light-sensitive material 2 The amount of light that passes through a lens (in either a camera or an enlarger) onto a light-sensitive material (film or photographic paper) to form an image In the camera, too much light causes overexposure - this makes negative film look too dark and reversal film look too light Underexposure (too little light) has the reverse effect In enlarging, overexposure makes a print from a negative too dark and a print from a slide too light Underexposure has the reverse effect
abandoning without shelter or protection (as by leaving as infant out in the open) presentation to view in an open or public manner; "the exposure of his anger was shocking"
(1) The degree to which a property for sale, lease, etc , is made noticeable (exposed) to potential buyers, tenants, etc , through advertising, multiple listing groups, etc (2) The direction in which a property faces For example: Does a store depending on walk-in trade face the sun in the morning when people walk in the sun to get warm (eastern exposure), or face the sun in the afternoon when people walk in the shade to keep cool (western exposure) BACK TO TOP
the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience; "she denounced the exposure of children to pornography"
A quantity used to indicate the amount of ionization in air produced by x- or gamma-ray radiation The unit is the roentgen (R) For practical purposes, one roentgen is comparable to 1 rad or 1 rem for X and gamma radiation The SI unit of exposure is the coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) One R = 2 58 x 10-4 C/kg
Exposure to something dangerous means being in a situation where it might affect you. Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children
the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience; "she denounced the exposure of children to pornography" abandoning without shelter or protection (as by leaving as infant out in the open) presentation to view in an open or public manner; "the exposure of his anger was shocking" the act of exposing film to light vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain; "exposure to the weather" or "they died from exposure"; aspect re light or wind; "the studio had a northern exposure" the disclosure of something secret; "they feared exposure of their campaign plans" the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate; "he used the wrong exposure
1 The act of allowing light to strike a light-sensitive surface 2 The amount of light reaching the image sensor, controlled by the combination of aperture and shutter speed
The amount of light let into the camera to react with the photographic film or material It is comprised of two elements - intensity (controlled by the lens opening) and the duration (restricted by the shutter speed)
presentation to view in an open or public manner; "the exposure of his anger was shocking"
The product of the intensity of light that reaches the film (controlled by the aperture) and the length of time this intensity of light is allowed to act (controlled by the shutter speed) (Back To Top) F Fast Film - Film which has an emulsion that is very sensitive to light Such film have a high ASA rating Fast Lens- Lens with a wide maximum aperture (low f number)
The quantity of light allowed to act on a photographic material; product of the intensity (controlled by the lens opening) and the duration (controlled by the shutter speed or enlarging time) of light striking the film or paper
the state of being vulnerable or exposed; "his vulnerability to litigation"; "his exposure to ridicule"
{i} denouncement; disclosure, revealing; exposing of film to light (Photography); photograph; abandoning; placement, location (in relation to the sun)
A step in photographic processes during which light produces an image on the light-sensitive coating on film or plates; in photography, called shot; in platemaking, called burn
The act of exposing or laying open, setting forth, laying bare of protection, depriving of care or concealment, or setting out to reprobation or contempt
vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain; "exposure to the weather" or "they died from exposure"
abandoning without shelter or protection (as by leaving as infant out in the open)
1 Proximity and/or contact with a source of a disease agent in such a manner that effective transmission of the agent or harmful effects of the agent may occur 2 The amount of a factor to which a group or individual was exposed; sometimes contrasted with dose, the amount that enters or interacts with the organism 3 Exposures may of course be beneficial rather than harmful, e g , exposure to immunizing agents 4 The process by which an agent comes into contact with a person or animal in such a way that the person or animal may develop the relevant outcomes, such as disease (Last's epidemiological definitions) See also dose; exposure (radiological)
Exposure to a chemical is the contact of that chemical with the outer boundary of the human body The outer boundary of the human body is the skin and the openings into the body such as the mouth, the nostrils, and punctures and lesions in the skin (WHO 1999)
The amount of light falling on to the CCD of a digital camera Exposure is determined by the combination of shutter speed (duration) and aperture (intensity) In most digital cameras the exposure is determined automatically Exposure Compensation - The ability to increase or decrease the exposure set by the camera’s automatic system Usually measured as + or - ‘EV’ (exposure values) The three images below show (from left) -1 5, 0 and +1 5 EV
In photography, the exposure is the amount of light that is allowed to enter a camera when taking a photograph. Against a deep blue sky or dark storm-clouds, you may need to reduce the exposure
the act of exposing film to light vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain; "exposure to the weather"
The amount of light that enters the lens and strikes the film or sensor Exposures are broken down into aperture, which is the diameter of the opening of the lens, and shutter speed, which is the amount of time the light strikes the film Thus, exposure is a combination of the intensity and duration of light
A term used to describe the presence, through advertising, of a property that is for sale in the marketplace
That stage of the photographic process where the image is produced on the light sensitive coating
A measure of the ionization produced in air by x or gamma radiation The sum of electric charges on all ions of one sign produced in air when all electrons liberated by photons in a volume of air are completely stopped in air, divided by the mass of the air in the volume The units of exposure in air are the international unit, coulomb per kilogram or the roentgen Quantity Name Symbol Units
The presentation of the advertising message to the target universe Exposure converts the target universe to an audience
The process during which light produces an image on light-sensitive photographic paper or film
or "they died from exposure"; aspect re light or wind; "the studio had a northern exposure"
Exposure is publicity that a person, company, or product receives. All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press. = publicity
In photography, an exposure is a single photograph. Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them
The exposing of a sensitized plate to the action of light
aspect re light or wind; "the studio had a northern exposure"
the disclosure of something secret; "they feared exposure of their campaign plans"
A measure expressed in roentgens of the ionization produced by gamma (or X) rays in air The exposure rate is the exposure per unit time (e g , roentgens per hour) See Dose, Dose rate, Roentgen
is the concentration of the pollutant in the air multiplied by the population exposed to that concentration over a specified time period
Exposure is the harmful effect on your body caused by very cold weather. He was suffering from exposure and shock but his condition was said to be stable
the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate; "he used the wrong exposure"
1)The act of letting light fall on a light-sensitive material 2)The amount of light reaching the light-sensitive material; specifically, the intensity of light multiplied by the length of time it falls on the material
The amount of light that reaches the image sensor Exposure is controlled by a combination of the lens aperture and shutter speed
the act of exposing film to light
a picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material
The state of being exposed or laid open or bare; openness to danger; accessibility to anything that may affect, especially detrimentally; as, exposure to observation, to cold, to inconvenience
The exposure of a well-known person is the revealing of the fact that they are bad or immoral in some way. the exposure of Anthony Blunt as a former Soviet spy
A setting on certain recorders which alters the strength of the laser If the selected recorder has an exposure setting, it may be changed using the HQ RIP's Page Setup dialog
(n) The orientation of a principal surface of an object relative to the image plane The greater the exposure, the closer the surface(s) is to being parallel to the image plane and, therefore, the lower the distortion caused by foreshortening
Anything you can be exposed to: a drug, a surgical procedure, time, sexual harassment, rounds, even a diagnostic test Most commonly encountered in therapy, prognosis or harm studies where the EFFECT of an "exposure" is the subject of the study
the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate; "he used the wrong exposure
exposure meter
An instrument that measures the intensity of the light reflected from or falling on a subject, and calculates the optimum exposure depending on the film speed
exposure treatment
The process of destimulation via gradual exposure to the stimulus. Over time, the reaction will become neutral
exposure compensation
The ability to manually alter the camera's auto exposure setting for specific effects and subjects
exposure compensation
Dial or buttons on a camera that allow the user to override the automatic exposure mode Most cameras have +/-2 stops control that is enough to compensate in situations where the camera’s system would normally be fooled Can also be used to modify contrast when a film is to be pushed or pulled
exposure compensation
The ability to adjust exposure by one or two stops to lighten or darken the image
exposure compensation
Deliberately changing the exposure settings recommended by a light meter in order to obtain proper exposure (Sometimes an exposure meter or light meter is "tricked" into providing settings that will underexpose or overexpose an image, for example, when the subject is relatively small in a field of bright, white snow In such a case, a light meter may provide exposure settings that would underexpose the subject, and the photographer needs to "compensate" for proper exposure )
exposure compensation
The ability to increase or decrease the exposure set by the camera's automatic system
exposure compensation
TOP Modifying the shutter speed and/or lens aperture recommended by the camera's light meter in order to produce special creative effects or to meet special requirements
exposure meter
n. A photoelectric instrument that measures the light intensity in a given area and, in photographic use, indicates the correct settings for an optimum exposure. Also called light meter
exposure meter
instrument which measures the amount of light on a given scene (Photography)
exposure policy
policy advocating market competition open to many interested parties
exposure therapy
a form of behavior therapy in which a survivor confronts feelings or phobias or anxieties about a traumatic event and relives it in the therapy situation
exposure time
amount of time that photographic film is exposed to light
exposure to danger
state of being vulnerable to danger
exposure to radiation
being in contact with or unprotected from radioactive material
indecent exposure
The intentional exposure of the genitals or female breasts in public (in lands where this is not the cultural norm)
time exposure
An exposure made by leaving a camera's shutter open for a period greater than a fraction of a second; an image so obtained
automatic exposure
A mode of camera operation in which the camera automatically adjusts the aperture, shutter speed, or both for proper exposure
automatic exposure
A system that automatically sets correct exposure by linking a camera’s exposure meter with the shutter or aperture or both There are three main types: aperture priority, when the photographer sets the aperture and the camera selects the appropriate speed; shutter priority, when the photographer chooses the speed and the camera sets the correct aperture; and programmed, when the camera sets both aperture and shutter speed Aperture priority is advantageous when you want to control depth of field; shutter priority comes into its own particularly in action photography; and programmed exposure can be useful when the photographer has to react quickly Abbreviated AE
automatic exposure
A feature where the camera automatically adjusts the aperture or shutter speed or both for the proper exposure
automatic exposure
Also known as "Autoexposure," this is a system in an autoexposure camera that meters the light and automatically adjusts the aperture and shutter speed settings for proper exposure of the film
double exposure
single negative that has been exposed twice (Photography)
The element in the heading of each Survey Report used by the agents to estimate the number of frames of microfilm needed to photograph the Virginia-related manuscript examined by the agent for that report
plural of exposure
The number of times that an advertisement is viewed Commonly used interchangeably with impressions
Exposures, or loss exposures, are situations that could lead to an accidental loss
The number of times a viewer sees an advertising banner
The number of times that an advertisement is viewed Commonly used interchangeably with impressions Top
Similar to Impressions, except it refers directly to the accessing of the Ad Banner
indecent exposure
vulgar and offensive nakedness in a public place
indecent exposure
Indecent exposure is a criminal offence that is committed when someone exposes their genitals in public. The exposure of one's body, especially one's genitals, in a public place and in a way considered offensive to established standards of decency. the criminal offence of deliberately showing your sex organs in a place where this is likely to offend people
indecent exposure
intentional exhibition of one's naked body where it is likely to offend common standards of decency
state of being too disclosed, state of being overly visible
selective exposure
The concept that consumers actively choose whether or not to expose themselves to information
selective exposure
our eyes and minds seek out and notice only information that interests us
selective exposure
The selection of inputs that people expose to their awareness p 119
selective exposure
the idea that people expose themselves or attend to those messages that are consistent with their preexisting attitudes and beliefs
selective exposure
In communication, a receiver selects preferred media to which the receiver wants to pay attention
time exposure
A comparatively long exposure made in seconds or minutes
time exposure
General term for an exposure longer than can be set using the camera's fixed shutter speed
time exposure
A comparatively long exposure made in seconds or minutes Photographer: Steve Krisel KINSA/KODAK Photo Contest Film: KODAK GOLD 100 Film Size: 35 mm
time exposure
exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
time exposure
exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second) a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time exposure
a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time exposure
A long exposure, usually not handheld, for recording scenes at night or in very dim rooms
time exposure
General term for an exposure longer than can be set using the camera's fixed shutter speeds