to let go

listen to the pronunciation of to let go
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von to let go im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

cast off
(Fiili Deyim ) 1-çıkarıp , atmak 2- tanımamak , reddetmek 3- (gemi) denize açılmak
Let go

Kolumu bırak! İnsanların bana dokunmasına katlanamıyorum. - Let go of my arm! I can't stand people touching me.

Sana söyleyene kadar ipi bırakma. - Don't let go of the rope till I tell you.

cast off
çıkarıp atmak
let go
işine son vermek
let go
let go
kendini koyvermek
let go
let go
let go
(Askeri) funda etmek
let go
(deyim) boşvermek
let go
(deyim) üzülmemek
let go
(Askeri) bando
let go
(Askeri) bando etmek
let go
(deyim) kendini bırakmak
let go
(deyim) aldırmamak
let go
(Askeri) fora etmek
let go
laçka etmek
let go
cast off
cast off
cast off
cast off
ilişkisini kesmek
let go
let go
let go
serbest bırak

Tom serbest bırakmayı reddetti. - Tom refused to let go.

let go

Tom Mary'nin elini bırakmak istemedi. - Tom never wanted to let go of Mary's hand.

Onu sıkıca tuttu ve hiç bırakmak istemedi. - She held him tightly and never wanted to let go.

to go
restoranda oturup yemek için olmayıp götürmek amacı ile verilen sipariş
to go
cast off
den. alarga etmek
cast off
cast off
avara etmek
cast off
(Tekstil) iğneden çıkarmak (ilmek)
cast off
üzerinden etmek
cast off
tahmin etmek (yazının uzunluğunu)
let go
(deyim) dugularına serbestçe yol vermek,coşmak 2 kendini kapıp koy vermek, bırakmak let sth. go yüz üstü bırakmak
let go
(deyim) let oneself go
let go
let go
let go
serbest bırakmak
Englisch - Englisch
cast off
To dismiss from employment

The secretary didn't work out, so her boss told her she was being let go.

To release from one's grasp; to go from a state of holding on to a state of no longer holding on

To emotionally disengage or to distract oneself from a situation.

to go
Remaining. To finish. (In a group of events or items) belonging to the subgroup that have not passed or have not been finished or have not been addressed yet

Right now, out of four bicycles, that's two down and two to go.

to go
Served in a package or takeout container so as to be taken away from a restaurant rather than eaten on the premises

I'd like two burgers, two small orders of fries and two shakes, to go.

to go
{v} gang
to go
To be taken out, as restaurant food or drink - "coffee and doughnuts to go."
To go
let go
be relaxed; "Don't be so worried all the time--just let go!
let go
Term to describe when an engine fails or "blows up " Also when other parts of a car fail
let go
release, free; desist, leave alone; give up
let go
Command to release or untie, often regarding the halyard
let go
release, as from one's grip; "Let go of the door handle, please!"; "relinquish your grip on the rope--you won't fall"
let go
be relaxed; "Don't be so worried all the time--just let go!"
let go
{f} drop it
to let go

    Türkische aussprache

    tı let gō


    /tə ˈlet ˈgō/ /tə ˈlɛt ˈɡoʊ/


    ... And if you let go, you'll see the enhancement. ...
    ... accelerate and let go to decelerate. ...